Pumps and Hydraulics Part-2
Pumps and Hydraulics Part-2
Pumps and Hydraulics Part-2
LIBRARY of the
Part Two.
(See Part One, Page 133.)
— ;
— BY
Author of ^"Drawing and Design,^'' etc.
; ; j
Note. The preface is almost invariably made after the book itself is
finished, for an author never knows with much exactness whither his re-
searches will lead him. The book he begins is not always the book he
finished ; this is especially the case with books relating to modern sciences
and industry. As an instance of this, it may be told that at the com-
mencement of this work it was generally agreed that the easy ' lift of the
centrifugal pump was some sixty or eighty feet, and not much more, but
the appropriate section relating to centrifugal pumps has reached a lift of
two thousand feet had been practically assured by recent discoveries. This
important difference demanded a change in the writing although as it hap- —
pened not in the printing. This, to explain why here, the author gives
generous praise to others who have assisted in ttie long task of making
these volumes.
Mr. Harry Harrison's skill is shown in the " lay out " or
typographical arrangement of the work and Mr. Henry J. Harms
and the U. S. a rare combination of useful experience.
The final revision of the two volumes has been made by
one of the brightest young engineers in New York City, now
consulting engineer and attorney at Patent Law with offices in
the Flat Iron Building, corner of Twenty-third St. and Fifth
Avenue Mr. Edward Van Winkle.
He is associate member of the Am. Soc. M. E. and associate member
of the Canadian Soc. of C. E. He was a Student in The Stevens
Institute of Technology, and graduated from Columbia University in
the City of New York with the degree E. E.
Note. —Fig. 330 is one of the simplest forms of an air pump, The de-
scrintjoo «w:companying Fig. 341 properly applies to this one.
16 Pumps and Hydraulics.
NoTE. The terms " rarefaction " and "condensation," and 'rarefied"
and "condensed," must be clearly understood in this connection. They
are applied respectively to the expansion and compression of a body
Air Pumps. 19
will press equally inside and outside the tube, and the mer-
cury will sink to the level of that in the trough. It has been
shown that the heights of two columns of liquid in com-
munication with each other are inversely as their densities and ;
The 15 pounds
will force the mercury up into the tube until
the column high enough to balance that pressure. One
to balance a pressure of 15 —
2 -= 13 pounds and would be 26
inches high. As the absolute pressure in the top of the tube
gets greater, that is to say, as the difference between that pres-
sure and that of the atmosphere or the so-called vacuum gets
less,the column of mercury gets lower, and its height is a
'neasure of the completeness of the vacuum.
Air Pumps. 23
dish. The water flows through the tube, B, into the lower globe,
and expels the air, which is forced into the upper globe the ;
air, thus compressed, acts upon water, and makes it jet out as
Gases are bodies which, unlike have no independent
shape, and, unlike liquids, have no independent volume. Their
molecules possess almost perfect mobility they are conceived ;
great difference ; water, which \s
the type of liquids, is 770 times
as heavy as air, the type of gaseous bodies, while under the
pressure of one atmosphere. A spiral spring only shows
elasticity when it is compressed ; it loses its tension when it
diately distends.
This arises from the fact that the molecules of air flying;
strength on all points, both of the mass itself and of the vessel
in which it is contained.
It is a necessary consequence of the elasticity and fluidity
of gases that the repulsive force between the molecules is the
same at all points, and acts equally in all directions.
If we consider the weight of any gas, we shall see that it
gives rise to pressures which obey the same laws as those pro-
duced by the weight of liquids. Let us imagine a cylinder,
with its axis vertical, several miles high, closed at both ends
and Let us consider any small portion of the air
full of air.
the same.
For a small quantity of gas the pressures due to its weight
are quite insignificant, and may be neglected but for large ;
3. —
The rapidity with which the diffusion takes place, varies
with the specific gravity of the gases. The more widely two
gases differ in density, the quicker the process of intermixture.
3d. —
The quantity of the same liquid already in the atmos-
phere exercises an important influence on evaporation. The
atmosphere can absorb only a certain amount of vapor, and
evaporation ceases entirely when the air is saturated, but it
is greatest when free from vapor, that is perfectly dry.
Fig. 340 shows a gas fitter s air proving pump. The gauge
isattached to any opening into the system of pipes to be tested,
with a rubber hose leading to the pump. By working the
pump the air is forced into the pipes ; upon stopping the pump
if the hand upon the gauge remains stationary there are no
leaks in the system. If there are leaks the hand of the gauge
will gradually return to the zero mark.
Fig. 341shows a Portable Tire Air Pump, which can be used
by hand or affixed to a wall or bench it is of the lever type, with
2x8 cylinders, fitted with check valve and extra heavy rubber
tubing. As the leverage on the piston-rod increases the re-
sistance on the piston also increases, thereby securing the
into the small cup— near the gauge as shown —this has a cock which must
be opened and closed at the proper time so that the ether will be forced into
the pipe system and disclose by the sense of smell the location of the leak.
30 Pumps and Hydraulics.
are obtained.
Fig. 342 illustrates a Hand Lever Air Pump with cylinder
3^"x6^"; its capacity — one stroke — 36 cubic inches. The
33 Pumps and Hydraulics.
creases 1600 times in volume and except for this small quantity
of water and some vapor which even cool water gives off in a
vacuum, a perfect vacuum would be established and it is only
necessary to draw off the condensed steam and vapor by proper
apparatus to enable the vacuum to be maintained which the
condensation has created. The apparatus for doing this is
called the air pump and the reservoir in which this condensation
takes place is called the condenser.
the different surfaces, and the air cooling and the evaporation
combined withdraw the heat from the water so that when it
reaches the bottom it is in condition to be used again.
Fig. 344.
Ftq. 345.
Air and Vacuum Pumps. 35
The air and vacuum end has a. cylinder lined with composi-
tion-brass bored smooth; the piston has square rubber and
canvas packing. The discharge — as shown in cut — is located
sufficiently high, so that the cylinder retains a large portion of
water. This forms a seal and causes the pump to work more
advantageously than it would with air alone. A small pipe
leads from the di.^charge chamber to the piston-rod stuffing-
box. This contains a double packing and the water which
flows through this small pipe forms a continuous seal around
the piston-rod and thus prevents air from entering.
The exhaust from the steam end flows into the condenser
through the pipe as may readily be observad or escapes into—
the atmosphere by throwing the switch valve.
where large quantitii.s of water are required, advantage can be taken of the
tact that in condensing apparatus of this and similar pumps, the water, after
performing useful work in the condensing chamber, can be elevated to a
tank in any portion of the building, and used over again for another purpose
6uch as washing, cooling metal plates, rolling-mill rolls, etc. The fact that
the temperature of this discharge water will range from ioo° to 120° will, in
many cases, be advantageous, and effect a saving in the cost of heating other
water for purposes in which this discharge wat;r will answer equally well.
When the water is not required in the tank, the stop-valve may be opened,
and the water allowed to escape into a drain, or any other convenient place.
Pumps and Hydraulics.
This pump is made to work easily and steadily by adjusting
cushioning valves, F. F.
38 Pumps and Hydravlics.
As the air pistons travel
within a distance of less than
}i inch of the air cylinder
heads, a high efficiency re-
sults. Although double-act-
ing, the flow of water and
vapors is always in one con-
Fig. 347.
tinuous direction the same —
in a single-acting air pump. Either side of pump can run
idependent of the other, which means a spare pump to be
5ed in case of accident to the other side of this pump.
40 Pumps and Hydraulics.
20 lbs. 40 lbs 45 lbs. 50 lbs.
cylinder )
high side j
37 61 82
Double strokes per minute
low side., 35
60 82 88
Temperature of hot well —
106 deg.
105 deg. 108 deg, 112 deg.
Fahrenheit f
Water pumped per hour [ —
13,500 lbs. 22,700 lbs. 30,000 lbs,
high side j
Total water per hour 26,200 lbs. 45,000 lbs. 60,200 lbs.
I. H. P. of high steam )
cylinder \
I. H. P. of low steam )
Total I. H. P 1. 18
4'i Pumps and Hydraulics.
Air and Vacuum Pumps. 43
admits steam while the other allows the steam to escape after
having done its work of moving the valve piston.
See that the tappets measure equal distances either side of the
tappet block.
The water end of this pump consists of a cylinder with valve
chambers as shown. The piston rod has two stuffing-boxes,
which makes a water seal around the rod so that no air can
enter the cylinder, as the chamber between the two stuffing,
boxes is kept constantly filled with water. It will be noticed
Note. —
These small ports are not liable to fill with oil and dirt in prac-
tice,on account of their direct connections. If through leakage or any
other reason the valve piston should fail to throw the main slide valve, the
projection B (see i) on the valve stem (of which it is a part) compels the
valves to move mechanically. So when steam is turned on, this pump is
certain to begin its work.
44 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fia. 8SL
that the suction pipe enters the pump in such a position in re-
lation to the valves that both suction and discharge valves are
perpetually immersed in water.
for example where the steam pressure is very low. Each side
of the pump end is single-acting, the buckets being of the form
used for years in detached air pumps in marine service. The
two sides are connected together by a beam and links attached
to the cross-heads. As one side comes down and does little
work, the other side makes an up-stroke and does full duty in
emptying the condenser to which the suction is attached.
The condensing chamber is usually placed at the rear and
connects directly with the channel plate at the bottom of the
pump. The opening shown in front is for the discharge water.
Fio. 3Q8.
Air and Vacuum Pumps. 47
The next four ruts show Dean Brothers' twin cylinder air
pumps with their special steam valve gear. They are itiade for
and supplied with either surface or jet condensers. See Fig. 352.
The arrangement of the valve gear is such that steam will
be applied at the upper end of one piston at the same instant
that it begins to act on the lower end of the other. By this
device steam is so controlled in the steam chests that no pres-
sure comes on the main pistons, until the moment that both are
ready to move, after having reached the full limit of their
stroke, thereby securing an exactly uniform, but opposite, mo-
tion of the pistons. Fig. 354 is a sectional elevation of the
steam cylinder and steam chest; Fig. 353, a front elevation;
F^ig- 35 5> ^ section of the air cylinder, and Fig. 352, an exterior
Each steam cylinder has its own steam piston, piston rod.
valve movement, steam chest, etc. A sleeve, a, is rigidly at-
tached to each piston rod, and connected to this sleeve is a
lever, b, the outer end of which connects with a link, c, which
in turn is connected to a sleeve, d, loosely mounted upon the
the main steam piston will be nearing the end of its stroke
when the valve rod begins to move.
Extending through the ends of the steam chests are short
piston rods, g, which are connected to a centrally pivoted
vibrating lever, //, mounted on a pivot. When the main steam
piston has moved from the top to the bottom of the steam
i8 Pumps and Hydraulics.
FiQ. 853.
carries with it the main slide valve, /. This opens the main
steam port and exhaust port, which reverses the movement of
the main piston. When the main piston reaches the upward
Air and Vacuum Pumps, 49
and the small space around the trunk on the top side of the
piston forms the high pressure cylinder. Steam is admitted to
the high pressure side, at boiler pressure, andis cut off and ex-
The piston makes the down stroke when the air pump makes
the up stroke; and it will be seen by referring to the cut that
the engine does nearly all its work when making the downward
stroke. When steam is acting on the top side of piston at high
Fio. 356.
the air pump doing no work then, being on its down stroke,
Air and Vacuum Pumps. 53
It will thus be seen that the engine is suited to meet the de-
mand of the large power on one stroke, and very on the
Fig. 358.
discharges them
through the
valve at the top
of the barrel.
It may be said
that however
slowly an ordi-
nary air pump
with foot and
bucket valves
maybe running,
the pressure
in the condenser
has to be suf
ficiently above
that in the pump
to lift the foot
valves, over-
Fio. 359. come the inertia
of the water, ajid
drive the water up through the valves into the barrel where the
water is dealt with mechanically. The higher the speed of the
older type of pump the greater is the pressure required to over-
come these resistances owing to the very short space of time
and as any increase of pressure in the condenser is ac-
companied by a corresponding increase of back pressure in the
Air and Vacuum Pumps. 55
The bucket or
piston is a hollow
casting with water
grooves instead of
packing rings.
The valve seat is
in its own water and is separated from the others. This forms
a ready means of testing the relative tightness of each valve.
The cast iron working barrel is lined with brass.
The pump rod is Tobin bronze, and valve plate and valves
of composition. These pumps are either single, twin, triplex,
and are steam, electric or belt driven, for stationary, marine
or sugar plantation service.
The steam driven pumps are built with either single or com-
pound steam new and improved valve
cylinders, fitted with
gear,and with their arrangement of fly-wheels, insures smooth
running, making full strokes free from vibration.
«6 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Compressed air compressed by mechanical force into
is air
a state of more or less increased density. The power obtained
from the expansion of greatly compressed air in a cylinder,
on being set free is used in many applications as a substitute
for steam or other force as in operating drills, shop tools and
engines which are driven by the elastic force of compressed air.
A compressor is a machine usually driven by steam by which
air is compressed in a receiver so that its expansion may be
utilized as a source of power at distances where an ordinary
engine could not be conveniently used.
The compressor proper comprises two sets of valves, usually
designed to be opened automatically by excess of pressure
under them and to be closed by gravity or by the action of
springs when the pressures become equal. The inlet valves
open just after the piston commences its stroke, when the ex-
pansion of the cqmpressed air remaining in the cylinder behind
the piston has lowered the pressure above the valves. They
close at the end of the intake stroke, just as the piston comes
to rest. The lift during the compression stroke, at
outlet valve
about the time the rising pressure in the cylinder becomes equal
to that in the outlet passage above the valves and they close ;
when the flow of air ceases as the piston completes its stroke.
Any of the accurately fitted steam engine valve gears may
be used for compressors, observing only that the compressor is
in every way a reversed steam engine.
Compressed air is already used in the operation of
I. Cranes, hoists and motors of all types and of all capacities.
jacket, and run the machine for some time without any cir-
62 Pjimps and Hydraulics.
Air Compressors. 63
but as the air inside of the cylinder has no means of escape, the
volume it fills being diminished, its pressure rises until the
pressure under the piston balances that above it.
perature it can be handled like water. Air is the vapor of a liquid, and
acts in its properties like the vapor of other liquids. Liquid air in color
is like that of a blue sky on a cloudless day.
nothing else than an air pump, and the air can be pumped into
the receiver against a high pressure the same as water is forced
into an elevated reservoir by a pump.
As air is a compressible gas, it acts a little different in the
air cylinder from the almost incompressible water in a pump.
