Paleogenomic Evidence For Multi-Generational Mixing Between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic HG in Lower Danube
Paleogenomic Evidence For Multi-Generational Mixing Between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic HG in Lower Danube
Paleogenomic Evidence For Multi-Generational Mixing Between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic HG in Lower Danube
In Brief
A key question in archaeological research
is whether the transition from hunting and
gathering was more reliant on the
movement of people or ideas. González-
Fortes et al. show, based on genomes of
several ancient humans, that in parts of
Romania, it was actually a mix of both
processes that took place during this so-
called Neolithization process.
Current Biology 27, 1801–1810, June 19, 2017 ª 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. 1801
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
B C SC1_Meso
Figure 1. Geographical, Archaeological, and Genetic Information for the Ancient Spanish and Romanian Samples
(A) Map showing the location of the archaeological sites: Chan do Lindeiro (Chan_Meso), Canes (Canes1_Meso), Schela Cladovei (SC1_Meso and SC2_Meso),
Ostrovul Corbului (OC1_Meso), and Gura Baciului (GB1_Eneo). Gura Baciului is some 250 km north-northeast of the Iron Gates (Schela Cladovei and Ostrovul
Corbului), on a small river that eventually connects with the Danube via the River Tisza. Along with the map we include a timeline with the radiocarbon dates of our
samples and the time frame of the different prehistoric periods in Romania.
(B) Principal-component analysis (PCA). Ancient data (Data S1) were projected onto the first two principal components defined by selected Eurasians from the
Human Origins dataset [8, 9]. The Spanish (Chan_Meso and Canes1_Meso) and Romanian (SC1_Meso, SC2_Meso, and OC1_Meso) Mesolithic samples cluster
close to European hunter-gatherer samples. The Eneolithic Romanian sample (GB_Eneo) locates in a different region of the plot, between European hunter-
gatherer and farmer samples.
(C) ADMIXTURE analysis. ADMIXTURE results are shown at K = 17. The Spanish and Romanian hunter-gatherer samples are composed entirely of the ‘‘blue’’
component, which is also found in other European hunter-gatherer samples, with the exception of the oldest Spanish Mesolithic sample, Chan_Meso, which also
has a ‘‘lilac’’ component found in South Indians. The Eneolithic individual GB1_Eneo has the ‘‘blue’’ as well as the ‘‘orange’’ component that predominates in early
European and Anatolian farmer samples.
Error bars in (A) correspond to the radio carbon ages of samples SC1_Meso, OC1_Meso, and GB1_Eneo as reported in Table 1. See also Figures S1–S4 and
Table S3.
close to modern Northern European populations (Figure 1B). The eages. The Romanian Eneolithic individual, on the other hand,
Romanian Eneolithic genome GB1_Eneo, on the other hand, was once again showed a mix of affinities. Based on outgroup f3,
placed in a different region of the plot, located in a unique posi- the genomes that shared the most drift with this Eneolithic
tion between European Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Early sample are WHGs, in line with the large amount of that ancestry
Neolithic farmers on PC2. We confirmed the intermediate nature detected in ADMIXTURE. However, its affinity to Neolithic
of this genome by estimating ancestral components using samples is also relatively high compared to the Romanian
the clustering algorithm ADMIXTURE. Whereas the Romanian Mesolithic samples (Data S2). This conclusion is supported
Mesolithic hunter-gatherers had a single major ancestral compo- by D statistics of the form D(GB1_Eneo, Romanian HG, Anato-
nent shared with other WHGs, the Romanian Eneolithic sample lian Neolithic, Mbuti), which indicate some Near Eastern
was characterized by a mixture between this WHG component ancestry (Table 2). Our three Romanian hunter-gatherer sam-
and a component maximized in Neolithic farmers (Figures 1C ples are not direct representatives of the hunter-gatherer
and S3B). Other admixed European Neolithic and Eneolithic/ component in GB1_Eneo (Table 2); however, this might be
Chalcolithic farmers had at most 20%–30% WHG ancestry in due simply to the geographic distance between the sites, espe-
ADMIXTURE analysis, and the Romanian Eneolithic is the only cially given the observed heterogeneity among Spanish Meso-
individual who is genetically predominantly Mesolithic (61.7%, lithic hunter-gatherers.
