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Tasmanian Geological Survey

Record 1996/13

An assessment of the resource potential

for nepheline syenite at Cygnet
and elsewhere in Tasmania
by J. L. Everard

Nepheline syenite competes with feldspar as a source of alkalis and alumina for the glass and ceramics
industries. The only comparable rocks known in Tasmania are dykes of feldspathoidal sanidine
porphyry, which occur as a volumetrically minor component of the Cretaceous alkaline rocks near
Cygnet, south of Hobart. However, available published and unpublished data suggest that the field
relationships, chemical characteristics and texture of these rocks are unfavourable, especially when
compared internationally to commercially exploited deposits.
The dykes are narrow, reportedly usually less than two metres wide, and workable quantities would be
difficult to identify. The variability of the rocks would make grade and quality control very difficult.
Their high iron content (rarely less than 2% and commonly much higher) would make them unsuitable
for clear glass manufacture and most other uses, and the fine grainsize of the groundmass would
probably make beneficiation, involving magnetic separation of ferromagnesian minerals such as
pyroxene, amphibole and garnet, difficult. The area has not been specifically explored for nepheline
syenite and it is possible, although not probable, that such a search could locate larger, economically
worthwhile, quantities of more suitable material.
The alkaline rocks occur almost exclusively on private land in a moderately hilly, fairly densely
populated rural area. Although access and transport would be relatively easy, there could be
environmental and land tenure problems with extraction, if a viable resource were found.
Although not examined in detail, the potential for feldspar in Tasmania is not favoured by the relative
lack of major pegmatite development in Tasmanian granitoids. Perhaps the best potential is in
northeast Tasmania, where leucocratic alkali-feldspar granites and related aplites have low contents of
iron and mafic minerals. Separation of quartz and mica, possibly as by-products, would probably be

INTRODUCTION mafic alkaline magmas such as alkali basalt,

basanite or olivine nephelinite. This mechanism
Nepheline syenite is a felsic, leucocratic, silica-
seems inadequate to account for larger volcanic
undersaturated and generally coarse-grained
intrusive igneous rock, typically consisting of provinces and large intrusions, often exposed over
feldspar (usually alkali feldspar), nepheline and hundreds of square kilometres, in which evidence
smaller amounts of mafic constituents such as for large volumes of the inferred parental mafic
biotite, pyroxene and amphibole. It is chemically rocks is usually absent. In these cases, partial
equivalent to the volcanic rock phonolite. melting of an alkali basalt composition in the lower
crust may be a more viable explanation. In some ring
The petrogenesis of these undersaturated felsic
complexes associated with carbonatites,
alkaline rocks is not well understood. Some small
volume plugs and domes of phonolite found in metasomatism (fenitisation) is important. Another
intraplate tectonic settings, both continental and in class of nepheline syenite seems to have been
oceanic islands, are fairly readily accounted for as produced by metasomatism (nephelinitisation) of
the ultimate products of the extreme fractionation of pre-existing granite gneiss.
Tasmanian Geological Survey R2ecord 1996/13 1
Desilicification of granitic magmas by assimilation consistency and transport costs. Feldspar is
of limestone, an idea expounded particularly by generally preferred in the manufacture of flat glass
Daly earlier this century, has largely been as it is quicker to dissolve and easier to disperse
discounted by more recent field and experimental evenly. Nepheline syenite may be preferred in high
data. volume ceramic manufacture because a lower firing
temperature and shorter firing time is needed, and
APPLICATIONS because it is a better flux due to its higher
alumina/alkali ratio. However it is generally more
This and the following two sections are largely expensive than feldspar.
summarised from Bolger (1995), Robbins (1986) and
Harben (1979). A more comprehensive discussion of Prices in 1986 for Canadian nepheline syenite were
most aspects of the industry is given by Minnes et al. around $US46/short tonne for ceramic grade
(1983) and Allen and Charsley (1968). A relatively material, with lower prices for glass grade and
up-to-date worldwide reference to companies and higher for filler grade. Bulk prices for the Norwegian
operations is the Industrial Minerals Directory product were £Sterling 55/tonne (glass-grade) to
(Griffiths, 1991). £65/tonne (ceramic grade) (Industrial Minerals,
February 1986, p. 14).
Nepheline syenite can be a valuable commodity
because of its high alkali and alumina content. It is PRODUCTION OF
used as a raw material, competing with feldspar, in
the glass and ceramics industries. Nepheline
syenite has also been used as a source of alumina for Until recently almost all the production of nepheline
the aluminium industry in Russia, but elsewhere it syenite (fig. 1) outside Russia has been from three
has not been competitive against bauxite in this mines, all owned by the US-based Unimin
regard. Corporation, in Canada and Norway.
About 70% of nepheline syenite production in the
Western World is used in the glass industry, 28% in Canada
ceramics, and 2% in fillers and other minor At Nephton, Ontario, a sill-like body of nepheline
applications. syenite, dated at 1300 Ma, intruded the Blue
Mountain Sedimentary Band and subsequently
In glass manufacture the alkali content acts as a fractionated. The body was folded into a broad
flux, whilst alumina reduces the tendency of the syncline during the Grenville Orogeny (1000 Ma)
glass to devitrify, as well as strengthening and when nearby granitic gneiss was intruded. The
hardening the glass. The alumina content required nepheline syenite consists of albite (54%),
in glass ranges from 1.5–2.0% in flat glass to 15% in microcline (18%), nepheline (18%), biotite (4%) and
some fibreglass. It is noteworthy that the production minor muscovite and magnetite. The deposit
of clear glass requires a total iron content of less outcrops over an area of about 11 km2.
than 0.10% (as Fe2O3) in the feldspar/nepheline
syenite ingredient. Higher iron contents (e.g. up to Production began in 1936 by Canada Nepheline
0 . 3 5 % a s Fe 2 O 3 ) m a y b e t o l e r a b l e i n t h e Limited. A second operation was begun in another
manufacture of coloured glass. part of the same intrusion in 1956 by IMC (Canada)
In ceramic manufacture, nepheline syenite or
feldspar is added to clay as a flux, and melts during World Nepheline Syenite Production
firing. A low iron content (<0.07% as Fe2O3) is also 1994 (unless indicated)
necessary. The Na/K ratio may be important:
sodium feldspar is a better flux and requires a lower
»2 700 000 tonnes
firing temperature, whilst potassium feldspar
produces a stronger product. Potassium feldspar
generally commands higher prices than sodium CANADA
feldspar, whilst the Na/K ratio in nepheline syenite 18 000 t (0.7%) 600 000 t
varies considerably between deposits. (35 000 t projected in 1995) NORWAY (22.2%)
330 000 t
Minor applications include use as fillers and (12.2%)
extenders in paint (particularly water-based
paints), plastics, rubber and adhesives, where a high
whiteness is a necessary attribute. The absence of RUSSIA
CHINA »1 700 000 t
free silica in nepheline syenite has resulted in its use 50 000 t (1.9%)
in abrasives, notably in sandblasting, to avoid the (reported plant capacity)
(1989 estimate)
health hazards of silica dust. In this area it competes
against garnet, olivine and liquid cleaners.
Nepheline syenite and feldspar can largely be
substituted for each other in most applications, with Source: Industrial Minerals, May 1995
the choice determined by factors such as purity, Figure 1

