Aqa 7404 7405 Collins Sample
Aqa 7404 7405 Collins Sample
Aqa 7404 7405 Collins Sample
AQA A-level
Year 1 and AS
Student Book
Lyn Nicholls
Ken Gadd
1.9 Evidence for shells and 5.5 Naming organic compounds 112
sub-shells 23 5.6 Reaction mechanisms 117
5.7 Isomers 119
2 – Amount of substance 30
2.1 Relative masses 31 6 – The alkanes 128
2.2 The mole and the Avogadro constant 32 6.1 Fractional distillation of crude oil 129
2.4 Empirical and molecular formulae 41 6.3 Combustion reactions of alkanes 136
15 – Alcohols 295
9 – Equilibria 191 15.1 Alcohols 296
9.1 The dynamic nature of equilibria 192 15.2 Ethanol production 298
9.2 The equilibrium constant, KC 195 15.3 Chemical reactions of alcohols 301
9.3 Changes that affect a system in a 15.4 Elimination reactions of alcohols 307
homogeneous equilibrium 197
9.4 Industrial processes and equilibria 203
16 – Analytical techniques 314
10 – Redox reactions 209 16.1 Identifying functional groups 315
10.3 Redox equations 217 16.4 The global warming link 328
The aim of this book is to help make your study of advanced chemistry interesting and successful. It includes examples
of modern issues, developments and applications that reflect the continual evolution of scientific knowledge and
understanding. We hope it will encourage you to study science further when you complete your course.
• Each chapter starts with a brief example of how the chemistry you will learn has been applied somewhere in the
world, followed by a short outline of what you should have learned previously and what you will learn through
the chapter.
• Important words and phrases are given in bold when used for the first time, with their meaning explained. There is
also a glossary at the back of the book. If you are still uncertain, ask your teacher or tutor because it is important
that you understand these words before proceeding.
• Throughout each chapter there are many questions, with the answers at the back of the book. These questions
enable you to make a quick check on your progress through the chapter.
• Similarly, throughout each chapter there are checklists of key ideas that summarise the main points you need to
learn from what you have just read.
• Where appropriate, worked examples are included to show how important calculations are done.
• There are many assignments throughout the book. These are tasks relating to pieces of text and data that show
how ideas have been developed or applied. They provide opportunities to apply the science you have learned
to new contexts, practise your maths skills and practise answering questions about scientific methods and
data analysis.
• Some chapters have information about the ‘required practical’ activities that you need to carry out during your
course. These sections provide the necessary background information about the apparatus, equipment and
techniques that you need to be prepared to carry out the required practical work. There are questions that give you
practice in answering questions about equipment, techniques, attaining accuracy, and data analysis.
• At the end of each chapter are practice questions. These are examination-style questions which cover all aspects of
the chapter.
This book covers the requirements of AS Chemistry and the first year of A-level Chemistry. There are a number of
sections, questions, assignments and practice questions that have been labelled ‘Stretch and challenge’, which you
should try to tackle if you are studying for A-level. In places these go beyond what is required for the specification but
they will help you build upon the skills and knowledge you acquire and better prepare you for further study beyond
advanced level.
Good luck and enjoy your studies. We hope this book will encourage you to study chemistry further when you complete
your course.
Figure 1 Most chemists and others who use chemistry in their work
spend time in laboratories. Many also use their practical skills outside
of a laboratory.
Numeracy and the application of mathematical Throughout this book there are questions and longer
concepts in a practical context assignments that will give you the opportunity to
› plot and interpret graphs develop and practise these skills. The contexts of some
of the exam questions will be based on the ‘required
› process and analyse data using appropriate
practical activities’.
mathematical skills
› consider margins of error, accuracy and precision ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICAL SKILLS
of data
Some practical skills can only be practised when you
are doing experiments. For A-level, these practical
competencies will be assessed by your teacher:
› follow written procedures
› apply investigative approaches and methods when
using instruments and equipment
› safely use a range of practical equipment and
› make and record observations and measurements
› research, reference and report findings
You must show your teacher that you consistently and
Figure 2 Chemists record experimental data in laboratory routinely demonstrate the competencies listed above
notebooks. They also record, process and present data using
during your course. The assessment will not contribute
computers and tablets.
to your A-level grade, but will appear as a ‘pass’
alongside your grade on the A-level certificate.
