02-773 Iss2
02-773 Iss2
02-773 Iss2
Category 1
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Intentionally Blank
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................vi
1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................1
2 Warning ..............................................................................................................................................2
3 Normative References ......................................................................................................................2
4 Abbreviations.....................................................................................................................................3
5 Definitions ..........................................................................................................................................3
6 Acceptance Standards and Pipe System Levels ...........................................................................4
6.1 Applicability......................................................................................................................................4
6.2 Alternative Standards of Acceptance............................................................................................4
6.3 Structure and Engineering Assemblies Including Pipework ......................................................4
6.4 Levels of Importance of Pipe Systems ..........................................................................................5
7 Drawings and Contract Requirements ............................................................................................5
7.1 General..............................................................................................................................................5
7.2 Visual Inspection .............................................................................................................................6
7.3 Liquid Penetrant Examination ........................................................................................................6
7.4 Radiographic Examination .............................................................................................................6
7.5 Ultrasonic Examination...................................................................................................................6
8 Acceptance Standards for Visual Examination of Welds Excluding Pipe Welds.......................6
8.1 General..............................................................................................................................................6
8.2 Acceptance Standards Class 1 , 2 and 3.......................................................................................6
9 Acceptance Standards for Visual Examination of Pipe Welds Excluding Socket and
Sleeve Welds......................................................................................................................................8
9.1 Acceptance Standards for Systems Levels 1, 2 and 3 ................................................................8
9.2 Acceptance Standards for System Level 4 ...................................................................................9
10 Acceptance Standards for Magnetic Particle Examination of all Welds ...................................10
10.1 General............................................................................................................................................10
10.2 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................................10
11 Acceptance Standards for Liquid Penetrant Examination of all Welds except Weld
Metal Surfacing and Cladding........................................................................................................10
11.1 General............................................................................................................................................10
11.2 Welded Joints.................................................................................................................................10
11.3 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................................10
12 Acceptance Standards for Liquid Penetrant Examination of Weld Metal Surfacing and
Cladding (Excluding Hull Valves) ..................................................................................................11
12.1 General............................................................................................................................................11
12.2 Weld Build-Up/Buttering ...............................................................................................................11
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
12.3 Standards for Rounded Indications.............................................................................................11
13 Acceptance Standards for Radiographic Examination of Welds Including Pipes ...................12
13.1 General............................................................................................................................................12
13.2 Defect Evaluation...........................................................................................................................12
13.3 Tube-Tubeplate Welds...................................................................................................................13
13.4 Class 1 Acceptance Standard for Structural and Engineering Assemblies and Pipe Welds in
Level 1 Systems .............................................................................................................................13
13.5 Class 2 Acceptance Standard (Excluding Aluminium Alloy) for Structural and Engineering
Assemblies and Pipe Welds in Level 2 and 3 Systems .............................................................16
13.6 Class 2 Acceptance Standard – Aluminium Alloy Welds ..........................................................18
14 Acceptance Standards for Ultrasonic Examination of all Welds except Weld Metal
Surfacing and Cladding ..................................................................................................................18
14.1 General............................................................................................................................................18
14.2 Butt Welds ......................................................................................................................................18
14.3 Tee-Butt Joints...............................................................................................................................19
15 Acceptance Standards for Ultrasonic Examination of Weld Metal Surfacing and
Cladding ...........................................................................................................................................20
15.1 General............................................................................................................................................20
15.2 Acceptance Criteria for Weld Metal Surfacing and Cladding Not Subject to Significant
Stress ..............................................................................................................................................20
15.3 Acceptance Criteria for Weld Metal Surfacing and Cladding Subject To Significant Stress.20
16 Automated Ultrasonic Acceptance Criteria ..................................................................................20
16.1 General............................................................................................................................................20
16.2 Butt Joints ......................................................................................................................................21
16.3 Submarine Hull Tee-Butt Joints ...................................................................................................21
16.3.1 Weld root examination (full penetration welds only) ..............................................................21
16.3.2 Weld toe examination.................................................................................................................22
16.4 Defect interaction, butt welds.......................................................................................................22
16.4.1 Defects with a tip 5mm or closer to the plate surface ............................................................22
16.4.2 Defects with both tips more than 5mm from the plate surface .............................................22
16.5 Defect Interaction, Submarine Hull Tee Butts, Weld Toe ..........................................................25
16.6 Defect Interaction, Submarine Hull Tee Butts, Root ..................................................................25
16.7 Transverse Defects, Submarine Butt Welds ...............................................................................26
16.8 Porosity...........................................................................................................................................26
16.8.1 Clustered Porosity......................................................................................................................26
16.8.2 Uniformly distributed porosity ..................................................................................................26
16.8.3 Measurable indications within uniformly distributed porosity..............................................26
16.9 Linear thread-like indications.......................................................................................................28
17 Acceptance Standard for the Examination of Sleeve and Socket Welds ..................................28
17.1 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................................28
17.2 Dye Penetrant Examination ..........................................................................................................29
17.3 Radiographic Examination ...........................................................................................................29
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
This Issue of this Standard has been prepared to incorporate changes to text and presentation for HM
Submarines only. The technical content has been updated in line with current practice.
HM Surface Ships was removed due to the Surface Flotilla policy to adopt commercial and Lloyds rule
1. This Defence Standard (Def Stan) is sponsored by the Sea Systems Group (SSG), defence
Procurement Agency, Ministry of Defence (MOD).
3. If it is found to be unsuitable for any particular requirement the MOD is to be informed in writing of the
4. Any user of this Defence Standard either within MOD or in industry may propose an amendment to it.
Proposals for amendments that are not directly applicable to a particular contract are to be made to the
publishing authority identified on rear cover, and those directly applicable to a particular contract are to
be dealt with using contract procedures.
5. No alteration is to be made to this Defence Standard except by the issue of an authorised amendment.
6. Unless otherwise stated, reference in this Defence Standard to approval, approved, authorised or similar
terms, means the Ministry of Defence in writing.
7. Any significant amendments that may be made to this Defence Standard at a later date will be indicated
by a vertical sideline. Deletions will be indicated by 000 appearing at the end of the line interval.
8. Extracts from British Standards within this Defence Standard have been included with the permission of
the British Standards Institution.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Conditions of Release
9. This Defence Standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD, and its contractors in the
execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the Crown hereby excludes all
liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including but without limitation, liability resulting from
negligence) for any loss or damage however caused when the Defence Standard is used for any other
10. This document is Crown Copyright and the information herein may be subject to Crown or third party
rights. It is not to be released, reproduced or published without written permission of the MOD.
11. The Crown reserves the right to amend or modify the contents of this Defence Standard without
consulting or informing any holder.
12. This Defence Standard is the property of the Crown. Unless otherwise authorised in writing by the MOD
must be returned on completion of the contract or submission of the tender in connection with which it is
13. When this Defence Standard is used in connection with a MOD tender or contract, the user is to ensure
that he is in possession of the appropriate version of each document, including related documents,
relevant to each particular tender or contract. Enquiries in this connection may be made of the Authority
named in the tender or contract.
