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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Setting

The first chapter is the initial part of the study in which a glimpse of the structure and the
general idea of the research ate found. It includes the background of the study,
statement of the problem, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, scope and
delimitation of the study, statement of the hypothesis, signifance of the study, research
locale as well as the definition of terms.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a conditional cash transfer
(CCT) program implemented by the Philippine government that provides cash grants to
the poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of children
aged 0-18. These cash grants are classified into two: the health grant, which is given to
each household-beneficiary provided that children undergo regular check-ups and are
healthy, and education grant, which is given to each child provided that he/she will
continue his/her schooling until he reaches the age of 18. The said program is patterned
after the CCT programs currently implemented in some Latin American countries, such
as Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil. The Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DWSD) spearheads the implementation of the aforementioned program, as said in the
Philippine Government’s official website.
Studies have been made, foreign and local alike, on the impact of CCT programs on
the lives of the youth, mostly on the education aspect. Most of them show that CCT
programs make positive results and meet their objectives, but some otherwise. For
example, the study made by Bauchet, Undurraga, Reyes-Garcia, Behrman, and Godoy
(2017) concluded that while Bolivia’s CCT program increases educational mobility, the
country’s most marginalized group known as Tsimané still lags behind. Meanwhile,
Stampini, Martinez-Cordova, Insfran, and Harris (2017) analyzed Jamaica’s CCT
program, and had a conclusion that the country’s program places urban boys on a
higher educational trajectory, since it gives higher cash grants to boys, but has no
significant effect for the education of girls. On the other hand, most local studies focused
specifically on the impact of the 4Ps on different areas of the country. Catubig and
Villano (2014) did a study on the program’s impact in Davao Oriental, which concluded
that while enrolment did increase in areas with the implemented 4Ps, the rate of
enrolment remains low in elementary and secondary schools as compared to schools in
other municipalities without 4Ps. Valeña (2015) conducted one that evaluated the
program’s impact among public secondary school students in Laguna, coming up with a
conclusion that 4Ps has a positive impact on school attendance, but the problem of non-
attendance is still severe especially among high school students, more than that of
elementary school students. There are also local studies that focused on the program’s
impact in general, such as that of Reyes, Tabuga, Mina, and Asis (2015), which

concluded that the 4Ps leads to an increase in the school participation rate by 3%
among children aged 6–14 years old, and that of Tabilog, Mapola, Cantillano, Cabrera,
and Mañabo (2017), which concluded that the 4Ps is effective in developing human
capital, and that the 4Ps itself is aligned to the mission and purpose of DSWD.

However, available local researches on the 4Ps, examples of which are stated in
the previous paragraph, are limited to those conducted in provinces or areas outside
Metro Manila. The City of Manila, despite being the country’s capital city, is still home to
many indigents, and it can be assumed that a relatively large portion of the Philippines’
21.6% poverty rate in 2015, as per Asian Development Bank (ADB), is comprised of
Manila’s indigents. In addition, aforementioned local researches focused merely either
on the education aspect, or the nutrition aspect. With this, the researchers have decided
to conduct a comprehensive study that deals with all the education, health, and nutrition
aspects of each student-beneficiary’s well-being, this time in Grade 12 beneficiaries in
Naujan Municipal High school.
The aim of this study was to analyze whether the 4Ps beneficiaries of the school in
Naujan Municipal High school experience the same as those of in the school, and that if
the program’s impact is significant for the lives of student-beneficiaries, particularly those
in elementary level of education.

Research Locale

Naujan Municipal High School was established in 2000. It is one of the eleven public
secondary schools in the Municipality in Naujan.
It is located in Barangay Andres Ylagan, less than 1 km from the town proper of
Naujan. A walking distance from the school is the Extension Research and Training
Center. It is bound on the east by Mariano P. Leuterio Memorial Elementary School, on
the west by Naujan Technical College (NTC) Andres Ylagan formerly known as Mag-
asawang is one of the original barangays of Naujan. It is located 1.5 km from the
Municipal Hall, 38 km from the Provincial Capitol and 9 km from National Highway is
boundaries are Nag-iba in the North, Poblacion at the East, Santiago on the West and
San Antonio at the South.
Fronting the campus is concreted municipal road while at the back is a mango
plantation owned by the Municipal government. The school ground in reality often
inundated from the adjacent creek and Mag-asawang Tubig river. The 2020 flood with a
height of one foot more of less penetrated number of classrooms. Elevated classrooms
were save from severe destruction of equipments. The continuous frequent raining
caused flood in the neighboring barangays justifying the regular absences of students
that nay result to low performance level of the school. To antagonize and to defy this
fear teachers and administrator tried to compensate through extra industry.
Theoretical Framework

