Pumps and Hydraulics Part-1
Pumps and Hydraulics Part-1
Pumps and Hydraulics Part-1
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Part One.
" Thous;hl is Ihf f<rincipal factor in all mfchanitat not k; thf mechanical tffott is
an incident rather than the puncxpal equipment in any tiade or occupation."
".4nv (ratfe if ea^-Iv Irnrrrei hv rn a^t fh^J-'r rf*" ""j hii reasoning facultits
and makes a study of cause and rjf'ct." -CHAS. J. AfASOX.
— BY
Author of "Draiuing and Design," etc.
world about us and the laws that govern them in their inter-
And so, the author has aimed to make the subjects of this
book interesting as well as useful; i, by their self-help arrange-
ment; 2, by the illustrations, and 3, by leaving very much to
nothing has been withheld that might add to its lasting value.
Tlic ti'dl-kiuKcn pump expert, Mr. I\ Mcriam WlucLr, \\x\\o
us saying that if the iiKinufacturcrs of steam pumps would sci.d
out pumjs a cavd readin«j something like the f'
witii ihcir !
lowing, would probably impress the men who run the piini]).
means that I will use less steam and do better ivork. The ad-
justable collars on the valve rod will allow you to regulate the
length of my stroke to a nicety.
" By allowing me to make short strokes, you prevent my
steam piston from getting in proper cushion, which it would
ber for my tuater cylinder, you ought to do it, because it will pre-
vent the ivater column in the suction pipe from slapping the face
of my water pisto7i at the end of each stroke in a harsh manner
and so produce '
ivater hammer. ' A
good suction air chamber,
properly located, saves wear and tear, and makes a pump quiet
" Please keep me nice and clean. I may not be of as much
importance as your big engine, but there is no reason why I shoidd
not be kept free from dirt and grease. I hate to have oil slob-
bered all overmy steam chest, or my stuffing-boxes left leaking.
" You will fnd it pays to keep me in good condition, like a
well-groomed horse. Treat me well and Fll serve you well and
long!! I "—The Engineer.
of a poppet-valve.
Balanced Valve. A valve hav-
ing an equal pressure on
all sides. See equilibrium
Bibb Compression. A
bibb-cock having in place of the plug a
stem with thread and handle to open by unscrewing; the
valve contains fibrous packing and is made tight by com-
Bonnets. These are covers for the opening into valve chambers
of pumps.
Glossary of Pump and Hydraulic Terms. 19
Bushing. A
nut used in pipe fittinj^.
threaded inside and outside to accom
modate two sizes of pipe.
pump arranged to force water through
Circulating Pump.
the tubes of a surface condenser.
Frequently a centrifugal pump is used
as a circulating pump.
Cylinder Head
or Cylinder Cover. A plate which encloses or
covers the end of a cylinder.
to '*
forcing water."
Drip-pipe. A device
used to draw off the
water of condensation from systems
of piping, steam cylinders, heater-,
Doublb-Seated Poppet
etc. Drain-cocks are used for simihir
Dutchman" A piece " fitted in " to restore a worn part or
to hide a defect.
GiiOBB Valve.
Gate Valve. A
valve which opens the full area of the pipe, on
the principle of a gate in a water flume.
Hand-Nut. A
nut having wings or
projections so that it may be
screwed up by hand without the
aid of a wrench.
Head of water. In hydraulics " head Hand-Nut.
throughout the
pressure in the pump remains constant
stroke. Formula is the same as for a steam engine.
Hydraulic Valve.' A
valve for regulating the distribution of
water in the cylinders of hydraulic elevators, cranes and
other water pressure machines and devices.
" Lift and drop of a valve." This term indicates the amount of
" play " up and down, designed to be given to a valve by
its designer.
" Losing 'ti'ater." A term used when the pump stops, caused
by air leaking into the suction pipe, or foreii^n matter
clogging the strainer at the end of the suction pipe.
"measure. GaiSeJ^k.
26 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Pitcher Pump. A hand pump which takes its name from the
shape of its discharge.
Pressiirt-reducing Valve. A
valve for reducing high boiler
pressure to low pressure, for steam heating, etc.
a given period.
Right-hand Thread. A
screw thread in which, with the
threaded end of the bolt towards you, the top of the nut
Rope-socket. A
device fastened to the end of a rope by means
of which the rope may be attached to its load. The
socket may be open or closed.
Sea Injection. The pipe and valve through which sea water is
Street Elbow.
Stud-bolt. A
piece of round bar metal with a thread upon
each end. A
represents thread for nut B body of bolt
Stub-End. Strainer.
Syphon Cock.
Y. —
^A pipe fitting for uniting two pipes at an angle of 45°.
Figs. 47-52.
"A vessel containing wine, and provided with an open spout, stands
upon a pedestal: it is required by shifting a weight to cause the spout to
pour forth a given quantity, sometimes, for instance, a half cotyle (J4
pint), sometimes a cotyle {Vz pint), and in short, whatever quantity we
please. A B (fig. 53), is the vessel into which wine is to be poured: near
the bottom is a spout D the neck is closed by the partition E F, and
when we wish a given quantity to flow out, we have only to bring the
weight to the corresponding notch and leave the discharge to take place."
The Syphon is a bent pipe or tube with legs of unequal
length, used for drawing liquid out of a vessel by causing it to
rise in the tube over the rim or top. purpose the For this
shorter leg is inserted in the liquid, and the air is exhausted by-
being drawn through the longer leg. The liquid then rises by
the pressure of the atmosphere and fills the tube and the flow
begins from the lower end.
The general method of use is to fill the tube in the first
place with the liquid, and then, stopping the mouth of the
longer leg,to insert the shorter leg in the vessel; upon re-
moval of the stop, the liquid will immediately begin to run.
The flow depends upon the difference in vertical height of the
two columns of the liquids, measured respectively from the
Historical Introduction. 41
bend of the tube, to the level of the water in the vessel and to
the open end of the tube. The flow ceases as soon as, by the
lowering of the level in the vessel, these columns become of
equal height or when this level descends to the end of the
shorter leg.
The atmospheric pressure is essential to the support of the
column of liquid from the vessel up to the top of the bend of
the tube, and this height is consequently limited; at sea height
the maximum height is a little less than 34 feet for water, but
this varies according to the density of the fluid.
Figs. 54
capillary tube.
Fig. 59 is a syphon by which liquids may be drawn at in-
tervals, viz., by raising and lowering the end of the discharging
leg according to the surface of the liquid in the cistern.
Long before pumping
devices were conceived, wells
existed as the invention of
prehistoric man. Herewith
isa sectional view of Joseph's
Well to be seen at the pres-
ent time at Cairo, Egypt.
Scientists think it the pro-
duction of the same people
that built the pyramids and
the unrivaled monuments
of Thebes, Dendaroh and
Ebsambone. The magni-
tude of the well and the
skill displayed in its con-
struction is perfectly imique.
Joseph's Wki.l.
46 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Note. However old and numerous wells with stairs in them ma)' be,
most of the ancient ones were constructed without them hence the neces-
sity of some mode of raising the water. From the earliest ages, a vessel
suspended by a cord, has been used by all nations a device more simple
and more extensively employed than any other, and one which was un-
doubtedly the germ of the most useful hydraulic machine of the ancients.
The figures shown on this and a few succeeding pages are from the collec-
tion made by Ewbank to whom reference has been made in another
portion of this work.
Historical Introduction. 47
the ground. In the lower shaft a path is also cut down to the
water, but as no partition is left between it and the well, it is
extremely perilous for strangers to descend.
The square openings represented on each
side of the upper shaft are sections of the
spiral passage, and the zig-zag lines indicate
its direction. The wheels at the top carry-
endless ropes, the lower parts of which reach
down into the water; to these, earthenware
vases are secured by ligatures (see A A) at
!N^ equal distances through the whole of their
Pulley and Two length, so that when the machinery moves
Buckets, these vessels ascend full of water on one side
of the wheels, discharge it into troughs as
they pass over them and descend in an inverted position on
the other side.
yet in Joseph's well, the partition of rock between the pit and
the passage-way, and the uniform inclination of the latter,
seem to have been ascertained with equal precision, as if the
4S Pumps and HydrauLtcs.
Bethesda, a reservoir, one hundred and fifty feet by forty, con-
structed of large stones cramped with iron, and lined with
flints embedded in cement, is the only specimen remaining ot
the ancient architecture of that city.
Note. The operation of this primitive device may be thus described-
Near the well or tank, a piece of wood is fixed, forked at the top in this
ancient Troy. And the well near the outer walls of the temple
of the sun at Palmyra, will, in all probability, furnish men with
water, when other relics of Tadmor in the wilderness have
disappeared; a great number of the wells of the ancient world
still supply man with water, although their history generally,
is lost in the night of time.
Historical Note. One of the most appalling facts that is recorded
of suffering from thirst occurred in 1805. A
caravan proceeding from
Timbuctoo to Talifet, was disappointed in not finding water at the usual
watering places ;when, horrible to relate, all the persons belonging to it,
two thousand in number, besides eighteen hundred camels perished by
thirst! Occurrences like this, account for the vast quantities of human
and other bones, which are found heaped together in various parts of the
desert. While the crusaders besieged Jerusalem, great numbers perished
of thirst, for the Turks had filled the wells in the vicinity. Memorials of
their sufferings may yet be found in he heraldic bearings of their descend-
ants. The charge of a foraging party "for water," we are told, "was an
office of distinction;" hence, some of the commanders on these occasions,
subsequently adopted water buckets in their coats of arms, as emblems
of their labors in Palestine.
Historical Introductio?t. 51
Wells with stairs are not only of very remote origin, but
they appear to have been used by all the nations of antiquity.
They were common chiefly, among the Greeks and Romans.
Note. The source from which many of these have been derived is
"Eubank's Hydraulics," to which work credit is gladly given for nearly all
the historical data so far used in this volume. The author of the book
named gave many years of research into the early records of all relating
to hydraulics and water machines and kindred subjects.
Historical hitroductioyi. 53
The raising of ivater is one of the early arts; beginning in
ancient times with devices of the crudest form it has followed
the progress of civilization with ever-increasing importance. In
propelled as such.
chines; in the latter the tubes merely serve as conduits for the
ascending water, and as such are at rest; while in the screw it
is the tubes themselves in motion that raises the liquid.
^^ Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 73.
One end of the trough as shown in- the figure rests upon
the bank where a gutter is prepared to carry off the water, and
the other end is dipped in the water, by a man standing on
stage, plunging it in with his foot. A long bamboo with a
large weight of earth at the farther end of it, is fastened to the
end of the jantu near the river, and passing over the gallows,
poises up the jantu fiill of water, and causes it to empty itself
Historical Introduction. 55
into the gutter. This machine raises water three feet, but by
placing a series of them one above another, it may be raised
to any height, the water being discharged into small reservoirs,
sufficiently deep to admit the jantu above, to be plunged
enough to fill it;" thus conveyed over rising ground
water is
Note. —The mode of constructing and moving the noria by the Romans,
is thus described by Vitruvius, who lived about the beginning of the
Christian Era. "When water is to be raised higher than by the tympanum,
a wheel is axis of such a magnitude as the height to which
made round on
the water is to be raised requires. Around the extremity of the side of
the wheel, square buckets cemented with pitch and wax are fixed so that ;
when the wheel is turned by the walking of men, the filled buckets being
raised to the top and turning again toward the bottom, discharge of them-
selves what they have brought into the reservoir."
58 Pumps and Hydraulics.
it coils round the larger part. (See Fig. 79), which is however
inacctirately dra\\Ti — as the bucket is at the top of the well; it
should have been represented as suspended from the large end
of the fusee.
and are suspended from it. These are kept parallel to, and
at a short distance from each other, by rungs secured to
them at regular intervals, so that when thus united, they form
an endless ladder of ropes. The rungs are sometimes of wood,
but more frequently of cord like the shrouds of a ship, and the
whole is of such a length that the lowest part hangs two or
three feet below the surface of the water that is to be raised.
Between the rungs, earthenware vases (of the design shown at
A A) are secured by cords round the neck, and also round a
knob formed on the bottom for that purpose.
Historical Introduction. 65
2. The Rotative,
In the brief description given of these three most prominent
classes pumping engines, no attempt has been made to
describe any of the peculiarities of their general construction,
beyond what was necessary to describe their action and the
principles upon which they operate.
Fig. 82.
Note. Up to the introduction of the direct-acting steam pump, all the
other pumping machinery of the world then in use was the outcome of
evolution. It had been developed by slow stages, in which one engineer
after another aided by the experience of others and of his own, supple-
mented by his inventive faculties, added here and there slight improve-
ments to which other engineers, with increased experience, were enabled
to add still other improvements, so that each new engine constructed under
more favorable circumstances, and with increasing expenditures, was
supposed to excel all previously built until at this time we have, as it is
fair to suppose, pumping engines which combine all the wisdom of the
past, and which leave little or no room for further improvements in their
respective classes.
68 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Note. —At the head of a list consisting of two names only, who, on
Note. —At this time the man who had invented and built the little steam
pump for the canal boat, who had watched its growth and development,
siupplemented one device after another to help it on thiough the trial
period of its had merged it at last into the dual or duplex stage
of its advancement, had added to it the compound feature, had seen it
expanding in size and importance until, growing up and out of the day
of small things, it had come to take its well-earned place alongside those
old and massive machines whose invention and origin was lost amid the
musty records of the past it was, at this time, and of which any man
might well have been proud, that his lifelong labors came to an end
Dec. i8. 1880, at the Everett House, New York City.
Water, considered from, a chemical standpoint, is a com-
pound substance consisting of hydrogen and oxygen, in the
proportion of two volumes of the former gas to one volume of
the latter; or by weight it is composed of two parts of
hydrogen imited with sixteen parts of oxygen. It should
be noted that the union of these two gases is effected by
cliemical action and not by mechanical mixture. Pure water
is transparent,^ inodorous and tasteless.