14. When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts, users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and other statutory requirements. Compliance with a
Defence Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
15. The Category of this Naval Defence Standard has been determined using the following criteria:
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Related Documents
16. In the tender and procurement processes the related documents in Clause 3 can be obtained as follows:
17. All applications to Ministry Establishments for related documents are to quote the relevant MOD
Invitation to Tender or Contract Number and date, together with the sponsoring Directorate and the
Tender or Contract Sponsor.
18. Prime Contractors are responsible for supplying their subcontractors with relevant documentation,
including specifications, standards and drawings.
19. This Defence Standard may call for the use of processes, substances and procedures that may be
injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only too technical suitability and in no
way absolves either the supplier or any user from statutory obligations relating to health and safety at
any stage of manufacture or use. Where attention is drawn to hazards, those quoted may not
necessarily be exhaustive.
20. This Defence Standard has been written and is to be used taking into account the policy stipulated in
JSP430: MOD Ship Safety Management System Handbook.
Additional Information
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
1 Scope
1.1 This Defence Standard (Def Stan) defines the Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) requirements and
minimum acceptance standards for welds on HM submarines and Surface Ships not in Class at Final
Inspection. It includes structural joints, welds in pipe systems, weld surfacing and cladding, and fabrication
welds in steel castings and forgings.
1.2 This Def Stan defines the level of importance of piping systems (see 6.4).
SA Submerged Arc
Eddy Current
Liquid Penetrant
Magnetic Particle
Visual Inspection
1.4 The types of weld defects referred to in this Def Stan are defined and illustrated in Annex A.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
a) Acceptance and weld repair of CuNiCr and Non-ferrous castings, which are covered in Def Stan 02-824,
Def Stan 02-863 and Def Stan 02-747.
b) Welds in nuclear primary systems and machinery, for which reference is to be made to DGS-NAS-3.
c) For electron beam welding Acceptance Standards to be in accordance with Def Stan 02-855.
2 Warning
The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws
regarding Health and Safety at Work. All Defence Standards either directly or indirectly invoke the use of
processes and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Defence
Standards or their use in no way absolves users from complying with statutory and legal requirements
relating to Health and Safety at Work.
3 Normative References
3.1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are grouped and
listed in alpha-numeric order.
BS EN ISO 5817 Welding, Fusion Welding Joints in Steel, Nickel, Titanium and their Alloys
(Beam Welding Excluded) Quality Levels for Imperfections
Def Stan 02-747 Requirements for Nickel Aluminium Bronze Casting and Ingots
Def Stan 02-770 Requirements for the Welding and Fabrication of High Strength Steels
Part 1 General
Def Stan 02-772 (Draft) Welding of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallic Materials
Def Stan 02-824 Copper Nickel Chromium Sand Castings and Ingots
Def Stan 02-863 Requirements for the Classification, Dimensions, Tolerances and General
Standards of Acceptance for Copper and Nickel Alloy Castings
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
3.2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is
3.3 In consideration of clause 3.2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue and amendment status of
all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract. Responsibility
for the correct application of standards rests with users.
3.4 DStan can advise regarding where normative references documents are obtained from. Requests for
such information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. How to contact the helpdesk is shown on the outside
rear cover of Def Stans.
4 Abbreviations
For the purpose of this Def Stan the following abbreviations and definitions apply:
Designation Title
DL Datum Line
5 Definitions
Design Authority
The body that has overall responsibility for the system concerned.
Welding Terms
Unless otherwise stated elsewhere in this Def Stan the meaning of any welding term used is to comply with
BS 499 Part 1.
Weld Defects
Definitions and illustrations of weld defects referred to are contained in Annex A.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
6.1 Applicability
The standards of acceptance herein are to be applied unless otherwise specified in the contract or relevant
drawing of weld procedure.
As an alternative to the minimum standards of acceptance herein, Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) eg
as in BS 7910, may be used to establish acceptance criteria. Such a procedure would be appropriate to
critical service applications or for reassessment of welds that fail to meet the requirements of this standard
but where rectification is difficult or uneconomic. Details of the ECA and resulting proposals are to be
submitted to the Design Authority for approval before implementation.
There are three classes for the extent of examination. The requirement for each class is as follows:
a) Class 1. This requires 100% examination for internal and surface flaws by NDE methods preceded by
visual examination. Typical applications are:
2) Welds in Level 1 Piping Systems in submarines and Surface Ships not in Class, defined in 6.4.
b) Class 2 - Structural Welding. This requires a minimum of 10% NDE coverage for internal and surface
flaws which can be a 10% to 100% examination of each weld length or the 100% examination of welds,
eg a minimum of 1 in 10. Such NDE is to be preceded by 100% visual examination. Drawings,
specifications etc are to state mandatory requirements regarding the extent of examination required.
Typical applications are:
Additional NDE may be required as a result of the rectification of defects, Clause 19.
c) Class 2 - Pipe Welding. Welds in Level 2 and Level 3 piping systems of submarines and surface ships
not in class as defined in 6.4, require a minimum of 10% NDE coverage for internal flaws and 100%
visual and surface flaw inspection.
The 10% examination can be a 10% to 100% examination of each weld length or the 100% examination
of welds, eg a minimum of 1 in 10. Drawings, specifications etc are to state mandatory requirements
regarding the extent of examination required.
Additional NDE may be required as a result of the rectification of defects, Clause 19.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
1) Minor bulkheads.
The Design Authority will define, in the contract or relevant drawings, the level of importance for each
system, using the following definitions as guidance:
a) Level 1 System. A system in which failure of welds would lead to uncontrollable flooding, the total
immobilisation of the vessel or serious hazard to personnel (see 6.3.a).
b) Level 2 System. A system in which failure of welds would lead to severe but controllable flooding, the
serious disruption of weapon systems, or main propulsion machinery or its attendant auxiliaries including
generators (see 6.3.c).
c) Level 3 System. A system in which the failure of welds would not constitute an immediately significant
hazard (see 6.3.c).
d) Level 4 System. A system in which failure of welds would not constitute a hazard (see 6.3.d).
7.1 General
7.1.1 The minimum acceptance standards defined in this Def Stan are applicable to all types of welded
fabrications on HM submarines and Surface Ships not in Class unless detailed alternatives are specified in
the contract.
7.1.2 The contract, relevant drawings, fabrication procedures of refit/repair instruction is to include the
a) A requirement to apply this Def Stan with or without specific modification and including, where relevant:
5) for ultrasonic examination of tee-butt welds, whether ‘complete’ or ‘partial’ examination is required,
refer to Def Stan 02-729 Part 5.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
b) Details of alternative method(s) and extent of Inspection to be applied, with specific standards of
acceptance. These may relate, for example, to:
2) welds of little structural significance where visual acceptance standards may be relaxed.
