Average Deviation

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The Average Deviation

Procedure in computing
The dispersion of a set the average deviation:
of data about the
1. Find the mean for all the 2. Find the absolute difference
average of these data is cases. between each score and the mean.
the average deviation
2. Find the absolute
|x-x| = |12 − 15| = 3
difference between each score
= |17 − 15| = 2
To compute the average and the mean.
= |13 − 15| = 2
deviation of an ungrouped data, 3. Find the sum of the = |18 − 15| = 3
difference and divide by N. = |18 − 15| = 3
we use the formula:
= |15 − 15| = 0
Example: = |14 − 15| = 1
= |17 − 15| = 2
Find the average deviation of the
= |11 − 15| = 4
following data: 12, 17, 13, 18, 18, 15, 14,
3. Find the sum of the absolute

17, 11
difference |x-x|.
where A.D. is the average 1. Find the mean (x).
deviation; x-x| = |12 − 15| = 3
x is the individual score; = |17 − 15| = 2
= |13 − 15| = 2
x is the mean; and

= |18 − 15| = 3
N is the number of scores. = |18 − 15| = 3
|x-x| is the absolute value of = |15 − 15| = 0
the deviation from the mean. = |14 − 15| = 1
= |17 − 15| = 2
= |11 − 15| = 4
∑ |x-x| = 20
Measure of variability: It
This can be represented in
tabular form as shown below. shows how much the data
points differ from the mean,
Importants of giving us an idea of how
spread out they are. Smaller
Average mean deviation means less
Deviation variability, while larger
mean deviation means more
Mean deviation is a statistical variability.
measure that helps us
understand the dispersion or Easy interpretation: It uses the
variability of a dataset. It is same units as the original
calculated by finding the data, making it easier to
average absolute difference understand compared to other
between each data point and measures.
the mean of the dataset.
Mean deviation provides Comparative analysis: It
4. Solve for the average
valuable insights into the allows for comparing
deviation by dividing the
spread of data and is useful in variability between different
result in step 3 by N.
several ways datasets, helping identify
which has more or less

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