Instruments and equipment
These practical competencies must be demonstrated
› know and understand how to use a wide range of
by using a specific range of apparatus and
experimental and practical instruments, equipment
techniques. These are:
and techniques appropriate to the knowledge and
understanding included in the specification › use appropriate apparatus to record a range of
measurements (to include mass, time, volume of
liquids and gases, temperature)
› use a water bath or electric heater or sand bath for
› measure pH using pH charts, or pH meter, or pH
probe on a data logger
› use laboratory apparatus for a variety of
experimental techniques including:
• titration, using burette and pipette
• distillation and heating under reflux, including
setting up glassware using retort stand and clamps
• qualitative tests for ions and organic
functional groups
• filtration, including use of fluted filter paper, or
filtration under reduced pressure
› use a volumetric flask, including accurate technique
Figure 3 You will need to use a variety of equipment correctly and safely. for making up a standard solution
› use acid–base indicators in titrations of weak/
strong acids with weak/strong alkalis
› measure rates of reaction by at least two different 3. Investigation of how the rate of a reaction
methods, for example: changes with temperature
• an initial rate method such as a clock reaction 4. Carry out simple test-tube reactions
to identify:
• a continuous monitoring method
• cations – Group 2, NH4+
• anions – Group 7 (halide ions), OH−,
CO32−, SO42−
5. Distillation of a product from a reaction
6. Tests for alcohol, aldehyde, alkene and
carboxylic acid
7. Measuring the rate of reaction:
• by an initial rate method
• by a continuous monitoring method
8. Measuring the EMF of an electrochemical cell
9. Investigate how pH changes when a weak acid
Figure 4 Many chemists analyse material. They are called analytical reacts with a strong base and when a strong
chemists. Titration is a commonly used technique.
acid reacts with a weak base
10. Preparation of:
• a pure organic solid and test of its purity
• a pure organic liquid
11. Carry out simple test-tube reactions to identify
transition metal ions in aqueous solution
12. Separation of species by
thin-layer chromatography
Information about the apparatus, techniques and
analysis of required practicals 1 to 6 are found in the
relevant chapters of this book, and 7 to 12 in Book 2.
Figure 5 pH probe
You will be asked some questions in your written
For AS, the above will not be assessed but you will examinations about these required practicals.
be expected to use these skills and these types of
apparatus to develop your manipulative skills and Practical skills are really important. Take time and
your understanding of the processes of scientific care to learn, practise and use them.
1.1 EARLY IDEAS ABOUT THE COMPOSITION compounds. Particles were in fixed positions in solids,
but free to move in liquids and gases. Forces between
OF MATTER particles made materials solid.
The nature of matter has interested people since the Boyle studied the nature and behaviour of gases,
time of the early Greeks. The ideas that you have especially the relationship between volume and
learnt about atomic structure have resulted from the pressure. His theory of matter supported his
work of many people over many centuries. You do not experimental observations. He was the first scientist
need to remember all of this information but here are to keep accurate records.
some of the major events since 460BCE that led to our
understanding of the atom. 1766–1844, John Dalton
John Dalton was an English chemist and physicist, who
named the tiny particles atoms. His scientific idea
Evidence for atomic structure
was that atoms are indivisible and indestructible. All
460–370BCE, Democritus atoms of an element are identical and have the same
The Greek philosopher Democritus proposed that mass and chemical properties. Atoms of different
matter was made up of particles that cannot be elements have different masses (he called them atomic
divided further. They became known as atoms from weights) and different chemical properties. Atoms
the Greek word atomos, meaning ‘cannot be divided’. react together to form ‘compound atoms’. These later
became known as molecules.