7.1.3 Guidance on the extent, selection and details of appropriate methods of NDE is given in Def Stan
02-706 and Def Stan 02-770 Part 1, for welding of structures, and Def Stan 02-772 for welding of machinery
and pipework.
The standard of defect acceptance defined in clause 8 for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds includes pipe welds
when directed by clause 9. The standard defined for Class 3 (see 6.3) is to be applied to all other welds but
excludes pipe welds except where relaxation is permitted to comply with 7.1.2.b. Further Acceptance
Standards for piping welds are given in clause 9.
Clause 12 Table 2 presents a range of alternative standards of acceptance for liquid penetrant examination
for surface breaking defects. Class G is to be applied unless otherwise specified. It is a requirement of this
Def Stan that the Designer assesses the suitability of Class G acceptance for each application and, if
considered more appropriate, specifies an alternative Class from Table 2.
Two Classes of Acceptance standards, Class 1 and Class 2, are defined in clause 13, for flaws detected by
radiographic examination.
7.5.1 Ultrasonic examination is normally to be specified only for welds subject to Class 1 Acceptance
Standards and for weld metal cladding.
7.5.2 The advice of the Design Authority is to be obtained before specifying ultrasonic inspection of welds
in material less than 10mm thickness or materials other than carbon and low alloy steels.
8.1 General
Visual aids such as magnifying lenses with a maximum magnification of x10 may be used.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
c) Surface Conditions
1) Welds and parent material are to be free from scale, slag, weld spatter and arc strikes. Welds are
to be of good regular surface appearance, ie free from globular deposits and sharp discontinuities.
Welds are to blend smoothly into the parent material.
2) Surface imperfections, such as handling marks and straightening marks, are to be evaluated as
surface defects. Punch marks, hard stampings and other similar indentations, where permitted, are
to blend smoothly into the surrounding material. Edge hook scars or scars from any fabrication aid
are not permitted.
3) Reduction in thickness, produced by dressing surface defects, is not to exceed 10% of the minimum
design thickness or 1.0mm whichever is the smaller (see also 8.2.d below).
d) Undercut
1) Undercut having sharp edges is to be dressed to blend smoothly and gradually into the parent
2) Undercut with a depth of more than 3mm, or t/5, whichever is the least is to be cause for rejection,
where ‘t’ is the thickness of the parent material adjacent to the undercut.
3) Undercut over 1mm or t/10, whichever is the least and up to 3mm in depth, is cause for rejection if
its length is more than 30mm or 2t whichever is the least.
5) Adjacent lengths of undercut greater than 1mm or t/10 in depth, whichever is the least, are
considered to interact if the separation between them, along the length of the weld, is less than
50mm. The individual lengths of undercut that are found to interact are to be judged on their
combined total length. The separation between the defects is not to be included in this total length.
The combined length of undercut found to interact is cause for rejection if it exceeds 30mm, or 2t,
whichever is the least.
6) If the total combined lengths of undercut, more than 1mm in depth, exceeds 100mm in any
1000mm of weld it is cause for rejection. For welds less than 1000mm in length the total undercut
limit is to be decreased pro rata.
7) All the above rules, shown graphically in Figure 1, are to be applied to both weld toes and both
sides of the weld independently. Where allowable undercut lies directly opposite, in the same plane,
on both surfaces of a weld the maximum combined depth is not to exceed 3mm or t/5, whichever is
the least.
e) Fillet Welds. The dimensions of fillet welds are to be established by suitable gauges and templates.
The minimum required size and profile of each fillet weld is to be specified on the relevant drawing or
approval procedure. The ratio of leg lengths is not to exceed 5:4, except where otherwise specified on
the relevant drawing or approved procedure.
f) Butt Weld Misalignment. Unless otherwise specified on the relevant drawing or approved weld
procedure, the linear misalignment after welding is not to exceed 20% of the thickness of the thinner
material being jointed in thickness up to 12mm, or more than 3.0mm for material greater than 12mm in
g) Butt Weld Profile. The weld preparation is to be completely filled. The height of excess weld metal on
each surface on the centre of a butt weld is not to be greater than 25% of the (lesser) parent metal
thickness or 5.0mm for material greater than 12mm in thickness.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
If length is greater than 30mm or 2t,
Depth of undercut
whichever is least.
Adjacent lengths of undercut interact,
2 if separation is less than 50mm.
Reject if the sum of the individual lengths
exceed 30mm or 2t, whichever is least.
Reject if total sum of individual lengths exceed
100mm in any 1000mm of weld.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Nominal plate thickness
a) Butt and Fillet Welds. 8.1 and 8.2 clauses a to e inclusive, are to be applied to the examination of pipe
butt welds in Pipe Systems Levels 1 - 3.
b) Misalignment
1) Unless otherwise specified on the relevant drawing or approved weld procedure, the misalignment
after welding is not to exceed 20% of the thickness of the thinner material being jointed in thickness
up to 12.0mm, or more than 3.0mm for material greater than 12.0mm in thickness.
2) Angular misalignment, which may develop in welded joints during welding of straight runs of piping,
is permissible up to 5 degrees provided that the pipe run meets the requirements of the
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
c) Weld Profile
1) Reinforcement – Unless otherwise specified, the final thickness of weld reinforcement at the centre
of a pipe weld shall be not greater than the pipe thickness (t) or 3.0mm whichever is the least. The
reinforcement is to be substantially symmetrical about the centre line of the weld and the thickness
of the weld is not to be less than the base material thickness.
2) Root Protrusion – Pipe welds without backing rings shall meet the requirements of Table 1, (see
3) Root Concavity is not to exceed 1.0mm in depth for welds in pipes up to a nominal bore of 50mm or
1.5mm for welds in pipes of nominal bore 50mm and over. The thickness of the weld is to be not
less than the base material thickness.
4) The bore is to have a smooth contour. Root protrusion or concavity is to blend smoothly into the
base material with no evidence of sharp discontinuities or corners. Penetration into the pipe bore is
to be as uniform as practical around the entire circumference.
a) General. 8.1 and 8.2 are to be applied to the examination of pipe butt welds.
b) Misalignment. Linear misalignment (Radial) of pipe butt joints after welding is not to exceed 25% of the
thickness of the (thinner) parent material or 3.0mm when the thickness exceeds 12.0mm.
c) Weld Profile
1) Reinforcement – Unless otherwise specified, the final thickness of weld reinforcement at the centre
of a pipe butt weld shall be not greater than the pipe thickness (t) or 5.0mm whichever is the least.
The reinforcement is to be substantially symmetrical about the centre line of the weld and the
thickness of the weld is not to be less than the base material thickness.
2) Root Protrusion – Pipe welds without backing rings shall meet the requirements as defined in Table
1 and 9.1.c.