To lift the valves of an air compressor by the compressed
air pressure in the cylinder (added to the pressure of their
springs besides the receiver pressure), the air would have to be
compressed considerably above the receiver pressure before it
would lift the valve which allows it to flow from the cylinder
into the receiver, and then the valve would not open freely as
a pump valve, but would chatter, causing a disagreeable noise,
and damaging the valve.
To avoid this, an air compressor are operated
the valves of
by mechanical means. Some
devices operate the valve directly
as soon as the pressure in the cylinder reaches that of the re-
ceiver, while others simply release it of the spring pressure, the
valve itself being lifted by the Such devices generally
air itself.
give the valves a full free opening, without noise.
66 Pumps and Hydraulics.
FlO. 366.
Air Compressors. 67
wiiich are formed by the frame, with wrist pins upon each
end, from which the two connecting rods are suspended with
their lower ends connected to the cranks, as shown in Fig. 366.
There are two air piston rods attached to the main piston and
held to the cross-head by nuts at points near the guides.
The crank shaft carrying the flywheels, which also form the
cranks attached to the ends of this shaft,
is located below the
cranks are set opposite to each other, so that when the piston
on one side is ascending, the other side is descending.
The machine is made with duplex cyhnders for the low
pressures used in sand blast work and the like, and with either
Fio. aofr.
Fig. 368.
of parts of the Imperial Compressor.
of Part
Air Compressors. 71
FiQ. 369.
act as a guide for the lower end of the connecting rod. The
valves are of the poppet type. These compressors are ex-
tensively used in electric power stations for supplying air for
removing dust from electric machinery, in bicycle shops for in-
flating pneumatic tires, maintaining a supply of air in pressure
tanks, and for various purposes where a limited supply of air is
These compressors are of tJie ^^ Blake"' design and the fol-
74 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Feet above
Air Compressors. 75
FiQ, 374.
machine, and the air confined in the clearance spaces when ex-
panded down to atmospheric pressure occupies comparatively
little space. Consequently the inflow of air through the suc-
tion valves begins at an earlier point in the stroke.
100 square inches area the small air cylinder can have an area
from the large cylinder into the smaller cylinder. In this case
78 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Note. —Arrows on the water pipes show the direction of the water circu-
lation. When the pistons move as indicatedby the arrow on the piston rod,
steam and air circulate in the direction shown by arrows in the cylinders.
A — Inlet Conduit for Cold Air, O—Air Relief Valve, to effect easy
B— Removable Hoods of Wood. starting after stopping with all
C— Inlet Valve. pressure on pipes.
D — Intake Cylinder. I —Cold Water pipe to Cooling
E — Discharge Valve. Jacket.
F— Inter-cooler. 2 —
and 3 Water Pipes.
G— Compressing Cylinder. 4 —Water Overflow or discharge.
H — Discharge Air Pipe. 5 —Stone on end of Foundation.
J—Steam Cylinder. 6 — Foundation
K —Steam Pipe. 7 —Space to get at Underside of
— Exhaust Steam Pipe.
1/ Cylinder.
N — Swivel Connection for Crosshead. 8— Floor Line,
The Air Lift is one of the simplest methods of raising water
from underground sources. The main principle of its operation
may be stated thus: air under pres-
sure is conveyed into the lower end
of the water pipe through a suitable
foot piece.
City and town water works, asy-
lums and hospitals, plantations, rail-
80 Pumps and Hydraulics.
3) —
Q !^^^^^^^^yw^^^^s''v^v^^^^^^'-'^^^^^^
^^s\\\\\\\\\\\^\\^^\^\>^\^^.\\^\\\^x\^^^ _
Air Lift Pumps. 83
pipe and fill the same from side to side, forming pipe-fitting
piston-like layers at or just above the point of their entrance
into the pipe, whereby the column of liquid rising in the pipe
after the forcing out of the liquid first standing in the latter is
At and before the beginning of pumping, the level of the water is the
same outside and inside of the discharge-pipe, W, — incidentally, also, in the
air pipe. Hence the vertical pressures per square inch are equal at the sub-
merged end of the discharge pipe. When, therefore, compressed air is ad-
mitted into the air pipe, a, it must first expel the incidental standing water
before air can enter the eduction-pipe, W. When this has been accom-
plished, the air-pressure maintained until the water within the eduction-
pipe has been forced out, which it will be in one unbroken column, free
from air-bubbles.
When this has occurred the pressure of the air is lowered or its bulk di-
minished and adjusted to a pressure just sufl5cient to overcome the external
water-pressure. It is thus adjusted for the performance of regular aud uni-
form work, which will ensue with the inflowing air and water, which adjust
themselves automatically in alternate layers or sections of definite lengths
and weights. It will be seen in the figures that the lengths of the water-
columns (shaded) and air (blank spaces) i and i are entered at the right of
the discharge-pipe, W; also, that under the pressure of two layers of water
I and 2, the length of the air column 2 is 6.71 feet long, and so on. The
lengths of aggregate water columns and the air columns which they respect-
ively compress are also entered on the right of the water-pipe.
On the left of the water-pipe are entered the pressures per square inch of
these water columns or layers. Thus the pressure per square inch of column
I seen to be 1.74 pounds; that of 2, consisting of two columns or layers
I and 2 each 4.02 feet long, to be 3.49 pounds, and that of 10, consisting of
nine columns or layers of water i to 9, inclusive, each 4.02 feet long, and
one of 3.80 feet in length (viz., layer 10) to be 17.35 pounds, and the ag-
gregate length of the layers of water is 39.98 feet in a total length of ninety-
one feet of pipe.
84 Pumps and Hydraulics,
be noted that the length of pipe below the surface of the water in
It will
the well 55.5 feet, and that the difference between this and the aggregate
length of the water layers (39.98) is 15.52 feet that is, on equal areas the
pressure outside of the pipe is greater than the pressure on the inside by the
weight due this difference of level, which is 47.65 pounds for the end of the
discharge pipe.
Thus the pressure upon the bottom layer of air 10 in the figure is due
to all the layers of water in the pipe (17.35 pounds), and the pressure upon
the uppermost layer of air i is due to the single layer of water, I, at the
moment of its discharges beginning viz., 1.74 pounds per square inch. As
this discharge progresses this is lessened, until at the completion of the dis-
charge of the water layer the air layer is of the same tension as the normal
original patent claims of Dr. Pohle. The occupation of the space in the
work is justified by the increasing importance of this system of water supply
and its practical applications in the industrial world.
After the standing water column has been thrown off by the
pressure the air rises through the water reduces its weight,
with the result that the water is expelled as fast as the well
supplies it, the water outside the pipe, acting as a head. Hows
— mechanism in the wells allows
^A//i each to be operated to its full
does not depend upon the pump, but rather upon the capacity
of the well to yield water the natural yield of wells is often
Three styles of well heads diXt. shown in Figs. 383, 384 and
{d) Net lift to point of water discharge, including velocity head at that
Volume of air (at atmospheric pressure) discharged per unit of time.
(y ) Ratio of expansion of air as it rises through the main pipe (f) may ;
It was at first supposed that in all Air Lift cases the water
was discharged because of the aeration of the water in the
eduction-pipe, due to the intimate co-mingling of air and water.
Bubbles of air rising in a water column not only have a ten-
dency to carry particles of water with the air, but the column is
made lighter, and, with a submergence or weight of water on
the outside of the eduction-pipe, there would naturally be a
constant discharge of air and water. This is known as the
Frizell System, and where the lifts are moderate that is, where—
the water in the well reaches a point near the surface— it is very
likely that the discharge is due to simple aeration.
Air Lift Pumps. 89
Most air lift propositions are deep-well cases — that is, the
water is lifted a distance greater than 25 feet; and just in pro-
portion as the lift is increased do we get away from the aerated
form idea, and so when the air pressure is greater than the head
of water, a certain volume of compressed air is received into
the eduction-pipe, the water in this pipe is at that time moving
rapidly upward ; that is, its momentum has been established.
Hence the air takes up this velocity and goes upward with the
water from the energy received from the elasticity of the air
due to its compressor.
A practical example of the successful working of an air
compressor for raising water from a driven well 319 feet is
3 "Pipt.
mJJimmimmmiM'mmj ^^"
Fro. 386.
The steam fire engine is practically a portable pumping
engine. // is iti a complete water works on a small
all respects
scale, hence, a modern apparatus must, within itself, and each
part working harmoniously with every other part, contain
several complex mechanisms. This will readily appear by a
study of the several succeeding illustrations the first, which in
Fig. 389.
Size of
— ;
bore of the nozzles being half an inch. Three men were re-
quired to work each, which they achieved in this manner one :
man on each side, grasped the cylinder with one hand and the
nozzle with the other while the third man worked the piston
FlO. 393.
'*NoTE. —We are told that some of these syringes are preserved in one or
ro of the parish churches. can excite no surprise that London should
ive been almost wholly destroyed in the great fire of 1666, when such were
le machines upon which the inhabitants chiefly depended for protecting
leir property and dwellings. If the diminutive size of these instruments
considered, the number of hands required to work each, beside others to
irry water and vessels for them, the difficulty and often impossibility of
kpproaching sufficiently near so as to reach the flames with the jet, the loss
^f part of the stream at the beginning and end of each stroke of the piston,
id the trifling effect produced the whole act of using them, appears rather
a farce. These primitive devices were known as "hand squirts."
96 Pumps and Hydraulics.
and thus holds the Litter \\\ any reouircd posi^i^" ^'" frc"
piece on the end of this frame that the bolt is passed. By these
means, any elevation could be given to the nozzle, and the
syringe could be secured by passing the bolt through the piece
just mentioned, and through the corresponding holes in the
straps. When a lateral change in the jet was required, the
whole machine was moved by a man at the end of the pole, as
in the figure. Jointed feet were attached to the frame which
were let down when the engine was at work.
Fig. 393 shows an engine for extinguishing fires, which has
come down to us from the times of Hero, who thus describes it
Note. The siphons used in conflagrations are made as follows. Take
two vessels of bronze, abcd, EFGH (Fig. 393), having the inner surface
bored in a lathe to fit a piston (like the barrels of water-organs), k L, M n,
being the pistons fitted to the boxes. Let the cylinders communicate with
each other by means of the tube, x o D F, and be provided with valves, p, R,
such as have been explained above, within the tube, x o D F, and opening
outwards from the cylinders. In the bases of the cylinders pierce circular
apertures, S, T, covered with polished hemispherical cups, v Q, w Y, through
which insert spindles soldered to, or in some way connected with, the bases
of the cylinders, and provided with shoulders at the extremities that the
cups may not be forced off the spindles. To the center of the pistons fasten
the vertical rods, s E, S E, and attach to these the beam a' a', working, at
its center, about the stationary pin, D, and about the pins, B, c, at the rods,
S E, S E. Let the vertical tube, s' E', communicate with the tube, x o D F,
branching into two arms at, s', and provided with small pipes through
which to force up water, such as were explained above in the description of
the machine for producing a water-jet by means of the compressed air.
Now, if the cylinders, provided with these additions be plunged into a
vessel containing water, i j u z, and the beam, a' a', be made to work at its
extremities, a', a', which move alternately about the pin, D, the pistons, as
they descend, will drive out the water through the tube, e' S and the re-
volving mouth, m'. For when the piston, M N, ascends it opens the aperture,
T. as the cup, w y, rises, and shuts the valve, R; but when it descends it
shuts, T, and opens, R through which the water is driven and forced up-
wards. The action of the other piston, K I,, is the same. Now the small
pipe, m', which waves backward and forward, ejects the water to the re-
quired height but not in the required direction, unless the whole machine
be turned round which on urgent occasions is a tedious and difficult pro-
cess. In order therefore, that the water may be ejected to the spot required,
let the tube, e' S', consist of two tubes, fitting closely together lengthwise,
of which one must be attached to the tube, x o D F, and the other to the
part from which the arms branch off at, s'; and thus, if the upper tube be
turned round, by the inclination of the mouthpiece, '.ii\ the stream of water
can be forced to any spot we please. The upper joint of the double tube
must be secured to the lower to prevent its being forced from the machine
by the violence of the water. This may be effected by holdfasts in the shape
^f the letter i,, soldered to the upper tube, and sliding on a ring which
icircles the lower.
98 Pumps and HydrauHcs.
The Steam Fire Engine. ^^9
gines are equipped with a boiler feed pump, others only de-
flanged part of the inner shell but no damage can occur, either
Sectional Unit
peculiar ''take-off''
provided at the highest part
ring is
for Outer-
Tube System. of the steam reservoir, the
Fig. 399.
same encircling the inside
sheet of the shell. The upper c Ige of the
ring is perforated at a distant point from
the throttle, and the steam entering the
ring chamber in small streams is held in
close contact with the hot shell at a point
closely adjacent to the upper line of rivets Sectional Unit for
Inner-Tube System.
the steam by this means is dried during
Fig. 400.
Note. The life of both water tubes and fire tubes is generally found
disproportionate to the heavier parts used in boiler construction, and experi-
ence shows conclusively that the cost of subsequent maintenance is measured
directly by, and may be diminished by, the facility with which these indis-
nsable parts may be replaced or repaired in an emergency.
104 Pumps and Hydraulics.
its passage to the throttle, and the heat thus absorbed serves
as a protection to the rivets just referred to.
The principal heating surface of the boiler is contained in
the vertical water tube sections, which comprise and will be
referred to, as an inner and an outer tube system.
The outer system embraces the short manifold sections which
completely encircle the fire-box walls. The top end of each
section is screwed and suspended from the flanged part of the
shell, and the lower end is stayed by direct connection with
the leg of the fire-box. The tubes are ^'staggered'" in their
manifolds, thereby exposing the greatest possible surface to
the fire, and filling out the space due to the difference in the
the tubes clear of scale ; and the point of discharge and disen-
gagement is brought down low, to prevent its mijjture with the
drier steam contained in the highest part of the shell.
The Steam Fire Engine. 105
direct communication
with properly pro-
portioned receiving
valves (and these valves
suitably arranged in
close proximity to the
working barrels of the
pump), are the con-
ditions thatmust always
remain paramount, and
to which all other feat-
ures must give way,
to safely attain the de-
sirable high piston
speeds. The value of
perfect, simple and direct water ways, the passages, and all
which they imply, has been studied in the design of this pump-
ing engine. See Figs. 403-407.
The facilities provided for exposing the interior mechanism
The Steam Fire Engine. 107
detached for renewal or repair, and this can be done without dis-
mounting the entire pumps or greatly disturbing their exterior at-
tach.njits. It will bo seen,
by reference to the cuts,
that all of the valves can
be easily and quickly ex-
amined, and also replace d,
by removing the caps that
enclose the chambers; ;.!1
the pump may be readily replaced with new ones, in case the
same should become worn. All stud bolts, nuts, etc., coming in
contact with water, are made of drawn phosphor or Tobin
bronze ; nipples, piping, etc., are of brass.
