Is 1592 2003
Is 1592 2003
Is 1592 2003
* .
(*W ~@%P7)
Indian Standard
(Fourth Revision)
lCS 23.040.50:91.100.40
0 BIS 2003
, .,
Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee, CED 53
This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, atler the draft finalized
by the Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Asbestos cement pressure pipes are being used in this country for more than 60 years and considerable experience
is available in regard to their use, over ground and underground, for water supply pressure mains.
This standard was originally published in 1960 and subsequently revised in 1970, 1980 and in 1989. In the first
rev ision, standard dimensions for three classes of pipes (Class 5, 10 and 15) of diameter 80 to 200 mm only were
~lven, [n the second revision, detailed dimensions for pipesof Class 20 and 25 were included, in addition to
covering pipes of diameter 80 to 600 mm for all the five classes of pipes. In the revision, dimensions for pipes of
diameter 700 to 1000 mm and two new classes of pipes, that is, Class 5 TP and Class 10 TP for diameter 700 to
1 000 mm were included and addition of ground silica or pozzolana to replace ordina~ Portland cement in the
manufacture was permitted.
This revision is being brought out to incorporate the experience gained in use of this standard. Though the earlier
version was also largely based on the corresponding 1S0 Standard, namely, 1S0 160: 1980 ‘Asbestos cement
pressure pipes and joints’, in this revision the provisions have been further aligned with the corresponding provisions
in I SO 160: 1980. However, care has been taken to retain or modify/im.prove upon some of the provisions in the
context of our country. Some of the provisions such as detailed composition of pipes, data on thickness requirements
of pipes, marking details, provisions regarding joint, etc, given in much detail in the third revision of the standard
have been retained. In this standard Class 5, Class 5 TP and Class 10 TP has been deleted for all sizes and Class
10 have been eliminated for size 200 mm and above, considering field problems. The methods of test of these
pipes have been given in a separate standard, namely, IS 5913:2003 ‘Methods of test for asbestos cement products’.
This standard covers all requirements of asbestos cement pressure pipes-manufactured in the country for local
coi]sumption as well as for export. Necessaryguidance regarding the selection of asbestos cement pressure pipes
may be obtained from Indian Standard’ Guidelines for selection of asbestos cement pipes subject to external loads
wit h or without internal pressure (under preparatiorr)’. Guidance for laying of Asbestos Cement Pressure pipes
may be obtained from IS 6530: 1972 ‘Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes’.
In the formulation of this standard, due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among the standards
and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this given in Annex D.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
1S 1592:2003
Indian Standard
(Fourth Revision)
This standard covers requirements relating to plain 3.2.1 Pipes of Nominal Diameter Up to 1000 mm
ended asbestos cement pipes and joints intended for
Pipes of nominal diameter up to 1 000 are classified
use under pressure; it defines certain conditions of
according to the works hydraulic test pressure given
manufacture, classification, characteristics and
in Table 1.
acceptance tests applicable to these products.
NOTE — Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, Table 1 Classification
gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings are covered by
IS 1626. Asbestos cement pipes and fittings for sewerage and S1 No. Climes Works Hydraulic Test
drainage are covered by IS 6908 ‘Specification for asbestos Pressure, TP (MPa)
cement pipes and fittings for sewerage and drainage (jrs/
(1) (2) (3)
i) 10 I .0
ii) Is 1.5
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions
iii) 20 2.0
which through reference in this text constitute
iv) 25 25
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
(IIC editions indicated were valid. All standards are NOTES
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on
1 Pipes of class 12, 18, 24, 30, 35 and 36 corresponding to
this standard are encouraged to investigate the works hydraulic test pressure of I 2. I 8.2.4. 3.(), 3.5 and 3.6
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the MPa respectively may also be MZUIU[ilCIULtd. In such cases,
standards indicated in Annex A. detailed dimensions shall be arrived at be[wcen the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
3 PIPES 2 For pipes ofnorninal diameter from 600 mm to 1000 mm,
the procedure given in 3.2.2 may also be used.
3.1 Composition
Asbestos cement pressure pipes shall be made from The classification given in Table 1 is based on the work
a thorough and homogeneous mixture of asbestos hydraulic test pressure. The hydraulic working pressure
fibre and 33 grade ordinary Portland cement shall not be more than 50 percent of the works hydraulic
conforming to IS 269 or 43 grade ordinary Portland test pressure. The total hydraulic working pressure
cement conforming to IS 8112 or 53 grade ordinary inclusive of calculated maximum surge pressure
Portland cement conforming to IS 12269 or rapid (irrespective of installation of surge protection devices)
hardening Pontland cement conforming to IS 804 I or shall not exceed 75 percent of works hydraulic test
Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455 or Portland pressure.