At 32'' F.
At 39°- 1-
At 62** (Standard temperature)
At 212°
Ele7nentary Hydraulics. 11
Depth in fev.t.
78 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Note. — The influence of the weight (or gravity) of water and its frac-
[ional resistance in practical use is so great upon all the processes of
numbers and of the application of the natural laws governing the opera-
tion of fluids, as stated under the heading of Hydraulic Data, that
separate pages will hereafter be found devoted to a more extended ex-
planation of this subject of gravity and friction of water.
Elementary Hydraulics. 81
It is important to observe
Fig. 88.
that in speaking of the trans-
mission of pressure to the sides of the containing vessel, these
pressures must always be supposed to be perpendicular to the
ported by the plane, like any other heavy body, the force of
gravity acting upon it is diminished on this account in the same
ratio as its length exceeds its height; therefore as much as the
pressure on the base would be augmented by the increased
length of the column, just so much it is lessened by the action
Elementary Hydraulics. 83
of the country, and the water will run freely, provided no pipe
is laid higher than the spring.
Elenicntai'y Hydraulics. 85
Gravity or Gravitation is that species of attraction, or force
by which, all bodies or particles of matter in the universe tend
towards each other; it is also called attraction of gravitation
and universal gravity; a more limited sense is the
gravity, in
tendency of a mass of matter toward a "center of attraction
especially the tendency of a body toward the center of the
XoTE. The resistance opposed by the air to falling bodies is especially
remarkable in the case of liquids. The Staubbach in Switzerland is a
good illustration; an immense mass of water is seen falling over a high
precipice, but before reaching the bottom it is shattered by the air into the
finest mist. See Parker's Philosophy, pp. 69-70.
Eleynentary Hydraulics. 87
thick glass tube about a foot long, half filled with water, the
air having been expelled by ebullition previous to closing one
extremity with the blow-pipe. When such a tube is suddenly
inverted, the water falls in one undivided mass against the other
extremity of the tube, and produces a sharp metallic sound,
resembling that which accompanies the shock of two solid
bodies coming suddenly together.
It has been ascertained, by experiment, that from rest, a
body falling freely will descend 16^^ f^eet in the first second of
time, and will then have acquired a velocity, which being con-
tinued uniformly, will carry it through. 32^ feet in the next
second. Therefore if the first series numbers be expressed
in seconds, i", 2", 3", &c., the velocities in feet will be 32^,
64 J, 96^, &c.; the spaces passed through as 16 iV, 64I, 144I, &c.,
and the spaces for each second, i6fV, 48 j, 80 /j, &c.
Showing the Relation of Time, Space ayid Velocity.
Time in
seconds of
the body's
88 Pumps and Hydraulics.
action of these two causes is, that a body weighing igs lbs. at either pole
will weigh but 194 over the equator. The line of a falling body, called also
in space at any
the line of direction, is interesting as being that direction
directions are
point of the earth's surface with reference to which all other
named, and by which they are to be determined.
Eletnentary Hydraulics. 89
'\/402 . 08=20 .
049, and 20.049^-4=5.012. Ans.
Fig. 91.
Note. Hydrometers are instruments for determining the relative density
of fluids distilled zvater is usually referred to as the standard of com-
the equilibrium
is disturbed; but if at the same time the
beam lowered so that the solid cylinder becomes immersed
the weights of the attached body both in air and in water, first
subtracting from this sum the weight of the two bodies together
in the water.
Bodies soluble in water may be weighed in some other
fluid, as alcohol, ether, olive oil, &c., and their proportional
A lump found to weigh in air 577 grains; it is
of glass is
Fig. 93.
Note. The above figures are introduced to show more vividly the com-
parison between bulk and weight, the size of the different substances, of
:ourse, being merely approximate. A
study of the Table of Specific Gravi-
ies to be found in the next page is worthy of the time and attention.
96 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Emery 1
4.000 Phosphorus 1-770
Ash . .;
845 Cherry 7^5
Beech 852 Cork 240
Acid Sulphuric 1-851 Oil (linseed) 932
" " (castor) 961
Muriatic i-200
62.5 lbs.
1.029 sp. gravity.
(_8)2 240
8) 280
Ans. 35
Note. 35 cubic feet of sea water is accounted to be a ton, as in sea
water ballast for steamers, and in calculating displacement of ships.
98 Pumps and Hydraulics.
4303s 47124
17214 7854
12.5664 area of base.
537-937Slbs. percub. ft. 6 high
1728 12)3380.433
12) 281.702
23.47s lbs.
Answer, 23^ lbs. nearly.
Elementary Hydraulics. 99
Frictional Resistance. —
The resistance with which bodies
oppose the movement of one surface on another is termed
friction. It depends on the nature, and the roughness of the
greater when the surfaces have been long in contact, and at the
beginning of motion, and always so, unless corrected by
lubricants, between metallic surfaces so highly polished that
air may be excluded from between them.
The frictional resistance retarding the flow of water is sub-
ject to three laws
The laws of friction, both for solids and liquids, have been
established from experiments endlessly varied. In investigating
these principles we first proceed on the supposition that the
forces in question act without any impediments. Great
simplicity is attained by first bringing the subject to this ideal
lOS Fumps and Hydraulics.
— —
except by its weight or inertia a change of shape. Such a
substance does not actually exist for all fluids have viscosity or
internal friction.
the glaciers.
The viscosity of liquids arises from the mutual attractions of
the molecules and is diminished by the effect of the wandering
molecules (C. D.) The viscosity of gases increases while that
of liquids diminishes as the temperature is raised.
the same temperature the atoms have the same vis viva, the
smaller mass of the lighter atoms being compensated by their
greater velocity.
This term, which is often met with in scientific treatises,
was invented by Leibnitz. It is well known that water in rapid
circulation will absorb more heatthan when stagnant or moving
slowly this is caused by Vis Viva of the atoms.
Elementary Hydraulics. 103
Capillary attraction is the attraction which causes the ascent
Figs. 96.
from the same height in the same time and so escaping from ;
an orifice at the same depth, below the surface, would pass out
with equal velocity ; but mercury, being 13.5 times as heavy
as water, the pressure exerted at the aperture of a vessel filled
with mercury, will be 13.5 times as great as the pressure exerted
at the aperture of a vessel filled with water 2, the velocity of ;
distinct parts. Fig. 97, the portion nearest the orifice is calm and
transparent, like a rod of glass, gradually decreasing in diameter.
The lower part, on the contrary, is always agitated, and takes
an irregular form, in which are regularly distributed elongated
swellings, called ventres, whose maximum diameter is greater
than that of the orifice.
Note. — Theoretical and actual flow. — The actual flow from an orifice,
is the volume of liquid which escapes from it in a given time. The theoretical
flow, is a volume equal to that of a cylinder which has for its base the
orifice, and for its height the velocity, furnished by the discovery of Torri-
celli. That is, the theoretical flow is the product of the area of the orifice
multiplied by the theoretical velocity. It is observed that the vein escaping
from an orifice, contracts quite rapidly, so that its diameter is soon only
about two-thirds of the diameter of the orifice. If there was no contraction
of the vein after leaving the orifice, and its velocity was the theoretical
velocit}', the actual flow would be the same as that indicated by theory.
But its section is much less than at the orifice, and its velocity is not so
great as the theoretical velocity, so that the actual flow is much less than
the theoretical flow ; and in order to reduce this to the first, it is necessary
t'l multiply it by a fraction.
Flow of ]\\itcr 7i7ider Pressure. 107
Note. — The annular swellings contain air and arise from a periodical
succession of pulsations near the orifice, which must be produced by very
small oscillations of the entire mass of the liquid, so that the velocity of the
flow is periodically variable. The sucking, whistling noise which is often
heard in the descent of water through an orifice is caused by air drawn in by
the whirling motion. See Fig. 103.
108 Piivips and Hydraulics.
Quantity of Efflux. If we suppose the bottom of a vessel
containing water to be thin, and the orifice to be a
small circle whose area is A (see Fig. lOO) where A B repre-
sents an orifice in the bottom of a vessel.
Flow of Water under Pressure. 109
in the direction R
Q, those in the intermediate parts in the
directions P Q, P Q. In consequence, the water within the
space P Q P is unable to escape, and that which does escape,
instead of assuming a cylindrical form, at first contracts, and
takes the form of a truncated cone.
f R: p.
M i N
ing the tube forms a contracted vein, Fig. loi. just as it would
do on issuing freely into the air but afterwards it expands,
Fig. 102.
Fio. 103. depression of the surface upon that side, above the
orifice. Fig. 104. These movements depend upon
the form of the vessel, the height of the liquid in it, and the
vessel. But never takes place, Fig. io6, because cf 1st, the
this —
friction in the conducting tubes destroying the velocity. 2nd, the
resistance of the air. 3rd, the returning water falling upon
that which is rising. The height of the jet is increased by
having the orifices very small, in comparison with the conduct-
ing tube piercing them in a very thin wall, and inclining the
Height of the jet. If a jet issuing
from an orifice in a vertical direction
has the same velocity as a body would
have which fell from the surface of the
liquid to that orifice, the jet ought to
rise to the level of the liquid. It does
not, however, reach this for the par-;
vein adhere (the liquid wetting the interior walls) the contracted
part is dilated, and the flow is increased.
Escape of liquids through long tubes. When a liquid passes
through a long straight tube, the flow soon diminishes greatly
in velocity, because of the friction which takes place between
the liquid particles and the walls. If there be any bends or
The pressure of water in pounds per square inch for every foot in height to
300 feet and then by intervals, to 1000 feet head. By this table, from the pounds
pressure per square inch, the feet head is readily obtained ; and vice versa.
Flow of Water under Pressure. 115
The Piezometer, or pressure gunge, is an iustruvient for
measuring the pressure of icater in a pipe.
It may be broadly stated that all pressures and weights re-
Note. Hydraulic gauges are indispensable as it is often necessary to
stop the pressure at points below that at which the safety valve has been set.
11^ Pumps and Hydraulics.
to straighten when under pressure, and thus its free closed end
moves, and this motion is communicated to the pointer; when
the pressure is relieved the tube assumes its original position
and the pointer retu/ns to zero. There are many modifications
and special adaptations of the Bourdon discovery, but the
principle remains, and the same useful results are obtained
with both single and double tubes, the latter being the most
107 shows the dial of a hydraulic gauge which is
graduated to suit the work to which it is related. These gauges
are made for pressures from 1,000 to 20,000 pounds per square
inch. The springs are formed of heavy solid bar steel turned
and bored to size and are of the Bourdon style. They are in
use in large railroad shops, sugar refineries and cotton-seed oil
mills. These gauges are also made with connections through
the back of the case.
The gauge illustrated in Fig. 108 is used in connection with
hot water heaters, denoting the height of column of water in
the tank or reservoir, one hand being painted red and the
other black. As it is necessary to have at all times in the
tank or reservoir a certain height of water, the red hand is set
at the point on the dial which denotes this height. The black
hand connected with the working parts of the gauge and
A flutter-zvhcel is shown in
Fig. IThis is a water wheel
Impact Wheels. The simplest and most imperfect of the
horizontal wheels are the so-called impact wheels or impact
turbines, such as shown in
Fig. III.
They consist of i6 or 20
rectangular blades fastened to
the wheel at an inclination of
50° to 70° with the horizon.
The water is brought on
through a race of 40° to 20°
inclination, so that it strikes
at about right angles upon the
122 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 113.
Note. — "A wetr is a dam erected across a river to stop and raise the
water, as for the purpose of taking fish, of conveying a stream to a mill, of
maintaining the water at a level required for navigating it, or for the pur-
poses of irrigation."
For facilitating the computation of the quantity of water flowing over
weirs, Weir Tables, upon approved formulas, of which
are used, based
'•Francis' Formula" is perhaps the most reliable. These tables are applicable
*-o the subject of water wheels but cannot be printed in this work.
Water iVheels. 123
Fio. 115.
j-iQ^ 117^
an idea of the
illustration gives
crude reaction wheel invented
by Barker about 1740; again a turbine is simply a centrifugal
pump reversed, but the turbine is usually furnished with curved
giiidc vanes to guide the water as it enters the wheel.
Note. —
The steam turbine has come into common use and competes in
itseconomical performance with the simpler and less economical types of
the steam engine it is impelled by steam jets, the steam impinging upon
of 6 feet 6 inches, the power being nearly 40-horse, on the river Epte, ex-
pending 35 cubic feet of water per second, the useful effect being 71 per cent,
of the force employed."
Turbine Water Uliteis, 129
Fig. 120.
130 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 121,
/ iirbine Water Wheels. 131
has passed through the wheel, as it flows away into the tail
of the turbine and flows around and fills the outer special tube,
passes through an annular gate, flows radially through the
wheel thence out through two draft tubes, B, one on each
side. The weight of the water wheel is 182 tons, the shaft
weighing 10 tons and the bronze runner 5 tons. It is 30
feet from base to top and 32 feet 2% inches wide overall. The
shaft, C, is of solid forged steel, 22 inches diameter in the middle,
tapering down to 10 inches diameter on one end ana :6 inches
diameter on the other, the distance between bearings being
27 feet. The intake is 10 feet in diameter and the quantity of
water going through the turbine when developing full power is
39^,000 gallons a minute. The speed of the wheel is 180
revolutions per minute with a head of water acting on the
turbine of 125 to 135 feet.
134 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 123.
placed on its step, the other parts being put on in their order.
The step and other bearings are adjusted before leaving the
shop, but it will sometimes happen that they will in some way
get shifted, and as the wheel being put together, they should
^^ 41 \)>^
Fig 124.
cases and penstocks are much better than could be possible with
wood, on account of their durability and freedom from leakage.