108 Pumps and Hydratdics.
Fio. 408.
of the pumps are practically equal, and, owing to the close prox-
imity of the valves, the clearance is reduced to a minimum
The Steam Fire Engine. 109
FlG. 409.
Fto. 410.
Extra First 24 ft. 10 in. 9 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 5 in. 9 ft. 10 in.
First . 24 ft. 5 in. 9 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 2 in. 9 ft. 6 in,
Second 23 ft. 1 1 in. 9 ft. I in. 6 ft 9 ft. I in.
Third 23 ft. 2 in. 8 ft. II in. 5 ft. 9 in. 8 ft. II in.
Fourth 22 ft. II in. 8 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 8 ft. 7 in.
Fifth 22 ft. 3 in. 8 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 5 in.
The Steam Fire Engine. Ill
Polished copper vacuum and air Necessary air, drain and pet cocks.
chambers. Surface blower from water line of
Fuel pan of ample capacity. boiler.
Detachable footboard, for the en- Blow-off cocks and cleaning plugs
gineer and an assistant. in fire-box leg.
Driver's seat, for either one or Cleaning and "thaw" hose with
two men. connections.
Seat cushion. Regrinding throttle valve, with
Whip socket. drain cock attached.
Blanket holders, when desired. Automatic or sight-feed lubricators.
Foot brake, to operate from front Cylinder oil cups.
or rear. Necessary oil cups and lubricating
Horse pole, with whiffletrees. devices.
Trace and pole chains or straps Hand oil cans.
with patent snaps Three-pint reservoir cans for cyl-
Gong attached to driver's foot- inder and lubricating oil.
board or Keepers, attached to all stuffing-
Locomotive bell mounted over box nuts.
steam cylinders. Poker, shovel and other stoking
Steam signal whistle. tools.
Grate bars, dumping or stationary Fire department hand lanterns,
pattern. carried in brackets.
Stationary sprinkler, for wetting Adjustable screw wrenches.
ashes under grate. Universal spanner for slotted nuts.
Pop safety valves. Hose spanner.
Variable regulator for exhaust Hammer.
nozzles. Tool box, with all necessary mon-
Auxiliary steam blast into chimney. key-wrenches, cold chisels, and
Nickel-plated brass chimney dome files.
and bands around boiler. Two polished play pipes and nozzles.
Two steam pressure gauges. Stop valves next to boiler and flow
Water pressure gauge. and return pipes for use with
Glass water gauge on boiler with stationary Fire Engine Heaters.
extra tube.
112 Pumps and Hydratilics.
Fia. 411.
The Steam Fire Engine. 113
liptic springs in
the rear, and are
braced and
stayed to with-
stand violent
Fig. 412.
shocks in the
rapid driving over pavements. be drawn by
Although fitted to
horses only, they can be supplied with rope reel and drag rope.
The Silsby steam cylinder consists of two rotary pistons or
cams, mounted on
steel shafts and
working together
within an elliptical
steam-tight case.
Live steam from
the boiler enters
at the bottom of
this case, and in
its passage presses
apart their long
teeth or abut-
ments, causes the
two cams to rotate, FiG. 413.
and exhausts from the top into the tank and feed-water
heater these cams are provided with teeth or cogs, adapted
114 Ptimps and Hydraulics.
of the case,
and are so ad-
justed that,
e being practically
steam tight, allowance
is made for expansion
and contraction. In the
ends of the longest
teeth of the revolving
cams are placed remov-
able packing strips,
which are forced out-
ward into contact with
the cylinder walls by
means of springs. These
packing strips may be
removed through open-
ings in the sides of the
cylinder, and readjusted
to take up the wear,
which is confined to the
ends of these adjustable
strips. This can be done
without taking the
pump or cylinder apart.
The construction of
FiO. 414.
the pump is similar to
The Steam Fire Engine. 115
that of the cylinder; in this there are three long teeth in each
cam instead of two. One shaft of the pump is coupled to the
corresponding shaft of the cylinder, there being outside gears
on both cylinder and pump to compel a uniform
motion of the cams and to equalize the pressure.
This construction secures a transmission of
power at once direct and positive in Kig. 412.
The stuffing-boxes, used on both cylinder and
pump, are self-adjusting, reduce friction and
insure tightness. Valves are entirely absent
from the pump and cylinder. The water ways
being large, anything liable to enter the suction
will pass through the pump without injury or
interruption ; the pump requires no priming,
but when started will immediately without the
aid of a check valve lift water vertically any
required distance up to 29 feet.
The constructio7t of the boiler ordinarily sup-
plif^d with this engine is shown in Figs. 4I4-4I5.
118 Pumps and Hydraulics.
within the fire-box. The coils are of copper and are produced
by the seamless drawn process. Each coil is connected
separately to the
boiler, and the
spiral form of
these tubes per-
m 1 s
1 freedom
for expansion
and contraction
without strain
on the terminal
joints. The con-
nections and the
ends of the
tubes are made
by means of
threaded nip-
ples, jam nuts
and corrugated
copper washers,
and the joints
thus made in-
sure tightness,
yetadmit of
ready discon-
nection at any
The lower
ends of the coil
tubes are direct-
ly joined to the
hollow fire-box
walls and the
upper terminals
are arranged to ^°' ^®"
discharge the circulated water over the crown sfieet. This up-
ward movement of the water within the spiral coils is caused
120 Pumps and Hydraulics.
by the application of
heat to the outer sur-
faces of the tubes,
and the circulation
thus set up induces
a corresponding down-
ward action in the
leg of the boiler. The
circulation, therefore,
continues without
interruption so long
as fire is maintained
on the grate. In
operating this boiler
the water should be
carried a few inches
above the level of the
crown sheet, but ow-
ing to the protection
afforded by the con-
stant distribution of
water over the crown
sheet, the limit of
safety is not reached
until the water is
box leg.
An improvement
in the design of this
boiler is the water-
circulating deflector,
which was devised to
occupy the central
space within the coil
tubes. This deflector
comprises an ad-
Fo. 419.
ditional sectional
The Steam Fire Engine. 121
unit, and its action coincides with the functions served by the
coil tubes. The prime object of this device is to break up and
direct the gases of combustion in a manner that adds to the
heat-absorbing qualities of the coil tubes. See Figs. 420, 421.
Extending from the crown sheet to the top head are the
smoke flues, which are securely expanded at both ends, and
through which the gases of
combustion pass from the fire
axle is equipped with a rope reel, and the pole is arranged for
either hand or horse draft. The wheels are fitted with brakes,
which are operated from the rear footboard. The engine
weighs about 4,400 pounds. A
detail description of the pump
and valve gear follows.
to warm the main pump, the two-way cock used in feeding the
boiler should be turned as when feeding directly from the main
pump, when steam have access both to the main pump
and the feed-pump but care must be observed not to heat the
main pump too warm. When the two-way cock is closed, and
also when it is open as when feeding from the tank, the steam
goes only to the feed-pump.
After using it to warm the main pump, the two-way cock,
.liould be closed otherwise, if the check-valve should happen to
Fig. 424.
The rubber rings have slots cut
into them at each side of each valve
so that each valve can open and close without stretching the
rubber bands. The steam valve is of the well-known rocker
type. The plungers have no packing excepting water.
lU Pumps and Hydraulics.
The Steam Fire Engine. 126
The sizes of nozzles named below will give the most satis-
factory results, those in italics being the ones best adapted for
fire duty. Also see page 93 for standard sizes of steam fire
engines and page 117 for table of effective Fire Streams.
1, Extra first size engine. —
1,100 to 1,150 gallons capacity.
Through short lines of hose One lY^-inch smooth-bore nozzle,
for one stream; one i^-inch ring nozzle, or one 2-inch ring
nozzle ; i^^-inch ring nozzles for two streams. With 1,000 feet
of hose, one ly^^-inch ring nozzle.
ijtch ring nozzles for two streams. With i ,000 feet of hose,
one i-inch ring nozzle.
5, Fourth size engine. — 500 to 5 50 gallons capacity. Through
short lines of hose: One smooth-bore nozzle, for one
Fig. 427.
Fig. 428.
through the water tubes, and this relation between the circulat-
ing pump and the other elements of the boiler will be more
readily understood by reference to the illustrations, where Fig.
426 is a sectional, 427 a top, and 428 a bottom view.
128 Pumps and Hydraulics.
The machine should be started gradually, but before doing so the en-
gineer ought to satisfy himself that the joints and connections in the suction
hose are air tight, that the discharge gate is open, the churn valve closed,
that the fire has been properly attended to, the cylinder cocks open, the ex-
haust nearly closed, and all the bearings and journals well oiled, and the
wheels properly blocked, especially if the engine is standing on a grade.
The automatic air cocks on the upper pump heads must be opened im-
mediately after starting. They serve to promptly relieve the upper pump
discharge chambers of air, and may be closed as soon as water escapes from
their orifices.
When cylinder condensation has nearly ceased, the engine being warm,
the drain cocks should be closed and the machine speeded up gradually
until a good pressure of steam is obtained.
Until the engineer has had some experience with the machine, and is
familiar with its workings, it is not advisable to use more than 90 or 100
pounds of steam, which is all that is required for ordinary fire duty; the
necessity for more than 1 20 pounds will probably never arise.
All of the bearings and journals, as well as the oil cans, should be well
supplied with good oil. The best mineral engine oil is recommended for
this purpose, asit does not gum or change its viscosity with variations in
The engineer should keep all joints tight, the stuffing-boxes properly
packed, and all bearings thoroughly oiled.
If the journal boxes or other working parts require taking up, remember
that a littleplay is preferable to a close adjustment liable to cripple the en-
gine at a critical moment. To insure perfect safety, always thoroughly test
the apparatus after making such repairs, by subjecting the parts affected,
to the strains usually encountered in actual service.
Before laying the fire, see that the grate and fire-box are clean, also that
the grate bars are fast, so they will not be liable to jar out, and that all the
steam outlets of the boiler are tightly closed.
Lay on the grate some dry pine shavings not too many spread evenly —
over the grate, with a few hanging down between the bars on the shavings ;
put some finely-split pine or hemlock wood, then some a little coarser, and
finally a quantity coarser still. It is well to put on the top some finely-split
hard wood. These kindlings must all be dry and split not sawed and — —
should be put in loosely, in layers, the layers being crossed,- so that there
will be a free circulation of air between them.
To light the fire: Apply torch (described in page 135) below the grate,
never in the door; and while doing so move the torch around to insure
thoroughly igniting the shavings.
Do not put the wood or coal all close to the fire door, but scatter it about
and spread it evenly over the grate.
The grate bars should be kept well raked out from below, and the fire
and coal occasionally stirred off the grate bars inside the fire-box, using the
flat side of the poker for the latter operation.
132 Pumps and Hydraulics.
The boiler is usually fed by force pumps) the plungers of which are se-
cured directly to the yokes of the main engines. Both pumps are arranged
to work in unison; and the supply is generally taken from the discharging
chamber of the main pumps, and is controlled by an ordinary globe valve.
Should the water being delivered by the main pumps be unsuitable for feed-
ing the boiler, this valve must remain closed, and a supply from a barrel or
tank introduced through the connection provided for that purpose.
When feeding the boiler, it is a good plan to occasionally feel the pipe
leading from check to boiler with the hand, as one can tell by this means
whether the pump is feeding properly. If feeding all right, the pipe will be
cool. If the pipe is hot, the pump is not feeding properly, try the pet cock.
Always keep a good torch, ready for use, in the fuel pan. This can be
made by tying some cotton waste on one end of a stick about two feet long
and saturating the waste with kerosene oil.
The kindling should be carefully prepared, and the quantity carried suf-
ficient to generate a working pressure in the boiler before coal is added to
the fire.
Care should be taken not to use too large nozzles if two or more streams
are being thrown.
Owing to the contracted diameter of fire hose, the flow of the water is
retarded ; the loss of power due to friction increases directly with the length
of the lineand nearly as the square of velocity. In other words, if the loss
due pounds for 100 feet of hose, then 24 pounds will
to a given flow be 12
be required to maintain the same rate through an additional 100 feet. To
double the velocity will require four times the pressure, or 48 pounds for
100 feet and 96 pounds for 200 feet.
From this brief explanation,it must be plain that the capacity of anj
For this reason, the greater the lift the smaller the stream that can be
thrown eflfectively, and the size of nozzle used should depend upon the
height the water is draughted, reducing it one-eighth inch for every five
feet above a lift of ten feet. If the engine uses a \%-va.<^ nozzle for ordinary
work, it will answer for any lift up to lo feet. If water has to be draughted
15 feet, a i^-inch nozzle should be used if 20 feet, i-inch and if 25 feet,
; ;
Never start a fire unless one full gauge cock of water appears in the boiler.
When the supply is taken from a hydrant, the valve should be fully
turned on if opened before water is wanted through the hose the discharge
gates on the pumps must be closed. Unless the pressure is excessive, the
hydrant is usually permitted to remain open while the steamer is attached,
the discharge during temporary stops being controlled by the pump gates.
The safety of life and property is very often dependent upon the skill
and good judgment of the engineer, and as the maximum effect of such ap-
paratus is generally required at the most critical time and under the most
exciting circumstances, it is important that the endeavor by constant and
persistent practice to acquire that confidence and proficiency that will insure
a correct and decisive action in all matters pertaining to the management of
the machine.
It is advisable occasionally — —
say once a month in towns where fires are
not frequent, to fire up and take the engine out for practice and drill, and to
make sure that it is in proper working order, after which the boiler should
Every engine required to pump salt water, or other water unfit for the
boiler supply, should be provided with a fresh-water feed tank.
The Steam Fire Engine. 137
The purpose of the automatic air cock (if there is one) is to prevent the
rattling of thecheck valves when the pumps are being only partially filled ;
When draughting the water ^ bear in mind that the greater the perpen-
dicular lift the less the quantity of water which can be pumped remembering
that it is the pressure of the atmosphere which forces the water into the
pump, and not any power exerted by the pump itself, which simply pro-
duces the vacuum. Thus, the nearer the surface of the water the greater the
velocity with which it enters the pump, while the higher the pump the
weaker the pressure and the less the quantity of water which enters it, and
at a height of about 30 feet no water at all will go into the pump.
