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Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value Through Profitability?

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Journal of Accounting,

Cletus Rivaldo
Dedo Bata, and
/ Do Risk
Management Disclosure
Firm Value
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022 through
e-ISSN: Profitability?



Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

Abstract: Investors are parties who determine a company’s sustainability

because the funds invested by investors are a source of funds for the com-
pany. Investors do not only consider financial statements but also the non-
financial side, namely the value of a company and how the company man-
ages risk. The company’s value can be seen from the fair market value of
the share price. If the stock price of a company is high, the value of the
company is also high, thereby increasing investor confidence in investing.
Therefore, this study examines the effect of enterprise risk management
disclosures on firm value through profitability. The design of this research
is quantitative research with hypothesis testing. The population in this study
are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018–
2020. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling so that a sample
of 40 companies is obtained. The research period used is three years (2018–
2020) which has total sample data is 120. The analytical method used is
multiple linear regression using the SPSS version 23 application to process
the data. The test results prove that the Company’s Risk Management Dis-
closure positively affects Firm Value and Profitability. While profitability
does not affect firm value and does not have a significant impact on medi-
ating the influence of corporate risk management on firm value.

Keywords: enterprise risk management disclosure, firm value, profitability

The increasingly fierce commercial competition between banks has forced
many banking companies to try to improve the quality of their performance to
realize the company’s goals. The primary purpose of the company is to generate
maximum profit and increase the value of the company. Firm value is the market
value that can provide the most significant benefit to shareholders when the

*Corresponding Author.
e-mail: [email protected]

47 47
Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

company’s share price rises (Ardianto & Rivandi, 2018). Meanwhile, according
to Siregar & Safitri (2019), the value of the company is a value that grows along
with the increasing level of public trust in the company’s business processes.
Good quality risk management will help increase the value of the company.
Corporate risk management is a systematic process created and implemented by
the company to analyze and manage all risks that have the potential to harm the
company’s business processes so that they can be collected and accepted by
management at a certain level where the risk can be overcome by the company
(Siregar & Safitri, 2019)
In this case, quality management and disclosure of corporate risk are
beneficial for controlling management activities to reduce the level of risk and
uncertainty faced by investors. To minimize the level of risk faced by companies
in business processes, companies need financial information and non-financial
information such as risk management disclosures. Positive or negative news about
the quality of the company’s business can signal investors to determine their
business decisions with the company through quality risk management disclo-
sures (Ardianto & Rivandi, 2018).
Investors need to understand the company’s value by obtaining financial
data from the company’s financial statements. Excellent and complete financial
data will make it easier for investors to assess how well the company’s business
management is achieving its goals. According to Devi et al. (2017), financial
information alone is not enough to support investor analysis related to their
investment decisions for that investors also need to use non-financial information
to make more appropriate investment decisions.
Information related to the company’s risk profile and risk management
procedures is one example of non-financial information needed by investors in
making investment decisions. Mariani & Suryani (2018) stated that in the
investment process, stakeholders need information related to risk disclosure by
the company to assist the analysis process. Disclosure of quality risk management
will illustrate that risk management and internal controls of the company are
running well, forming a positive market perception of the company’s business.
As a non-financial factor, risk management disclosure can also impact the
company’s profitability. Supriyadi & Setyorini (2020) found that risk manage-
ment disclosure had a significant positive effect on profitability. This research