Pozzolana cement conforming to either 1S 1489
(Part 1) or IS 1489 (Part 2) or sulphate resisting Portand The purchaser’s representative; who is qualified to
cement conforming to IS 12330. judge the conditions of laying and operational suitability
NOTES of the pipes, must decide the class of pipe to be used,
I Addition of groand silica or Pozzolana (Lip to a maximum
in relation to the hydraulic working pressure and
of40 percent by mass) to ceplace ordinary Portland cement is other conditions of laying and of operation he has
permissible. When Pozzolana is used it shall conform to determined.
Grade I of IS t 344orIS3812. When ground silica is used the
pipes shall be autoctaved. For choosing the class of pressure pipes subject to
2 Addition of fibres other than asbestos, inorganic and/or external loads, see Indian Standard ‘Guidelines for
organic, foond technically suitable for the manofzacture and selection of asbestos cement pipes subject to external
performance of pipes (up to a maximum of5 percent by mass) load with and without internal pressure (under
is permissible. preparation)’.
1S.1592 :2003
300 900
Pipes of nominal diameter exceeding 1 000 mm are
not classified in the same way ’as defined in 3.2.1. They 350 1000
are designed to suit the specific requirements of any NOTE — The pipes of nominal diameter above 1000 mm
particular pipeline. may also be manufactured, if required with mutual agreement
between the manufacturer and the user.
The purchaser’s representative, who is qualified to judge
the conditions of laying and operational suitability of Thickness of wall and external diameter
the pipes, shall provide the manufacturer with all
The thickness of wall and external diameters of asbestos
required data for the design of a suitable pipe. The
cement pressure pipes shall be as per Table 4.
design shall take into account the crushing loads
for pipes of nominal diameter greater than 600 mm Length
in accordance with the recommendations given in
1ndian Standard ‘Guidelines for selection of asbestos The nominal .Iength of the pipes refers to the length
cetnent pipes subject to external loads with or measured between the extremities for pipes with plain
without internal pressure (under preparation)’ and ends. h shall not be less than 3 m for pipes with a
shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser’s nominal diameter Equal to or less than 200 mm; and
representative. not less than 4 m for pipes with a nominal diameter
exceeding 200 mm.
For relationship between BP and TP, and relationship
between BP and WP, see Note under Table 2. In special cases shorter pipes may be specified. The
nominal length should preferably be a multiple of
3.3 General Appearance and Finish 0.5 m (see also 5.2.4).
The internal surface shall be regular and smooth. The Tolerances
pipes may be coated internally and/or externally with a a) External diameter offinished ends
suitable coating, if required by the purchaser’s
representative. Tolerances on the external diameter at 100 mm
from ends shall be as follows:
The part of the pipe where the rubber joining rings are
located shall satisfy the tolerances on the external Nominal Diameter Tolerances
diameter as defined in (a), for a length mm mm
appropriate to the type of joint adopted and shall be 50 to 300 + 0.6
free frotn irregularities, which could effect the water 350 to 500 * 0.8
tightness. 600 to 700 * 1.0
750 to 1000 * 1.5
The shape of the finished ends shatl be fixed by the
NOTE — Such tolerances for sizes above 1000 mm would be
manufacturer to suit the type of joint used.
as agreed to between the manufacturer and the user.
IS 1592:2003
/———J=—— /-
> /
b r A \
Ilickness Externai Thickness External” Thickness External” Thickness External
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
I External diameters at finished ends of the pipes specified in the table are already in practical use and are specified for the purpose
of interchangeabil ity. Due to inherent characteristics of the manufacturing process and common moulds for all classes, external diameter
may not be equal to internal diameter plus twice the thickness in all cases.
2 For nominal diameters 700 to 1000 mm for Classes 15 to 25, the barrel thickness shall not be less than the thickness mentioned
above, The same may be verif~d from bursting test pieces.
3 For pipes of nominal diameter above 1000 mm datakletails :hall be as agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
IS 1592:2003
1) or (he ,nall LlfilctLlring diameter, if different from the nOlllilld 2 Tests on non-immersed specimens may be specified, in
which case the following values shall apply:
IS 1592:2003
a) Minimum unit bursting strength : 24 N/mm2 the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
b) Minimum unit transverse crushing : 48.5 Nlmm’ 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
strcnglb The details of conditions, under which a Iicence for the
c) Minimum unit bending strength : 27 N/mm2 use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
NOTE — The bursting and crushing strength may be reduced or producers, may be obtained from the Bureau of
by not more than 20 percent in the case of diameters exceeding Indian Standards.