If it is suspected that one of the joints in the suction is loose, the speed
of the engine may be slackened without stopping entirely, until water is
thrown eight or ten feet from the nozzle, when if the pump is taking air the
stream will snap and crack instead of flowing out smoothly. If it is found
that the pump is taking air through the suction, and the leak cannot be
located in any other way, it may be found by removing the suction basket
and turning the end of the suction up higher than the top of the pump, and
then filling it with water. The water will be forced out through the joints
wherever loose, and leaks can be found in this way.
The principal object of the chum valve is to permit the operation of the
pumps without discharging any water through the natural channels; it con-
trols a passage by which the discharging side of the pumps is connected
with the suction chamber. In draughting water, when the pumps are first
started, this valve must remain closed until the pumps are filled with water,
thereby excluding the air which would find its way into the suction chamber
if the same were open. It should also be closed when the pumps are at rest,
to prevent the dropping of the water into the suction pipe.
When the engine is put to suction, acquire the habit of feeling this valve
to assure its complete closure.
fails to do work properly from any cause, the maker should be communi-
cated with at once inquiries are promptly answered, and usually required
FlO. 48(.
Both the suction and discharge valves are supplied with im-
proved valve springs, the tension of which is, at all times, the
same and being made of phosphor bronze, the springs retain
pass into the space between the valve-seat plates and thence
pump barrel.
into the
When the pump barrel is being emptied the suction valves
are closed while the discharge valves are open, which allows the
water to pass into a triangular shaped space between the front
plate and valve-seat plates thence upward to the discharge pipe.
The suction and discharge valve of this pump being all
grouped together, it is only necessary to remove the plates
which can be seen, Fig. 433, bolted to the front of the pumps
and form part of the outer casing these plates are in front of
ways are free and direct, and the valves accessible, so that
examination or renewal of these parts may be quickly made.
The pump is arranged for receiving suction hose on either side,
and has outlets also on either side for receiving the leading
Self-propelled steam fire engines are well adapted for city
service. In Fig. 436 is shown a double extra, first size self-
propelling engine of the Amoskeag pattern. The road driving
power is applied from one end of the main crank shaft, through
an equalizing compound and two endless chains running over
sprocket-wheels on each of the main rear wheels, permitting
these rear wheels to be driven at varying speeds as when turn-
ing corners.
The driving power is made reversible, so that the engine
may be driven either forward or backward on the road at will.
Note. The cost of repairing a half-inch globe valve which " gave out
in a mine in Venezuela, South America, -vras represented in a I45. machine
charge and a mule ride of 35 miles to the shop containing a foot lathe and
the same distance back to the mines. The cost in a more favorable location
would be less than a dollar.
146 Pumps and Hydraulics.
valve gear.
The sizes, capacities, etc., of the pump described on the
opposite page are given in the following
148 Pumps and Hydraulics.
These special mining pumps are used to drain water from
the shaft bottom, so that work in deepening or repairing may
be carried on. As shown in the illustration they are made to
be suspended by a chain or bail at-
tached to eye-bolts in the upper cylinder
head at points of support which will
enable the pump to hang vertically and
be raised and lowered at will.
coupling and strainer ; these pumps will raise and force water
containing gravel, sand, dirt or tailings without choking.
The Deane single vertical sinking pump is shown in Fig. 439;
a table of dimensions and capacities of this pump is also given
Fio. 44a
Mining Pumps, 151
Fig. iO.
152 Pumps and Hydraulics.
occurred when this pump has started off and cleared a shaft of
water when the pump itself had been buried for weeks under a
mass of fallen rock and debris.
This pump has no outside valve gear, arms or levers all ;
Note. —
Mining pumps require to be made " to gauge " and interchange-
able an advantage which commends itself to experienced mining en-
gineers. Many " parts " should be provided in duplicate on account of the
rough usage and hard service alluded to above.
Mining Pumps. 163
The ^^
Scranton'" pattern of a mining pump is illustrated by
the cuts shown below (Figs. 444 and ^J45).
The plungers of this machine work through middle, exterior
stuffing-boxes, into four separate and distinct water cylinders.
Fig. 446.
The valve areas and water ways are unusually large in pro-
portion to the displacement of the plunger, so that the velocity
and consequent destructive action of the water currents is
decreased in passing through the pump.
154 Pumps and Hydraulics,
Fig. 446.
Marine Pumps. 15^
These are m.ade both horizontal and vertical; the prims
consideration being in all cases the amount of floor space the
pump will require. This is especially true in reference to small
steam vessels, pleasure craft, etc.
Owing to the unusual corrosion, caused by galvanic action,
saltand various impurities, marine pumps are built of iron with
brass linings, but frequently with the entire water ends of
The arrangement of the water valves in the most approved
forms of vertical pumps is such that the pistons are always
submerged, and the water valves sealed, thereby securing im-
mediate lift of water through the suction pipe, and steady, quiet
operation of the pump many horizontal pumps
; of the ordinary
duplex design are also used on shipboard.
The ship" s pump is common to all vessels and used to keep
the " hold " free from water. It is usually worked by hand but
it is the law in certain countries that the " ship's pump," aside
from steam vessels shall be driven by windmill power it is ;
X% rt
Fro. ii7.
Marine Pumps. 157
Pio. 448.
Diameter of
Steam Cylinder.
160 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fia. 449.
u a
Marine Pumps. 161
This ^^
doctor' pump is a substantial piece of mechanism. The
bases of columns and pump chamber flanges are accurately
planed, the cylinder has spring piston packing and the plain
slide valve is made of gun metal.
The hot water pumps, 3|^" diam. x
lo" stroke, have chambers
bored and are fitted with a copper and tin composition for
valves and scats the latter are driven into their places and
Fia. 450.
Note. —Each valve reached by removing the bonnet covering it. The
The heaters above
joints under caps are made the insertion of sheet lead.
the frame, as shown, are 22" x 5' o" long, of hard rolled copper, with a cop-
per worm 18' o long by 2>^" diameter in each. There is also a baffle plate
above the water line in each lieater to prevent the exhaust from throwing
the water out at the top.
Miscellaneous Pumps. 163
Fia. 451.
The handling of semi-liquids, commercially known as thick
stuff, has always been considered more or If.ss of a serious
problem, and many designs of mechanism in the form of
pumps have been invented for that purpose.
For piunping tar the improved forms of rotary pumps \\2l\q
recentlycome largely into use. These will be described later
under their proper heads. Fig. 212, page 232, Part one, repre-
sents a very satisfactory design of plunger pump for handling
the heavy stuff alluded to.
The Dearie single sugar-house pump is shown in Fig. 452.
The valves are very large and the motion of the pumps is
somewhat slower than for water. By removing one set of
bolts all the valves are uncovered.
These products of the sugar-house when of a high temper-
ature can be pumped nearly as fast as water the following list
1C6 Pumps and Hydraulics,
Fio. 453.
Fig. 401
IG8 Pumps and Hydraulics.
definition of the word circulation conveys the best idea
of this
mechanism " The act of moving in a circle, or in a
course which brings the moving body to the place where its
motion began," hence, a circulating pump is one which causes
the water to flow through a series of pipes or conduits, as for
example, the water in a steam boiler as in the Ahrens Fire
Engine, see page 126, Fig. 426, or in marine boilers, or forces
cooling water through a
surface condenser. ^^asOMMT
A centrifugal pump
driven by an independent ^^ I
The Bliss-Heath Atmospheric Pumping Engine represented
by Fig. 455 is novel in its construction, consisting of a low-
pressure, upright, tubular steam boiler, having a safety valve
loaded to carry i^ lbs. steam pressure. The large cover lifts
Fig. 455.
Fia. 456.
steam engine, with the exception of the very low steam pres-
sure in this connection.
This engine can be operated satisfactorily in combination
with an ordinary house-heating boiler (low pressure), hence the
expense of running it is very low during the steam-heating
Miscellaneous Pumps. 171
172 Pumps and HydrauCics.
The pumps are made to fit all sizes of wells and of any de-
sired capacity. Runners of various pitches are made for the
different sizes in order to suit the supply of water or the power
available.If, after testing, the supply of water in the well is
/, Fig. 457.
Fia. 458.
elivered through the suction, S, at the middle of the cylinder,
herefore the endwise pressure upon the screws in one direction
exactly counterbalanced by a like pressure in the opposite
tact with the cylinder or with each other, the consequent ab-
sence of wearing surfaces gives the pump great durability.
176 Pumps ana Hydraulics.
FlO. iSO.
Aeris the first element in many compound words of Greek
continually flowing from the poles towards the equator, to restore the
equilibrium; while the air rising from the equator flows in an upper current
towards the poles, so that the polar regions may not be exhausted.
180 Pumps and Hydraulics.
ing from the poles towards the equator, and in the upper strata
flowing back from the equator towards the poles. It may be
remarked, that the periodical winds are more regular at sea
than on the land and the reason of this is, that the land re-
It is as a source of energy, to be classified with heat, weight
of liquids, electricity, etc., that air in motion (as in a windmill)
has a place as a prime mover.
Prime movers, or receivers of power, are those pieces or
combinations of pieces of mechanism which receive motion and
force directly from some natural source of energy. The point
where the mechanism belonging to the prime mover ends and
that belonging to the train for modifying the force and motion
begins may be held to include all pieces which regulate or assist
in regulating the transmission of energy from the source of
The useful work of the prime mover is the energy exerted
by upon that piece which it directly moves and the ratio
it ;
and the loss reduced to necessary loss alone, is called the max-
imum or the theoretical efficiency under the given circumstances.
In windmills, the air, being in motion, presses against, and
moves four or five radiating vanes or sails, whose surfaces are
approximately helical or screw shape, their axis of rotation being
parallel, or slightly inclined in a vertical plane, to the direction
of the wind.
The velocity of the wind determines its pressure, and the
pressure of the wind against the sails of the windmill determin •
Note. Wind-mills are erected to be operated by the lightest winds. A
wind which will carry off smoke will move a wind-mill and the absence of ;
a wind of this force means a perfect calm. Mr. Corcoran says: "My ex-
perience of thirty years teaches that a calm has seldom, if ever, held sway
world for a longer period than three days. Consequently,
in this part of the
with a tank to hold a three days' supply, it becomes possible to pass over
any number of calms."
184 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Windmills can be divided into two general classes according
to the inclination of the shaft: i, Horizontal mills, in which
Note. —The great objections to the horizontal windmill are: first, that
only one or two sails can be effectually acted upon at the same moment
and, secondly, that the sails move in a medium of nearly the same density
as that by which they are impelled, and that great resistance is offered to
those sails which are approaching the middle. Hence with a like area of sails
the power of the horizontal is always much less than that of the vertical miU.
186 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 48S.
Fio. 46tS.
A ermotor Pumps. 189
Table I.
Table VII.
the number of gallons each will raise one foot high per hour, with
a wind having a velocity of fiften miles per hour. Example
No. 9 pump will raise 24,000 gallons of water one foot high in
one hour. Now if the water is to be raised 50 feet then by
dividing 24,000 by 50 the quantity raised becomes 480 gallons
per hour.
From Table V it will be seen also that a wind velocity of fif-
Example. —
A person in Atlanta, Ga. uses 2,600 gallons of water daily.
He has a well in which the water stands 30 feet from ground level. To
obtain pressure, the water is to be elevated into a tank 50 feet above ground*
2,6oo-f.8=325 gallons to be pumped hourly when windmill works.
Average wind velocity at Atlanta is 9 miles per hour, answering to co-
Table II, and total water lift is 30-1-50=80 feet. 325X1.4X80
efficient 1.4 in
=36,400 gallons.
If first estimate of 2,600 gallons daily was liberal, so that for instance
2,400 gallons would be sufficient. Table I shows that a lo-foot mill can be
used, but to keep on the safe side, choose a 12-foot mill. 325 gallons hourly
gives us in Table III 3^-inches cylinder with 2-inches discharge pipe as
proper sizes. If the lo-foot mill is chosen take the 3-inch cylinder.
192 Pumps and Hydraulics.
JflG. 467.
196 Pumps and Hydraulics.
through one or both ends of the case, and the openings made
tight with stuffing-boxes. On one end of each axle is fixed a
toothed wheel of the same diameter as its respective cylinder;
and these are so geared into one another, that when the crank
attached to the drum-axle is turned (in the direction of the
arrow) the groove in the small cylinder receives successively
each piston, thus affording room for its passage, and at the
same time, by the contact of the edge of the piston with its
curved part, preventing water from passing. As the machine
is worked, the water that enters the lower part of the pump
Fio. 474.
This cylinder has two heads or covers, BB, Figs. 475 and 477,
which close the cylinder and has journal bearings to carry the
piston combined with packing boxes to prevent leakage of
the liquid passing through the pump. The valves, Figs. 479,
480 and 481, DDD, are plates of composition which slip
through the piston fitting neatly into the slots, EE, Fig. 478.
These valves really perform the work of pumping. It will
be observed that substances which would easily clog up an
ordinary pump with clack valves, will pass through this pump
Rotary Pumps. 201
Fio. 478.
all kinds of liquids, either thick or thin, such as are found be-
Note. Many of the modern breweries are built with the hop-jack
situated upon the upper floors of the brewery, to which the beer and hops
mixed are pumped, and the beer allowed to flow directly to the coolers.
This pump has been very successfully installed for the past five years, pump-
ing in some breweries 90 feet in height above the pump. The handling of
wet brewers' grains by use of chain conveyors, which are seldom free from
infection and which are a continual source of annoyance from breakage, is
now overcome by this pump. All styles of these pumps can be washed out
clean after use, thereby overcoming entirely the noxious smell so disagree-
able to this part of the brewery when conveyors are used. There should be
a fall of six to eight feet from the wash-tub into the pump and
as nearly
perpendicular as possible. Right angle bends in the discharge pipe should
also be avoided. By using twenty-four-inch bends wet grains at 70°
moisture can be pumped without adaiticufl vster.
Rotary Pump^. 203
Fig. 48^.
fiu. 4»3.
Rotary Pumps. 205
Both engine and pump are of the rotary type and the con-
struction of these parts is precisely as described in connection
with its adaptation to use in the Silsby steam fire engine.
These pumps can be thoroughly drained and, with their
interior surface well coated with oil and No. 2 pure Graphite,
they can be " laid up " indefinitely and with certainty as to
their starting promptly when wanted in an emergency. Water
accumulated in the steam pipe will pass through this cylinder
without causing damage, and the free action of the pump will
not be defeated by the " sticking " of valves or the corrosion
of exposed parts.
