Surface Water Pollution Monitoring System Based On Iot: Plant Archives January 2020

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Article  in  Plant Archives · January 2020

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3 authors:

Qusay Shihab Hamad Saif Q Muhamed



Mohammed Q. Mohammed


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Plant Archives Vol. 20, Supplement 2, 2020 pp. 630-634 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210


Qusay Shihab Hamad*1, Mohammed Q. Mohammed2 and Saif Q. Muhamed1
University of Information Technology and Communications (UOITC), Baghdad, Iraq
Dijlah University College, Iraq
*Corresponding Author Email : [email protected]


The life of human, animals, and plants is based on the water so that it’s very important to protect it. In the last decade, the water important
increased rapidly because of many reasons: the high increase in population grew, limited water resources, and pollution. In this paper, we propose
a mechanism to protect water resources (rivers or lakes, etc.) by monitoring it in real-time. The monitoring is done by sensors to measure water
parameters. All these data will provide to the ministry of environment to help them to take a correct decision that bounded the infection area and
prevent the infection to spread to another area. To transmit data from monitoring area to control center we used the internet based on internet of
thing (IoT) technology.
Keywords: NodeMcu, IoT, Conductivity sensor, Temperature sensor, Turbidity sensor

Introduction from sensors then transmit to the core controller through

Zigbee. Core controller transmits these data to the IoT
The water is a very important resource because it's
server. The authors Pappu et al. (2017), was developed as a
limited and so essential in the agriculture and industry. The
health of humans and animals will be affected severely if any system to monitor the quality of water in storage tanks. This
change will occur in water quality A. S. Rao, et al., (2013). system used the PH sensor and TDS meter. In addition, the
algorithm of machine learning has been used for predicting
There were lots of inventions in the 21st century, but at the
same time, the populations increased rapidly so that limited the quality of water-based on the trained data set. Air
safe drinking water for the world’s humans Kumar et al. Pollution Monitoring System has been developed by Sai.
(2017). This system measures concentrations of gases such
as NO2, SO2, CO, and CO2 using sensors. The raspberry pi
Animal and human wastes send to rivers and lakes. acts as a base station that collects data from sensors. Aaina
Furthermore, solid, mineral and chemical residues also send Venkateswaran et al. (2017) presented the design and
to it. So that the water surface presents a wide range of development of a system for monitoring of water quality
problems as a big concentration of heavy metals, high based on the IoT environment. The system contains a
turbidity, high temperature, etc. All that cause water number of sensors which are used for measuring water
pollution Yauri et al. (2017). parameters such as turbidity, pH, temperature, and
Collect water samples from different locations manually conductivity. Madhavireddy et al. (2018) presents the
then test the samples at the laboratory are traditional methods design of a system for water monitoring in using the
used in the monitoring of water quality. The traditional internet of things. The system contains a number of sensors.
methods are very time consuming, not efficient and high cost The collected data from the sensors can be processed by the
Rao et al. (2014). microcontroller. Finally, the sensor data can be shown on
the IoT server. IoT server was configured as data saving
Diagnosis of pollution sources in real-time need and analysis. Monitoring of air pollution using the internet
Higher-resolution data that will greatly assist managers in of things technology based on machine learning was
assessing the remediation efforts of pollution. Therefore, proposed by Mishra. (2018). Ahmed Sha, et al. (2018),
today it is very important to build a real-time water presented the design of the internet of things technology in
monitoring system at an acceptable cost Hadi et al. (2017). water quality monitoring system. This system contains a
This project focuses on reading water parameters in number of different sensors which measure the water
real-time and delivers directly to the IoT server through the quality parameter (turbidity, Gas, pH, Level of water). The
internet by using multiple sensors to monitor the parameters data from the sensors is processed by microcontroller then
such as turbidity, temperature, and conductivity. IoT cloud transmitted remotely to the base station using IoT
can be accessed at the monitoring station or from any technology. Finally, the data can present on internet
location through the internet browser using the cloud. V. V. D. and Gaikwad. (2018),
presented a system for water quality monitoring based on
Pal et al. (2017), made an Air Pollution Monitoring IOT. The system has several sensors that used to read water
System based on IoT to monitor the quality OF air using the parameters (turbidity, pH, temperature, flow sensor). The
internet and will trigger an alarm when the quality of air sensors data can be processed by the microcontroller. Z.S.F,
goes down beyond a certain level that means harmful gases et al. (2019) present a system that can monitor industrial
are present in the air. Bhatt et al. (2016) water quality pollution and provide a healthy environment for the
monitoring system using IoT that in real-time monitor workers. The system monitor pollution in real-time and
quality of water was presented. This system have number of indicates when there is an increase using the Internet of
sensors to measure the parameter of water (turbidity, Things technology.
conductivity, temperature). Microcontroller collect the data
Qusay Shihab Hamad et al. 631

