2 (2021) 75-83
*Corresponding Author
Received 18 July 2021; Accepted 09 December 2021; Available online 30 December 2021
Abstract: Lighting point calculation plays an important feature in developing a new residential house. This enables
people inside the house will have enough of light to perform tasks efficiently. Currently, consulting electrical
engineers use rules of thumb to forecast the quantity of lighting points, however these rules are inaccurate. It does
not take into account the lux required based on Malaysian Standard MS1525. Furthermore, good lighting can save
money and provide visual comfort to the occupants. However, numerous parameters such as room index, utilisation
factor and illuminance used for each space or room inside the house must be considered when determining the
quantity of lighting point for a residential property. Three types of residential houses are considered which are: single
storey house, double storey house and condominium house. This paper presents the development of lighting point
calculator system for residential houses using Microsoft Visual Basic and comparison of quantity of lighting point
using manual calculation using Microsoft Excel and simulation calculation using Microsoft Visual Basic.
Keywords: Lighting point calculation, residential houses, microsoft excel, microsoft visual basic
1. Introduction
As the world transforms into a highly industrialized and modern era, the evolvement on the lighting calculation of
residential Keyword
houses 1, be
have to keyword 2, number
appreciated. The of keywords
lighting is usually
calculation 3-7,
from but more
manual is allowed
estimation if deemed
using Rule’s ofnecessary
Thumb, now
have been made some improvement that makes the consultant engineer work easier. Focusing on the lighting, it is one of
the most important elements in providing good interior design of a residence. This allows people to perform visual tasks
efficiently and accurately [1]. Bad lighting will lead many problems such as insufficient light, glare, improper contrast,
poor distributed light and flicker [2]. There are many factors contribute to bad lighting, so an appropriate design of
quantity of lighting point should precisely calculate in order to not short designed or over designed the quantity while
ensuring quality and quantity of illumination in the house.
However, lighting calculation requires many factors related with it. The area of the room, the type of lamp used and
the function of the room plays a crucial factor in order to give the proper amount lighting point in the room. This factor
is closely related to the lumen method. It also called Photometrical Computation and widely used for interior lighting
calculation [3]. In addition, these factors determine the preciseness of the output result. In developing a new system, it is
important to have a guideline or standard, while doing this to ensure the reliability of the result. Therefore, Malaysian
Standard, MS 1525 is a standard that this project referring to. To sum up, the quality of the lighting ensures coziness of
the house as the resident’s comfort and satisfaction are always be a priority of a consultant electrical engineer.
2. Methodology
This section describes the flowchart of the project, type of lamp used and the procedures in determining the quantity
of lighting points for each room or space in the house.
Start End
Compare calculation of
Draw houseplan layout using AutoCAD manual and software
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
Fig. 3 - Step by step calculation to determine quantity of lighting point for one room or space only
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
i. Room Index, k
k (1)
hk (l w)
For the value less than 0.75, utilisation factor will be normalized to 0.75. For example, Room Index = 0.68;
For the value greater than 0.75, utilisation factor will be read directly from the table and if the value in
between two Room Index value, the higher value will be selected. For example, Room Index = 0.84;
For the residential house, the Maintenance Factor was fixed to 0.85.