In the operation of rotary pumps trouble is often ex-
perienced through an improper adjustment of the ends of the
case. If the case is too long there will be leaks of water pass the
ends of the impellers and on the other hand if the case is too
short the ends of the impellers will bind and cut, through ex-
cessive friction.Hence great care is necessary in adjusting the
ends of the case so that the pump may run freely yet without
leaks. The packing boxes around the shafts must not be
screwed up too tight otherwise the shaft will be injured.
has been found by costly experience that for emergency
fire pumps
leather belts are unreliable, hence these two pumps,
Figs. 482 and 483, are driven by direct connection with the
shaft in the first instance and through cast iron friction gearing
in the second-
206 Pu77tps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 484.
Rotary Pumps. 207
mospheric pressure
to raise water into
the pump. It then
flows between the
case and the lobes
into the space, E,
Fig. 488.
and is carried by
the impellers to the discharge edge of the case, point, G, where
it enters the discharge pipe. Each succeeding lobe brings up
an amount of water equal to spaces, EE, thus delivering the
contents of the six at each revolution. The irreg"lar form of
210 Pumps and Hydraulics.
the lobes keeps them in contact at the center line, thus prevent-
ing the return of water into the suction below.
of water from lo to 250 feet are successfully handled
by type of pump, with a slip of from 5 to 15 per cent.,
according to the discharge pressure.
The three-lobe impellersprovide a double lock against the
return of water between the case and impellers, at the same
time allowing a very free inlet and outlet for the water. The
delivery of water from this pump is smooth and continuous.
The shows the ex-
large engraving. Fig. 486, page 208,
terior of this same pump with journal bearings and gears
encased at each end. This pump may be driven by motor or
Large rotary pumps for dredging purposes with their engine
equipment for salt zvater service, include surface condenser
outfits with air pumps, feed pumps, fire pumps, etc. The
dredges for fresh water are very large cross-compound en-
gines, double-acting air pumps and jet condensers with the
usual complement of vertical duplex feed pumps, fire pumps,
etc. The air pumps are of a very novel arrangement, inasmuch
as it is possible by the manipulation of valves and cocks pro-
vided for the purpose to separate the pumps and run one
side entirely independent of the other side. These dredges
are self-propelling and sea-going; some of them are fitted with
immense bins in which the dredged material is deposited, and
when full, the vessel propels herself out to deep water, dumps
the sand or mud and steams back to repeat the operation.
Note. — The operation of these machines is very interesting. A long
flexible tube 12 to 15 inches in diameter drops down from the side of the
vessel 20 to 30 feet or more to the bottom of the river or harbor upon which
the dredging operation is being performed. The upjjer end of this tube is
connected to an immense rotative centrifugal pump revolving at several
hundred revolutions per minute and capable of handling many hundreds of
tons of water per hour. The lower end of the tube is manipulated from the
vessel against the sand bars and mud banks and as the water is sucked up-
ward by the centrifugal pumps a very large proportion of sand and mud goes
with it. The centrifugal pumps discharge this water with its suspended
material into the tanks on board the vessel or into scows, where the heavy
material quickly settles to the bottom, the water flowing back into the sea.
The mixture of sand and water which is drawn up the suction pipe is
forced a distance of 3,800 feet through a 30-inch pipe to the place where it is
to be deposited ; the water draining off allows the solid matter to remain.
The centrifugal pump raises the liquid to be displaced, by
means of a rapidly revolving fatt having two or more blades
straight or curved, fastened upon a shaft and fitting closely into
a case having an inlet for water at the end center and an out-
let ?t one side or on top of the case tangent to the circle de-
scribed by the fan.
Most people are practically acquainted with the principle
of the centrifugal pump, viz., that by which a body revolving
round a center tends to recede from it, and with a force pro-
portioned to its velocity thus mud is thrown from the rims of
212 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 491.
Note. Upon page 212 is represented one of the very earliest types of a
turbine pump, an account of which is left by Rwbanks, to whose book on
hydraulics credit should be given for the figure. "This pump consists of
tubes united in the form of a cross or letter T placed perpendicularly in the
water to be raised. The lower end is supported on a pivot perforations are;
made to admit the water, and just above them a valve to retain it when the
pump is not in motion. The ends of the transverse part are bent downward
to discharge the water into a circular trough, over which they revolve. To
charge it the orifices may be closed by loosely inserting a cork into each and
then filling the pump through an opening at the top which is then closed by
a screw-cap. A rapid rotary motion is imparted to the machine by a pulley
fixed on the axis and driven by a band, from a drum, &c. The centrifugal
force thus communicated to the water in the arms or transverse tube, throws
it out and the atmosphere pushes more water up the perpendicular tul^e
to supply the place of that ejected. These pumps are sometimes made with
a single arm like the letter L inverted ; at others quite a number radiate
from the upright tube. It has also been made of a series of tubes arranged
round a vertical shaft in the form of an inverted cone. A valuable improve-
ment was submitted by M, Jorge to the French Academy in 1 816. It consists
in imparting motion to the arms only, thus saving the power consumed in
moving the upright tube, and by which the latter can be inclined as circum-
stances or locations may require. '
Centrifugal Pumps. 215
mn s^
Fia. 493.
air and draw water up from the required depth. The arrange-
ment of the ejector is illustrated at A, in Fig. 496, and is
the smallest and most convenient contrivance that can be used
for this work. It is screwed into the highest part of the pump,
and is connected by a separate steam pipe to boiler. In a short
time after turning on steam, the
pump will be primed, the pump
remaining stationary during the
operation of priming.
To prevent air returning
through the discharge pipe, a
check valve, B, is used. For
larger pumps a gate valve is
riG. 495.
4 4 5 12X lO 30 to 40
5 5 6 12X lO 40 to 60
6 6 8 l8X 12 60 to 80
8 8 lo 24 X 12 80 to 125
lo lO 12 30 X 12 150 to 250
13 12 14 36 X 14 250 to 400
Centrifugal Pumps. 219
Fia. 498.
Centrifugal Pumps. 221
«23 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 499.
FlQ. 500.
Fig. 501.
FlO. 50&
Note. In viewing diagrams on page 225 you are supposed to stand at
the outer half of pump shell looking over pump towards the pulley or
engine, if directly connected. The pump can be swiveled around ihefrmme,
so that, for instance, if you order pump per diagram No. 50, it can
out of the pump shell before the water in the suction pipe has
got fairly started, thus allowing air to rush back into the pump.
If the pump is to work under this condition, it is better to use
a pump with a vertical discharge and deliver through an elbow,
or else lead the discharge pipe upward for a short distance so
as to keep a slight pressure, or head on the pump, and after
priming as high as possible start quickly.
pump casing, and either steam, air or water under pressure may
be employed in it to produce a vacuum.
Fig. 2 shows an auxiliary hand pump mounted on top of
the discharge casing. When the pump is ready to start, the
gate valve on the discharge is and by operating the
hand pump a vacuum is produced and water drawn in, filling the
suction pipe and casing.
The method of priming shown in Fig. 3 may be resorted to
where a foot valve is used on the suction pipe. Water is
allowed to run into the pump until it reaches the discharge
flange, when the supply is shut off, and the pump may be
Fio. 506.
The Turbine Pump is suited to very high lifts, even exceed-
ing 2,000 feet. An admirable example of this class of pumps
is described in the following paragraphs :
Fio. 80i.
Turbine Pumps. 233
Note. —The space occupied by the turbine pump is less than one-third
of that required by a reciprocating pump of equal capacity, and the first
cost, including the motor for driving, is only about one-half. Since there
are no rubbing surfaces exposed to the water, the pump will run for years
without renewal or repairs. In case of accident, the parts are so few and
the construction so simple that any part of the machine can be replaced in
less than one hour. The cost of attendance is reduced to the minimum,
since the only necessary attention is to see that the pumps and motors are
properly lubricated. The simplicity and reliability of the centrifugal pump
make it especially suitable for is^ated stations.
234 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 605.
Turbine Pumps. 235
Fig, 506.
236 Pumps and Hydraulics.
xated at the lower end of the shaft, with the result that the
238 Pumps and
. Hydraulics.
Fia. 606^
Turbine Pumps. 239
Fio. 509.
Fio. 610.
244 Pumps and Hydraulics.
FlO. 612.— See page 25L
This consists, in its most simple form, of a steam nozzle the ^
end of which extends somewhat into the second nozzle, called the
combining or mixing nozzle; this connects with, or rather ter-
minates in, a third nozzle or tube, termed '* the forcer'' At the
end of the combining tube, and before entering the forcer, is an
opening connecting the interior of the nozzle at this point with
the surrounding space. This space is connected with the outside
Note. ^The operation of the injector is based on the fact, first demon-
stratedby Giflard, that the motion imparted by a jet of steam to a surround-
ing column of water is sufficient to force it into the boiler from which the
steam was taken, and, indeed, into a boiler working at a higher pressure.
The steam escaping from under pressure has, in fact, a much higher velocity
than water would have under the same pressure and condition. The rate
of speed at which steam travels taking it at an average boiler pressure of
sixty pounds when discharged into the atmosphere, is about 1,700 feet
per second. When discharged with the full velocity developed by the _
boiler pressure through a pipe, say an inch in diameter, the steam encoun-
ters the water in the combining chamber. It is immediately condensed and
its bulk will be reduced say 1,000 times, but its velocity remains practically
U6 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 614.— See page 861.
Injectors. 247
Note. — The motive force of the injector is found in the heat received
front the steam. The steam is condensed and surrenders its latent heat and
some of its sensible heat. The energy so given up by each pound of steam
amounts to about 900 thermal units, each of which is equivalent to a mechani-
cal force of 778 footpounds. This would be sufficient to raise a great many
pounds of water agamst a very great pressure could it be so applied, but a
large portion of it is used simply to heat the water raised by the injector.
The above explanation will apply to every injector in the market, but in-
genious modifications of the principles of construction have been devised in
order to meet a variety of requirements.
248 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 515.— See page 252.
from this point the pressure increases and the water moves
forward under a diminished velocity.
That the condensation of the steam is necessary to cpmplete
the process will be evident, for if the steam were not condensed
in the combining chamber, it would remain a light elastic body
and, though moving at high speed, would have a low degree
of energy.
PiO. 617.
Fio. 618.
Injectors, 251
35 to 45 50 to 85 90 105 120 135 150 lbs.
144 to 136 133 to 130 129 122 118 to 113 109 to 105 104 to 100° F.
and, 2, the forcing device which " picks up " the water and
causes it to flow into the boiler.
The Metropolitan double tube injector is shown in the two
figures on page 248.
These are made by the Hayden & Derby Mfg. Co. This
instrument is of the double-tube design and in that particular
resembles the Korting injector described on page 264. Both
the lifting and forcing, as well as the overflow valves are con-
trolled by one handle.
The Metropolitan single tube injector is represented by the
Figs. 5 17 and 518, page 250. The internal parts of this injector,
as may be seen from the sectional engraving, are stationary.
The steam is regulated by the handle, K, which is attached to
the stem, M the water supply adjusts itself automatically.
Fig. 519.
7. Use a strainer at
the end of suction pipe;
the holes in the strainer
should be small, but
their total area larger
than the area of the
supply pipe.
8. Insert stop valves
in suction, steam and
delivery pipes, to facil-
itate disconnection in
cleaning injector and
check valve in delivery
Fias. 620-533..
Note. The lettered parts "hown above apply to both the " Manhattan "
and the " Peerless " injecton See page 252 for the names of the parts cor-
responding with the letters.
Injectors. 255
condensing engine, and its use increases the power both of the
engine and boilers.
It is worked by waste steam, just as ordinary injectors are
worked by live steam from the boiler.
The first cost and subsequent wear and tear of pumps are
avoided. The power required to work pumps, of whatever
construction, is saved the exhaust injector doing the same
steam injector.
Fig. 539.
nut R
at the lower end of injector until overflow ceases.
If desired, a gauge indicating both pressure and vacuum (a
compound gauge) can be furnished with exhaust steam injectors.
Note. —This instrument is marketed as " Van Duzen's steam jet pump
(Cincinnati, Ohio), and credit should be given the makers for the useful
table ou page 259
Injectors. 261
and is adapted for its own particular class of work which is but
little known to those unaccustomed to use these appliances.
Fio. 5i5.
Fia. 616.
Inj. L lors. 263
.3S_a/-^Bi Horn. 34 To AA, APPLY TO THK
FiQ. 547.
264 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Injectors. 265
Fig. 548.
lused by the action of steam led for that purpose direct 'into
cold liquids
266 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Table of Dimensions.
Number of Noiseless Water Heater
268 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fia. 552.
T/ie original puhometer was an instrument called by that
name measuring the force and frequency of the pulse it
for ;
" The upper end of the suction pipe shown at the mouth
of the pit consists of two branches, which are connected to
similar branches on the lower part of the forcing pipe N. The
suction valves are at B A and the forcing ones at E F, all
opening upwards. Between these valves two short curved
tubes connect the bottoms of the receiver I M with the branches,
as represented, and two other bent tubes, P Q, unite the top
of the receivers with the boiler H. On top of this boiler, and
forming a part of it, is a stout round plate, having two openings
f the same size as the bore of the tubes last mentioned. In
moving this lever the disk can be made to open or close either
opening, so as to admit or exclude steam from the receivers,
and answering every purpose of a three-way cock.
" The face of the disk is ground smooth, so as to fit close
I 269
270 Pumps and Hydraulics.
" The cock on the pipe S is then opened, the small boiler
again charged, and the water becomes gradually heated ; so
that by the time it is wanted in the other boiler, a small addi-
tion to the fuel quickly raises its temperature, and it is again
forced in as before. The quantity of water in the boilers was
ascertained by gauge cocks. These were inserted at the top
(see figure) and pipes soldered to them descended to different
I Fig. 554.
The Pulsometer. 273
Fio. 656.
Vent plugs are inserted in the cover plates for the purpose
oi draining off the water in the pump to prevent freezing.
276 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 664.
Note. For emptying vats or tanks and for distributing the liquors from
one tank to another or throughout the building, the pulsometer arranged as
per accompanying ills., Fig. 564, will 1)e found to be of great usefulness.
At convenient intervals along the .steam main and discharge main, suitable
couplings can be provided for quickly attaching a .short section of steam
iiid discharge hose, as the pump, suspended from a trolley, is moved along
trom tank to tank.
with its guard and seat. Fig. 562 represents the neck-piece
containing the ball steam valve, while Fig. 563 conveys the
idea of the manner of covering the ball by the cap after which
the neck-piece is ready to be bolted to the top of pump.
The Maslin automatic steam vacuu7n pump is presented in
Fig. 554, page 271. Its principle is identical with that of the
pulsometer but it differs somewhat in detail, as for example,
the three valves with their seats, H, H, H, are introduced
through one opening or hand-hole. The two suction valves,
E, E, are secured by one bolt, I, likewise the two discharge
valves, K. The combination of the foot valve, G, in the pump
requires no bolting on being held by the bolt, I.