This case consists of two cast iron heads with boiler iron
sides and is provided with a cover, so that the wheel may be
taken out entire. This cover is fitted with stul^ng boxes for
both wheel and gate shafts, and a manhole affords easy access
to the wheel. The bearing surfaces of the heads are nicely
turned, insuring tight joints, and all holes for rivets are accu-
rately spaced and drilled. The heads of the 'larger cases are
made to clamp, the two halves being planed together ; the
cases are fitted with mouthpieces having cast iron flanges for
feeder connections, to secure by bolts to either iron or wooden
The larger the pipe or canal the better, but there must be
a limit in practice, and it may be laid down as a general rule
that a velocity oitliree feet per seeond is good practice in short
tubes of uniform section of not more than fifty feet in length
but the velocity should be reduced as the distance increases,
until in a length of 200 feet, it should not exceed two feet
per second.
The same rule applies to the tail-race, except that the velocity
should be somewhat lower in ditches cut through rock or earth
and havingthe naturally resulting roughness of sides and bottom.
The width and depth of the pit below the wheel may, for a
given wheel, vary somewhat as the water discharged into it is
wheel, depth below the level of tail-water one and a half times
the diameter of wheel. The flume for the wheel should be
about three times the diameter of the wheel in its width or
diameter, and if it Is decked over at the top it should be high
enough inside to clear the coupling on the wheel shaft.
Turbine Water Wheels. 139
Fig. 12.5.
river to the wheel pit. The water is carried down the pit
through steel penstocks to the turbines, which are placed 136
feet below the water level in the canal. After passing through
the wheels the waste water is conveyed to the river below
by a tunnel 7,000 feet long. The "plan" Fig. 126 shows a
cross-section of the wheel pit, with an end view of a penstock,
wheel case and shaft. Fig. 126 exhibits part of a vertical
section of the wheel pit and a side view of this penstock, with
the enclosing case and shaft of the turbine.
and the outer radius is 37^ inches, while the depth is about 12
inches. In this figure the gate is represented closed and to
open, it moves downward uncovering the guide passages as
shown in Fig. 126, the position it occupies loaded.
In Fig. 127 is shown one of the wheels, in a
a half-plan of
part of which are seen the guides and vanes, there being 36 of
the former and 32 of the latter Although the water on leav-
ing the wheel is discharged into the air, the very small annular
space between the guides and vanes, together with the decreas-
ing area between the vanes from the entrance to the exit
orifices, ensures that the wheels move like reaction turbines for
the three positions of the gates correspond to the three
horizontal stages or openings through the guides as shown in
Fig. 128, /. e., thrc\ ti^es of gate.
1898-1900, are of the .same type except that both the penstock and wheel case
have cast-iron ribs on their sides which rest on uiassi\e castings built into
the masonry of the side walls. This arrangement dispen.scs with the sup-
porting girders shown in Fig. 126 and gives much greater rigidity to both
penstocks and wheels.
U4 Pumps and Hydraulics.
wheel. The upper disc containing the guides is, for this pur-
pose, perforated, so that the water pressure can be equalized.
Pressure or Hydraulic Motors form an interesting variety
of hydraulic devices ; they consist of working cylinders with
valves and pistons, and resemble forcing pumps in their con-
struction, but differ from them \\\ their operation; the pistons
not being moved by any
external force applied to them through
cranks, levers, but by the zveight or pressure of a column of
be used ,
with pressure engines the motive agent may betaken
to the machine itself. In valleys or lowlands, having no
natural water, but where that liquid can be conveyed in
fall i»f
Hyaraunc Motors. 149
Note. "The hydraulic engine of Huelgoat, in Brittany, is used to drain
a mine is single-acting, and acts directly to lift the piston of the pump. It
makes five and a half strokes per minute, the stroke being a little more than
eight feet in length. The piston-rod is 767 feet long, and it weighs 16 tons.
The power of the engine is derived from a source at a height 370 feet above
its own level." Knight.
150 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 131.
Hydraulic Motors. 151
FiQ. 133.
Generally speaking a packing is a contrivance or a material
to close a joint. Various greasy materials with gaskets, flax,
hemp, etc., are used in joints which are screwed down, also
collars of rubber, red lead, luting, graphite, etc.
A most important part in the practical working of nearly
all water-pressure machines is the leather collar, the invention
154 Pumps and Hyih^aulics.
When the water pressure is not over 2,000 lbs. to the square
inch, and a greater allowance for friction is not important, a
fibrous packing can be used, which is easier of application than
these for large sized cylinders.
The loss of power by the best of leather packings is i per
cent, on 4 ram, y^ per cent, with 8
in. in. ram and ^ per cent,
with 16 in. ram.
Apparatus is another name for machinery but it also carries
the particular meaning of a complete collection of instruments
or devices prepared for a particular use, hence, hydraulic
appvratus may be said to include very many combinations of
machines to utilize the pressure or weight of water.
Stade Worm-safe
; Weel Water-twist
; Water-Jute ; Water-gilding ; ;
Levee ;
Learn Land tank
; Kimelm Keir Jetty ; ; ; ,
158 Pumps and Hydraulics.
a 71 vc hie.
Riser roi'i
Fig. 137.
'7 \ -i^
Section of Claw Type HyopvAulic Jack,
— ;
A Lifting-Jack is a contrivance for rais-
ing great weights by force from below
also called a jack-screw. From its derivation
^^_^ f^ from Jack', equivalent to lad or boy, has
p I arisen its modern use as denoting a contri-
vance which is subject to rough usage. It is
operated by a whereas a hydraulic
with the right hand clasping the ram with the fore finger, and
thumb of the left hand thus the workman has full control of
the jack and can lower and stop as frequently as may be found
If from any cause the valves stick a few sharp quick strokes
of the lever will usually release it and cause it to work, if not,
Note. A prominent firm making these tools says: "In our Jacks, rams
are cut and cylinders bored from solid high carbon steel. We have nearly 300
styles for pushing, pulling or lifting." This shows the wide use to which
hydraulic jacks are put the style shown in the Glossary with its broad base
is to be used when the jack stands upon a light board on the ground and
can be placed under the work, or where steadiness is required. Fig. 139
shows a scyle to be used when there is not room enough to get the head of
the jack under the work, and is the style generally used for moving engines,
builers, machinery, etc.
Steam Fire Pump:^. 161
with the valve it can be ground by takmg out the pump plug
and unscrewin<7 the brass bonnet which covers the valve.
Fia. 139.
removed before the jack will work. Sometimes the liquid will
all have been displaced before the ram is half way up, in this
two parts and water three parts for winter use, or for summer
use one part alcohol to four parts water.
Important. Jacks should never be filled with
kerosene oil, water or wood alcohol, for the following
Horizontal Jack. The accompanying engraving. Fig. 140,
shows a horizontal type for pulling armatures on to shafts,
putting in cranks pins, and marine work. The directions given
for the care and handling of the regular hydraulic jack apply
also to this as well as other devices of the same description.
1C4 Pumps and HydraMlics.
Em. ui.
The Uydraulic Punch. The hydraulic punch has been
found of greatest utility in the erection of steel structures,
such as buildings, bridges and ship building. It consists of a
hydraulic jack attached to a "punching bear" instead of the
usual screw to operate the punch. By an
ingenious device the punch can be shoved
down close upon the work without pump-
ing all the way, as in the earlier styles of
hydraulic punches; this means a consider-
able saving of time and muscle.
The construction and operation of
working parts of this punch will be easily
understood by referring to the engraving,
Fig. 142 where 18 represents the body or
"punching bear," 17
the ram, 19 the rais-
ing and lowering pin-
ion to move the ram
quickly to work;
end 5 represents the
lower socket which
carries thearm 4 to operate the piston 6. The suction valve
II supported by the spring underneath; 12 is the safety
Fig. 143.
Fig. 144.
H)8 Pumps a>i(i hydraulics.
Fig. 145.
Hydraulic Apparatus. 169
Fig. 146.
reasonable extent.
^"^0 Pumps avd Hydraulics.
supporting the" weights is made to rise and
The accumulator is used for Pl*H AT BOTTOd
Fio, 147.
a double purpose of main- Fig. 148.
Hydraulic Accumulators. l*j
A ram or zvatcr-ravi is a substitute for a pump
for raisingwater by means of the energy of the moving water,
of which a portion is to be raised. It was considered a notable
The hydraulic ram owes its efficacy to the fact that when
a flow of water in a pipe suddenly stopped, a considerable
force to close this valve, which checks the flow in the pipe.
outlet valve at the end of the chamber falls by its own weight,
and the pressure in the pipe ceasing, the inlet valve in the
air-chamber falls and closes the opening. The condition of
things is then restored the water then acquires a momentum
which closes the outlet valve and forces more water again into
the chamber. A very slight descending column is capable of
raising one ascending very high. In all cases the drive-pipe
Note. In 1797 Matthew Boulton (manufacturer and practical engineer,
and in later life a partner of Jas. Watt, the Father of the steam engine) obtained
a patent for a mode of raising water by impulse. The apparatus had excited
much attention in France, under the name of Montgolfier^ s hydraulic ram,
and Boulton added to it a number of ingenious modifications, which were
the basis of his patent.
176 Pumps and Hydraulics.
which E is the
reservoir, A the
pipe in which the
water falls, B the
channel, a and b
the valveSjC the air-
chamber.and D the
discharge. Water
first flows out in
quantity through
Fig. 150.
the valve a, and as
soon as has acquired a certain velocity it raises that valve,
cient velocity the valve b again closes, and the whole process
is repeated.
; :
E— gXhr—
where E = the eflficiency ;
H= height of feet
fall, in
and convex seats fastened at the center and lip? around its
circumference. The object of this arrangement is to transfer
the shock from the power of the driving water to the air
cushion with the smallest possible friction and vibration.
V/z feet.
180 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 154.
piston does not fit
Note. The proportions of t±iis machiue are immense. The platform
weighs 22,500 lbs. and is operated by a single lever shown in the side view.
The '"^a/" is 8 feet across. The machine has a large steel '^stake^^ carrying
the stationary die ;this is held in tension strain by the two steel bolts
shown, one upon each side of the machine. The other part of the jaw is
east Ircn.
Fig. 135—The Bellows Pump.
: :
1. Hand Pumps.
2. Power Pumps.
The names indicate the dividing line between the two. The
following are more modern divisions, indicating the method of
1. Vertical Pumps.
2. Horizontal Pumps, or again
1. Single Acting Pumps.
2. Double Acting Pumps.
The list is still further extended, as pumps vary in design to
suit their several uses, and are defined as rope, chain, diaphragm,
188 Pumps and Hydraulics.
A single acting pump does its work through one end of the
cylinder or barrel of the pump.
The theoretical action of z. pump has already been described
ind illustrated ; — the practical operation is described in the
note below. The subject is important
enough to justify the space it takes to
present two descriptions of the
action of a pump.
The parts of which a pump is composed
arc : i, tlie barrel or cylinder; 2, t lie plunger
Note. The action of a pn:np is as follows The piston or plunder :
by moving to one end, or out of the pump cylinrler, leaves the space it
occupied, or passed through, to be filled by somethinir. As there is little
or no air therein a partial vacuum is formed unless the supply to the pump
is of sufficient force to follow the piston or plunger of its own accord. If this
isnot the case, however, as it is from which the pump
when the water level
obtains its supply is below the pump itself, there being a partial vacuum
produced, the atmospheric pressure forces the water into the space displaced
by the plunger or piston, continuing its flow until the end of stroke is reached.
The water then ceases to flow in, and the suction valve of the pump
closes, forbidding the water flowing beck the route it came. The piston
or plunger then begins to return into the space it has just vacated, and
which has become filled with water, and immediately meets with a resist-
ance which would be insurmountable were the water not allowed to go
somewhere. (See next page.
190 Ptunps and Hydraulics.
Fig. 157.
with a curved toe at one side. This iron disc is secured to the
flat leather valve by a screw that passes through the valve and
which lowers the plunger upon the toe and tips the lower
valve upon its seat. This same operation also lifts the valve
in the plunger off its seat, so that all the water in the barrel
drains back into the well so the pump is kept from freezing up
in winter.
Its only egress is by raising the discharge valve by its own pressure,
and passing out through it. This discharge valve is in a pipe leading to the
boiler, and in going out of the cylinder by that route the water must over-
come boiler pressure and its own friction along the passages. Water is
inert and cannot act of itself; so it must derive this power to flow into the
feed pipe and boiler from the steam acting upon the steam piston of the
pump. The steam piston and pump piston are at the two ends of the same
rod. Therefore the steam pressure exerted upon the steam piston will be
exerted upon the pump piston du*"ct>
Hand Pumps. 191
The details of the suction-pump are as
follows — at thebottom of the cylinder is a
pipe communicating with the liquid to be
raised, and a valve which opens from be-
neath. A similar valve is placed in the
force-pump is shown in Fig. 159 from ;
and force water 150 ft. high and has a capacity of .28 gallons
for each stroke, with the water not more than twenty-five feet^
below the pump.
Fig. 162 represents a two cylinder force pump; this has
vertical single acting pistons actuated by one lever, producing
the same results as a double-acting pump. It is claimed that
the total lift and force, from supply to point of delivery, with
Hand Pumps. 103
the pump not more than twenty-five feet above water will
attain one hundred feet; that a 3-inch x 4 inch cylinder, i^-
inch suction and i^-inch discharge will deliver .24 gallons oi
water for each stroke.
Fig. 163 represents a widely used type of suction pump ,
and on ship-board.
Being 7nade 1)1 large factories, there are immense numbers
in world-wiue use; every detail of these pumps is carefully
considered the sizes manufactured range from 2 inches to C^
Fig. 163.
