Lifelines Winter 2023
Lifelines Winter 2023
Lifelines Winter 2023
Benefits of
Offering Ultrasounds Our New
pregnancy diagnosis $225,000
• Determining the
gestational age of the $135,000
unborn baby
• 80-90% of women
choose life when they
see their unborn baby
• Provides a gateway to impact the lives of clients who may have not
otherwise chosen the benefits of the Lifeline resources
Donations go a long way in CLIENT NEEDS: Managing Director
running our pregnancy center- Continued from front page
• Monitors
both material items and financial How can you help during
blessings. We, like all other • Gates
this time? PRAY for us. This is
organizations, have operating costs. • Toothbrushes/toothpaste unchartered territory for all of us.
When a financial donation comes in, There will be stressful moments
• Similac advance formula
we can cover our operating costs as along the way. There will be
well as pour into our program with • Baby healthcare/grooming kits uncertainties, if I had to guess,
needed items and resources for our I would imagine that there will
clients. When material items come be deadlines that are not met
CENTER NEEDS: because of circumstances beyond
in, we are able to provide a needed
resource to clients at no cost to us, • Rolls of stamps our control. I also believe there
will be many joys and triumphs
meaning the financial blessings go • Paper towels along the way as well. SUPPORT
further. Both monetary and material
• Toilet paper our mission. Your continued
donations go hand-in-hand when support helps us to keep going as
running a pregnancy center. • Toilet bowl cleaner
we are. Your additional support
In addition to material items • Cases of water helps cover the costs of this
needed for clients, material items conversion. We are praying and
• Clorox wipes
that help the center run are always believing wholeheartedly that
• Lysol we will be able to complete this
appreciated, as this helps keep our
conversion and construction
center running. Every donation
of the new building 100% debt
leaves an impact!
free. We have already had a
few individuals/businesses offer
to donate time or resources
for certain components of this
project. Do you have a skill set
Your help is
greatly appreciated!
403 Union Street PERMIT NO. 6
Millersburg, PA 17061
Return Service Requested
• upcoming dates • I want to support the work of Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center
q General Donation q Medical Conversion
April 16th-May 21st: ___$5000 ___$1000 ___$500 ___$100 ___$50
Baby Bottle Campaign ___Other $ ____________
To request bottles, please visit Please indicate method of giving below: or contact the $_______ Check, made payable to Lifeline PCC
center. (*If you would like a different time
$_______ Cash, enclosed
frame, we are happy to accommodate)
$_______ Please charge my
• • • • •
____ Mastercard ____VISA ____AmEx ____Discover
October 9th Card #_______________________________________
32nd Annual Exp. _________________________ CCV ____________
Fundraising Banquet I want to give a monthly pledge
“The Best is Yet to Come” I would like to give $________________ Monthly
___ Please send me monthly envelopes
___ Please charge my __Mastercard __VISA __AmEx __Discover
Card #_______________________________________
Exp. _________________________ CCV____________
Signature: ____________________________________
Monthly authorization: Please transfer my monthly gift from the selected account each month
until further notice from me. By signing above, I understand that this agreement is the same as
signing a check each month and I may change it at any time by contacting Lifeline PCC.