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Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management, 2022, Vol. 6, No.

2: 111-118



Evi Afiatun*, Sri Wahyuni, Jeanyta Harto

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia


The role of water in daily life, including activities in the mosque is very significant. The existence of the
Ulul Albaab Mosque which is always busy with various congregation activities and activities carried out
by students and the campus community affects the need for clean water. So far, the ablution used water at
the Ulul Albaab Mosque has been dumped into the sewers. Measuring the quantity of water to determine
the volume of ablution used water at the time of obligatory prayer is the first step to assessing its potential
utilization. The number of congregation who perform ablution is directly proportional to the number of
congregation of the Ulul Albaab Mosque. The average congregation of the mosque is 857 people/day and
the average number who perform ablution is 778 people/day. The results showed that the volume of water
used for ablution was 3.9 liters/person with an average time required for ablution of around 64 seconds.
The use of recycling ablution water can be used for non-consumption needs.

Keywords: ablution water, mosque activities, non-consumption needs, recycling

Introduction1 groundwater pumping. So far, the ablution used

Ulul Albaab Mosque is one of four mosques water at the Ulul Albaab Mosque is still being
spread throughout the Universitas Pasundan dumped into the sewers without any use. In its
Campus, Bandung. The existence of the Ulul use, the ablution used water has been used to
Albaab Mosque which is always busy with clean certain body parts prescribed for ablution.
various congregation activities and activities The ablution activity at the Ulul Albaab Mosque
carried out by students and the campus is carried out by the congregations every time
community affects the need for clean water. The they will carry out the 5 daily obligatory prayers
study's results (Bahagia, 2018) state that and other congregations. The quantity of
ablution is carried out at least five times in one congregations who perform the obligatory
day or can be interpreted as five prayer times. If prayers at the Ulul Albaab Mosque fluctuates.
it is assumed that in one ablution, each The number of congregations will only be
congregation needs about 3 liters of clean water, maximized on certain days such as Fridays and
then in one day for one congregation ablution other religious days. Fluctuations in the use of
requires approximately 15 liters. Ulul Albaab ablution water, depending on the congregation
Mosque's water needs come through present at the Ulul Albaab Mosque. The routine
use of ablution water shows the large potential
Corresponding Author: of ablution used water that can be utilized at the
E-mail: [email protected] Ulul Albaab Mosque, so efforts are needed to
utilize ablution used water as an alternative
Received: 8 September 2022
Revised: 22 September 2022 source of clean water for various purposes. One
Accepted: 25 September 2022 concept that can be applied as an effort to
DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v6i2.6150

Study of Potential Utilization of Recycling Ablution Used Water

preserve clean water resources is water number of samples must be representative so

recycling. The strategy of recycling ablution that the research results can be generalized with
used water aims at efficient use of water simple formulas and calculations, Eq. (1).
resources and to participate in environmental (1)
management (Taylor, 2016). This research needs
to be done in order to provide an initial picture
n = number of samples
of the potential for recycling ablution used water
N = number of population
that can be done at the Ulul Albaab Mosque.
e = The error tolerance limit (error estimate), in
The purpose of this study was to examine the this study is 5% because the number of
potential use of ablution used water at the Ulul respondents using the 5% error tolerance limit
Albaab Mosque. Measurement of the quantity of will get a representative number of samples,
water to determine the amount of ablution used namely the truth reaches ± 95%.
water at the time of obligatory prayers.
Methodology To find out the sample group to be studied, use
the Fraction Per Cluster formula, Eq. (2).
The research method used is quantitative
research with a descriptive approach. This study (2)
uses observation by means of a direct survey to where :
the research site to determine the quantity of Fi = sampling fraction cluster
ablution used water. The quantity of ablution Ni = the number of individuals in the cluster
used water was analyzed at five prayer times for N = total population
24 days. Calculation of congregation who n = number of members included in the sample
perform ablution is done manually using a hand ni = number of members included in the sub
tally counter. The research flow can be seen in sample
Figure 1. Sampling of water for ablution is carried out
when entering the time of one of the obligatory
prayers, namely the Zuhr prayer. The
congregation's ablution water is accommodated
in a bucket, then the volume of water and the
time required are measured. The total number of
congregation is also recorded and counted.
This is done to determine the volume of water
and the time used by congregation to perform
Figure 1. Research Flow
ablution at the time of obligatory prayers. The
Research Location research data analyzed are presented in graphs or
The research location is on Campus IV, tables, then described thoroughly.
Universitas Pasundan, JL Setiabudhi No. 193
Results and Discussion
Bandung. The target of this research is the
congregation of the mosque who performs
This study focuses on the quantity of water used
ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque.
for ablution starting from counting the number
Sampling Technique of congregation who perform ablution, the total
Sampling of ablution used water in this study amount of ablution used water and the average
used the Slovin formula (Setiawan, 2005). The

Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 2: 111-118

volume of used water per person/one time for

Table 1 is data from a survey of the number of
congregation of the Ulul Albaab Mosque at five
prayer times in a month, which are presented in
the following tables and graphs:
Tabel 1. The Average Congregation of the Ulul
Albaab Mosque
Days Mosque Congregation Total
Figure 3. The average congregation who
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Monday 11 356 260 202 47 876 performs ablution in a week.
Tuesday 8 315 250 148 36 757
Wednesday 10 301 237 147 44 739 From the observations, it is known that the
Thursday 12 355 305 187 42 901 mentoring and learning activities of the Qur'an
Friday 9 624 273 150 38 1094
Saturday 9 284 250 196 39 778 recitation occur on Mondays, Thursdays and
Average 10 373 263 172 41 858 Fridays. While on Saturdays, the hall in the
Total 5145
mosque building is usually used for seminars
Based on table 1, it is found that the average and meetings. Islamic activities and
congregation of the mosque in a day is 858 congregational activities at the Ulul Albaab
people/day. Survey data shows fluctuations in Mosque affect the number of mosque
the number of congregation, both from the 5 congregation. This can be seen in Table 2, the
daily prayers and the number of daily congregation on Monday, Thursday and Friday
congregation. experienced an increase of up to 26.4% of the
congregation on Tuesday, Wednesday and
In addition, the lecture schedule has an impact
on the number of congregation who pray at the
Ulul Albaab Mosque, the number of
congregation during exam activities has
increased to 2.35% of the number of
congregation on lecture days which is around
235 people, Figure 4 is a recapitulation of
congregations for one month.
Figure 2. The average congregation who
performs ablution at 5 times of obligatory
Overall, the highest number of congregation in
the mosque during one week, is on Fridays. This
is influenced by the existence of religious
activities that take place at the Ulul Albaab
Mosque, including Friday prayers in
congregation, mentoring and learning recitations
of the Qur'an.
Figure 4. Recapitulation of the Ulul Albaab
Mosque congregation for 1 month.

Study of Potential Utilization of Recycling Ablution Used Water

To find out the number of congregation who Based on Table 2, it is found that the total
perform ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque is congregation who perform ablution in a day are
the same as counting the congregation of the 778 people/day. Survey data shows a fluctuation
mosque using a hand tally counter. Table 2 is in the number of congregation, both from the 5
data from a survey of congregation who perform daily prayers and the number of daily
ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque at five congregation. Overall, it is the same with the
prayer times a month, which is presented in the highest number of congregation in the mosque,
following Table 2 and Fig. 5. the congregation who performs the highest
ablution in one week, is on Friday. While the
Table 2. The Average Congregation Who
congregation who performs ablution the most at
Performs Ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque
Days Congregation who performs Total
the time of the obligatory prayers, namely at the
ablution time of the Zuhr prayer and the time of the
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Monday 10 310 249 172 41 781
Friday prayer.
Tuesday 8 279 224 141 29 679
Wednesday 10 270 230 129 38 677
Statistical calculations show a correlation
Thursday 12 311 274 158 34 788 between mosque congregations and
Friday 9 586 261 136 36 1027 congregations who perform ablution. Through
Saturday 9 268 232 173 35 717
Average 9 337 245 151 35 778 the calculation of SSPS 20 from the output, the
Total 4668 coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.953,
which means that the influence of mosque
congregations on congregations who perform
ablution is 95.3%, other factors influence the
The results obtained from the average
congregation of mosques are 857 people/day,
sampling the volume of ablution used water is
reduced using the Slovin formula, see Table 3.
Table 3. Determination of Sample Quantity
Figure 5. The average congregation who No Mosque Population Sample
performs ablution at 5 times of obligatory Congregation
prayer. 1. Male 560 178
2. Female 297 95
Total 857 273
Data collection was taken from 5 prayer times in
one week. The congregation's ablution water is
accommodated in a bucket, measured and then
recorded. The total volume of ablution used
water from 273 samples is 1,079 liters and the
total time needed for ablution is 17,444 seconds,
so it can be calculated that the average volume
Figure 6. The average congregation who of ablution water per person is 3.9 liters with an
performs ablution in a week. average ablution time of 64 seconds.

Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 2: 111-118

Discussion ablution used water, is influenced by the

Ulul Albaab Mosque's water needs are met by duration of the sample in ablution, behavior in
pumping groundwater. So far, the ablution used ablution, and the velocity of ablution faucet.
water at the Ulul Albaab Mosque is still being
The results showed that the volume of ablution
dumped into the sewers without any use. In this
used water produced from one ablution was 3.9
study, ablution used water is the main target that
liters/person. Based on the decision of the
needs attention. Ablution is a self-purification
Ministry of PUPR regarding the need for water
ritual that Muslims must do before performing
for ablution as much as 15 liters / person / day,
prayers (Sutrisno, 2016). The use of water when
in line with the need for clean water from the
performing ablution is only to wash some parts
Health Office for ablution needs is around 15
of the body so that a lot of water is wasted
liters / day. So, the use of ablution water at the
during ablution (Suratkon et al., 2014),
Ulul Albaab Mosque exceeds the applicable
(Rachmadhi & Moersidik, 2016)
The quantity of ablution water is measured to
In one day the average congregation who
determine the volume of ablution used water at
performs ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque is
the time of obligatory prayers. The water sample
778 people, then the ablution used water used is
is ablution used water from all mosque
3,034.2 liters / day, if in one week it is 18,205.2
congregations who perform ablution at the
liters, a large amount for water that is not
mosque's ablution place.
utilized. The number of congregation who
From the study results, the number of mosque perform ablution in the mosque will affect the
congregations was 10.2% more than those who amount of wastewater produced by the mosque
performed ablution. Based on observations in (Jacob & Sandjaya, 2018).
the field, not all congregations perform ablution
The amount of ablution used water is wasted/not
at the Ulul Albab Mosque, especially during
utilized optimally in the midst of a water
Friday prayers. However, it is not known exactly
shortage, is one of the reasons for the need to
how many congregations perform ablution
apply the use of ablution used water at the Ulul
outside the Ulul Albaab Mosque ablution place.
Albaab Mosque. According to (Rachmadani et
Limited water before Friday prayers is one of
al., 2011) ablution used water can be a good
the factors for male congregations not to
potential for recycling to meet water needs for
perform ablution at the Ulul Albaab Mosque.
activities that do not prioritize high quality (non-
The number of congregations on Friday which is
not balanced with the availability of clean water
causes long queues when performing ablution. The results of the research at the Istiqlal Mosque
show the level of congregation acceptance of the
According to (Mafra, 2018) the duration of
use of ablution used water, which can be used
ablution time is influenced by habits in ablution,
as: utilization of garden watering, washing
tolerance for ablution queues, velocity of
floors, washing congregation clothes, washing
ablution faucet and the time interval for the call
carpets, toilet needs.
to prayer and iqomah. While the volume of

Study of Potential Utilization of Recycling Ablution Used Water

The study's results (Al Mamun et. Al. 2013) in Conclusion

(Madona et al., 2014) show that ablution used From the study of the use of ablution used water
water is not too polluted and can be easily at the Ulul Albaab Mosque, it was found that:
recycled and reused for cleaning purposes and
 In a day the number of congregation of the
watering plants after passing through a sand
Ulul Albaab Mosque varies from 10 people
filter. The application of ablution used water can
to 372 people. The average congregation of
be reused for tilapia cultivation, because it has
the mosque is 857 people/day. Meanwhile,
potential both in terms of quality and quantity
the average number of congregation who
(Sutrisno, 2016).
perform ablution is 778 people/day.
In addition, other research states that ablution
 The number of congregations who perform
used water includes greywater that can be
ablution is directly proportional to the
recycled, where the results can be used for
number of congregations of the Ulul Albaab
reclamation water such as for landscape water,
Mosque. This is evidenced by the correlation
namely for watering plants, fish pond water,
between mosque congregations and
mopping floors or cleaning vehicles (Bahagia,
congregations who perform ablution, which
has an output of 95.3%.
In addition to water continuity, a factor that
 Other factors that affect congregation
needs to be considered in reusing water is the
attendance and the increase in people
quality of the water. According to (Said, 2006)
performing ablution in mosques include
the main considerations in the use of recycled
religious activities (such as: congregational
wastewater are the health risks caused by
Friday prayers, mentoring and learning
organic pollutant compounds and pathogenic
recitations of the Qur'an), congregational
microorganisms, as well as the acceptance of
activities and lecture activities.
water users related to aesthetic value. The
quality of the water to be used needs to be  The results showed that the volume of
considered. However, processing water used for ablution used water produced from ablution
ablution will be easier than water from rivers. activities was 3.9 liters/person, with the
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) of used required ablution time of 64 seconds. If the
water may reach 50mg/L (Alfiah et al., 2015). congregation performs ablution 5 times at the
The water quality of urban rivers is indicated to time of obligatory prayer in one day, the
be polluted, especially in densely populated number obtained is 19.5 liters. The volume of
areas (Yustiani et al., 2019). Utilization of used water is still far above the recommended
water from mosques is a good alternative as a PUPR regulation, which is 15
substitute for river water use. Filtration may liters/day/person.
treat used water from ablution activity to be
recycled as other purposes including for ablution
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