2 Structuring and Job Analysis

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‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬

Human Resources Management

Structuring & Job Analysis

Dr. Abdelnasser Ghanem
Dr. Abdelnasser ghanem ([email protected])
Objectives & Contents

1 What is an organization & Structure?

2 How to build a successful organization?

What is a job analysis?
Stages of Job Analysis Process
5 Data collection Methods

6 Behavioral & Technical concerns

7 Outputs of Job analysis

What is an organization?
An organization is a social unit of people that is
structured & managed to meet a need and
achieve collective goals that is established for
(products and services).

Clear Suitable Effectiveness: achieve the right goals

Purpose Structure (high goals achievement)
Efficiency: achieve goals right (Low
People resource waste)

Organizations are open systems, they affect and are affected by their environment.
Organizing is the process of developing the structures which arrange people and
other resources to work together in sub-divisions that perform all (necessary
activities) to achieve their goal.
Organization structure is the system of relationships, and communication channels
that link sub-divisions together, and determine responsibilities, and authority
required for each to carry out their assigned roles.
What is an organization?
Organizational Structure

The organization structure includes units required to perform all activities

necessary to achieve its mission. Thus the process of organizing includes:
Identifying the Sorting types of work Establishing lines Establishing
work activities and working groups of authority, regulations, and
required to achieve into separate but responsibility and delegation rules,
the strategic integrated units hierarchy levels &
objectives of the (units, departments, of decision- communicatio
organization sectors) making n channels

Higher Management (CEO)

Production Dept. Marketing Dept. Logistics Dept. HR Dept. Financial Dept.

Production Sales Warehouse Selection& hiring accounting
Maintenance Distribution Transport compensation Budgeting
Organization Design

The process by which managers create a specific type of

organization structure and culture so that an organization
can operate in the most efficient and effective way

Environment: is the sum total

of all external and internal
factors that affect a business

People : types and

numbers of employees Strategy: the clearly
of an organization articulated long-
The organization
design process
term plans aiming to
should align achieve competitive
structures to advantage
Size: is represented in the
Technology: techniques
numbers of employees,
used in converting the
and the value of assets inputs to outputs
and the capital
Functions of Organization

All organizations perform four core functions,

(sometimes six based on size and nature of
business). These core business functions are:
The process of transferring row materials into
products and services to meet customers expectations

The process of maintaining The process of delivering the
future revenue through products to right customers,
developing new product retaining them and building
investigating markets & long term relationships with
customers. them
The process of storing The process of
managing, analyzing, HR providing & managing
organization’s financial
and exchanging resources in the most
information across the The process of gaining and maintaining efficient way.
organization through the organization’s HR using human
hardware and software capital investment techniques
Building a successful organization
Organizations are living interactive entities trying to achieve their
goals. There are clear steps that can construct the proper structure:
Clearly Organization structures emerge from objectives which determine
define type and characteristics of the structure.
Then, in a professional way, identify activities, & functions
Identifying necessary to achieve objectives (industrial firm have production,
activities marketing dept. while no production activity in retail firm)
Tasks and activities are then grouped into consistent &
Grouping integrated sub-units (based on one of known organizing
into Units principles) responsibilities should be defined clearly to avoid
duplication and overlapping
Identify Establishing supervisory levels & structural
channels of
relationship among individuals and units. This ensure
between units control over working & coordination between units
toward achieving goals.
Then a job analyses is conducted to identify job
Description &
Functional descriptions and specifications needed to run the
Structure work, and hence numbers of needed jobs are
Structural Alternatives
The goal is to have a structure that facilitates
strategic alignment for the organization. There are
several alternatives to structuring an organization.
Functional structures is the most
common where tasks are grouped
by functions (production - marketing
- finance )

General Manager Geographical division is suitable for

multi-branch organizations. Activities are
Upper Egypt Alexandria Cairo divided according to geographic location.
branch branch branch
General Manager Product division If the organization operates
in more than one activity, departments can
be divided due to products
Meat Juices Milk
Products Products Products
Customer structure Divided according to
General Manager consumers when there is a large
dissimilarity between them.
Kids section Women Men Most organizations are built as a combined
section section structure based on a combination of these bases.
What is Job analysis
It is regular that any “Restructuring” is followed by a process of job
analysis, that is because restructuring involves many changes in
tasks, workflow, lines of authority, responsibility and other.
Job analysis is the process used to identify the tasks, responsibilities,
skills, objectives, and work environment for a specific job. In
addition it identifies capabilities of people to be hired for those jobs.
Today’s the definition of a job analysis should expand to include the expectations,
goals, skills and competencies, performance standers, and anything needed for
educating an employee to achieve the role well.
Job analysis is a research process that includes:

Inputs: Data Then classify and Outputs describe jobs in terms of:
collected about analyze data to •Work activities and behaviors,
job activities, describe the job and •Interactions with others & Supervision
equipment, work its specifications •Performance standards,
conditions, and • equipment used& Work conditions,
required skills. • given and received,
• Knowledge, skills, & abilities needed
What is Job analysis

The Process of Job Analysis

Job Analysis is a process aiming to identify
in details the particular job duties,
requirements and characteristics of people
to be hired for those jobs. It is conducted
through the following :

Sources of Data Job Description

Job Data Tasks &Duties All HRM Functions
Managers Tasks
Employees Responsibilities Recruitment
Standers Selection
Job Analyst Performance
Responsibilities standers Performance
Work context Appraisal
Equipment used
Knowledge Job specifications
Collection Methods systems
required Knowledge required
Questionnaire Training &
Skills required Skills required
Interviews Development
Experience Physical demands
Observation required
Records Personality required
Purpose of Job Analysis

Job analysis has grown in importance for both individuals and

organizations . To be effective, HR planning, recruiting, and
selection, all should be based on job requirements and
capabilities of individuals identified by job analysis
Recruitment & selection: Information about job duties, and what human
characteristics are required indicates what sort of people to recruit and hire.

Performance appraisals compares employee’s actual performance with
performance standards, specified in the job descriptions

3 Compensation: salary and bonus usually depends on the job’s requirements,

degree of responsibility, and factors assessed by job analysis.

Training: The job description lists the job’s specific duties and required skills
and therefore indicates the training that the job requires

Employees’ duties: The job description forms indicate employees what

organization’s expectations from them (tasks, duties, and responsibilities).
Job Analysis Responsibilities
Job analysis requires a high coordination and
cooperation between the HR unit and other managers.
In large companies,
• the HR unit supervises the process to maintain its integrity.
• The operational managers review and confirm the output, they also may request
new job analyses when jobs change.
• In small organizations, operational managers may perform all job analysis duties.

HR Unit Other managers

• Coordinates job analysis process • Complete or help complete job
• Writes job descriptions’ drafts. analysis information
• Periodically reviews job • Review job descriptions and
descriptions and specifications specifications
• Reviews managerial input to • Request new analyses as jobs
ensure accuracy change
• May seek assistance from outside • Use job analysis information to
experts for unusual analyses identify performance standards
Stages of Job Analysis Process

1. Planning A. Identify objectives of job analysis

the Job B. Obtain top management support
2. Preparing
A. Identify jobs to be analyzed and methodology
For and B. Review existing job descriptions
Introducing C. Communicate process to managers /employees
Job Analysis

3. Conducting
A. Collect job analysis data
the Job Analysis B. Review and analyze data

4. Developing of A. Draft descriptions and specifications

Descriptions & B. Review drafts with managers &employees
C. Finalize job descriptions &recommendations

5. Maintaining A. Update job descriptions and specifications

and Updating
B. Periodically review all jobs
Stages of Job Analysis Process
1. Planning the Job Analysis
A. Prior to the job analysis process, it should be planned well: the most important
consideration is to identify the objectives of the job analysis:
 Simple as updating job descriptions
 Or comprehensive as revising the compensation programs )
B. Whatever the purpose, the effort needs the support of top management.