3) Root concavity is permissible provided that the thickness of the weld is not less than the (thinner)
parent material thickness.
d) Tube – Tubeplate Welds. Assessment of tube to tubeplate procedures test pieces and production welds
are to comply with Def Stan 02-772.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
10.1 General
10.1.1 Magnetic particle examination is to be performed in compliance with Def Stan 02-729 Part 2.
10.1.2 The surface area examined is to include the weld and heat-affected zone and extend to at least
25mm each side of the weld or around the weld surface/buttered area.
10.1.3 Where examination of arc strikes or other defects located outside the weld area is specified, then
the area examined is to extend to 25mm all round the visibly affected area.
10.2 Evaluation
Cracks. All surfaces are to be free from crack and crack-like defects, linear or linear-type defects.
11.1 General
11.1.1 Liquid penetrant examination is to be performed in compliance with Def Stan 02-729 Part 4.
11.1.2 The acceptance standards in this section are equally applicable to indications revealed by either
dye penetrant or fluorescent penetrant examination.
Clauses 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 are to be applied in relation to the surface area to be examined.
11.3 Evaluation
a) Cracks. All surfaces are to be free from crack and crack-like defects, linear or linear-type defects.
b) Rounded Indications
1) Rounded indications are defined as indications having no sharp corners whose length does not
exceed twice their width.
2) A range of standards for liquid penetrant examination of surface breaking defects is given in Table
2. In the absence of specific detailed information upon which to assess the required standard,
Class G shall apply.
3) Four or more indications in a line so disposed that a crack could be promoted are not acceptable.
Indications should be considered aligned when a straight line through the centres of two indications
touches two or more additional indications in any 150mm of weld length.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
12.1 General
12.1.1 Where the surface is only partially clad, liquid penetrant examination is to include the parent
material extending to 25mm beyond the cladding limits.
Clauses 12.3.1 – 12.3.7 are to apply, depending on the standard of Weld Build Up/Buttering required to
restore worn or otherwise undersize components.
12.3.1 It is important that the Designer fully considers the nature of the application and the service
conditions before specifying the acceptance standards for rounded indications contained in Table 2. If this is
to be invoked without further qualification Class G shall apply.
12.3.2 Rounded indications are defined as indications having no sharp corners whose length does not
exceed twice their width.
12.3.3 For corrosion-resistant or wear-resistant cladding the surface is to be assessed as far as possible
in units of 5000mm².
12.3.4 If the area to be examined is less than 5000mm² the permissible number of maximum size
indications and the permissible sum of diameters of indications is to be adjusted pro-rata to the values stated
for the class specified.
12.3.5 The centre-to-centre distance between any two indications shall not be less than twice the diameter
of the larger indication.
12.3.6 Rounded indications are considered to be aligned when a straight line through the centre of two
indications touches two or more additional indications lying in the longitudinal axis of the weld run. An
alignment of four or more indications in any 5000mm² area is not acceptable.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Table 2 - Acceptance Standard for Rounded Indications in Welds and Weld Metal Surfacing &
12.3.7 Unless otherwise specified in the contract document or drawing, Class G/OO is to apply to
corrosion-resistant or wear-resistant cladding ie:
b) Indications where d is greater than 0.5mm but less than 1.0mm are to be assessed as 1.0mm.
c) d is not to exceed 1.5mm and the product of n x d is not to exceed 12 in any 5000mm².
d) Indications where d is greater than 1.0mm but less than 1.5mm are to be assessed as 1.5mm.
13.1 General
13.2.1 Questionable indications on a radiograph, ie where doubt exists as to whether the indication is a
surface or sub-surface defect, are to be compared with the weld or parent material surface. Where the
indication is attributable to a surface mark, it is to be assessed to comply with the visual acceptance criteria
of clause 8.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
13.2.2 Uniformly distributed sub-surface rounded gas pores, (ie of length not exceeding twice their width),
for the purpose of defect evaluation, are to be assumed to lie in a single plane of area equal to the product of
the diagnostic weld length on the radiograph and the thickness of the (thinner) parent material.
13.2.3 Wormholes (elongated pores) are to be evaluated on the same basis as non-metallic inclusions
(see 13.4.c).
13.2.4 Linear porosity is defined as a string of gas pores situated parallel to the axis of a weld. Rounded
indications should be considered aligned when a straight line through the centres of two indications touches
two or more additional indications in any 150mm of weld length.
13.2.5 The maximum porosity and non-metallic inclusion levels and, where applicable, the maximum level
of Lack of Fusion/Incomplete Root Penetration (LOF/IRP) are permissible in the same length of weld.
When radiography of test pieces is required by the contract documents, acceptance levels are to be as
specified in BS EN ISO 5817.
13.4 Class 1 Acceptance Standard for Structural and Engineering Assemblies and Pipe
Welds in Level 1 Systems
1) the length of any inclusion, measured along the weld axis, exceeds that shown in Figure 2.
2) the combined length of two of more inclusions in any 150mm weld length exceeds the limited in c.1.
If the separation between two adjacent inclusions is less than or equal to 1.25 L, where L is the
length of the longer inclusion, measured in the direction of separation, they are to be assessed for
the purpose of L and L’ as a single defect. The dimensions of the combined ‘defect’ as defined by
Figure 3 are to be used to assess similarly the separation from other defects.
NOTE Interaction rules also apply to any connecting or intersecting welds, for example crossing seams and
butts, and pressure hull frame welds that are aligned with pressure hull welds.
d) Uniformly distributed porosity is not acceptable if when evaluated to comply with clauses 13.2.1 –
13.2.5, it produces a loss area of more than 1%. Figure 4 shows limiting levels of uniformly distributed
porosity for specific material thickness. Figure 5 provides an aid to the calculation of the total area
corresponding to various combinations of defect size.
e) Individual sub-surface round gas pores or blowholes are not acceptable if any dimension exceeds 0.2t,
where t is the thickness of the (thinner) member, or 5mm when this thickness exceeds 25mm. Pores
less than 0.5mm may be discounted in thickness greater than 3mm.
g) Linear Porosity as defined in 13.2.4 is not acceptable when associated with lack of fusion/incomplete
root penetration. When not associated with lack of fusion/incomplete root penetration it is permitted,
provided that 4 or more pores linearly aligned are such that the distance between two adjacent pores is
greater than d (where d is the diameter of the larger of the two pores) or 1.5mm, whichever is larger.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
h) Tungsten Inclusions are acceptable to the same individual limits as for pores in 13.4.e. Their total area
is also to be included cumulatively with distributed porosity to assess acceptability to comply with 13.4.d.
Copper inclusions are not permitted.
i) Clustered porosity is to be acceptable in accordance with the criteria for porosity as specified in 13.4.d
and 13.4.g.
20 40 60 80 100
NOTE For weld lengths less than 150mm the permissible inclusion length is to be reduced pro-rata.
L’ L > L’ L
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
13.5 Class 2 Acceptance Standard (Excluding Aluminium Alloy) for Structural and
Engineering Assemblies and Pipe Welds in Level 2 and 3 Systems
b) Lack of fusion and incomplete root penetration are not acceptable when they exceed the limit shown in
Figure 6.