His ideas were based on reasoning – you cannot keep
dividing a lump of matter for ever. Dalton studied the physical properties of air and gases.
This led him to analytical work on ethene (olefiant gas),
384–322BCE, Aristotle methane (carburetted hydrogen) and other gases. His
Aristotle was another ancient Greek philosopher, who atomic theory explained his chemical analyses. He
proposed that all earthly matter was made from four summed up 150 years of ideas with his atomic theories.
elements: earth, air, fire and water. These elements
have their natural place on Earth and when they are 1850–1930, Eugen Goldstein
out of place, they move. So, rain falls and bubbles of The German physicist Eugen Goldstein’s scientific idea
air rise from water. was that cathode rays contained negatively charged
particles with mass. He assumed that these particles
A tree grows in the earth, and it needs water and air.
were produced when the gas particles in the cathode
So, a tree is made from earth, water and air. Aristotle
ray tube were split. Cathode rays could be deflected
could analyse most matter in this way.
by a magnetic field. Goldstein also detected heavier
1627–1691, Robert Boyle positive particles.
Robert Boyle was a Fellow of the Royal Society of He experimented with electrical discharge tubes – he
London. His scientific ideas included the notion that passed an electric current between a cathode and
matter is made up of tiny identical particles that an anode in a sealed tube containing gas at a very
cannot be subdivided. These tiny particles made up low pressure. He adapted his experiment, inserting a
‘mixt bodies’ (we now call them compounds). Putting perforated cathode, as in Figure 1.
the particles together in different ways made different
1 The metal cathode is heated, and energetic electrons 5 The beam reaches the
leave its surface as negatively charged cathode rays. phosphor-coated screen.
2 The rays travel from the cathode towards the anode. The energy of the
electrons is transferred
3 A small beam passes through to the phosphor,
the centre hole of the anode. which glows.
4 Plates produce a varying electric field.
As the beam passes between the
plates, the field deflects it at
varying angles.
anode –
electric field
Figure 3 Cathode ray tubes were used in televisions and computers before flat screens.
calculated their mass. The cathode ray tubes he used These findings came from his interpretation of the
were the forerunners of the cathode ray tubes used results that are shown in Figure 4 (obtained from the
in televisions and monitors (Figure 3) before the experiment described in Figure 5).
development of flat screens. Alpha particles are deflected when they pass close to the
nucleus, while the very few that actually hit the nucleus
Thomson’s model of the atom became known as the are reflected
‘plum pudding’ model. tiny positive nucleus
‘cloud’ of
1871–1937, Ernest Rutherford positively
From work carried out in Manchester with his alpha particle
research students Hans Geiger and Ernst Marsden,
Ernest Rutherford put forward the idea that the mass
alpha particle
of the atom is not evenly spread. It is concentrated passes straight
in a minute central region called the nucleus. through
Rutherford calculated the diameter of the nucleus to
be 10−14 m.
All the positive charge of the atom is contained in
the nucleus.
alpha particle
The electrons circulate in the rest of the atom, being is reflected
kept apart by the repulsion of their negative charges.
Figure 4 Deflection of alpha particles by gold foil
beam of
alpha particle alpha particles
source (radium)
lead shield to
confine radiation
Figure 5 Rutherford’s experiment: the deflection of alpha particles through gold foil
1.2 RELATIVE MASS AND RELATIVE CHARGE Charges on subatomic particles are also given relative to
one another. A proton has a relative charge of +1 and
OF SUBATOMIC PARTICLES an electron has a relative charge of −1. A neutron has
no charge. The protons and neutrons together are called
Further experiments established the masses and nucleons. Protons in the nucleus do not repel each
charges of protons, electrons and neutrons. These are other because a strong nuclear force acts over the small
summarised in Table 1. size of the nucleus and binds all the nucleons together.
Because the values for mass are so small, the idea of Since atoms of any element are neutral, the number
relative mass is used. The relative mass of a proton of protons (positive charge) must equal the number
is 1 and that of a neutron is 1. The relative mass of of electrons (negative charge). The atoms of all
the electron is 5.45 × 10−4 or 1837 . elements, except hydrogen, contain these three
fundamental particles.
