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Structure of Atom PYQs

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Structure of Atom

Topic 1
Sub-atomic Particles
1. Which has the
highest e/m ratio ?
(a) He2
IManipal 4Mg* is isoelectronic with
(b) H* [KCET
(c) He (d) D*
(a) C2 (b) Zn2
Na* (d) Ca2
2009 . Which of the following make up an isotonic triad?
2. Increasing order (lowest first) for the values of elm for [Kerala CEE]
electron (e), proton (p), neutron (n) and
a-particles is (a)Ge, As, }Ga b)Ar, 1K,2Ca
Indraprastha CET, CG PET] (c) 2U, 2Th, Pu (d) c, c, 4N
(a) e.p, n, a (b) n, a,p, e
(c) n, p, e, a (d) n, p, a,e
The number of electrons and neutrons of an element is
2008 18 and 20 respectively. Its mass number is [WB JEE]
Isoelectronic pair among the following is IUP SEE] (a) 2 (b) 17
(a) Ca and K (b) Ar and Ca2 e 37 (d) 38
(Kand Ca2 (d) Ar and K Which one of the following ions is not isoelectronic
4An isobar of 2, Ca is IMHT CET] with 02-2 [Jamia Millia Islamia)
(a) I Ar40 (b) 20 Ca38 (a) Ti* (b) Na
20 Ca12
(d) IAr3* (c) F (d) N
The clectronic configuration of a dipositive ion M
2, 8, 14 and its mass number is 56. The number of
neutrops present is hich ofofisoelectronic
[Manipal Xcollection the following sets of ions represents
species ? [AIEEE
(a)2 (b) 42
)30 (d) 34 (a) K*,Ci,Ca**,Sc* (b) Ba, Sr2,K*,s
The nucleus of an atom contains MP PET N,o, F,S2 (d) Li*, Na*, Mg2*,Ca
(a) proton and electron [AML
(b) neutron and electron Nuclear theory of the atom was put forward by
(a) Rutherford b) Aston
(c) proton and neutron (d) J.J. Thomson
(c) Neils Bohr
(d) proton, neutron and electron

EnineeTing Entrance Solved Papers

Te Chapter in a Snapshot
19articlosituportant features of
The the three
mass tharge
2.1710 Z
n an unda E,
was electron
found to he is
The 9.11 -1.602 10, ana
specifie charge x
g E, ZeVatom
1.7610" C'g (e/m ratio) of an

Charge on one moleeleciron is nearly 0.55 electro

of 1 the spectr
in the
8. The number of spectrai iies in
mole of electron comes from nth jevel to specirurn when
io the
the gFOund
Mass of a of mg. nn-1)
proton is foundelectron is
96500C 2
Charge on a to he
1.673 10
The proton is
1.602 + "g
The intensities of spectral lines recreases t
9.58 specific
x10 C/g. charge
10C. in the value of nfor example, the
line (2 > 1) is greater than second line
ratio) of (e/m f S
Neutron is prolon 1).
9. Energy of quantun emitted1 when when electron
eleciron dr
found to be slightly orops TOm
1.675 heavier than proton. Its
Specific 10g. x
mass 1s
AE =1312 Z
kJ mol
2. charge
Positrons are of a neutron is
Neutrinos and positive counter zero.
mass and
zero antineutrinos partare
of the
electrons Frequency, v =RZ5
particles having charge. and particles
pi-mesons ol
mesons aresmall where
and mass
intermediate R=3.289 x 10s-1
prolon. Mesons
negatively charged between that of the
neutral. may
or be Wave number, V
3. Radius of
nucleus is of positively or =R'Z
6.5x103cm. the order of
1.5 x10 cm to
where, R 109678 cm
Volume of the nucleus 10. Radius of nth orbit, r, x0.529 x 10m
nucleus is 10 times is about 103cm. =
of an atom. (volume of the
Density of the nucleus that
is of the order Velocity of nth orbit, r, =2.188 x 10 xZ
Different types of atomic of 1og cm. - ms

Isotopes have species Number of revolutions

same atomic in nth orbit
mass number (A). number (Z) but = a
Isobars have same mass different 11.
According to de-Broglie, all the
number (Z) number(A) but different atomic possess wave like moving material obia
characteristics. It is applicable
.Isotones have different case of
microscopic particles. oni
different atomic number mass number (A) as well as =
neutrons. (Z) but have same where. h =6.626
x10*Js, m =mass in
number of m
Isodiaphers have same isotopic number.
5. Relationship
velocity (ms") and p =
momentum (in kgms'
between velocity (c), Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle. It is
frequency (v) and wave number wavelength (A) determine momentum
and position of aimpossible
(V), particle precisely and sub ato
(a) v (b) v
c =

(c) v= v/c simultaneously.

where, c is the
velocity in ms', v is the
Ax 4p
and 1 is
wavelength in m. frequency in s where, Ax =

uncertainty in
Relationship between energy position and
Ap uncertainty in momentum.
(E), requency (v) and
13. The wave function
wavelength (2). y
represents an orbital where as
E =hv or E hc
signifies the
for ys =0the probability for finding electron in
*where, h probability for finding electron is that
is Planck's constant,
h represents the zero.
=6.62 10Js volume dv probability for finding electron in s

7. Energy of electron in unielectron atomic 14. The surrounding the

plane and point at whichnucleus.
system. V=0) is known as zero electron density
E13122k mol nodal
probability of finding electronplane nodal point e or

between two lobes of between 1s and

p-orbitals is zero.
Fr Te i:trats stesh he seg itel cdeyeneds
6 The vhehell eith Frsese at f
terevete od ovrbitaie in a she energy level. tf
erer ower valves of pnegeeene lessree a e 9 t shrt
be fiHert first