95% confidence interval [CI] 59.9%–63.4%) with a minority Analysis of runs of homozygosity (ROH) showed that the Eneo-
contribution from the Neolithic. We note that Gok2, a Swedish lithic sample had a profile intermediate between Early Neolithic
Neolithic sample, was originally estimated to have 77% hunter- farmers and hunter-gatherers, consistent with the sample’s
gatherer ancestry [5], but in our analysis it has a much lower per- mixed origins (Figure S4A). Finally, we also tested the proportion
centage (27.2%, 95% CI 25.1%–29.4%), in line with other recent of Neanderthal ancestry in each sample, which was consistent
analyses [23]. Although GB1_Eneo is chronologically close to the with the age of the sample (Figure S4B) [24].
beginning of the Bronze Age, we did not find the green compo-
nent (Figure 1C) characteristic of individuals from the Yamnaya Stable-Isotope Analysis
culture, showing that the large hunter-gatherer component in In order to further assess the cultural affinities of these sam-
this Eneolithic individual is unlikely to be due to admixture with ples, we performed stable-isotope analysis on samples OC1_
incoming steppe pastoralists (Table 2). Meso, SC2_Meso, and GB1_Eneo, whereas isotope data
We formalized these inferences by computing outgroup f3 from the other individuals involved in this study were collected
in the form f3(ancient1, ancient2, Mbuti), thus estimating the from the literature [14–16]. The three Romanian Mesolithic indi-
amount of shared drift between pairs of ancient samples with viduals, OC1_Meso, SC1_Meso, and SC2_Meso, have isotopic
respect to an African outgroup. Our three Romanian Mesolithic values (Table 1 and Figures S4C and S4D) that indicate a high
samples share the most drift with each other (Figure 2), fol- proportion of freshwater protein in an otherwise C3-based diet.
lowed by other WHGs, including our new Spanish samples. By contrast, the lower d13C and d15N values of the Eneolithic
The genetic affinity among the Romanian Mesolithic samples individual GB1_Eneo suggest a mixed terrestrial/aquatic diet
was such that they form a clade to the exclusion of other in which the aquatic component was lower than that consumed
ancient samples, as shown by D statistics of the form D(Roma- by the Iron Gates Mesolithic population. Although the GB1_
nian Mesolithic 1, Romanian Mesolithic 2, other_ancient, Mbuti) Eneo results cannot be directly compared to the data from
(Table 2). Interestingly, this was not the case for the Spanish the Iron Gates, its stable-isotope values are similar to those
Mesolithic samples, as Chan is somewhat divergent from found in some Neolithic individuals in the Iron Gates sites
Canes1 and La Braña (Figure S3A and Table 2), highlighting and at Vinc a-Belo Brdo in Serbia, also on the Danube
the genetic diversity of European Mesolithic hunter-gatherer lin- [11, 25–27].
Our analysis of uniparental markers provides a caveat on their investigation of the demographic processes that led to the
use to infer the dynamics of interactions among different popu- observed patterns in D and f statistics. However, when our
lations. Although two of our Romanian Mesolithic samples findings are considered together with the observation of an
belong to mtDNA haplogroups (U5a and U5b), which are typical Early Neolithic individual from Hungary (KO1), whose ancestral
of that group, another Mesolithic individual of similar age and component was completely derived from WHG [32], as well as
geographical origin (OC1_Meso) shares the same haplogroup the most recent finding that the Neolithic transition in the Baltic
(K1) with the much later Eneolithic individual GB1_Eneo and and Ukraine occurred with little or no input from farmers of
four previously described Middle/Late Neolithic and Eneolithic Anatolian ancestry [7], a picture emerges in which the further
samples from Romania [29]. K1 has mostly been found in early north and east we go from the Carpathian Basin, the lesser the
farmers from Europe [6, 17, 18, 30–32] and has been hypothe- role of a demic diffusion in the spread of the Neolithic traits,
sized to have its origin in the Near East [1, 9, 18]. Although the thus implying an increase in importance of cultural exchange.
