SMK Negeri 1 Kaligondang,
Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang
corresponding author email: [email protected]
One of the Ministry of Education and Culture strategies to realize quality and industry-
recognized vocational education and training for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is to provide
opportunities for students to carry out industrial work practices or project work with business
and industrial world (DU/DI). In practice, vocational students in automotive engineering skill
competency tend to be unprepared which results in ineffective internships. This development
research aims to formulate the need for job instruction which is oriented toward the readiness
of students to carry out an internship program in which there are basic components of
instruction and preparation, understanding, testing and participation stages, and follow-up.
The readiness of students includes knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Research development
uses the ADDIE development model procedure, namely (1) Analysis, (2) Design (3)
Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. This study aims to: 1) Develop job
instruction, 2) Know the feasibility of job instruction, 3) Know the effectiveness of job
instructions; 4) Know the increase in student readiness before carrying out internships. The
feasibility test obtained a score of 3.63% with a very feasible category. Practicality of 92%
with a very practical category. The job instruction that was developed was also tested for its
effectiveness with an N-Gain value of 78% which means it is effective and the result is a
student readiness level of 84.47% in the ready category. The results of this development
research show that job instruction has a positive effect on student readiness and can be used
at the stage of industrial work practice debriefing of Automotive Engineering Skill
One of the Ministry of Education and Culture strategies to realize quality and industry-
recognized vocational education and training for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is to provide
opportunities for students to carry out industrial work practices or project work with business
and industrial world (DU/DI).
Work practice activities in the world of work, known as industrial work practices
(prakerin) provide opportunities for students to gain competencies that are not obtained at
school. They get knowledge about developments that occur in the industrial world, and
insight into the workforce. Through this internship, students are expected to get hard skills
and soft skills so that they are ready to face the workforce. Job readiness is characterized by
the extent to which prospective graduates possess a set of technical skills and soft skills
(Hossain et al., 2020)
Internship (Prakerin) influences student work readiness. Students gain real experience
of knowing the workforce, and apply all the knowledge they get at school according to their
competencies (Lestari & Siswanto, 2015). However, in reality the skills that have been
learned are sometimes not in accordance with the needs of the industrial world (Novita,
2022). Work competencies that are not in accordance with the industrial world can be seen
when students carry out the prakerin. Kuat & Kristiyanto (2020) in their research stated that
the suitability of work competence and industrial culture of students who carry out
internships in official workshops is still lacking. Atmawati et al., (2017) stated that prakerin
would be effective if it is industry-based.
Based on the observations, the work done by students during internships is still
limited and irrelevant to their expertise. Students are not fully able to apply the knowledge
and skills learned in school. The reality in the field is that there are still many students carry
out prakerin not optimally. Students have not been able to carry out a specific task using tools
(hard skills), information and work procedures that are commonly carried out, and show
performance with measurable quality. In addition, students have not had basic operational
knowledge and real knowledge in specific work areas. Because of that, they cannot choose
solutions to problems that arise in order to be responsible for their own work.
Students who have not had soft skills make the implementation of prakerin to be
ineffective. Lack of communication and adaptation skills causes students to just sit and wait
for orders from mechanics without paying attention to the work being done. Sometimes the
industrial world feels disturbed by the existence of internships because the mechanics who
work must also guide students.
Another thing that is often encountered during prakerin is that students are still
confused about what to do, are unfamiliar with the vehicles that will be worked on, both the
problem of component layout and the technology used in these vehicles. This is a natural
thing if the industry provides basic jobs for students because the industries have not known
the capacity and competency of students. Students who practice are people who are just
learning about these jobs so they must be taught, and their work must be supervised.
Collaboration with industry in designing curriculum is urgently needed to increase
student work readiness (Hossain et al., 2020). Prakerin learning is work-based learning
because all activities carried out by students are applying the theory obtained at school to
activities in the field.
The effectiveness of implementing the prekerin program depends on cooperation with
industry. The implementation of prakerin through collaboration between schools and industry
consists of planning, mentoring and prakerin assessment (Ramadhan et al., 2021). The
prakerin objectives were not achieved because the students' competencies were not optimal,
vocational education never invited industry to integrate competencies according to industry
qualification standards, lack of provisioning roles, and no structured evaluation exams.
(Sugiyarto, 2020)
Technical guidance is a very important part of providing skills before students carry
out prakerin. Intensive training is provided in the form of basic vocational skills training and
expertise programs based on specifications for types of work in the industrial world and an
understanding of supporting theories. Training is a pattern or concept that becomes a
reference in the implementation of out-of-school training that emphasizes practice and
competence and requires reference guidelines that can be used to carry out an activity in
order to achieve the expected goals.. (Trisetiyanto et al., 2019). Tripathi, R., & Chaurasia, K.