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 2

Table 1
Representative analyses of exploited nepheline syenites (from Minnes, 1983)
Canada Norway
raw processed raw processed
low-iron grade low-iron grade
1 2 3 4
SiO2 59.4 59.9 52.37 55.9
TiO2 0.004 - 0.61 -
Al2O3 23.0 23.5 23.33 24.2
Fe2O3 0.7 0.08* 1.1 0.1*
FeO 1.5 nd 1.14 nd
MnO 0.045 - 0.09 -
MgO 0.03 0.1 0.25 -
CaO 0.64 0.6 3.11 1.3
Na2O 9.5 10.2 6.87 7.9
K 2O 4.9 5.0 8.3 9.0
P2O5 0.01 - 0.09 0.1
BaO - - 0.47 0.3
H2O 0.4 nd 0.26 nd
CO2 0.15 nd 1.88 nd
LOI nd 0.6 nd 1.0
TOTAL 100.3 100.0 99.9 99.8

Limited. By 1985 both operations were owned by the Processing, including magnetic separation, is
Indusmin division of Falconbridge Limited, which in necessary to reduce the iron content. Three grades,
turn was purchased by Unimin in 1990. with Fe2O3 from 0.1% to 0.4%, in a variety of sizings
are produced. The product is much more potassic
Production in 1994 was about 600 000 tonnes, but than the Canadian material (see Table 1). About
plant capacity is about 850 000 tpa. Except for a 70% is used in the glass industry and most of the rest
small underground operation between 1947 and in ceramics. European countries are the main
1949, all production has been open cut. Reserves are markets, but Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia
estimated to be adequate for about 100 years. The have also been customers.
nepheline syenite is marketed in 15 to 20 grades to
mainly North American consumers, with about 20% About 330 000 t was produced in 1994, but plant
to Europe. The product has about 23.5% Al2O3, capacity is 370 000 tonnes. Total production since
10.5% Na2O and 5.0% K2O (see also Table 1). 1961 has been about 9 million tonnes.

Although 22 occurrences of nepheline syenite are
A large underground nepheline syenite mine is reported, exploitation only commenced in 1994 at a
located on Stjernoy Island, Alta, near North Cape at 50 000 tpa capacity operation owned by the Sichuan
the northern tip of Norway and 400 km inside the Nanjiang Nonmetal Industry Company. The final
Arctic Circle. The original owners, Elkem A/S product is reported to contain 28–34% Al 2 O 3 ,
(Norsk Nefelin), began production began in 1961, 0.15–0.50% Fe2O3, 12–15% Na2O and 4–6% K2O.
and sold the operation to the Unimin Corporation in Some has been exported. China also has a large
1992 (Industrial Minerals, October 1992, p.11–12), feldspar industry.
which runs the mine as North Cape Minerals A/S.

The nepheline syenite dykes and stocks are of Turkey

Caledonian age (mid Palaeozoic) and appear to be One of the main producers in the rapidly growing
metasomatised syenite rather than of direct Turkish feldspar industry, Matel Hammadde SvT
magmatic origin. They are regionally associated AS, has since 1989 also produced nepheline syenite
with mafic, ultramafic and alkaline rocks, including from the Uludag massif in western Turkey. The
gabbroic gneiss, hornblendite and carbonatite. The syenite contains about 90% feldspar, 7% nepheline
exploited deposit is lensoid (1700 m ´ 300 m) and and mafic minerals, and up to 3% quartz, and is thus
steeply dipping. The raw resource typically consists low in nepheline (weakly undersaturated) compared
of perthitic alkali feldspar (56%), nepheline (34%) to the large Canadian and Norwegian deposits. It is
and smaller amounts of hornblende, pyroxene, also relatively high in Fe 2 O 3 at 2–3%. Other
biotite, magnetite, sphene and calcite. Further elements include 16.5% Al2O3, 6.6–7.5% Na2O and
details of the geology are given by Geis (1979). 6.6–7.5% K2O. Production of 35 000 tonnes was
Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 3
planned in 1995, but reserves are in excess of 20 of nepheline syenite) at Brenk, for coloured glass
million tonnes. and ceramic glazes.

United States
The American glass and ceramics industries have France
mainly used locally produced feldspar or Canadian
nepheline syenite. However Addington Resources About 150 000 tpa of phonolite are quarried at Roche
Inc. planned to commence mining of nepheline en Regnier, HauteLoire, by the glass manufacturer
syenite at Wind Mountain, New Mexico in 1995. SAMIN. Processing produces about 60 000 tpa of
Production of 635 000 tpa within 5 to 7 years is 2feldspar with about 2.08% Fe2O3.
planned, comparable to the Canadian operations
(Industrial Minerals, May 1995, p.17). P h o no l i t e w a s f o r me r l y a l so mined in
The Sarhad Development Authority plans to open a
nepheline syenite mine at Koga, northern Pakistan,
for the domestic glass and ceramics industries. TRADE OF FELDSPAR

The world feldspar industry is briefly mentioned, as

Other countries feldspar competes with nepheline syenite. Most
The state-owned Brazilian company CBPM is production is from granite pegmatites and aplites,
reported to be investigating a large deposit capable and also from feldspathic sand. Flotation and other
of providing a product with 21% Al2O3, 8.5% Na2O, techniques may be necessary to separate quartz,
4.85% K 2 O and 0.1% Fe 2 O 3 after magnetic mica and other impurities.
separation. Deposits in Mexico, Portugal and South
Africa have been investigated, but a common More than 50 countries produce feldspar (Lofty et al.
problem is a relatively high Fe2O3 content. 1993), but China, Italy, Turkey, the United States
and Thailand are the main producers (fig. 2). Some
PRODUCTION OF PHONOLITE of these countries (notably Italy) are also large
consumers with substantial glass and ceramics
industries, and China, Thailand and Turkey are the
largest exporters. Taiwan is by far the largest
A subsidiary of the Belgian company, Solvay Alkali importer, with Malaysia, Italy and several other
GmbH, produces phonolite (the volcanic equivalent European countries also being significant (fig. 3).
World Feldspar Production — 1994
»8 400 000 tonnes

180 000 t (2.1%)

1 600 000 t
USA (19%)
BRAZIL 740 000 t
140 000 t (1.7%) (10.7%)
120 000 t (1.4%) TURKEY
JAP 900 000 t
AN (10.7%)
80 0
00 t
290 000
t (3.4%) GERMANY
390 000 t
600 000 t NCE
(7.1%) SP 310
AIN 000
t (3
20 .7%
00 )
t (
2 000 000 t (est) OTHER 100 000 t (1.2%)
(»23.7%) 550 000 t
70 000 t (0.8%)
70 000 t (0.8%)