1) the length of any inclusion, measured along the weld axis, exceeds that shown in Figure 7; or
2) the combined length of two or more inclusions in any 150mm weld length exceeds the limits in c.1.
3) If the separation between two adjacent inclusions is less than 1.25L, where L is the length of the
longer inclusions measured in the direction of separation, they are to be assessed, for the purpose
of L and L’ as a single defect as defined in Figure 3. The dimensions of the combined defect as
defined in Figure 3 are to be used to assess similarly the separation from other defects.
NOTE Interaction rules also apply to any connecting or intersecting welds, for example crossing seams and
butts, and pressure hull frame welds that are aligned with pressure hull welds.
d) Uniformly distributed porosity is not acceptable when it produces a loss of area of more than 1.5% (see
Figures 4 and 5).
e) Individual sub-surface round gas pores or blowholes are not acceptable if any dimensions exceed 0.2t,
where t is the thickness of the thinner member, or 5mm, when this thickness exceeds 25mm.
g) Linear porosity as defined in 13.2.4 is not acceptable when associated with the lack of fusion/incomplete
root penetration when the length exceeds the limits of Figure 6. When not associated with lack of
fusion/incomplete root penetration it is permitted provided that 4 or more pores linearly aligned are such
that the distance between two adjacent pores is greater than d (where d is the diameter of the larger of
the two pores) or 1.5mm, whichever is larger.
h) Tungsten Inclusions are acceptable to the same individual limits as for pores in 13.5.d. Their total area
is also to be included cumulatively with distributed porosity to assess acceptability to comply with 13.5.e.
Copper inclusions are not permitted.
i) Clustered porosity is to be acceptable in accordance with the criteria for porosity as specified in 13.5.e
and 13.5.g.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
10 20 30 40
NOTE For weld lengths less than 150mm the permissible Lack of Fusion/Incomplete Root Penetration is to be
reduced pro-rata.
Figure 6 - Maximum Allowable Lack of Fusion and/or Incomplete Root Penetration, Class 2
Acceptance Standards
10 20 30 40 50 60
NOTE For weld lengths less than 150mm the permissible inclusion length is to be reduced pro-rata
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
a) General. 13.5.a – 13.5.c, 13.5.f, 13.5.g and 13.5.i are to be applied to the examination of aluminium
alloy welds.
b) Porosity
1) Uniformly distributed porosity in aluminium alloy welds is not acceptable when it produces a loss of
area more than 3% (see Figures 4 and 5).
i) 13.5.h to apply.
ii) Subject to clustered porosity being acceptable to the limits of i. above it is to be accepted in
addition to the percentage of loss of area of uniformly distributed porosity permitted in 1. above.
14.1 General
14.1.1 This section is to be applied to comply with clauses 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 and Def Stan 02-729 Part 5 to
welded joints of Acceptance Level 1.
14.1.2 If the separation between two adjacent defects is less than 1.25L, where L is the length of the
longer defect, they are to be assessed as a single defect whose length is the sum of the individual defect
lengths together with their separation. The dimensions of the combined defect as defined in Figure 3 are to
be used to assess similarly the separation from other defects.
NOTE Interaction rules also apply to any connecting or intersecting welds, for example crossing seams and butts,
and pressure hull frame welds that are aligned with pressure hull welds.
14.2.1 Ultrasonic indications having a reflectivity of more than 12dB below DAC are to be disregarded.
14.2.2 Defect indications having a reflectivity of 12dB above DAC or more are to be cause for rejection.
14.2.3 Defect indications having a reflectivity in excess of DAC but less than 12dB above DAC are
acceptable, provided that the following conditions are met:
a) The indication length of any continuous defect does not exceed 1.0t, where t is the thickness of the
thinner member, or 38mm whichever is the least.
b) The indicated total length of defects in any 30t length of continuous weld does not exceed 2t. For welds
less than 30t in total length this defect limit is to be proportionately decreased.
14.2.4 Defect indications having a reflectivity less than 12dB below DAC or equal to DAC but not more
than are acceptable, provided that the following conditions are met:
a) The indication length of any continuous defect does not exceed 2.0t, where t is the thickness of the
thinner member, or 76mm whichever is the least.
b) The indicated total length of defects in any 30t length of continuous weld does not exceed 4t. For welds
less than 30t in total length this defect limit is to be proportionately decreased.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
14.2.5 Indications transverse to the major axis of the weld shall be assessed as follows:
a) Defect indications having a reflectivity in excess of DAC shall be cause for rejection.
b) Defect indications having a reflectivity less than 12dB below DAC or equal to DAC but not more than, as
clauses 14.2.4 a. and b.
c) Defect indications having a reflectivity more than 12dB below DAC are to be disregarded.
NOTE For defect separation purposes the transverse indication is deemed to have no length along the weld, ie a
point reflector.
14.3.1 The reference standard and equipment calibration is to comply with Def Stan 02-729, Part 5. The
Datum Line (DL) is set from a relevant test block target at 20% FSD.
14.3.3 A vertical probe indication having an amplitude of greater than the equivalent of t/5 is to be cause
for rejection, where t is the thickness of the joining member.
14.3.4 A vertical probe indication having an amplitude of greater than DL but not exceeding the equivalent
of t/10 is acceptable, where t is the thickness of the joining member and:
a) The indicated length of any single defect or the total length of broken indication does not exceed 4 x t or
100mm whichever is the less, in any 1200mm of weld length.
b) For welds less than 1200mm in total length defect limits are to be decreased pro-rata.
14.3.5 A vertical probe indication having amplitude greater than the equivalent of t/10 but not exceeding
the equivalent of t/5 is acceptable, where t is the thickness of the joining member and:
a) The indicated length of any single defect or the total length of broken indication does not exceed 2 x t or
50mm whichever is the less, in any 1200mm of weld length.
b) For welds less than 1200mm in total length defects limits are to be decreased pro-rata.
14.3.6 Shear wave probe indications having an amplitude less than DL are to be disregarded.
14.3.7 Shear wave probe indications having an amplitude in excess of 6dB above DL are to be cause for
14.3.8 Shear wave probe indications having an amplitude of DL and not more than 6dB above DL are
acceptable when:
a) The indicated length of any continuous defect does not exceed t, where t is the thickness of the joining
member, or 25mm whichever is the least.
b) The indicated total length of defect indications in any 40t length of continuous weld does not exceed 8t.
For welds less than 40t in total length this defect limit is to be proportionately decreased.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
15.1 General
The reference standard and equipment calibration are to comply with Def Stan 02-729 Part 5.
15.2 Acceptance Criteria for Weld Metal Surfacing and Cladding Not Subject to Significant
The following acceptance criteria is to apply to cladding that is not subject to significant stress or does not
contribute to the load bearing capacity of the clad component eg corrosion resistant or cosmetic overlay.