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

shows that a company that can control any risks that arise in achieving its goals
(risk appetite) will positively impact its profitability. Management of banking
company assets also requires implementing good risk management to generate
higher net interest income. The increase in interest income is an indication that
the level of risk faced by banking companies is getting smaller, and this will help
increase bank profitability (Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020).
In addition to risk management disclosure, profitability can also affect the
company’s value because an increase in profits will increase the company’s value,
which can be seen as an indication of the rise in the company’s stock price in the
market. Ayu & Suarjaya (2017) stated that investors would see the level of
profitability as one of the main factors in assessing the company’s business
performance. The amount of profitability will show how well the company can
generate profits for investors and how strong the company’s financial perfor-
mance is to create high profits bigger in the future. In addition, the increase in
the company’s income will signal that the company’s financial performance and
business prospects are improving and will impact increasing the company’s value
in the future. This is similar to the results of research by Mariani & Suryani
(2018), which states that the level of profitability that continues to increase in a
company will be a positive signal that the company can improve its financial
performance prospects for the better in the future.
Based on the description above, the writer wants to examine the effect of
risk management disclosure on firm value with profitability as a moderating
variable. Further testing is necessary because of the inconsistency in the results
of previous studies. This study focuses on the purpose of risk management
disclosure using the Committee on Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway
Commission (COSO) framework and changes in the value of banking entities in
Indonesia with profitability as a determinant. COSO assists organizations in
anticipating risks as early as possible, opening up opportunities for options in
mitigating risks, identifying new risks and opportunities, and increasing trust in
the information received, and the quality of reports produced more comprehen-
sively (Rahman, 2018). This study will focus on the financial statements of
banking in Indonesia from 2018-2020, and the sample of this study will use
banking entities listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2018-2020
period and banking entities that publish complete and consecutive financial

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

statements in the 2018-2020 period. The banking industry is chosen as a sample

because it is a business sector that tends to be stable but has experienced a
slowdown in liquidity in recent years. As published in the online media
OKEZONE.com, according to Credit Analyst Standard & Poor’s Rating Service,
Cheul Soo Cho assesses the Indonesian banking industry as a sector with
relatively high risk (Fajar, 2019). However, the value of the company offered by
banking companies shows good development due to significant cash flows from
public funds into the banking industry in the form of credit and interest income,
as well as improving performance and assistance from Bank Indonesia as a
regulator of the national banking industry which can be a good indicator from
investor assessment (Helen, 2014).
According to signal theory the company is said to be able to control and
overcome the risks it faces is the result of good risk management disclosure
where a positive signal will be given so that stakeholders continue to provide
support to the company’s business performance (Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020).
Meanwhile, according to Stakeholder theory, risk disclosure that is supported by
stakeholders will increase the level of business performance, because the invest-
ment capital is getting bigger and larger, risk disclosure can better manage risk
and opportunities in the business. This is similar to the results of research from
Supriyadi & Setyorini (2020) which proves that profitability can be improved by
good risk management, in this case companies can take advantage of information
and communication technology systems to encourage quality risk management
performance and company-owned business opportunities. So, the first hypothesis
H1: Risk Management Disclosure Has Positive Effect on Profitability

Based on signal theory, the presentation of complete information can send

apositive signal to investors (Solikhah & Hariyati, 2018). The presentation of
information related to enterprise risk management (ERM) disclosure in the
company’s annual report is a positive signal for investors because the more and
more complete risk management items are presented, the better the Firm Value
(Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020). Companies that are able to present ERM
disclosure information are attractive to stakeholders because ERM disclosure
icomplementary information in making investment decisions (Devi et al., 2017).

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

According to Mariani & Suryani (2018), ERM disclosure is a reflection of

the implementation of good risk management so that it can be used as investment
guarantee for investors. A good ERM can have a positive impact on stakeholders.
This positive impact can be in the form of giving a high price to the company.
This theory explains that more risk management information will be produced
by companies with a high level of risk in the application of ERM disclosure. The
higher the risk, the more explanation for the stakeholders. This will ultimately
decide their investing decision (Siregar & Safitri, 2019). So, the second hypoth-
esis is:
H2: Risk management disclosure has a positive effect on firm value

The company’s performance capacity to earn a profit in operating perfor-

mance that runs for a period to ensure the company’s future is called profitability
(Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020). The high profitability of the company will encour-
age investors to increase the demand for shares because the company is considered
to have good performance in the future. The increase in demand for shares made
by investors is also supported by other reasons, namely companies that have high
profitability shows that the company is able to provide a larger returns so as to
ensure the prosperity of shareholders (Solikhah & Hariyati, 2018).
Based on signal theory, a positive response for investors can be created with
good financial performance and generate high profitability. Good financial
performance and high profitability shows good company development, this can
lead to increase in firm value, and is ultimately a good signal for the investors
(Sampurna & Sari, 2018). The third hypothesis is:
H3: Profitability has a positive effect on firm value