Note: The mass of the electron is so small compared to the mass of the proton and neutron that chemists often take it to be zero.
Table 1 The fundamental atomic particles, their mass and charge
The electrons are
kept apart by their
negative charge.
number of protons, to give an uncharged atom. Figure 7 This diagram summarises the model of the atom that
scientists often use nowadays.
1.3 WORKING WITH VERY SMALL AND VERY metre, you have kilometre, millimetre and nanometre.
But other intervals can be used if they are convenient
LARGE NUMBERS for the task in hand.
Working with very small numbers can be confusing. A system of prefixes is used to modify units. Prefixes
To help avoid this, scientists use standard form that are commonly used are listed in Table 2.
and standard prefixes when communicating their
Prefix Symbol Multiplier Meaning
numerical work.
mega M 106 1 000 000
Standard form
kilo k 103 1000
Numbers with many zeros are difficult to follow, so
scientists tend to express these in standard form. deci d 10−1 0.1
Standard form is a number between one and 10. So, centi c 10−2 0.01
how is the number 769 000 expressed in standard
milli m 10−3 0.001
micro µ 10−6 0.000 001
› Locate the decimal point: 769 000.0
nano n 10−9 0.000 000 001
› Move the decimal point to give a number between
pico p 10−12 0.000 000 000 001
1 and 10: 7.69000
› Multiply the number by ten raised to the power x, Table 2 Standard prefixes
Fact Example
all non-zero digits are significant 275 has three sig figs
zero between non-zero digits is significant 205 has three sig figs
zero to the left of the first non-zero digit is not significant 301 has three sig figs, 0.31 has two sig figs
zero to the right of the decimal point is significant 2.9 has two sig figs, 2.90 has three sig figs
numbers ending in zero to the left of the decimal point: the a mass of 840 g has two sig figs if the balance is accurate to
zero may or may not be significant ±10 g, and three sig figs if the balance is accurate to ±1 g
Atomic number
an ion of the same element. An atom can also have
The atomic number is equal to the number of
one or two more or fewer neutrons and still remain helium protons in an atom (and therefore the number
the same element. Using this information, you can of electrons). It is given the symbol Z.
define an element using two numbers: the atomic
number and the mass number (Figure 8).
Atomic (proton) number (Z ). The atomic number
of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus 3 Li
of the atom. It has the symbol Z and is also known
as the proton number. Its value is placed in front of
Mass number and atomic number
the element’s symbol, below its mass number. Since are linked by the equation
atoms are neutral, the number of protons equals the A=Z+n
number of electrons orbiting the nucleus. All atoms of
the same element have the same atomic number. Figure 8 Mass number and atomic number
The isotopes of carbon and their sub atomic particles are summarised in Table 4.
carbon-12 6 6 6 98.93
carbon-13 6 7 6 1.07
carbon-14 6 8 6 10 –10
Properties of isotopes
The chemical properties of an element depend on the
number and arrangement of the electrons in its atoms. KEY IDEAS
Since all the isotopes of an element have the same
number and arrangement of electrons, they also all › The atomic (proton) number, Z is equal to the
have the same chemical properties. However, because number of protons in the nucleus.
of the difference in mass, isotopes differ slightly › The mass number, A is equal to the number
in their physical properties, such as in the rate of of protons plus the number of neutrons in
diffusion (which depends on mass), and their nuclear the nucleus.
properties, such as radioactivity.
› Isotopes of an element have the same
Isotopes that are not radioactive, such as chlorine-35 number of protons but different numbers of
and chlorine-37, are called stable isotopes. neutrons.
Data books give you the relative abundance of
each isotope present in such stable, naturally
occurring elements.
