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From Evidence Based Medicine to Medicine Based

Ralph I. Horwitz, MD, MACP,a Allison Hayes-Conroy, PhD,b Roberto Caricchio, MD,c Burton H. Singer, PhDd
Temple Transformative Medicine Institute; bGeography and Urban Studies; cTemple Lupus Clinic, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa;
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.


Evidence based medicine, using randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses as the major tools and sources of
evidence about average results for heterogeneous groups of patients, developed as a reaction against poorly de-
signed observational treatment research and physician reliance on personal experience with other patients as a guide
to decision-making about a patient at hand. However, these tools do not answer the clinician’s question: “Will a
given therapeutic regimen help my patient at a given point in her/his clinical course?” We introduce fine-grained
profiling of the patient at hand, accompanied by comparative evidence of responses from approximate matches to
this patient on whom a contemplated treatment has/has not been administered. This represents medicine based ev-
idence that is tuned to decision-making for the particular patient.
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. • The American Journal of Medicine (2017) 130, 1246–1250
KEYWORDS: Approximate match; Decision-making; Patient profiling; Personalized evidence


INTRODUCTION drugs and regulators who license them for use in the
Evidence based medicine developed as a reaction against population.2 By separating useful from useless therapies, ev-
poorly designed observational treatment research and phy- idence based medicine has been instrumental in providing the
sician reliance on personal experience with other patients. evidential basis for effective population-level control of risk
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses are factors for myocardial infarction and stroke, has played a crit-
the major tools of evidence based medicine and the source ical role in the transformation of HIV from a fatal infection
of the evidence that describes average results for groups of to a chronic disease, was instrumental in testing drugs that
patients. Emphasizing highly selected RCT populations, can now cure hepatitis C virus in many patients, and has been
placebo controls, and “hard” endpoints (death and major mor- the basis for rigorous verification of substantial improve-
bidity), evidence based medicine became established as the ments in the outcomes of some cancers.
scientific basis for Population Medicine.1 These achievements notwithstanding, limitations of evi-
Evidence based medicine has created enormous benefits dence based medicine are now increasingly evident. Narrow
for population health. Average results from traditionally de- criteria for inclusion in RCTs frequently exclude the very pa-
signed RCTs that emphasize internal validity (to minimize tients who will use the medicine after it receives regulatory
bias in design) over generalizability (to apply the results to approval (eg, it is estimated that studies of medications for
the patients who will use the therapies) is exactly what is asthma have excluded 95% of the target population).3 The use
needed for pharmaceutical companies who are developing of placebo controls may exaggerate treatment benefits espe-
cially when, as is often the case, new drugs are not tested
Funding: None. against effective comparative therapies. The routine reli-
Conflict of Interest: None for all authors. ance on “hard” end points in RCTs disregards the many
Authorship: All authors had access to the data and a role in writing the outcomes of treatment such as physical, social, and psycho-
logical well-being that are deeply important to patients.4,5
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Ralph I. Horwitz, MD, MACP,
Temple Transformative Medicine Institute, 3500 North Broad Street, MERB,
The limitations of the RCT, as currently utilized in clin-
Room 1111E, Philadelphia, PA 19141. ical medicine, are acknowledged by many of its advocates.
E-mail address: [email protected] Efforts to mitigate the negative effects are increasingly

0002-9343/$ - see front matter © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Horwitz et al Medicine Based Evidence 1247