Indications having an amplitude of equal to or less than 20% FSD for relevant target reflection are to be
b) Defects which have a length in any direction that is greater than 40mm are not acceptable.
c) The centre-to-centre distance between any acceptable defects is not to be less than 6 times the longest
axis of the longest defect or 150mm whichever is the smaller.
d) There are to be no defects within 25mm of the edges of penetrations or weld terminations.
e) Defects less than 100mm² (ie 10mm x 10mm) may be ignored provided that 15.2.d is satisfied and the
sum of the longer axes does not exceed 150mm in any 22,500mm² area.
15.3 Acceptance Criteria for Weld Metal Surfacing and Cladding Subject To Significant
The following acceptance criteria is to apply to cladding that is subject to significant stress or contributes to
the load bearing capacity of the clad component, eg hard facing, reclamation and worn corroded surfaces.
Indications having an amplitude of equal to or less than 20% FSD for relevant target reflection are to be
b) Defects which have a length in any direction that is greater than 15mm are not acceptable.
c) There are to be no defects within 25mm of the edges of penetrations or weld terminations.
d) Defects less than 7mm² (ie 3mm in diameter) may be ignored provided that 15.3.c is satisfied and the
sum of the longer axes does not exceed 70mm in any 22,500mm² area.
e) The centre-to-centre distance between any acceptable defect is not to be less than 8 times the longest
axis of the longest defect or 200mm whichever is the smaller.
16.1 General
16.1.1 The following acceptance criteria are based on utilisation of automated or semi-automated
ultrasonic examination systems, which incorporate the ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD) technique.
By approval of the Design Authority automated ultrasonic techniques may be used in lieu of radiography
(clause 13).
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
16.1.2 Surface breaking cracks are not allowed and must always be repaired.
16.1.3 In the following acceptance criteria reference is made to ‘t’. In all cases this refers to the thickness
of the parent plate. Where plates of different thickness adjoin this is to be taken as the thinner plate
16.1.4 Point reflectors that exhibit no measurable through thickness height and no measurable length, and
which by their characteristics do not indicate a transverse flaw, can be disregarded.
16.1.5 The criteria are applicable to welds in high strength steels of more than or equal to 16mm
16.2.1 Defects with one tip 5mm or closer to the plate surface
a) Defect indications with a through thickness height of more than 3mm, or t/5, whichever is the least, are
to be cause for rejection. Defect indications with a discernible through thickness height, which cannot be
measured due to proximity to the surface of the weld, shall be assumed to be greater than 3mm or t/5
and are to be cause for rejection.
b) Single continuous defect indications with measurable, ie greater than 2mm through thickness height, of
a length greater than 30mm, or 2t, whichever is the least, are to be cause for rejection.
c) A combined length of defect indications with measurable, ie greater than 2mm through thickness height,
which exceeds 100mm in any 1000mm length of weld is to be cause for rejection. For welds less than
1000mm in length the total combined length is to be decreased pro rata.
d) For linear thread-like indications with no measurable through thickness height, see clause 16.9.1.
16.2.2 Defects with both tips further than 5mm away from the plate surface
a) Defect indications with a height of more than 5mm, or t/5, whichever is the least, are to be cause for
b) Single continuous defect indications with measurable, ie greater than 2mm through thickness height, of
a length greater than 50mm, or 2t, whichever is the least, are to be cause for rejection.
c) A combined length of defect indications with measurable ie greater than 2mm through thickness height,
which exceeds 200mm in any 1000mm length of weld is to be cause for rejection. For welds less than
1000mm in length the total combined length is to be decreased pro rata.
d) For linear thread-like defect indications with no measurable through thickness height, see clause 16.9.1.
b) A single continuous defect indication with a length of more than 100mm is to be cause for rejection. No
checks are required for defect interaction.
c) A combined length of defect indications which exceeds 200mm in any 1000mm length of weld is to be
cause for rejection. For welds less than 1000mm in length the total combined length is to be decreased
pro rata.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
a) Defect indications with a height of more than 3mm, or t/5, whichever is the least, are to be cause for
b) Single continuous defect indications with a length of more than 30mm, or 2t, whichever is the least, are
to be cause for rejection.
c) A combined length of defect indications (including those with no measurable height) which exceeds
100mm in any 1000mm length of weld is to be cause for rejection. For welds less than 1000mm in
length the total combined length is to be decreased pro rata.
NOTE Interaction rules also apply to any connecting or intersecting welds, for example crossing seams and butts,
and pressure hull frame welds that are aligned with pressure hull welds.
a) The first step in testing for defect interaction is to determine the separation along the weld axis (x
distance in Figure 8) between adjacent defects A and B on the same weld surface by the D scan. If the
distance between the two defects is less than 50mm then the defects are assumed to interact.(see
b) Near surface defects should also be checked for interaction with adjacent defects which have both tips
more than 5mm from the weld surface. A near surface defect A interacts with another defect B if the
closest vertical distance between them on the D-scan (y direction in Figure 8) is less than 10mm. If the
distance is more than 10mm the defects do not interact.(see Fig 8b)
c) The interaction rules in 16.4.1.a and 16.4.1.b are to be applied to adjacent defect pairs AB, BC, CD etc
on the same weld surface, and in any welds adjoining the weld surface, until a defect is found which
does not interact with the previous defects. A pressure hull butt weld with an adjoining frame web/table
weld is illustrated in Figure 9.
d) The defects A, B, C, D etc found to interact by the above rule are to be judged on their combined total
length, and on the maximum height of any of the defects in the interacting set.
e) The defect indications A, B C, D which interact by 16.4.1.a to 16.4.1.c are to be cause for rejection if
their combined length exceeds 30mm (or 2t if less). The separation between the defects is not to be
included in this total length.
f) The defect indications A, B, C, D which interact by 16.4.1.a to 16.4.1.c are to be cause for rejection if
any of the interacting defects has a through thickness height in excess of 3mm. The combined height of
the defects is not to be considered.
g) If defect interaction is demonstrated by the above clauses, but the fabricator ne wishes to avoid a repair,
a check can be made on defect separation in the weld width, z direction using a B scan. If it can be
shown that all the parts of two adjacent defects previously assessed to be interacting are separated by
more than 10mm in the z direction, defect interaction can be discounted.(see Fig 8f )
16.4.2 Defects with both tips more than 5mm from the plate surface
a) The first step in testing for defect interaction is to determine separation along the weld axis (x direction
in Figure 8) between adjacent defects A and B in the D scan. If the distance between the two defects A
and B is less than 50mm then the defects are assumed to interact.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
b) Defects A and B which are not eliminated from consideration by 16.4.2.a are assessed as interacting if
the closest vertical distance between them on the D scan (y direction in Figure 8) is less than 10 mm. If
the distance is more than 10 mm the defects do not interact.
c) The interaction rules in 16.4.2.a and 16.4.2.b should continue to be applied to adjacent defect pairs AB,
BC, CD etc until a defect is found which does not interact with any previous defect.
d) The defects A, B, C, D etc found to interact by the above rules are to be judged on their combined total
length. The separation between the defects is not to be included in this total length. The combined
height of the defects is not to be considered.
e) The defect indications A, B C, D which interact by 16.4.2.a and 16.4.2.b are to be cause for rejection if
their combined length exceeds 50 mm (or 2t if less).
f) If defect interaction is demonstrated by the above clauses, but the fabricator wishes to avoid a repair, a
check can be made on defect separation in the weld width, z direction (Figure 8) using a B scan. If it can
be shown that the all parts of two adjacent defects previously assessed to be interacting are separated
by more than 10 mm in the z direction, defect interaction can be discounted
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
B y
A > 50 mm
>10 mm
Repair because all defects in the cluster interact with a previous defect
and their combined length exceeds 50 mm.