N (5)
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
Fig. 7 - User interface of lighting point calculator application system using Microsoft Visual Basic
Table 4 - Results comparison between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Basic simulation of each
room or space inside single storey house
Excel calculation Visual Basic simulation calculation
Type of Differences of
Quantity Quantity
room / Room Utilisation of lighting Room Utilisation of lighting utilisation factor
space index factor index factor (%)
point point
Living room 1.29 0.516 3 1.29 0.518 3 0.38
Bedroom 1 1.15 0.515 1 1.15 0.516 1 0.19
Bedroom 2 0.91 0.455 1 0.91 0.457 1 0.43
Bedroom 3 0.89 0.445 1 0.89 0.444 1 0.22
Bedroom 4 0.89 0.445 1 0.89 0.444 1 0.22
Toilet 1 0.46 0.270 1 0.46 0.268 1 0.74
Toilet 2 0.41 0.241 1 0.41 0.241 1 0.00
Family space 1.02 0.457 2 1.02 0.456 2 0.22
Kitchen 0.39 0.229 1 0.39 0.228 1 0.43
Balcony 1 0.57 0.334 2 0.57 0.335 2 0.29
Balcony 2 0.52 0.305 1 0.52 0.306 1 0.33
Balcony 3 0.53 0.311 1 0.53 0.313 1 0.63
0.32 0.188 1 0.32 0.188 1 0.00
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
Table 5 - Results comparison between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Basic simulation of each
room or space inside condominium house
Excel calculation Visual Basic simulation calculation
Type of Differences of
room / Quantity Quantity utilisation factor
Room Utilisation of lighting Room Utilisation of lighting
space index factor index factor (%)
point point
Balcony 0.24 0.141 1 0.24 0.140 1 0.71
Study space 0.49 0.288 1 0.49 0.285 1 1.05
Kitchen 0.52 0.305 1 0.52 0.306 1 0.33
Yard 0.33 0.194 1 0.33 0.192 1 1.04
Living area 0.78 0.390 2 0.78 0.392 2 0.51
Dining area 0.74 0.434 1 0.74 0.436 1 0.46
Store 0.29 0.170 1 0.29 0.171 1 0.59
Bedroom 0.74 0.434 1 0.74 0.433 1 0.23
Toilet 0.40 0.235 1 0.40 0.237 1 0.85
Table 6 – Results comparison between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Basic simulation of each
room or space inside double storey house
Excel calculation Visual Basic simulation calculation
Differences of
Type of room / Quantity Quantity utilisation factor
space Room Utilisation Room Utilisation
index factor of lighting index factor of lighting (%)
point point
Bedroom 1 0.59 0.346 1 0.59 0.347 1 0.28
Toilet 1 0.41 0.241 1 0.41 0.241 1 0.00
Family space 1 0.77 0.385 2 0.77 0.386 2 0.26
Store room 0.32 0.188 1 0.32 0.188 1 0.00
Living room 1.11 0.497 3 1.11 0.496 3 0.20
Balcony 1 1.30 0.520 3 1.30 0.521 3 0.19
Kitchen balcony 0.95 0.475 2 0.95 0.473 2 0.42
Dry kitchen 0.89 0.445 3 0.89 0.444 3 0.23
Wet kitchen 0.95 0.475 3 0.95 0.473 3 0.42
Dining room 0.72 0.422 2 0.72 0.420 2 0.48
Back balcony 0.73 0.428 1 0.73 0.426 1 0.47
Car porch 1.26 0.504 2 1.26 0.505 2 0.20
Stairs 0.37 0.217 1 0.37 0.217 1 0.00
Bedroom 2 1.26 0.504 2 1.26 0.505 2 0.20
Toilet 2 0.46 0.270 1 0.46 0.268 1 0.75
Bedroom 3 1.10 0.493 1 1.10 0.492 1 0.20
Bedroom 4 0.95 0.475 1 0.95 0.473 1 0.42
Bedroom 5 0.59 0.346 1 0.59 0.347 1 0.29
Toilet 3 0.44 0.258 1 0.44 0.261 1 1.16
Family space 2 1.02 0.457 2 1.02 0.456 2 0.22
Family space 3 1.30 0.520 3 1.30 0.521 3 0.19
Toilet 4 0.41 0.241 1 0.41 0.241 1 0.00
Stairs 0.73 0.428 1 0.73 0.429 1 0.23
Upper balcony 0.73 0.428 1 0.73 0.426 1 0.47
From all three cases study, there are slightly differences on the value of utilisation factor. The results from Microsoft
Visual Basic application show differences of utilisation factor up to 1.16% higher than the Microsoft Excel calculation.
This is due to the decimal points taken by the previous calculation which is room index value were calculated from the
length, width and height of the room or space. However, the quantity of lighting point for all three cases study is not
F. F. Nazaruddin et al., Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) p. 75-83
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, the lighting point calculation for residential houses has been performed using Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft Visual Basic. In addition, the lighting point calculator application for residential houses also has been designed
using Microsoft Visual Basic as well as the comparison of results between manual calculation and Microsoft Visual Basic
simulation lighting point calculator application has been analyzed and investigated. The detailed formulae and equations
determine the quantity lighting point, the procedure to use lighting point calculator application and the Malaysian
Standard also has been clearly explained. The lighting point calculator application for residential houses is designed to
estimate the quantity of lighting point for each space or room in a house. Research has been made to get the precise
formula for the calculator. The user required to insert the value of length, width, height, illuminance used (lux) and lumen
of the lamp used. The quantity of lighting point is calculated in MVB. From the result, it can be concluded that this
proposed application suitable for consultant electrical engineer in determining the lighting point calculation for any type
of residential houses with dimension insert in meter unit.
The authors would also like to extend deepest gratitude to the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia for the technical and continuous moral support.
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