Note. — It were well for the student to know that in case of breakage or
worn out parts of an otherwise serviceable apparatus that the makers have
provid(d /or theirn pairs as w'xWhe mdxcaicil by the following taken from
the catalogue of a well known manufacturer. "In the following lists will
be found descriptions of pieces for all the staple pumps, which will prove of
decided convenience. In this connection we desire to impress most em-
phatically on the minds of dealers that the threads are cut to exact and
accurate gauges; all holes in flanges, etc., drilled to templets all castings
made from exact metal patterns, similar parts being always the same.
Therefore, repairs will invariably take the place of the broken parts."
Hand Pumps. 195
The engraving 164 shows a pitcher pump dissected, in which
A represents the lever or handle, B the plunger which contains
the discharge valve and is made tight by a cup leather pack-
ing, C is the fulcrum for the lever, D the barrel or cylinder, E
the lower or suction valve, F the base which supports the
pump. The leather which forms the valve E also makes the
joint between the cylinder and the base.
196 r ps
It'll and Iiydrnulics.
Fig, Itio.
Hand Pumps. in?
A balance wheel. A
sectional view of this pump is given
in Fig. 167; these pumps are adapted for almost any place
always filled.
times moves twenty feet from the ground, is a large bellows-pump which
raises water through the long channel or pipe in his neck. The elephant by
a similar pneumatic apparatus, elevates the liquid through that flexible
"suction pipe," his proboscis; and those nimble engineers, the common
house-flies, raise it through their minikin trunks in the manner of the gi-
gantic animals which in remote ages roamed over this planet, and which
quenched their thirst as the ox does. There could have been none which
stood so high as to have their stomachs thirty feet above the water they thus
raised into them.
200 Pumps and Hydraulics.
a similar contrivance.
It is an endless double Fig. 171. Fig. 172.
band woolen
of cloth,
passing over two rollers, not here shown. It is driven with a
velocity of not less than a thousand feet per minute; when the
water contained between the two surfaces is carried up and dis-
charged as it passes over the upper roller, by the pressure of
the band. Some machines of this kind are stated to have pro-
duced an effect equal to seventy-five per cent, of the power
expended, while that of ordinary pumps seldonn exceeds sixty
per cent. {Loti. Mecha?i. Mag.)
Hand Pumps. 201
and two poles for two horses and its wrought iron "tumbling
shaft " has been so modified that a horse operates the pump,
by means of a " sweep, " direct connected to the pump crank
The animal will make three to four circuits per minute,
giving the pump
crank shaft a speed of 40 to 50 revolutions per
minute. The capacity of a 4 in. plunger and 8 in. stroke is
given as 3.120 per gallons per hour; the suction pipe is given
?.i 3.J ''n dia.'^ and the discharge as 3 in. pipe.
202 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fia. 175.
Ftg. 176.
To this class also belong the famous oil and artesian wells which
penetrate through earth and rock thousands of feet, many of
them operated by power pumping machines.
The process of driving tube-wells resembles pile-
driving, but with this distinction, that while piles receive
Fio. 176. the blows of the " monkey " on their heads, the
tubes are not struck at all, the blow being
communicated by the clamp, which receives the blow
near the ground. The tube-well, as in ordinary use, is
Fig. 177.
This applies also when deep beds of clay are
driven into; for, by going a little distance
ofl, and testing again, in many cases water will be found.
The operation is as follows: The first or pioneer
tube, shown in Fig 175 is furnished with a steel point
of bulbous form, and perforated with holes varying
from one-eighth to an inch, extending from 15 in. to
3 ft. from the point. Fig. 178. The enlargement of the
point serves to clear a passage for the couplings by which
the tubes are screwed together. On this tube the
clamp Fig. 176 is held about 3 ft. from the point by
two bolts; the clamp is of wrought iron with steel Fig.178.
bushing screwed internally so as to form teeth to grip the tube.
Fio. 179
most desirable.
'2C3 Pumps and Hydraulics.
with one, two, three, four or five cylinders and for either high
or low pressure or general service, and their sizes, capacities,
and the materials they handle are no more numerous than
their combinations in erection.
There are properly speaking four kinds of
JVatt'r E/u/s.
water ends to steam and power pumps :
no Pumps and Hydraulics.
FiQ. 182.
Fig. 183.
Pump Parts. 211
The stcatn lud of the ordinary single steam pump, and also
of the duplex pump, differs froin the steam eylinder of the steam
engine in that the former has four ports to each eylinder, i. e.,
t'ivo steam ports and tzvo cushioning ports as shown hereafter in
Under the division of the work allotted to the "Steam
Pump '
will be found all necessary further notice of the steam
ends of Pumps.
Fig. 1S4.
Fio. 190.
Fio. 191.
lower velocity, cannot travel as far in Fig. 190 before the valves
216 Pumps and Hydraulics.
then plated with copper to protect the surface and secure the
adhesion of the rubber. Marginal notches are left on the in-
side and outside edges of the plate and rubber is moulded
around these, and vulcanized to the required hardness; a brass
or copper plate may be used instead of steel and the plates
may be corrugated radially to increase their stiffness when the
area of the valve is large.
Note. — The screwed seat is shown in Fig. 194, vStud Fig. 195, Metal
Valve Fig. 196, Spring Fig. 197, and all put together in Fig. 198.
21^ Pumps and Hydraulics.
^fc/^- JMimd
Fig. 199.
Fia. a)L
220 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Air chambers are placed upon the top of a pump, see Figs.
199 and 200, and contain air for the purpose of introducing an
air cushion to counteract the solidity of the water, thus prevent-
ing shocks as the water flows through the valves ; and also for
the purpose of securing a steady discharge of water.
The water being under pressure in the discharge chamber,
compresses the air in the air chamber during each stroke of the
water piston and, when the piston stops momentarily at the
end of the stroke, the air expands to a certain extent and tends
to produce a gradual stopping of the flow of water, thus per-
mitting the valves to seat easily and without shock or jar.
The capacity of the air chamber varies in different makes of
pumps from 2 to 3^ times the volume of the water cylinder in
single cylinderpumps, and from i to 2^ times the volume of
the water cylinder in the duplex type. The volume of the
zvatcr cylinder is represented by the area of the water piston
multiplied by the length of stroke.
For pumps and those employed
single-cylinder, boiler-feed
for elevatorand similar service the volume of the air chamber
should be 3 times the volume of the water cylinder, and for
duplex pumps, not less than twice the volume of the water
cylinder. High speed pumps, such as fire pumps, should be
provided with air chambers containing from 5 to 6 times the
volume of the water cylinder.
The diameter of the neck should not exceed one-third the
diameter of the chamber. When the pumps work under pres-
sure exceeding 85 or 90 pounds per square inch, it is frequently
found that the air gradually disappears from the air chamber,
the air passing ofT with the water by absorption. In this case
air should be supplied to the air chamber unless the pump runs
Note. in large pumping plants small air pumps are employed for keep-
ing the air chambers properly charged. In smaller plants an ordinary
bicycle pump and a piece of rubber tubing are used to good advantage.
Pump Paris. 221
are apt to seat heavily and cause more or less jar and noise,
and the flow of water will not be uniform. The water level in
above the water) and aids the piston in setting the column of
water in motion again.
Thus the flow of water into the suction chamber of the
])ump is much more uniform during each stroke of the piston
than without the vacu- ,- --^
Fig. 204 on the opposite page represents the pipe con-
nections, etc., of a pump with the deHvery opening on the
opposite side. D represents the foot valve and strainer placed
on the lower end of the suction, which should be not less than
a foot from the bottom of the well the distance named pro.;
vides for the giadual filling of the well. C is the suction pipe
proper, screwed into the elboiv, E, which changes its direction
into the suction chamber, which contsan^ the strainer, A. This
strainer can be removed for cleaning by lifting the bonnet
secured by stud bolts on top. In connecting large pumps it is
TJiird To what height is the water to be lifted by suction,
and what are the length and diameter of the suction and dis-
charge pipes ?
226 Pumps and Hydraulics.
guided by a steadiment
the plunger-rod is
Belted Pumps. 227
above the top and has a slot, shown by the dotted line in it
to receive the edge of a screw-driver, held in a bit stock to
grind the valve seat in refitting. The lift of the valve is reg-
ulated by the distance between the top of the stem and the
bottom of the covering nut or cap.
In hydraulic pumps it is found to be good practice to give
the wings of these valves a twist, or pitch, so that the water in
passing through will cause the valve to rotate and fall in a new
position every time it comes in contact with the seat.
228 Pumps and Hydraulics.
with " heads," one of which has a stuffing box through which
the piston operates the outer end of this piston rod is fitted
having a tight and loose pulley larger sizes are geared. Access
Fig. 208.
Fig. 209.
Fig. 210.
230 Pumps anc^ Jlydraiilics.
and two water cylinders and is double acting while the former
is single acting.
The and durability of these, as of all
successful operation
power pumps, depends upon the judicious selection and
application of a proper packing to the stuffing boxes. As for
example, plaited flax dipped in a mixture of warm graphite
and tallow, braided rawhide, Selden's packing, etc., have proved
by long service to have a low co-efficient of friction and are
not liable to cut the plungers.
Belted Pumps. 231
Fig. 211.
232 Pumps and Hydi aiilict
Fig. 212.
The pinion shaft is in one piece having tight and loose pulleys
— —
The eccentrics six in number are set at 60°, and an even
strain on the belt at all points of the stroke is thus obtained,
and connecting both discharges together insures a steady flow
without shock. Where light duty only is required, these pumps
are made without gears to run with the belt over pulleys.
Belted Primps. 233
The teeth of the pinion and the meshing part of the two
gears are protected by a shield to prevent clothing being caught
or parts of the body from being injured.
234 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 213.
safety and increases the durability. The crankpins are set 120
degrees with one anoliier so that the strokes j,uccessively over-
lap, which promotes an easy flow of water through the de-
livery pipe. The crank shaft is of the composite design, the
center crank pin is of equal diameter and forming a part of
the shaft, with discs and crank pins attached to each end by
shrinking fits and keys. Either disc, crank, or their crank pins,
can be duplicated without sacrificing any other part, which
in itself is a great advantage.
FiQ. 2U.
tic two end cylinders, and the seats to which the outside cross
I., ad guides are bolted. These are held together by two cast-
ings, one containing the center crosshead guide, and the other
Belted Pumps. 237
Fio. 215.
to bear to close it. The valve bonnet, G, also forms the bear-
Fio. 216.
ing for the valve stem with fork, which spans the spindle, C, at
one end and having the valve lever and pin, H, for operating
at the other end. The valve stem is made tight by a stuffing-
box and gland as shown. The operation of this valve is sub-
stantially as follows.
of matter.
Note. The great forces of the world are invisible and impalpable we ;
cannot grasp or handle them and though they are real enough, they have
the appearance of being very unreal. Electricity and gravity are as subtle
as they are mighty they elude the eye and hand of the most skillful
philosopher. In view of this, it is well for the average man not to try to
fathom, too deeply, the science of either. To take the machines and ap-
pliances as ihey are "on the market," and to acquire the skill to operate
them, is the longest step toward the reason for doing it, and why the de-
sired results follow.
^44 Pumps and Hydraulics.
may pass.
The term is employed to denote that which moves or tends
to move electricity from one place to another. For brevity it is
written E. M. F. it is the result of the difference of potential,
Fig. 218.
K, Adjusting handle for the brushes L, Switch pivot M, Pilot lamp re-
; ;
FlO. 219.
Fio. 220.
Electric Pumps. 251
Fig 221.
Fig. 220, are united to the arms of the commutator bars. When
the armature is finished, as shown, the wire forms an unbroken
Fio. 222.
Fig. 223.
Fig. 224.
Figs. 226-229.
is set the " breaker " opens the circuit and thus prevents
Fio. 230.
Fig. «3.
^^^^ -^ >"••
-^l^ ---J
_ 1^
y^ f--->r r
-^ V F \S!gJa
p>' um^
Fio. 334.
rent will flow in this circuit. The wire CD may be made to re-
volve around the wire EF, passing in front of one pole and
then in front of the other pole, as in Fig. 235. The current in
the circuit will pass in one direction when the wire is passing
one pole, and in the other direction when it is passing the other
260 Pumps and Hydraulics.
^^— '^ -^-^
Fig. 235.
become a dynamo.
dynamo is a inotor tvJien it is driven by a current of
and it is a dynamo when it is driven by mechanical
power and produces an electric current. If a motor be driven
by an engine, it can deliver a current of electricity which is
able to operate other motors or electrical apparatus or lights.
A simple form of electric machine is shown in Fig. 236, which
is a general form of the electric motor. In this there are
two projections of steel, H
and G, which are made electro-
magnets by the current flowing through the wires wound around
Electric Pumps. 261
Fio. !S6.
-f or—.
Note. —in the above illustrations I and J represent the ordinary electric
all times flow properly into the external circuit, although in-
/y/////////////// / y /x
Fio. 237.
Thefigure on page 242 shows a magnetic compass ntedle.
This used to test the direction of an electric current flowing
Economy in operation and maintenance is the first and
must vital consideration demands the attention in the
installation of pumping machinery. In respect to economy,
the electric system has many important advantages. It is
saving in the transmission of power, and thus enables a pump-
ing installation to be situated at a considerable distance from
the source of power where the first cost and maintenance
expense of other systems would be almost prohibitive.
" The economy in space required is also worthy of considera-
tion. The driving mechanism of a modern electric pumping
outfit occupies a small amount of room and the space required
for wiring is negligible. In case of accident, any mechanical
injury to wires can be quickly and easily repaired — thus the
cco:iomy in time and expenditure for repairs. There is no
large loss by condensation. The only loss sustained with the
electric ^^ystQm in the transmission of power is a small loss due
2G8 Pumps and Hydraulics.
chamber placed on the suction pipe near the pump will prove
beneficial in preventing slamming of the valves.