No repair as interacting defects are
separated by more than 10mm in the
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
16.5.1 Adjacent indications at the same weld toe are considered to interact if the separation between them
along the length of the weld is less than 50mm. This interaction test is to be applied to successive defect
pairs AB, BC, CD, etc until two defects DE are found which do not interact.
16.5.2 The defects A, B, C, D etc which are found to interact by this rule are to be judged on their
combined total length alone. The separation between the defects is not to be included in this total length.
The combined height of the defects is not to be considered.
16.5.3 The defect indications A, B C, D which interact by 16.5.1 to 16.5.3 are to be cause for rejection if
their combined length exceeds 30mm (or 2t if less).
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
16.7.1 Surface breaking transverse indications are not allowed and must be repaired. These may be
detected by Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant or other proven surface detection methods in accordance
with Def Stan 02-729.
16.7.2 It is not envisaged that Automated Ultrasonics will be used specifically to search for defects, which
have their main axis transverse to the weld. If surface breaking transverse defects have been detected it is
recommended that separate transverse defect scans be undertaken by manual contact ultrasonic
examination techniques in accordance with Def Stan 02-729 Part 5, in the areas affected. Guidance on
acceptance criteria is given in Annex A.
16.8 Porosity
Automated Ultrasonic procedure does not require the operator to define the type of defect which has been
detected. However, in some instances, it may be obvious to the operator that a large indication is, in fact,
scattered porosity rather than a single planar flaw. In this circumstance the repair criteria based on the length
and height of individual defects may be waived, and only 16.2.1.c and 16.2.2.c need apply. That is, porosity
need only be repaired if it exceeds 100mm (near surface) or 200mm (buried) in length in any 1000mm length
of weld, with a constraint that the area affected by the porosity should not exceed t/2 in the through thickness
direction. There is no requirement to determine the percentage porosity. Only the length of weld and overall
height of the area over which porosity gives an indication needs to be measured. It should however be
recorded that the indications were classified as porosity and that clause 16.8 applies.
Uniformly distributed porosity is not acceptable if it produces a loss of area of more than 1% in any 150mm
of weld. The limiting levels of uniformly distributed porosity, expressed in terms of the allowable number of
point reflector indications (an indication of no measurable length or through thickness height), which are
randomly dispersed in a band within the body of the weld, are given by reference to Figure 10.
Where individual indications of measurable length and/or through thickness height are detected within a
band of uniformly distributed porosity; these indications should be assessed initially against clauses 16.2.1
and 16.2.2 and the interaction clauses 16.4.1 and 16.4.2. If these indications are acceptable the area of
these indications should be calculated, summed if more than one, and taken into account when assessing
the uniformly distributed porosity. This reduces the maximum allowable number of point reflectors within any
150mm length of weld when associated with individual indications of measurable length and/or through
thickness height. The graph in Figure 11 gives the number of point reflectors to reduce the maximum
allowable value by for a given area (mm2) of individual or combined indications.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 10 - For Automated Ultrasonics: Maximum Allowable Distributed Porosity in Butt Welds
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
16.9.1 Long linear thread-like indications of no measurable through thickness height can be accepted if it
can be shown by conventional manual contact ultrasonic examination (in accordance with Def Stan 02-729
Part 5) that the indication is more than 24dB below DAC. If any part of the indication, along its length, can
be detected at less than 24dB below the DAC then the defect is to be rejected over its full length, as
recorded by the automated ultrasonic procedure.
NOTE Clause 16.8 and 16.9 shall not be applied if there is any doubt about the nature of the indication, or if it is felt
that the porosity or thread-like indication may be hiding a more serious planar defect.
a) The requirements for Sleeve and Socket welds are to comply with Def Stan 02-772
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
b) Fit-up clearances and fillet dimensions are to comply with Def Stan 02-772.
a) General
b) Porosity
1) Individual pores greater than 20%t in diameter where t is the pipewall thickness are not permitted.
2) Uniformly distributed porosity is not to exceed 1% loss of area, where area is defined as the width of
the weld, toe to toe, as projected on the radiograph multiplied by the circumferential length of the
outer diameter of the pipe.
c) Non-Metallic Inclusions
1) The total length of non-metallic inclusions in any weld is not to exceed 10% of the pipe
circumference as measured at its outer diameter.
2) No single inclusion is to exceed 20%t in depth where t is the pipe wall thickness.
Lack of fusion or lack of penetration is not to be evident in any part of the weld.
e) Cracks.
f) Tungsten Inclusions.
g) Weld Penetration.
Welds where the heat from welding has caused weld penetration through the tube wall such as to cause
metal flow, which results in a change to the inside contour of the tube (burn through), are not
h) Rectification of Defects.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
18.1 General
18.1.1 Eddy Current examination is to be performed in compliance with Def Stan 02-729 Part 3.
18.1.2 Manual examination of welds by eddy current techniques is to be applied only to structural welds in
ferromagnetic materials.
18.1.3 Eddy current testing is not to be considered as a substitute for magnetic particle examination in
new structural welds and its application to these is to be subject to prior approval by the Design Authority
18.1.4 In order to verify the relevance of indications found by eddy current examination of ferromagnetic
weldments, such indications are to be tested additionally by magnetic particle examination in compliance
with Def Stan 02-729, Part 2.
18.2 Evaluation
The acceptability of indications in ferromagnetic weldments initially revealed by manual eddy current testing
will be assessed by magnetic particle examination per clauses 18.1.1 – 18.1.4 and will be evaluated in
compliance with clauses 10.1 and 10.2.
19 Rectification of Defects
19.1 General
19.1.1 Following the detection of defects by any of the foregoing methods, a variety of possible actions are
to be considered to establish fully the nature, extent and frequency of occurrence and the optimum method
of rectification. These possible actions include additional testing, dressing and weld repair, eg:
f) weld repair.
19.1.2 If repair action to rectify defects is considered to be inexpedient for any reason, eg where a weld:
The appropriate Design Authority is to be consulted for a decision as to the desirability of repair action.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
19.1.3 Where defects at or about the minimum acceptance levels occur repeatedly, it is likely that welding
is being incorrectly carried out and suitable corrective action is therefore to be initiated.