According to signal theory, good risk management and good financial

performance can help companies send positive signals to investors. Positive
signals can help investor to make investment decisions. Effective risk manage-
ment is one of the advantages offered by implementing risk management
disclosures, this can also create opportunities to generate new sources of profit
for greater profit levels (Solikhah & Hariyati, 2018).
The effect of risk management on increasing firm value can be mediated
through good and consistent financial performance. Profits from good financial

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

performance will make the market react by giving a higher rating; this condition
can be achieved if the company’s business processes receive positive support
from stakeholders (Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020). This situation is a sign of good
implementation of risk management, as it can generate large profits and value to
the company. So, the fourth hypothesis is:
H4: Risk management disclosure affects firm value through profitability

The company’s performance capacity to earn a profit in operating perfor-
mance that runs for a period to ensure the company’s future is called profitability
(Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020). The high profitability of the company will
encourage investors to increase the demand for shares because the company is
considered to have good performance in the future. The increase in demand for
shares made by investors is also supported by other reasons, namely companies
that have high profitability shows that the company is able to provide a larger
returns so as to ensure the prosperity of shareholders (Solikhah & Hariyati,
Based on signal theory, a positive response for investors can be created with
good financial performance and generate high profitability. Good financial
performance and high profitability shows good company development, this can
lead to increase in firm value, and is ultimately a good signal for the investors
(Sampurna & Sari, 2018). The third hypothesis is:
H3: Profitability has a positive effect on firm value

According to signal theory, good risk management and good financial

performance can help companies send positive signals to investors. Positive
signals can help investor to make investment decisions. Effective risk manage-
ment is one of the advantages offered by implementing risk management
disclosures, this can also create opportunities to generate new sources of profit
for greater profit levels (Solikhah & Hariyati, 2018).
The effect of risk management on increasing firm value can be mediated
through good and consistent financial performance. Profits from good financial

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

performance will make the market react by giving a higher rating; this condition
can be achieved if the company’s business processes receive positive support
from stakeholders (Supriyadi & Setyorini, 2020). This situation is a sign of good
implementation of risk management, as it can generate large profits and value to
the company. So, the fourth hypothesis is:
H4: Risk management disclosure affects firm value through profitability

This research is quantitative research with the aim of analyzing the causal
relationship that arises from the relationship between variables. The independent
variable in this study is the disclosure of the company’s risk management. The
dependent variable in this study is firm value. The moderating variable in this
study is profitability. The research design used is a hypothesis that analyzes the
effect of corporate risk management disclosure on firm value with profitability
as amoderating variable.
The populations in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2018–2020. Sampling in this study used a purposive
sampling technique with the following conditions:
1. Banking companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) in 2018–2020.
2. Banking companies that publish annual reports in a row during 2018–2020.
3. Banking companies that publish financial reports in rupiah currency during

According to COSO (Pamungkas, 2019), corporate risk management disclo-

sure is measured using the ERM disclosure index, which consists of 108 items.
It includes strategies, (3) performance, (1) governance and culture, (2) setting
goals and five dimensions, namely: (4) review and revision, and (5) information,
communication, and reporting. Each item is given a value of 1 if disclosed and
0 if not disclosed. The ERM disclosure index can be formulated as follows (Devi
et al., 2017):

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

∑ ij Ditem
∑ ij ADitem
ERMD : Enterprise risk management (ERM) disclosure index
∑ ij Ditem : Total score of enterprise risk management items disclosed
ij ADitem: Total score of enterprise risk management items that should be

According to Devi et al. (2017) firm value can be measured using Tobin’s Q,
where Tobin’s Q is a measurement ratio containing the calculation of debt and
share capital aspects. In addition, according to Siregar & Safitri (2019), the
company’s value can be seen from the comparison between the market price per
share and the book value per share, namely the price to book value (PBV) ratio.
So the measurement of firm value in this study uses two types of measures,
namely Tobin’s.