(2014) explained that there are 5 steps to implement the training prior to prakerin, namely: 1)
analyzing the work and skills to be learned, 2) preparing instructors 3) Preparing training
materials, 4) Establishing cooperation with industry, 5) Evaluating and making updates.
One of the companies where automotive SMK students do internships is at PT.
Nasmoco which is under the auspices of Toyota. This company uses job instructions for new
employees who do not have work experience. This can be used as a reference as a basis for
the development of job instructions for automotive SMK. It is necessary to develop a job
instruction program for prakerin programs because it will have an impact on the work
readiness of students when carrying out prakerin. In order to obtain an effective, efficient and
practical job instruction, it is necessary to carry out a job instruction model for prakerin
program in the automotive engineering skill competency
The research method used in the present study is development research to validate job instruc
tions which are developments from existing products. The research steps used adopted modifi
cations from Borg and Gall and Sukmadinata through 3 stages, namely: (1) Preliminary study,
(2) development and design of job instructions, (3) validating job instructions.
The development model used in this development is ADDIE. The model consists of a five-sta
ge design framework. Those stages are analysis, design, development, implementation and ev
aluation (Onguko et al., 2013), In order to minimize errors and encourage continuous improv
ement, revisions after each stage are suggested.
1. Analysis
The initial stage carried out in this research is Analysis. In the analysis stage, an analysis of th
e needs of job instruction and an analysis of increasing the readiness of Vocational High Scho
ol students (SMK) competence in Automotive Engineering before carrying out prakerin are d
one. Based on the observation and interview data, it was found that the analysis of the needs f
or developing job instruction is as follows: (1) Analysis of the problem of students readiness
during prakerin who do not master the knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the
industrial world. This is because the learning materials have not been adapted to the needs of
the industry; (2) The need for job instruction to be developed will assist teachers in preparing
student competencies consisting of the basic components of instruction and preparation, unde
rstanding, testing and participation stages, and follow-up; (3) Determining topics used as cont
ents of job instructions in accordance with industrial needs, namely work on periodic mainten
ance of 10,000 km; (4) Basic Competencies and achievement indicators according to school a
nd industry curriculum.
Based on the needs of students to be ready to carry out prakerin, a job instruction is ne
eded. It provides guidance on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that must be possessed durin
g prakerin. Therefore, job instruction on prakerin program is developed to increase students' r
eadiness to carry out prakerin.
2. Design
The second stage of the ADDIE development model is the design stage. The design stage is c
arried out to make it easier for researchers to design the job instructions that will be compiled.
The design stage includes the criteria for preparing the job instruction framework, collecting
and selecting references, designing job instructions, compiling job instruction response instru
The job instruction framework consists of basic instructions and preparation, understand
ing, testing and participation stages, and follow-up. Gold, (1982) explained that in making jo
b instructions we must pay attention to what motivates people to learn, the need for students t
o understand, the importance of participation and feedback, how the application of knowledg
e complements the learning process.
The design stage includes the criteria for preparing the job instruction framework, collec
ting and selecting references, designing job instructions, compiling response job instruction i
Table 1 below illustrate the design of job instruction:
Table 1. Job Instruction Design Stage
Design stage Design Context
Design Preparation Cover section
Table of contents
User manual for teachers
User manual for students
Practical material
Time schedule
Warm-up exercise
5S (5R) Culture
Repair Instructions (lifting the vehicle and location of
Repair instructions (before carrying out the inspection)
Content section
Design A. Basic instructions and preparation
It contains important points, warnings of tools and
materials that must be prepared
B. Understanding
It contains material of the work to be performed
C. Trial and participation stage
It contains the work procedures of the performed work
D. Follow up
It contains Competency test to determine students'
abilities which include attitudes, knowledge and skills
Instrumental the instruments were adopted from the BSNP questionnaire
assessment which has been proven valid and then adjusted to the
preparation discussion of the prakerin program job instruction
3. Development
This stage aims to see the feasibility of the job instructions that have been designed. The deve
lopment steps are as follows:
4. Implementation
The implementation or application phase can be done if the results of the expert test (fea
sibility test) and the practicality test carried out by the user meet the feasible and practical crit
eria. Implementation is the stage of applying the job instruction program with the respondents.
There are 35 students of automotive engineering program at SMK Negeri 1 Kaligondang wh
o were given treatment in the form of giving job instructions before carrying out internship (p
rakerin). Responses from filling out questionnaires by students are taken into consideration fo
r testing the effectiveness of job instruction. At the implementation stage, instruments are als
o given to test student readiness. Like testing the effectiveness of job instructions, readiness t
ests are carried out before and after treatment.