implemented. For example, the US Food and Drug Admin- in clinical and psychosocial features that change over the
istration has encouraged trialists to broaden the populations course of the trial.
studied in RCTs.6,7 Pragmatic RCTs have emerged as an al- From the perspective of the clinician focused on manage-
ternative to traditional RCTs to emulate more closely the actual ment of an individual patient, specification of a sub-group
practice of medicine and foster more comparative effective- of interest within a large RCT is equivalent to asking for ap-
ness studies. An emphasis on more comprehensive studies of proximate matches to the patient at hand. A fundamental point
patients has provided impetus to is that the subgroup cannot be
develop indexes and scales that defined until there is an index case
measure patient-centered outcomes CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE patient to whom the subgroup will
such as well-being and physical and • Medicine based evidence starts with a be compared. The response to treat-
social functioning.8 Despite this pro- longitudinal profile of the biological, ment(s) of the approximate matches
gress, none of these efforts are able provides guidance for what may be
clinical, psychological, and social en-
to remedy the most fundamental anticipated if the same treatment is
vironmental history of a single index
limitation of evidence based med- applied to the individual patient.
icine. It provides only a coarse- patient.
level population-based model of • Profiles that approximately match the
clinical care. It is ill suited to pro- index patient provide the comparative THE INCOMPATIBLE TWO-
viding the personalized evidence empirical base for management of the HORSE TEAM
that the clinician needs to guide the index case. Most subgroup analyses in RCTs
care of an individual patient. Clin- are based on variables measured
ical medicine has always been • The evidential core of medicine based at baseline when patients are ran-
focused on the individual patient, evidence, the approximate matches to domized to one or the other
and the weakness of the RCT (and an index case, is focused on the needs treatment arm. In constructing sub-
later, evidence based medicine) to of clinical practice and sharply at odds groups, the investigators typically
guide physician decision-making with evidence based medicine. rely on a single variable, such as
was recognized early by those who sex, age, or levels of disease sever-
developed the method and knew it ity. Occasionally, such an analysis
best. In his Heberden Oration in 1965, Austin Bradford Hill uncovers a previously undiscovered treatment effect, as, for
wrote, “This leads to a related criticism of the present con- example, when a subgroup of patients with left main coro-
trolled trial that it does not tell the doctor what he wants to nary artery disease had benefits from coronary artery bypass
know. It may be so constituted as to show without any doubt grafting11 that were not present in the negative results of the
that treatment A is on the average better than treatment B. overall study population. Recently, it has been pointed out
On the other hand, that result does not answer the practic- that men and women may respond differently to drug thera-
ing doctor’s question: what is the most likely outcome when pies. According to one group of scientists, “Aspirin for the
this particular drug is given to a particular patient?” (italics primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is one such
added).9 example. A meta-analysis of 6 trials found that aspirin in
men reduced the risk of myocardial infarction by 32% but
had no effect on ischemic stroke. In contrast, aspirin in
women had no effect on myocardial infarction but reduced
EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE AND THE ROLE OF the risk of stroke by 24%”.12
SUBGROUPS Subgroup analyses that rely on single variables mea-
Clinicians have long been troubled by this shortcoming of sured at baseline fail to represent the complexity of clinical
RCTs. One strategy for addressing Hill’s9 challenge has been medicine where patients have multiple features that need to
for clinicians to request an ever-increasing number of sub- be measured both at baseline and in follow-up examina-
group analyses to supplement the overall results of a trial. tions that replicate more closely how patients are monitored
Resistance by trialists to the clinician’s frequent request for and managed by physicians in practice. Single variable sub-
sub-groups led to a tongue-in-cheek analysis by the investi- group analyses have another liability: the multiplicity problem
gators in the ISIS-2 trial.10 In that study, the analysts looked that arises when studies report the results of multiple statis-
at 12 subgroups formed by the 12 signs of the Zodiac. When tical tests of subgroups raising the probability that at least
2 of the subgroups (Libra or Gemini) had differences that were some of the results will be found to be statistically signifi-
discordant from the trial’s overall average results, the authors cant even if there is no underlying effect.
concluded that subgroups are prone to misleading results by One of the great American statisticians, John Tukey, dis-
chance alone. The absence of more attention to subgroups cussed the multiplicity problem in a famous 1979 paper, but
created by relevant biological, clinical, and social features rep- also used the opportunity to refer to what he perceived to be
resents a serious deficiency in current clinical science. an even more intractable problem:13 “It is a difficult task to
Importantly, the subgroups need to be formed not just ac- drive the nearly incompatible two horse team: On the one hand,
cording to static baseline features but also by dynamic changes knowledge of a most carefully evaluated kind where in
1248 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 130, No 11, November 2017