Tobin’s Q: Firm value
MVS : Market value of shares obtained by multiplying the number of shares
outstanding with the share price at the end of the year as of
December 31
D : Market value of debt obtained from the proceeds (current liabilities
– current assets + long-term liabilities)

HSit : Share price as of December 31, company i in year t
NBEit/shares : Total equity divided by number of shares outstanding

Companies that have high profitability can increase investor confidence, as

profitability indicates good performance. According to Ikhwal (2016) in measur-

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

ing the level of profitability of a company, it can use the return on asset (ROA)
Net Profit Before Tax
Total Assets

This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of
SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 23 software. This software
is used to assist data analysis techniques. The stages of data analysis in this
research are:
1. Determine the linear regression equation model
The linear regression equations used in this study are:
P = α + β1 ERMDI + e ................................................... (Model 1)
NP (Tobin’s Q) = α + β1 ERMDI + β2 P + e .................. (Model 2)
NP (PBV) = α + β1 ERMDI + β2 P + e........................... (Model 3)
NP : Firm value
α : Constant
β : Regression coefficient
ERMDI : Enterprise risk management disclosure index
P : Profitability
e : Error

2. Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics are carried out to describe the processed data using
theaverage value, standard deviation, variance, maximum, minimum, sum,
range,kurtosis, and skewness (Ghozali, 2016).
3. Classical assumption test
The classical assumption test is carried out to test whether or not a data
isfeasible before testing the hypothesis. This test aims to ensure that all data
are normally distributed, regardless of heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity.
This test consists of several tests (Ghozali, 2016):
a) Normality test
b) Heteroscedasticity test
c) Multicollinearity test

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

4. Model feasibility test of the model can be measure by several tests, namely
(Ghozali, 2016).
a) Coefficient of determination test (R)
b) Model feasibility test (F test)
5. Hypothesis test (t test)
This test was conducted to determine how far the influence of one indepen-
dent variable in explaining the variation of the dependent variable. If the
significance value is <0.05, it can be concluded that the independent variable
can affect the dependent variable (Ghozali, 2016).
6. Path analysis
Path analysis is an analysis used to test and determine the direct effect of the
independent variable on the dependent variable and the indirect effect of the
independent variable on the dependent variable through the intervening
variable. In this study, path analysis is used the sobel test calculator (Soper,

Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 Descriptive Statistical Result

Variables N Minimum Maximum Mean
Tobin’s Q 88 0,76336 1,36888 1,0263868 0,1256845
PBV 88 0,21137 3,29043 1,2378789 0,7224168
ROA 88 0,00018 0,03904 0,0135602 0,0101432
ERMDI 88 0,45370 0,78704 0,5744949 0,0883545

Classical Assumption Test

Table 2 Normality Test Results
Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Unstandardized Residual
Regression Model 1 0,830
Regression Model 2 0,875
Regression Model 3 0,102

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

The results obtained for model 1, model 2, and model 3 are 0.830, 0.875, and
0.102, respectively. This means that the variables contained in the 3 regression
models are normally distributed, as evidenced by the residual value ≥ 0.05.

Table 3 Heteroscedasticity Test Results

Regression Model F Significance

Regression Model 1 0,203 0,653
Regression Model 2 0,474 0,624
Regression Model 3 0,539 0,586

The results of the current research significance are 0.653 in model 1, then
0.624 in model 2 and 0.586 in model 3. Therefore, this research is free
fromheteroscedasticity because it is not below 0.05 and is homoscedastic so that
theresearch is good to continue.