4 acthi one nf the fslem Tg has unit ponsitive charge and 24, The charge on an electron was diaeovereed iy ar E T
R IEE (a) JJ. Themson b Ner! Bohr
Eiectren (b) Neutron (c) James Chadwick d Mnllikan
AcPretnm fd None of these 25. Particle nature t electron wR perimentiy
How many neutrons are present in tritham nucleus? demonstrated by
(b) 3 WR JEE (a) Max Bon 3Thomsen
d) 0 Je) de-Broglie d Schrondinger
Manipail The triad of nucler which is isotonie is MP PET
Isciectronic with
fai Na b Ar (c) Mg d Kr ta)'c. "'N. F (b)C."N. F
Manipal dC.v. F
16. The hghtest particie is
b) positron
(c)CN. 'F
a -article
prmon d neutron
Whh particie contains 2 neutrons and 1 proton 2 2093 a
Which following groupings
of the represents
. one

a)H b He Guj CETI

collection of isociectronic species
cT d) D (At. no. Cs=55. Br 35) AEEE
(a) Na .CaMg b) NF a
2065 (c) Be, A a (d) CaCs Br
An isotone ofGe is IDCE OJRE
28. Isotopes are
d) Sc
Ge (bi As c)Se
(a) atoms of ditterent elements having ne

Number cf neutron inC is BCECE number

same mass mmier
(a 6 (b) 7 (c) (d) 9 (b) atoms of same elements havng
elements havtng daterent mass
(c) atoms of same
29404 in which cation is isoelectronic with (d) atoms of ditterent elements having vame namber of
The compound
1UP SEE neutrons
anion is
(b Csf fc Nal d) K,S 29. The number ofelectrous
and protoax n an atom ot thrd
(a) NaCi MP PET
clectron to the mass of a alkaline earth metal is
of an
21. What is the ratio of mass
fUP SEE a) 20 p 20
(b) 1:1 c) 1:1837 1d) 1:3 (c)e 18 p 8
corTect? EAMCET of an eiennnt n ultimaie
Which of the folowing is
30. The electronie cunliguration
and He are isotopes and penultimate orbitals is
(a}H' then
b)C and , N" are isotopes (nstn hp"tn hd'as.Ifa 4and
the nucteus
2Caare isotones iR is
and BAR:ber of prults
(C) 19K
(b 724
(d),Fand Na are isodiapliet 2as5
and (c 25
has atomie number
. A heavy element and Y is is RPETI
Correct relationship
31. Counon nanie for proton and neutron
number Y. 0JEE b) positron
(a) deutron
(a) X Y
(b) XY CmesOn
(d) nucleon
(d X ZT¥.
(c) X Y
Topic 2
Atomic AModels
atom (h)4.4l10 " tom
(a)441 10"
ntom (d) AR2 10" tcn
(c)2.2 10
number of the »pectral ine in the emi.
wil be equal totime
spectnm of hydrogen
constant if the electron jumps from [k
(a) n3ton I
(h) n ) to n«1

(d) n 2 to n =1
(c) n 9ton1
Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom
10. The radius of the first
third orbit ofH will be
0.529A. The radius of the
A AIREE (a) 8.46 A (b) 0.705A

(c) I.59 A (d) 4.79 A

11. The ratio of the diflerence

in energy between the firs
second Bohr orbit to that between the seconc
and the
ranNTAM m H atom
and the third Bohr orbit is RPET
AIEERI 1 4 27
(a) (d)

12. The number ofthe first line in the

wave Lyman series n
hydrogen spectrum is IPunjab CET
(b) 109678 cm
Kerala CEEI
(a) 72755.5 em
(e) 82258.5 em (d) 65473.6 cm

13. Bohr's radius of Be is equal to that of
of 2nd orbitIndraprastha
of H-atom CET, CG PET:

WB JEE (a) 4th orbit ofhydrogen (b) 2nd orbit of He

(d) 3nd orbit of Li (d) tirst orbit of hydrogen
1 3 bc 4, The number of photons emitted per second by a 60
source of monochromatie light wavelength 663 nm s

(h=6.63x10" Js) Kerala CEE
(a) 4 10 (b) .54 x 1020
(d) 2x 10
(e) I 10

4 ges wavekengith oflaght 2008

1onisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom

1.312x 10°J mol The energy required to excite u

ekctron n the atom trom n I to n =2 is IAIEEE
(a)8.5x10'J mot (b) 6.56x 10J mol
(c 7.56 x 10°J mol d) 9.84x10'J mol
1, What is the
lowest energy of the spectral line emitted by
Structure of Atorn 29
the 24. The
hydrogen atom in the Lyman serICs energy of
(h Planck's constant. e second
velocity of light. Is328 kI mol; henceBohr
orbit of the
hydrogen atom