5. Provision should be made for draining both pumps and
if so, what ?
Electric Pumps. 2G9
Fig. 238.
Suction c
Fig. 239.
Table of Capacity.
Electric' Pumps. 271
Fig 240.
Fig. 241.
Pig. 242,
The electric system luis especidl conveniences for mine
pumping because of its adaptability to long transmissions of
power; electric power can be transmitted to almost any distance,
and the pumps can be supplied with either direct or alternating
current motors. A mining outfit can be easily divided into a
number of parts, to facilitate lowering into a mine, after which
the assembling of the parts is a simple operation.
Stationary pumps for mine use are made in two classes
first, vertical pumps having cylinders in a vertical position in
which the over all height is comparatively great and the
horizontal dimensions as small as possible second, horizontal
underground electric pumps, it can be stated that accidents due to the use
of electricity in such installations are almost unknown Induction inolors
are arranged to operate without moving contacts. They are there'^ore free
from sparks and can be used in mines where the presence of gases compels
the use of safety lamps.
276 Piimps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 244.
expansion for the reason that the action of the steam takes
place in one cylinder during a single stroke, and what expan-
sion takes place must be during one half of a revolution.
When the steam from one cylinder instead of exhausting into
the open air, is passed to a second cylinder, of larger area, and
by expanding exerts a pressure on a second piston to aid in
the completion of the revolution, the engine is called double
expansion- or conipouud, because the steam instead of completing
its work in a single operation is afforded a double opportunity
for expansion and an increased range of action. /;/ the single
temperature of the zvalls is reduced in each rev-
cylifider the
olution to correspond tvith that of the steam at the exhaust
This temperature must be restored by incoming steam at
the beginning of a new stroke which means a reduction of
power. With a double cylinder owing to the greater range of
expansion, a higher temperature can be maintained in the first
cylinder and a large amount of initial condensation is prevented.
A still greater use of expansion may be obtained by the ifitroduc-
tionof a condenser which allows the final exhaust to be carried
below the atmospheric pressure to the extent of the vacuum
formed. In stationary and marine practice triple and quad-
ruple expansion engines are common. These are used in large
units to give the greatest possible economy in fuel.
Properties of Steam. — Before taking up in detail the valve
and other mechanism of the steam pump it may not be out of
place to consider briefly the action of steam and its expansive
properties. Heat is identical with mechanical force and the
one can be converted into the other. Aside from the means
used in converting or developing the action a certain quantity
of heat always produces a certain quantity of zvork^
282 Pumps and Hydraulics.
;Jiau'_'« 'J'ilL'ltlUU
I ^
/JS Of, in
Fig. 246.
The Steam Pump. 283
Superheated steam, also called steam-gas, is steam dried
with heat applied after it has left the boiler.
The Davidson pump is shown complete in Fig, 248 ; the
valve motion consists principally of a valve, valve pistons, valve
pin and cam. The main valve is operated by a positive me-
Pia. 248.
Fig. 2oU.
The single cylinder pumps of this make are equipped with
the gear illustrated in Fig. 252, in sizes varying from 4 inclu s
flG. 252.
steam capes from front of the main piston through the port,
F, Fi^^ 255, into the main exhaust port, Ci, through the
IKJit, E. The extreme left position
piston, V, travels to its
and the auxiliary slidebeen drawn to such a
valve has
position in the direction indicated by the arrow in the smaller
drawing in Fig. 352, as to bring valve piston, A, toward
the opposite end ; the exhaust steam from the steam chest
escapes from before it, through the exhaust port, K. the open-
^^ 2^
Fig. 2.V>. Fig. 253.
from the chest to the head end of the main cylinder, through
the port, F, thus driving the main piston, P, toward the hous-
ing end of the cylinder, or toward the right. The piston and
reciprocating parts traveling in this direction move the auxiliary
slide valve to its maximum point of travel in the opposite
direction, thus opening the opposite auxiliary steam and ex-
haust ports and again driving the valve piston toward the head,
D, of the steam chest, whence a new stroke begins.
Lost motion in the valve gear is taken up by adjustable
links, on all sizes above 7 inches diameter by 10 inches stroke
and on some smaller sizes.
Cushioning of the steam pistons in the larger sizes and up-
wards is accomplished by means of suitable valves called
cushion valves. In the smaller sizes sufficient cushioning is
Fig. 257.
opening and closing the small steam ports, which admit steam
to the valve pistons it is also provided with L shape slots for
one of the recesses, C or D, cut in the side of the valve and ad-
mits steam through a port to one of the valve pistons. At the
same tilSid this oscillating movement of the valve opens the
slot, i^. Fig. 260, opposite the first, and exhausts steam through
the alternate port from the other piston.
Steam thus admitted to one of the
pistons (while exhausts from the other
piston), carries the valve over its seat,
and by means of the vents, A and B,
steam is admitted through one of the
main ports and exhausts through the
other. When the main piston has com-
The plunger Cameron pump is reversed by means of
in the
two plain tappet valves, shown in the accompanying engraving,
Fig. 261, and the entire valve mechanism consists of four
pieces, all of which work in a direct line with the main piston.
This pump is simple and has no delicate parts.
Fig. 261.
The Mason pump has a valve piston, a main valve, a
connected directly to the valve stem,
liminary valve and a yoke
as shown in Fig. 262. The valve piston is contamed a m
and moves the main valve by
cylinder above the steam chest,
the top.
means of a pin, which projects into a pocket in
valve travel on the same
The main valve and preliminary
the yoke, E, Fig. 263. which
seat and receive their motion from
preliminary valve neatly,
surrounds them. This yoke fits the
the main^valve and valve
allowing an independent movement of
Fro. 202.
Fig. 263, in the main valve seat, which connects the back end
of the auxiliary cylinder with the main exhaust. The steam
from the end of the chest passes up through port, B, down
through port, C, and up through port, A, into the exhaust
port, D, in the main valve. This unbalances the auxiliary pis-
ton, which is driven back by pressure on the opposite end, and
carries the main valve inde-
pendent'ty of the yoke. The
travel of the main valve causes
it to cut off the exhaust from
Fig. 364.
to seat quietly and without jar, also on the return stroke, the
steam is so gradually admitted that the piston starts with ease
and gradually increases its speed to the middle of the stroke,
from which point it gradually decreases toward the opposite
end. A proper adjustment of the cut-ofif valve allows the piston
to stop momentarily at the ends of the stroke without any possi-
bility of striking the cylinder heads.
To Set tlie Valve. Adjust all joints so that there will be no
lostmotion in the valve gear. Then move the crosshead to
the end of its stroke, and see that the
opens the
cut-off valve
valve chamber one-sixteenth of an inch, and that the steam
valve closes the port leading to the cylinder to within one-six-
teenth of an inch. Next move the crosshead to the other end
of its stroke and note that the valves are in the same relative
position. from any cause the cut-off valve does not open
left. As the steam enters the right hand main port and ex-
hausts from the left hand port, the main piston commences its
cushion valves, which arc simply loose valves inserted near the
ends in the valve piston. By removing the steam valve
chamber, the main and supplemental valves may be readilj'
examined or repaired. These valves are the ordinary plain flat
slide withwhich all cns^ineers are familiar.
To set the I'lihc of //lis pump. Place the piston in the
center of its travel with the valve lever, H, plumb and also
valve arm, K, plumb ; adjust the supplem.ental valve so as to
cover equally all the posts, which is done by lengthening or
shortening its valve stem.
The main valve in this pump is moved by steam acting
upon a valve piston. The steam admitted to and released
from the auxiliary cylinder is
Fig. 269.
Fig. 271.
the inner ones exhaust. When the auxiliary valve reaches the
upper end of its travel, as shown in the engraving, the admis-
sion port opens at the bottom of the steam chest, while the one
at the top closes.
At the same time, the upper end of the main cylinder
is open to the exhaust. The admission of steam drives the
valve piston upward, but before reaching the end of its stroke
it closes the exhaust port, thus entrapping a portion of the
A short shaft runs across and through the upper part of the
steam chest and provided with a toe, as shown, by means of
FlO. !?73.
the steam chest is an auxiliary slide valve, G, Figs. 273 and 274,
which admits and releases the steam from the ends of the valve
piston. The valve piston, E, has two slots at the center, the
lower one receiving the lug on the back of the main valve and
the upper one the toe on the rocker shaft, D. The rocker
shaft has two toes, the larger one, F, engaging with the valve
Fig. 274.
piston, and the smaller one with the auxiliary slide valve, G,
as shown in Fig. 274. The auxiliary, as well as the main,
valves arc plain slides designed to take up the wear automati-
cally. The pendulum lever, J, Fig. 273, is connected with the
piston rod as shown and rotates the shaft, D, and by means of
the toes the valves move to<jether.
308 Piujips and Hydraulics.
The McGowan steam pump and section is
single cylinder
shown in Fig. 275. main valve is of the B form and is driven
by a valve piston. Steam enters the central port in valve seat
and into the cylinder through one of the cavities in the
valve and exhausts through the opposite. The two tappet
valves cover the auxiliary ports, shown by dotted lines, leading
to the ends of the steam chest and connect with the main
exhaust ports. These tappet valves are raised by means of
The Steam Pump. 309
When the piston reaches the end of its stroke it lifts one
In the Knowles pump a valve piston, G, Fig. 277, in the
steam chest moves the main valve. This valve piston is driven
Fig. 276.
main steam piston that operates the pump. The main valve is
a plain slide whose section is of g
form, working on a flat seat.
Fig. 277
the valve piston and the head, drives the valve piston to the
end of its stroke and carries the main slide valve with it. When
the valve piston has traveled a certain distance, a correspond-
ing port in the opposite end is uncovered and steam enters,
stopping its progress by giving it the nccessar)' cushion, in
other words, when the reciprocating rotative motion is given to
the valve piston through the outside mechanism, it opens the
port to steam admission on one end, and at the same time
opens the port on the other end to the exhaust. There is
no point in the stroke at which either the valve piston or the
main piston is not open to direct steam pressure, hence the
immunity from any dead position or dead center.
The operation of the pump is as follov/s : The piston rod
with its tappet arm, J, Fig. 277, moves backward and forward
with the piston. At the lower part of this tappet arm is attached
a stud or bolt. K, on which is a friction roller, I. This friction
roller, lowered or raised, adjusts the pump for a longer or
shorter stroke. This coming
roller in contact with the rocker
bar at the end of each stroke, and this motion is transmitted
to the valve stem, causing the valve to This roll slightly.
action opens the ports, admits steam and moves the valve
pis'on, which carries with it the main slide valve which admits
steam to the main piston. The upper end of the tappet arm
does not come in contact with the tappets, L M, on the valve
rod, unless the steam pressure from any cause should fail to
move the valve piston, in which case the tappet arm moves it
To set the valve, loosen the set screws in the tappets
on the valve stem. Then place the piston at mid-stroke, and
have the rocker bar, H, in a horizontal position, as shown in
the engraving. The valve piston should then occupy the
position shown at C, Fig. 276. The valve piston may be rotated
slightly in on.ler to obtain this position by adjusting the length
of connection between the rocker bar, H, and the valve stem.
Then turn the valve piston, G, one way or the other to its ex-
treme position, put on the chest cover, and start the pump
312 Pumps and Hydraiiizcs.
The valve for admitting steam to and exhausting it from
the cylinder of this pump is contained within the cylinder and
moves simultaneously with the steam piston, having no outside
mechanism. See Fig. 278.
The piston, and also the valve, are of the form of spools,
each representing a hollow sleeve with a ring packed piston
head at cither end. The piston is secured to the piston rod
and the sleeve connecting the two heads serves as the valve
seat for the cylindrical valve. The sleeve of the piston con-
tains two longitudinal one port communicating with one
end of the cylinder, and the other port communicating with
the opposite end. Suitable holes drilled through the walls of
the sleeve and communicating with the longitudinal ports,
act as admission and exhaust ports, with which the holes and
cavities in the sleeve coincide at proper positions in the stroke.
Referring to the accompanying engraving. Fig. 279, which
represents the valve and piston in the position occupied when
ready to commence a stroke from left to right, the reader will
easily understand the action of these parts. When the piston
reaches the end of the stroke steam enters through the steam
pipe at A, between the pistons, and forces the valve to the
leftas shown. This movement opens the port, B, and also
brings the cavity, C, in communication with port, D, steam being
admitted through ports, B and D, into the longitudinal port, F,
thence into the clearance, G, of the c) linder. This causes the
piston to move toward the right. When the piston has moved
a short distance to the right steam is admitted into the space,
piston from left to right, now escapes through the port, I, into
the cavity, J, and around the sleeve to the holes, K, Fig. 279,
where it enters the hollow piston, and finally escapes through
the hollow rod, L, and the port, M. The live steam for the
next stroke from right to left, now enters through ports, N and
The auxiliary valve of this pump is a plain flat slide
operated by a valve stem, the latter being moved back and
forth by means of a rocker shaft, as shown in the engraving,
the upper end of which alternately comes in contact with the
collars on the stem.
The outer end of the valve stem passes through a sleeve
attached to a pin in the upper end of the rocker arm, as shown.
A knuckle joint near the stuffing-box permits the rod to vibrate
without causing any derangement in the alignment of valve
stem through the stuffing-boxes.
On the valve stem at either end of the auxiliary valve is a
spring, which tends to keep the valve in a central position, so
that when the rocker arm engages one of the collars, the valve
is drawn against the spring toward that end of the stroke.
The result is that the stem and valve follow the rocker arm on
the return stroke to its mid-position, and are started on the
latter half of the stroke by the stem, but without shock or lost
motion. This arrangement is particularly valuable in the case
of condensers, and in pumps where the first part of the stroke
Fig. 281.
to all slide valve engines.