latter hypothesis is not invalidated by our data, the occurrence Interestingly, a similar gradient has been suggested for East
of this haplogroup in a Mesolithic sample from Romania sug- Asia, with high levels of genetic continuity with hunter-gatherer
gests that it entered the European gene pool clearly ahead of populations in the northern parts of the region and admixture be-
the Neolithic transition and should therefore not be used as a tween this lineage and incoming farmers further south [35]. We
marker for tracking farmers of Anatolian origin. Similarly, all three do not know what determined this cline. We could speculate,
Romanian Mesolithic individuals belonged to the Y chromosome though, that the Neolithic package, which was developed in
haplogroup R1. This haplogroup is thought to have originated the Near East, might have been somewhat unsuitable for the
shortly after the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) [33], but its fre- new climates and environments encountered in the northeast
quency is found to increase greatly in Central Europe during of Europe, leading to a progressive mixing with local hunter-
the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age, leading to the hypothesis gatherers and acquisition of local knowledge, with the eventual
that these haplotypes expanded from the East only after 4.5 breakdown of demic diffusion and the spread of isolated
kya [6]. Its presence in all of our Romanian Mesolithic individuals Neolithic traits by cultural diffusion. Another scenario is that
and in older European human remains [7, 34] suggests that this hunter-gatherers were in higher densities in these eastern re-
haplotype was already found at high frequencies in certain re- gions and hence that interactions between hunter-gatherers
gions of Europe well before then, even though this observation and farmers were more frequent than in regions further west.
does not negate that the changes in frequency during the Bronze
Age might reflect migration by steppe pastoralists. STAR+METHODS
The genome-wide data that we obtained from the Romanian
Mesolithic and Eneolithic individuals suggest that the interaction Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
between farmers and hunter-gatherers was much more complex and include the following:
than the simple picture of mostly demic replacement of hunter-
gatherers by farmers that has been suggested by previous d KEY RESOURCES TABLE
studies of ancient genomes from Western and Central Europe. d CONTACT FOR REAGENT AND RESOURCE SHARING
The limited number of samples in this study prevents a formal d METHOD DETAILS
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Further information and requests for reagents may be directed to, and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Michael Hofreiter (michi@
1. SC1_Meso: Adult male, age-at-death 35-45 (dental attrition). The skeleton was lying on the right side, with the legs slightly
flexed. The burial was truncated by an Early Neolithic pit, which removed the mid-section of the skeleton. The distal ends
of both femurs and the lower legs were missing, possibly removed by another pit feature. The skeletal remains were dated
to 8,380 ± 80 yBP (OxA-8583) and corrected to 7,960 ± 96 yBP (9,075-8,553 cal yBP) after considering the FRE [47]
(Table S1). The FRE is related to fish consumption; since fish from the Danube are relatively depleted in 14C, radiocarbon dates
for fish bones and the bones of animals (including humans) that consumed fish are older than their archaeological context. This
age offset can be quantified and corrected for based on the d15N ratio, as described by [47].
2. SC2_Meso: Child, 5-7 years of age at death. There is no 14C date for SC2_Meso, but it belongs to the same (Late Mesolithic)
burial cluster as SC1_Meso and all dates for those burials are statistically indistinguishable at the 2-sigma level [10, 48]; thus
SC2_Meso can be expected to date to the same time period as SC1_Meso.
2. Ostrovul Corbului
The Ostrovul Corbului site is also situated in the Iron Gates region of southwestern Romania (44.5154854, +23.52087725) on a former
island in the Danube River, 28km downstream of Schela Cladovei. Settlement remains, individual graves and a cemetery belonging to
various prehistoric periods (Mesolithic, Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, and Iron Age) were identified during several excavation
campaigns between 1973 and 1984 [49]. Seven inhumation burials (no. 2, 9, 18, 24, 25, 30 and 32) were found in an area with Meso-
lithic and Early Neolithic settlement remains at the SW (downstream) end of the island. These were previously interpreted as Early
Neolithic in date, but AMS 14C dating has shown that burials no. 2, 25 and 30 belong to the Middle Mesolithic between about
9.7–9.3 kya, while burial no. 32 dates to the Late Mesolithic around 8.6 kya [10].