Rydberg's constant). CE would be energy of fourth Bohr orbit

(a) h R
(b) h*
(a)41 kI mol (h)
3 (c) 164 kJ mol -1312 kJ mol
( c ) h R

7hcR (d) 2 k) mol

(d) 25. Which
144 diagram best
17. An electronic transition in hydrogen atom results
spectrum of atomicrepresents the
appearance of the
formation of H, line of hydrogen in in the hydrogen in the visible regio
Lyman series, the Kerala CEEI
energies associated with the electron in
cach of the Increasing wave length
orbits involved in the transition (a)
(in kcal mol) are
(a)313.6. -34.84 (b) -313.6, 78.4 (b)
(-78.4, -34.84 (d) - 78.4, - 19.6
Time period of a wave is 5x 10s, what is the
frequency? IUP SEE (d)
(a) 5x 10S s-l
(b) 2x102s-1
2 3 x10 s-1
(d) 5x102 s-
1 An electron from 26. The radius of
one Bohr the first Bohr orbit of
next higher orbit stationary orbit can go to 0.529 A. The radius of the third orbit hydrogen atom is
[UP SEE of H will be
(a) by emission of (a) 8.46 ÀA
electromagnetic radiation
(b) by absorption of any (c) 1.59 A
(b) 0.705A (Kerala CEE}
(c) by absorption of electromagnetic
radiation d) 4.76 A
) 2.38 A
electromagnetic radiation of
particular frequency 27. The
wavelength of a spectral line emitted by hydrogen
(without emission or absorption of electromagnetic atom in the Lyman series is T6
cm. What is the value of
na? (R = Rydberg constant)
Splitting of spectrum lines in magnetic field is EAMCET
(a) Stark effect (b) Raman effect (UP SEE]
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) Zeeman effect (c) 4 (d) 1
(d) Rutherford effect 28. The ionisation
21. Deflection back of a few energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV.
particles on hitting thin foil of What will be the ionisation
gold shows that energy of He" ? [WB JEE
[Manipall (a) 13.6 eVv
(a) nucleus is heavy (b) 54.4 ev
(b) nucleus is small (c) 122.4 eV (d) Zero
(c) Both (a) and (b) 29. The energy ratio of a photon of wavelength 3000 Å and
(d) electrons create hinderance in the movement of 6000 A is
a-particles (a) 1:1 (b) 2:1
22y The scientist who proposed the atomic model based on (c) 1:2 (d) 1:4
the quantization of energy for the first time is 30. The frequency of radiation emitted when the electro
(a) Max Planck falls fromn=4 to n =l in a
(b) Niels Bohr (J&K CETI hydrogen atom wilB be
(c) de-Broglie d) Heisenberg (Given, ionisation energy of H=2.18 x10 J atom
and h =6.625 x 10* Js)
2007 (a) 1.54x10" s (b) 1.03x 105-
3. The wavelength of the radiation emitted, when in a (c) 3.08x 105 s (d) 2.00x 105 s
hydrogen atom electron falls from infinity to stationary
state1, wold be(Rydbergconstant =1.097 x 10m") 31. The value of Rydberg constant is J&K CETI
(a) 91 nmn (b) 192 nm [UP SEEJ (a) 10,9678cm (b) 10,9876cm
(c) 406 nm (d) 9.1x 10 nm (c) 10,8769 cm (d) 10,8976 cm
Engneering Entrance Solved
30 anerwise Topicmse

