Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
Background: Maternal mortality is a major public health challenge in Ethiopia. Uterine rupture is an obstetrical
emergency with serious undesired complications for laboring mothers resulting in fatal maternal and neonatal
outcomes. Uterine rupture has been contributing to high maternal morbidity and mortality. However, there is
limited research on the factors and management outcomes of women with uterine rupture. Understanding the
factors and management outcomes might delineate strategies to support survivors. Therefore the aim of this study
is to assess the incidence and factors associated with outcomes of uterine rupture among laboring mothers at
Felegehiwot Referral Hospital in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia.
Methods: This is a cross sectional study with retrospective facility based data collection technique. All pregnant
women who were managed for ruptured uterus at Felegehiwot referral hospital from September 11 2012 to
August 30 2017 were included. The chart numbers of the women collected from operation theatre registers. Their
case folders retrieved from the medical records room for analysis. Using structured check list, information on their
sociodemography, booking status, clinical features at presentation and the place of attempted vaginal delivery was
extracted. Data on the intraoperative findings, treatment, and associated complications and outcomes also
collected. The collected data cleaned, coded and entered into EPI- Info version ( and then exported in to
SPSS Version 20.0 for analysis. Statistical comparison was done using chi square (X2). Strength of association
between the explanatory variables and outcome variables described using odds ratio at 95% CI and P value less
than 0.05. The results presented in tables.
(Continued on next page)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bahir Dar University, College of Medicine and
Health Sciences, P. O box: 79, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Ahmed et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:447 Page 2 of 12
faces. This is a cause for separate from their families, indicates the need for further research and implementa-
worsening poverty, malnutrition and almost unendur- tion of programs to improve health status of the
able suffering [22]. country.
Maternal death as a consequence of uterine rupture
occurs at a rate of 0–1% in modern developed na- Statement of the problem
tions, but the mortality rates in developing countries The incidence of uterine rupture has regional and
are 5–10% [17]. sub-regional variability posing a major public health
The determinant factors for maternal outcome of uter- problem in under developed countries [1, 7]. The rate of
ine rupture differ across geographical boundaries due to pregnancy-related uterine rupture in women with un-
the difference in socio-demographic status, and the scarred uterus is 0.012% (1 in 8434) for women living in
availability and accessibility of skilled birth attendant industrialized countries and 0.11% (1 in 920) for women
and health system effectiveness [5]. living in developing countries [17].
Once diagnosis of uterine rupture is entertained, the In low resource settings multiple factors including
time spent for successful surgical intervention should be educational status of women, ignorance, poverty,
very short and all available resources should be quickly regular antenatal care checkup, home delivery, pro-
mobilized for favorable outcome of both mother and longed (dysfunctional) and obstructed labor had been
new born [17, 18].Late arrival and treatment increase identified risk factors of uterine rupture [21, 26].
the maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality [18]. Dif- Similarly evidences showed that previous cesarean de-
ficulty performing an exact diagnosis at the arrival of the livery, mal-presentations [7, 27], induction and aug-
patient with a severe diagnosis like uterine rupture may mentation of labor [27], grand multiparty [7, 28],
worsen the condition [13]. Immediate surgery and blood neglected labor, breech extraction, uterine instrumen-
replacement plays major role in maternal survival [13, tation are predisposing factors for uterine rupture [7].
18]. The main causes of maternal mortality in rupture Evidences showed that abdominal pain, vaginal bleed-
uterus are failure to diagnose the condition at the first ing, loss of fetal station, non-reassuring fetal heart rate,
referral center and arrival at the tertiary center in a shock and fetal bradycardia are most common indicators
moribund condition [23]. The immediate cause of death of uterine rupture [29]which needs prompt diagnosis
in such condition includes puerperal sepsis [18] and and treatment before progressing serious maternal and
hypovolemic shock [19]. perinatal outcomes [7, 30, 31]. Hemorrhage [7, 31],
Prognosis for the fetus is even worse than the mother hypovolemic shock, need for blood transfusion [31],
[18]. Studies in different parts of developing countries bladder injury, need for hysterectomy, and a maternal
indicated high fetal case fatality rate [2, 5, 18, death are some of maternal consequences/outcomes
24];complete uterine rupture being associated with the while, admission to neonatal intensive care unit, fetal
highest fetal death rate [18]. hypoxia or anoxia, and neonatal death are some of neo-
Initiation of labor at health institutions, early referral natal outcomes [7]. However, maternal/neonatal morbid-
[2], and treatment of hypovolumia and prevention of ity and mortality following uterine rupture depend on
postoperative anemia is recommended to decrease ma- the level of medical care [7].
