Multisensory Flexible Braille Interactive Device Based On Liquid Crystal Elastomers
Multisensory Flexible Braille Interactive Device Based On Liquid Crystal Elastomers
Multisensory Flexible Braille Interactive Device Based On Liquid Crystal Elastomers
org/acsaelm Article
ABSTRACT: Traditional electronic braille devices’ rigid and complex structure limits their
portability while satisfying braille output. Main-chain monodomain liquid crystal elastomers
(m-LCEs) can achieve high contraction deformation under external stimulation conditions;
it has broad application prospects in the human−machine interaction with the biological
tissue safety and flexibility of LCEs. A multisensory flexible braille interactive device based
on LCEs is proposed in this article. It utilizes the good reversible shape-memory
performance of m-LCEs to solve the problems of complex structure design, poor
portability, high cost, and low control stability in traditional rigid mechanical braille readers.
The fixed-point stretchable convex lattice and the nonactuation performance-based film are
accurately distinguished and fabricated by compression molding. Combined with the
ultrathin flexible electric heating layer, the reversible contraction of the braille point is
realized, and the braille point is given the dual perception of height difference and
temperature difference. Moreover, matching circuit design can realize braille input by press
and braille output by convex−concave conversion. Furthermore, we try to introduce thermochromic powders, referring to the
principle of light-emitting diode (LED) imaging, to transform the pattern concept of visually impaired people in minds into color
information that ordinary people can observe.
KEYWORDS: monodomain liquid crystal elastomers, compression molding, interactive braille device, multisensory, image display
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a flexible braille interactive device with braille input, braille output, and image display functions.
properties of the ultrathin conductive nanocoating and h after sealing. The solution of the sealing reaction was poured into a
reasonable circuit design. The braille dots of the device has 50 × 50 × 10 mm3 poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) mold, and the
the dual perception of height difference and temperature sealing reaction was continued for 48 h. The mold was moved to a
difference, which improves the recognition accuracy and the fume hood and opened to evaporate the solvent for 48 h naturally.
After volatilization for 48 h, the film was removed and placed in a
comfort of use. In addition, this article attempts to introduce
vacuum oven at 80 °C for 6 h to remove the solvent inside the film
thermochromic powders in LCEs such that the color-changing completely.
temperature matches the reversible phase-transition temper- 2.4. Fabrication of the Convex Braille Lattice by the
ature (Tni) of LCEs to enrich the device functions further. Compression Molding Method. This research is based on the
Therefore, the device can display the pattern concept in the most basic unit of braille for demonstration, that is, a group of 2 × 3
mind vision-impaired person on the device, which is easy for convex lattices. The mold is custom processed by the PTFE plate, and
ordinary people to observe through the color change of the the complete set of molds is divided into three parts: punch, die, and
braille dot. This work broadens the application scope of mask. The punch comprises a 30 × 20 × 10 mm3 cuboid base and six
flexible actuators such as liquid crystal elastomers and provides cones evenly arranged. The top of the cone needs to be rounded to
avoid being too sharp. The two cones are separated by a distance of 5
new ideas for the multifunctional development of braille
mm. The diameter of the bottom of the cone is 5 mm and the height
devices. is 4.33 mm. The dimensions of the concave die are the same as those
of the punch die. Moreover, six conical cavities are machined at the
2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION same position, with a bottom diameter of 5.5 mm and a height of 5.5
2.1. Materials. RM257 (97%, Shijiazhuang Sdynano Fine mm. The mask is a rectangular sheet of 30 × 20 × 1 mm3, and there
Chemicals) was used as the mesogen. 3,6-Dioxa-1,8-octanedithiol are six round holes of 5.5 mm in the position corresponding to the
(EDDET) (Aladdin, 97%) was used as a chain extender. punch. The concave mold, mask plate, LCE film, and convex mold are
Pentaerythritol tetra(3-mercapto propionate) (PETMP) (90%, assembled in the order from top to bottom and pressed for 30s. The
Macklin) was used as the cross-linking agent. Dipropyl amine concave die is removed; then, the remaining part of the film side is
(DPA) (99%, Macklin) was used as the catalyst of the click reaction. placed under UV light with a wavelength of 365 nm for 10 min (light
2,2-Dimethoxy-2-phenyl acetophenone (Irgacure 659, DMPA) (99%, intensity with 5 mW·cm−2). The loosely cross-linked LCE film on the
Aladdin) was used as the photoinitiator. Thermochromic powder (65 cone not covered by the mask was photocured and cross-linked,
°C) was bought from Shenzhen Magic Color Technology Co., Ltd. thereby obtaining a flexible LCE film with convex braille lattices.