Fig. 282.
To set the auxiliary valve, see that the valve is in its central
position when the rocker arm
plumb, and that the collars on
the valve stem are located at equal distances from each end of
the sleeve. When the piston moves to one end of the stroke, the
auxiliary valve will open the small port at the opposite, end,
The Steam Pump. 317
The details of the valve gear used on the Deane single
cylinder steam pumps are shown in the accompanying engrav-
ing. The main valve is operated by a small piston called the
valve piston, shown in Fig. 286. The ears on the main valve
fit freely but without lost motion into a slot cut in the valve
piston, so that when the valve piston moves in either direction
it carries the main valve with it.
small ports on the other side of the steam cylinder, Fig. 283,
control the motion of the valve in the other direction and act
in exactly the same manner as those just described. In case
the steam pressure should for any reason fail to start the valve
/P A
Fig. 284.
Fig. 285.
Fig. 286.
the tappets. If they are too near together, the valve wnl 1
thrown too soon and thus the stroke of the pump will i
shoitcncd, while on the other hand if too far apart, the pa'
will Complete its stroke without moving the valves. Th.
tappets are set and keyed securely before leaving the factory.
The Steam Pump. 319
The exhaust from the cylinder is cut off when the piston
covers the inner port, and forms a steam cushion for the piston
to prevent it striking the heads.
To set the valve. Place the steam piston at the end of
stroke nearest stufTing-box and the secondary valve so that it
will uncover the steam port, S, Fig, 283. Set the tappet next
to the steam cylinder on the valve stem against the tappet
block and secure it in this position.
Slide the secondary valve forward until the opposite
steam port is uncovered and place the steam piston in its ex-
treme outward position, then set the other tappet against the
tappet block. Now set the valve so that the inside main steam
port is open and the valve piston in position to engage the main
steam valve, put the valve chest on the cylinder and secure it
in place. The pump will then be ready to start on the admis-
sion of steam to the steam chest.
If when steam is turned on the pump refuses to start,
simply move the valve rod by hand to the end of its stroke and
the pump will m^^ve without trouble.
In renewing the packing between the steam chest and cyl-
inder extreme caution should be observed to cut out openings
for the small ports.
The valves and pistons being at one end or the other of the stroke
uncovers the ports, and the moment steam is admitted the
pump will start. Referring to the engravings, A, is the main
steam pipe, and B, the auxiliary steam pipe. These pipes are
one, inside the casting, so that one pipe supplies both. Assume
the valve, C,moved to the left so that the port, D, is uncovered.
Live steam then flows through the port, D, and pushes the
balanced piston valve, E, to the left, carrying the slide valve, F,
320 Pumt>s and Hydraulics.
The Steam Pump. 321
action of the main piston and comes in contact with the tappets,
M M, which causes the piston valve to start, after which steam
willcomplete the work. When the pump is running, the cross-
head, I, never quite touches the tappets, M, because it M
engages the tappets, L L, admitting steam to the piston valve
and shifts it before the tappets, M, are touched. M
The reason ofdouble ports in the auxiliary steam
chest is to have one port, D, for steam, and one port, N,
for the exhaust. Steam being imprisoned between these two
ports forms a cushion, preventing the piston valve from striking
the heads of the chest. The tappets, L L, set closer together
or farther apart control the stroke of the main piston, H.
When the pump i.-, running very fast the momentum of the
moving parts increases and the tappets will have to be set
closer together for high speed than for slow. The tappets.
M M, ace adjustable to their right relation with the tappets,
L L. The general design and easy means of adjustment make a
reliable single cylinder valve motion.
To set the valves. There are no complicated internal parts
requiring adjustment, and almost all parts requiring manipula-
tion can be handled while the pump is running.
322 Pumps and Hydraulics.
The accompanying engraving, Fig. 289, represents the
Weinman pump and the sectional engraving. Fig. 291, the valve
The motion main piston is controlled by steam valve,
of the
A, which is a hollow cylinder combining a valve piston and
slide valve in one and the same casting and sliding horizontally
in steam chest, D. This valve is prevented from revolving by
a cap screw, B. Small drilled openings, C, C, permit the steam
to pass from the steam valve
to each end of the steam chest,
D. This valve, A, is moved hor-
izontally in either direction by
Suppose that the steam piston has moved to the end of its
stroke, the auxiliary vaKe, which, as stated above, is connected
to the piston rod, is shifted.
This releases the steam from
one end of the steam chest, D,
through port, K, to exhaust, L.
The steam pressure at the op-
posite end of the steam chest
causes the steam valve to slide
to opposite end of the steam
chest, thus reversing the motion
Fig. 290.
of the main steam piston.
Fig. 29L
Push the steam piston to one end of the stroke, then swing
the pendulum lever toward the end of the cylinder correspond-
ing to the piston, and until the auxiliary valve uncovers the
324 Pumps a7id Hydraulics.
port leading to the end of the valve chest farthest from the
piston. Connect the horizontal rod to the bottom of the
pendulum lever. Then remove the lever from the auxiliary
valve stem and replace the and pendulum lever,
shown by dotted lines. The length of the stroke may be
regulated by raising or lowering the end of the horizontal rod
in the slotted lower end of the pendulum lever. Lowering the
rod produces a longer stroke, and raising it shortens the stroke.
Fig. 292.
Fig. 295.
E. opens the main port and reverses the motion of the main
This port arrangement admits of a short valve with a long
travel. The stroke of the pump can be regulated by moving
Fig. 297.
^ (5--"
B, c, i
To set the valve, turn the steam chest upside down. Put
valve stem through the stuilfing-box and secure in place the
clamp for small slide valve. The diameter of valve stem is
the difference by slackening the set screw under valve rod dog
and move tjte valve rod to equalize the travel of valve.
This slide valve has a fixed travel and the process of setting
is precisely the same as for that upon a steam engine with a
plain slide valve.
The Steam Pump. 329
The accompany-
ing sectional view of
steam end of the
" Smith-Vaile " ex-
hibits some very
novel features. So
far as the piston and
cylinder in this pump
are concerned they
are not unlike the
average first class
pump, but with this
difference. It has
only one set of cored
ports, B, B. The
supplemental ports,
C, C, are drilled.
moved by a valve
piston, D. Almost all
Note. — Of
the effect produced by the steam-moved direct-acting pump
of much greater capacity it may be said there are now in use pumps of this
class, exerting over 250 horse-power, delivering five million gallons of water in
twenty-four hours through main pipes, say thirty inches diameter and four-
teen miles long, without the use of an air chamber, and which do their work
so quietly, steadily, and gently, that a nickel coin set on edge on the
extreme end of the pump would not be overthrown by any jar or motion of
the pump while it was doing this work.
334 Pumps and Hydraulics.
FiO. 302.
Kio. 303.
The Duplex Sleam Pump. 335
Fig. 304 shoivs the IVorth-
ingtoji Admiralty pattern
boilerfeed pump \vhich is de-
signed to meet the require-
ments of the United States
Bureau of Steam Engineering
for steam boiler pressure up
to 250 lbs. to the square
inch. The ordinary slide
valves are replaced by piston
valves with outside, adjust-
able, lost-motion links,
making it possible to readily
adjust the stroke. The water
end is made of composition,
gun metal, or cast-iron, as
desired. When made of cast
iron the water end is brass-
fitted throughout.
FXQ. 304.
FlO. 305
hole in the eye of the valve stem head comes in a line wich the
hole in the links, connecting the rocker shaft; then put the
pins in their places; adjust the nuts on both sides of the lugs
of the valves to leave about \" or y
loss motion on each side.
This process of adjustment being performed with both cylin-
ders, the steam valves arc set." In short the travel of the two
valves is simply equalized.
34- Pumps and Hydraulics.
Fio. 807.
The Duplex Steam Pttmp. 843
: ;
1st. steam ports and water passages and air chamber are made
much common trade pumps, so that a larger volume of
larger than in
water can be delivered in an emergency without water hammer.
Sd. The following necessary attachments are all included in the price
of the "National Standard Pump," viz. :
a vacuum chamber, two pressure
gauges, a relief valve, a set of brass priming pipes, 2 to 6 hose valves, a
stroke gauge, a capacity plate, an oil pump, a sight feed lubricator and a
cast-iron relief-valve discharge-cone.
By reason of the larger ports, passageways and pipes, its larger number
of valves, and the added attachments, and general superior construction a
"National Standard" pump costs more than a common trade fire pump,
but the cost per gallon which these pumps can deliver in an emergency
by reason of their large passageways, etc., is no greater than for the old
style of fire pump and is well worth this extra cost.
outlines of the design, and that all pumps built under them are not of equal
merit, for certain of the pump factories possess a broader experience and
better shop facilities than others, and that the responsibility for first-class
workmanship and strength of materials rests on the pump manufacturers,
and not on the insurance companies.
U^e advise that all contracts call for strict conformity to the National
Standard Steam Fire Pump specifications of the National Board of Fire
The following specifications for the manufacture of Steam
Fire Pumps, developed from those originally drawn by Mr.
John R. Freeman, are now used throughout the whole country,
having been agreed upon in joint conference by representa-
tives of the different organizations interested in this class of
1. Workmanship.
a. The general character and accuracy of foundry and
machine work must throughout equal that of the best steam-
engine practice of the times, as illustrated in commercial
engines of similar horse-power.
2. Duplex Only.
a. Only " Standard Duplex pumps ''
are acceptable.
So-called " Duplex " pumps consisting of a pair of pumps with "steam-
thrown valves " actuated by supplemental pistons are not acceptable.
Experience shows that duplex pumps are more certain of starting
after long disuse. The whole power of the main cylinder is available for
moving a corroded valve or valve rod, whereas on a single pump with a
"steam-thrown " valve no such surplus of power is available.
Further, the direct acting duplex has the great advantage over a fly-
wheel pump of not suffering breakage if water gets into steam cylinder.
3. Sizes of Pumps.
Pump Sizes.
steam Fire Pumps. 363
4. Capacity.
Men sometimes ask why, (if they can run a pump smoothly so as to get a
delivery of 1,000 gals, per minute,) we should not accept as "a thousand
gallon pump," irrespective of its suction valve area or its exhaust port area
or the size of its cylinders.
To this we reply that when new and favorably set almost any pump
built accoiding to these specifications can run at a much greater delivery
than here rated, but when lift is unusually high or suction pipe long, or
when the pump takes its suction under a head, no pump can be run so
fast as on, for instance, a 5-foot lift. A solid foundation is also a great and
indispensable aid in running a pump fast.
Standard 500-gallon pumps have often delivered 800 gallons, and 1,500-
gallon pumps have delivered 2,000 gallons but some margin must be
5. Capacity Plate.
The name "Underwriter" has been largely used for a considerable time
to designate the type of pump covered by the principal features of these
specifications. While our preferences are against the use of this word
as designating any piece of apparatus objections will not be raised at the
present time to its being continued on name plates in place of the words
"National Standard,' if manufacturers so desire-
b.This plate must have an area of not less than one square
foot,and must be made cf an alloy at least two-thirds aluminum
and the remainder zinc. The letters must be at least one-half
inch in height, plain and distinct, with their surfaces raised on
a black background and buffed off to a dead smooth finish.
6. Strength of Parts.
a. The maker must warrant each pump built under these
specifications to be at time of delivery, in all its parts, strong
enough to admit of closing all valves on water outlet pipes
while steam valve is wide open and steam pressure eighty
pounds, and agree to so test it before shipment from his works.
7. Shop Inspection.
A systematic shopinspection must be given to each pump
to ensure completed workmanship, and to prevent the use of
defective parts, improper materials, or the careless leaving of
foreign matter in any part of the cylinders or chests.
c. All flanged joints for steam must be fair and true and
The specifications originally required machine facing for all these sur-
faces. The art of machine molding from metal patterns with draw plates,
etc., has, however, attained such excellence in certain shops, that in reg-
jlar practice "foundry faced" cylinder heads and piston faces can be made
true and fair, and steam joints can be made, tight under 80 lbs. pressure
with a packing of oiled paper only i-loo inch thick.
clusively shown that the boring and finishing are carried on by such
methods as will ensure the faces of pistons being exactly square to the
piston rod and exactly parallel to the cylinder head.
In the case of solid pistons the two faces must be machine faced, as
proper parallelism cannot well be obtained by foundry methods.
Ordinary foundry finish secured by the old methods and wooden
patterns is not acceptable and acceptance of any foundry-finish can only
be secured after a special investigation of shop practices.
10. Yoke.
a. The steam cylinders and water cylinders must be con-
nected by such a form of yoke as requires no packing, a met.il
to metal joint at this connection being considered necess;ir>'.
The piston-rod stuffing box heads should concentrically fit ihc
counter-bore of the yoke.
If packing is put into these joints, there is a chance of the steam and
water ends getting out of alignment and leaking at the joint between
cylinders and yoke.
Some makers, with the idea that a fire pump need not be economical,
have not taken pains to keep these waste spaces small.
Securing small clearance costs almost nothing but care in design, and
is often of value, since at many factories boiler capacity is scant for the
large quantity of steam taken by a fire pump of proper size.
It is believed that "solid" (cored) pistons with rings "sprung in," are
for fire-pumps much preferable to built-up pistons, since follower bolts
do sometimes get loose.
b. The slide valve itself must have its steam and exhaust
edges fitted up " line and line " with their respective steam
*nd exhaust ports.
The adding of lap to these edges in lieu of lost motion is not acccpt-
ible further than a possible 1-32 of an inch to cover inaccuracies of edges.
c. The
valves must be guided laterally by guide strips
cast insteam chest, and these strips must be machine fitted.
The lateral play at these surfaces should not exceed 1-16 inch.