I 200 mm
3.5 Tests
4.1 Typ_es and Material
The acceptance tests shall be carried out at the
manufacturer’s works on pipes, coated or otherwise, 4.1.1 Two types of joints are normally provided
sufficiently matured. The number of tests shall be as with asbestos cement pressure pipes and they are
specified in IS 7639. (a) asbestos cement coupling with rubber sealing rings,
and (b) cas~ iron detachable joints with rubber sealing
a) Compulsory tests
rings and bolts and nuts.
1) Works hydraulic pressure tightness test on
all pipes (for method of test see IS 5913). 4.1.2 Asbestos cement pressure pipes shall be joined
with asbestos cement coupling with rubber sealing
When nominal diameters exceed 1000 mm,
rings. However, in case of breakage in running pipeline
this test may be replaced by a suitable method
or special cases crf maintenance m construction joints
of control as agreed to between the purchaser
or jointing of specials the cast iron detachable joints
and the manufacturer.
with rubber sealing rings and.bolts and nuts can also be
2) Hydraulic pressure bursting test for all used.
diameters (for method of test seeIS5913 arm’
for number of samples see IS 7639). 4.1.3 The composition of asbestos cement couplings
shall conform to 3;1. The dimensions and weight of
3) Transverse crushing test for all diameters (for these couplings shall be as given in Annex B. The
method of test see IS 5913 and for number
tolerances on the internal diameters shall be as given in
of samples see IS 7639).
Annex B. The assembled joint shall be flexible and
4) Longitudinal bending test (for method of test capable of withstanding the specified hydraulic pressure
see IS 5913 and for number of samples see (see 3.2 and 3.4.2) of the pipes on which they are to be
IS 7639). Test limited to pipes of 150 mm used .when the pipes are set at the maximum permissible
diameter and less. angular deviation indicated by the manufacturer.
b) Optional tests at purchaser’s request Sealing rings used shall be of rubber of a type
I ) Hydraulic pressure bursting non-immersed suitable for use with the liquid to be conveyed and shall
test to be done atrandom at the purchasers’ conform to 1S 5382, unless otherwise agreed to between
store (for method of test see IS 5913 and for the purchaser and the manufacturer. They shall also be
number of samples see IS 7639). suitable for use with the type ofjointing device selected.
If the pipes are to be used to convey potable water, the
2) Line test to be done as per 11.6 of 1S 6530
rings shall not affect its suitability for human
on 100 m length of laid pipeline for at least consumption.
each size ordered above 5000 m’. This is to
be done at random at factory of origin. 4.1.4 The cast iron detachable joints shall conform
to IS 8794.
3.6 Marking
4.2 Characteristics
3.6.1 Each pipe shall be legibly and indelibly marked
with the following information: 4.2.1 Geometrical Characteristics
IS 1592:2003
be capable of withstanding .the specified hydraulic pipes (see 3.4.3) shall be verified, if requested, by
test pressure [see 3.5(a)(l)] of the pipes on which sampling.
they are to be used, even when the pipes are set at the
5.2.2 If the purchaser does not witness the compulsory
maximum angular deviation recommended by the
internal hydraulic pressure tightness test (see 5.1.1),
he may, for checking purpose and after giving notice,
4.3 Marking ask for an additional internal hydraulic pressure
tightness test [see 3.5(a)(1)] to be carried out, but
Each joint coupling shall be legibly and indelibly only on a number of pipes selected in accordance
marked with the following information: with the procedure of inspection by sampling
a) Indication of the source of manufacture, (see 5.2.1 and IS 7639). In this instance, the pressure
defining the class shall be maintained for 5 min.
b) Batch number,
5.2.3 The procedure described in 1S 7639 applied for
c) Nominal diameter,
sampling, inspection and acceptance. Each inspection
d) Class of coupling, and lot shall include only items of the same diameter and
e) Pictorial warning sign as given in IS 12081 of the same class.
(Part 2). For diameters exceeding 1 000 mm an agreement
between the purchaser and the mtiufacturer shall be
Enquiries and orders shall specify whether or not
5.2.4 Length
acceptance tests are required and, if so, which tests.