Figure 9 Athletes undergo drugs tests during training and Figure 10 Inside the flight tube of a triple quadrupole time-of-flight
competition. Any found using performance enhancing drugs face mass spectrometer
bans from the sport.
flight path
time measurement
Ion drift. The ions reaching the drift region will have two variables – their mass and
their charge. This is described by the mass-to-charge ratio, or m/z ratio. An ion with
a mass of 18 and a charge of +1 has an m/z ratio of 18. An ion with a mass of 36
and a charge of +2 also has an m/z ratio of 18. The m/z ratio affects the time taken to
reach the detector. There is no accelerating field in this region – ions are m/z
‘free-wheeling’. Heavier ions move slower than lighter ions and singularly charged ions
move slower than ions with two or more charges. The time taken to reach the ion detector
is called the ‘flight time’. For example, if the flight path is 0.6 m long and an ion has a mass of
26 atomic units, the flight time will be 6 x 10−6 seconds.
The mass spectrum of magnesium Calculating the relative atomic mass from
isotopic abundance
You can use information from mass spectra to
Percentage abundance
If bombarded with very high energy electrons, some The mass spectrum of lead
magnesium ions lose a second electron: 100
Mg+(g) → Mg2+(g) + e−
Percentage abundance
A1. Strontium has an atomic number of 38.
How many protons, neutrons and electrons
are in one atom of strontium-87 and in one
atom of strontium-88?
A2. Naturally occurring strontium has four
isotopes with these percentage abundances:
1.5 RELATIVE ATOMIC MASS, Ar molecule in the same way as they did with a sample of
atoms. This produces a positively charged ion called
Atoms have very small masses, from 10−24 g to the molecular ion, M+.
10−22 g. Instead of using these masses, scientists M(g) → M+(g) + e−
use relative atomic mass (symbol Ar). Relative
here means the mass of one atom compared with Most of these molecular ions are now split into
another. Originally, the mass of each atom was fragments by the bombarding electrons, but some
compared with the mass of a hydrogen atom, where remain intact.
hydrogen had a mass of one. As mass spectroscopy
The line produced by these molecular ions on the mass
developed and gave more accurate values for the
spectrum represents the relative molecular mass of the
masses of atoms, it was discovered that hydrogen’s
sample – if the atoms in the molecule have isotopes,
mass is slightly more than one.
there will be more than one molecular ion peak. The
Relative atomic mass is now defined as the mass spectrum of methane (Figure 15) shows the
average mass of an atom compared with 12 1
molecular ion peak at m/z = 16 and another at m/z
the mass of a carbon-12 atom. = 17. The one at 16 is due to 12CH4+ and the much
smaller one at 17 is due to 13CH4+. These can be used
average mass of one atom of an element
relative atomic mass, Ar = to calculate the relative molecular mass of methane.
the mass of one carbon-12 atom
relative molecular mass, Mr =
average mass of one molecule › The mass spectrum of a compound can be
12 the mass of one carbon-12 atom used to find its Mr and provide clues about
its structure.
d 5 10
s 1 2
p 3 6
4 32
d 5 10
f 7 14 n=1 1s
1s 2s 2p 3s Electrons 2p6 in neon are:
Electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
Spin diagram
In Table 6, shell one in helium is filled. The next
element with a filled level is neon, which has the
Between hydrogen and argon, electrons of increasing electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6.
energy are added, one per element, in sub-shell order Since the outermost shell is complete, these
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p. Then, for potassium, the next elements are very stable and are known as the noble
electron skips sub-shell 3d and goes into 4s. Though gases. Noble gas configurations are used to write
shell three energies are lower overall than shell four abbreviated electron configurations. For example, the
energies, the 3d sub-shell has a higher energy than full electron configuration for potassium is 1s2 2s2 2p6
the 4s sub-shell as shown in Table 6 (and Figure 17). 3s2 3p6 4s1. The abbreviated form is [Ar] 4s1.
The order of filling is the order of elements in the
Periodic Table and 4s is filled before 3d. Later, you will Similarly, the abbreviated electron configuration for
see that the chemical properties of elements reflect phosphorus is [Ne] 3s2 3p3.
the energy levels of electrons.
