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ABB Drive Faults

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Fault and alarm texts and codes ‘The signal codes given in the following tables Is displayed on the SOCS-CON-2’s LED display Ht ‘The given fault or alarm texts [In brackets] are dlsplayed by the CDP312 or by DriveWindow. Faults detected by the converter control software (SDCS-CON-2) Signal Definition’ Type of | Mode of Reset Code [Fault or alarm text) Signal | Action Method (spcs- CON-2) 1] Auxiliary votiage fault Fauk | Trips To be raset ot AUX UVOLT] 2 | armature overcurrent Fauk | Tips To be reset [oz OVERCURR) 2 | Confertar fan current fault Fauk | Trips Tobe rasat [os ¢ FAN CUR] | Measured over temperature of converter | Fault | Trips Tobe reset [04 CONV TEMP) Note! + May also be caused by bad connactor X12 of SDCS-CON-2. + May also be caused by temperatures below minus 10 deg, or by sensor short clout. 8 | Earth faut Fauk | Trips Tobe reset [05 EARTH FLT] 6 | Measured over tomporature of motor! | Fault | Trips To be reset [06 MOT! TEMP] 7 | Caleulated over temparaiure of motor? | Faulk | Trips To be reset [07 MOT! LOAD) 8 | Excessive current rise Fauk | Tips To be reset 08 CURR RISE] TH | Speed measurement faul, see parameters | Fauk | Tiips Tobe reset SPEED MEAS MON LEV (28.23) SPEED EMF MON LEV (28.24) [14 SPD MEAS] Signal Code Definition [Fault or alarm text] Type of Signal Mode of Reset Action Method ‘Type code of the converter not found [17 TYPE CODE] Note! May also be caused by bad connector X18 ‘of SDCS-CON-2. ‘Cant be reset Type Code Backup fault [18 CON FLASH) ‘Caused by a failure of the SDCS-CON-2 board's FLASH memory. This memory is Used to store the type code signals of the drive, ‘CON-systen fault [20 CON sys} ‘Caused by a fallure of the communication to the AMC-DC boards I. i the AMC-DC board has failed. “Trips To be reset - all digital outputs reset 10 0 Motor stalled [23 MOT STALL] Trips To be reset Calculated over temperature of motor 2 [27 MOT2 LOAD) Trips To be reset ‘Armature DC over vollage [28 ARM OVOLT) Trips To be reset Main AC supply under vollage [29 MAIN UVLT] Trips To be reset Main AC supply over vollage [30 MAIN OVLT] Tips To ba reset Firing unit synchronization fault [31 NO SYNC) Trips To be reset ‘Signal Definition Type of | Mode of Reset Code [Fault or alarm text] Signal | Action Method (sDcs- CON-2) 32 | Field exciter 1 overcurrent Fautt | Trips To be reset [92 FEX1 OCUR] 33 | Field exciter 1 comm. error Faut | Tips To be reset [83 FEX1 COMM 34 | Armature curtent ripple Fautt | Trips To be reset [24 CURR RIPP] 35 | Field excitar 2 overcurrent Faut | Trips To ba reset [95 FEX2 OCUR] 36 | Field exciter 2 comm. error Faut | Tips To be reset [36 FEX2 COMM 37 | Motor overspeed Fautt | Trips To be reset [37 OVERSPEED| 38 | AC input hase sequence fault Fault | Tips To be reset [38 PHAS SEQU] 39 | Missing field acknowledge /feld current | Fault | Trips To be reset too low [39 NO FIELD] 40 | Missing ext. FAN acknowledge Fautt | Trips To be reset [40 NOE FAN] 1 | Missing main contactor acknowledge Faut | Trips To ba reset [41 NO M CONT] 42 | Fst field exciter status not OK Faut | Tips To be reset [42 FEX1 FLT] 43 | Second feld excite status not OK Fautt | Trips To be reset [43 FEX2 FLT] 44 | O-board missing Faut | Trips Canttbe reset [44 NO vo} Note: check proper setting of 98.08 48 | Measured overtemperature of motor2 | Fault | Trips Tobe reset [48 MOT2 TEMP] '50 | Missing converter FAN acknowledge Fautt | Trips Tobe reset [50 NOC FAN] 5 | 12-pulse or 6-pulse: reversal fault, ce | Fault | Tips Tobe reset parameters REV GAP (47.07) REV