ternal death secondary to uterine rupture [5, 24]. In Although uterine rupture is preventable condition, it
addition proper monitoring of labour and improvement has also been one of the leading cause of maternal mor-
of comprehensive emergence obstetric care at all levels tality in Ethiopia [15, 26]. The federal ministry of health
of health care are recommended to avoid unnecessary is providing curative health services to the community
delays in care [3].Early diagnosis and active surgical as one of the priorities, and, as a consequence, the num-
management will go a long way in reducing maternal ber of government hospitals in the country has increased
and fetal mortality [9]. from 126 to 31. It is also trying to change the cultural
Uterine rupture remains an important clinical problem preference of home delivery through better transport,
in northern Ethiopia. Changes in the cultural preference access to prenatal care, obstetric training and exempted
for home delivery, better transport and referral systems, service charges for laboring mothers (2014 FMOH Bul-
and improved obstetric training and hospital manage- letin). As part of this improvement Bahir dar university
ment of laboring women are needed [20]. launched residency programs in Obstetric in 2014 using
Currently the federal ministry of health of Ethiopia is Felege hiwot referral hospital as affiliated site. There is a
improving obstetric care by scaling up of skilled 24 h blood transfusion service and intensive care unit in
personnel attended delivery; universal primary educa- the hospital. Despite all these, evidences are lacking as
tion, infrastructure and human resource development to the magnitude and factors for the outcome of uterine
[15, 20, 25]. Despite these strategies births assisted by rupture in this area. In addition there was no effort to
skilled provider in our country is 28% [14]. This measure changes in management outcome as a result of
Ahmed et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:447 Page 4 of 12
improvement of obstetric services. Therefore the aim of University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Anambra State
this study is to identify factors associated with outcomes Southeast Nigeria. The incidence was 1 in 161 deliveries.
of uterine rupture among laboring mothers at Felegehi- The commonest age range of occurrence was 30–
wot Referral Hospital in Bahir Dar City, Northwest 34 years. Contrary to widespread belief that uterine rup-
Ethiopia. ture is a disease of multiparous women, in this study
women of low parity predominate. Most of the ruptures
Literature review were as a result a combination of risk factors like previ-
Uterine rupture has continued to be a catastrophic fea- ous caesarean section with concurrent use of oxytocic.
ture of obstetric practice especially in the low-resource The commonest procedure performed was uterine repair
settings [28]. only [32].
There are some studies conducted in Ethiopia. Among A 10 year retrospective study in the same hospital
these a prospective study over a period of 2 years at showed an incidence of 0.84%. All the patients were
Debre Markos hospital found the incidence of ruptured multiparous and 63.8% were unbooked. Majority were
uterus to be 3.8%. Susceptible groups were age 25 to Traumatic (iatrogenic) ruptures (72.1%). Uterine repair
29 years and grand multiparas (> 5). Complete type uter- with (55.8%) or without (34.9%) bilateral tubal ligation
ine rupture accounted for 88.6%. In more than half was the commonest surgery performed. The case fatality
(54.3%) of the cases the site of rupture was anterior. The rate and perinatal mortality rate were 16.3 and 88.4% re-
commonest procedure performed was hysterectomy spectively. Average duration of hospitalization following
(81.4%). The postoperative complication rate was 24.3%. surgery was 10.3 days [28].