The plain cover is of such a shape that no nuts are removed
to afford access to the valves ; all that is necessary is to slack
up one nut and swing the cover to one side.
The valves are of very thick rubber but are cut away near
the center so that they readily yield to the pressure under-
neath, giving a full area of opening. The two air valves are
attached at the end of the neck-piece.
There are no projecting set screws or bolts running through
the main body of this pump attended as they often are with
more or less leakage. A hook is provided to suspend the pump
in a shaft or over sewer work. The two drip cocks at the bot-
tom drain the chambers when necessary to prevent freezing, etc.
Note. — " One of the most important points to be attended to, and which
is so often overlooked, is that dry steam should be supplied to the pulso-
meter. Take steam from the highest part of the boiler. Do not connect
steam pipe to a pipe furnishing steam for any other purpose but if you ;
have to take steam from a large steam pipe, tap it on the upper side so as to
avoid the drip caused by condensation in the large pipe. When the boiler
is some distance from the pulsometer the steam pipe to it should be larger
Fig. 665.
Pig. 566.
Fig. 567.
other set of check valves into the pressure chamber, EE. The
oil then runs through the orifice, C, the size of which is con-
weight, and throttling the steam. In case the pump runs more
slowly than was intended, a reverse action takes place, the
weight on the end of the lever, L, forces the piston, GG, down
and more steam is admitted. As the orifice at, C, can be in-
creased or diminished by adjusting the screw at, A^, the governor
can be set within reasonable limits to maintain any desired
speed. The piston, GG, fits over the stationary piston, form-
ing an oil dashpot, thereby preventing dancing of the governor.
This dashpot is fed from the pressure chamber, E, through a
passage which is controlled by an adjusting screw, K^ which is
set with a screwdriver, after removing the cap screw, T. It
requires no further attention after being once adjusted.
For duplex pumps up to 2-inch steam pipe, inclusive, this
governor is fitted with a duplex valve, which prevents the
escape of oil from the pressure chamber through the orifice. C
and thereby prevents the steam valve from opening wide dur
ing the momentary pause of the pump piston.
This governor should be placed on the pump at some point
where the requisite motion can be obtained for operating it,
and also in such a way that a rod can be run from the knuckle
joint on the top lever, /, to the valve in the steam pipe, as
shown in the engraving. Place the valve in the pipe, so that
the stem shall be in a direct line with the knuckle joint on the
lever, and pull out the valve stem to its full extent. With the
ball on the governor in its lowest position, connect the valve
rod to the lever. The governor is then ready to be filled with
oil. Remove the plug on top of the gauge glass, and fill the
governor about half full with a good, clean, light grade of
mineral oil. The governor is then ready to work.
Start the pump at about its maximum speed place the ;
PlO. 568.
the inlet, indicated by the arrows and passes through into the
Pump Speed Governors. 287
Fio. 569,
Fig. 570.
Fig. 571.
ment insures a tight piston as the leather packing will remain
soft pliable and at the same time the water serves as a
«bricant for the interior of the cylinder.
The hand wheel can be placed in different positions and all
at is necessary to make the change is to take out the bolts
and move the regulating hand wheel to the desired position.
By this arrangement the engineer can set the hand wheel re-
gardless of the arrangement of the steam piping.
290 Pumps and Hydratilics.
FlO. 572,
The lower valve seat is fitted into the lower opening, a steam-
tight fit, but is free to move sufficiently to compensate for the
Fig. 573.
in the hub of pulley. A, to levers, and L, K
which operate the valve, N, admitting water
under a light pressure to the cylinder, O. The water is admitted
to the cylinder, O, through ports at either end, causing the
piston to move forward or backward, governed by the movement
of the governing weights, BB.
The is keyed to the main shaft, and at the op-
pulley, A,
posite end keyed a bevel pinion running in mesh with a bevel
Fig. 576.
clutch shaft, F, through the gears, S and R, and the pin clutch,
T, to the gate shaft, J.
The makers of the' machine here desTibed, say : "In the year 1902 our
attention was called to a uen' governor invented by Nathaniel Lombard, and
after finding by actual governor possessed advantages over all
tests that this
others then in use, we were induced make arrangements for its manufac-
ture and sale. Two years have been cpent in improving and perfecting this
machine, hence the name The Improved Governor.'
Pump Speed Governors. 295
raise and lower the head gates which are used to admit and
regulate, also to shut off the water supply from pond or lake
to the fiiitne conveying it to the wheel. In this case there are
two head gates having racks upon the upright timbers connect-
ing with the gates. Two shrouded pinions engage these racks,
which are keyed upon a shaft having a large spur wheel at its
end, as represented. A pinion upon a second shaft engages
this spur wheel which in turn has also a spur wheel which
engages a pinion upon the crank shaft having two cranks op-
posite one another. By means of these cranks with two to four
men upon each crank the gates are operated very satisfactorily.
These shafts and gears are mounted upon heavy cast iron
296 Pumps and Hydraulics,
Fio. 677.
A condenser is an apparatus, separate from the cylinder, in
which exhaust steam is condensed by the action of cold water;
2. By saving fuel without reducing the output of power.
3. By saving the boiler feed water required in proportion to
the saving of fuel.
4. By furnishing boiler
feed water frc c from lime and
other scaling impurities.
5. By preventing the
noise of the escaping exhaust
6. By permitting the
boiler pressure to be lowered
ten to twenty pounds with-
out reducing the power or
the economy of the engine.
The discovery of the ad-
vantages from the
condensation steam by
direct contact with water was
Fig. 578.
In the earliest construction of steam-engines the desired
vacuum was produced by the circulation of water through a
jacket around the cylinder. This was a slow and tedious pro-
cess, the engine making only seven or eight strokes per minute.
"An accidental unusual circumstance pointed out the remedy,
and greatly increased the effect. As the engine was at work,
the attendants were one day surprised to see it make several
strokes much quicker than usual and upon searching for the
which let the cold water [kept upon the piston to prevent the
Condensiup Apparatus. 301
Fig. 581.
the lower half of the tubes towards the left whence it returns
through the upper half of the tubes towards the right and
escapes overboard through the water outlet pipe.
tubes, through which the feed-water passes, while the lower part
contains the condensing tubes, both parts being in proper com-
munication with their respective water chambers. The heater
tubes being located immediately adjacent to the exhaust inlet,
are exposed to the hottest steam, and the feed-water becomes
nearly as high temperature as that of the vacuum. Pages 304
and 305 show the sectional and outside views. The enclosing
shell containing the combined heater and condenser is a well
ribbed cylindrical iron casting free and independent access is
Note. The surface condensers, Figs. 579-581, are made by the Wheeler
Condenser and Engineering Co., New York, as are also the Volz combined
surface condenser and feed water heater, shown in Figs. 582 and 583.
Condensing Apparatus. 307
FlQ. 584.
Flo. 585.
that a pump has to be used to
force the injection, the pump has
to do less work than the ordinary air pump, and its exhaust
can be used to heat the feed water.
The Bulkley '^ Injector'' condenser is shown in Fig. 586, ar-
ranged so that the condensing water is supplied by a pump.
The condenser is connected to a vertical exhaust pipe from the
engine, at a height of about 34 feet above the level of the
hot-well." An air-tight discharge pipe extends from the
Condensing Apparatus. 309
condenser nearly to the bottom
of the " hot-well," as shown in
the engraving.
The condenser is supplied
by a pump as shown, or from a
tank, or from a natural " head
of water ; the action is continu-
ous, the water being delivered
into the " hot-well " below. The
area of the contracted "neck"
of the condenser is greater than
that of the annular water inlet
described above, and the height
of the water column overcomes
the pressure of the atmosphere
The supply pump delivers
cool water only, and is therefore
ria. 687.
Condensing Apparatus. 311
lustration is a two-thirds
midship section of a
vessel with pipe con-
nections to the bilge
bottom injection — side
injection into the cen-
pump, thence
Fig. 588.
upward through suction
pipe into the ejector condenser where it meets and condenses
the exhaust steam from the engine and so on through the dis-
charge pipe overboard. The plan of piping with,valves, drain
pipes and heater are shown in Fig. 588.
In case of the failure of any of the details of this mechanism
to perform their respective functions a free exhaust valve and
pipe is provided which may be brought instantly into use. The
discharge pipe has a " kink " in it to form a water seal, as rep-
resented with a plug underneath to drain in case of frost, or
in laying up the vessel in winter. A pipe leads from globe
valve (under discharge elbow) to feed pump for hot water.
312 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Note. The following list gives the numbers with the corresponding
names of the parts of the surface condenser, shown in the above outline
sketch i, condenser shell
: ; 2, outside heads
; 3, exhaust inlet; 4, exhaust
outlet 5, water inlet
; 6, water outlet
; 7, peep holes
; 8. tube heads
9, partition ; 10, rib ; 11, tubes
; 12, stuffing-boxes.
314 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Utility is a Latin word meaning the same as the Saxon
word usefulness, hence a utility is something to be used to ad-
Anattachment is that by which one thing is connected to
another; some adjunct attached to a machine or instrument to
enable it to do a special work ; these are too numerous to be
described in this work; moreover their number is being so con-
stantlyadded to that it would be vain to make the attempt. A
few examples only follow.
The Receiver one of the most important and useful parts
318 Pu7nps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 589.
that all returns will drain naturally towards receiver and that
there are no pockets in the piping.
Utilities and Attachments. 319
Fig. 590.
Fig. 591.
in the vessel.
Fig. 592.
the side of the shell of the valve. The valve itself is held by
a screw to the lever and resembles very much an inverted lever
safety valve.
Fio. 593.
Note. Tank Valves. The " Corcoran " valve is made for either side or
bottom outlet and for i 1%, 1%, 2 and 2 yi inch pipe its action is auto-
, ;
valve closes the pipe inside the tank. It thus becomes easy to empty the
pipes in order to prevent freezing. The hoops, lugs and lock nut nipples
are important parts of a well constructed tank. The foundations upon
which tanks are supported should be carefully considered, as the average
weight of a well made tank, when full of water, is about five tons to 1000
Pumps and Hydraulics.
8 O 1 O OO O O !
through the flat side extending across the diameter of the side
pipe ; any floating matter which will not pass through the
holes collects in this strainer vessel and may be easily removed.
Fig. 598 represents a longitudinal section of this strainer.
The top of the chamber is covered by a bonnet secured by a
claw having one bolt, so that by unscrewing this bolt the claw
arid bonnet may be unfastened and the settling chamber with
perforated plate withdrawn.
A suction valve with double strainer is represented by Fig.
599, in which the outer screen is raised for cleaning. In lower-
ing, it is guided to its place by the cage around the foot valve
chest, as will be seen in Fig. 600, which is a sectional view of
326 Pumps and Hydraulics.
this same valve. The suction pipe extension enables the pump
to draw water when its surface has fallen below the top of
strainer and also below the foot valves. This is often a great
advantage where water is scarce and every gallon is needed.
This foot valve is a " double clack " hinged in the center.
There are no openings or perforations in the bottom plate.
Fig. 6oi is a very convenient form of strainer for large pipes
and where it is an advantage to have the strainer in the engine-
room or near the pump. This strainer,
like Fig. 597, can be lifted out for clean-
ing by removing the claw and bonnet.
The chamber may be washed out by
removing the plug at the bottom.
Note. Strangely, investigation has proved that water of this purity
rapidly corrodes iron, and attacks even pure iron and steel more readily
than " hard " water does, and sometimes gives a great deal of trouble where
the metal is not homogeneous. Marine boilers would be rapidly ruined by
pure distilled water if not previously "scaled " about 1-32 of an inch.
3^8 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 603.
FlOS. 604.605.
relative durability.
Fig. 603 is a perspective view of the Worthington water
vteier, the details of which are shown in the Figs. 604 and
605, the recording or "dial" mechanism is also shown in
Fig. 606.
The internal arrangement of the meter is shown in longi-
tudinal section, Fig. 604, and the transverse section. Fig. 605,
Dn the opposite page.
The plungers, AA, are closely fitted into parallel rings. The
vvater passes through the inlet and port I, and is admitted
under pressure into chamber, D,
at one end of each plunger alter-
nately, while the connection is
its The arrangement is
such that the stroke of the two
plungers alternates, the valve act-
uated by one admitting pressure
Fio. 606.
to the other. The plungers are
brought to rest at the end of the stroke by the rubber buffers,
EE. One plunger imparts a reciprocating motion to the lever,
F, which operates the counter movement through the spindle
and ratchet gear as shown. Thus, it will be seen that the
counter is arranged to move the dial pointers once for every
four strokes or displacements, and that water cannot pass
through the meter without registration, for, in order to pass
through, it must be displaced by the plungers, and, therefore,
recorded by the movement of the lever and counter mechanism
nor can there be an over-registration, because the plungers
cannot move without displacing the fluid.
332 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 607.
figure 7 from the next marked 1,000 cubic feet, the figure 8,
and from the next marked 10,000 cubic feet, the figure 6 the ;
which contains the valve float and lever can be removed without
breaking any pipe joints, or the valve and seat may be removed
by simply unscrewing the cap, H, at the lower left-hand side
without disturbing the bonnet at all. It will be understood
that this trap does not dump, but the discharge of water is
regulated by a ball float and valve, hence there are really but
two working parts to this trap, viz. the ball float and valve.
the term, engine tool, is more in accord with general usage
hen referring to large and complicated machines.
knowledge of the application of hand-tools and
It Is by his
Fia. 611.
outside of a cyl-
indrical surface, as
Fig. 612.
a pipe or round
bar of iron.
A tap consists
of an external
scretv of the re-
Fig. 613.
quired size, formed
of steel and more
or less tapered,
part of the thread
being cut away by
Fig. 014.
grooves in order
to present a series of cutting edges. By screwing into a nut
in the manner of an ordinary bolt this tap forms the thread
Plug-taps are usually made in sets of three. The first, called
the entering tap or taper tap, generally tapers regularly through-
out its length ; the second, or intermediate tap, sometimes
tapers, but is usually cylindrical with two or three tapering
threads at the end ; the third, called the plug-tap or bottoming-
tap, is always parallel, with the full thread carried to the end.
340 Pumps and Hydraulics.
a perpendicular.
Hand Tools for Pump Attendants, 341
pipe stock and die, which is the familiar name of the com-
bination. The guard in the illustration is thrown open to
allow the die to be removed or exchanged. Fig. 620 represents
the latter solid steel dies are commonly used, but adjustable
dies are made. Figs. 621 and 622 are bushings to fit in the end
of the stock to guide the pipe there is one bushing for each
size of pipe.
shows a nipple-holder which is used to hold short
Fig. 623
pieces of pipe by the thread upon one end, while the die is
applied to cut a thread upon the other end. This tool is
generally used in a pipe cutting machine, which is operated by
power, but it can also be held in a common vise.