The researchers would like to focus the Human Capital Theory, whose modern
version was popularized by economist Gary Becker. The aforementioned theory is a
framework that
analyzes the relationship between education, economic growth and social well-being.
Human Capital Theory refers to the combination of personal capabilities,
knowledge, social, and attributes embodied in the ability to create essential and
economic value. Human Capital Theory views individuals as economic units acting on
their own. The role of human capital is highly emphasized in economic development,
productivity analysis, innovation, public policy, and education (Simple Economist, 2013).
As mentioned by Almendarez (2011) in his study, Human Capital Theory
Emphasizes how education increases the productivity of workers by increasing the level
of human capability, which consists of, in the case of this research, the aspects of
education, health, and nutrition, which are a product of innate abilities and investment in
human beings. The provision of formal education is seen as an investment in human
capital. Moreover, Conti and Heckman (2012) concluded in their study, entitled “The
Economics of Child Well-Being,” that investing in the well-being of the children today is
the most cost-effective policy to promote the productivity of them as they become adults
in the future. This supports the premise that the 4Ps, being a program that invests on the
well-being of children, have a major role to play with regard to their productivity in the

Conceptual Framework


Well-being of 4Ps Academic

Beneficiaries performance

A conceptual framework was used to help focus on the variables in the study.
Considered as the independent variable are the well-being of 4Ps Beneficiaries. And the
dependent variable considered a academic performance.

Statement of the problem

The researchers aimed to analyze whether the said program has a well-being. On the
well-being of grade 12 student-beneficiaries in the school. The specific questions that
this study aim to answer are as follows:
1. What is the status of Well-being of students under the 4Ps Program?
2. What is their Academic Performance?
3. Is there a relationship between the status of well-being and Academic
performance of 4Ps students in NMHS?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the 4Ps grants and conditions and the well-
being of student-beneficiaries.

Significance of the Study

This study is of benefit for everyone involved in the development, monitoring, and
receipt of the over-all structures and benefits of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
program. This will also encourage them to check if the said government program has
produced a significant impact on their individual and family lives.

To the Grade 12 students who are beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program: Since these students are the ones taking advantage of the said
government program, they will have the firsthand experience on any improvements
imposed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development, should this study be
taken into consideration by the aforementioned government agency.
To the parents in households benefiting from 4Ps: This study will make such parents
aware of any implication the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program might bring on their
children’s physical and academic well-being.
To Philippine government agencies and lawmakers: This study will be of great
benefit for government agencies, especially DSWD, as they evaluate the implementation
of 4Ps, bearing in mind the fact that the said agency is the one who manages and
provides the needs of the beneficiaries. This research will help such agencies, as well as
lawmakers, be informed about the effects of 4Ps on the academic performance, physical
health, and nutrition of student-beneficiaries.
To the future researchers: This study could be their guide in making further studies
about the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, specifically its impacts on the lives of
the beneficiaries.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on how the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program affects
children, specifically those which are grade 12 students in Naujan Municipal High school,
with regards to their education, health, nutrition and nutrition. The study was done by
conducting quantitative interviews with the students in benefiting households on how the
program helps them on the said aspects of their well-being. The researchers chose To
conduct the study at Naujan Municipal High school Andres Ylagan Naujan Oriental
Mindoro because it was the school in which the researchers were able to get official data
about the number of Household-beneficiaries of 4Ps from a grade 12 among the group
of beneficiaries in the school

Beneficiaries of the program are chosen objectively by the DSWD through the
National Household Targeting System, also known as Listahanan, which involves a
survey of the physical structure of their houses, the number of rooms and occupants,
their access to running water, and other factors affecting their living conditions as the
basis for selection of beneficiaries.

