6150-Article Text-25496-1-10-20220925
6150-Article Text-25496-1-10-20220925
6150-Article Text-25496-1-10-20220925
2: 111-118
The role of water in daily life, including activities in the mosque is very significant. The existence of the
Ulul Albaab Mosque which is always busy with various congregation activities and activities carried out
by students and the campus community affects the need for clean water. So far, the ablution used water at
the Ulul Albaab Mosque has been dumped into the sewers. Measuring the quantity of water to determine
the volume of ablution used water at the time of obligatory prayer is the first step to assessing its potential
utilization. The number of congregation who perform ablution is directly proportional to the number of
congregation of the Ulul Albaab Mosque. The average congregation of the mosque is 857 people/day and
the average number who perform ablution is 778 people/day. The results showed that the volume of water
used for ablution was 3.9 liters/person with an average time required for ablution of around 64 seconds.
The use of recycling ablution water can be used for non-consumption needs.
Study of Potential Utilization of Recycling Ablution Used Water
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 2: 111-118
Study of Potential Utilization of Recycling Ablution Used Water
To find out the number of congregation who Based on Table 2, it is found that the total
perform ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque is congregation who perform ablution in a day are
the same as counting the congregation of the 778 people/day. Survey data shows a fluctuation
mosque using a hand tally counter. Table 2 is in the number of congregation, both from the 5
data from a survey of congregation who perform daily prayers and the number of daily
ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque at five congregation. Overall, it is the same with the
prayer times a month, which is presented in the highest number of congregation in the mosque,
following Table 2 and Fig. 5. the congregation who performs the highest
ablution in one week, is on Friday. While the
Table 2. The Average Congregation Who
congregation who performs ablution the most at
Performs Ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque
Days Congregation who performs Total
the time of the obligatory prayers, namely at the
ablution time of the Zuhr prayer and the time of the
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Monday 10 310 249 172 41 781
Friday prayer.
Tuesday 8 279 224 141 29 679
Wednesday 10 270 230 129 38 677
Statistical calculations show a correlation
Thursday 12 311 274 158 34 788 between mosque congregations and
Friday 9 586 261 136 36 1027 congregations who perform ablution. Through
Saturday 9 268 232 173 35 717
Average 9 337 245 151 35 778 the calculation of SSPS 20 from the output, the
Total 4668 coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.953,
which means that the influence of mosque
congregations on congregations who perform
ablution is 95.3%, other factors influence the
The results obtained from the average
congregation of mosques are 857 people/day,
sampling the volume of ablution used water is
reduced using the Slovin formula, see Table 3.
Table 3. Determination of Sample Quantity
Figure 5. The average congregation who No Mosque Population Sample
performs ablution at 5 times of obligatory Congregation
prayer. 1. Male 560 178
2. Female 297 95
Total 857 273
Data collection was taken from 5 prayer times in
one week. The congregation's ablution water is
accommodated in a bucket, measured and then
recorded. The total volume of ablution used
water from 273 samples is 1,079 liters and the
total time needed for ablution is 17,444 seconds,
so it can be calculated that the average volume
Figure 6. The average congregation who of ablution water per person is 3.9 liters with an
performs ablution in a week. average ablution time of 64 seconds.
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 2: 111-118
Study of Potential Utilization of Recycling Ablution Used Water
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 2: 111-118
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