Sepsis was the leading cause of death [16]. There is also a retrospective study describing the fac-
But more recently a review of uterine rupture cases at tors influencing the management and the prognosis of
Ayder Referral hospital in Mekelle, northern Ethiopia ruptured uterus in a level III maternity care center of a
between 2009 and 2013 found a rate of uterine rupture third world country (Cocody University Hospital Center,
of 1 in 110 deliveries. Predisposing factors in order of Abidjan-Cote d’Ivoire). There were 513 cases of rup-
their frequency were cephalopelvic disproportion (74%), tured uterus between January 2002 and December 2014
previous cesarean delivery (11%), and fetal malpresenta- giving an incidence of 0.95%. Most cases occurred in
tion (9%). The presenting symptoms were pain, sudden women with unscarred uterus (76.8%). Radical hysterec-
cessation of contractions during labor and vaginal bleed- tomy was done in 35.3% of all women. Uterine repair
ing. The vast majority of ruptured uterus occurred from was done more commonly for women from the com-
unscarred uterus; only five patients had undergone a munes of Abidjan and its suburbs (71%). Maternal mor-
previous cesarean delivery. The mean gravidity was 3.6. tality rate was 5.8% and factors like the type of surgery
Less than two-thirds had received any prenatal care. Al- (p = 0.000), the time of uterine rupture (p = 0.000) and
most all patients came to Ayder from referring health fa- the transportation distance (p = 0.000) were significantly
cilities. One patient who had unrecognized ureteric associated. Fetal mortality was 94.1% [8].
injury and persistent anemia died. Perinatal mortality Study done in Sweden showed increased risk of uter-
was 94% [20]. ine rupture (during their second delivery) in women
Analysis of the causes, complications and management who underwent a cesarean delivery compared with
outcomes of ruptured uterus in Dar-es- Salaam, women who delivered vaginally in their first birth. Add-
Tanzania shows the incidence to be 2.25 per 1000 deliv- itional factors associated with increased risk of uterine
eries. The leading causes identified were obstructed rupture were induction of labor, high (> or = 4000 g)
labor, previous cesarean delivery and use of uterotonic birth weight, post term (> or = 42 weeks) births, high (>
drugs for induction and augmentation of labor. Most of or = 35 years) maternal age, and short (< or = 164 cm)
these patients were referrals from municipal hospitals maternal stature [33].
and all attended antenatal follow up at least once. There Researchers found the incidence of ruptured uterus
were 21 maternal deaths and 157 perinatal deaths giving to be 0.116% in one of the tertiary care hospital in
case fatality rate of 12.9 and 96.3% respectively. The Turkey. Trial of labor after cesarean was the most
commonest maternal complication was hemorrhage common cause of uterine rupture accounting for
(34.4%) followed by sepsis, VVF and blood transfusions. 31.1% of the cases. Vaginal Bleeding was the main
Subtotal hysterectomy is the most common performed symptom at presentation (44.3%). Lower uterine seg-
procedure (73.6%), repair with BTL (12.3%), repair only ment (isthmus) was the most vulnerable part of
(12.3%) and total hysterectomy (1.8%). Most operations uterus (39.3%) for rupture. Women with delayed
were made by obstetricians [3]. surgical intervention and older patients with increased
Rupture of the gravid uterus is still a significant cause parity were likely to have longer hospitalization
of maternal mortality and morbidity in Nnamdi Azikiwe periods [34].
Ahmed et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:447 Page 5 of 12
One research in Zurich with special interest on effect Justification of the study
of uterine fundal pressure on uterine rupture revealed Maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality is high in
previous uterine surgery as the main risk factor for uter- Ethiopia. Ruptured uterus contributes significantly to
ine rupture in the whole study population. Risk factors maternal mortality. In spite of this, there has been pau-
in women with unscarred uterus were uterine fundal city of evidences on factors associated with management
pressure (UFP), abnormal placentation, and age at deliv- outcome of mothers who had uterine rupture. This
ery > 40 years. The only factor which can be modified is study documents common complications and factors re-
Uterine Fundal Pressure [35]. lated with management outcomes of uterine rupture in
Population based study in Sweden reported the overall FHRH. Therefore, the result of this study helps policy
rate of uterine rupture among women with an attempted makers, program, planners, governmental and non-gov-
vaginal birth in their second delivery to be 0.91/1000. The ernmental organization implementers and maternal
rate of uterine rupture among women who attempted va- health service providers/practitioners to provide evi-
ginal birth after a caesarean section was 9.00/1000 com- dence based interventions which will contribute in ma-
pared with a uterine rupture rate of 0.18/1000 among ternal morbidity and mortality reduction in the hospital
women without a history of caesarean delivery. Compared and the region as well. Most importantly, since there are
with women who experienced a spontaneous onset of de- limited research evidences on uterine rupture in the
livery, women whose second delivery was induced faced a study area, this study serves as a baseline work for other
doubled increase in risk of uterine rupture. Induction of researchers interested to work on the risk factors and
labor was associated with a doubled risk of uterine rupture outcomes of women who had uterine rupture.