particular questions of multiplicity are faced up to, and on requires an archive of clinical histories closely matched to
the other, informed professional opinion, where impres- the patient in question. Some of the individuals in the com-
sions gained from statistically inadequate numbers of cases parison population will have received the contemplated
often, and so far as we can see, should control the treatment treatment including follow-on treatment modifications and
of individual patients. The same physician or surgeon must others will not. Information on the clinical course of the patient
be concerned with both what is his knowledge and what is at hand is monitored, recorded, and analyzed comparatively
his informed professional opinion as part of treating a single with the same, or closely approximated, information from pa-
patient. I wish I understood better how to help in this essen- tients in the comparison archive. The fundamental point is
tially ambivalent task.” that the relevant comparison histories approximate the clin-
ical practice details of the patient at hand. Medicine based
evidence like that just described is critically needed if we are
to realize the personalized care of patients that is the promise
CLINICIANS’ DILEMMA AND THE RISE OF of scientific advances in biomedicine.
The concerns of Bradford Hill and Tukey have framed the
dilemma faced by every physician caring for an individual
patient.9,13 The ideal information base for a clinician man- OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS TO PERSONALIZED
aging the ongoing clinical course of a patient is not the MEDICINE
traditional RCT that forms treatment categories at baseline The rise of evidence based medicine was fostered by the concern
by randomized assignment and then waits until the end of that treatment evaluations using observational study designs were
the trial to count outcomes, ignoring everything that has oc- biased if randomization was not used to assign treatment. This ar-
curred in between in the care of the patient. Consider the gument was true in historical controlled trials when patients
Women’s Health Trial that randomized 16,000 postmeno- receiving a new treatment were compared with historical pa-
pausal women to either hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tients from a different secular era.15 However, as always happens
or placebo and planned an 8-year follow-up to test whether in science, improvements were made to the design and anal-
HRT would improve certain clinical outcomes. The study was ysis of observational study designs so that the average results
stopped early when an increased risk was observed for cor- of RCTs and the average results of observational studies of
onary heart disease among women assigned to receive HRT. the same treatment now produce similar results.16,17
The interpretation of these results was complicated when The rejection of physician experience, what Tukey refers
it was noted that treatment was discontinued and blinding was to as “informed professional opinion,” was also warranted
broken for nearly half of the HRT users but only a small per- when the experience was limited to a single doctor (experi-
centage of the placebo users.14 The changes in treatment ence with a little “e”). Now, however, advances in computing
occurred mostly to manage vaginal bleeding that developed and informatics makes it possible to access and analyze the
as the trial progressed among women assigned to estrogen collected experience of tens of thousands of physicians caring
therapy. But the loss of blinding created unanticipated prob- for hundreds of thousands of patients (experience with a big
lems in detection bias and in the adjudication of end points “E”), far more than could ever be enrolled in a single clin-
(because patients and physicians were unblinded by a treat- ical trial, thus reducing the worry that treatment decisions are
ment side effect), and the changes in treatment assignment based on selected physician experience. It is true that the anal-
meant that the customary intent-to-treat analysis no longer ysis of aggregate physician experience will identify wide
could answer the question that had been originally pro- variation in clinical practice. This heterogeneity of practice
posed. Instead of answering a question on the efficacy of patterns is an advantage of this approach because it enables
estrogens on cardiovascular disease, the study was now a test consideration of patients’ clinical courses under diverse treat-
of initiating a treatment that many patients could not main- ments and for patients with diverse histories. The central point
tain and had changed during follow-up. is that now our considerations are focused entirely on issues
What are needed instead to guide management of indi- of clinical practice, and this is where analysis to guide decision-
vidual patients are case records that describe the actual clinical making regarding an individual patient must be centered.
course and treatment management decisions by physicians. Medicine based evidence will require establishment of
In this regard, what was discovered in the Women’s Health an archive of profiles using information on clinical experi-
Trial when vaginal bleeding was further investigated? How ence from all types of studies: observational cohorts and
did discontinuation of estrogen affect cardiovascular risk man- case control studies, traditional RCTs and pragmatic RCTs,
agement? Were medications added to intensify control of blood real-world studies and disease registries will all contribute
pressure, hyperlipidemia, glucose regulation, or other car- to the needed database.18 Equally important, medicine based
diovascular risk factors? Were patients advised to exercise more evidence will incorporate both biological and biographical
or adjust their diets? When did these first-order treatment modi- (life experience) information to suitably profile patients.
fications occur and what were the intermediate outcomes? The inclusion of biographical information is consistent
To answer these questions for a particular patient and with wider trends in biomedicine and the life sciences,
provide comparative evidence from a wider patient population which have acknowledged that a broad array of both pivotal
Horwitz et al Medicine Based Evidence 1249

