Flashfile App Own Algorithm

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How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm

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TRACE32 Documents ...................................................................................................................... 

FLASH Programming .................................................................................................................... 

Application Notes for FLASH .................................................................................................... 

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm ..................................................................... 1

FLASHFILE Programming ................................................................................................... 2

Target Controlled Flashfile Programming 2
Declaration 3
What does the Debugger do? 3
Contents of the Parameter Block 5
Example 7
How It Works 9

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 1
How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm

Version 25-Oct-2019

FLASHFILE Programming

Target Controlled Flashfile Programming

On target-controlled programming, control accesses are done by a user-designed program which is

executed by the target processor. The memory access mechanism of the emulator/debugger is only used to
hand the data to be programmed (via a data buffer) to the program routine.

When do I have to write my own target-based FLASHFILE algorithm?

• If the flash controller you want to program is not listed on www.lauterbach.com/ylistnand.html,

then you will need to develop your own flashfile algorithm.

What do I need for my own target-based FLASHFILE algorithm?

• You need to write a programming routine that runs on the target processor.

• RAM for data buffer, argument buffer, and stack is required on the target.

What do I have to do for the target-based FLASHFILE algorithm?

1. Develop the “GETID/SAVE/LOAD/ERASE” functions which will run on the target processor.

2. Convert the function source code to a binary file.

3. Connect the above functions to the debugger by using the commands:





These commands will call the flash algorithm file routine with the appropriate parameters.

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How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 2

There are two commands which inform the debugger about the flash configuration and the prepared

FLASHFILE.CONFIG: The defined parameter values <param_1> to [<param_4>]are passed to the

flash algorithm file to access the flash controller. For more details about the parameter block table, see
“Contents of the Parameter Block”, page 5.

; <param_1> <param_2> <param_3> [<param_4>]

FLASHFILE.CONFIG 0x6E0000AC 0x6E0000B0 0x6E0000B4 0x0

FLASHFILE.TARGET: This command informs the debugger about the start address range
(0x3000000++0x1FFF) of the flash algorithm file (./own_flash.bin), about the data range
(0x30002000++0x1FFF) for the parameter block (size: 64bytes) plus the data buffer (size: 0x2000 -
parameter block).

<code_range> <data_range> <own_algorithm_file>

FLASHFILE.TARGET 0x30000000++0x1FFF 0x30002000++0x1FFF ./own_flash.bin \

The data range must be bigger than the flash size of “64byte (param.) + 1page + 256byte (stack)”. The data
buffer size can be selected by the user. It determines the maximum number of bytes which are handled on
one programming routine call. If the command is executed, then the debugger loads the
“own_algorithm_file” to the start address and internally sets the software breakpoint code at the end of the

What does the Debugger do?


If the command FLASHFILE.GETID is entered, then the debugger loads the parameter data (parameter
block), sets the program counter to the start address of the routine and starts the program execution.

If the execution has reached the end of the code which is the software breakpoint code, and if the return
information is OK, then the host TRACE32 takes the flash ID / type / page size / block size information, i.e.
the values from the algorithm file.


If the command FLASHFILE.SAVE is entered, then the debugger loads the parameter data (parameter
block), sets the program counter to the start address of the routine and starts the program execution.

If the execution has reached the end of the code which is the software breakpoint code, then the host
TRACE32 checks the return information (see parameter block), and if the return information is OK, then the
host TRACE32 takes data buffer contents as flash data.

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 3

If the command FLASHFILE.LOAD is entered, the debugger loads the data buffer with (part of) the
programming data, initializes the parameter block, sets the program counter to the start address of the
routine and starts the program execution.

If the execution has reached the end of the code, then the host TRACE32 checks the return information (see
parameter block) and if the return information is OK, then the host TRACE32 repeats the same load
procedure for the remaining data.


If the command FLASHFILE.Erase is entered, the host TRACE32 loads the parameter block with the
defined erasing address range and executes the erase function in the flash algorithm file. Then the host
TRACE32 checks the return information.

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 4
Contents of the Parameter Block

The parameter block consists of 8 unsigned long long (8x64Bit; target byte order) and is used to pass
information to/from the target programming routine. The debugger is informed about the start address by
these commands:


FLASHFILE.SAVE Read data from the NAND FLASH main area and write
the data to <file>.

When the above commands are being executed, then this parameter block is set on the target controller:

idx Type Description

0 flash module start address FLASHFILE.LOAD aaa.bin <start_address>

FLASHFILE.ERASE <start_address>++<size>

1 parameter_1 User-defined hex value for the FLASHFILE.CONFIG


2 parameter_2 User-defined hex value for the FLASHFILE.CONFIG


3 parameter_3 User-defined hex value for the FLASHFILE.CONFIG


4 reserv -

5 size of data FLASHFILE.ERASE <start_address>++<size>

6 parameter_4 User-defined hex value for the FLASHFILE.CONFIG


7 command When executed, the command (refer to the table below) will
set the value from the column to the right.

FLASHFILE.CONFIG <parameter_1> <parameter_2> <parameter_3> <parameter_4>

Command Value


FLASHFILE.LOAD /WriteBadBlocks 0x12



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How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 5
Command Value


FLASHFILE.ERASE /EraseBadBlocks 0x19


After the algorithm file has finished, the parameter block below returns this information to the debugger:

idx Type Description

0 - not valid

1 - reserved

2 - not valid

3 - reserved

4 - returnValue, how many bytes were skipped as bad blocks (bytes)

5 - not valid

6 - reserved

7 status status=0: no error.

status>10: error:
• 100=program error
• 101=sector erase error
• 102=bulk erase error
• 103=lock error
• 104=unlock error
• 141=not implemented

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 6


We have a NAND flash (page size 0x800, block size 0x20000) on the target processor. It is controlled only
by the Nand Flash Controller Registers:

• Command Register: 0x61400000

• Address Register: 0x61200000

• Data Register: 0x61000000

We also have an internal/external SRAM 16 KByte located at 0x2000_0000H to 0x2000_3FFFH.