Otherwise, the purchaser is presumed not to require At least 90 percent of the pipes supplied shall be of the
acceptance tests (see Annex C). standard length (subject to the tolerances given
in 3.4. L4(d); the remainder shall not be less than 2 m
5.1 Inspection of Each Item “of the Consignment
in length. However, the total length of the pipes
5.1.1 The required physical characteristics (see 3.4.2) supplied shall be not less than the length ordered. The
of the pipes shall be verified on each item of the short length pipes shall also be tested as per the normal
consignment. The internal hydraulic pressure tightness length pipes.
test [see 3.5(a)(l)] shall be carried out by the The required number of additional joints because of
manufacturer; the purchaser, if he so desires, may be supply of short length pipes shall be supplied by the
present while the tests are being carried out (see manufacturer without extra cost.
also 5.2.2).
5.1.2 The required general appearance and finish
(see 3.3), the geometrical characteristics (see 3.4.1’) When the pipes are intended for conveyance of
and 4.2.1) and the. marking (see 3.6 and 4.3) may be particularly aggressive waters or to be laid in
verified on each item of the consignment (see C-4). particularly aggressive grounds, the nature of these
waters and grounds shall be specified before hand to
5.1.3 The pipes and joints which do not satisfy the the manufacturer, who may suggest appropriate material
requirements when inspected as in 5.1.2 may be or treatment.
5.2 Inspection by Sampling
All delivery of asbestos cement pipes shall be
5.2.1 The required sealing characteristics of the accompanied by a safety rules sheet as given in
joints (see 4.2.2) and mechanical characteristics of the IS 11769 (Part 1).
‘) The checks on the regularity of the internal diameter and on the straightness [see and (e)] should be carried out only when
specitied in the order.
IS 1592:2003
(C2ause 2)
269:1989 Specification for 33 Grade ordinary 7639:1975 Methods of sampIing for asbestos
Portland cement ~oui-th revision) cement products
455:1989 Specification for Portland slag 8041:1990 Specification for rapid hardening
cement (fourth revision) Portland cement (second revision)
1344:198 Specification for calcined clay 8112:1989 Specification for 43 grade ordinary
Pozzolana (second revision) Portland cement (@t revision)
1489 Specification for Portland Pozzolana 8794:1988 Specification for cast iron detachable
cement: joints for use with asbestos cement
pressure pipes (first revision)
(Part 1): 991 Fly ash based (third revision)
11769 (Part 1): Guidelines for safe use of products
(Part 2): 991 Calcined clay based (thirdrevision)
1987 containing asbestos: Part 1 Asbestos
3812:1981 Specification for fly ash for use as cement products
Pozzolana and admixture (first
12081 (Part 2) : Recommendations for pictorial
1987 warning signs and precautionary
5382:1985 Specification for rubber sealing notices for asbestos and products
rings for gas mains, water mains and containing asbestos: Part 2 Asbestos
sewers @rst revision) and its products
5913:2003 Methods of test for asbestos cement 12269:1987 Specification for 53 grade ordinary
products (second revision) Portland cement
6530:1972 Code of practice for laying of 12330:1988 Specification for sulphate resisting
asbestos cement pressure pipes Portland cement
IS 1592:2003
(Clauses 4.1.3 and 4.2)
IS 1592:2003
i .,
800/20 9140 66.0 I 046.0 220 77.64
outer diameter
-o ‘m
I hc t(~lcramxs ml dimensions and weight of AC coaplings shall be
ai Ii)llows, Length mm
In[crnal dlamcter (op to 600 mm dia) mm +3
-o Thickness mm
Internal diameter (700 mm and above) mm +5
Weight percent
N() I’ES
IS 1592:2003
(Clauses 5 and 5. 1.2)
C-1 CARRYING OUT OF TESTS percent inspection on all items of the consignment with
regard to the failing characteristics (see 5.1.3).
Unless agreed otherwise, the purchaser shall inform the
tmanufacturer, when ordering, which tests (see 3.5) are C-5 PERIOD FOR TESTING
required. The tests shall be carried out on a date fixed
All tests shall be completed before delivery of the
by agreement.
consignment and at the latest 4 weeks afler the date of
For the internal hydraulic pressure tightness test [see sampling.
3.5(a)( 1)], the purchaser shall observe the needs of the C-6 MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATE
manufacturing prograrnme.
C-6. 1 -Orders with Acceptance Tests
If a purchaser or his representative is not present at all
The purchaser shall have access to the place of testing or part of the test, the manufacturer shall supply the
and to the stocks, for the sole purpose of inspecting purchaser with a certificate that the pipes and joints
and testing the materials which he has ordered, at any satisfied the tests he was unable to witness.
time, agreed with the manufacturer.