both among women with a previous caesarean and among
women who did not have previous caesarean. High mater- General objectives
nal age, induction of labour, and high birth weight in- The objective of the study is to assess the incidence of
creased the risk of uterine rupture. The neonatal death uterine rupture and factors associated with outcomes of
rate was 51.09/1000. This was more than 60 fold increase uterine rupture among women delivered in Felegehiwot
compared with neonatal death rate among women with- referral hospital in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia.
out uterine rupture (1.4/1000) [36].
A population based study aimed at determining trends,
risk factors and pregnancy outcome in women with uter- Specific objectives
ine rupture compared all singleton deliveries with and
without uterine rupture between 1988 and 2009. Uterine To determine the incidence of uterine rupture
rupture occurred in 0.06% of all deliveries; 59% in women among women delivered at Felege hiwot referral
with a previous cesarean delivery. There was a gradual in- hospital in the study period
crease in the rate of uterine rupture from 1988 (0.01%) to To identify complications after management of
2009 (0.05%). Independent risk factors for uterine rupture uterine rupture
were: previous CD, preterm delivery (< 37 weeks), malpre- To identify factors associated with outcome of
sentation, parity, and dystocia during the first and second clients managed for uterine rupture in FHRH
stages of labor. In addition, Uterine rupture was noted as
an independent risk factor for perinatal mortality [37]. Methods
Rupture of gravid uterus brings about potentially hazard- Study area and period
ous risks. Regular antenatal care, hospital deliveries and Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted
vigilance during labor with quick referral to a well-equipped from May 1 to 30, 2017 in Bahir Dar City, Felege Hiwot
center may reduce the incidence of this condition [34]. Referral Hospital. Bahir Dar is the capital city of Amhara
There is therefore a dire need for education of women on National Regional State (ANRS), located 565 km North-
health-related issues, utilization of available health facilities, west of Addis Ababa. FHRH is one of the 42 govern-
adequate supervision of labour and provision of facilities mental Hospitals in Amhara Regional state. The hospital
for emergency obstetric care [28]. serves for more than 5,000,000 populations in its catch-
Uterine rupture is a complication that can be elimi- ment area (ANRHB 2015). The hospital has one big ma-
nated under conditions of best obstetric practice. To at- ternity ward which possesses around 74 beds. There are
tain this objective, use of misoprostol in primary health about 6000 deliveries per year, 30% of which is cesarean
facilities should be stopped or proper management of deliveries (prenatal report, 2016). There are 7 obstetri-
the medication instituted. The survival of patients after cians, 27 residents and 25 midwives currently working
uterine rupture depends on the time interval between in the department of obstetrics. As it is a referral hos-
rupture and intervention, and the availability of blood pital most of the clients are referral cases from health
products for transfusion [38]. centers and district hospitals.
Ahmed et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:447 Page 6 of 12
Study design were checked from the charts and data was collected
Cross sectional study with retrospective facility based daily.
data collection was used.
Study variables
Source population Dependent Variable:
Women who had uterine rupture (reached through their Outcome of uterine rupture
charts documented during the procedure). Independent variables
Table 2 Obstetric variables of uterine rupture in Felegehiwot Table 2 Obstetric variables of uterine rupture in Felegehiwot
Referral hospital from September 2012 to August 2017(n = 239) Referral hospital from September 2012 to August 2017(n = 239)
Variables Frequency Percent (Continued)
Gravidity Variables Frequency Percent
Table 5 Complications among cases of uterine rupture in in Dar selam, Tanzania where most patients were refer-
Felegehiwot Referral hospital from September 2012 to August rals from municipal hospitals. Despite the national re-
2017(n = 239) port of high prevalence of home delivery in Ethiopia [5,
Complications Frequency Percent 15] especially in the rural areas, in this study it shows
Post op hemoglobin only 5.9%. The low figure of home delivery in this study
> 12 g/dl 47 19.7 may be a reflection of inappropriate assignment of those
7-12 g/dl 169 70.7
with referral papers as if they tried labor at health
institution. But the common scenario is visiting health
< 7 g/dl 23 9.6
centers when they are seriously ill after laboring for 2–
Total 239 100.0 3 days at home. This affects the true figure of the prob-
Transfusion lem. The other possibility may be inadequate supervision
No 59 24.6 of labour and emergency obstetric care. Uterine rupture
1 units 38 16.0 was diagnosed correctly in only 17.6% of the cases by re-
2 units 97 40.6
ferring health institution. This may be because of either
difficulty in diagnosing uterine rupture or ruptures occur
3 units 24 10.0
on the way to Felegehiwot.