2. Preparing for and Introducing the Job Analysis

A. Preparation for job analysis includes identification of the jobs to be analyzed.
B. Next reviewing organization charts, existing job descriptions, and other
resources is part of the planning.
C. This phase also identifies the team to be involved in conducting the process and
the methods to be used.
D. A key part is identifying and communicating the process to appropriate
14 affected employees, and others.
Stages of Job Analysis Process
3. Conducting the Job Analysis
This is the longest time and most sophisticated phase where the data is collected
and analyzed. The most common methods of data collection are:
Observation , interviews, questionnaires, and Web-based
The use of a combination of these approaches is applicable based on the situation.
A). Questionnaires : A survey covers the areas of the job is developed and given to.
Advantage: a large amount of data with relatively less effort & time.
Disadvantage: employees may not provide accurate data for many reasons.
The questionnaires should be returned to supervisors for revision.
B) Interviews: are conducted with employee and supervisor to collect information.
Advantage: Obtain complete details on the job.
Disadvantage: high cost of time and effort.
C) Observation : the individuals performing the job are observed, and notes are
taken to describe the tasks performed, and the behaviors required. Use of the
observation is limited, thus, it is better to be combined with other methods.
Research similar job descriptions: we have to see what competitors are doing, to be
able to benchmark.
Stages of Job Analysis Process
Data Analysis: Once data is collected, the information
should be sorted by job, organizational unit, and job family.
For example, when all forms of one job are completed (by
different individuals occupying that job) these forms
should be summarized into one form that describe that job
to the best of the analysis team knowledge.

4. Developing Job Descriptions and Job Specifications

• After the data analysis the job analysis team draft job descriptions,
• Completed drafts should be reviewed with managers and supervisors, and
employees, before they are finalized.
• The feedback of managers and employees should be discussed by the job
analysis team and considered before finalizing the job description forms.
• The final forms must be signed by both job analysts and technical managers
before taking them as formal job description forms
Stages of Job Analysis Process

5. Maintaining and Updating Job Descriptions and Job Specifications

• In many cases, it happen that job duties may change, while job descriptions
don’t. This gets the job description forms meaningless, that why these forms
must be maintained and updated.
• One effective way to ensure that appropriate reviews occur is to use current job
descriptions as part of HRM activities.
• For example, each time a vacancy occurs, the job description and specifications
should be reviewed and revised as necessary before recruiting and selection
efforts begin.
Behavioral & technical threats of job analysis

Job analysis can be a worrying and stressful experience for

managers and employees, because it identifies the difference
between the current job and what should be done. Thus, some
behavioral and technical aspects can affect the process negatively:

Inflation of Jobs & Job Current employee Inaccurate data

Titles emphasis Sometimes it is difficult
People tend to raise the A job analysis should not to capture all facets of a
importance of their jobs, describe what the person job in an accurate
because job analysis is used currently doing as he may manner for several
for compensation purposes, have unique capabilities, reasons such as:
“status” for CVs, to enhance it is useful to focus on • Employees’ anxiety for
employees’ images without core duties and necessary their current benefits
making major job changes KSAs required for the job • Use an inappropriate
or pay adjustment regardless of the data collection method
employee performing it
Outputs of Job analysis

Job description and job specifications summarize job analysis information in a

readable form.

A job description: identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job (what is
done, why it is done, where it is done, and, briefly how it is done).

Job Specifications: list the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) an individual
needs to perform a job satisfactorily. these KSAs may not necessarily the current
employee’s qualifications.

Performance standards flow directly from the tasks and indicate how performance
is measured in key areas of the job description.
Outputs of Job analysis

Job Description Components

A typical job description contains the following five major parts:

1- Identification section: - job title, - department,

-reporting relationships, - location, - date of analysis
- job code, - and pay grade.

2- General Summary The second part, is a brief statement of the general

purpose of that job.
One HR specialist has characterized the general summary statement as:
“In thirty words or less, describe the core of the job.”.

3- Essential Job Functions and Duties The third lists the essential functions
and duties, generally in order of importance. It contains clear, detailed
statements on the major tasks, duties, and responsibilities.
Outputs of Job analysis

Job Description Components

4. Job Specifications The forth part of the job description gives the
qualifications needed to perform the job satisfactorily, it indicates:
(1) knowledge, skills, and abilities;
(2) education and experience;
(3) physical requirements and/or working conditions.

5. Performance standards: these are indicators indicate the acceptable

level of performing tasks of the job.
These standards are then used to assess the level of actual performance,
and identify training needs.

22 ( ‫ عبدالناصر غانم‬/‫د‬[email protected])
Dr. Abdelnasser ghanem
([email protected])

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