The individual from Ostrovul Corbului included in this study (laboratory ID: OC1_Meso) comes from burial no. 24. Only the upper
part of the skeleton was preserved, with the bones in anatomical position. The lower part of the skeleton appears to have been de-
stroyed by a later pit feature. From the surviving portion of the skeleton, burial 24 was interpreted as an extended, supine inhumation
oriented with the head toward the east [49]. The skeleton is that of an adult male, with age at death estimated at 30-35 year and stat-
ure at 172 cm [50, 51]. The AMS 14C date obtained for this study was 8,277 ± 34 yBP (MAMS-28615). After applying a FRE correction
using Method 1 of [47], this converts to a 2-sigma calibrated age range of 8,972–8,435 cal BP (Table S1), which overlaps with the
calibrated age of SC1 from Schela Cladovei.
3. Gura Baciului
The Gura Baciului site (46.7877247, +23.5208770) is located on a terrace of the Suceag creek, in Transylvania, near Cluj Napoca city
(Cluj county). Excavations by N. Vlassa (in 1960, 1962, 1965, 1967-1971) and Gh. Lazarovici (in 1990–1993) uncovered the remains of
a Starc evo-Crisx settlement with huts or houses, pits and concentrations of domestic refuse [52]. Food remains recovered in the ex-
cavations indicate a typical Early Neolithic farming economy based on crop (cereals, etc.) and livestock (cattle, sheep/goat and pig)
husbandry. The material culture remains included pottery, lithic artifacts (e.g., flint, obsidian, ground stone axes, seed grinding equip-
ment), anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, and various kinds of personal ornaments (clay bracelets and buttons, bone rings,
Spondylus shell bracelets and pendants). Based on analysis of the pottery, the site was considered to have been occupied more-or-
less continuously throughout the greater part (stages IB–IVB) of the Starc evo culture time range [51]. There are very few 14C dates on
finds from the Gura Baciului excavations, but 14C results from other Starc evo culture sites in Transylvania indicate a time range for
phases I–IV of c. 7950–7350 cal BP (6,000–5,400 cal BCE) [53].
Seven primary inhumation burials (no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9), a cremation grave (no. 7) and a secondary burial (no. 10) were found
within the area of the Starcevo culture settlement, while ‘loose’ human bones (a complete skull [M8] or skull fragments) were discov-
ered in domestic contexts (e.g., pits and houses) belonging to the ‘cultural layer’. Most of the primary inhumations were buried in
crouched positions, on the left or right sides, with varying orientations. These crouched inhumations were assumed to be contem-
poraneous with the Starc evo culture occupation, although few if any chronologically diagnostic items (‘burial offerings’) were recov-
ered from the graves. Moreover, across Southeast Europe, Neolithic and later prehistoric people tended to bury their dead in formal
Burial I: This corresponds to a woman of advanced age (laboratory ID: Canes1_Meso; archaeological ID: I-A) that was AMS 14C
dated to 6,265 ± 75 yBP (AA-5294; [62]) and 6,160 ± 55 yBP (OxA-7148; [65]). The weighted mean of the two measurements is
6,197 ± 45 yBP (R-combine, Oxcal 4.2), giving a 2-sigma calibrated age calculated using OxCal 4.2 and the IntCal13 dataset
of 7,245–6,985 cal yBP. Some objects have been interpreted as grave goods: a red deer (Cervus elaphus) scapula, an ungulate
rib and three perforated red deer canines. Also, a large quantity of shells of Cepaea nemoralis was found all around the skeleton,
probably an intentional deposit [61, 62].