4 units 15 6.3 There were 10 cases of uterine rupture at Felege
> =5 units 6 2.5 Hiwot, none of whom developed undesired outcome.
Total 239 100 This may be due to prompt diagnosis, blood transfusion
Wound infection 28 11.7 whenever necessary and immediate laparotomy indir-
Hospital stay
ectly reflecting the improved obstetric practice at this re-
ferral hospital.
< 8 days 160 66.9
Most underwent Total abdominal hysterectomy (62%
> =8 days 79 33.1 TAH), & 10% had STAH. Around 75% of mothers from
Total 239 100.0 areas outside Bahir dar underwent hysterectomy
Undesired outcomes whereas half from Bahir dar and its surroundings. This
ICU admission 5 2.1 findings are consistent with the finding from Cocody
VVF 28 11.7
University Hospital Center, Abidjan-Cote d’Ivoire which
shows more conservative surgeries by uterine suture in
Sepsis 12 5.0
women from the communes of Abidjan and its suburbs
Wound dehiscence 15 6.3 (71%) versus 25% of women who came from inland
Death 5 2.1 towns [8]. However, in other studies the commonest
procedure carried out was uterine repair only [9, 11, 13,
than 2 h. Nearly one third (31.2%) of those cases whose 32]. Unstable hemodynamic status, more number of
operation time was more than 2 h, resulted in undesired obstructed labors, presence of gross infection, and
outcomes. Gravidity, gestational age, place of attempted higher parities in our study may lead to hysterectomy.
delivery, and time of arrival to Felegehiwot were not sig- Vesico Vaginal fistula (VVF) affected large proportion
nificantly associated with maternal outcomes (Table 6). of mothers (11.7) who sustained uterine rupture similar
with other studies [18]. However one study in India re-
veals a 2% risk [9]. The possible reason for this differ-
Discussion ence is high rate of obstructed labor in our study area,
The incidence of uterine rupture is 0.9% (1 in 110). This where as in India majority are following uterine scar.
is lower than the 2012 incidence in this same hospital Blood availability for transfusion as part of manage-
(2.9% or 1 in 35) and the prevalence found at Debre ment of uterine rupture is lifesaving. In this regard
Markos hospital 2.24%(5) [39]. This may be as a result 75.3% of study participants had blood transfusion and
of establishment of functional district hospitals capable 40.6% got at least two units of cross matched blood. This
of managing these cases. But still it is higher when com- is not usually possible in some countries. Even if all are
pared to incidence in other developing countries like anemic, only 57.1% of mothers got 500-1000 ml blood
0.22% in Dar-es- Salaam, Tanzania and 0.057% in transfusion at Al-thawra hospital, the main hospital in
Imphal, India [3, 40]. This might be a reflection of delay Sana’a City, the capital of the Republic of Yemen. This
in timely diagnosis of uterine rupture and referral once better blood availability in our study may indicate strong
women reach health centers. commitment of Federal ministry of health and continu-
Most of the mothers in this study were referrals from ous work of student clubs in mobilizing the community
health institutions (90%). This is similar with the study to donate blood.
