Lifelines Winter 2023

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Winter 2023

News from Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center

From the Managing Director

“Behold, I am doing a new Family and Life Advocates), who has given
thing; now it springs forth, us their full support for this conversion.
do you not perceive it? I will This will be approximately a year-long
make a way in the wilderness project, depending on the circumstances.
and rivers in the desert.” We will be constructing another building
– Isaiah 43:19 on the back end of our property to hold
the medical component of our center. This
It has always been a joy construction will play a role in how long the
and an honor to minister at conversion takes. We will be going through
Lifeline, and to be the one called new components of training, setting up
to lead for such a time as this. There have new policies and procedures to encompass
been plenty of times along the journey the medical side of things, going through
when I certainly have felt unqualified and legal audits, etc. NIFLA will be walking us
unprepared. And yet God always qualifies through this conversion one step at a time.
the calls not necessarily calls the qualified. I
shared before, I never, in my wildest dreams
thought I would be leading a pregnancy
center. But here I am and it truly has been a
blessing to me!
Being here at Lifeline has been a journey.
We have had our good days and our bad.
We have gone through many changes. And
Contact Us: here we are on the brink of another huge
403 Union Street
Millersburg, PA 17061
Lifeline is converting to
717-692-2183 a medical center!
[email protected] What does this mean? It means that
Lifeline will be offering limited ultrasounds I know, for some of you, you may be
to diagnose a pregnancy. Why is this so thinking ‘what will be different this time?’
Center Hours: important? It is estimated that anywhere Years ago, before I was a part of this
between 80-90% of women who see their ministry, there was a discussion then about
Tuesday unborn baby via ultrasound will choose converting to medical. The timing was not
1PM-4PM & 6PM-8PM
life for that baby! correct and there was not a level of peace
Wednesday moving forward. Now, things have fallen
9:30-11:30AM We have been praying over this decision in place as only God can. I can’t give you
1PM-4PM for some time, we have consulted with our any other answer, except God’s timing,
Thursday legal affiliate, NIFLA (National Institute of not our own. I am asking you to have faith
1PM-4PM & 6PM-8PM
in us, faith that we will carry this on to
Friday-Monday completion, faith that we truly believe with
all that we are that this is what God has
called us to do at this time, faith that your
continued support will save and change
even more lives!
Continued on Page 3

Benefits of
Offering Ultrasounds Our New
pregnancy diagnosis $225,000

• Making sure the

pregnancy is viable $180,000

• Determining the
gestational age of the $135,000

unborn baby

• 80-90% of women
choose life when they
see their unborn baby

• Only facility in a 20-mile radius that offers a free ultrasound for

early pregnancy detection $12,500 . . . .

• Provides a gateway to impact the lives of clients who may have not
otherwise chosen the benefits of the Lifeline resources

Join Us...Volunteers Needed!

Do you or someone you know have • Integrate prayer with the client at • Retain the discretion of the
the desire to minister to young the end of each class if the client client by keeping all information
men and women? We are currently allows it confidential
looking for volunteers who are • Enforce baby buck guidelines/ Typically, a volunteer shift is 2-3
willing to be trained to mentor our prices with the client while they hours, once a week, translating to
clients. are “shopping” 1-3 clients per week. All volunteers
A client mentor volunteer is • Communicate with the Client are trained.
responsible for mentoring clients, Service Administrator about any We are also in need of volunteers
engaging in one-on-one classes, concerns or questions regarding willing to sort donations, making
discussing the client’s current the client’s needs sure they are appropriate, clean, and
needs, and praying with the client. put away.
The volunteer will maintain the • Connect the client to any
attributes of a Christian role model professional resources by giving If you are interested in any of these
while guiding clients through the client contact information for a opportunities or would like more
the various programs and classes referral in that area information please contact Tiffany
offered at Lifeline. • Build a relationship of trust with at 717-692-2183 or tbrosius@lifeline-
the client by actively listening and
The essential functions of a client
mentor volunteer are: treating the client with respect