The height of these guide strips should not be less than \ inch,
measuring from valve seat.
The construction must be such as to absolutely preclude
the possibility of the valve riding up on top of this guide strip.
This hub may be forged on the rod and then lathe-finished to standard
dimensions, or it may be made by turning down a rod of the size of the
hub. It is believed that Tobin bronze can be safely forged after a little
constant service and operated by a skilled engineer, but for the infre-
quently used ordinary- fire-pump, the utmost simplicity is desirable, and
it is best not to tempt the ordinarj- man to readjust the valve gear.
c. Rock shaft cranks, valve rod heads, valve rod links, and
piston rod spools or crossheads may be wrought iron or steel
forgings, or steel castings. If of a heavy, strong pattern, these
parts, with the exception of valve rod links, may be of semi-
steel or cast iron.
are awkward in shape. The sectional area necessary for any arm depends
upon the means provided for preventing a sidewise strain on the lever, due
to rotation of piston or friction of its connection to piston rod. The spool
or crosshead on the piston rod should be so designed that no sidewise
strain can be thus produced on the lever.
The double end is less likely than a single end to put an undue strain
on the lever as the rod turns, and is also likely to give trouble from
lack of lubrication or from a loosening of any small parts, and has proved
to be the most satisfactory arrangement.
This style of cushion port makes the pump safer in case cushion valves
are unskillfully left open too wide and tends to prevent a pump from pound-
FiG. 3.
Pumps made with this form of cushion release, have given very satis-
factory results, and if the ports arc properly located, there will be no re-
bound of piston.
lettering must be very open,
clearand distinct, not liable to be obs-
cured by grease and dirt, and of a per-
Fig. 4
manent character.
It is desirable that spindle or wheel be so formed that
a monkey wrench can get a grip to open a jammed valve.
Fig. 5 shows the stem flattened for this purpose.
Sizt of Pump.
Steam Fire Pumps. 365
This device combines the ad%-antage of a taper key and a split pin, and
the elongated key-slot gives sufficient leeway to always insure that the key
can be driven up tight against the nut and thus prevent it from even start-
ing to work off. Other methods will be approved in writing, if found
Size of Pump. |
500 gal. 750 gal. | 1,000 gal. 1,500 gal.
The bottom of stuffing boxes and the end of glands should
taper slightly towards the center as per sketch.
b. These glands should be strong enough to withstand
considerable abuse, so as not to break from the unfair treat-
ment of unskilled men.
b. The gauge piece over which the index slides must have
deep, conspicuous marks at ends of nominal stroke, and also
light marks at extreme positions; it need contain no other
This will necessitate holes not less than 6x8 inches, or its equivalent,
for the two pumps, and holes. proportionately as large for the
500 and 750-gallon pumps. The easy access to the valve parts is of vital
importance, and must receive careful attention.
Size of Pnmp. 600 gal. 750 gal. 1,000 gal. 1,500 gal.
to 500 lbs. per square inch, and common water-works gate valves to 400
even though these are to be regularly used at much less pressure.
c. The
length of machined cylindrical bearing within the
partition must be not less then 2 inches. The plunger bush-
ing must have a faced seat transverse to its axis against par-
tition, forming a water-tight ground joint not less than one-half
inch wide.
Any rubber gasket or other compressible packing for mak-
ing this joint water-tight is not acceptable.
Diameter 7 or 7X-in. 9-in. 10 or loj^-in. i2-m.
" 24 "
Length 17-in. 17 i8-in.
Thickness of transverse
Thickness next to parti-
Thickness next to end. . . 5/16
Number of ribs 4 4 6 6
Thickness of ribs "
5/16 5/16
" 10
Length 7 7
" "
Thickness at end 5/16 Yi Yi
Thence tapered evenly to
a thicknes next to bear-
ing of not less than . . . ^-s
ing grit or mud, like that of the Ohio River ; and, for the com-
paratively few cases where pump pressure governors are used,
the packed piston will give better service and longer wear.
b. The removable bushing or cylinder in which this piston
works must be of solid bronze.
c. As stated in Art. 28 d, this bushing should be so con-
structed as to be readily interchangeable with the bushing of
the inside plunger type.
d. The length of bushing must be such that the ends of
piston will barely come short of the edges of cylinder at contact
stroke and not uncover.
e. The thickness of the cylindrical bushings must be not
less than is given in the following table :
Size of Pump.
372 Pumps and Hydraulics.
used, of naming the diameter of the disc of rubber which covers the ports,
and it is hereby specified that this shall be about ^-inch greater than
the diameter of the valve-port circle which it covers, thus affording about
j4-iiich overlap or all around its edge.
bearing for the rubber disc
If valves are larger an increased tendency to valve-
than 4-inch there is
slam at the very high speed at which the pump is designed to run, and if
valves are smaller than 3 inches diameter the greater number tends to
unnecessary multiplication of parts, and the ports being so small are a
little more liable to become obstructed by rubbish.
Pumps a7id Hydraulics.
piston stands nearly half the time, or while
still '
its mate is working, and, moreover, moves
more g
rp 1
i_J ^^ ^j"
valve design.
Large aggregate valve areas are necessary for pumps designed to run
as fast as these, and experience has shown that to prevent valve slam at
high speed and to accommodate high suction lifts, it is just
as important
to have a large "valve outlet area" as to have a large
area of valve port-
It is valve slam or water hammer which commonly
limits the highest
speed at which a pump can be run. This water hammer may
from the pulsations in a long or small suction pipe. The vacuum
lessens it, but there is comnxonly some point of high water
in the vacuum
chamber that will give much smoother action than any other.
Valve slam in this style of pump is caused chiefly by the short rebound
of the steam piston against the elastic steam cushion
at the end of the
stroke. This
in turn snaps the valves down with a jump when the
is Dividing this impact or slam on numerous valves of low lift,
tends to break up and lessen the shock, therefore with valves
of the size
and style used in fire-pumps, other things being equal, the less they have
to rise and drop to let the water through them, the less will be the valve
slam. This height of rise and drop is governed by the circumference rather
than the port area. Experience and practice has shown that
a '/^-inch
limit of lift is reasonable and does ensure a smooth working
pump under
all ordinarj' conditions.
c. The following table gives minimums for aggregate valve
port area and aggregate valve outlet area, for the different size
plungers, figured on a basis of 56^ of plunger area for a 12-inch
stroke, and 64^ for a 16-inch stroke.
376 Pumps and Hydraulics.
An approved type of indicator water gate on the suction pipe near the
pump, which can be partly closed, will enable the pump to run quietly at
high speed- Such a gate is an extra not included in price of the pump.
possibility that now and then a valve seat will work loose and come out,
thus crippling the pump.
In Fig. 9 the upper part of the stem is slabbed of? on two opposite
sides and fits a corresponding hole in the guard.
The guard, therefore, cannot turn. The outside of the special nut is
fitted on a taper to the inside of the guard, and the nut tapped out to fit
The action of the valve, whether with the spring or without, tends to
drive these taper fits together, producing a frictional lock similar to that
of a friction clutch ; and although the nut may be loose on the thread,
it cannot possibly work off.
It will be apparent that the taper fit on the nut must be so made as
to always bear on the taper fit in the guard, and not bottom in the guard.
The taper should be about one inch to one foot. With this taper the
nut can be readily turned in or out, but there is friction enough to hold
the guard and nut together even if the spring is off.
In Fig. lo, the top of the guard is recessed in the form of a hollow
inverted pyramid of six sides, to correspond to a hexagonal nut. The
angle of two opposite sides of this recess, which should be about 75 degrees,
will both surely lock the nut and still permit of its being turned with a
The guard is kept from turning by slabbing off the stem, rn the same
manner as described and shown in Fig. 9.
To facilitate the removal of the nut, the edges should be slightly
champfered. An unfinished nut simply drilled and tapped is all that is
desired. Any hexagonal or square nut within the size of the tapered recess
will be locked.
With this construction, the nut cannot turn in either direction without
compressing the spring and is therefore locked, and, in the event of the
spring breaking or being left off. the nut is well ©rotected in its recess
380 Pumps and Hydraidics.
from the possible turning effects of water currents, and experiments have
shown that it will still stay in place.
Size of Pump.
Gal. Per Min.
Steam Fire Pumps. 381
Size of Pipe x
382 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Size of Pump.
some in the pump room, suggest the covering of the cone in any way, as it
is desirable that the pimip operator should always be able to see instantly
any waste from the relief valve or air vent.
This cast-iron cone, connected to the safety valve and air vent, is in-
cluded in price of pump, but the waste pipe beyond it is not.
a. An air vent with a brass gate valve and brass pipe for
connecting up, must be provided and connected with deHvery
elbow and discharge cone.
46. Priming.
must be i^ inches. For the 500 and 750 gallon pumps, the pipes
must be i inch. Pump-makers are to furnish hese pipes and the
fittings called for below, and are to connect them up providing
a 2-inch outlet, looking upwards, ready for the supply from the
priming tank.
386 Pumps a?icC Hydraulics.
The pipe from the priming tank to this outlet should be at least 2-inch,
and may be of iron, and is to be furnished by the purchaser. All parts
furnished by the pump-maker are to be of brass, and are to be included
in the price of the pump.
Fig. 14,
Objection has been raised to this double-seated valve from the possible
keeping both seats tight. If desired, the valve may be fitted
difficulty of
with a flange instead of a screw connection, and the stem between the
two seats somewhat enlarged and provided with a suitable spring, thus
giving flexibility between the two seats and preventing all trouble from
uneven wear.
Steam Fire Pumps. 387
d. The hand-wheel of
each of these valves must
be marked as per Fig. 15,
so that the pump operator
may clearly understand their
use. The lettering must
be very open clear and
distinct, not liable to be
FiQ. 15.
obscured by grease and
FiQ. 16.
dirt, and of a permanent character.
e. There must be provided and fitted to each combined
valve a check and umbrella-top air vent, as shown in Fig. 16.
This fitting must have a clear passageway through it, the full
It is essential for a properly working pump that the main 2-inch priming-
valve should be closed as soon as the pump is primed. Otherwise, water
will be drawn from the priming tank, lessening the lifting power of the
pump through the main suction, and if this is continued the priming tank
will often be exhausted and air drawn into the pump, interfering with its
proper action. It is for this reason that the marking on the priming valve
is required.
For all average situations, either method of priming permits of getting
the pump under way in a very few minutes, but, for cases where the suction
pipe is over 300 or 400 feet in length, or sometimes where the lift is over
18 feet, or where there is a combination of long length and lift within these
limits, so much time is consumed in exhausting the air from the suction
For cases where pump can only take its suction under a head, if abso-
lutely certain that the level of the suction water will never fall below level
of center of pump, these priming pipes may be omitted, but openings for
them into the pump shell must be provided and capped or plugged.
A foot valve on a fire-pump suction is not advised except in very rare
cases, as with a lift of 18 feet or a suction pipe 500 feet or more long. A
foot valve is not needed when there is a good efficient set of priming
arrangements as described above and it is commonly found this gives a false
sense of security, and that with a fire-pump left standing several days the
water will often be found to have leaked back, so that it is no better than
if no foot valve had been used.
*Such detachable rubber check valves are now made up in regular form
hy the George F. Blake Mfg. Co., East Cambridge, Mass.
A hose line 150 feet long, with an inside surface of average smoothness,
and with a ij^-inch nozzle attached, will require about 80 pounds pressure
at the pump to discharge 250 gallons per minute, and the nozzle pressure
will be about 45 pounds. Therefore, with lines attached as above, a pres-
sure at the pump of about 80 pounds should represent a discharge about
equal to the rated capacity of the pump, and would ordinarily correspond
with the rated full speed revolutions.
The quietness of that part of the hose near the pump, or its freedom
from rubbing back and forth crosswise an inch or more with each pulsation
of the pump, is a good index of the pump maker's skill in securing uniform
delivery. Bad pulsation quickly wears holes in the hose, and to reveal
this is the object of testing with hose connected directly to the pump.
39!8 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Suam Fire Pumps. 393
Steam fire engines are not infrequently called on to give 200 pounds
per square inch water pressure.
not advisable to carry this zvater pressure above 200 pounds in this
It is
test atthe factory, ( although in the shop test the water pressure is carried
to 240 pounds) and engine driver should stand with his hand on the throttle.
The engine driver should stand with his hand on or near the throttle
when thus speeding the pump.
although expert treatment can force 1,000 gallons from a 16x9x12 pump
we can rate it as only a 750-gallon pump. There must be some margin to
allow for wear and for the possible absence of the expert at time df fire.
A capacity plate.
A stroke gauge.
A vacuum chamber.
Two best quality pressure gauges.
A water relief valve of large capacity.
A cast iron relief valve discharge cone.
A set of brass priming pipes and special priming valves.
From two to six hose valves.
A sight feed cylinder lubricator connected above throttle.
A one-pint hand oil pump connected below throttle.
Information regarding tests made under these specifications
can be obtained by addressing Underwriters' Laboratories,
Chicago, 111.
396 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Article No.
and section.
Acceptance, tests for 48 to 54
Air chamber 40
Air valve 45
Automatic sprinklers, discharge of 3 <
Gauges, stroke 26
Hose valves 42
Inspection at shop 7
Leakage, test of internal 52
Levers, valve motion i?
Links •
Name plates 5
Oiling devices • 25
Pipe, sizes, steam and water 39
Steam Fire Pumps. 397
Strength of parts 6
Strength, tests for ".