We have prepared the flash programming routine named “flashprog.bin” (size: 0x1450H bytes; format
binary). So we can use half of the memory for the code (0x2000_0000++0x1FFF), and the other half for the
data (0x2000_2000++0x1FFF).

This function expects the parameter block in SRAM at address 0x2000_2000H followed by the data buffer
for programming and reading data.

We want to load our application program “application.bin” (size 1.0 MByte; format binary; located 0x1000- ...)
into the flash.

Required actions:

It is recommended to do the following steps in a PRACTICE script file (*.cmm) to automate these settings:

1. Make the required settings. Especially configure the flash controller and S(D)RAM.

2. Inform the debugger about the flash controller register, and location of the algorithm file routine,
parameter block and data buffer:

// <cmd_reg> <addr_reg> <data_reg>
FLASHFILE.CONFIG 0x61400000 0x61200000 0x61000000

// <code_range> <data_range> <algorithm_file>

FLASHFILE.TARGET 0x20000000++0x1FFF 0x20002000++0x1FFF \
flashprog.bin /KEEP

3. Get the ID values, page size, block size, and the NAND Flash ID from the flash device:


4. Read/save the NAND flash data:

FLASHFILE.DUMP 0x1000 ;or FLASHFILE.SAVE aaa.bin 0x1000++0xFFFFF

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 7
5. Erase the flash.

FLASHFILE.Erase 0x1000++0xFFFFF /EraseBadBlocks

6. Program the application program.

FLASHFILE.LOAD application.bin 0x1000 /WriteBadBlocks

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 8
How It Works

Memory Map in SRAM:

0x2000_0000--0x2000_1FFF flashprog.bin + software breakpoint

0x2000_2000--0x2000_203F parameter block
0x2000_2040--0x2000_383F data buffer, flash page size aligned
(example: 0x800 )
0x2000_3840--0x2000_393F stack for the flashprog.bin


When FLASHFILE.GETID is executed, the programming routine will be started without valid content in the
data buffer and with the following data in the parameter block:

0 -
1 0x61400000 H
2 0x61200000 H
3 0x61000000 H
4 -
5 0x40 (size of data to read)
6 0
7 0x20 command: FLASHFILE.GETID

The programming routine returns the control to the debugger and sets the following parameter in the
parameter block and data buffer for use by the host TRACE32:

0x2000_2000 H
0 -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 <status> status: 0: no error; >10: error

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 9
Provided the above return information is OK (no error), the host TRACE32 takes the flash ID / type / page
size / block size information:

0x2000_2040H 0x00D300EC ( Device_ID<<16 | Manufacturer_ID )

0x2000_2044H -
0x2000_2048H -
0x2000_204CH -
0x2000_2050H 0x800 (NAND page size)
0x2000_2054H 0x40 (NAND spare size)
0x2000_2058H 0x20000 (NAND block size)
0x2000_205CH 0x1 (Flash type)

Flash type index

NAND 0x01
SPI 0x02
MMC / EMMC 0x03
I2C 0x05
SD 0x06
HYPER 0x07


When FLASHFILE.SAVE aaa.bin 0x1000++0xFFFF is executed, the programming routine will be started
without valid content in the data buffer and with the following data in the parameter block:

0 0x1000 (start addr)

1 0x61400000 H
2 0x61200000 H
3 0x61000000 H
4 -
5 0x1800 (size of data to read, page size aligned)
6 0
7 0x11 command: FLASHFILE.SAVE

The programming routine returns the control to the debugger and sets the following parameter in the
parameter block and data buffer:

0x2000_0000 H
0 -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 <status> status: 0: no error; >10: error

data buffer
0x2000_0040--0x2000_17FF the flash memory contents

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 10
Then the flash algorithm file repeats these steps until all data is read (example: 0x1000++0xFFFF) or an
error occurred. And if the status is OK, the host TRACE32 finally generates the file aaa.bin with data from
the read buffer.


When FLASHFILE.Erase 0x1000++0xFFFFF is executed, the programming routine will be started without
valid content in the data buffer and with the following data in the parameter block:

0 0x1000
1 0x61400000 H
2 0x61200000 H
3 0x61000000 H
4 -
5 0x100000 ( size of data to read )
6 0
7 0x19 command: FLASHFILE.Erase /EraseBadBlocks

The programming routine returns the control to the debugger and sets the following parameter in the
parameter block and data buffer:

0x2000_0000 H
0 -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 <status> status: 0: no error; >10: error

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

How to Write your own FLASHFILE Algorithm 11

When FLASHFILE.LOAD application.bin 0x1000++0xFFFFF /WriteBadBlocks is executed, the

programming routine will be started with the application.bin contents in the data buffer and with the following
data in the parameter block:

0 0x1000 (start addr)

1 0x61400000
2 0x61200000
3 0x61000000
4 -
5 0x1800 ( size of data to program, page size aligned )
6 0
7 0x18 command: FLASHFILE.LOAD /WriteBadBlocks

data buffer
0x2000_0040--0x2000_17FF (the application.bin contents)

The programming routine returns the control to the debugger and sets the following parameter in the
parameter block and data buffer:

0 -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 <status> status: 0: no error; >10: error

Then the flash algorithm file repeats these steps until all data is programmed (example: 0x1000++0xFFFFF
or 0x1000--0x100FFF) or an error occurred.

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