This study also aimed to well-being of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is,
if it helps the elementary students on their education, health, and nutrition. By the end of
the research, the readers shall have better knowledge and understanding the 4Ps on the
well-being of grade 12 student-beneficiaries.

Definition of Terms
These words and phrases were operationally used in this study for better understanding
on the readers part.
Conditional Cash Transfer Program or CCT program gives money to households on
the condition that they comply with certain pre-defined requirements.
Education, as used in this study, refers to a student’s academic performance and
school attendance.
Department of Social Welfare and Development or DSWD is the primary government
agency in the Philippines mandated to develop, implement, and coordinate social
protection and poverty- reduction solutions for and with poor, vulnerable, a d
disadvantage .
Health refers to the physical well-being of the student-beneficiary, which involves the
conditions set by the 4Ps in relation to it.

Human Capital Theory pertains to the combination of personal capabilities, knowledge,
social, and attributes embodied in the ability to create essential and measurable
economic value.
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps is a human development measure of
the national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor,
to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of children aged 0-18.
Parent leader refers to the person acting as liaison between the administrators of the
program and the beneficiaries.
Well-being is defined in this study as a state in which a child experiences excellence in
academics, good physical health, and has proper nutrition.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies

The second chapter of the study presents the review of related literature and related


Brazil’s Bolsa Familia

Bolsa Familia, initially started as the Bolsa Escola, is the Brazilian government’s
flagship program for poverty alleviation. The program offers the poorest families in Brazil
monthly cash grants, which are at around $30, as long as these families follow through
on the government’s social programs. Within its decade of implementation, poverty rate
in Brazil was cut down by half, from 9.7% in 2003, to 4.3% in 2013. I was mentioned that
as a result of this success, 129 delegations from other countries visited Brazil in 2013 to
study how the country implemented the said CCT program, to see how they can apply
the same for their own constituents ( Ceretti, 2014, para. 4.).
Mexico’s Oportunidades
Initially known as Progresa until 2002, Oportunidades is the Mexican government’s
principal counter-poverty program. The same as that of Brazil, it provided cash grants to
the poorest families in Mexico, focusing on helping them invest in human capital
improving education, health, and nutrition of their children (World Bank, n.d.). The
program provides educational grants to the children, under 22 years of age of each
household-beneficiary. In 2017, it represented 46.5% of Mexico’s federal annual
antipoverty budget, and by that time benefitted 6 million people form the time the
program was established in 1997 (The Borgen Project, 2017).

4Ps during the Aquino Administration (2010-2016)
In 2010,the year that marked the end of Arroyo’s presidency and the start of
Aquino’s, the number of household-beneficiaries was less than 800,000, as written by
David (2016). In the same year, budget allocation for the program was Php10 billion.
Considering the said facts, the Aquino administration had vowed to expand the 4Ps and
To make more poor Filipino households within the scope of the program. According to
the Former President, “Through the CCT and other meaningful interventions, we are
spurring A virtuous cycle, where empowered Filipinos in turn become the keys through
which their Fellowmen are likewise empowered” (Aquino, 2016, para. 17)

In 2015, number of household-beneficiaries grew to 4.4 million, which is almost six-fold
of the number during the beginning of the Aquino administration. Meanwhile, the Budget
for the implementation of the 4Ps had risen to Php62.7 billion in 2016, the year That
marked the end of the said administration and the beginning of a new one—Duterte’s
(David, 2016).

A study made by Marcum-Mullins (2017) emphasized that CCT programs involve
keeping children enrolled in school and ensuring they have good academic performance.
On the other hand, his study pointed out that comprehending how the thinking and
rationale change from international funders, national governments, local governments,
school systems, teachers, parents, up until the students. He concluded that if national
governments would not be able to improve school systems, “it is easier for neo-liberal
Institutions to make privatization policy recommendations,” which would eventually make
the marginalized more left behind (Marcum-Mullins, 2017, p. 35).