Source: Industrial Minerals, May 1995 86 000 t (1.0%)

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 4

(Excludes exports through Hong Kong)

1 240 000 t
162 900 t
(13.2%) FRANCE
110 800 t
79 800 t
255 400 t

INDIA 47 900 t (3.9%)

20 750 t

CHINA 244 000 t
319 000 t (19.7%)

1 290 000 t

590 100 t
33 800 t (2.6%) 97 400 t
17 900 t (1.4%)

13 800 t (1.1%)

16 800 t (1.3%) OTHER EUROPE
84 200 t
158 700 t
8 300 t (0.64%)
USA 95 400 t 73 600 t FRANCE
17 900 t (7.4%) (5.7%) 40 200 t
(1.4%) (3.1%)
41 200 t

Figure 3

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 5

THE FELDSPAR INDUSTRY discovered in the area (Twelvetrees and Petterd,
IN AUSTRALIA 1900; Macleod and White, 1900; Twelvetrees, 1903,
1907). Since then the only petrological studies
Domestic demand for feldspar in Australia in 1994 available are by Edwards (1947) and Ford (1983).
was about 60 000 t, of which about 45 000 t (75%) was The distribution of the rocks was mapped in detail
used in the glass industry and the remainder (25%) by Farmer (1981), although he did not map out the
for ceramics and other applications. As production v a r i o us t y pe s . T h e f o ll o w i n g ac c o un t a nd
was about 90 000 t, Australia is a net exporter. The conclusions with regard to the rock’s potential as
industry is located mainly in Western Australia nepheline syenite resource is based mainly on the
with some production from New South Wales. There data of Ford and the mapping of Farmer.
has been no recorded production from Tasmania or
the Northern Territory, from Victoria since 1965, The alkaline rocks at Cygnet intrude both Permo-
from South Australia since 1989, or from Carboniferous glaciomarine sedimentary rocks and
Queensland since 1984. Jurassic dolerite (Skeats, 1917; Farmer, 1981, 1985)
and have been dated as Cretaceous (Evernden and
Local production is dominated (80 000 t) by Richards, 1962; McDougall and Leggo, 1965). The
Commercial Minerals Limited, a wholly-owned main area is centred near or just west of the
subsidiary of the Normandy Poseidon Limited. This township of Cygnet. Small intrusions are found over
company operates open-cut potash feldspar mines in an area of about 100 km2, but the actual mapped
pegmatites at Pippingarra (in the Pilbara) and area of surface outcrop or inferred bedrock is very
Muckinbudin (east of Perth) in Western Australia, much less. A smaller adjacent area occurs to the east
as well as plants in Perth and Sydney. It also owns between Oyster Cove, Kettering and Woodbridge.
another potash feldspar deposit at Londonderry,
near Coolgardie (WA) and a sodium feldspar deposit The alkaline rocks can be subdivided into two main
at Broken Hill, NSW. The company has recently categories.
opened a 12 000 tpa glass-grade potash feldspar
plant in Malaysia, using Pippingarra material, and
is reportedly seeking new deposits in Australia and Syenite porphyry (oligoclase porphyry)
South East Asia. It has also imported nepheline This is the most abundant type near Cygnet and
syenite from Unimin to Australia. apparently the only type near Kettering. All the
relatively large intrusions, such as at Helliwells
The Minerals Corporation Limited produces potash
Point, Farewell Hill, Black Jack Ridge and Mt
and sodium feldspar and aplite from three mines
Windsor, appear to consist of this type, but it also
(Triple Chance, Lady Beryl and Black Hill) near
occurs as dykes and sills. The larger intrusions were
Broken Hill, NSW. Production in 1994 was about
thought to be sheet-like by Clarke (in Farmer, 1985,
4500 t for the domestic glass industry, but the
p.69). Mapping provides some evidence for this at
company is increasing production and also plans to
Black Jack Ridge, Mt Windsor and possibly
produce a ceramic-grade product.
Wheatleys Bay and Regatta Point. However the
Industrial Minerals Australia Pty Ltd reportedly bodies at Helliwells Point and Farewell Hill could
produced 1800 t of feldspathic rhyolite at Lue, NSW, equally be small stocks, up to 400 m across.
in 1994 and owns feldspar deposits in Western
Australia. The syenite porphyries are silica oversaturated
rocks usually containing phenocrysts (5–25 mm) of
Plans by Ariadne Australia in the early 1980s to plagioclase (typically oligoclase) and occasionally
commence mining alaskite (leucocratic granite also potash feldspar and/or hornblende, and a few
consisting mainly of alkali feldspar and quartz) for embayed quartz crystals (to 4 mm). Small inclusions
feldspar, mica and quartz at Oberon, NSW of green clinopyroxene are common in the
(Industrial Minerals, December 1979, p.9) did not plagioclase phenocrysts, particularly in their cores.
eventuate. The groundmass ranges from very fine-grained
(10–25 mm) to relatively coarse-grained (2 mm) and
NEPHELINE SYENITE AND consists of mainly potash feldspar, quartz,
RELATED ROCKS IN TASMANIA — hornblende and salitic clinopyroxene. Apatite,
CYGNET–KETTERING AREA sphene, pyrite, barite, calcite and aragonite have
also been identified as groundmass phases.
Virtuall y the onl y known occurrence of
undersaturated felsic rocks in Tasmania is in the Ford (1983, chapter 2, p. 6–8) distinguished two
Cygnet–Kettering district, where they are a sub-types on petrographic criteria. Rocks with
component of a series of dykes, sills and small slightly larger phenocrysts have a coarser and more
stock-like bodies of syenite and related alkaline leucocratic groundmass richer in potash feldspar, in
rocks. which the sparse ferromagnesian minerals
(probably both pyroxene and amphibole) are
The alkaline rocks of the Cygnet area were first replaced by pseudomorphs of chlorite and
recorded by Johnston (1888). Their unusual magnetite. Those with smaller feldspar phenocrysts
petrology attracted the interest of geologists around and a finer-grained groundmass may also contain
the turn of the century, particularly after gold was euhedral phenocrysts of fresh hornblende.
Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 6
This latter sub-type appears to be transitional into sanidine phenocrysts in a light brown groundmass
more mafic rocks lacking feldspar phenocrysts but (70%) of feldspar, pyroxene, garnet and magnetite.
containing aligned hornblende phenocrysts up to They are chemically transitional between the
25 mm long in a fine-grained groundmass. These syenite and sanidine porphyries.
hornblende porphyries are known from two dykes,
at Oyster Cove and Petcheys Bay. One of the dykes (400 mm wide) near Langdons
Point consists of a unique garnet trachyte rock,
Xenoliths of amphibolite up to 100 mm across are containing phenocrysts of garnet (spessartine) and
reported by Ford in syenite porphyry near Petcheys epidote, both with sanidine overgrowths, in a
Bay and at Farewell Hill. The author has also groundmass (80%) of sanidine, epidote and chlorite.
observed them at Perch Bay near Woodbridge.

