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Akapulko Erect, shrubby legume with dark green compound leaves on stout branches. Leaves have orange rachis.

Each leaf has 16-28 leaflets. An axis of golden yellow flowers produces 4-winged pods containing 50-60 flattened, triangular seeds. Flowers enclosed by yellow-orange bracts that are later shed. Usually upper 3 stamens sterile.

SAMBONG Sambong is a half woody, strongly aromatic shrub, densely and softly hairy, 1-4 meters high. Stems grow up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Leaves are simple, alternate, elliptic- to oblonglanceolate, 7-20 cm long, toothed at the margins, pointed or blunt at the tip, narrowing to a short petiole which are often auricled or appendaged. Flowering heads are stalked, yellow and numerous, 6 to 7 mm long, and borned on branches of a terminal, spreading or pyramidal leafy panicle. Discoid flowers are of two types: peripheral ones tiny, more numerous, with tubular corolla; central flowers few, large with campanulate corolla. Involucral bracts are green, narrow and hairy. Anther cells tailed at base. Fruits are achenes, dry, 1-seeded, 10-ribbed, hairy at top.

Niyog-niyogan Niog-niogan is a large climbing, woody shrub reaching a length of 2 to 8 meters. Brown hairs give the younger parts a rusty appearance. Leaves are oblong to elliptic, opposite, 7 to 15 cm long, rounded at the base and pointed at the tip. Flowers are fragrant, tubular, showy, first white, then becoming red, reddish-purple or orange, exhibiting the range of colors in clusters, on the same flower stalk. Fruit is narrowly ellipsoid, 2.5 to 3 cm long, with five, sharp, longitudinal angles or wings; the taste resembling coconuts. Seeds are pentagonal and black. Roasted seeds for diarrhea and fever. Plant used as a cough cure. Leaves applied to the head to relieve headaches. Pounded leaves externally for skin diseases. Decoction of boiled leaves used for dysuria. Ifugao migrants use it for headache. Ripe seeds roasted and used for diarrhea and fever.

Tsaang gubat is an erect, very branched shrub growing up to 1.5 - 4 m high. Leaves are in clusters on short branches, 3-6 cm long, entire or somewhat toothed or lobed near the apex and pointed at the base, short stalked and rough on the upper surface. Flowers are white, small, axillary, solitary, 2 or 4 on a common stalk. Fruit is yellow when ripe, 4-5 mm in diameter, fleshy, with a 4-seeded stone.

Leaf decoction or infusion for abdominal colic, cough, diarrhea and dysentery. - Root decoction used as an antidote for vegetable poisoning. - For diarrhea: Boil 8 tbsp of chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes; strain and cool.

LAGUNDI Erect, branched tree or shrub, 2-5 m high. Leaves usually 5-foliate, rarely with 3 leaflets only. Leaflets lanceolate, entire, 4-10 cm long, slightly hairy beneath. Panicles terminal, slightly hairy, many-flowered, 10-20 cm long; additional axillary ones often present. Flowers blue to lavender, 6-7 mm long. Fruit globose, black when ripe, about 4 mm in diameter. Leaf decoction for fever, headache, toothache, cough, asthma. (1) For fever and toothaches, boil 6 tbsp of the chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes; strain and cool. Divide the decoction in 3 parts and take one part every 3-4 hours. Also, bruised leaves may be applied to forehead. (2) For asthma and cough: Take 1/4 of the decoction three times a day. Pounded leaves apply on the forehead and temples for headaches. (3) Aromatic bath or sponge bathing: Boil 4 handfuls of leaves in a pot of water for 5 minutes; use the lukewarm decoction for sponge bathing. (4) Wounds and ulcers: Use infusion of leaves as wash. In Ayurveda and Unani, leaves and seeds used for rheumatism and joint inflammation. Decoction of leaves taken as a diuretic.

One of the oldest household remedies known. Carminative, stimulant, aromatic, emmenagogue. Crushed or bruised leaves for insect bites. Decoction and infusion of leaves and stems used for fever, stomach aches, dysmenorrhea, and diuresis. Pounded leaves for insect bites, fevers, toothaches, headaches.

For dizziness: Crushed fresh plants or leaves are sniffed. Powdered dried plant as dentrifice.

Diffusely spreading, half-woody herb, with branched stems up to 1 meter long, sparingly prickly with numerous deflexed, bristly hairs. The leaves are very sensitive, both pinnae and leaflets, folding when touched. The leaflets are narrowly oblong, inequilateral, 1 to 1.5 cm long, sessile, with pointed tips. Heads are long-peduncled, solitary or 2 to 3 in each axil, about 1 cm diameter. Pods are flat, 1 to 2 cm long, with 3 to 4 one-sided joints that fall away on maturity. Florets are red in the upper part with pink to lavender filaments. Decoction or infusion of leaves used in asthma; expectorant. Urinary complaints, hypertension, menorrhagia. Glandular swelling, sore throat and hoarseness. Powdered seeds applied to wounds and sores. Decoction of roots used for bladder stones and other urinary complaints; also, for asthma and diarrhea. Bruised leaves applied to bruises. Decoction of leaves used for diabetes. Powdered roots and leaves take with milk for piles and fistula. Juice applied externally to fistulous sores. Poultice of leaves for glandular swellings. Antifertility agent in some parts of India.

A deciduous tree reaching a height of 15 m, the branches and the branchlets stout and armed with short, few to many sharp prickles. Leaves: leaflets broadly ovate and 8 to 18 cm long, with pointed tip and broad base. Flowers: calyx about 4 cm long and minutely Toothed at the tip, the mouth being very oblique. Petals brightly red and shorter than the calyx, the standard being 7 to 9 cm long and the wings and keels subequal. Stamens 10, upper filaments free nearly to the base or more or less connate with others. Ovary many-ovuled, style incurved. Racemes terminal, hairy, dense and up to 2.5 cm long. Papilionaceous flowers large and numerous. Fruits: pods, 10 to 25 cm long, 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter and distinctly constricted between the seeds. Rheumatic lumbar and leg pain - take 9 to 15 gms dried bark in decoction or in the form of alcohol (wine) infusion. Infantile convulsion, ascariasis: Take 2.5 to 3 gms pulverized leaves in the form of snuff. In India and China, the bark and leaves are used in many traditional medicinal concoctions. Paribhadra, an Indian preparation, destroys parasites and relieves joint pains. Honeyed leaf juice is used for tapeworm and roundworm diseases. The juice also helps stimulate lactation and menstruation. A poultice of leaves is used for rheumatic joints.

Genus Asparagus of the Liliaceae family is of medical importance because of its steroidal sapogenins used as precursors for many pharmacologically active steroids.Not known in the Philippines for its medicinal application. In Mexico a decoction of the branches are used for pulmonary infections; decoction of roots used as a diuretic. In Tanzania, the Lobedu drink a cold infusion of leaves and stem for malaria.

One of the most ancient trees in existence, ginkgo biloba trees can live as long as 1000 years. Its leaves are among the most extensively studied botanicals in use today. Unlike most medicinal herbs, ginkgo is not usually used in its crude state but in a standardized ginkgo biloba extract (GBE). In France and Germany, it continues to be the top ranked prescribed medicine. Chinese medicine has used the leaf and seed for centuries. Used for asthma, digestive disorders. In this new age of antioxidants, glycosides and flavonoids, Ginkgo is promoted to treat Alzheimer's disease and dementia, improve memory and cognitive function, cerebral and peripheral blood flow (claudication), tinnitus and vertigo. Erectile dysfunction: Because of its effect on circulation, it has become an ingredient in many Herbal Viagra concoctions to increase the blood flow to the genitals

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