Movie Review Worksheet - Be A Movie Critic 33

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Movie Review Worksheet - Be a Movie Critic!

Can you recommend a good movie? Select one of your favorite movies, go to, and research the film. Use this worksheet to describe the movie,
and prepare to share your favorite movie with your classmates in class.

Title: __________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________ Length: _____hrs Genre: ______________________
Director: _______________________________________________________________
Actors: _________________________________________________________________
Actresses: ______________________________________________________________
Awards: ________________________________________________________________

How many times have you watched the movie? _________________________

Plot information:
Where does the movie take place?
When does the movie take place?
Who are the main characters?
Can you briefly describe them?
What happens in the movie?
What makes the movie interesting?
What is the best part? Why?
Does the movie surprise the audience? How?
How did you feel when the movie ended? Why?
Is there anything else you want to tell me about your favorite movie?
Who do you think would also like this movie? Why?

On a scale of 1 (don’t like) – 5 (like) , how do you rate this movie? _________________

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