Note. The die may be centered on the nipple described above by f)lac-
in the die slock a guide bushing that will easily ride over the nipple
holder. The thread can now be cut until the die just touches the nipple
holder, and there will be practically no bl mk space between the threads on
the ends. After the die has been backed off the nipple can be removed from
the holder by unscrewing the center with a monkey wrench. A nipple
holder should be made for each size of pipe that is cut and threaded by hand.
A piece of pipe with a coupling on its end may be used as an improvised
nipple holder.
34!^ Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig, 618.
FiQ. 619.
Fig. d24.
Fig. 625,
FlO. 820.
Fio. 687.
Fro. 628
Fig. 829.
which it is put, but after the trade-class which uses it, as the
machinist hammer, the blacksmith-hammer, etc.
The hammer is made of high-grade steel, carefully tempered
head and peen the head is usually made cylindrical with slightly
wedge-shaped point.
Note. — in its use the hammer should be grasped near the end of the
handle, giving it a fret arm swing, and carrying the head through a nearly
vertical plane. It the plane of the swing approaches a horizontal the weight
of the hammer will produce a twisting effort on the fore-arm, which will be
veiy tiresome. The handle should be grasped with only sufficient force to
Kafflv mnfirnl ihp hlmii^
346 Pumps and Hydraulics.
FlQ. 630.
Fig. 631.
The word valve comes from the Latin valva —a leaf, fold
or valve of a door (as of a folding door).
A valve may act automatically so as to be opened by the
effort of a fluid to pass in one direction and closed by its effort
to pass in the other direction, as a clack valve ; or it may be
opened or closed by hand or mechanism, as a screw valve or a
slide valve, hi the glossary at the beginning of this work, the
word has been carefully defined and several illustrations have
been given of various designs of the device which have come
into general use.
Valves are of several classes.
1. Rotary; such. SiS cocks, faucets, plug throttle-valves.
Note. The above classification is that made by E. H. Knight, Civil and
mechanical Engineer, etc., and author of Knight's Mechanical Dictiona*-'
He adds: "The heart is created upon the principles of hydraulics, and 1»
furnished with a valve. Har\'ey deduced the circulation of the blood from
Aquapendente's discovery of the valvis in the veins."
348 Pumps and Hydraulics.
required to lift the main valve, at the same time the pilot valve,
E, answers the purpose of a by-pass.
The several proportions are such that a slight over-pressure
ismaintained above the piston to give the valve, at all times,
a tendency to close. This over-pressure should be but slight,
and to regulate it at will there is (besides the leak around the
piston) a separate steam admission above the piston, regulated
by the plug, C.
Depending on the fit of the piston, this plug is opened
more or less, or entirely closed, when valve is first put in oper-
ation, and then locked in that position.
A pressure reducing valve is shown
in outline and a side view in Figs. 633
and 634; this is in effect a (Mason)
pump pressure regulator and it is
2-inch of the best steam metal ; the largest sizes of cast iron,
lined with steam metal. The springs are made of tJie finest tool
steel, tempered.
The Mason RegulatorCo.,
Boston, are to be credited
with the following directions
The regulator is placed in the
steam pipe leading from the boiler
to the steam pump and as near the
pump as possible. The connection
with the water system is made
either from the tank or from the
water system, at some little distance
from the pump. Brass pipe should
be used if possible, for this connec-
tion. The drip should be con-
nected to some pipe where there is
no back pressure. The steam from
the boiler enters at the point
marked steam inlet from boiler,
relieves the water pressure in the chamber, O, which causes the auxiliary
valve, 8o, toopen again, and starts the pump as before described. The check
valve, 71, which is placed in the bottom of the piston, 70, allows the pressiire
regulator to open easily, but stops the pump quickly. This is a great
advantage, as the pump will not start with a jump, the moment the water
drops. By changing the tension of the spring, 83, through the key stem,
85, the amount of water pressure can be regulated.
Fig. 636.
Fio. 637.
will force it into a position that gives the full valve opening,
where it remain until overcome by water pressure from the
pump, acting against the opposite side, which is of reduced area.
It is necessary in operating this valve to have an excess of
water pressure over the steam pressure in the boiler. The excess
of the water pressure is obtained by the reduction of the area
of the water side of the piston —
thus to illustrate if the total—
area were lo square inches, and the reduction was one inch or
lo percent., it would require that the water pressure should be
lO per cent, greater than steam pressure, to give the same thrust
on the piston, then until the water has reached a pressure lo
per cent, in excess of the steam, the valve would be held open,
but thereafter it is held open only wide enough to admit steam
to the pump to keep up this lo per cent, excess pressure.
Should the excess pressure attempt to rise above this, it im-
mediately forces the steam valve nearly shut, thus nipping
the cause of the rise, namely, too great a piston speed.
The water pressure will vary only as the steam pressure
varies, always keeping the same per cent, of excess. The results
are directly opposite to what would or does occur where feed
Note. " In starting the pump, stand by until it has caught suction,
' '
and accumulated nearly the correct water pressure, now open the valve on
the pulse, or pressure pipe to the controller and open pump throttle wide,
thus giving the controller free action.
" Suppose the boiler pressure is loo pounds, the water pressure will be lo
per cent, higher or i lo lbs. Carrying an even fire, with water at second
gauge, feed valves properly set, the load suddenly increases, which pulls
steam down to 99 pounds, the water does not remain at 1 10 lbs. as before,
but is now 10 per cent, in excess of 90 lbs. or 99 lbs., thus in place of 10 lbs.
excess water pressure there is but 9 lbs., which means there will be less
water delivered through the feed valves, which will hardly ever have to be
" Next the load will lighten steam will rise, and the excess pressure will
automatically increase, thus restoring the water used at a time when it was
most necessary to lighten the feed to temporarily favor the fire.
"Suppose the load continues light, with good fires, steam rises to no
pounds, the water will rise to 10 per cent, more pressure or 121 pounds, thus
automatically giving more pressure to feed up on high steam, and store
' '
it is desired, all feeds may be closed, and the pressure will not
rise, the pump will stop if its plungers need packing it will
FiQ. 638.
marked, and when in this position, they, with an even steam pres-
sure, will always admit the same amount of water to the boilers.
It is understood that this valve is placed between the
cock, but with this difference, it has a sharper taper than the
regular plug-cock ; in this device the plug is usually made of
358 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Note. —In proportion as steam pressure gets higher joints are made
thinner and flanges smoother. In the past rough turning succeeded chip-
ping, rough filing followed with an application of the surface plate, and
finally the scraper was used to produce a dead-true surface, which is now
only cleaned and wet with heavy mineral oil to withstand any pressure
3b0 Pumps and Hydraulics.
that are likely to act upon it. The jointing of a steam pipe
must resist the temperature of the steam, the water it carries
with it, the changes of tempera-
ture when the pipe cools during
intervals of work,and the strains
due to the weight of the pipe,
and also the internal pressure
of the steam. If it expands
differently from the metal in
the pipe, it must be sufficiently
elastic to compensate for this
expansion, otherwise it will leak
each time the pipes cool down.
Fig. 643.
The joint should be always
inside the line of bolts, and if
any joint material extends be-
yond, it would only help to
support the flange in case it
should spring. This, of course,
indicates faulty design, for
flanges ought to bear the strains
FlO. 644.
of jointing without perceptible
spring. Male and female flanges
are best for high pressures.
A very popular joint is made
with a planed or turned sur-
face and a sheet of paper of the
quality used to wrap bales of
paper. This is the last sur-
vival of the millboard. Rubbed
over the flange with a dirty hand
and cut out with a penknife
on a board, this is one of the
Fio, 615.
cheapest jointings known. This
paper has no lumps or grit in it, and if smeared with mineral
steam pumps. The mineral oil increases the life of the paper
when exposed to high steam. Sheet asbestos is better.
Hydraulic joints for high pressure require greater rigidity
than those of steam, but they do not have to bear high tem-
peratures. The jointing material may be more or less plastic,
such as leather, rubber or gutta
percha. It is generally inclosed in
a groove in the flange, and com-
pressed by a projection fitting the
groove, so that expansion of the
jointing is arrested and the space
Fig. 647.
Fig. 650. Fig. 651.
Fig. 652.
in volume. Others, again, like sulphur
and plaster of Paris, increase in
volume in setting. These substances
all vary in their elasticity, qualities
cast iron or steel flanges, bolts and gaskets which face square
with the center line of the pipe.
These flanges are shrunk on the pipe as shown in the figures,
expanded and flared inside.
Fig. 643 represents a male and female flange joint metal to
metal combined with and forming a part of the pipe it is used ;
for special work and conditions. Fig. 644 is the usual screwed
sleeve threaded connection with right hand coupling. Fig. 645
is a much used male and female flange union screwed for the
reception of standard wrought iron pipe. Fig. 646 illustrates
the common threaded malleable iron union and Fig. 647 the
plain light malleable iron tee.
f V )\[C^
Note. —
Cast iron was formerly entirely employed for steam pipe, but
now never used for high pressures.
it is
While lead and iron pipe have taken the place of the old log pipes of
former days for carrying water and sundry purposes, there are still uses for
which wooden pipe is better adapted than any of the metal pipes a new ;
kind of wire wound wooden pipe has been made. Bach length is built up
of staves, wound with galvanized steel wire under tension. The sizes are
made 2 to 8 inches internal diameter. The staves are kiln-dried, % inch to
xYz inch thick. Joints are made with a male and female socket on the small
sizes, and a sleeve and butt joint on the larger sizes, 8- inch pipe of this type,
wound with No. 4 copper wire, has been tried, where acid water rapidly
destroys ordinary pipes, with excellent results. This pipe has been tested
to 500 pounds pressure, it is lighter to handle and is not so liable to burst as
cast iron.
Pipes and Fittings. 365
366 Pumps and Hydraulics,
X^M Note. — The best way of jointing hydraulic pipes has been the subject of
much practical experiment. A
guttapercha ring has been universally
adoptea as the best means of preserving the joint watertight. Modified
form of this joint is made by casting a projection on the pipe beyond the
flange, the bell and spigot being formed on this projection. The effect is
^_ to increase the depth and the strength of the flange, without an increase of
^ft its section at the junction between the flange and the pipe.
368 Pumps ana Hydraulics.
center-to-center, of the two elbows ;D, from the starting place to the center
of the globe valve E, the center of the globe valve to the center of the tee,
and F, from the center of the tee to the center of the elbow.
Gshows the center of the elbow to the center of the union H, from;
the center of the union to the center of the tee, and I, from the center of the
tee to the center of the elbow J, from the center of the elbow to the center
of the coupling, and K, from the center of the coupling to the final tee ; all
as indicated by the arrow heads and crosses.
" There are many fingers pointing to the value of a
training in science, as the one thing needful to make the
man, who shall rise above his fellows.'' —Frank Aubn.
"A heavy wager has been laid
That there are tricks in every trade,*'
Relating to Pumps and their Management
373 Pumps and Hydraulics.
fing-box should be filled as full as it can be, and start the nuts
on the studs by hand. Screw up the nuts with the hand and
then start the pump If leakage occurs do not attempt
to tighten the nut while the rod is in motion, and in all cases
Useful Notes. 373
When cutting rings of packing for the water piston or
plunger, the rings should be \ inch short, as previously de-
scribed, page 372.
* *
» *
The steam pipe leading to a pump should be so arranged that
the water of condensation, while the pump is idle, may not
pass through the steam chest and cylinders, and wash off the
lubricating oil. Drip cocks should be attached to steam pipes
and all large pipes should have separators and steam traps.
* #
Valves in the suction pipe should have the stems carefully
packed and kept tight air leaks in valve stem stuffing-boxes
often due to a lack of air in the air chamber, or when the speed
is high, to a lack of capacity in the air chamber.
king the quick stroke is wearing out or has, perhaps, given way.
A broken discharge or suction valve will also cause a " jerky "
motion of the pistons.
* *
Pumps should be examined frequently in order to know
what parts are beginning to wear and how fast the wear is ta-
king place. When this is done the worn parts can, in the
majority of cases, be taken out and replaced by new ones be-
fore they give out entirely, thus avoiding delay, but what is
better, duplicated parts kept on hand r^Sidy at a moment's notice.
and leave a vacuum into which the piston can return without
having to force back the atmosphere. This is the way the
earlier vertical engines were run, the condensation taking place
in the cylinder itself, and, moreover, the vacuum was all that
made the engine operative, for the steam carried was but little
above atmospheric pressure.
The velocity of water entering a suction pipe depends upon
two things, the vacuum in the pipe and the vertical lift of the
water. The longer the suction pipe, vertically, the greater the
frictional resistance to the flow of water; the flow of water
through small discharge pipes should not exceed four hundred
feet per minute, and for large pipes five hundred feet per
the tank or reservoir from which the boilers are fed a quantity
of bark in the piece, in sufficient quantity to turn the water to
a light brown color. Repeat this operation every month at
least, month. Add
using only half the quantity after the first
Note. — Care
must be exercised in keeping the bark, as it becomes
broken from the pump valves and blow-off valves. This may be accom-
plished by throwing it into the reservoir confined in a sac.k.
380 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Sal-ammoniac 5 "
This solution was formerly sold at a good round but figure,
since its nature became more generally known, not found
it is
Fig. 667.
Fig. 6t)8.
To make the joint, the rough lumps should be filed off the
outside of the pipe and red lead rubbed on to mark the sur-
face, to show when the fit is properly made. Then lay on
with a brush a thiii mixture of red lead and varnish and
quickly screw the saddle in place. Such joints seldom or never
leak when allowed to thoroughly dry before use.
Fig. 671.
under pressure, open the air cock on the air chamber and
cylinder cocks.
Pump slip or slippage represents the difference between the
calculated and the actual discharge of a pump, which is gen-
erally expressed as a percentage of the calculated discharge.
Thus, when the slippage is given as fifteen per cent, it indicates
that the loss due to shp amounts
to fifteen per cent, of the cal-
culated discharge. Slippage is
due to two causes, the time re-
quired for the suction and dis-
Fio. 672 charge valve to seat, due to ex-
cessive speed. When the piston
speed is so high that
the water cannot
enter the pump fast
enough to completely
fill the cylinder only
In Fig. 674, let
let it communicate by a tube, as shown, to the lower vessel
containing water. The pressure of the atmosphere upon the
surface will force the water up into the pipe
until the column is high enough to exert a
pressure per square inch equal to that of the
A cubic
atmosphere. inch of water weighs
a^r =(d
35 f^et high ; that is„
386 Pu7nps and Hydraulics.
6 pounds, lifts the valve, and the water enters the pump cham-
ber with a velocity due to that pressure. In order to insure
smooth and quiet running of the pump, it is necessary to keep
the speed of the piston inside of the velocity with which the
cylinder would fill under this pressure, reduced by the friction
of the water, the pressure required to lift the valves, etc.