FAULT DELAY (47.08) [65 REVER FLT) 66 | 12-pulse: current difference fault, see Faut | Tips Tobe reset parameters DIFF CURR LINIT (47.04) DIFF CUR DELAY (47.05) [66 CURR DIFF] 67 | 12-pulse; communication fault Fautt | Trips Tobe reset [67 12P Conn) 68 | 12-pulse: slave is faulted Faut | Trips To ba reset [68 SLAVE DIS] Alarms detected by the converter control software (SDCS-CON-2) Signal Definition Type of | Mode of | Reset Code [Fault or alarm text] Signal | Action | Method (sbcs- CON-2) 101 | infibiion offaise start switch Ras been | Status | Pravants | Rasats when switched startup | released (01 START INH] Note: check proper setting of 13.11 and 15.14 702 | Emergency stop button has been pushed | Status | Prevents | Resets when [02 EMER STOP] startup | released 703 | Motor! measured temparature ‘am | Asm Soll resat [03 MOT# TEMP] indleator TO | Motor 1 thermal model alam ‘arm | Alarm Seltreset {oa MoT! LOAD] indicator 705 | Converter unit iomporature measurement | Alarm | Alarm Sollresot [05 CONV TEP) indicator 708 | CON RANT backup (due to powerdown | Alatm | Alarm assis on next time > 3 weeks) indicator | power-on [08 CON BCKUP} 716 | Armature currant pple ‘lawn | Alarm Soil resat {15 CURR RIPP| Indeator 71 | Main supply undor vaiage "Rawr Alar Soilresat [18 MAIN UVLT] indleator 720 | Armature current eviaton ‘arm | Alarm SoM TeSeT [20 CURR DEV) indicator 724 | CON-communication alarm ‘ianm | Alarm Seltreset [21 CON SYS] indleator 723 | Motor temperature measurement ‘arm | Alarm Seltreset (23 MOT2 TEMP] indicator ¥2H | Motor2 thermal model alam ‘Naw | Alar Sellreset (24 MoT? LOAD] indicator 725 | Acknowledge of DC broaker or dynamic | Alarm | Alarm Sollresot brake contactor prevents the dive from indcator running [25 NO ACK] 726 | Missing acknowiodge of conv. FAN ‘lawn | Alarm Soil resat [26 CONV FAN] indeator T2T | Missing acknowiedge of ex. FAN anm | Alarm SoMresot 7 EXT FAN) indicator Signal Definition Type of | Mode of Reset Code [Fault or alarm text] Signal | Action Method (sDcs- CON-2) 129 | Type code changed during power down | Alam | Alarm Selfreset [29 TYPE CODE] Indicator Note: see 16.02 / selection 22 182 | Auxvoltage switched off (OFF-state) Alam | Alarm Self reset [82 AUX UVOLT] indicator 133 | Overvoltage protection alarm ‘Alarm | Alarm Salfreset (via DI2 infield exciter mode) indicator [33 OVERVOLT) Note! The texts displayed by the fault logger or the panel include the signal co of the alarm without the base 100 (e.g. alarm 129 is entered with alarm code 2 the information whether an entry was caused by an alarm ora fauit is displaye: separately. Faults and alarms detected by the drive control software (AMC-DC) Definition [Fault or alarm text] Signal_| Action Resets all resettable faults Reset ‘AMIC-DC board: operating system fault] Fault Trips: To be reset [SYSTEM FAULT] ‘Mismatch of CON- and AMG-DG-software | Faull Tips Canitbe reset [SW MISMATCH] ‘ANIG-DC / SDCS-GON-2 communication | Faull Tips To be rosat link fault [CON COMMUNIC] External faut via Di (selected by 15.28) | Fault Trips To be reset [EXT FAULT] DDCS channel O communication faull | Faulty | Parameter | To ba reset [CHO COMMUN) Alarm __| dopendent _| Saif rasot ‘Master / follower ink communication fault | Fault/ | Parameter | To be rasat/ [ME LINK} Alarm | dopendent _| Saif sot ‘Control panel link fault Fault/ | Parameter | To be reset/ [PANEL Loss] Alam __| dependent _| Seif reset ‘Speed scaling out of range. ‘Alarm | Alarm Self reset [SPEED SCALE] indicator External alarm via Dl (eelected by 15.24) | Alarm | Alarm Salt reset [EXT ALARM] indicator

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