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p
1 H 1s1
2 He 1s2
3 Li 1s22s1
4 Be 1s22s2
5 B 1s22s22p1
6 C 1s22s22p2
7 N 1s22s22p3
8 O 1s22s22p4
9 F 1s22s22p5
10 Ne 1s22s22p6
11 Na 1s22s22p63s1
12 Mg 1s22s22p63s2
13 Al 1s22s22p63s23p1
14 Si 1s22s22p63s23p2
15 P 1s22s22p63s23p3
16 S 1s22s22p63s23p4
17 Cl 1s22s22p63s23p5
18 Ar 1s22s22p63s23p6
19 K 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
20 Ca 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
21 Sc 1s22s22p63s23p63d14s2
22 Ti 1s22s22p63s23p63d24s2
23 V 1s22s22p63s23p63d34s2
24 Cr 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s1
25 Mn 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s2
26 Fe 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s2
27 Co 1s22s22p63s23p63d74s2
28 Ni 1s22s22p63s23p63d84s2
29 Cu 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1
30 Zn 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2
31 Ga 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p1
32 Ge 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p2
33 As 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p3
34 Se 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p4
35 Br 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p5
36 Kr 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p6
Table 6 Electron configurations and spin diagrams for the first 30 elements
Worked example
What is the electron configuration of the sodium ion,
The energy required to remove an electron from an
The electron configuration of the sodium atom is atom in its gaseous state is called the ionisation
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1. energy. The energy required to remove the first
electron is called the first ionisation energy and
In Na+ the outermost electron, 3s1, has been removed.
can be written as:
This is the electron of highest energy in sodium, and
M(g) → M+(g) + e−
so takes the least energy to remove. The electron
configuration of Na+ is 1s2 2s2 2p6. Inner electron The energy required to remove the second electron
shells have the effect of shielding outermost electrons from an atom is called the second ionisation energy
from the positive charge of the nucleus. A full shell has and can be written as:
a strong shielding effect on a single outermost electron,
M+(g) → M2+(g) + e−
which is then easy to remove, as in the case of Na+.
Ionisation energy values for removing the second
and subsequent electrons are called successive
ionisation energies.
2500 He
First ionisation energy/kJ mol –1
1500 N Kr
H O Br Xe
P As
1000 Be C Zn
Mg S Fe Ni Se
Si Ca Ti Cr Ge
B Mn Co Cu
500 Al Sc V Ga
Li Na Sr
K Rb Cs
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Atomic number
1.9 EVIDENCE FOR SHELLS AND Figure 21 shows how the first ionisation energies
decrease down Group 2. That means that the first
SUB-SHELLS electron becomes easier to remove. This is because:
Patterns in first ionisation energies provide evidence › the number of electron shells between the outer
for the existence of electron shells and sub-shells. electron and the nucleus is increasing; the electron
You can see this if you look at the first ionisation shells shield the outer electron from the attraction
energies down Group 2 and across Period 3. of the nucleus, and
Successive ionisation energies of an element provide › the radius of each atom is increasing as you go
further evidence. down Group 2; the distance between the outer
electron and the nucleus is increasing.
First ionisation energies of Group 2 elements
So, the outer electrons are easier to remove and the
Electron from sub-level: first ionisation energies decease. This is evidence for
900 the existence of electron shells.