line in Lyman series,

when 42. Bohr model
32. The wavelength ofa spectral
2nd orbit, is J&K CET| (a) the solar
explain Manipal
electron jumps back
(b) 1216 À
(6) the spectrum of
(a) 1 162A
(d) 1176Å hydrogen molecu
(Cspectrum of any atom or ion containing one eicctron
(c 362A
(a) the spectrum of hydrogen atom only
According to Bohr's theory, the angular momentum of
43. Zeeman effect refers to the IManipal
7Yan cilectron in Sth orbit is IAIEEE] (a) splitting up of the lines in
an cmission spectrum in
electrostatic field
(a) 252
(b) 1.0 the presencc of an external
(b) random scattering of light by colloidal particles
the lines in an emission spectrum in
(c) 102 (c) splitting up of
(d) 2.54 magnetic field
(d) emission of electrons from metals when light falle
34. Energy of photon of visible
(a) 1 eV
light is DCE upon them
(b) 1 MeV
(c) Iev 44 What is the energy (in eV) required to excite the
(d) 1 keV electron from n = I to n=2 state in hydrogen atom?
35. The number of waves [BITSAT
in an orbit are (n principal quantum number) 1-J&K CET
(a) n (b) (a) 13.6 (b) 3.4
(c) n-1 (d) n - 2 (c) 17.0 (d) 10.2
state of an
0. If the energy difference between the ground
atom and its
is 4.4 10J,
excited state
x the wavelength 2005
to produce the transition [UP SEE 45. The H-spectrum show
of photon required DCE
2.26x 10" m (b) 1.13x 10-12 m (a) Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
(c) 4.52x I 0 " ° m (d) 4.52x10-m (b) diffraction
37. The energy of a photon is 3 x10*4 ergs. What is its
(c) polarisation
(d) presence of quantised energy level
wavelength in nm ?
46. Which of the following statements does not form a par-
(h=6.62 x 10 ergs, c = 3 x 10 cm/s)
EAMCETI of Bohr's model of hydrogen atom ?
(a) 662 (b) 1324 (a) Energy of the electrons in the orbit is quantised
c) 66.2 (d) 6.62 (b) The electron in the orbit nearest the nucleus has the
38. The radius of hydrogen atom is 0.53 Å. lowest energy
The radius of
3Li is of (c) Electrons revolve in different orbits around the
WB JEE nucleus
(a) 1.27 A (b) 0.17 Å
(c) 0.57 Å (d) The position and
velocity of the electrons in the
(d) 0.99 Å orbit cannot be determined
39. For a Bohr atom
angular momentum M of the electron simultaneously
is (n =0, 1, 2,....) 47. The velocity of electron in first orbit of H-atom
lJamia Millia Islamia]
compared to the velocity of light is
(b) nh
(a) h BITSAT
47 4T (a)th
10 (b)th
(c) (d) (c)th (d) same
4T 1000
40. The radius of
hydrogen atom in the ground state is 48. Rutherford's experiment on the scattering
0.53 A The radius of Li" ion
(atomic number 3) in a = showed for the first time that the ofa-particle=
atom has
similar state is IJamia Millia Islamial (a) electrons (b) protons IUP SEE
(a) 0.176 Á (b) 0.30 A (c) nucleus (d) neutrons
() 0.53 A (d) 1.23 ÅÅ 49. The relationship between the energy E of the radiatior
The energy of hydrogen atom in its with a wavelength 8000 Å and the
ground state is energy E, of the
-136eV. The energy of the level radiation with a wavelength 16000 A is [Kerala CEE
corresponding to the
quantum number n =5 is [MHT CET] (a) E =6E (b) E 2E
(a) -5.4eV (b) -0.54eV () E = 4E (d) E = l/2E,
(c) -2.72eV (d) -0.85 eV (e) E = E2
Structure of Atom31
S0. An electron is moving in Bohr's fourth orbit. Its 58. The Bohr's orbit radius for
de-Broglie wavelength is A. What is the circumference the hydrogen atom (n= 1)1
of the fourth orbit" EAMCET] approximately 0.53 A. The radius for the first
state excited
(n2) orbit is
(a) (b) 2 (a) 0.27 Å
(b) 1.27 A
(c) 2.12 A
(c) 4 (d)
4 (d) 3.12 A
59. The radius of
second Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom is
51. The energy of the electron in (a) 0.053 nm (b) 0.106 nm [Manipal}
first Bohr's orbit is (c) 0.2116 nm
-13.6eV. The energy of the electron in its first excited (d) 04256 nm
state is 60. The maximum
10JEE] it is present
energy is possessed by an electron, when
(a) -3.4eV (b) -27.8eV
(c)-6.8eV (d) - 10.2eV (a) in nucleus Manipai
52. Magnitude of kinetic energy in an orbit is cqual to (6) in ground energy state
C) in first excited state
(a) half of the potential energy
BCECE (d) at infinite distance from the nucleus
61. The radius of electron in the first excited state of
(b) twice of the potential energy
(c) one fourth of the potential energy hydrogen atom is
(d) None of the above (Where, a is the Bohr's radius) [MP PETi
53. Energy of H-atom in the ground state is-13.6eV, hence (a) (b) Aa
energy in the second excited state is (c) 24 (d) 8a0
Jamia Millia Islamia]
(a) -6.8eV (b) -3.4eV 2003
(c) -1.51eV (d) -4.53 eV 62. In Bohr series of lines of
hydrogen spectrum, the third
54. Stark effect refers to the [MP PET line from the red end corresponds to which one of the
(a) splitting up of the lines in an emission spectrum in following inner-orbit jumps of the electron for Bohr
the presence of an external electrostatic field orbits in an atom of hydrogen ?
(b) random scattering of light by colloidal particles (a) 3-2 (b) 5 2
(c) splitting up of the lines in an emission spectrum in a c) 4 1 (d) 2-5
magnetic field 63 Jf the wavelength of an electromagnetie radiation is
(d) emission of electrons from metals when light falls 2000 A, what is its energy in ergs?
upon them (a) 9.94 x 10-12 (6) 9.94x 10-9
55. Angular momentum of an electron in the n th orbit of (c) 4.97x 10712 (d) 4.97x 10-1
bydrogen atom is given by IRPETI
64. If the electron of a hydrogen atom is present in the first
(a) nh (b) nh orbit, the total energy of the electron is EAMCET
nh 2nh
() e (d)

2004 65. A photon having a wavelength of 845 A, causes the
Which hydrogen like species will have same radius as ionisation of N atom. What is the ionisation energy of
that ofBohr orbit of hydrogen atom? IIT JEE
(a) n 2, Li?* (b) n=2, Be* BCECE
(a) 1.4 kJ (b) 1.4x 10* kJ
(c) n=2, He (d) n=3, Li
(c) 1.4x10 kJ (d) 1.4xl0° kJ
57. The one electron species having ionisation energy of
Kerala CEE| 66. Ifthe ionisation potential for hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV,
54.4 eV is
(a)H (b) He thefthe ionisation potential for He" ion should be
(d) Li2 .(a) 13.6 eV (b) 6.8 eV Manipal
(c) B
(e) Be2+ (c) 54.4 eV (d) 72.2 eV
Solved Papers
32 apterveise &Topicwise Engineering Entrance
emission line in the
electronic spectrum
68. The first
in the Balmer series appears cm
to n=2, then at
07, The H atom clectron dropped from =3 hydrogen
energyemitted is

(a) 1.9 eV (a)