In general, CCT programs have been effective and are very good to improved
enrollment, but has no total assurance that the academic performance of student
beneficiaries get a positive significant effect. Such programs are also effective in
fostering school attendance among beneficiaries, and they help the students to have
education, Indirectly aiming to prove Nelson Mandela’s quote, “Education is the most
powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

According to Orbeta and Paqueo (2013) in a study entitled “Does Pantawid Foster
Dependence or Encourage Work? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment,” CCT
increase the eagerness to work of household heads and their spouses, all adult
members 18 years of age and above, as well as workers whose ages are 35-54 years
Old. The study was conducted between the beneficiaries of the first wave of 4Ps,
between November and December 2011, or two and a half years after the program was
launched. The results of his study contradicted claims that CCT generates mendicancy
or promotes donation-dependency. Corbeta said that “Parents work to compensate for
loss of income from children who attend school. When people publicly recognize the
importance of education, families are convinced to keep their children in school.
Households also respond by exerting more effort,” emphasizing that the outcomes of the
4Ps on the parent beneficiaries’ desire for work has a direct effect on the education of
their children.



This chapter presents the methodology to be employed by the researchers in this

study. It includes the research design, the respondents of the study, the instruments
used in gathering the data, instruments’ reliability, and the statistical tool that will be
used in the study.

Research Design

This research is descriptive correlational. This focuses on the relationship

between variables. This quantitative research utilizes more statistical tests to explain the
nature, characteristics, relationships and differences of variables. It includes descriptive,
correlational and experimental designs (Viscarra, 2003).
A descriptive research involves the description, recording, analysis, and
interpretation that exist. It involves comparison or contrast and attempts to discover the
relationship between existing variables.
Correlation is designed to estimate the extent to which the variables are related
to each other. The distinguishing characteristic is the effort to estimate a relationship as
distinguished from simple description. This research measures the extent or magnitude
of association between two variables. This is also another form of descriptive research
because it only measures the existing relationships of variables (Viscarra, 2003).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Grade 12 students of Naujan Municipal
High School during the school year 2022-2023. From a population size of 236, 50
respondents will be selected. The study will not strictly require an equal number of
participants according to their age, gender orientation, relationship status and place of
residency. Students who will be absent and those who will not be willing to participate
will not be forced.

Sampling and Population

The researchers will used stratified random sampling in selecting the
respondents of this study. According to Clark-Carter (2019), stratified random sampling
is an opportunity sampling which sets a limit on the included number of respondents. It is
a non-probability sampling method in which researchers create a sample of individuals
that represents a population.

Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents



Research Instrument

This study will use researcher-made questionnaire. The researcher-made

questionnaire will be used to elicit information about the study from the respondents. A
research questionnaire is critical for acquiring the data necessary for a research study.
This is the simplest method of collecting the data needed for tabulation. The
questionnaire consists of questions that address the research questions stated in the
problem statement. This included a list of questions separated into intended purposes.

Reliability and Validity of the Instrument

Before administering the questionnaire to the respondents, the researcher will

use a test-retest method to test the reliability of the questionnaire. Eight students who
are not selected in the sampling will be requested to answer the questionnaire twice over
an interval of two weeks. For each test administration, results will be tabulated. The
reliability of each part of the questionnaire will be treated using the T-test.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter seeking permission to conduct the study will be given to the school
principal. After establishing the reliability of the instrument, the researchers will conduct
the study among the selected respondents. The questionnaires will be administered by
the researchers to the respondents as the researchers encourage the respondents to
answer all the items honestly for the reliability and validity of the results. After the
administration of the instruments, the researchers will seek the assistance of the
Statistician to treat the data gathered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistical techniques in analysing and interpreting data and testing the

hypothesis of the study where frequencies, percentages, and mean for description for
descriptive statistics. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient commonly known
as Pearson’s r will be used for the relationship that exists in the variables involved in the
study. It is the most commonly used measure of relationship when data are metric. It is
calculated to show linear relationship between two variables (Garcia and Reganit, 2010).
T-test was used to determine the reliability of the instruments. These inferential
statistical tools helped the researcher to analyse and interpret the results.



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data collected by the
researchers in order to answer the questions of the study.

