Textile Wastewater Treatment by Hybrid Advanced Oxidation Processes
Textile Wastewater Treatment by Hybrid Advanced Oxidation Processes
Textile Wastewater Treatment by Hybrid Advanced Oxidation Processes
Textile wastewater is one of the fastest and largest growing industry in the world which consumes a large amount
of water and chemical, especially dyes in its process. As results, it contains high COD (150 – 35,000 mg/L) and
BOD (100 – 9625 mg/L) which are arduous to be degraded since it possess toxic and potentially carcinogenic to
environment. Therefore, a proper treatment is needed before their discharge. Several treatment methods such as
physical, biological, and chemical processes have been widely studied in textile wastewater treatment. Physical
treatment is commonly used for assisting particulate matter removal in pretreatment process of textile wastewater
treatment. It is usually followed by biological or chemical processes. Biological treatment is known as an
environmentally friendly process for the complete degradation of textile wastewater. However, it resulted less
efficiency of COD and color removal. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are one of chemical treatments
which known as promising alternative for oxidizing the organic compounds of textile wastewater. It could remove
color and COD content over 90%. Ozone, H2O2, and Fenton processes are the most commonly used as AOPs
reagents. In order to enhance the degradation efficiency of AOP, the combination or hybrid method exhibits a
good approach that can be applied for color, COD, and BOD removal in textile wastewater treatment. Moreover, it
is also potentially applied in water recycle technology for water conservation in textile industry. This mini-review
paper suggests the possible hybrid process to treat the effluent generated from textile industry.
1. Introduction
Textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world and consumes massive amounts of water and
chemicals in its processing. Approximately 21-377 m3 of water is needed to produce one ton of textile product
(Asghar et al., 2015). The chemical consumption used generally varies from 10% to over 100% of the weight of
the cloth (Asghar et al., 2015) and the chemical loads are generated mainly due to the residues from preparation,
dyeing, finishing, sizing, and other operations (Ozturk et al., 2009). Most pollution in textile wastewater comes
from dyeing and finishing processes, such as bleaching, dyeing, printing, and stiffening (Stefan, I.M., 2018).
According to the World Bank prediction, dyeing and finishing treatment in textile industry given to a fabric
produces around 17-20 % of industrial wastewater (Kant, R., 2012). Around 72 toxic chemicals have been
identified in water solely from textile dyeing, 30 of which cannot be removed. It has been recorded that
approximately 700,000 tons of dye are produced each year in all over the world and 280,000 tons of the synthetic
dyes are discharged into waste stream through during manufacturing or processing operation (Riera et al., 2010;
Eren, Z., 2012). Some of these dyes are degraded naturally, yet some need special treatment since it cannot be
degraded naturally (Gupta and Suhas, 2009). As results, high organic compounds are produced from textile
effluents (Asghar et al., 2015; Ghodbane and Hamdaoui, 2009). It leads to significant amount of environmental
degradation and human disease. It has been indicated that about 40% of globally used colorants that contain
organically bound chlorine a known carcinogen. Almost all of organic materials found in the wastewater from
textile industries are a great concern in water treatment since it can react with many disinfectants especially
chlorine (Kant et al., 2012). Furthermore, discharge of even a small quantity (ca. 1 mg/L) of dye in the effluent is
not acceptable and could perform toxic and potential carcinogenic to microorganisms, aquatic life, and human
beings (Ghodbane and Hamdaoui, 2009; Turhan et al., 2012). Therefore, an adequate treatment strategy is
required to meet the pollution control requirements before they can discharge into receiving water bodies (Chang
and Chern, 2010).
Many treatment processes including biological, physical, chemical, physicochemical, and hybrid treatment
have been reported to treat textile wastewater in an efficient and economical way (Turhan et al., 2012; Holkar et
al., 2016; Stefan, 2018). Since dyes are designed to resist degradation, biological treatment methods are less
efficient in decolorization and degradation processes due to the sludge formation [Turhan et al., 2012; Asghar et
al., 2015]. It also inhibits microbial activity and may cause failure of biological treatment process in some cases
(Ozturk et al., 2009). Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is the combination process between biological and
physical process in one system (Gundogdu et al., 2017). It is a promising technology for textile wastewater
treatment due to its capability to degrade organic compound by biological process and simultaneously purify the
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
wastewater with filtration. MBR has been applied for dye-degrading microorganisms and involving simultaneous
filtration in textile wastewater treatment processes (Hai et al., 2006). It has ability to remove 60-95% COD and 60-
97% color depend on the type of textile wastewater. Recently, anaerobic MBR method has become an attractive
option for wastewater treatment due to its important advantages over aerobic MBR such as low energy
consumption and less sludge production.