Ccm (b) 7Rm
(b) 12 eV
(d) S m
(c) 10.2 eVV (e)cm 36
(d) 0.65 eV

Topic 3
Modern Structure of Atom
6. A particle moving with a velocity 10° m/s will have-
1. Calculate the velocity of an electron having wavelength de-Broglie wavelength nearly
of 0.15 nm Mass of an electron is 9.109 x 10"g. [Given, m = 6.62 x10 kg, h =6.62 x10 J-s]
(h =6.626x10 erg-s). Indraprastha CET]
(a) 2.062x10 cm s (b) 2.062 x 1071 5 cm-s (a) 10 m (b) 10 m (c) 10* m (d) 1Å
7. A body of mass x kg is moving with a velocity
(c) 4.84x10 cm s (d) 2.062x10 cm s
100 ms. Its de-Broglie wavelength is 6.62 x10 m.
2010 Hence, x is (h =6.62x 104 Js) [Manipall
2. Ifhelium atom and hydrogen molecule are moving with
(a) 0.1kg (b) 0.25 kg
the same velocity, their wavelength ratio will
be (c) 0.15 kg (d) 0.2 kg
[MP PET] 8. Which of the
(a) 4:1 (b) 1:2
following is the correct form of
Schrodinger wave equation ? IGuj CET
(c) 2:1 (d) 1:4
3. A particle having a mass
3600 km/h. Calculate the
of 1.0 mg has a velocity of 0y0y0,8T
(a) 2y 8*z (E-V)y =0
wavelength of the particle.
(h=6.626x10 erg-s)
(a) 6.626x10-2 cm
[Guj CET 0v0V ,87T (E-V)v =0
(b) 6.626 x10cm 2 h2
(c) 6.626x107 cm (d) 6.626 x103 cm + 8 (E-V)v =0
4. In an atom, an electron
600 m/s with an
is moving with a
speed of
oy Oz h
accuracy of 0.005%. Certainity with
which the position of the electron can be located is 2008
(h=6.6x10 kg m's, mass of electron, 9. The velocities of two
e=9.1x10 kg) 002
particles A and B are 0.05 and
[AIEEE ms respectively. The mass of B is five times
(a) 1.52x10 m mass of A. The the
(b) 5.10x 10 m ratio of their
(c) 1.92x10 m de-Broglie's wavelength 15
(d) 3.84x10 m JBITSAT, AMU, EAMCET
(a) 2:1 (6) 1:4
5, Calculate the wavelength (in nanometer) (c) 1:1 (d) 4:1
with a proton moving at1.0x 10" nms (Massassociated 10. Which of the
of proton following expressions gives
=1.67x 10 and
kg h=6.63x10-34 Js) de-Broglie relationship? [WB JEE
LAIEEEI a) p h
(a) 0.032 nm (b) 0.40 nm mv
(c) 2.5 nm (d) 14.0 nm mv
(c) A=
mp (d) Am=
Sruchure of Aom33
11. Thc nodes present in 3p-0rbitals are
Manipel a v e nature of electroms
2) Schrodinger
28 demomsraaext
a) one spherical, one planar b de-Brogihe wB JEE
b two spherical fc Davissom and Garmer (di HeisenberE
c 1 o piarnar 20. hat is the
frequency of photom a me met 15
di one panar 1.110 kg ms? MP PET
2. Electron density in the }Z plane of 3d orbitalis (a) 5 10 Hz (b) 510 Hz
(a Tero b) 0.50 J&K CET (c) 0.5x10" Hz d 5i0 Hz
c) 0.75 d) 0.90 21. What acceierating potential is needed to produce a
13. A cricket ball of 0.5 kg is moving with a velocity of electron beam with an effective
ae o
(0 mis. ihe wavelenmgth associated with its motion is 0.090 A ? Ga CE
iGuj CET]n (a) 1.86x 10 ev (b) 1.86 10 eV
(a) 0.01 cm b) 6.6x10m c) 2.86x 10 ev d 2.86 10 ev
(c) 1.32x10 m (d) 66x10m
2007 The number of radial nodes of 3s nd
14. A body of mass 10 mg is moving with a velocity of
22. 2porbitals are
100 ms The wavelength of de-Broglie wave (a) 2.0 (b)0.2
associated with it wouid be (c) 1,2 d 2.11
h=6.63x10 Js) KCET 23., The ncertainty n he momennum of a iecton s
(a) 6.63x 10 m (b) 6.63x10m 1.0x10 kg ms. The unoermainty n s positio
(c) 6.63 x 10 m (d) 6.63x 10 m will be DCE
(a) 1.50x10n b)i.05x10m
15. The de-Broglie wavelength ofa tennis ball of mass 60 g
moving with a velocity of 10 m/'s is approximately (c) 5.27x10 m (d 5.25x10-
(Pianck's constant, h =6.63x 104 Js) MP PET]
24, Which of the folilowing is Heisenberg uneertaint
(a) 10 m (b) 103 mn principle? BCECE
c) 10 m (d) 10 m (a) Ar Ap2 (b) Ar p =

(c) Ar Aps (d Ar-Ap<

16, Uncertainty in the position of an electron 25. Uncertainty in position of a particle of 25 g in space is
(mass 9.110 kg) moving with a velocity 1 0 m. Hence, uncertainty in velocity (ms) is
300 ms, accurate upon 0.001% will be (Planck's constanth =6.6 xl0 Js)
[Jamia Millia Islamial
(h=6.63x10-4 Js) AIEEE]
(a) 2.1 10* (b) 2.1x10-*
(a) 19.2x10 m (b) 5.76z10 m
(c) 0.5x10* (d) 5.0x 10*
(c) 1.92x10 m (d) 3.84x 10 m
26. A cricket ball of 0.5 kg is moving with a velocity of
17,The probability of finding the electron in the orbital is 100 m/s. The wavelength associated with its motion is
(a) 100% (b) 90-95% BITSATI Manipal
(d) 50-60% (a) 1/100em (b) 6.6x10m
(c) 70-80%
18, The uncertainties in the velocities of twoparticles A and (c) 1.32x10 m (d) 6.6x 10m
Bare 0.05 and 0.02 ms respectively. The mass of Bis
five times to that of mass A. What is the ratio of 2004
27.The mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6 A is [AMU
uncertainties Ax in their positions?
Axy EAMCETI (a) 6.135x 10kg (b) 3.60x 10 kg
(a) 2 (b) 0.25 (c) 4 (d) (c) 6.135x 105 kg (d) 3.60x10 kg
i eiy Enae Seved Papers
l natsne nt initites twas tnised by 2003
Hiersthep 31. Which ofthe following is related with beth wave nath
rt de mplie 4nd particle nature ? P SF
d Sehondinger
4 1he te iplir eqation applies MP PEri
(a) Interference
(b) E = mc
jtms mly
t elerthme iml (c) Diffraction
l l ihe iatetial ebjrets in tniutim (d) E = hv
d te nenthuns mly 32. Electron behaves both as a particle and a wave. This
was proposed by
1he equation, A WAs deduced by AMU
IMP PET (a) Heisenberg
Nentn () de-Bvglie (b) Gilbert N. Lewis
(d) Heisenberg (c) de-Broglie
(d) L. Rutherford