Xenoliths of marble and quartzite are reported by Syenite aplites, syenite pegmatites
Ford in these rocks from the Kettering–Woodbridge and orthoclasites
area, and locally derived xenoliths of Permian
country rocks may occur near contacts. The main occurrence of these rocks is near Robleys
Point on the western shore of Port Cygnet, where
they intrude the ‘hybrid’ rocks (see below). They
Sanidine porphyry have also been reported on the opposite (eastern)
This type is found only in the Cygnet area, as shore of Port Cygnet (Edwards, 1947) and at
“numerous small dykes and sills” (Clarke in Farmer, Petcheys Bay (Edwards, 1947; Clarke in Farmer,
1985, p.69), “a system of relatively isolated dykes 1985).
from about 1 to 10 metres in width” (Ford, 1983,
chapter 1, p.22), but “usually no wider than about 2 The aplites occur as numerous intersecting late
m” (Ford, 1983, chapter 2, p.17). They intrude, and dykes and veins mostly less than one metre wide,
are therefore younger than, the syenite porphyries but rarely up to three metres in width. They consist
as well as the Permo-Carboniferous rocks and mainly of variable proportions of potash feldspar,
Jurassic dolerite. A K-Ar date from sanidine (99 Ma; usually subordinate oligoclase/andesine, and minor
Evernden and Richards, 1962), presumably from a (5–10%) quartz. Biotite, green pyroxene, magnetite,
sanidine porphyry, is indistinguishable from two garnet, amphibole, chlorite, apatite, zircon, sphene,
K-Ar dates from hornblende (95 Ma, 98 Ma; muscovite and corundum have also been reported as
McDougall and Leggo, 1965), presumably from minor or accessory phases. Grainsize ranges from
syenite porphyries. 0.1 to 1 mm, with the narrower dykes generally
being finer grained. They have an equigranular
These rocks are highly variable both mineralogically granoblastic texture and some resemble the
and chemically but most contain flow-aligned groundmass of the syenite porphyry.
phenocrysts of sanidine (up to 50 ´ 5 mm), often with
aegirine inclusions particularly near the rims. The garnet orthoclasites of the Robleys Point area,
Garnet (melanite; i.e. essentially titaniferous according to Edwards, are dykes up to 0.3 m wide.
andradite), pyroxene (aegirine), hauyne and sphene They are similar to the syenite aplite dykes (which
may also occur as phenocrysts. The fine-grained they cut and displace), but also contain melanite
grey, green or brown groundmass (50–80% by garnet in the groundmass.
volume) consists of variable proportions of sanidine,
nepheline, clinopyroxene (aegirine) and garnet The syenite pegmatites are described by Edwards as
(melanite). The distinction between the grey consisting of abundant sanidine phenocrysts, partly
groundmass rocks and the green groundmass rocks replaced by microperthitic exsolution, in a potassic
(tinguaites) is caused by the respective dominance of groundmass of orthoclase, magnetite and minor
feldspar or aegirine. Other, mostly accessory pyroxene, muscovite and sphene with very little
minerals recorded in the groundmass include quartz.
plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, muscovite
pseudomorphs after andalusite, cancrinite, hauyne,
sodalite, analcite, scapolite, pectolite, eudialyte (one ‘Hybrid’ rocks
locality), sphere, allanite, zircon, apatite, magnetite, An enigmatic suite of rocks is exposed on the
calcite and pyrite. western foreshore of Port Cygnet for several
hundred metres both north and south of Robleys
Near Lymington a “grey groundmass” dyke is
Point (formerly Regatta Point). Twelvetrees (1902)
reported by Ford (1983, ch.2, p.20) to intersect two
i n t e rp r e t e d t h e se r o c ks a s t h e d i ve r s e
“green groundmass” dykes, indicating an at least
differentiation products of a small syenite stock, but
locally valid age relationship.
Edwards (1947) and later Ford (1983) showed that
The only xenoliths reported are small (10 mm) they resulted from the thermal metamorphism and
inclusions of phengitic mica and pyrite in a dyke potassic metasomatism of Jurassic dolerite by the
near Mt Mary (Ford, 1983, ch.1, p.26; ch.2, p.29–33). Cretaceous alkaline intrusions. The term ‘hybrid’ is
somewhat misleading, as no author has suggested
Two dykes, near Kings Hill and at Petcheys Bay, that the rocks originate by direct liquid mixing of
contain both oligoclase and later, subordinate magmas.
Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 7
Petrographically the alteration of dolerite becomes intrusive contacts against Permo-Carboniferous
evident several hundred metres from the syenite sedimentary rocks. Clarke (after field notes of
contact, with the retrogressive replacement of Farmer, 1985) noted that much of the large inland
pyroxene by hornblende, magnetite and biotite. This extent of hybrid rocks mapped by Leaman and Naqvi
t h e r ma l m e ta m o rp h i c s t a ge i s e ss e n ti a l l y (1967) consists of highly baked tillite and Bundella
isochemical and the doleritic texture is preserved. Mudstone. He considered that much of the
remainder of the ‘hybrid zone’ consists of highly
Hornblende and igneous plagioclase are replaced by variable, steeply-dipping syenitic dykes and that the
albite, melanite garnet, aegirine-augite and sphene “true hybrid rocks (i.e. those rocks which cannot be
in rocks closer to the contact. The onset of alkali assigned to either syenite or baked sedimentary
(mainly potassium) metasomatism leads to the rocks or dolerite with any confidence) are also very
appearance of sanidine, and sometimes nepheline or irregular in their distribution” and do not form an
zeolites. The ‘hybrid’ rocks have been classified as “even, widespread zone”.
melanocratic or leucocratic, depending on whether
they are dominated by components of doleritic or The hybrid rocks are associated with a strong
syenitic origin. However geochemically they cannot magnetic anomaly, centred just off-shore and
be modelled by simple linear mixing of two aligned NNW-SSE parallel to the shore (Leaman
components. and Naqvi, 1967).