• Engage in discussions about • Maintain a Christian mentoring

educational topics with the client role while offering spiritual advice
during a class to the client

Donations go a long way in CLIENT NEEDS: Managing Director
running our pregnancy center- Continued from front page
• Monitors
both material items and financial How can you help during
blessings. We, like all other • Gates
this time? PRAY for us. This is
organizations, have operating costs. • Toothbrushes/toothpaste unchartered territory for all of us.
When a financial donation comes in, There will be stressful moments
• Similac advance formula
we can cover our operating costs as along the way. There will be
well as pour into our program with • Baby healthcare/grooming kits uncertainties, if I had to guess,
needed items and resources for our I would imagine that there will
clients. When material items come be deadlines that are not met
CENTER NEEDS: because of circumstances beyond
in, we are able to provide a needed
resource to clients at no cost to us, • Rolls of stamps our control. I also believe there
will be many joys and triumphs
meaning the financial blessings go • Paper towels along the way as well. SUPPORT
further. Both monetary and material
• Toilet paper our mission. Your continued
donations go hand-in-hand when support helps us to keep going as
running a pregnancy center. • Toilet bowl cleaner
we are. Your additional support
In addition to material items • Cases of water helps cover the costs of this
needed for clients, material items conversion. We are praying and
• Clorox wipes
that help the center run are always believing wholeheartedly that
• Lysol we will be able to complete this
appreciated, as this helps keep our
conversion and construction
center running. Every donation
of the new building 100% debt
leaves an impact!
free. We have already had a
few individuals/businesses offer
to donate time or resources
for certain components of this
project. Do you have a skill set

How Can You Help? that you would like to donate

towards our project? Please
contact me, I would love to talk
Pray Donate to you more about this! GET
INVOLVED with our ministry.
 For our clients  Material items: We are always in need of
 For our Staff, Board, and • Client needs volunteers. Now we have a huge
Volunteers undertaking ahead of us. We will
• Center needs need volunteers to help in many
 All those working on our new • Conversion/New Building needs different areas.
 Financially God is doing a new thing here
in Millersburg. I cannot wait to
Volunteer see the fruition of our obedience!
Thank you for all the ways you pour
 Become a client mentor into this ministry. We continue to be Thank you for once again coming
 Sort donations blessed by this community and all the alongside us and walking with us
as we embark on a new calling in
 Clean ways we can carry on our mission
this community!
because people like you care!
 Your time for a specific Blessings to each of you,
component of our new project If you are interested in supporting us
further or have any questions about
the ways you can help, please call the
center today! Heather Weaver, Managing

Your help is
greatly appreciated!

403 Union Street PERMIT NO. 6
Millersburg, PA 17061
Return Service Requested

• upcoming dates • I want to support the work of Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center
q General Donation q Medical Conversion
April 16th-May 21st: ___$5000 ___$1000 ___$500 ___$100 ___$50
Baby Bottle Campaign ___Other $ ____________
To request bottles, please visit Please indicate method of giving below: or contact the $_______ Check, made payable to Lifeline PCC
center. (*If you would like a different time
$_______ Cash, enclosed
frame, we are happy to accommodate)
$_______ Please charge my
• • • • •
____ Mastercard ____VISA ____AmEx ____Discover
October 9th Card #_______________________________________
32nd Annual Exp. _________________________ CCV ____________
Fundraising Banquet I want to give a monthly pledge
“The Best is Yet to Come” I would like to give $________________ Monthly
___ Please send me monthly envelopes
___ Please charge my __Mastercard __VISA __AmEx __Discover
Card #_______________________________________
Exp. _________________________ CCV____________
Signature: ____________________________________
Monthly authorization: Please transfer my monthly gift from the selected account each month
until further notice from me. By signing above, I understand that this agreement is the same as
signing a check each month and I may change it at any time by contacting Lifeline PCC.

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