Ag nanowire solution (AgNWs) was bought from J&K Scientific. The 2.5. Surface Confinement Fabrication of Ultrathin Flexible
conductive silver paste was bought from Guangzhou Silver Standard Electrothermal Layers with the AgNW Solution. The molded
Trade Co., Ltd. braille film was placed upside down on the test bench; the area that
2.2. Measurement. Two-dimensional wide-angle X-ray diffraction did not need to be conductive was attached with tape. The AgNW
(2D-WAXD) images were measured by an Hypix-6000 direct reading solution was slowly dropped into the cone cavity until it was level with
photon detector (HomeLab, Rigaku). DSC curves were tested by a the tape. After evenly dropping six cones, the film was put into a
differential scanning calorimeter (DSC8000, Perkin Elmer) with a drying box at 60 °C for drying. The diameter of the AgNWs was 40
heating rate of 20 °C·min−1 and a cooling rate of 5 °C·min−1. The nm, and the length was 20 μm. After the AgNW coating was
photographs and videos were recorded by a high-definition camera completely dried, the film was taken out. The AgNW solution was
(HD-4K, GOIIOG). The constant current was supplied by the repeatedly added dropwise to ensure that the conical cavity’s inner
constant-current, constant-voltage power supply (custom-made, AB- wall was covered entirely.
F; the accuracy of current and voltage: 0.01 mA and 0.1 mV). The 2.6. Design and Preparation of Signal Transmission
temperature was measured by a thermal imager with a noise Module. The signal transmission module is prepared by a PCB
equivalent temperature difference of 0.1 °C @ 30 °C (Fotric 111). plate, and there are six groups of circuits in total. The double-sided
The pressing process was undergone by the uniaxial Mechanical tester PCB with a thickness of 1.6 mm is made of a fiberglass sheet (FR-4);
(QT-6203S, QT Instrument). The polarizing microscope (POM) test the thickness of the copper foil is 36 μm (1OZ); the soldering process
was measured by NIKON 50I. is Hot Air Solder Leveling. Each group of circuit is provided with four
2.3. Preparation of LCEs. Two grams of RM257, 0.506 g of metal contact points, and they are arranged according to the positions
EDDET, 0.073 g of PETMP, 0.02 g of photoinitiator, and 0.05 g of shown in Figure S1. Each group of circuits has an electric heating
thermochromic powder were added to 7.5 mL of tetrahydrofuran circuit and a voltage detection circuit, that is, signal output and signal
(THF), and the solution was magnetically stirred for 3 min. Then, 20 input circuit, which can heat each convex point using electricity and
μL of DPA was added, and the reaction was magnetically stirred for 2 detect whether each point is pressed.
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, 4, 3834−3840
ACS Applied Electronic Materials Article
Figure 2. (a) Schematic diagram of the fabrication of the convex braille lattice by the compression molding method. The picture on the top right is
the 2D-WAXD image of the LCE film near the top of the convex structure. (b) Schematic diagram of the flexible braille device, and the
introduction of each component. (c) Actual photographs of a flexible braille device.
2.7. Control Module Design and Programming. The control S6. It also shows the orientation alignment of mesogens. The
module is an integrated circuit chip with six inputs and twelve DSC result in the second heating circle showed that the Tni of
outputs. This module stores the automatic scanning matching the LCE film was 71.12 °C, as shown in Figure S7. Researchers
program and can convert the signal into the form required by each have proved that m-LCEs with a lower proportion of mesogens
module. By placing a small amount of conductive silver paste on the
metal contact points of the signal transmission module except for the and higher flexibility of the main chain would have a lower
middle point, the actuation module and the signal transmission phase-transition temperature.22 We compare the reversible
module are precisely combined and dried at 60 °C for 15 min. deformation performance and the DSC data (second heating)
Further, the signal transmission module and the control module are of the three m-LCEs with different linear dithiols (un-
connected by wire welding; finally, the whole was packaged to prepare branched), as shown in Figure S8 in the Supporting
an interactive braille device. Information. We can see that the Tni of m-LCEs could be
reduced while sustaining a similar level of device performance.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Then, an actuation module that can be independently
3.1. Working Mechanism and Structural Design. The electrically controlled for each convex point was prepared
LCE film in this work was prepared by the commonly “two- through the confinement combination of the AgNW
step cross-linking method”. Figure S2 is a schematic diagram of conductive layer and the inside surface of the convex lattice
the cross-linking reactive of LCEs. The area of the convex (Figure 2b).