Table 4 Multicollinearity Test Results

Regression Model Tolerance VIF
Regression Model 1 ERMDI 1,000 1,000
Regression Model 2 ERMDI 0,332 3,014
ROA 0,332 3,014
Regression Model 3 ERMDI 0,594 4,362
ROA 0,594 4,362

The results of all variables that affect the dependent value have a tolerance
value of not more than 1 and the VIF value below 10. This proves that this study
does not have multicollinearity.

Model Feasibility Test

Table 5 Coe fficient of Determination Test Results

Adjusted Std. Error of

Regression Model R R Square
R Square the Estimate
Regression Model 1 0,952 0,096 0,095 0,00313
Regression Model 2 0,233 0,054 0,052 0,04974
Regression Model 3 0,305 0,093 0,072 0,69599

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

Based on Table 5, it is known that the adjusted R square value has a value
of 0.095 in model 1, then 0.052 in model 2, and 0.072 in model 3. This means
that in model 1 the ERMDI variable can explain the dependent variable ROA of
9.5%, while the remaining 90.5% can be explained by other variables outside the
current study. In model 2, the ERMDI and ROA variables can explain the
dependent variable TobinQ of 5.2% and the remaining 94.8% can be explained
by other variables outside the current study and in model 3 the ERMDI and ROA
variables can explain the dependent variable PBV of 7, 2% then the remaining
92.8% can be explained byother variables outside of this study.

Table 6 F Test Results

Regression Model F Significance
Regression Model 1 8,261 0,000
Regression Model 2 2,437 0,033
Regression Model 3 4,365 0,016

Based on Table 6, the F test is known to have a significance value of 0.000

for model 1, then 0.033 for model 2, and 0.016 for model 3 so that the current
study is declared feasible because the significance value is ≤0.05.

Hypothesis Test (t test)

Table 7 Regression Model 1 t Test Result
Model Coefficients t Sig. Result
B Std. error
1. (Constant) - 0,049 0,002 -2,262 0,000
ERMDI 0,109 0,004 2,727 0,000 Positive influence

Regression Model 1:
P = -0,049 + 0,109 ERMDI + e

Based on the results in Table 7, it can be seen that the coefficient of the
corporate risk management disclosure variable (ERMDI) is 0.109 with a sig.
value of 0.000, which means the sig. value is <0.05, so that the corporate risk
management disclosure variable (ERMDI) is declared to have a positive effect on
the profitability variable (ROA). Then hypothesis 1 is declared accepted.

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

Table 8 Regression Model 2 t Test Result

Model Coefficients t Sig. Result
B Std. error
1. (Constant) - 0,128 0,095 -1,343 0,183
ERMDI 0,148 0,105 1,792 0,037 Positive influence
Log_ROA - 0,014 0,019 -0,721 0,473 No effect
Regression Model 2:
NP (Tobin Q) = -0,128 + 0,148 ERMDI – 0,014 P + e

Based on the results in Table 8, it can be seen that the coefficient of the
corporate risk management disclosure variable (ERMDI) is 0.148 with a sig.
value of0.037, which means the sig. value is <0.05, so that the corporate risk
management disclosure variable (ERMDI) is declared to have a positive effect on
the firm value variable (Tobin Q). Then hypothesis 2 is declared accepted.
In addition, the results in Table 8 also show that the coefficient of the
profitability variable (ROA) -0.014 with a value of sig. of 0.473 which means the
sig. value is > 0.05, so the profitability variable (ROA) is declared to have no
effect on the firm value variable (Tobin Q). Then hypothesis 3 is declared
Table 9 Regression Model 3 t Test Result

Model Coefficients t Sig. Result
B Std. error
1. (Constant) - 1,265 1,276 - 0,991 0,225
ERMDI 2,908 2,749 1,785 0,048 Positive influence
ROA - 6,541 6,671 - 0,976 0,332 No effect

Regression Model 3:
NP (PBV) = -1,265 + 2,908 ERMDI – 6,541 P + e

Based on the results in Table 9, it can be seen that the coefficient of the
corporate risk management disclosure variable (ERMDI) is 2,908 with a sig.
value of 0.048, which means the sig. value <0.05, so that the corporate risk
management disclosure variable (ERMDI) is declared to have a positive effect on
the firm value variable (PBV). Then hypothesis 2 is declared accepted.