Topic 4
Quantum Numbers
5. If the quantum numbers for the
The matimum number of Sth electron in carbon
electrons that can have atoms are 2, 1, 1,+ 1/2, then
i eispl quantum number. n =3 and spin quantum values would be
for the 6th electron, these
t19 e, .is RPET
(a) 2, 1. 0, -
y b) 5
b) 2,0, 1, +
(d) 9 (c) 2.1, 1, - 2 d) 2.1.-1,+
2Which one of the
following sets
reesents the highest energy levelofinquantum numbers
an atom?lKCETI 2009
n-4.1-0, m-0, * + 6. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers s
correct ?
(b) n-3, I -1, m=1, s-4 UP SEE
(a) n = 5, I = 4, m=0, s=+
(t -3, -2. m 2, s
(b)= 3, 1=3, m =+3, s= +
(d) n 3,I =0, m-0, s 2
(c) n= 6,/ =0, m+1, s= -
Whieh f the fullowing is correct for 2
number of (d) n 4, I 2,
tlectons, nber of orbitals and =
m =+2, s
type of orbitals
respectively in n-orbit ? (uj CT
(a) 4,4 and (b) 4, 8 and 16 2008
(e) 32, 16 and 4 (d) 4, 16 and 32 7. The values of four
quantum numbers of valence
electron of an element are n
4=0, m =0 and s=+
The element is
4 The set f
quanturn urnbers for the outermost DCE
fst ttoppet in its electron (a) K
(b) Ti
ground state is IKOETI (c) Na (d) Se
(#) 4, 1, 1,+ b) 3,2,2, + 8. When the azimuthal quantum number has the value
the number of orbitals of
(e) 4,0, 0, +
possible are KCET
(d) 4, 2, 2. + (a) 7 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) 0
9. Structure of Atom 3
Which one ofthe
following is the set of correct quantum
numbers of an electron 17. The number
(a) n=3, l=0, m =0,
in 3d orbital ?
LJ&K CET of electrons accommodated in an orbit with
s=-1/2 principal quantum number 2, is LJ&K CETI
(6) n =2, l=3, m (a) 2
(e) n=3, l=1, m =0,s=+1/2
b) 6
(c) 10
(d) n=3, l=2,
s=-1/2 (d) 8
m=l, s= +1/2 2006
10. What is the
maximum number of electrons in 18. The orbital
that can have
an atom angular momentum of an electron revolving
n=4 m = +1? following quantum numbers in a p-orbital is Kerala CEE]
(a) 4 Guj CET] (a) zero
b) 15 b) 27T
(d) 6
() h ()
2T 22
2007 h
11Which of the (e)
following sets of
quantum numbers 2W27
represents the highest energy of an atom ?
[AIREE] 19. Which of the
(a) n =3, l=1, m=1, S= +1/2 one
following set of quantum numbers is
not possible for electron in the ground state of an atom
(b) n =3,l=2, m =1, s= +1/2
with atomic number 19? [Kerala CEE]
(c)n =4, l=0, m =0,s=+1/2 (a) n=2,/=0, m =0
(d) n=3,l=0, m =0, s=+ 1/2 b) n=2,1=1, m=0
12. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in a (c) n=3,l=1,m-1
d-orbital is [DCE] (d) n=3,/=2, m=+2
(e) n=4,/=0, m=0
20. The number of 2p-electrons having spin quantum