5. Evaluation
The next stage in R&D research (research and development) is the evaluation stage. At this
stage, improvements are made to fix the system by processing the data that has been obtained
from the previous stages that have been carried out. The stages evaluated in this stage are
divided into two evaluations, namely formative evaluation and summative evaluation.
Formative evaluation in this study is related to the feasibility test and practicality of job
instructions and summative evaluation in relation to the effectiveness test of job instructions.
In the evaluation stage, the data obtained is analyzed to find out the deficiencies of the job
instructions to be made, the evaluation results are in the form of suggestions and
questionnaires. This evaluation is carried out after the four previous stages in the ADDIE
model have been completed. The evaluation stage is an analysis of the effectiveness of job
instructions, if there are no revisions, then the media is suitable for use. The effectiveness of
job instruction is analyzed using the t test with a significant value of 0.000 <0.5 and the N-
Gain test is 77.9.
3. Student Readiness
In order to know whether there is a significant difference, the Post Test score is used on
the student readiness assessment sheet by using a paired sample t test. Based on the
calculation, it is known that the significance score (Sig) is 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded
that there is a significant difference between the readiness of students before and after using
job instruction. The result of the calculation is that the calculated T value is 15.395 with the T
table score at (df = 34; = 5%) is 2.042. Because T count is greater than T table, it can be
concluded that there is difference before and after being given treatment using job instruction
to increase the readiness of SMK students in Automotive Engineering Skills Competency.
The results of the calculation of the N-Gain score test in this study showed that the
average N-Gain score is 84.47, the minimum score is 39.13% and the maximum N-gain score
is 94.44%. Based on this result, it can be concluded that the average N Gain score is 84.47%,
It can be said that the use of job instruction can increase students' readiness before prakerin.
This research and development resulted in the final product in the form of job instructions for
students in Vocational High Schools (SMK), especially in the Automotive Engineering
Expertise Program. The main purpose of learning to use this job instruction is to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of debriefing activities before students carry out internship
(prakerin). Job Instruction is designed to produce products that are feasible, practical and
effective to be used as a reference to equip students in terms of knowledge, skills and
attitudes according to industry needs.
The first stage of development research is the analysis stage which includes analysis
of media needs which is carried out by observation. The purpose of the observation is to find
out the product, namely in the form of job instruction needed in preparing students before
internship (prakerin). Based on observations of the problems that arise in preparing students
before carrying out learning internships in schools that are still conventional in nature and not
in accordance with industrial work standards, there is no competency synchronization with
the industry, student readiness in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes needed when
carrying out internships is not yet in accordance with the industrial world and there is no job
instruction as a guide that can make students ready to carry out prakerin. It is needed the job
instruction that fits the needs of students, contains understanding, students do work directly
through participation and there is feedback in the form of follow-up.
After doing the analysis, the next stage is designing the job instruction for prakerin
program. The intended design includes the criteria for preparing the framework, collecting
and selecting references, and the design/draft design aims to facilitate the process of making
job instructions. The job instruction framework consists of basic instructions and preparation,
understanding, testing and participation stages, and follow-up. Those components are
according to Gold, (1982). He explained that in making job instructions one must pay
attention to what motivates people to learn, students' needs to understand, the importance of
participation and feedback, how the application of knowledge complements the learning
The job instruction framework contains basic instructions and preparation. Learning
outcomes that use work preparation sheet learning during practice are better than those that
do not use work preparation sheet learning. (Dabet et al., 2022)
“Job instructions are written statements about what the job holder is doing, how it is
done, under what conditions it is done, and why it is done. It should accurately describe the
job content, environment and working conditions” (Robbins, 1996)
Patrick Graupp & Robert J. Wrona defined Job Instruction on their book “The TWI
Workbook: Essential Skills for Supervisors” (year 2006), as the simplest way to instruct
employees to make sure they remember and do their job properly, safely, and effortlessly.
According to Herbart in De Jong & Versloot, (1999) job instruction method consists
of 4 steps. Those steps are “preparation (show), presentation (tell), application (do), and
inspection (check).” Furthermore, O de Jong stated that in order to make job instructions, it is
necessary to analyze the type and purpose of the work. Job Instruction must pay attention to
the quality of work, work procedures, work processes and problem solving, and maintenance
of worker qualifications. Evaluation determines the effectiveness of training. (DeVaughn,
Toyota uses job instructions in instilling the values that exist in work competency.
Toyota uses Job Instruction to improve employee work competency in the workplace.
Development of job instruction in learning by practicing work according to the actual work
and workplace. Toyota uses job instructions with three main techniques to analyze important
points and outline jobs. Work should be broken down into manageable training chunks so
that important information can be effectively transferred. Second, the job instruction method
is also known as the four-step method. The four steps are preparing students for presenting,
operating, testing performance, and following up. Third, Toyota uses Job Instructions to
assess work competency as a basis for increasing worker careers. Meier, D. P., & Liker 2005)
the development of job instructions is not only paying attention to the methods used
and the knowledge but also skills and attitudes that must first be synchronized with the
industry. Competency that is in accordance with industrial needs that must be mastered by
students is periodic maintenance of 10,000 km.