Oxidation method is known as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) including ozonation, photocatalysis,
electrochemical oxidation, Fenton and Fenton-like processes, the use of microwaves, ultrasound, and wet
oxidation processes (Asghar et al., 2015; Dewil et al., 2017). AOPs belong to green oxidation processes since it
generates a complete mineralization such as carbon dioxide, water, and mineral acids (ca. HCl). AOPs perform
highly reactive oxidizing agent hydroxyl radical (HO·), which completely destroys the recalcitrant components and
toxic chemicals contained in textile wastewater (Holkar et al., 2016; Dewil et al., 2017). Among AOPs, Fenton has
gained much attention due to its rapid formation of HO• radicals in acidic condition based on the following
chemical reaction: Fe2+ + H2O2 → Fe3+ + HO· + HO-. It promotes oxidation of complex organic pollutant by
promoting H2O2 decomposition which resistant to biological degradation of both soluble and insoluble dyes
(Holkar et al., 2016). Several studies of Fenton oxidation combined with other AOPs has been discussed (Asghar
et al., 2015; Chong et al., 2012). However, there are some drawbacks of these process such as large sludge
generation of iron (Babuponnusami and Muthukumar, 2014), high cost of H 2O2 and excess used of chemicals
especially H2O2 (Hassan et al., 2012). Furthermore, handling and storage of bulk quantities of H 2O2 could make
the process harmful and not economically viable for textile wastewater treatment (Asghar et al., 2015). Ozone is
generally used for decolorizing dye wastewaters since it can effectively break down the conjugated double bonds
of dye and other functional groups, namely complex aromatic rings of dyes (Holkar et al., 2016). The main benefit
of the ozonation process is that ozone can be applied in its gaseous phase, hence does not increase the volume
of wastewater effluents and does not produce a large amount of sludge. Nevertheless, the main shortcoming of
using ozone is that it may generate toxic byproducts from biodegradable dyes in textile wastewater (Miralles-
Cuevas et al., 2017). Cost is a challenging issue in the ozonation process due to its short half-life of 10 minutes in
water at neutral pH (Gosavi and Sharma, 2014). As above mentioned, textile-dyeing and finishing processes
consume huge amount of water about 334 – 835 liter water/kg textile (Bisschops, 2003). Therefore, water
conservation or water reuse is a challenging issue to manage water resource mainly freshwater as sustainable
resources. The main goals of this mini review are to study characteristics of textile wastewater and the feasible
process to remove dyes and recalcitrant organic pollutant containing textile wastewater, to elaborate AOPs and
hybrid process for textile wastewater treatments, and to consider the possibility of water reuse or water
conservation of textile effluent as sustainable resources.
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
low dye concentration. Most of these dyes are chemically stable, non-biodegradable, and unaffected by light. The
presence of toxic metals in the textile wastewater is other major problem. It may come as impurities with the
chemicals such as caustic soda, sodium carbonate, and salts during processing or it may be present in dyestuff
viz. metalized mordent dyes. Moreover, the presence of chromium compounds and heavy metals such as arsenic,
copper, lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury, and cobalt and other auxiliary chemicals also make the textile effluent
highly toxic. Other than that, harmful chemicals found in textile wastewater may be formaldehyde based dye fixing
agents, hydrocarbon based softeners and non-biodegradable dyeing chemicals (Kant et al., 2012). The use of
inorganic sodium salts such as sodium chloride and sodium sulfate in dyeing processes in textile wastewater
could directly increase total dissolve solids (TDS), total solids (TS) and it is difficult to remove by conventional
treatment methods (Mondal et al., 2017).
2.2. Characteristics of textile wastewater
The main parameters in textile wastewater are COD, BOD, TDS, TSS and pH. Table 1 presents the typical
wastewater characteristics of textile effluents from some textile industries.
Parameters Value
COD (mg/L) 150 – 35,000
BOD (mg/L) 100 – 9625
TDS (mg/L) 1800 – 109000
TSS (mg/L) 100 – 5000
pH 6 - 10
Color (Pt-Co unit) 50 – 2500
Table 1 Characteristics of textile dyeing wastewater (Ghodbane and Hamdaoui, 2009; Kalra et al., 2011;
Mistry et al., 2017)
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
rapidly with the electron-rich organic compounds called electrophiles (electron-loving). Hydroxyl radical has high
oxidation potential of 2.80 V and the oxidation rate is 106 – 1012 times faster than using conventional oxidant such
as hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate (Holkar et al., 2016). AOPs promote a sustainable and green
wastewater treatment technology since it produces an environmentally friendly products such as CO 2, H2O and
minerals. Compared with conventional oxidation process, AOPs has higher degradation efficiency and it requires
less energy.
AOPs are classified based on the process to generate hydroxyl radicals as presented in Table 4. The
chemical oxidation method in AOPs generate hydroxyl radical from ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and its
combination with iron ions (Fenton) and/or catalyst such as TiO 2. The photo-chemical method is AOPs with UV
light assisting to produce hydroxyl radical from ozone or peroxide and also its combination with Fenton method.
The sono-chemical uses ultrasound process for hydroxyl radical generation, while electrochemical uses electrode
to improve the decomposition efficiency of dyes. In this review, we elaborate the hybrid AOPs based on the
hydroxyl radical resources specifically ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and Fenton. Table 4 shows the classification of
AOPs based on the sources applied for the ·OH generation.