Farmer (1981) mapped the contact between altered

dolerite and syenite near Robleys Point as a fault,
and showed that neither extends more than one Three alkaline rocks from the Cygnet area were
hundred metres or so inland, where both have amongst the first Tasmanian rocks to be chemically

Table 2
Selected analyses, syenite porphyries (from Ford, 1983 unless otherwise stated)
A CY25-1 CY5-1 CY7av CY64-1 CY16-1
SiO2 64.03 60.58 59.75 66.33 59.55 66.22
TiO2 0.44 0.49 0.59 0.35 0.53 0.37
Al2O3 17.60 16.45 16.8 17.84 18.27 19.20
Fe2O3 1.93 2.44 3.13 1.89 2.78 0.59*
FeO 1.30 2.04 2.48 0.19 2.70 nd
MnO 0.10 0.17 0.22 0.01 0.09 -
MgO 0.70 1.68 1.85 0.08 1.24 -
CaO 3.17 4.31 4.87 2.56 4.67 2.26
Na2O 4.64 4.54 5.01 4.47 4.96 4.49
K2O 4.58 4.08 3.68 4.85 5.06 4.34
P2O5 0.14 0.23 0.31 0.09 0.30 0.01
LOI 1.60 2.51 0.98 1.58 1.27 1.30
Total 100.20 99.52 99.67 100.24 101.40 98.78

CIPW norms
Q 12.37 8.77 5.73 16.67 1.28 19.14
C - - - 0.82 - 3.11
Or 27.43 24.84 22.03 29.05 29.85 26.31
Ab 39.80 39.59 42.95 38.31 41.90 38.98
An 13.87 12.85 12.66 12.26 12.63 11.43
Di 0.90 6.09 7.80 - 6.96 -
Hy 1.59 2.67 2.35 0.18 1.63 0.02
Mt 2.83 3.64 4.59 - 4.02 -
Il 0.84 0.95 1.13 0.42 1.00 0.49
Hm - - - 1.91 - 0.34
Rt - - - 0.12 - 0.11
Ap 0.32 0.54 0.71 0.20 0.68 0.02
Total 99.95 99.94 99.95 99.94 99.95 99.95

A: Average of 45 analyses from Ford (1983) (42) and Edwards (1947) (3).
CY25-1: Stock-like intrusion at Helliwells Point, south of Kettering (approximately EN200222).
CY5-1: Western side of stock-like intrusion at Farewell Hill, west of Kettering (EN152241).
CY7av: From apparently relatively large intrusion, Black Jack Ridge, Lymington (EN042165) (average of three
similar analyses).
CY64-1: Wattle Grove Road, 1 km west of Cygnet (EN047204). Analysis with the lowest normative Q.
CY16-1: Wattle Grove Roar near Kings Hill, 2 km westof Cygnet (EN036204). Analysis with lowest total iron.
Norm calculated at mean Fe2O3/FeO = 1.45 for syenite porphyries.

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 8

analysed (MacLeod and White, 1900; Paul, 1906). A modal analysis for most rocks, the CIPW norms are
further two analyses of syenite porphyry, four of the used to give a rough idea of their mineral
sanidine-bearing dyke rocks and six of the ‘hybrid’ proportions. It should be borne in mind, however,
and related rocks were tabulated by Edwards that in reality many of the minerals deviate from
(1947). More recently Ford (1983) analysed more their ideal composition, and that some minerals are
than 80 samples of the alkaline rocks and more than not directly represented. In particular, hornblende
40 samples of the ‘hybrid’ and related rocks for both in the syenite porphyries and melanite garnet in the
major and many trace elements. This later data is sanidine porphyries will be largely expressed as Di,
the basis for the following discussion, which is Hy and An in the CIPW norms. One consequence of
restricted to major element geochemistry and its this is that the normative Q will give only an
bearing on the nepheline syenite resource potential approximate estimate of the amount of free quartz in
of the area. the over-saturated rocks.

Average and representative chemical analyses for A l l t h e a n a l ys e d s y e ni t e p o r p h yr i e s a re

the syenite porphyries (n = 45) and the sanidine over-saturated, with normative Q varying from 1.3%
porphyries (n = 36) are presented in Tables 2 and 3. to 28.6%, whilst only 13 of the 36 sanidine
As the fine grainsize of the groundmass precludes porphyries are over-saturated. The remainder

Table 3
Selected analyses, Sanidine porphyries (from Ford, 1983 unless otherwise stated)
B CY81-2 CY61-1 CY94 X44-2 CY73-1
SiO2 57.84 66.12 63.99 55.40 60.04 57.04
TiO2 0.47 0.72 0.13 0.27 0.30 0.33
Al2O3 19.17 19.27 19.87 20.05 17.73 19.76
Fe2O3 3.16 0.37 1.82 2.05 3.20* 3.15
FeO 1.23 0.10 0.09 0.56 nd 0.50
MnO 0.15 - 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.13
MgO 0.49 0.16 0.27 0.32 0.46 0.24
CaO 2.52 0.17 0.53 3.45 1.50 2.75
Na2O 4.76 3.87 6.19 6.23 6.83 7.08
K2O 8.05 9.66 6.17 7.39 7.90 7.93
P2O5 0.11 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.06 0.05
LOI 2.09 0.97 1.79 1.61 1.06 2.60
Total 100.04 101.42 100.92 97.55 99.23 101.56

CIPW norms
Q - 6.03 2.91 - - -
C - 2.15 2.11 - - -
Or 48.56 56.82 36.78 45.51 47.59 47.35
Ab 28.90 32.59 52.83 22.57 27.59 20.24
An 7.33 0.77 2.51 5.14 - -
Ne 6.61 - - 17.53 11.13 20.51
Ac - - - - 6.63 2.13
Ns - - - - 0.74 -
Di 2.68 - - 1.78 5.12 1.29
Wo 0.52 - - 4.08 0.42 4.92
Hy - 0.39 0.67 - - -
Mt 3.15 - 0.07 1.50 - 1.09
Il 0.90 0.20 0.24 0.53 0.57 0.63
Hm 1.04 0.36 1.78 1.09 - 1.69
Rt - 0.60 - - - -
Ap 0.25 0.02 0.04 0.21 0.13 0.11
Total 99.94 99.96 99.94 99.94 99.92 99.96

B: Average of 36 analyses from Ford(1983) (32) and Edwards (1947) (4).

CY81-2: Dyke on foreshore south of Langdons Point (EN065172). Contains lowest iron of analysed sanidine
CY61-1: Dyke, Wattle Grove Road near Kings Hill (EN035202). ‘Brown groundmass rock’ with both
plagioclase and sanidine phenocrysts. Contains third lowest iron content of analysed syenite porphyries.
CY94: Gardners Creek, south of Clarks Hill (EN083198).
X44-2: Tinguaite dyke, foreshore at Langdons Point (EN069178).
CY73-1: Dyke of ‘green groundmass rock’ from Forster Rivulet Road near Mt Mary saddle (EN043189).
Contains sanidine and garnet phenocrysts, also aegirine, hauyne and analcime.