But this supposes that there is a perfect vacuum in A, and
we cannot realize this in contact with hot water. Water at any
temperature will boil unless it is under a pressure equal to or
greater than that corresponding with the temperature. Water
at 60 degrees F. will boil if the pressure upon its surface is re-
duced to a quarter of a pound per square inch, and iitthe case
shown in Fig. 674, it would boil and fill the space with A
steam at that absolute pressure.
NoTR. —Water at170 degrees F. will boil if its pressure is reduced below
6 ]~o.inils absolute, and
if the water were at this temperature in Fig. 673, the
cylinder, A wouM he filled with steam at 6 ]ionnds pressure and this added
. ;
to the 9 |>o'.in(!s pressure of the cohuuii would completely alance the atmos-
pheric prvo. u and Iho water would not rise above the level, A.
388 Pumps and Hydraului.
Miner's Inch Measurement. The term miner s inch is of
California origin, and not known or used in any other locality,
it being a method of measurement adopted by the various ditch
companies in disposing of water to their customers. The term is
more or less indefinite for the reason that the water companies
do not all use the same head above the center of the aperture,
and the inch varies from 1.36 to 1.73 cubic feet per minute
each, but the most common measurement' is through an
aperture 2 inches high and whatever length is required, and
through a plank i^ inches thick, as shown in the engraving,
Fig. 675. The lower edge of the aperture should be 2 inches
above the bottom of the measuring box, and the plank 5 inches
high above the aperture, thus making a 6-inch head above the
center of the stream. Each square inch of this opening re-
presents a miner's inch, which is equal to a flow of i^ cubic
feet per minute. Time is not to be considered in any calculation
based upon a miner's inch measurement.
Explanation of Weir Dam Measurement, Place a board or
plank edgewise across the stream to be measured as illustrated
in Fig. 676.
390 Pumps and ffydraulics.
Some would prefer to drive the stake with its top precisely
level with the bottom edge of gap in dam so that the depth of
water in stream may be measured with a rule or steel square
placed upon top of this stake at any time after the flow of water
has reached its average depth over dam. However the marks
upon the stake are preferred by most experts. After the stake
has been marked it may be withdrawn and the distance between
the first and last marks gives the theoretical flow according to
the table, page 391.
Cubic Feet of water per minute that will flow over a Weir one-inch wide
and from yi to 20^ -inches deep.
392 Pumps ana IlycCraulics.
•ainuitn «S!Sa!S
Tables and Data, 393
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394 Pumps and Hyctraulics.
£ -*
Tables and Data. 395
» <
396 Pumps and Hydraulics.
The pressure of water in pounds per square inch for every ft. in height to
300 feet and then by intervals to 1,000 feet head. By this table, from the pounds
pressure per square inch, the feet head is readily obtained and vice versa.
Tables and Data. 301
398 Pumps and Hydraulics.
TadCes and Data. 399
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iOO Pumps and Hydraulics,
TO Part Two of Rogers Pumps and Hydraulics.
Accidents, to avoid 374 Air, moving power ; note 23
Acid, muriatic fumes, action of . . . 380
' back pressure '
' of, des 36
syphon pump, ills, and des. . 265 Air-bound pumps 371
Adjusting, care must be exer- Air brakes, use of compressed
cised in 372 air in, des 57
*• Admiralty," the rectangular chamber, to prevent freezing. 381
surface condenser, des 303 A'r compressor, direct acting
Advantages of the Cataract steam single, ills and des. . 72
mining pump 146 power wall or post, ills, and
modern pulsometer 273 des 72
Aer, def 179 the • Imperial," ills, and
Aeriform fluids, def 15 des 67-70
Aermotor pumps 177-192 Air compressors, des 57-78
Aermotors, why so named 187 methods of driving 59
Ahrens steam fire engine 126 theoretical operations of 63
Air, des 15 Air cooler of condenser, ills 312
and steam, relative space oc- Air, fluid of, def 17
cupied by 378 gravity and elasticity of 16
and vacuum pumps, ills, and leaks in suction must be pre-
des 31 vented 374
steam end of 35 A'r lift pump,
and des ills, 79-90
table of test 41 care and management 87-88
as a mechanical agent 17 lift system, advantages ot. . . . 79
404 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Blowing engine, ills, and des. .66, 67 Capacity of cisterns and tanks,
Blow-off cock, des 347 how estimated 364
valve, Bordo, and des.. 354, 355
ills, Carbonate of lime In boiler
Boggs & Clark hydraulic dredg- scale 328
ing pump, ills, and des. 217, 218 magnesia in boiler scale 328
Boiler cleaners, mechanical 380 Carbonates deposited in order,
compound, cost of 378 des 380
action of 379
Boiler compound, directions for Care and management of air
use 378 pumps 87-88
for locomotives 378 the Clapp & Jones steam fire
Computation for finding Construction of Silsby ttie
weigfit of water in cis- steam cylinder pump and
terns and tanks 324 boiler 115
obtaining the contents of a Contamination of water to be
barrel in gallons 324 prevented 375
Miner's Inch, with ills 388 Contents, Table of XI.
open stream measurement 390 . . . Controller, Mullin's automatic,
weir dam, water, measure- ills, and des 352-353
ment 390 Cooling towers, des 33
relating to water pumped by Corcoran double action suction
windmill 191 force pump, des. and ills. 185-186
••Condensation," def 18 tank valves 323
Condenser, def 32 Corcoran windmill, ills, and
des 299 des 184-186
advantages of 300, 378 Corrosion, def 328
combined, and feed-water how prevented 380
heater, ills, and des 306 how caused
of boilers, 380
cone, ills 312 Cotton presses, pump for, ills.
Elector, ills 218 Explanations of principles In-
pump, ills, and des 259-260 volved in feeding tank. 373 . .
Hay den & Derby Mfg. Co 352 Ice, expansion of 381
Head gates, mechanism to raise Ideal steel tank tower, ills, and
and lower, ills 295 des 187
HeadA, friction at given rates " Impellers," des 212
Table 394-395 Impellers of Worthlngton cen-
trifugal pump, des 233
Heat, action of, on particles of
Impellers or pistons of rotary
bodies 16
Heater, noiseless water, ills, and
pumps, ills, and des 196
'* Imperial " air compressor,
des 265-266
stationary, for the steam fire
ills, and des 67-70
Imperial gallon, capacity of 523
engine 105
Incrustation, des 328
Heron or Hero, account of 99
Incrustations of injector pipes,
of Alexandria historical note
Historical notes and ills, relat- " Injector " condenser. Bulk-
ing to steam fire engine. .92-99 .
ley, ills, and des 308-309
History of tlie centrifugal pump 211 Injector, double tube universal,
Hogsfiead, capacity of 323 ills 262
Holyoke Improved speed gov- des 264
ernor for water wheels, exhaust steam ills, and des. 255-256
*< Manhattan" automatic in- Mining, Cataract steam pump,
jector, ills 244 ills 144
des 251 des 146
Marine pump, Davidson pattern, Mining pump, double leather,
ills, and des 156-157 ills 145
Marine pumps 155162 des 147
Ship's pump 155 electric, ills., Part One 276
*• Mariotte's law " des. Part Two
17 147
Maries of parts necessary 374 hand-power, ills 145
Masiin automatic steam vacuum des 148
pump, ills 271 the Cameron vertical plunger
des 279 sinking, ills 150-15
des 351
Miscellaneous pumps 143-176
Nipple-Holder, pipe, ills, and des. 341 Pilot or auxiliary valve, des 348
Norwalk compound comprts- Pipe, condenser spray, des 306
sor, des. and ills 77-78 connections, proper arrange-
standard compressor, ills, and ments of 363
des 56-58 cutter, ills, and des 338
note 78 fitting, des 359
Nozzles of stej tn fire engine. 125 . .
freezing of, how prevented,
ills, and des 381
three types of, in steam in-
jector 247 gas and steam, how measured 367
joint, des. and ills 359-363
Nuts and screws must be kept
telescopic, ills, and des 152
tight 374
Pipe lines, how measurements
are to be taken, ills 368
Oak'bark, directions for use 379 lines, steam 364
white, used in boilers 379
Pipe, making up a piece of 363
Oil-cock, des 3^7 nipple holder, des 341
Oil, how used in the Cataract
originally a musical wind in-
steam pump cylinder 146
strument 359
Oil-pipe lines, pump for 155 saddles for quick connections
tank steamer pump, ills, and into pipes, ills 382
des 159-161 spanner, ills, and des 344
stock and die, des 341
Packing, care of 372 Pipe, suction, should be drained. 377
economy of, narrow rings. . . . 372 tail, of condenser, ills 312
for pump plungers 373 thickness of standard 399
for pumps, suitable 372 Pipe tongs, and des
ills, 343
how to fit 372 vise, ills, and des 340
must be never rigid.. 372
Pipe, wooden, note relating to. 364 . .
for stuffing boxes, badly pro- wrench, Trimo, ills, and des. 343
portioned, glands too short. 372
advantages and disadvantages
to cut square thinner, des. and
of 377
ills 383
Pipes and fittings, note relating
Paper mills, particularly adapted
to 359
for use of centrifugal pumps 214 exposed, precautions against
Papin, Denis, inventor, account freezing 377
of 211 flow of water in cast iron;
historical note 64 table 394-395
Parallel vise 341 joints and fittings 359-368
Parker, Richard Qreen, quo- relative advantages of 377
tation 14 Pipes, small, rates of discharge;
Peerless automatic injector, table 397
ills 246 steam, to properly drain 374
des 251 strainers for suction, ills, and
Pelton water wheel 60 des 325-328
Index. 415
and des
and des
lift, ills,
ills, 46-50
i^ls 318-319
rotary and centrifugal. .193-229 . .
Sinking or station pump, adap- Steam fire engine, auxiliary ap-
tation of the .turbine pump pliancesand supplies 99
for 233 " crane necked," frame for. . 141
des.and ills 148 Fox boiler, des. and ills. .101-103
Deane single vertical, ills 138 historical notes and ills 92-99
des 149 inner and outer tube system,
Size of rings to use. 373 des 104
Sleeve coupling, ills, and des. . . 367 instructions and sugges-
Slide valve 347 tions 129, 131, 135-137
Slippage, def causes of
, : . . . 384 nozzles 125
Socket wrench, interchangeable, parts of 99
ills, and des 344 pumps, des and ills 106, 107
Spanner, ills, and des 344 pumps, piston rods, exhaust,
Soeed controlling device, style coal box, etc 100, loi
A, Mason pump, method of self-propelled, Amoskeag pat-
operating, ills, and des. 288 . . tern 142
Speed governor for water stationary heater for, des .... 105
wheels. Hoi yoke improved, suction strainers of, des. and
ills, and des 291-294 ills 109
pump governors, ills, and table of effective fire streams
Stems valve, in suction must not Syphon pump, des. and ills 188
leak Syringe, Pneumatic, ills, and
Stock and die pipe, ills, and des. 341 des 26
Stop-cock, des 347
Stopping at night, precautions
Xaber pumps, directions for set-
for ... 377 tling and operating 200-202
Stop valve, necessity of 371
Table of analysis of average
Stover Manufacturing Com-
boiler scale 328
pany, makers of the Samp-
arrangement of valves for air
son windmill 190
and vacuum pumps 41
Strainers for suction pipes of
average hourly velocity of the
steam fire engines 138
wind in the U. S 183 •
Table of capacities at varying Table of standard sizes of
heights above sea level, flanges 399
of the Deane single vertical test of air a nd vacuum pumps. 4
sinking pump ". I49 velocity of flow in pipes. . .
" Tables and data
of Worthington " wrecking 387-400
pump 159 dimensions and capacities of
I able of class 'fication of steam the Quimby screw pump. 176 . .
engine 123
Union, Dart, and des
ills, 367
Theoretical operations of air flange, ills. ?nd des 363
compressors 63 pipe, ills 368
Theory of air lift 80 Universal double tube injector,
Thermometer, des 18 ills 262
Thick stuff, the handling of, des. 165 des 264
Third steam fire engine, capac- Uses ofcompressed air 57
ity and weight of 93 Utilities and attachments. . .315-334
Three-way cock, des 347 Utility, def. of 317
Throttle and quick closing trip
valve, ills 336 Vacuum, def 31
des 348 des 299
valve, automatic, for boiler chamber necessary for high
feed pump, ills, and des.352-353 lifts 374
Thud, causes of, in pumps 375 remedy for pounding 374
Tire air pump 29 gauge, why graduated in
Tongs, chain 343 inches ; note 21
pipe, ills, and des T. . . .
343 pumps, single and cross com-
Tools, def pound double acting 37-39
table of arrangement of valves 41
valves and piping 335-356
table of test 41
Towers, cooling, des 33
synonymous with air 373
Transmi tting messages th rough
the Conover condenser, ills.
pneumatic tubes, use of
and des •_5o-53
compressed air in, des 59
the Deane, and des
ills, 42-43
Trap, Anderson steam, des. and the Edwards, ills, and des. . . 53-55
ills 332-333 the Maslm automatic steam,
steam, des 333-334 ills 271
Trimo pipe wrench, ills, and des. 343 des 279
Try-cock, des 347 the Worthington vertical
Tub, des 323 beam, ills, and des 44-45
Tube of condenser, ills, and des. 305 Valve, def 347
Tubing, including boiler tubes, automatic throttle, for boiler
how measured 367 feed pump, ills, and des.352-353
Turbine pump, multi-stage, how auxiliary or pilot, des 348
primed, ills, and des 228 Bordo blow-off, ills, and
Turbine pump, space occupied des 354-355
by note ; 233 churn, for feeding the steam
^umps 230-242 fire engine, des Ill
Index. 423
Valve, connection of 346 Velocity, average of the wind
V«Ive for Carr steam pump gov- for the U. S., Relative, of
ernors, ills, and des. .290-291 . . water in large and small
gear of the Clapp & Jones pipes 378
Village Engine 122 Vertical duplex compressor. . .64-71
of the Reynolds-Corliss type.. 67 pump of four-stage turbine,
heart created on the principles ills 238
of 347 des ., 241
hinged 347 Vise, pipe, and des
ills, 340
inverted-cup 347 swivel bench, ills, and des. 340 . .
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