lattice with loosely cross-linked LCEs was forced to stretch The braille device designed in this article realizes the output
under the action of the punch cone structure through the of braille and can recognize input. The realization of the
cooperation of the punch, die, and mask. The mesogens were output−input function needs to be assisted by the signal
directional aligned along the generatrix of the cone structure. transmission module. The customized PCB plate is shown in
Subsequently, the orientation of the mesogens was fixed by Figure S1. Two sets of circuits are designed on each convex
photocuring to realize the preparation of the reversible point to reduce interference between signals, and metal contact
contraction convex lattice. The mask fixed the base part points are set at the contact position between each set of
without stretching, so there was no deformation performance. circuits and LCE film, thus ensuring signal transmission and
The precise distinction and integrated preparation of the control accuracy and effectiveness. Each group of circuits has
convex lattice and the base film were realized, as shown in three metal contact points at the contact position with the LCE
Figure 2a. The effect of different prestretching ratios on the film and is arranged around the outer contour of the cone-like
deformation performance of the LCE film is shown in Figure structure projected in the vertical direction, as shown in Figure
S3, indicating that the design is the most reasonable when the S1a. The upper and lower contact points are the electric
angle between the conical structure busbar and the horizontal heating circuit, and the middle and right contact points are the
plane is 60°. The order in the LCE film near the top of the current detection circuit, that is, the signal output and input
convex structure is confirmed by the 2D-WAXD text (Figure circuits. The corresponding electric heating circuit was
2a, top right corner), which shows two bright spots, indicating powered when we needed a single or multiple convex points
that the mesogens are oriented. The order parameter was 0.56, to contract. To determine whether a single or multiple convex
and the film with the approximately order parameter had a points were pressed depends on detecting the current in the
44% contraction ratio, indicating that the mesogens in the corresponding current detection circuit. When the pressing
convex structure had a good alignment. As a comparison, a 2D- operation is performed, the electric heating layer acts as a wire
WAXD pattern of the polydomain LCE without the actuation so that the PCB plate can detect the circuit current, so it is
performance is a diffuse ring (Figure S4), which had a 0.13 determined that the point is pressed.
order parameter. The situ POM test of the m-LCE film during The flexible braille device was assembled by the actuation
the electric heating was measured, as shown in Figures S5 and module (thermotropic LCE film with AgNW layer), signal
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, 4, 3834−3840
ACS Applied Electronic Materials Article
Figure 3. (a) Effects of the content of thermochromic powder on the properties of thermotropic LCE films. (b) Influence of the different
thicknesses of LCE films on the processing of the convex structure. (c) Time required for contraction and restoration of the film with different
thicknesses during the electrothermal control of the convex structure. (d) Inverted graphs of convex lattice (top left corner) and actuation module
(top right corner). The cross-sectional (lower left quarter) and surface (lower right quarter) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the
AgNW layer/LCE film. (e) Effect of the thickness of the electrothermal layer on the performance of the braille device. (f) Graph of the convex
structure when the temperature is above Tni.
transmission module (customized PCB board), and control was tested, as shown in Figure 3a. It could be seen that the film
module (development board) in the order from top to bottom, had a reversible contraction ability of 47% when the doping
as shown in Figure 2b. Actual photographs as shown in Figure amount was 2.5 wt %, which was the same as that of the film
2c. without the addition of thermochromic powder. The thermal-
3.2. Display Function. The visually impaired people can induced deformation performance and color change of m-
further play their role in society if the interactive braille devices LCEs and 2.5 wt % thermochromic powder/m-LCEs are
can accurately display the patterns in their minds to ordinary shown in Figure S9.
people while meeting the need to read and communicate. The 3.3. Influence of the Parameters of the Actuation
light-emitting diode (LED) screen can display patterns Module. Based on the realization of multifunction, how the
through the coordinated change of the color of the light- braille device can better realize the function is related to the
emitting diodes at a single point. Similarly, the color changes in parameters such as the thickness of the LCE film and the
sync with the reversible contraction of the convex point by thickness of the electrothermal layer. The parameters affect the
adding the thermochromic powder to the LCE film. Therefore, processability of the convex points, the response speed of the
the interactive braille device can be transformed into a display device, and the long-term stability.
device, which dramatically increases the device’s usefulness and Different thicknesses of LCE films have a particular influence
expands the range of activities available for visually impaired on the processing of the convex structure, as shown in Figure
persons. Furthermore, the addition of the thermochromic 3b. When the thickness is between 0.2 and 0.6 mm, the film in
powder greatly improves the differentiation of the display the fixed point area can be easily processed to the set structure
content of the braille device by ordinary people and facilitates with approximately 5 mm height. When the thickness exceeds
the convenient detection and correction of the device. 0.8 mm, the convex structures’ height decreases significantly.