() number s=- 1/2 are [AMU

6 (b) 0
13 The orbital angular momentum of an electron in (c) 2 (d) 3
3s-orbital is [AMU 21. Non-directional orbital is BCECE]
(a) 4p (b) 4d
2 21t 2T (d) 4f (d) 3s
(d) zero 22. Which combinations of quantum numbers z, , m and s
for the electron in an atom does not provide a
momentum of an electron in permissible solution of the wave equation ? [Manipal]
14 The orbital angular [WB JEE
2s orbital is (a) 3,2,1 (b) 3,1. 1,-
h b) zero
(a)22 () 3,3,1-5 (d) 3,2,-2
( is not possible ? BCECE1 2005
15, Which of the
(a) n=2, l=1,m=0
23. In amulti-electron atom, which
of the following orbitals
described by the three quantum numbers will have the
(b) n=2, l=0, m=-1 same energy in the absence of
magnetic and electric
(c) n=3, /=0, m =0 fields?
(d) n = 3 , l = , m = - 1
(A) n =1,/=0, m =0
sets of quantum numbers is
16. Which of
the following (B)n=2, l=0, m =0
electron in 4f-orbital?
correct for
an fJamia Millia Islamia] (C) n =2,l=, m=l1
(D)n=3, 1=2, m=1
(a) n= 4, 1=3, m =+4, (E) n=3, l=2, m =0
m=-4, s=-1/2 (a) (D) and (E) [AIEEE]
(b) n 4 , l=4, +1s=+1/2 b) (C) and (D)
l=3, m= (c) (B) and (C)
(c) n=4, +1/2 (d) (A) and (B)
n=3,/=2, m =-2, s=
JoChaptEnwise R TOpiCwise Engineering Entrance Solved Papers
24. Which of the following statements in relation to the 31. An electron with values 4, 2, -2 and +1/2 for the set
hydrogen atom is correct ? [AIEEE] four quantum numbers n, , m and
belongs to
(a) 3s 3p and 3d-orbitals all have the same energy
(b) 3sand 3p-orbitals are of lower energy than 3d-orbital (a) 45-orbital (b) 4p-orbital
(c) 3p-orbital is lower in energy than 3d-orbital (c) 4d-orbital (d) 4f-orbital
(d) 3s-orbital is lower in energy than 3p-orbital ifn=3, l=0 and m=0, then atomic number is
25. Which of the following is non-permissible ? DCE]
(a) m=4l=3, m=0 (a) 12 or 13
(b) 13 or14
(b) n=4,1=2 m=1 (c) 10 or 11 (d) 11 or 12
(c) n=4/=4, m=1
33. The maximum number of electrons in
(d) n=4,/=0, m =0 p-orbital wit
n=5, m =lis Jamia Millia Islamiaj
26. An electron with values 4, 3,
-2 and + for the set of ) 6 (b) 2
four quantum numbers (c) 14 (d) 10
n, l, mj and m,,
belongs to respectively,
(a) 4s orbital 2003
(b) 4p orbital 34. The orbital
angular momentum for an electron
c) 4d orbital
revolving inorbit is given by
I (l+1) ZT This
(d) 4f orbital
27. The total number of momentum for an s-electron will be given by [AIEEE
orbitals possible for principal
quantum number n is (a) + h
(c) 2n
2 (6) zero
(d) 2n2 (c) (d) 2
2004 35. The correct set of four
28. Consider the electron of rubidium (Zquantum number for the valence
ground state of Cr atom (Z =24). The =37) is [BCECE
numbers of electrons with the
(a) n=5, l=0, m=0, s=+1/2
azimuthal quantum (b) n=5, 1=1, m =1, s=+1/2
numbers, l=1 and 2 are,
respectively (c) n =5,l=1,m=1, s=+1/2
(a) 12 and 4 [AIEEE]
(b) 12 and 5 (d) n=6,l=0, m =0, s= +1/2
(c) 16 and 4
(d) 16 and 5 36. An orbital in
29. The number of orbitals which n =
4 and I =2 is
present in the shell with n 4is = (a) 4s expressed by
(a) 16
(b)8 (c) 4d (b) 4p IMHT CETI
(c) 18
(d) 32 (d) 5p
The electrons identified
30. The correct set of by quantum numbers
quantum numbers (n, l and m" I.n=4,l=1
respectively) for the unpaired electron of chlorine atom
II. n=3,1 =2 I.n=4,1=0
Kerala CEE] Can be placed in order of IV.n=2,1=1
(a) 2, 1,0 (b) 2, 1, 1 increasing
lowest to highest as energy from the
(c) 3, 1,1 (d) 3,2, lJ&K CET
(e) 3,2,-1 (a) IV< l< Ill<I
(c) I< Il <II < IV
b) II<IV<I< I1
(d) l<I< IV<I
Topic 5
Filling of Orbitals in Atom
1. The
(a) Heisenberg's uncertainty
representation of the ground state electronic (b) Bohr's quantization principle
configuration of He by box diagram as t
is wrong theory of angular momenta
(c) Pauli exclusion principle
because it violates [WB JEE (d) Hund's rule
Structure of Atom 37
2010 11. Which is not in accordance to aufbau principle ?
2. The number of unpaired electrons in Fes* ion is BCECE
(a) 3 (b) IMP PETI
2s 2p 1
11 2p
(c)5 (d) 2
3 The electronic contiguration of elcment with atomic 2s 2p 2p
number 24 is
(a) ls, 2 2p*, 3s*3p*3d' 4s?
JCECE ( 11 ( 111
12. The atomic number of Ni and Cu are 28 and 29
(b) 1s, 2s2p°.3s*3p$3a10 respectively. The electronic configuration
(c)I22p".3**3p°3d I22p 33p 3d represents
d) 1s.2 2p°.3s3p°3d5,4s Jamia Millia Islamial
4. What does the electronic configuration (a) Cu (b) Cu2 (c) Ni2 (d) Ni
s,25,2p,3s' indicate? 13. [Ar]3d", 4s' clectronic configuration belongs to
(a) Ground state of fluorine (a) Ti (b) TI IMP PETI
(b) Excited state of fluorine (c) Cu (d)V
(c) Excited state of neon
(d) Excited state of the O, ion
14. The highest number of unpaired electrons are in [DCE|
(a) Fe
2009 (6) Fe2*
5. The electron configuration of the oxide ion is much
most similar to the electron configuration of the (c) Fe3+
(a) sulphide ion (6) nitride ion [UP SEE] (d) all have equal number of unpaired electrons
(c) oxygen atom (d) nitrogen atom 15. Cr has electronic confíiguration as LBITSAT
6. The electrons, identified by quantum numbers n and , (a) 3s3p 3d' 4s (b) 3s 3p°3d'4
d)n=3;1=2 (11)n=53l=0 (c)3s3p34 (d) None of these
(II) n = 4; l=1 (IV)n=4;7=2
(v n= 4; I =0
16. The electronic configuration of C* is KCETI
a) [Ar13d42 (6) [Ar]3d40
can be placed in order of increasing energy, as