Materials and Methods b) Temperature sensor: to decide how water is hot or cold
The system component we use Water Temperature. The range of DS18B20 is
(i) IoT from -55 to +125 °C. This sensor is a digital which gives
an accurate reading. Temperature sensor is shown in
The internet changed all human life in the past decade.
One of the major development is the internet of things (IoT) figure number 3.
throughout the internet technologies. IoT is concerned with
communicating objects that are located in a different area
that is distant from each other. IoT represents a concept in
which, devices can sense and collect data from the real
world, and then across the internet can share that data where
it can be processed and utilized for different purposes.
Traditional communication between human is quite different
from IoT communication, a large challenge will bringing to
existing telecommunication infrastructure. To achieve
monitoring real-time the IoT concept is very much helpful in
this case Aaina Venkateswaran et al. (2018), Croock et al.
(2017), Ghazi et al. (2018), and Shihab Hamad et al. (2019).
IoT is a type of network technology, which is based on
information sensing equipment. can make anything connect
Fig 3: Temperature sensor
the Internet according to the protocol to exchange
information, which gives the location, management, and
c) Conductivity sensor: this sensor measures the ability of a
monitoring Wang et al. (2015) and Hamad (2017).
liquid to conduct an electrical current. Presence of ions
(ii) NodeMCU in a liquid allows it to be conductive. The greater level
NodeMCU is a board for inexpensive projects that of ions means greater conductivity and vice versa.
using Wi-Fi. It is microcontroller plus Wi-Fi module in the Conductivity sensor is shown in figure number 4.
same board. It’s so popular in IoT projects. NodeMCU is
shown in figure number 1.

Fig 4: Conductivity sensor

Fig 1: NodeMCU
Results and Discussion
(iii) Sensor Designed Monitoring System
In proposed project we used three type of sensors Figure number 5 presents the proposed system. The
a) Turbidity sensor: the basic concept of a turbidity sensor system contains a number of sensing node these nodes
is measuring the amount of light that is scattered by the spreading at the covered area to monitoring it and send data
suspended solids (TSS) in water. if the TSS is increased to the server through internet.
that means high turbidity and vice versa. Turbidity
sensor is show in figure number 2.

Fig 2: Turbidity sensor Fig 5: the proposed system

632 Surface water pollution monitoring system based on IoT

The proposed system contain three main parts: Then you must add sensors to dashboard and complete the
1. Sensing node: the system has large number of sensing
3. Monitoring center: because we use IoT server and is
node, each of them its work independently and contain
available on the internet so that monitoring center can be
power supply and sensors (Turbidity, temperature,
conductivity) and control and send the collected data in any location has the internet to access the IoT server.
from sensor through Wi-Fi module. As shown in figure In our case we use ubidotes and it provide wide range of
display way. The simplest graphical user interface (GUI)
number 6.
was used to present all data collected from the sensing
nodes. a clear graph and flowchart were used to
represent data on a long period to easily detect any
change in water parameters.
A. Turbidity sensor

Fig 6: Sensing node

2. IoT server: its cloud server used to receive data from the
sensing node then present it in a meaningful way
(flowchart, figure, etc.) to ease understand this
project we use Ubidotes as IoT server the dashboard is
presents digital information from our physical world into Data collected from turbidity sensor as show below in
a simply understood display on a computer or mobile Figure number 9.
device. To create new IoT server you must press the
button (GET STARTED) as shown below in figure
number 7.

Fig 9: Reading of turbidity sensor

B. Conductivity sensor: Data collected from Conductivity
sensor as show in Figure number 10.

Fig 7: shown step one when used ubidotes

Then enter the login information and IoT name to create
the new IoT server as shown below in figure number 8.

Fig 10: Reading of Conductivity sensor

C. Temperature sensor
Data collected from Temperature sensor as show in
Figure 11.
Fig 8: shown step two enter email, username
Qusay Shihab Hamad et al. 633

Fig 11: Reading of temperature sensor

The algorithm used in the proposed project at the
sensing node present in figure number 12. This algorithm
start when power on and the NodeMcu wake up the sensor
then read the data from these sensors after that check if the
internet is available or not. It sends the data to the IoT server
when the internet available and returns to reading from the
sensors if not available.

Fig 13: shown final project

Fig 12: The algorithm used in the proposed system

Hardware implementation of project

Fig 14: shown final project
The proto type of hardware implementation of project
present in figures below.
634 Surface water pollution monitoring system based on IoT

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