Although the introduction of thermochromic powder has The internal stress of the loosely cross-linked LCE films is
many advantages, it is always present in the film as an impurity. relatively significant with increasing thickness. After secondary
The effects of the content of thermochromic powder on the photocuring, the film can still be restored to the initial flat state
properties of thermotropic LCE films were studied. The to a certain extent. Therefore, the plasticity of the film by the
thermochromic powders with 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 wt % of the compression molding is limited. At the same time, the
liquid crystal monomer were uniformly dispersed into the alignment of the mesogens inside the film also worsens, and
precursor solution of LCEs, and the discoloration and thermal the height difference of the convex structure during the
contraction properties of the films were tested after film contraction and restoration process becomes smaller, which
formation. When the doping amount was 2.5 wt %, the film may affect the recognition.
had a certain color rendering ability, as shown in the The deformation contraction ratio of m-LCEs is positively
photographs in Figure 3a. The prepared films were related to temperature; the faster the increase in temperature,
prestretched to 100% for alignment and curing, and the the faster the deformation rate that can be achieved. In the
reversible contraction of the prepared thermochromic m-LCEs design of the convex structure in this work, the electric heating
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, 4, 3834−3840
ACS Applied Electronic Materials Article
Figure 4. (a) Pictures of the projection of the cone-like convex structure to the vertical plane during different temperatures. (b) Variation curve of
the circle length around the projection of the convex structure (except the bottom). (c) Variation curve of the height of the projection of the
convex structure. (d) Height change curve of the convex structure during the long-term electrothermal cycles. The inset graph shows the detailed
variation in 1−20 cycles. (e) Resistance change curve of the electric heating circuit during the periodic pressing process.
layer is located inside the convex structure. Heat needs to be thickness of the electrothermal layer on the performance of the
transferred from the inside to the outside surface to realize the braille device with the same actuation current. The thicker the
contraction during the heating process. The thicker film has a electric heating layer, the lower the resistance. Therefore, the
longer temperature transfer time, which affects the overall actuation voltage of the braille device to control the convex
deformation speed of the convex structure. However, thicker structure is lower. However, the deformation resistance
films are more likely to overcome the obstacles such as increases accordingly, affecting the convex structure’s restora-
conductive layers to achieve a shorter time to get the shape tion time. The convex structures with 2−4 μm thicken AgNW
back. Figure 3c shows the time required for the contraction layers show the best results in experiments. When the
and restoration of the film with thickness between 0.2 and 1 electrothermal process causes the convex structure to contract,
mm during the electrothermal control of the convex structure. its color changes from black to the original transparent color
The thinner film has a faster electrothermal contraction speed (Figure 3f).
(2 s), while the thicker film has a shorter restoration time (3 s). 3.4. Performance of the Braille Convex Lattice. The
Considering the ease of processing and the response speed, we deformation performance of a single convex structure was
determine that using a 0.6 mm thick LCE film to fabricate tested when the parameters of the LCE film and the electric
braille devices has the best effect. heating layer were determined. Figure 4a demonstrates the
The convex structure utilizes the AgNW layer prepared by change in the projection of the cone-like convex structure to
surface confinement for electrothermal control, and multiple the vertical plane during different temperatures. The circle
depositions control the thickness of the AgNW layer. Figure 3d around the projection of the convex structure (except the
is the cross-sectional and surface SEM photographs of the bottom) is defined as the original length l0. Theoretically, the
composite structure of the AgNW layer/LCE film. It can be film is completely flat when l/l0 is 0.5. In the actual test, the
seen that the AgNW layer (two deposition processes) is minimum value of l/l0 is about 0.41 when the temperature
approximately 3 μm thick, and the surface of the LCE film is reaches 75 °C, as shown in Figure 4b. The contraction
uniformly covered. The square resistance data of the AgNW performance did not get the optimal 47% because the
layer measured by the four-probe tester is 10.4 ± 0.6 Ω·sq−1. electrothermal layer deposited inside the convex structure
Because the size of the convex structures is the same, we can limited the performance of reversible deformation. However,
summarize the resistance tolerance of the internal electric the height of the convex structure contracts to 20% of the
heating layer from the overall resistance of the driving circuit of original value (Figure 4c). A sufficient height difference has
different convex structures, and the error is 8.3%. During the been created, and the braille device has good display capability.