Parent material flaws found during the inspection of welds are to have their severity and extent evaluated in
compliance with the relevant parent material specification and acceptance standard. If the parent material
specification contains no acceptance standards for flaws detected, the acceptance standards for the welds in
compliance with this specification are to apply, as far as possible. Parent material is to be repaired to comply
with procedure approved for the relevant material.
19.3.1 Unacceptable weld metal surface flaws may be blended out locally by an approval process,
provided that the resulting depression does not reduce the thickness below 90% of the nominal parent
material thickness and satisfies the requirements of 8.2.d. The depression is to be flared out with a minimum
radius equal to 6.0mm and the remaining weld thickness in way of the depression is to be free of sub-surface
defects, unacceptable to this Def Stan.
19.3.3 For structural welds, ie not pipe welds, where the indication on the original radiograph shows a
defect to extend beyond the area shown on the radiograph, it may be chased through, by
excavating/gouging the defective area, until clear.
19.3.4 Where a low percentage of radiography is carried out, pipe system joints containing defects in
excess of the Acceptance Standard shall be repaired and re-tested; with the addition of one similarly welded
joint being tested.
19.3.5 For Class 2 acceptance standard, where a low percentage of radiography is carried out, the
examination is to be used to check that an acceptable standard of welding is being maintained. When
indications of lack of fusion or non-metallic inclusions are discovered which lie above the acceptance limits in
clause 13, repair action is to be carried out and steps are to be taken to establish the reason for the loss of
quality and to initiate corrective action.
19.3.6 Where a low percentage of radiography is carried out and repairs are necessary, crack of any
length or lack of fusion/non-metallic inclusions in excess of 100mm per radiographic position, additional
radiography will be required on a one for one basis. For example: If 10 radiographs equate to the required
10% inspection and repairs are detected within 4 of these radiographs, then 4 additional radiographs must
be taken along with the re-inspection of the repair position. This process will apply to all additional
radiographs until no further repair action is required.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Annex A
Definitions and Illustration of Weld Imperfections
A.1 Definitions
In compliance with BS 499 Part 1, except for A.1.5 and A.1.6 which are to comply with IIS/IIW-340-69.
Excess weld metal protruding through the root of a fusion weld made from
one side only.
A.1.3 Undercut
Misalignment between two welded pieces such that, whilst their surface planes
are parallel, their projected surfaces are not at the required level.
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
A.1.10 Tungsten Inclusion. An inclusion of tungsten from the electrode in tungsten inert-gas welding.
A.1.11 Gas Pore. A cavity, generally under 1.5mm diameter, formed by entrapped gas during the
solidification of molten metal.
A.1.12 Blowhole. A cavity, generally over 1.5mm diameter, formed by entrapped gas during the
solidification of molten metal.
A.1.14 Uniform Porosity. Porosity distributed in a substantially uniform manner throughout a weld.
A.1.16 Linear Porosity. A string of gas pores situated parallel to the axis of a weld.
A.1.17 Wormhole. An elongated or tabular formed by entrapped gas during the solidification of molten
A.2 Terminology
A.2.1 BS 499: Welding terms and symbols, Part 1: 1991 Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal
cutting, gives definitions for a number of terms used within clause 16. However, for the purpose of weld
examination and defect acceptance criteria some of these terms need clarification.
A.2.2 Root (of Weld), Full Penetration T-Butt Joint. A zone on the side of the first run farthest from the
welder, containing the fusion zone above and below the root face (nose) of the weld preparation. (See Figure
A.2.3 Root (of Weld), Partial Penetration T-Butt Joint. A zone on the side of the first run farthest from the
welder, containing the fusion zone above and below the root face (nose) and any unfused land of the weld
preparation. (See Figure A4.2.)
A.2.4 Weld Toe, Full Penetration T-Butt Joint. The boundary between the exposed surface of the weld
(weld face) and the parent metal with respect to the completed weld. For NDE and Defect Acceptance this is
a zone encompassing both the fusion zone (weld metal) and heat affected zone (parent plate), extending at
least 10mm (25mm is specified for Magnetic Particle Examination) from the junction of the weld and parent
metal. (See Figure A4.3.)
A.2.5 Weld Toe, Partial Penetration T-Butt Joint. The boundary between the exposed surface of the weld
(weld face) and the parent metal with respect to the completed weld. For NDE and Defect Acceptance this is
a zone encompassing both the fusion zone (weld metal) and heat affected zone (parent plate), extending at
least 10mm (25mm is specified for Magnetic Particle Examination) from the junction of the weld and parent
metal. (See Figure A4.4.)
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
A.2.6 For completeness diagrams for single and double vee butt joints are given in Figures A4.5 to A4.8.
A.3.1 The main area of concern is surface breaking transverse cracks which must always be repaired.
Detection of these flaws may be by visual or magnetic particle, liquid penetrant or eddy current examination
or any other proven surface detection technique. Whichever technique is applied transverse surface
breaking indications must be repaired. The repair of embedded transverse defects in butt welds is not so
critical but if found, by a separate manual contact ultrasonic examination, additional automated or semi-
automated B-scans across the weld could be used to characterise the dimensions of the defect. The
acceptance criteria given in clauses 16.2.1 and 16.2.2 are to be applied, along with the following interaction
A.3.2 Interaction
If transverse indications are separated by more than 20mm in the x-direction then they do not interact. If the
indications are separated by less than 20mm in the x-direction, they are considered to interact if their tips are
separated by less than 10mm in the y-direction. If the indications interact they are to be repaired if their
combined height exceeds 5mm or t/5, whichever is the least. The distance between the indications in the y-
direction is not to be taken into account.
A.4 Figures
ld z
zone (HAZ)
Fusion face
Fusion zone
t (plate thickness)
(of weld)
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
e ld
Unfused land
Heat affected Weld Metal
zone (HAZ)
(of weld)
Heat affected
zone (HAZ)
Fusion face
Weld toe
t (plate thickness)
Pressure Hull
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
Heat affected
zone (HAZ) Weld toe
t (plate thickness)
Unfused land
Pressure Hull
Weld zone
Weld Metal
zone (HAZ)
t (plate thickness)
(of weld)
Weld zone
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
t (plate thickness)
Heat affected Fusion face
zone (HAZ)
Weld zone
t (plate thickness)
Fusion face
Fusion zone
(of weld)
Weld zone
Def Stan 02-773 Issue 2
zone (HAZ)
Weld toe Weld toe
t (plate thickness)
Fusion face
Inside rear cover
©Crown Copyright 2006
UK Defence Standardization
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street
DStan Helpdesk
File Reference
Contract Requirements
When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
Defence Standards are revised as necessary by an up issue or amendment. It is important that users
of Defence Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest issue or amendment.
Information on all Defence Standards can be found on the DStan Website www.dstan.mod.uk,
updated weekly and supplemented regularly by Standards in Defence News (SID News). Any person
who, when making use of a Defence Standard encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is requested to
notify UK Defence Standardization (DStan) without delay in order that the matter may be investigated
and appropriate action taken.