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 9

contain usually small to moderate amounts of table 3) and from near Wheatleys Bay (CY74-2).
normative ne, which however reaches over 20% in a These rocks have high total alkali contents, and
‘grey groundmass’ rock from near Mt Mary (CY73-1) X44-2 contains small amounts of the rare alkali
and in a ‘green groundmass’ dyke from Lymington zirconosilicate eudialyte. Elsewhere in the world
(CY85A,B). In the former rock, ne is modally (e.g. Lovozero and Khibina massifs, Kola Peninsula;
expressed as hauyne and analcime, as well as Illimaussaq, Greenland), a large number of rare
nepheline. Although control between field, alkali silicate minerals are associated with agpaitic
petrographic and analytical data is poor, there is nepheline syenites.
probably no systematic chemical distinction
between the grey and green groundmass rocks. A plot of total alkalis (Na2O + K2O) against silica
(SiO2) for the alkaline rocks (fig. 4) shows that the
sanidine porphyries (squares) have higher alkalis
All the syenite porphyries and most of the sanidine (10–17%) and lower silica (mostly 54–61 %) than the
porphyries are miaskitic: i.e. their Agpaitic Index, syenite porphyries (circles, alkalis 7–13%, silica
molar (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3, is less than unity and 59–69%), although there is a slight overlap.
their CIPW norms contain An (anorthite) and lack
Ac (acmite) and Ns (sodium silicate). Only seven The distinction between the syenite and sanidine
analysed samples are agpaitic: most are ‘green porphyries is also clearly seen in a plot of K2O
groundmass’ (tinguaite) dykes from the Lymington against Na2O (fig. 5). The syenite porphyries define
area (e.g. X44-2, table 3) but they include ‘grey a fairly tight cluster centred near 4% K2O, 5% Na2O
groundmass’ rocks from near Mt Mary (CY73-1, with a couple of obvious outliers possibly

Table 4
Miscellaneous analyses (from Ford, 1983 unless otherwise stated)
CY91-1 JROCK2-2 CY97-2 CY31-1 CY106-3 DP(11)
SiO2 55.27 55.47 62.91 63.57 57.94 58.3
TiO2 0.80 0.38 0.20 0.31 0.17 1.3
Al2O3 16.66 20.30 19.43 17.47 20.37 12.3
Fe2O3 2.28 1.59 2.77 1.41 2.97 5.6
FeO 5.32 2.70 0.46 0.16 0.69 4.4
MnO 0.19 1.89 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.15
MgO 2.04 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.22 2.3
CaO 5.15 2.63 0.84 1.36 2.67 4.9
Na2O 4.47 1.75 4.44 2.15 2.68 4.2
K2O 6.75 9.76 8.51 11.26 9.64 4.6
P2O5 0.49 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.17
LOI 1.50 1.80 0.54 0.38 3.12 2.9
Total 100.92 98.70 100.52 98.50 100.56 100.22

CIPW Norms
Q - - 2.38 5.14 - 6.98
C - - 1.51 - 0.79 -
Or 40.11 59.52 50.29 67.81 58.46 27.67
Ab 21.59 15.27 37.56 18.53 22.56 36.18
An 5.50 12.86 3.84 4.86 13.32 1.15
Ne 8.90 - - - 0.38 -
Di 14.19 - - 1.18 - 15.60
Wo - - - - - 1.21
Hy - 3.57 0.79 0.28 - -
Ol 3.67 3.08 - - 0.39 -
Mt 3.32 2.37 1.06 - 1.94 8.26
Il 1.52 0.74 0.37 0.47 0.33 2.51
Hm - - 2.03 1.43 1.70 -
Sph - - - 0.15 - -
Ap 1.12 0.20 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.39
Total 99.92 99.97 99.94 99.94 99.96 99.95

CY91-1: Dyke of hornblende porphyry, Petcheys Bay (EN003177)

JROCK2-2: Dyke (0.4m) of garnet trachyte, Langdons Point (EN070177). Contains garnet and epidote phenocrysts.
CY97-2: Syenite aplite near Robleys (Regatta) Point (EN067191). Contains the lowest normative Q of six analyses.
CY31-1: Orthoclasite near Robleys Pont (EN065188).
CY106-3: ‘Hybrid rock’, near Robleys Point (EN06661909). Contains the lowest total iron of analysed ne-normative
hybrid rocks.
DP(11): Minor (0.4 m) felsic segregation in Tertiary mafic potassic nepheline benmoreite, Droughty Point, Hobart
(from Sutherland, 1976).

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 10

transitional to the sanidine porphyries, which have quartz, probably both as the small embayed crystals
higher K2O (6–11%) and a large range in Na2O reported by Ford (1983), and as a groundmass
(1.2–7.5%). phase. In general, the sanidine porphyries are more
iron-rich than the syenite porphyries. This is also
Plots of total alkalis (Na2O + K2O) against alumina clearly seen in plots of total alkalis against total iron
(Al2O3) (fig. 6) and Al2O3 against SiO2 (fig. 7) show (fig. 9) and total iron against alumina (fig. 10).
that both groups have Al2O3 typically in the range of
16.5–21%, although the syenite porphyries show a The two hornblende porphyry analyses available are
negatively skewed distribution to the lower end of much more mafic than the syenite porphyries, with
this range. The three outliers with lower Al2O3 are lower SiO2 and very high total iron (e.g. fig. 8 —
all syenite porphyries from near Cygnet township filled triangles). However their Na2O, K2O and
with relatively high K2O, and include the gross Al2O3 contents overlap with the ranges shown by
outlier in Figure 5. each group (e.g. fig. 5, 6).
A critical requirement for commercial nepheline Similar plots (fig. 11–17) are presented for the
syenite is a low total iron content, preferably less ‘hybrid’ rocks and associated aplites, pegmatites
than 2%, and that beneficiation to lower values is and orthoclasites from the Robleys Point foreshore.
practicable. Few of these rocks, and none of the Again, few of the analysed samples have acceptably
undersaturated ones, fulfil this requirement. A plot low levels of iron, and none of the undersaturated
of total iron as Fe2O3 against SiO2 (fig. 8) shows a rocks do. The same discouraging strong negative
broad negative correlation for both the syenite correlation between total iron and SiO2 is also
porphyries and the sanidine porphyries. Those with evident for these rocks (fig. 15). The ‘hybrid’ rocks
the lowest SiO2 and least likely to contain free show a very large scatter of K2O and Na2O (fig. 12)
quartz are generally those with unacceptably high consistent with alkali metasomatism. Total alkalis
iron, and vice versa. Most of the rocks with less than are broadly positively correlated with SiO2 and
2% Fe 2 O 3 * are felsic, strongly over-saturated Al2O3 (fig. 11, 13) and negatively with total iron
syenite porphyries which will contain abundant free (fig. 16).