1. What is the well-being of Grade 12 4Ps beneficiaries in Naujan Municipal High


Table 2
Mean Perception of the Grade 12 4Ps Beneficiaries
on the Status of their Well-being


1 My parents can support my needs. 4.46 Strongly Agree
2 I live in a comfortable shelter. 4.22 Strongly Agree
3 My parents/guardians are able to give 4.54 Strongly Agree
daily school allowance.
4 I can afford the school projects. 4.28 Agree
5 I go to school with his/her complete 4.28 Agree
school supplies.
6 I can immediately pay my school 4.10 Agree
7 My family can buy their basic needs 4.50 Strongly Agree
(foods, clothing, etc.).
8 My parents can provided me nutritious 4.52 Strongly Agree
foods at home.
9 I receive deworming pills twice a year. 3.48 Agree
10 I am not easily infected by diseases due 4.03 Agree
to having complete health services.

Table 2 presents the mean perception of Grade 12 4Ps student-beneficiaries on the

status of their well-being.
On item number 1, the respondent indicated strongly agree as evidenced by the mean of
4.46. This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries’ parents can support my
needs to just a normal level.
On item number 2, the respondent indicated by strong agree evidenced by the mean of
4.22. This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries live in a comfortable
shelter to just a normal level.

On item number 3, the respondent indicated strongly agree as evidenced by the mean of
4.54. The result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries’parents able to give daily
school allowance.
On item number 4, the respondent indicated agree as evidenced by the mean of 4.28.
This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries can afford the school projects.
On item number 5, the respondent indicated agree as evidenced by the mean of 4.28.
This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries go to school with complete
school supplies.
On item number 6, the respondent indicated agree as evidenced by the mean of 4.1.
This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries can immediately pay my
school obligation.
On item number 7, the respondent indicated strongly agree as evidenced by the mean
4.52. This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries’ family can buy their
basic needs (foods, clothing, etc.).
On item number 8, the respondent indicated strongly agree as evidenced by the mean of
4.52. This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries’ parents can provided
nutritious foods at home.
On item number 9, the respondent indicated agree as evidenced by the mean of 3.48.
This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries receive deworming pills twice
a year. According to DOH deworming pills only kill the adult worms. Deworming twice a
year helps kill the spread and reinfection of their individuals.
On item number 10, the respondent indicated agree as evidenced by the mean of 4.03.
This result implies that the grade 12 student-beneficiaries are not easily infected by
diseases due to having complete health services.

The overall mean is 4.23, interpreted as agree. This result implies that Grade 12
student-beneficiaries have a proper well-being. This can be proven by the study of Perez
et. Al (2019). He found out that student-beneficiaries have proper well-being because
their benefits are given.

2.What is the academic performance of Senior High School Students in Naujan
Municipal High School?

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Academic Performance

of Grade 12 4Ps Beneficiaries

Grade Interval Frequency Percentage (%) Interpretation

94-100 1 2% Excellent
88-93 31 62% Superior
82-87 17 34% Average
78-81 1 2% Low
Below 75 0 0 Very low
N=50 OVERALL MEAN= 88.48

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the academic performance
of Grade 12 4Ps beneficiaries. The mean of 88.48 indicated that Grade 12 4Ps
beneficiaries have a superior academic performance.
One student out of 50 or 2% had low performance. Thirty-one students or 62% of the
entire population had an average performance. In spite of this, 34% of the whole
population which is composed of 17 Grade 12 4Ps beneficiaries had superior
performance. Only one student or 2% of the respondents exhibited excellent
The overall mean of 88.48 reveals that generally, Grade 12 4Ps beneficiaries got a
superior performance on the first quarter of the school year. It is possible that the result
was affected by the status of academic performance of grade 12 beneficiaries. Hence,
mirrors the inefficacy of the program in improving the status of students in terms of grade
point average.

3.Is there a relationship between well-being and academic performance of Senior High
School students in Naujan Municipal High School?

Table 3
Correlation between the status of well-being of Grade 12 4PS beneficiaries and

Variable No. of Respondents Computed r Description

Well-being vs. 50 Grade 12 4Ps 0.365 Low or Slight
Academic Student-beneficiaries Correlation
performance of
grade 12 4Ps

As revealed in the correlation table between status of well-being and academic

performance, there is a low relationship between the two variables.
The degree of relationship indicates that the status of well-being is slightly related to the
academic performance of Grade-12 4PS student-beneficiaries. The result agrees with
with the study of Binay (2022) where he concluded that students’ well-being has slightly
to no substantial association with the students’ academic success.