First ionisation energy/kJ mol –1
3s First ionisation energies of Period 3 elements
700 2200 Electron from sub-level:
First ionisation energy/kJ mol–1
600 4s
6s 1600 3p
500 1400
400 1000
3p 3p
300 600 3s 3p
Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
400 3s 3p
Group 2 elements 4s
Figure 21 First ionisation energies of Group 2 elements, from 0
beryllium to barium Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K
The Group 2 elements, beryllium to barium, are Period 3 elements (plus Ne and K)
reactive metals. They are also known as the alkaline Figure 22 First ionisation energies of Period 3 elements, from
earth metals because they react with water to sodium to argon
form an alkaline solution. The outer sub-shells of
these elements contain a pair of electrons in an s As you move across Period 3, each element has one
orbital. The first ionisation energy measures how more electron than the last. This electron fills the first
much energy is needed to remove one mole of these available empty orbital. The electron for sodium fills
electrons from a mole of atoms. the 3s orbital. The electrons in the first and second
shells shield the 3s electron from the positive charge › A fall in ionisation energy between magnesium
of the nucleus and it is relatively easy to remove. and aluminium as electrons start to fill a new
sub-shell, 3p. This is evidence that a new sub-shell
Magnesium has one more electron than sodium,
is being filled.
and this completes the 3s orbital and spins in the
opposite direction. Magnesium also has an extra › A fall in ionisation energy between phosphorus
proton, so the positive charge on the nucleus and sulfur as electrons start to pair up in the 3p
has increased. More energy is needed to remove sub-shells. This is evidence that electrons are
magnesium’s first electron. Magnesium’s first pairing up in sub-shells.
ionisation energy is higher than sodium’s.
The extra electron that aluminium has compared Successive ionisation energies
with magnesium is the first to fill a 3p orbital. Magnesium has the electron configuration 2,8,2. Its
p orbitals have higher energy than s orbitals. first three successive ionisation energies are:
Aluminium’s first electron is easier to remove than Mg(g) → Mg+(g) + e−
the 3s electron of magnesium. The first ionisation first ionisation energy = +738 kJ mol−1
energy drops.
Mg+(g) → Mg2+(g) + e−
The extra electron that silicon has compared with
second ionisation energy = +1451 kJ mol−1
aluminium, and that phosphorus has compared with
silicon, fill the remaining empty 3p orbitals. At the
Mg2+(g) → Mg3+(g) + e−
same time, the positive charge on the nucleus is
third ionisation energy = +7733 kJ mol−1
increasing and more energy is needed to remove these
electrons. The first ionisation energies increase from Figure 23 shows a graph of the log10 successive
aluminium to phosphorus. (ionisation energy) against the number of the electron
Sulfur’s first electron enters a 3p orbital already removed (ionisation number) for magnesium. We use
containing one electron. These spin in opposite log10 to make the numbers easier to handle.
directions and repel each other. It takes less energy to
remove the first electron from sulfur than to remove 6
the first electron from phosphorus. Its first ionisation
ionisation energy)
log10 (successive
energy is lower.
The electrons for chlorine and argon fill the remaining
3p orbitals. The positive charge on the nucleus
continues to increase and the first ionisation energy 2
increases as more energy is needed to remove an 1
electron. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
The general trends for first ionisation energy are:
Ionisation number
› A sharp fall in ionisation energy between neon
and sodium and between argon and potassium Figure 23 The trend in the successive ionisation energies of
as electrons enter a new shell. This is evidence
that the outer electron is on its own in a new shell
and is shielded from the charge on the nucleus by The first two electrons are removed from the third
electrons in the inner shells. or outer shell. The increase between the second and
third electron is because the third electron is taken
› An overall increase in the first ionisation energy from the second shell. The gradual increase from
across Period 3 as the positive charge on the the third to the tenth electron shows electrons being
nucleus increases and electrons are attracted removed from the second shell. The large increase
more strongly. between the tenth electron and eleventh electron is
› An increase in ionisation energy for each sub-shell because the eleventh electron is taken from the first
as the charge on the nucleus increases and shell.
electrons are attracted more strongly.
Stretch and challenge Ionisation Ionisation energy/kJ mol−1
15. Use Table 7 (which gives the successive
1 738
ionisation energies for magnesium) to plot
a graph of successive ionisation energy 2 1451
divided by the charge on the remaining ion 3 7733
against the number of electrons removed. 4 10 543
16. Using your knowledge of shells and
5 13 630
sub-shells, explain the shape of the graph
you obtained. 6 18 020
› The first ionisation energies decrease down › There is an overall increase in the first ionisation
Group 2 because the outermost electrons are energy across a period because of the increasing
increasingly shielded from the attraction of nuclear charge.
the nucleus.