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 11

Key to Figures 4 to 10

CIPW normative character

Q>5% Q<5% ne
Syenite porphyry
Sanidine porphyry
Hornblende porphyry
Garnet trachyte (ol-hy normative)

Samples CY23-1, CY44-1, CY61-1, CY78-1, CY80-2, CY86-2, CY92-1, CY95-1, CY98-2

Sample JROCK2-2

Samples CY47B-1, CY45A-1, CY64-1, CY71-1, CY75-1

Samples CY91, CY91-1

Samples CY5-1, CY11-1, CY25-1, CY47A-1, CY47C-1, CY48-1, CY49, CY49-1, CY52-1, CY53-1, CY7A-1, CY7D-1, CY7E-1,
CY8-1, CY10-1, CY14-1, CY16-1, CY18-1, CY21-1, CY45-1, CY45B-1, CY45C-1, CY55-1, CY60-1, CY63-1, CY67-1, CY69-1,
CY70-1, CY76-1, CY83-1, CY87-1, CY88-1, CY89-1, CY90-1, CY120, S10, S4-2, CY130, JE9, JD4

Samples CY13-2, CY19-2, CY44, CY46-2, CY56-2, CY62-3, CY73-1, CY74, CY74-2, CY79-2, CY84-2, CY85A-2, CY85B-2,
CY85C-2, CY94-2, CY94, X44-2, CYX44, CY123-1, JF3, JF4, KC1, KC2

Samples CY40-1, CY44CM-1, CY81-2, X50-2


Na2O + K2O


Figure 4

Plot of total alkalis 0

against silica, 50 54 58 62 66 70
Cygnet alkaline rocks SiO2

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 12




Figure 5
Plot of potash against soda, 0 2 4 6 8 10
Cygnet alkaline rocks Na2O


Na2O + K2O


Figure 6

Plot of total alkalis

against alumina, 12 14 16 18 20 22
Cygnet alkaline rocks Al2O3





Figure 7

Plot of alumina 12
against silica, 50 54 58 62 66 70
Cygnet alkaline rocks SiO2

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 13



Figure 8

Plot of total iron 0

against silica, 50 54 58 62 66 70
Cygnet alkaline rocks SiO2


Na2O + K2O


Figure 9

Plot of total alkalis 0

against total iron, 0 2 4 6 8 10
Cygnet alkaline rocks Fe2O3



Figure 10

Plot of total iron 0

against alumina, 12 14 16 18 20 22
Cygnet alkaline rocks Al2O3

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 14

Key to Figures 11 to 17

CIPW normative character

Q>5% Q<5% ne
Hybrid rocks
Syenite aplites, pegmatites and orthoclasites

Samples CY26-1, CY33-B, CY36-3, RP30-3, CY102WHT-1, 4-3, CY109-3, CY113A-3, CY114F-3, CY114DK-3, CY116-1, RP19-
3, RP20-2, RP20DK-3, RP25-2, GA12, GA14

Samples CY29-3, CY34, CY101-3, CY102BLK-3, CY104-2, CY105-3, CY106-3, CY106DK-3, CY108-3, CY110-3, CY111-2,
CY113B-3, CY113C-1, CY115-3, GA11, GA16

Samples CY35-1, RP4-2, CY117-3, 18-3, CY103-1, RP10-3, RP17A-3, RP17B-2, RP20PLE-2

Samples CY28-1, CY30-1, CY96-1, CY99-1, JB2, CY27-1, CY31-1, CY32-1, JD1

Samples CY97-2



Na2O + K2O

Figure 11 2

Plot of total alkalis against 0

silica, hybrid and related 44 50 56 62 68 74
rocks, Robleys Point area SiO2

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 15




Figure 12

Plot of potash against soda, 0

hybrid and related rocks, 0 2 4 6 8 10
Robleys Point area Na2O



Na2O + K2O

Figure 13 2

Plot of total alkalis against 0

alumina, hybrid and related 6 10 14 18 22 26
rocks, Robleys Point area Al2O3





Figure 14

Plot of alumina against silica, 6

hybrid and related rocks, 44 50 56 62 68 74
Robleys Point area SiO2

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 16





Figure 15

Plot of total iron against silica,

hybrid and related rocks 44 50 56 62 68 74
Robleys Point area SiO2



Na2O + K2O

Figure 16 2

Plot of total alkalis against 0

total iron, hybrid and related 0 4 8 12 16 20
rocks, Robleys Point area Fe2O3*




Figure 17

Plot of total iron against 0

alumina, hybrid and related 6 10 14 18 22 26
rocks, Robleys Point area Al2O3

Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 17

KING ISLAND with Western Australian pegmatite-derived
feldspar and imported products.
Thick (up to 200 m) ‘syenite’ dykes (or possibly a
single north-trending dyke, displaced by
cross-faults) intrude the lower part of the CONCLUSIONS AND
Neoproterozoic(?) volcano-sedimentary succession RECOMMENDATIONS
north of Grassy and just inland of the east coast of
King Island (Waldron et al. 1993). The ‘syenite’ is not Although there has been no recorded production of,
particularly alkaline and contains normative and or exploration for nepheline syenite in the
modal quartz. It contains abundant augite, often Tasmania, the geology of the State is probably
pseudomorphed by chlorite, as well as plagioclase. sufficiently well known to conclude that the only
In addition to the presence of quartz, its reported rocks worthy of any consideration as a potential
Fe2O3 content (c.6–7%) is highly discouraging to any resource are the Cretaceous alkaline intrusives of
consideration as a source of nepheline syenite or the Cygnet area. However the available field,
feldspar. The rock is better described as a quartz petrographic and geochemical data indicates that
dolerite and is chemically similar to the more felsic these rocks have a number of unfavourable
members of the Rocky Cape dolerite dyke swarm on characteristics that will make the identification of a
the Tasmanian mainland. viable resource difficult.