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

In addition, the results in Table 9 also shows that the coefficient of

theprofitability variable (ROA) -6.541 with a sig. value of 0.332 which means the
sig.value > 0.05, so the profitability variable (ROA) is declared to have no effect
on the firm value variable (PBV). Then hypothesis 3 is rejected.

Path Analysis
Table 10 Sobel Test Results Regression Model 2

Description Result
Sobel test statistic -0,65299955
One-tailed probability 0,25687828
Two-tailed probability 0,51375657

Table 10 shows that the sobel test statistic value is -0.65299955, and the
two-tailed probability value is 0.51375657. Because the sobel statistic is negative,
the disclosure of corporate risk management (ERMDI) has a negative effect on
firmvalue (Tobin Q) through profitability (ROA). Because of the results of two-
tailed probability > 0.05, profitability (ROA) does not affect the value of the
company. Then hypothesis 4 is declared rejected.

Table 11 Sobel Test Results Regression Model 3

Description Result
Sobel test statistic - 0,71911183
One-tailed probability 0,23603601
Two-tailed probability 0,47207202

Based on Table 11, the sobel test statistic value is -0.71911183, and the two-
tailed probability value is 0.47207202. Because the sobel statistic is negative, the
disclosure of corporate risk management (ERMDI) has a negative effect on
firmvalue (PBV) through profitability (ROA), and because the results of two-
tailed probability > 0.05, profitability (ROA) does not affect firm value. Then
hypothesis 4 is rejected.

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

The Effect of Risk Management Disclosure on Profitability
Based on the hypothesis testing that has been done in Table 7, it can be seen
that the disclosure of corporate risk management has an influence on profitabil-
ity, so that hypothesis 1 in this study is accepted. Disclosure of corporate risk
management is a way to analyze and understand every risk faced by the company,
so that it can be controlled or minimized for better company business processes
and the end result of maximum company goals.
The results of this study, the study by Supriyadi & Setyorini (2020), and the
study by Mariani & Suryani (2018) shows similar and consistent result, which
states that the disclosure of corporate risk management has a positive effect on
profitability. This is because the risks that are able to be managed properly by the
company can increase the confidence of investors to invest through purchasing
company shares and can increase the company’s profitability (Supriyadi &
Setyorini, 2020).
This is also aligned with the grand theory used in this study, namely signal
theory and stakeholder theory. According to signal theory, the result of risk
analysis and risk management disclosure can be a positive signal to attract
investors. Meanwhile, according to stakeholder theory, according to stakeholder
theory, a company must maintain a good relationship with its stakeholder. Good
relationship can improve the quality of the business process, good business
process can greatly influence the company’s profitability.

The Effect of Risk Management Disclosure on Firm Value

Based on the hypothesis testing in Table 8 and Table 9, it can be seen that
the disclosure of corporate risk management has an influence on firm value, so
hypothesis 2 in this study is accepted. Disclosure of risk management itself is
used to assess important things in the company and the risks that may arise in
the company’s business processes.
The results of this study are aligned with the results of research conducted
by Supriyadi & Setyorini (2020), then research by Devi et al. (2017), as well as
research by Solikhah and Hariyati (2018), in which these studies explain that the

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

disclosure of corporate risk management has a positive effect on firm value. This
is because when the company is able to provide good risk disclosure information,
it can be an indication that the market can respond positively and is willing to
buy company shares, which will increase Firm value (Solikhah & Hariyati,
This is also aligned with the grand theory used in this study, namely signal
theory and stakeholder theory. According to signal theory, risk management
disclosure can be a positive signal to attract market interest, where important
information related to risks and matters related to the company’s business can be
used by investors to assess the company’s future prospects. Meanwhile, accord-
ing to stakeholder theory, stakeholders can encourage companies to disclose
information related to business risks, this is to minimize the impact of losses that
may happen. Disclosing the company’s risk management in the annual report can
also be a form of company commitment in managing all its business risks and
also as a form of responsibility towards stakeholders.