› The first ionisation energies provide evidence for
the existence of shells and sub-shells.
1. The element rubidium exists as the isotopes than that of 87Rb. Calculate the relative
85Rb and 87Rb. atomic mass of rubidium in this sample.
a. State the number of protons and the Give your answer to one decimal place.
number of neutrons in an atom of the f. By reference to the relevant part of the
isotope 85Rb. mass spectrometer, explain how the
b. i. Explain how the gaseous atoms abundance of an isotope in a sample of
of rubidium are ionised in a rubidium is determined.
mass spectrometer. AQA June 2012 Unit 1 Question 1
ii. Write an equation, including state 2. The element nitrogen forms compounds with
symbols, to show the process that metals and non-metals.
occurs when the first ionisation energy
a. Nitrogen forms a nitride ion with the
of rubidium is measured.
electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6. Write
c. Table Q1 shows the first ionisation the formula of the nitride ion.
energies of rubidium and some other
b. An element forms an ion Q with a single
elements in the same group.
negative charge that has the same electron
Element Sodium Potassium Rubidium configuration as the nitride ion. Identify the
ion Q.
First ionisation
energy/kJ 494 418 402 c. Use the Periodic Table and your
mol−1 knowledge of electron arrangement to
write the formula of lithium nitride.
Table Q1 AQA Jan 2012 Unit 1 Question 5a, b
State one reason why the first ionisation 3. Mass spectrometry can be used to identify
energy of rubidium is lower than the first isotopes of elements.
ionisation energy of sodium.
a. i. In terms of fundamental particles, state
d. i. State the block of elements in the the difference between isotopes of
Periodic Table that contains rubidium. an element.
ii. Deduce the full electron configuration of ii. State why isotopes of an element have
a rubidium atom. the same chemical properties.
e. A sample of rubidium contains the b. Give the meaning of the term relative
isotopes 85Rb and 87Rb only. The isotope atomic mass.
85Rb has an abundance 2.5 times greater
c. The mass spectrum of element X has d. State and explain the difference, if any,
four peaks. Table Q2 gives the relative between the chemical properties of the
abundance of each isotope in a sample of isotopes 113In and 115In.
element X. AQA Jan 2011 Unit 1 Question 2
m/z 64 66 67 68 5. a. Copy and complete Table Q3.
12 8 1 6 Relative mass Relative charge
Table Q2
b. An atom of element Q contains the same iv. Explain why it is difficult to distinguish
number of neutrons as are found in an between an 56Fe+ ion and a 112Cd2+
atom of 27Al. An atom of Q also contains ion in a mass spectrometer.
14 protons. b. i. Define the term relative atomic mass
i. Give the number of protons in an atom of an element.
of 27Al. ii. The relative abundances of the
ii. Deduce the symbol, including mass isotopes in this sample of iron are
number and atomic number, for this shown in Table Q6.
atom of element Q.
c. Define the term relative atomic mass of m/z 54 56 57
an element.
5.8 91.6 2.6
d. Table Q5 gives the relative abundance abundance
of each isotope in a mass spectrum of a
sample of magnesium. Table Q6
b. When d block elements form ions, the s 11. How many neutrons are present in an atom
electrons are lost first, then d electrons. 27Al?
of 13
Most d block elements form ions with A. 13
more than one charge, but the scandium
B. 27
ions has a +3 charge in most of
its compounds. C. 14
d. Iron forms ions with a +2 charge and 13. What determines the flight time
with a +3 charge. Give the electron of ions in the drift region of a
configuration for the Fe3+ ion. time-of-flight spectrometer?
A. Mass only
Multiple choice
B. Charge only
10.Which element has an isotope with an atomic
C. m/z ratio
number of 35 and a mass number of 79?
D. The number of electrons removed by
A. Chlorine
electrospray ionisation only
B. Gold
C. Bromine
D. Selenium