Burial II: Remains of two individuals interred at different times were found in this grave [61, 62]. Most of the skeleton of the earlier
one (individual II-B, an adult), dated to 6,860 ± 65 yBP (AA-5295 [62]; 7,826–7,583 cal yBP) was probably removed when the later
individual (II-A) was buried, and only the feet in anatomical connection and some scattered bones and teeth were preserved. The
skeleton of individual II-A, a subadult male (laboratory ID: Canes2; archaeological ID: II-A), was found in anatomical connection,
lying on his left side in flexed position. It was dated by AMS 14C to 6,770 ± 65 yBP (AA-5296; [62]), 7,025 ± 80 yBP (AA-11744; [62])
and 7,208 ± 38 yBP (OxA-23185; [63]). The weighted mean of these three measurements is 7,092 ± 31 yBP (R-combine, Oxcal 4.2)
and the 2-sigma calibrated age range is 7,974–7,850 cal yBP. Several grave goods were associated with the II-A skeleton: two
frontlets of female ibex (Capra pyrenaica), a long cobble with traces of red colorant, a long, pointed bone, a perforated antler,
and a pecked cobble, possibly representing a human head. Pendants (most of them made of Trivia sp. shells) were found around
the head and shoulders of this individual, suggesting that they were sewn to a dress [66].
The paleoanthropological characteristics of the Los Canes fossils place them within the variability described for the last hunter-
gatherers of the Late Upper Paleolithic/Early Mesolithic of Western Europe [67]. All adult individuals from Los Canes showed marked
muscle insertions, and especially I-A and III-A individuals had oral pathologies including caries, ante-mortem tooth loss and dental
calculus; marked wear of the crown surfaces was also observed [64]. Because of the availability of petrous bones, individuals I-A and
II-A were selected for genetic analysis. After estimating the percentage of endogenous DNA, only I-A was selected for genome
Y chromosome analysis
All our three male samples, SC1_Meso, SC2_Meso and OC1_Meso, were assigned to the R1 and R1b haplogroups (Table 1 in main
text) using Yfitter, a maximum likelihood method to assign Y haplogroups from low coverage sequence data [43]. Furthermore, we
inspected the alignments by eye at defining positions for haplogroup R, following [96] and the updated positions on the ISOGG
SC2_Meso: M306(1A), P224(4T), P229(1C), P285(3A), M173(1C), M306(1A), P225(1T), P231(3G), P233(2G), P234(1C), P236(2G),
P238(1A), P242(2A), P286(3T), P294(1C), M343(3A), M269(1T
OC1_Meso: M207(1G), M306(1A), P224(2T), P229(1C), P285(2A), M173(1C), M306(1A), P225(2T), P233(1G), P234(1C), P236(2G),
P238(1A), P242(1A), P286(1T), M343(2A), M269(1T)
The low coverage of SC1_Meso prevented a more detailed assignment of this individual.
R1b is the major West European linage in present day populations [96]. Ancient DNA studies have reported a notable increase of
subhaplogroups R1b and R1a in central Europe during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age, leading to the hypothesis that they
expanded from the East only after 4,500 yBP [6], although genetic analysis based on modern populations suggests an older Eastern
origin, shortly after the LGM [33]. Recent studies have found haplogroup R1b in a 14,000 year old human from Italy [24, 34]) and in a
Latvian sample dated to 7,000 years [7]. Our Mesolithic samples document the presence of haplogroup R1 in Romania as early as
8,814 ± 261 cal yBP and R1b at 8,703.5 ± 268.5 yBP, which corroborates a wide distribution of the haplogroup in Europe before the
Bronze Age.
where gij is the count of allele 1 (0, 1 or 2) of individual i at SNP j, qik is the fraction the inferred ancestral population k contributes to
individual i’s genome and fkj is the frequency of allele 1 at SNP j in the inferred ancestral population k. The likelihood was maximized
using the minimize function from scipy, with the ‘‘L-BFGS-B’’ method and proportions bounded between [1e-5,1-1e-5] and con-
strained to sum to unity. We used inferred allele frequencies of the ancestral populations, fkj, from the run at K = 17 with the lowest
cross-validation error.
We used a custom python script to perform bootstrapping on a single individual. The code is available on GitHub:
We examined runs of homozygosity in our two samples with the highest coverage: GB1_Eneo and Chan_Meso. We also included
published high coverage hunter-gatherer and Neolithic farmer samples for comparison (namely NE1 [32], Bichon [20], Stuttgart and
All newly generated genome data have been deposited in ENA: PRJEB20614 and PRJEB20616.