[Kerala CEE] ()[Ar]3d4s (d) [Ar]344
(a) I<V< II < IV< II (b) I< V<III < II <IV 17. The maximum number of sublevels, orbitals and
V<I<II< II < IV electrons in N-shell of an atom are respectively
(c) V<1< III<I<V (d) EAMCETi
(e) V<1<IV<III< II
(a) 4, 12, 32 (b) 4, 16, 30
7. What is the atomic number ofthe element with M" (c) 4, 16, 32 (d) 4, 32, 64
34°? [Guj CET
having electronic configuration [Ar] 18. ldentify the least stable ion amongst the foilowing
(a) 25 (b) 28 c) 27 (d) 26
(a) Li (b) Be WB JEE
(c) B (d) C
in all the 's
8, The total number of electrons present 19. Among the following series of transition unetal ions, the
and all the 'd' orbitals of one in which all metal ions have 3d electronic
orbitals, all the p orbitals
Cesium ion are respectively DCE configuration is (At. no. Ti=22, V=23, Cr =24
(b) 10/24, 20
(a) 8, 26, 10 Mn 25) Manipal
d) 12, 20, 22
(c)8,22, 24
number of
(a) Ti, v,Cr, Mn
has the maximum
.Which ofthe following IKCETI (b) Ti', V",C*, Mn
unpairedd'electrons ?
(a) Zn (b) Fe2 (c) Ti,V'.C,Mn'
(c) NiS (d) Cu (d) T,V'",Cr,Mn
0. What is the electronic configuration of Mn*? 20. The number
(b) [Ar]34, 4s [BCECE]
of d-electrons retained in Fe
(At. no. Fe = 26) ions is
(a) [Ne]3d', 4s MP PET
(c) [Ar]3d5,4 (d) INe 3d', 4s (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) (d) 6
Chajtorwise lopiwise Engineoring Entranca Solvod Papers
2006 2004
21. The stability of fenic ion is due to 29. No two electro Cati haTe the satrne
(a) half fiiled f-orbital«
quanturn urnters, vzhues
(b) half filled d orbitals (a) one
(c) complctely filled f orbitals (c) three
(d) compictely filled d-orbitals (d for
30. The gronund state term
According to aufbau principle, the correct order of syabsi tka zn cieszni
energy of 34, 4s and 4p-orhitals is governed by
J&K CETI (a) Heisernberg's priniple
(u) 4pe 3d« Ax
(b) 4 4p« 3d (by Hund's rule
(c) 4s 3d< 4p (c) Aushau princíple
(d) 3d 4s Ap (dy Pauli exclusion principle
31. Which of the
electrons in
following elernerts haa lezst mrsiez
2005 ita M-shell?
(a) K (b) Mn AMCZ
2.3. Flectrons will first (c) Ni
entcr into the set of
numbers n quantum 32. Correct energy value orderis
5, 10 or n3,/ 2
(a) n
S, I=0 ICE (a) np, nd,
ns, (n -1)f
(b) both possible (b) ns, np, (n -1) d,
(c) n 3,12 (c) ns, np, (n -1) d, (n
d) data insufficient (d) ns, (n -I) d, np,
24. The atomic
numbers of clements X, Y and Z
and 25 are 19,21 2003
respectively. The number of electrons
elements follow the orderpresent
the M-shcll of these in 33. The observatíon that the ground state of
has 3 unpaired electrons ín
(a) Z> X >Y EAMCETI and not otherwise is electronic configration
(c) Z Y>X (b) X> Y>Z associated with Kerala CEE
(d) Y> Z> X (a) Pauli's exclusíon
25. The valence shcll (b) Hund's rule
clectronic configuration of maximum
1 of Cr" ion (c) Heisenberg's multiplicity
a) 43d OJEEI uncertainty
(d) Ritz combinatíon relation
(c) 43d"
(b) 43d2 (c) Valence bond methodprinciple
(d) 3p 4x 34. Which of the
26. A p-orbital in a
given shel following electronic configuration is
accommodate upto possible ?
(a) ls,2 MHT CET
(a) four electrons BCECE (b) 1, 22p*
(b) two clectrons with (C) [Ar ]34"",
(c) six electrons
parallel spin
35. The
4s4p (d) L,22p,3s
number of
(d) Iwo electrons with pelectrons in bromine atom is
opposite spin
27. Which among the (a) 12 (b) 15 Manipa
number of
following species have the same 36. Aufbau
(c) 7 d 17
clectrons its
penultimate shell?
9utermost as well as
of filling
principle does not give the correct
(a) My2 IManipal up of
(a) Cu and Zn
atomic orbitals in arrangeme
(b) o (b) Co and Zn
(c) (c) Mn and Cr
(d) Ca2 37. (d) Cu and Cr
28. Electronie Ciround stateelectronic
represented as configuration of nitrogen
of deuterium atom is can be ats
(a) ls (b) 2
(c) 2s (d) i (b 1
Structure of Atom 39

Topic 1:Sub-atomic Particle
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (e) 9. (d) 10. (a)
12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (a)
11. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (d
22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (a)
21. (c) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (d)

Topic 2: Atomic Models

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (0) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (a) 38. (t) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (C) 49. (b) 50. (c)
51. (a) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (c) 65. (d) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (d)
Topic 3: Modern Structure of Atom
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (c)

Topic 4:Quantum Numbers

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (6) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (b)
31. (c) 32. (d) 29. (a) 30. (c)
33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (a)
Topic 5:Filling of Orbitals in Atom
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b)
10. (c)
16. (6) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (d)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (a)
20. (d)
26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (a) 29. (d)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (6) 34. (d) 30. (6)
. 35. (d) 36. (d) 37. (a)

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