TERTIARY VOLCANIC ROCKS The syenites of the Cygnet area do not occur as a
single body, but as a large number of dispersed small
Phonolite is the potential product of the extreme intrusions. The larger of these, possibly sheet-like or
fractionation of basanite or olivine nephelinite, stock-like in form, appear to be oligoclase-phyric
which are widespread in the Tasmanian Tertiary ‘syenite porphyries’ which are invariably silica
volcanic rocks. However felsic fractionates are over-saturated and thus do not qualify as nepheline
extremely rare in Tasmania. One of the few localities syenite. Potentially they could still be used as a
known, and the only analysis available, is from the source of feldspar in the glass industry if the
southern eruptive centre at Droughty Point near manufacturers were prepared to compensate for the
Hobart, where there are late felsic segregations up presence of quartz in the syenite by reducing the
to 40 mm across in a mafic potassic nepheline silica sand/syenite ratio in their feedstock; a
benmoreite (Sutherland, 1976). The segregations quartz-bearing syenite is reportedly exploited in
contain coarse-grained potash feldspar, nepheline, Turkey. However if this were the case, more
clinopyroxene and minor iron oxide. Although some abundant rock types, such as aplite and
are described as mafic phonolites, the high iron alkali-feldspar granite, would be equally useable.
content of the only analysed sample is highly
discouraging in this context, even if a larger body Most of the ‘sanidine porphyries’ of the Cygnet area
could be found. are undersaturated and do qualify as nepheline
syenite, as they lack quartz and commonly contain
In the Eastern Australian Tertiary volcanic
nepheline or other feldspathoids, usually in the
province, of which Tasmania represents the
groundmass. The available chemical analyses
southernmost portion, felsic fractionated rocks are
indicate high alkali and alumina contents, some
l a r g e l y re s t ri c t e d to t h e ‘ ce n t ra l v o l c an o ’
comparable to those of exploited deposits. However
subprovinces. These are related to an inferred
the sanidine porphyries are reported only as narrow
southward-migrating mantle hot-spot, now located
dykes a few metres wide and appear to comprise a
near Bass Strait and yet to reach Tasmania. The
volumetrically minor component of the alkaline
Tasmanian Tertiary basalts are an example of a
complex. This is likely to make the identification of
‘lava field’ subprovince, and are almost entirely
workable tonnages very difficult. As these rocks are
quite diverse mineralogically and chemically, there
Phonolitic dykes of Jurassic age in the northeast m a y al s o b e p ro b l e m s w i t h pr o c e ss i n g or
Victorian highlands are a potential resource maintaining product specifications.
(McHaffie and Buckley, 1995, p.75).
The ‘hybrid’ rocks appear to be far too variable and
DEVONIAN GRANITIC ROCKS t o o r e st r i ct e d i n th e i r e x te n t f o r s e r i o us
consideration. Their geochemistry and complex
Although outside the initial scope of this report and mineralogy is also unfavourable.
therefore not examined in detail, the best chance of
establishing a feldspar industry in Tasmania A critical requirement for commercial exploitation
probably lies in the Devonian–Carboniferous of nepheline syenite is a low iron content. One
granites and related rocks, particularly the criterion suggested is a Fe2O3* (total iron as Fe2O3)
alkali-feldspar granites, which have the lowest total content of less than 2% in the raw material. The few
iron. Possible targets include feldspar-rich rocks from the Cygnet alkaline complex that fulfil
pegmatites, highly leucocratic low-iron aplites and this requirement are all silica-oversaturated, and
Oberon-type alaskites. There is a relative lack of most are syenite porphyries. A few of the sanidine
major development of pegmatites and aplites in porphyry dyke rocks fall only marginally outside
Tasmania, and any operation would need to compete this criterion, with either less than 3% Fe2O3* (e.g.
Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 1996/13 18
CY94, Gardners Creek, Table 3) or less than 3% FARMER, N. 1981. Geological Atlas 1:50 000 series. Sheet
normative quartz (e.g. CY61-1, Kings Hill, Table 3). 88 (8311N). Kingborough. Department of Mines,
Perhaps more important than the initial iron FARMER, N. 1985. Geological Atlas 1:50 000 series. Sheet
content is whether the ferromagnesian and 88 (8311N). Kingborough. Explanatory Report
refractory minerals can readily be removed by Geological Survey Tasmania.
magnetic separation and/or flotation. Glass
FORD, R. J. 1983. The alkaline rocks of Port Cygnet,
manufacturers prefer nepheline syenite crushed to
Tasmania. Ph.D. thesis, University of Tasmania.
-30#+200# (i.e. 75 mm to 200 mm), with less than 0.1%
Fe2O3* (low-iron grade), or less than 0.35% Fe2O3* GEIS, H. P. 1979. Nepheline syenite on Stjernøy, Northern
(high iron-grade). Ceramic-grade material is Norway. Economic Geology 74:1286–1295.
crushed finer (to -200#) but must have less than GRIFFITHS, J. (ed.). 1991. Industrial Minerals Directory
0.07% Fe2O3*. The porphyritic nature of the Cygnet (Second Edition). Metal Bulletin Books Ltd : Surrey.
rocks, with ferromagnesian minerals mostly found
HARBEN, P. 1979. Nepheline syenite. Indusmin and the
in the fine-grained groundmass, suggests that there
markets. Industrial Minerals 144:71–77.
could be difficulty in beneficiating them to this level.
The report of aegirine inclusions in the rims of JOHNSTON, R. M. 1888. Systematic account of the Geology
sanidine phenocrysts, if widespread, is a of Tasmania. Government Printer : Hobart.
particularly unfavourable feature. An additional LEAMAN, D. E.; NAQVI, I. H. 1967. Geology and geophysics
problem could be impurities of disseminated of the Cygnet district. Bulletin Geological Survey
sulphide, observed in abundance by the author in Tasmania 49.
the body near Kings Hill.
LOFTY, G. J.; et al. (comp.). 1993. World Mineral Statistics
1987–1991. Volume 2: Industrial Minerals. British
The field relationships of the alkaline rocks have
Geological Survey.
mainly been established from good coastal
exposures, where quarrying would probably not be M C D OUGALL , I.; L EGGO , P. J. 1965. Isotopic age
permitted on environmental grounds. Any determinations on granitic rocks from Tasmania.
exploration should concentrate on inland areas on Journal Geological Society of Australia 12:295–332.
the Lymington Peninsula, such as around Kings M CHAFFIE, I. W.; BUCKLEY, R. W. 1995. Industrial
Hill, Mt Windsor and Black Jack Ridge, and possibly minerals and rocks of Victoria. Report Geological
also north and east of Cygnet. The aim should be to Survey Victoria 102.
locate a thick dyke of undersaturated sanidine MACLEOD, W. A.; WHITE, O. E. 1900. On the occurrence of a
porphyry, with a relatively coarse-grained new species of garnet at Port Cygnet. Papers and
groundmass and/or a low iron content. Detailed Proceedings Ro y a l So c i e t y T as m a n i a
outcrop and float mapping and sampling of the 1898–1899:74–76.
relatively sporadic exposures is required, followed MINNES, D. G.; LEFOND, S. J.; BLAIR, R. 1983. Nepheline
up by petrographic studies. Only if a zone of such syenite, in LEFOND, S. J. (ed.). Industrial Minerals and
rock were located would further work be justified. Rocks (5th edition). 931–960. American Institute
This would require closely-spaced drilling and Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.
detailed petrographic, chemical and metallurgical
PAUL, F. P. 1906. Beitrage zur petrographische Kenntnis
work to assess any potential resource. einig er foyalitisch Gesteine aus Tasmanien.
Tschermaks mineralogische petrographische
Previous work does not provide much ground for Mitteilungen. 25:269–318.
optimism. However this work has been carried out
for regional mapping and petrological research ROBBINS, J. 1986. Feldspar and nepheline syenite. Filling
purposes, not to investigate the economic potential a need? Industrial Minerals 228:69–101.
of the area for nepheline syenite. SKEATS, E. W. 1917. On the age of the alkali rocks of Port
Cygnet and the D’Entrecasteaux Channel in S.E.
A further consideration is that the relatively dense Tasmania. Proceedings Royal Society of Victoria
population of the area, with numerous small, 29:154–164.
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