The fourth stage is the implementation stage (application). Implementation is the
stage of applying job instruction to automotive expertise competency students who will carry
out prakerin that consists of 35 students as respondents. The end result of this development
research is job instruction for prakerin program.
The feasibility study on the results of the module development is based on the results
of the assessment sheet for the responses of Media Experts, namely from BPTIKP Central
Java and Material Experts from experts in the automotive field, while in the practical test the
effectiveness test and creativity test are carried out by the users of the module. The validity of
the development result module studied in this study includes content validity in the form of
suitability between the concepts presented and theories and construct validity, namely the
suitability of the transformation or translation of concepts and theories into an operational
form Golfashni (2011). The validity of a product as a result of development can be
determined based on the results of validation activities Azwar, (2014)
The next stage after the validation test is carried out, it is concluded that job
instruction has become the final product and is very feasible to use to increase student
readiness before implementing prakerin. The conclusion about the feasibility of job
instruction is obtained from the validation results of two media experts and three material
experts. At the validation stage, media experts refer to research by Azizah et al., (2020) with
an average score of media validation results getting a score of 4.79 with very feasible criteria.
Material Expert Validation, who is an expert in the automotive field. The results of
the validation of material experts based on the content feasibility aspect get a score of 3.33
with very feasible criteria, the presentation feasibility aspect gets a score of 3.67 with very
feasible criteria, the linguistic feasibility aspect gets a score of 3.62 with very feasible
criteria, contextual scoring aspects get an average score of 3.85 with very feasible criteria and
the average of all aspects in the material validity test obtained a score of 3.62 with very
feasible criteria The main purpose of using job instruction is to equip students to be ready to
carry out work in the industrial world when carrying out internship (prakerin). The basic aim
of Job instruction is to equip anyone with the required skills in the shortest possible time
which ultimately helps companies to improve their skills. The job instruction process has
helped students become more skilled in a shorter time and is also beneficial for teachers to
teach effectively (Tyagi, 2021). The readiness of students to carry out practical work is
influenced by the way teachers teach in class. (Knight, 1997)
Student work readiness is formed because of understanding or knowledge (Kurniawati
& Arief, 2016). Work readiness or work competence is the work ability of people which
includes aspects of knowledge, skills and work attitudes in accordance with established
standards (Law No. 13 of 2003 about Manpower). There are many factors that affect the
work readiness of vocational students, according to Gunawan (2000:64-68) work readiness is
influenced by factors of knowledge, skills, and mental attitude. The knowledge and skills
possessed by SMK students can be seen from vocational competence. Meanwhile, in terms of
mental attitude, we can see from the self-efficacy of vocational students. (Pangastuti &
Khafid, 2019)
Increasing student readiness including knowledge, skills and attitudes can be
measured by using the N-gain test. There are three categories of improvement, namely:
categorized as high if (g)> 0.7, categorized as moderate if 0.3<(g)<0 .7, and categorized as
low if (g) <0.3. The results of the calculation of the N-gain test can be seen as follows:
Based on the analysis, the results of the homogeneity and normality test of the data
obtained were normally distributed and homogeneous. Therefore, it fulfills the requirements
to test the hypothesis using the t-test. In this study, the type of t-test used was the paired
sample t-test. This type is used because the hypothesis to be tested is a correlated sample.
This t-test was conducted using SPSS. The hypothesis to be tested are as follows:
H0: There is no difference in the level of readiness of students at SMK N 1 Kaligondang
before and after using job instruction.
H1: There is difference in the level of readiness of students at SMK N 1 Kaligondang before
and after using job instruction.
Based on the results of the analysis, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 which means
the value of 0.000 <0.05. Based on the guidelines for Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 then H0 is
rejected and H1 is accepted. So that there is difference in the level of readiness of students at
SMK N 1 Kaligondang before and after using job instruction.
The Job Instruction for internship (prakerin) program can increase the readiness of
Automotive Engineering Vocational High School students to carry out prakerin because it
contains the basic components of instruction and preparation, understanding, trial and
participation stages, and follow-up. The intended readiness of students includes knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
Based on the responses of several experts, it shows that the job instruction program
for prakerin programs is appropriate to be used as a guidance for providing knowledge and
skills for students before carrying out prakerin.
Based on the results of user responses, namely teachers and students, module is in the
practical category. It means that the job instruction can be used to support the implementation
of prakerin in the Vocational High School Automotive Engineering Expertise Program.
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