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations the
researchers propose after having come up with their analysis.

Summary of findings
Results of the analysis indicate the following findings:
1. Grade 12 4PS student-beneficiaries have stable well-being as indicated by the overall
mean of 4.23.
2. Grade 12 4PS student-beneficiaries had a superior performance on the first quarter of
the school year as revealed by the mean grade of 88.48.
3. Since the computed r-value is 0.365, it is evident that there was a Low or Slight
relationship between the status of well-being and academic performance of Grade 12
4PS student-beneficiaries. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Based on the foregoing findings, the researchers came up with the following
1. Grade 12 4PS student-beneficiaries had a stable well-being.
2. Grade 12 4PS student-beneficiaries performed on superior level on the first quarter of
the school year.
3. The status of well-being is slightly related to the academic performance of Grade 12
4PS student-beneficiaries.

After thorough analysis of the results of the study, the researchers came up with the
following recommendations:
1. Grade 12 4PS student-beneficiaries students may continue to maintain their stable
2. It is recommended that the students improve their study habits in all subjects as a
3. The teachers may also try other strategies in managing the students’ well-being.
4. Further research is recommended to explore more on how the well-being affects the
academic performance of students.


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Grade & Section:. Sex:

Title: This Research Entitled, Well-being and Academic performance of 4Ps in Grade 12 student-
beneficiaries in Naujan Municipal High school

Survey Questionnaire

Directions: Put check (✓) mark in the box that corresponds to the information asked in the
following category.

5- Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Agree nor disagree 2- Disagree 1- Never

Part I: Well-being

5 4 3 2 1
1. My parents can support my
2. I live in a comfortable
3. My parents/guardians are
able to give daily school
4. I can afford the school
5. I go to school with his/her
complete school supplies.
6. I can immediately pay my
school obligation.
7. My family can buy their
basic needs (foods,
clothing, etc.).
8. My parents can provided
me nutritious foods at
9. I receive deworming pills
twice a year.
10. I am not easily infected by
diseases due to having
complete health services.

Part II: Academic performance

Please write your grade during last quarter


Name : Irish M. Gutierrez

Address. : Nag-iba II Naujan
Oriental Mindoro
Email :
Age : 17
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : August 23 2005
Birth of Place : Nag iba II Sitio Putol
Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of mother : Roshiel Miraples
Name of father : Leobert Gutierrez


Elementary : Nag iba I Naujan Oriental

Junior High School : Naujan Municipal
High School
Senior High School : Naujan Municipal
High School


Name : Arjay Cayabat

Address : Nag-iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Email :
Age : 17
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : June 28 2005
Birth of Place : Nag iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of mother : Maricel Cayabat
Name of Father : Raul Cayabat


Elementary: Nag iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro

Junior High School: Naujan Municipal High School
Senior High School: Naujan Municipal High School


Name : Jhon Paul Milambiling

Address : Nag-iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Email : johnpaulmilambilang153@gmail.com
Age : 18
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : May 13 2004
Birth of Place : Nag iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of mother : Emma Milambiling
Name of Father : Mario Milambiling


Elementary: Nag iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro

Junior High School: Naujan Municipal High School
Senior High School: Naujan Municipal High School

Name. : John Harold Villena
EMAIL : haroldjohnvillena04@gmail.com
Age : 18
Sex : Male
Birth Date : October 8 2004
Birth Place : Aplaya, Bauan Batangas
Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of mother : Eva Villena
Name of father : Richard Villena


Elementary: Mariano P Leuterio Memorial School

Junior High School: Naujan Municipal High School
Senior High School: Naujan Municipal High School


Name : Elizabeth de lizo Vicentino

Address : Nag iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Email : elizabeth8@gmail.com
Age : 19
Sex : Female
Birth date : December 19 2003
Birth place : Nag iba 2 Naujan Oriental Mindoro
Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of mother : Loida Vicentino
Name of father : Efren Vicentino


Elementary: Nag iba II Naujan Oriental Mindoro

Junior High School : Naujan Municipal High School
Secondary High School : Naujan Municipal High School


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