The Effect of Profitability on Firm Value

Based on the hypothesis testing that has been done in Table 8 and Table 9,
profitability has no effect on firm value, so hypothesis 3 in this study is rejected.
Profitability itself can show the company’s ability to generate profits and show
how well the company’s financial performance is, this is because profitability is
often used by investors as an indication to see the company’s business prospects,
especially in terms of making profits.
The results of this study are aligned with research conducted by Supriyadi
& Setyorini (2020), which explains that profitability has no effect on firm value.
This is because fluctuating profitability has not been able to be a factor driving
the increase in firm value and this is also reinforced by the news in the Tempo.co
media with the author Widyastuti (2020) explained that in the last few years the
company’s profitability tends to slow down. In 2020, there is a Covid-19
pandemic, so there are often problems related to bad loans or non-performing
loans that hinders the increase of profitability. In addition, the results of this
study are contradicting with the grand theory used, namely signal theory and
stakeholder theory.

Cletus Rivaldo Dedo Bata, Sofian / Do Risk Management Disclosure Affect Firm Value
through Profitability?

The Effect of Risk Management Disclosure on Firm Value through Profitability

Based on the results of the Sobel test conducted in Table 10 Table 11, it was
found that risk management disclosure has no effect on firm value through
profitability, so hypothesis 4 in this study is rejected. This can be interpreted that
the size of profitability does not affect the rise and fall of firm value and
theinfluence relationship between risk management disclosures will still occur
where it is known that risk management disclosure has a positive effect on firm
The results of this study are aligned with research conducted by Supriyadi
& Setyorini (2020) as well as research by Solikhah and Hariyati (2018), which
explains that profitability, is not an indicator in assessing the rise and fall of firm
value, because the significance of the effect generated by profitability as a
moderating variable has not yet been determined. According to stakeholder
theory, a company must maintain a good relationship with its stakeholder. Good
relationship can improve the quality of the business process, good business
process can greatlyinfluence the company’s profitability. In addition, the results
of this study are also contradictive with the grand theory used, namely signal
theory and stakeholder theory.
This study examined the effect of corporate risk management disclosure on
firm value through profitability. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, sobel
testresults, and discussion, the company’s disclosure of risk management can
positively contribute to the growth of profitability in the company’s business. In
addition, this also proves that the use of the 2017 COSO framework accompa-
nied by detailed disclosures and information from the company can assist in
analyzing and managing existing risks. The active role of company management
can provide detailed information regarding important matters in the company’s
business, which is administered by implementing risk management disclosures.
Risk management disclosures can help attract investors to invest in the company’s
business to increase company value significantly.
On the other hand, profitability does not affect firm value, which shows that
the increase or decrease in profitability has not been able to become a driving
factor in increasing the firm’s value. The result was also due to the fluctuating
nature of the profitability in 2020 when COVID-19 pandemic hits, which

Journal of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Technology
Volume 04, Number 01, October 2022

significantly impacted all business industries. This is also the result of disclosure
of risk management doesn’t impact firm value through profitability. The result
shows that the size of the profitability obtained by the company will not be an
obstacle for the company in managing its risk disclosure to increase the value of
the company. It is proven in this study that the disclosure of company risk
management can positively affect the frm’s value without the need for mediation
from other variables such as profitability.
There are limitations in this study. First, the sample in this study is limited
to the banking industry. Thus, further research is expected to expand the
research sample to other sectors, such as the non-financial industry. Second, the
measurement of the firm value only uses market value, book value approaches,
Tobin’s Q and PBV. Further research is expected to use other approaches such as
capitalized value, deductive judgment, or adjusted net worth. Third, profitability
as a mediation variable can be replaced by the different financial performance
measurements, such as gross profit margin, net profit margin, or working capital.

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