electrothermal process, the structure’s height can change The stability of the reversible deformation during the 1200
significantly as the temperature increases, so the device has a electrothermal cycles was collected and measured, as the cyclic
low requirement for temperature accuracy and resistance lifetime is critical for practical use. Figure 4d shows the height
uniformity. The advantage is that the durability of the device change curve in 1−100 cycles and 1100−1200 cycles, and it
has improved significantly. Figure 3e shows the effect of the can be seen that the reversible deformation shows almost no
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, 4, 3834−3840
ACS Applied Electronic Materials Article
degradation in actuation performance, thus showing consistent with multisensory interactive proposed in this work will
stability. The inset graph shows the detailed variation in 1−20 provide a specific reference for the development of braille
cycles. On the other hand, we study the effect of the dwelling devices, promote its convenient and functional development,
time (1−5 s) on the shape restoration and response of the and further enrich the lives of visually impaired people in the
convex structure during the pressing process and electro- future.
thermal process, as shown in Figure S10. We can see that
prolonged compressions can lead to a longer restoration time
of the convex structure. The pressing process causes a certain
sı Supporting Information
deformation of the pyramid-shaped convex structure, but the The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
change in the pressing time has little effect on the height of the
restoration state. The initial state and restoration time can be
restored after one cycle of the electrothermal process. During Design of the PCB plate; schematic diagram of the cross-
the electrothermal process, the dwelling time of the maximal linking reactive of LCE; effect of different prestretching
contraction has little effect on the deformation performance of ratios on the deformation performance of the LCE film;
the convex structure, but the restoration time increases first DSC; POM; the design of the signal transmission
and then stabilizes. This is due to the gradual increase in the module; and the demonstration of braille output
temperature of the material during the electrothermal process function (Figures S1−S12) (PDF)
until the temperature stabilizes. Furthermore, the resistance Demonstration video of braille output and input (Movie
change of the electric heating circuit during the periodic S1) (MP4)
pressing process is used to test the device stability, which can
determine whether the combination of the electric heating
layer and the liquid crystal elastomer film is detached. Figure
4e shows that when the compression process is implemented
Corresponding Authors
Lvzhou Li − Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, P. R.
and withdrawn, the low-value state and high-value state
China; Email: [email protected]
resistance are stable within a specific range during the periodic
Ningyi Yuan − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for
compression test. The experiment shows that the AgNWs
Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
should not fall off, ensuring braille output and input stability.
Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
Figure S9 shows the thermal-induced deformation perform-
Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Changzhou
ance and color change of m-LCEs and 2.5 wt %
213164, P. R. China;;
thermochromic powder/m-LCEs. A heating stage heats the
Email: [email protected]
sample, and the temperature is from 25 to 75 °C.
Jianning Ding − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for
3.5. Demonstration of the Braille Interactive Device.
Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
A software was used to program for braille devices, and the
Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
written program can be defined according to braille rules. For
Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Changzhou
the convenience of testing, we defined each point simply, as
213164, P. R. China; Yangzhou University, Yangzhou
shown in Figure S11. The software interface displays “a”
225127, P. R. China; Email: [email protected]
without delay when the corresponding convex point is pressed.
While inputting a from the software, the corresponding convex Authors
point of the braille device also contracts, actuated by 3 V. Xu Dong − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for
Figure S12 shows the braille output for the series of English Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
letters such as “b”, “c”, “i”, and “l”. At the same time, the color Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
of the convex point rapidly changes from black to colorless Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Changzhou
with the rapid increase in the temperature. The device 213164, P. R. China
demonstrated the ability of flexible braille devices to Yaoyao Jiang − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for
multisensory output (height difference, temperature difference, Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
and color change) and input of braille. For the demonstration Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
video of braille output and input, see Movie S1. Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Changzhou
213164, P. R. China
4. CONCLUSIONS Yida Xu − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for
In this article, a flexible braille lattice film based on LCEs was Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
fabricated in one step by the compression molding method. Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
The braille is displayed by the reversible contraction of the Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Changzhou
regular convex structure. The flexible braille reading device 213164, P. R. China
combining a dual sense of height difference (100−20%) and Shengping Dai − Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, P.
temperature difference (30−75 °C) was realized under a R. China
voltage of 3 V by combining with the AgNW layer. The device Xiaoting Cao − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for
is also given a braille input function through the design of the Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
signal transmission module and control module. Further, we Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
try to dope 2.5 wt % thermochromic powder (65 °C) in LCEs. Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Changzhou
The flexible, interactive braille device has been transformed 213164, P. R. China
into a display screen, which may meet the needs of visually Xiaoshuang Zhou − Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center
impaired people to read graphics and express creative for Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Province
geometric patterns in their minds. The flexible braille device Cultivation base for State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, 4, 3834−3840
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