Module 7
Module 7
Module 7
The survey was conducted among a random sample of 10 students from the school. .The
questionnaire included questions related to students' understanding of media literacy concepts,
their media consumption habits, and their ability to critically analyze media content.
The survey results indicate that 65% of the students claim to understand the concept of media
literacy, suggesting a moderate level of awareness among the respondents. However, 35% of the
students reported a lack of understanding in this area, indicating a need for further education and
In terms of media consumption habits, the majority of students (65%) spend between 1-3 hours
consuming media on a daily basis, with 35% spending 1-2 hours and 30% spending 2-3 hours.
This indicates a significant amount of time dedicated to media engagement, emphasizing the
importance of media literacy education to develop critical thinking skills.
The survey results suggest a mixed level of media literacy among the students.. While a
significant proportion of students claim to understand the concept of media literacy, there is
room for improvement in their ability to critically analyze media content and learn reliable
sources of information.
1. Schools should incorporate media literacy education as a core component of the curriculum to
improve students' understanding of media literacy concepts and enhance their critical thinking
2. Teachers should create lessons and activities that allow students to analyze real-world media
content, recognize biases, evaluate credibility, and understand how media influences society.
3. Teach students essential digital skills such as verifying information, identifying fake news,
safeguarding personal information, and understanding online privacy.
4. Encourage parents and guardians to participate in conversations about media literacy. They
can play a vital role in guiding and supporting their children to develop responsible media
consumption habits.