and recurrent life events may greatly shape health and that are accurate for all those who might receive the inter-
disease. vention, those included in the trial and those outside the trials.21
A major shift in the specification of evidence to guide clin-
ical practice has been fostered by recent scientific and
technological advances in genetic and molecular science that WHAT MEDICINE BASED EVIDENCE IS AND ISN’T
are unraveling disease pathogenesis at the level of the indi- Each time the physician considers a change in the manage-
vidual. One exciting example of this development is the recent ment of an individual patient, she is engaged in an act of
report of the “narciss-ome,” one person’s integrative clinical prediction. The information used for this prediction
personalomics profile created by merging the genomic se- consists of the full history of the index case up until a time
quence with RNA, protein, metabolic, and auto-antibody when an intervention is contemplated and augmented by the
profiles measured 20 times over a 14-month period.19 Not only experience with and without the contemplated interven-
were new disease susceptibilities identified, but the pa- tion(s) on approximate matches to the index case. In fact, the
tient’s blood glucose levels escalated following a viral physician will likely contemplate and carry out interven-
infection, indicating a diabetic state that was only diag- tions at multiple times during the clinical course of the index
nosed later. And already, clinical medicine is fast developing case. Thus, guidance from sets of approximate matches, who
new ways to profile patients. Current devices are capable of are not necessarily the same set of cases at each interven-
“digitizing” a person with wearable sensors that quantify phys- tion time, is precisely what is needed to enhance the
iological metrics such as vital signs, provide high-definition information base for management of the index case over time.
images of a persons’ anatomy, and characterize the Having described the clinical prediction problem, it is also
microbiome. An analogous technology has been developed important to say what is not a focus of medicine based ev-
to utilize biographical information in narrative form and suc- idence. While assembling the evidence for clinical prediction,
cinctly incorporate it in a more nuanced patient profile than we are not testing the efficacy of a contemplated interven-
is currently customary. In addition to the customary mea- tion. We are using what may be the results of such tests on
surements of genomics and metabolomics, we will also need the approximate matches to the index case. But, medicine
to include the exposome that is defined as the measure of all based evidence is not an N = 1 trial. We are not interested
the exposures of an individual in a lifetime, beginning before in knowing what the contemplated intervention is likely to
birth and including environmental and occupational sources. do across a range of patients whose clinical courses prior to
the intervention time are quite different from that of the patient
at hand. We are also not interested in knowing how the con-
templated intervention acts holding levels on multiple other
BACK TO THE FUTURE: MEDICINE BASED variables constant. We want insight about the intervention’s
EVIDENCE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE likely performance on patients whose complex profile evolv-
We would like to believe that the strategy of medicine based ing over time is like the multidimensional longitudinal profile
evidence that we propose is new, but surprisingly there are of the patient whose clinical care we are managing. What
footprints of this approach in previous research. Feinstein et al happens to the patient before us is of paramount impor-
imagined a “library of clinical experience” to obtain person- tance. What might happen with other kinds of patients is of
alized prognosis.20 Indeed, in 1972 Feinstein et al20 proposed no concern.
an early illustration of the process we have outlined and did The US Congress recently passed the 21st Century Cures
so with far more limited computer capabilities than are cur- Act that was strongly supported by the Director of the Food
rently available. The basic idea of starting with a profile of and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Re-
an individual patient and identifying approximate matches to search, who commented: “Patient-focused drug development
the patient in a library of clinical experience and using these has the potential to become the most transformational piece
cases as a guide to decision-making for the patient at hand of this bill.”22 What she was referring to was the opportuni-
is in this visionary paper. In the short run, there is a press- ty to collect structured data from a broad range of patients
ing need to develop algorithms for approximate matching and and to use those data to help guide physician and patient
to do so on patients with a diversity of diseases. The match- decision-making. Neither the “moonshot” for cancer23 nor the
ing would be based on much more comprehensive information evidential base for personalized (or precision) medicine will
than in the original example of Feinstein et al,20 but their fun- be successful if we use the old methods of evidence based
damental philosophy about the character of the evidence medicine. The time is now for innovation in translational
needed to guide decision-making for individual patients is science by developing and implementing medicine based ev-
salient today. idence to provide the right patient with the right treatment
One of the barriers to developing medicine based evi- at all the right times.
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