Ahmed et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:447 Page 10 of 12
Table 6 Binary and multivariable logistic regression table for factors associated with outcome of uterine rupture in Felegehiwot
hospital from September 2011 to August 2017(n = 239)
Variables UR management outcomes COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI)
Undesired n (%) Desired n (%)
Primigravida 4 (7.4%) 4 (2.2%) 1.0 1.0
Multigravida 26 (48.1%) 131 (70.8%) 0.2 (0.04–0.84) 0.2 (0.03, 1.30)
Grandmultigravida 23 (42.6%) 45 (24.3%) 0.5 (0.11–2.23) 0.7 (0.11, 4.64)
Gestational age
Preterm 5 (9.3%) 11 (5.9%) 1.0 1.0
Term 25 (46.3%) 139 (75.1%) 0.3 (0.12–1.23) 0.3 (0.08, 1.17)
Post term 8 (14.8%) 22 (11.9%) 0.8 (0.21–3.02) 0.5 (0.11, 2.46)
Unknown 16 (29.6%) 13 (7.0%) 2.7 (0.74–9.79) 2.6 (0.63,11.52)
Place of attempted delivery
Home 6 (11.1%) 8 (4.3%) 1.0 1.0
Health Center 40 (74.1%) 148 (80.0%) 0.3 (0.11, 1.09) 0.6 (0.16, 2.47)
District hospital 8 (14.8%) 19 (10.3%) 0.5 (0.14,2.15) 0.8 (0.17, 4.24)
Time of arrival to FHRH
Day 43 (79.6%) 121 (65.4%) 1.0 1.0
Night 11 (20.4%) 64 (34.6%) 0.4 (0.23,1.00) 0.4 (0.22,1.08)
Duration of surgery
< =2 h 30 (55.6) 132 (71.4) 1.0 1.0
>2 h 24 (44.4) 53 (28.6) 1.9 (1.06, 3.72) 2.2 (1.10,4.63)
statistically significant at P – value < 0.05
There were 5 maternal deaths (2.1%) as a result of uter- and previous operations were not significantly associated
ine rupture in the study period. This is lower as compared with outcomes of uterine rupture.
with deaths at Debre Markos hospital (6.6%) and Cot de- The fetal outcome was poor with around 84% of still
vours (5.8%) [5, 8]. Early diagnosis and management of births. This is similar with other studies in developing
uterine rupture, widely available blood transfusion services countries [11]. There is Poor documentation about the
as well as close follow up post operatively may have con- baby that make difficult to analyze other factors.
tributed for this reduction. In this regard the hospital be-
ing teaching institution for the residency program, interns Conclusion
and residents could have a significant role. This study shows high incidence of uterine rupture with
According to research done at Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, significant undesired outcomes in Northwest Ethiopia. It
maternal mortality was significantly influenced by the reflects the need for improvement in obstetric care and
type of surgery (p = 0.000), time of uterine rupture (p = strong collaboration with referring health facilities to en-
0.000) transportation distance (p = 0.000) [8]. In our sure prompt referral and management.
study as well, four out of the five maternal deaths were
from those treated with hysterectomies. This may be Limitations of the study
mainly due to the combination of more severe lesions Since the study is retrospective, 23 charts could not be
in hysterectomies than repairs. included in this study because of missed variables and
This study reveals that undesired outcomes were more lost charts. Prospective multicenter study in the future
likely to occur(two times) if time of operation took more will alleviate the limitations of this study.
than 2 h (AOR: 2.260, 95% CI: 1.102, 4.638). Nearly one
third (31.2%) of those cases whose operation time was Abbreviations
ANC: Antenatal care; ANRHB: Amhara National regional Health Bureau;
more than 2 h, resulted in undesired outcome. This may ANRS: Amhara National Regional State; AOR: Adjusted odds ratio;
be attributed to the complexity of the lesion in ruptured BTL: Bilateral tubal ligation; CD: Cesarean delivery; CPD: Cephalo pelvic
uterus and poor patient condition. disproportion; FHRH: Felegehiwot referral hospital; FMOH: Federal Ministry of
Health; ICU: Intensive care unit; IUFD: Intra uterine fetal death; MD: Medical
The age, source of admission, duration of labor before doctor; MPH: Master of Public health; NICU: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit;
arriving FHRH, site and type of rupture, gestational age, OL: Obstructed labor; RH: Reproductive health; SPSS: Statistical package for
Ahmed et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:447 Page 11 of 12
social sciences; STAH: Sub total abdominal hysterectomy; TAH: Total 5. Astatikie G, Limenih MA, Kebede M. Maternal and fetal outcomes of uterine
abdominal hysterectomy; UFP: Uterine fundal pressure; VVF: Vesico vaginal rupture and factors associated with maternal death secondary to uterine
fistula; WHO: World Health Organization rupture. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017;17:117.
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Availability of data and materials
10. Dan K, Kaye OK, Nakimuli A, Osinde MO, Mbalinda SN, Kakande N. Lived
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