Stuffing box 22
Tests for acceptance 48 to 54
Tightness, tests for 5o
Vacuum chamber 40
Valves, water valve areas 33-34
Valve, air 45
Valve, cover plates 35
Valves, delivery 34
Valve guards 35
Valves, hose 42
Valve motion stand 18
Valve springs 35
Valve, steam slide 14
Valves, steam slide adjustment - 15
Valve stems, types required 38
Valves, sticking of water valves 36
Valve, suction valve area 33
Water cylinders 27
Workmanship, character of i
Yoke « 10
Any one, and more especially the attentive student, can
with the least trouble avail himself of the subject matter
contained in this zvork by doing as indicated in the following
old English couplet quoted by Chas. Reade.
TO Part One of Rogers Pumps and Hydraulics.
Accumulator, an, des 151 Air pump 13
hydraulic, ills, and
des. . . and electric motor, ills, and
rule for calculating capacity des 271
of 172 valve, marking of, for the
Acid, muriatic, specific g^vity of 96 underwriter pump 385
sulphuric, specific gravity of 96 Alcohol, specific gravity of 96
Adjustment of the slide valves Alcometer, def 94
of the underwriter steam Alien, Frank, annotations .IV, VIII .
fire 360 Alternating motor, des. and ills. 252
Advantages of a duplex pump Ammeters, des. and ill- 256
Index. 403
:..t j . 1 e r-:vriter fire pnmp,
^^^^^^^-^- of P'-^P 390
Drip. pipe, des 21
Driven or tube writs 202
Davidson 8tea.m pump, ills. Dry steam, def 286
and des 2S7-2S9 Duct, def 21
Dead end of a pipe, def 20 Duplex fire pump, shop name
Dean Bros, pump, ills, and and shop number required
-i^s 32^328 on piate attached to under-
Deane single jicting triplex waters 355
power pump underwriters steam end.. .356-366
oil pumps, ills and des
svritcb va"ve, special features 339
pK • - r '-"p not to be con-
f^ir. > -Lrap, ijls. and
- ^ t : v,-iih " Duplex
' des, 317-319 .
pumps "
D-^i cation of work 230
V pump
Delivery valves and des ills, 331-398
-::' the under-
outside packed plunger pat-
^^ -^ P-^7 376
tern for high pressure 341
Dial of pressure gauge of the setting valves of 338
ur.de r-.'.- r: :e r pump, hovr pump>s, history of 65, 69
=^^''-^^ 382 only acceptable for fire pumps 351
Dianhragra pumps, -^rhv 5.0 car.ed 1S7 with Deane switch valve. 343 . . .
•• t)uty " of pumps, def 20 Electric motor and air pump,
Dynamics, def 245 pumping machinery 267-276
Dynamo, def 247 pumps, care and management 268
early Fxiison type 248 prof)erly power pumps 2r>S
Eccentrics triplex
of the Electro-motive force, def 246
power pump, how set . . . 232 Elementary hydraulics 71-73
Edi^son d\ aamo, early tvy^- . 248 Elements, phial of four, (mer-
Efficiency of an electric pump. 26S cury, water, alcohol and
Efflux of water under petroleum) des 81
pressure 105-113 Elevator pomps, why so called . . 187
Elbow, def .. 21 Emery, specific gravity of. ... . 96
shown and
in piping, ills, des. 223 E. M. F,, def 246
Electric circuit breakers 255 Energy, mechanical and elec-
Electric current, action of 257 trical, how transformed 260
fron: a dyi:aiiio. how reversed 264 Engineering, as a branch of hy-
Electric drive for fire pumps, draulics 74
ills, and des 273 Engine, Rife hydraulic 177-179
honse tank pumping plant, English unit of heat, ills, and
ills, and des 269 des 284
Electricity and electrical ma- Equilibrium of superposed
chinery- 2^3 liquids, data 81
how classified and defined . . . 2x4 Equilibrium = valve, def 21
how measured . . 246 Ewbank, Thomas, a'-thor, ref. to 46
important note 243 " Ewbank's hydraulics," credit
in vibration 244 g:-. en for use of 52
vitreous, negative. p>ositive,etc. 245 Ewers, golden, used by rich
whence denved 243 Egyptians 38
Electric mining pumps, ills, and Expansion jsint, das 21
des 274-276
Electric motor 2md air pump, Face, def 21
ills, and des. 271 Factor of safety, def 22
motor, tdes 249 Feather, or sunk key, def. 22
operating a portable track Field magnets 247
pump, ills, and des 276 Field, .\\arshall, reference to. . .
pump, ills, and des 272-273 Field spider, electrical, def 253
pump 241-276 Fire-engine. •----• reference 35
pumping installation, notable Fire-pumps. irive for.
example . .
275 ills, and des. 273
406 Pumps and Hydraulics.
Flow, def 22
cation of work to V
Gas a condition or state of matter
of water result of gravity .... 89
def 73
under pressure, 3 cases of . . . . 105
Gaseous condition of matter ... 73
Fluid condition of matter 73 Gases, permanent, des 73
Fluids, aeriform, des 15
Gas pumps, why so called 187
data relating to 77-84
Gate valve, des 22
division into liquids and
of the underwriter pump, tiow
vapors or gases 73 marked 389
elastic, two classes of 73 Gate 'Wheel of turbine water
friction of, des 99 wheel, ills , 139
Plume, def 22 Gauge, pressure, for the under-
for water wheel, size of 138 writer pump 382
water, how to construct 138 Gauges, hydraulic, des. and ills. 115
Flutter-wheels, des 121 Generator, electric, def 247
Foot valve and strainer, ills, and four-pole, des. and ills 251
des 223 Gland, def 22
Force pumps, classification of. ... 187 and stuffing-box, ills, and des. 211
two-cylinder 192 Glass, specific gravity of 96
when invented 53 Globe valve, def 22
Formula for obtaining the effi- Glossary of pump and hydraulic
ciency of hydraulic rams. 177 . . terms 17-34
Foster steam pump, ills, and Gold, specific gravity of 96
des 292-294 Goose neck, def 22
Foundations for hand pumps, des. 204 Gould triplex single acting
Fourneyron's turbine, historical power pump, ills, and
note 128 des 236, 237
Francis Weir table formula 122 Gourd, ills 35. 38
Frictional Electricity 244 Granite, specific gravity of 96
resistance of water, three laws Gravitation, important note 88
of 100 universal 85
Index. 407
Gravity, law of 85 ills, and des.
Horizontal jack, 163, 164
iuflueuce in weight of water, pumps, why so called 187
note 80 turbine wheel, des 133
specific 91 Horse power apparatus, com-
Gridiron valve, def 23 bined pump 201
"Guides" of water wheels, ties. 131 theoretic, of Niagara Falls
Guild and Garrison steam water wheels 143
pump, ills, and des 307-30S of a pump, def 23
Gutter, double, des. and ills 54 Hose valves, sizes for the under-
Gyleand gyle-tun, def., also note 157 writer pump 383
Gypsum, specific gravity of 96
" Hump," def 23
Hydrant, def 23
Hand-nut, def 23 Hydraulic accumulator, ills, and
Hand pumps, classification of. . 1S7 des 171-173
points for erecting and opera- Hydraulic apparatus 154-184
ting 204. pumps as 181
Hand rotary force pump, ills. Hydraulic belt, def 23
and des 197 pump 200
Hand wheel for safety valve of Hydraulic belt extractor, ills.
the underwriter pump, ills. 383 and des 164
"Hat" or flange hydraulic data 77-84
packing, ills, and des 154 engine of Huelgoat, interest-
« Head of water," def 23 ing note 149
Heat units, def 23 Ramsbottom's, des. and
Hercules (turbine) wheel, des. ills 148, 150-152
and ills 132, 133 Brotherhood three-cyl'der, 150-152
Hero, his first mention of steam, gauges, des. and ills . . 115
200 years B. C 279 Hydraulic intensifier, des 173
Hero's water clock, des. and ills. 39 Hydraulic jack, des. and ills. 158-162 .
153, 154 . . .
Index. 409
Lifts and cranes, hydraulic. .. . iSo Millstone, specific gravity of . . . . 96
Line of direction, or line of a Miner's inch, def 25
falling botly 88 Mining outfit, how divided 275
•* Liner," clef 24 Mississippi River gauge cock,
Liquid, def 73 def 25
Liquids, as a condition or state of Model of suctions and force
matter 73 pumps, glass 181
equilibrium of superposed, ••Modulus" of a steam pump,
data Si def 25
three cases of flow under Momenta, equal, principle of
pressure . . 105 applied to flvjids 83
veins, form and constitul: n\ Montgolfier's hydraulic ram,
of K'6, 107 note 175
Live steam, def 2S6 Moore steam pump, ills, and
" Losing water," def 25 des 313-315
•' Lost motion," def Motor, alternating
25 induction,
Low pressure steam, def 286, 25 des. and ills 252
•Lug," def 25 and centrifugal pump, ills.
Piping a pump,
Radiated electricity 245 Rule for calculating capacity of
Raln-gauce, def 28 accumulator 172
Ram, double hydraulic 177 for finding the specific gravity
hydraulic, table of capacity. . 174 of a solid body 95
des. and ills 180 for velocity of water in flume,
of hydraulic jack, des. and pipes and tail race 138
ills 158, 159 relating to the velocities of
Rife hydraulic 177 fluids flowing from ori-
Rust-joint, def - 28
and des 238-240
Reinforced pump valves, des.
and ills 215 Safety valve for the underwriter
Relief valve of the underwriter pump, des 3S3
pump 384 Salt, specific gravity of 96
Resinous electricity 245 Sand, specific gravity of 96
Resistance, def 28 Saturated steam, def 286
three laws of, in flow of water 100 Savery, Capt. Thomas, histor-
Rheostat, des 256 ical ref 36
Rife hydraulic ram. or engine. 177-179 Scoop wheel, des. and ills 56
Ri^t-hand thread, def 28 Screw jack or lifting jack, def .
Rock shafts, cranks, links, etc., Roman, for raising water, des.
of the underwriter fire and ills 52
pump 361 Sea injection, def 29
Racks, water, for water wheels, Seats, valve, of the underwriter
how best made 131 pump 377
Roberts torpedo for clearing Sea water, how many cubic feet
wells, note 202 to ton 97
Roman screw for raising water, specific gravity of 96
des. and ills 52 Selden's packing, recommended
wells, historical ref 48 for packing power pumps. 230 .
des 315-317
properties which make it
Soap, pump for handling, ills.
valuable 286
and des 233
Solid, def ... 73
Steam pump, and early
patent of H. R, Worthing-
: olids, a condition or state of
matter ton 278-330
;*ocket=wrench, def 29 how classified 18S
V packing, hydraulic, ills, and Valve setting of the Blakeslee
des 154 steam pump, Laidlaw 292
Vacuum, def 33 Mason steam pump 299
and air chambers practically McGowan steam pump 310
the reverse of each other. . . 221 Moore steam pump 315
for the underwriter pump. . . . 381 National steam pump 304
ills, and des 220 Smith-Vaile single steam pump 330
Vacuum pumps, how classified 1S8 Snow steam pump 316
Valve, def 33 Weinman steam pump 323
air, def., and marking of, for Valve slam, def 374
the under-writer pump 385 Valve springs, guards and covers
areas, size necessary for 374 for the underwriter pump.. 376
gate of the underwriter pump, Valve stems of the underwriter
how marked 389 pump 379
motion of duplex pump. .333, 3^4 .
liquid 149
racks for turbine wheels, how
Water arch, def best made 131
Water as an example of a fluid
Water ram, def 34
Water=belIows, def rises to same level in opposite
arms of tube, data 83
Water, boiling point of 76
salt, boiling point of 76
cap, def 33
chemical composition of
sea, how many cubic feet to
ton 97
clocks, des. and ills 39
tables of weight and volume,
conditions of 75-77
etc 76
considered from a chemical
temperature of, for calcula-
standpoint 75
tions 75
data relating to 75
Water dust, French term for Water, theoretical and actual
steam 285 flow, note 106
end, def 33 three laws of frictional resist-
of the underwriter steam fire ance of 100
pump, ills, and des 367-380 Water=tight turbine, ills, and
pumps, des. and ills 209 des 139
Waterfalls, des. of supply and under pressure, efflux of. .105-113
waste channels .. 119 velocity of, in flumes and
division of parts deriving pipes, rule 138
energy 119 tail race, rule. 13S
Water, flow of, result of gravity 89 weightandvolumeof, tables.. 76, 77
four notable temperatures of.. 75 in round numbers 76
Water=hammer, def 34 one cubic foot of 76
or valve slam, def 374 Water wheel .... 132, 133
influence of gravity on weight Water wheels 119-144
of, 80 des. and ills, of "chutes,"
Water=lifting inventions. ... .53-70 gate-seats, '•
gates " and
of what composed 285 " buckets " of turbine, des.
practically non-elastic, data.. 75-77 and ills 139
pressure engines, care of, to des.and ills, of flutter wheels,
prevent freezing, etc. ...145, 146 etc 121-125
Index. 419
Water wheels, ilcs. of " run- >\hecl, the Egyptian, des. and
ners," " guides" and water ills
racks 130 Wheel, the Noria, des.and ills.. 57
des. of the "step" buckets, th(j Persian, des. and ills
etc 130 >\'hirlpoo!-chainber, def 35
des. " tail water " and " draft Why an electric motor revolves 258
tube" 135 Willow, specific gravity of ... 96
setting of, in penstock 134 Windlass, Chinese, historical
I^effets 130 ref. and ills 47, 62
when the water is measured . . 130 Wind pumps, why so called, ... 187
Water will rise as high as its Wing-nut, def 35
source, data S3 ])attern check valve, ills, and
Watt, Jas., account of his dis- des 227
covery of the properties of Working barrel, def 34
steam 280, 2S1 Work, useful, done in water pres-
Watt, Jas., historical, ref 35 sure engines 145
Weinman ste?m pump, ills, and Worlhington, Henry Rossiter,
lies 322-324 historical notes 68-70
Weirs, def 122 engraved portrait of, vi. ;