C-6.2 Orders Without Acceptance Tests
For orders without acceptance tests, the manufacturer
The following tests only should be carried out at the is considered to have discharged “his obligations on
expense of the manufacturer: completion of delivery provided that the pipes have
passed the internal hydraulic pressure tightness test [see
a) Compulsory tests;
3.5(a)(1)] and comply with the requirements specified
b) Optional tests called for when the order is placed; in 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.2.1.
c) Optional tests asked for after ordering and
resulting in rejection of the lot. The purchaser’s representative is qualified to judge the
conditions of installation and use of the pipes.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the Therefore, the following advice is given solely as
purchaser when ordering, additional tests may be carried guidance when drafting the order.
out at the purchaser’s expense, at the works or in an
independent laboratory designated by agreement. The C-7.1 Fluid Conveyed
manufacturer should have the right to be represented.
.Because of the special requirements (particularly as
C-4 INSPECTION OF EACH ITEM OF THE regards the rings of the joints) which may arise if certain
CONSIGNMENT fluids are to be conveyed, it is necessary that the nature
of the fluid be stated before hand to the manufacturer.
In order to reduce the duration and the costs of the
acceptance operations in practice, the inspection of the
If necessary, the conditions of test for resistance to
characteristics made on each hem of the consignment
chemical agents should be, for each case, the subject
(see 5. 1.2) may, at the purchaser’s request, be replaced
of special technical directions.
by an inspection by sampling. C-7.2 Length
In this case, if the inspection results tend toward the It is recommended that those pipe lengths be selected
rejection of the lot, the manufacturer may ask for 100 which best suit the installation and soil conditions.
IS 1592:2003
Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee, CED 53
Or,ganizafion Representative(s)
(iammon India Limited, Mumbai SHUIS. A. REDD1(Chairman)
All India A.C. Pipe Manufacturers’ Association, Secunderabad SHRI N. KISHAN REDDY
SHRI P. S. KALANI (Ahernaie)
(’entrat Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR B. K. MO
DR S. K, AGARWAL (Alternate)
(’cntral Pollution Control Board, Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
(’cn[ral Public Winks Department, New Delhi SHRI P, SUBRAMANLAN
SHRI K, P, ABRAHAM (A1/ernate)
l)ircctorate General of Factory Advise Services and Labour SHRI V. S. SASIKUMAR
institute, Kanpur SHRI S. C. SHARMA (A/ternate)
lllgitlcer-ill-Clliet”s Branch, New Delhi SHRI MAHENDRA PRASAO
SHRI P. K. L3UPTA (Alternate)
l’lernit Everest Limited, New Delhi SHRI S. P, BOLAR
SHRI Y. S. RAO (Alternate)
lly Ash Mission, Department of’ Science & Technology, DR VIMAL KUMAR
New Delhi SHRI MUKESH MATHUR (Alternate)
( iujwat Ambllja Cement Ltd, Ahmedabad SHRI J. P. DESAI
SHRI B. K, JAGETIYA (Alternate)
I lousing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd, New Delhi SHRI V. SURESH
SHRI S. K. TANEJA (Alternate)
I Iycbabad Industries Limited, Hyderabad SHRI D. B. MUNDRA
DR K. V. RAO (Alternate)
Indian Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow DR Q. REHMAN
Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi SUPERINTENDINGENGINEER(PLANNING)
National C’mmcil for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI R. C. WASON
DR S. HARSHA (Al[ernate)
National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad REPRESENTATIVE
National Test House, Kolkata Stnu D. K, KANUNGO
Rural Electrification Corporation Limited, New Delhi SHRI S. K. SETHI
SHRI F. C. BHAGIA (Alternate)
small Scale Industries Services Institute, Bangalore SHRI C. H. SUBRAMANIAN
SHRI A. DUTTA (Alternate)
spon Pipes Manufacturer’s Association of Maharashtra, Nanded SHRI C. Y. GAVHANE
SHRI D. N. JOSHI (A1/erna~e)
Smlcturat Engineering Research Centre (CSIR), Chennai SHRI N. P. RAJAMANE
DR M, NEELAMEGAM(,4fternate)
Tamil Nadu Water Supply & Drainage Board, Chennai SHRI S. HARIRAMASAMY
I’lw Indian Home Pipe Company Limited, Mumbai SHRI P. D. KELKAR
SHRI P. R. C. NAIR (Alfernate)
[1[S L)irectorate General SHRI S. K. JAIN, Director and Head (CED)
[Representing Director General (Ex-qfjjcio)]
Member Secretary
Director (CED), BIS
IS 1592:2003
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing
the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed tcr the Director (Publication), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaftkmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
shou Id ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and’ Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. CED 53 (6072).