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
processes. It was not in agreement with Azbar et al. (2004), as shown in Table 6 the color and COD removal
order of coagulation < H2O2/UV < O3 < O3UV <Fenton < O3/H2O2/UV. Based on the report by Weschenfelder et al.
(2017), the organic compounds (COD) degradation treatment has been ordered H 2O2/UV < O3 < Fenton < O 3UV.
Therefore, it can be conclude that the decolorization and organic compound removal in the textile wastewater
depends on the pH condition, concentration of oxidant and catalyst, time, dyes and concentration of organic
Treatment methods pH O3 (g/h) H2O2 (mg/L) FeSO4 (mg/L) Color removal (%) COD removal (%)
Coagulation 8.5 - - 350 49 60
O3 9 2 - - 90 92
O3/UV 9 2 - - 93 94
H2O2/UV 3 - 300 - 85 90
O3/H2O2/UV 3 2 200 - 96 99
Fenton 5 - 300 500 94 96
Table 5 Polyester and acetate fiber dyeing effluent containing 930 mg/L COD and 375 mg/L BOD 5 at
pH 9.2 (Azbar et al. 2004)
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
further process is recommended to purify the reused water and remove the non-essential component such as
organic compound and inorganic ions in the water. According to the array of potential hybrid technologies and the
available cost information, it can be proposed that biological after AOPs treatment appear to be the most
promising techniques to treat and recycle the textile wastewater. Biological processes are often the preferred
treatment for treating wastewater. They considered to have low environmental impact and costs compared to
other treatments due to it doesn’t require any addition of chemical and reasonable amounts of energy. As
mentioned earlier, membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology has shown a promising approach for industrial water
reuse due to it has very high quality recyclable treated water, small footprint, low maintenance, and lower sludge
production (Jegatheesan et al., 2016). It was reported that MBR have been applied for dye-degrading
microorganisms and involving simultaneous addition of adsorbent in textile wastewater treatment processes (Hai
et al., 2006). Aerobic MBR has been applied in textile wastewater for few years ago until now since it has ability to
remove 60-95% COD and 60-97% color depend on the type of textile wastewater. Recently, anaerobic MBR
method has become an attractive option for wastewater treatment due to its important advantages over aerobic
MBR such as low energy consumption and less sludge production. It has been reported from several studies that
anaerobic MBR performs an outstanding method for high organic strength and particulate wastewater in textile
wastewater treatment. It was very effective for COD and TSS removal which resulted more than 90% COD was
removed when the organic loading rate (OLR) was in the range 2-15 kgCOD/m3d (Ivanovic and Leiknes, 2012; Lin
et al., 2012). Furthermore, the operational costs of the anaerobic MBR were lower than aerobic MBR (Achilli et
al., 2011). It was due to large sludge management in the aerobic MBR. Table 9 shows the overall features of
aerobic and anaerobic MBR technology for wastewater treatment. Some advantages of anaerobic MBR over
aerobic MBR technology such as low energy requirement, less sludge production, and produces energy recovery
is chosen to be combined with AOPs to treat textile wastewater.
Feature Aerobic MBR Anaerobic MBR
Permeate quality Excellent High
Organic removal High High
Footprint Small Small
Organic loading rates High to moderate High
Biomass retention Total retention Total retention
Sludge production High to moderate Low
Nutrient requirement High Low
Sensitivity to temperature Low Low to moderate
Energy requirement High Low
Energy recovery No Yes
Table 8 Overall parameter of aerobic and anaerobic MBRs (Jegatheesan et al., 2016)
Finally, AOPs combined with anaerobic MBR technology is proposed to design a technically and
economically feasible option for treating textile wastewater and recycling its wastewater for sustainable resources.
Figure 1 depicts the proposed method for treating textile wastewater.
6. Conclusions
Textile wastewater contains high amount of dye compounds and recalcitrant organic pollutants which are
non-biodegradable and toxic. Therefore, it is important that textile wastewater should be treated properly before
being discharge into the environment. Among the various treatments processes currently used, chemical method
is the most effective process for color and COD removal in textile wastewater. AOPs are classified into chemical,
photochemical, sono-chemical, and electrochemical processes. By considering the operational cost and organic
compounds degradation, the most promising AOP is photochemical using ozone as an oxidizing agent.
Meanwhile, biological treatment is the easiest process among other treatments, low cost and high color removal.
Application of physical, chemical, and biological methods individually will not achieve maximum removal for textile
wastewater treatment. Otherwise, in this mini-review was proposed the method that can be used for recycling
textile wastewater by using the combination between AOPs (O 3H2O2/UV) followed by anaerobic MBR. Anaerobic
MBR was selected as hybrid process with AOPs for textile wastewater treatment and water recycling process due
Textile wastewater treatment by hybrid advanced oxidation processes
to its capability for high organic compound and color removal, low footprint, and high quality recyclable treated
water. This hybrid treatment process is a potentially beneficial approach for reusing textile wastewater, for
reducing water consumption and pollutant disposal, as well as for water conservation.
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