Newspaper Course Manuscript
Newspaper Course Manuscript
Newspaper Course Manuscript
MLM Distributors
with Newspaper
Dale Calvert
If you steal this information or reproduce it in any form you will be caught
and suffer grave consequences. If you have a market for this product or
a downline organization that can benefit from the content, contact us
about a Joint Venture offer at: [email protected]
Table of Contents
Do Newspaper Ads Really Work?
The first concept I feel that it is important for you to understand is that ALL
ADVERTISING WORKS if you do it consistently enough.
The best way I know to expand on this fact is what I call the “Window
Concept”. I believe that during a normal 365 day year virtually every
person has their Window open. When their window opens they are going
to be mentally open to you and your opportunity.
For some people the window opens for an hour or two, others a day, a
week a month, and for others the window opens and it stays open?
What causes a person’s window to open? Perhaps they didn’t get the
raise or promotion they deserved at their job, the early death of a co-
worker, the realization that they have a son or daughter that will want to
attend college in just 4 or 5 years, and the list goes on and one.
For some people, they get upset the window opens for a few hours and
then they settle back into their normal, familiar routine. For others, the
window opens and it STAYS OPEN, they make a quality internal decision
The Secret to recruiting is have enough lines in the water and advertising
and promotions going on that when the window opens and the fish is
ready to bite, we have our bait in the water.
Yes, newspaper advertising works. I was sponsored into my second
network marketing program because I answered an advertisement in the
newspaper, and yes I was looking to change JOBS at the time. I went on
to make my sponsor nearly 1 million dollars over the next 3 years.
Don’t waste your money with Display Ads
Without question, the biggest mistake I have seen distributors make over
the years when running advertising in local newspapers is doing large
display ads! They are simply not worth the BANG FOR THE BUCK, DON’T
DO IT. If you have a budget to invest that kind of money you should invest
in advertising programs other that newspaper ads. We talk about many
of these programs in our course at For the
same investment, you can do flyer inserts that will give you a much larger
response than a display ad (We talk about flyer inserts later on in this
We have tested this concept multiple times and it never changes. The
best return for money invested is with small classified ads. I believe the
reason is most people have trained themselves to “not see” advertising in
newspapers, they simply engage their brains on the articles only.
However, there is a group of people who read the classifieds daily and
another group who will read the classifieds if they aren’t pressed for time.
It all has to do with the way your potential prospects have trained their
With that said, some papers will allow you to run reverse print classified ads
or small 1” ads in the classified section, as pictured below. If they offer this
option, take it, it will cause your ad to jump off the page and is worth the
additional small investment.
Sample Classified Ads
Below you will find samples of a few different classified ads that have
been effective for us over the years. Most all of these could be used in
your business with slight modifications.
Here is a great tip. Pay close attention to your local classifieds ads. If one
ad continues to run over and over, examine it closely, obviously it is
working. How can you modify that ad to fit your business, or steal it 100%
and run it in another paper?
CHECK MATCH the #1 Innovation
to hit the MLM Industry in years.
We are the original CM company
with #1 clinically proven product
within the liquid nutrition market.
Don’t miss this one, get the details
now 502=xxx-xxxx
If you are going to have your respondents call a phone number instead of
logging on a website, your number should go into a voice mail box which
has the message below:
(With the above ads it should run into a voice mail system which simply says, Thank you
for responding to our advertisement in the NAME OF YOUR LOCAL PAPER. Please
leave us your name, address, telephone number and email and we will get complete
information to you ASAP.)
The message is not the time to pitch your product or opportunity, the
message must gather data. Anything you say other than the above
statement will only limit the number of people that leave you their contact
information, please don’t learn this the hard way!
By having respondents leave their data on a voice mail box it gives you
much more control. You don’t have to worry about answering the phone
when the kids are crying, the dog is barking etc.
You simply pull the messages off your phone and contact all of them
when you can control your environment. I would much rather sit down
and call 8-10 people one right after another when my environment is
controlled and my mind is focused than attempting to take incoming calls
without chaos going on around me. What about you?
A marketers Best Kept Secret :
Flyer Inserts
It is hard to say how much money this idea has made me over the years!
We have all seen newspaper inserts. Most Sunday papers are full of
advertising flyers from department stores, lawn companies, fast food
restaurants and the list goes on and on.
You can create an 81/2 x 11 2-sided flyer and have it inserted in your local
newspaper at a fraction of what it would cost to actually run an 8 ½ x 11
display ad and our testing tells us that your response will be much greater.
Flyers fall out when people open the paper, they have to physically pick it
up and read it, or do something with it! The number of eyeballs that see
your promotional flyer compared to an actual advertisement makes this
the #1 way to use newspapers to advertise from my experience.
Now the best news is you don’t have to pay for the flyers for the
newspapers entire circulation. Newspapers are usually divided into 7-8
sections of zones, (areas of town) If you are running an ad for your
opportunity we recommend that you avoid the million dollar neighbor
hoods and the slums. Why I am on that subject let me explain another
quick concept. I don’t wont email from people who think I have a bias
against those that live in the slums or million dollar homes. This is about
placing the odds in your favor and getting the most response for the
money invested.
One of the best quotes I ever heard was from Art Williams who said
That is why I suggest you don’t pay to have your flyer inserted in
newspapers that will be delivered to Millionaires row and the Housing
Contact your local paper today and get pricing for inserts, you are going
to be amazed. Most papers ask you to have the inserts printed and
delivered to their office.
Use a flyer that has been proven to create results for one of your uplines,
or take some time and get yourself educated on basic copyrighting skills.
The best course on this I can recommend is at: 1
Copy writing is a learned skill. Most people that think they know how to
write a sales letter, flyer or pamphlet, really don’t!
A few years ago I decided to take few months and totally amerce myself
in learning the skill of writing good ad copy. I spent nearly $5,000 dollars
on copywriting courses and seminars from the gurus. Without question,
the course at :
Local vs. Long Distance Advertising
This rule is simple. Please don’t ignore it; I can save you a lot of time,
money and energy if you just take this advice to heart.
Don’t go across the country, until you have gone across the street! Build
your business in your BACK YARD first and never go to a new city, UNLESS
If you build a strong, solid, local organization then you will have potential
leaders pop up in spots around the country. Somebody’s aunt or uncle in
another state will suddenly start being productive enrolling new members
and moving products. Go support those that are ALREADY BEING
PRODUCTIVE and live out of town.
So how does this relate with running newspaper ads in other markets?
When you find a potential leader in another state, you can run ads in that
area to support your potential leader and help them build their
When I start someone off in a new state I want to direct them in multiple
warm market recruiting activities and I will personally invest in newspaper
ads and the cold market systems described in the 21 Ways course to help
get them off to a fast start, which is critically important in this industry.
What about Internet Classified Advertising?
Internet classifieds work exactly the way local advertising works; accept
you should always send them to a website, or auto responder instead of
providing a voice mail box phone number.
You want prospects to respond immediately and it is much easier for them
to take action now when you use an auto responder or lead generation
At-Home Free Ads Free Classifieds
Ablewise GeoCities WorldMarket Global
Classifieds Free Classifieds Classified Ads
Globle Home-Biz
Fresno Mall Shopping Solutions
Classified Ads
Infoseek International
Classifieds Classified Ads
Internet Rlaj Directory
Pet Connection
Ad Track Absolutely
US FreeAds
Classifieds Free
LOOT Lycos
411 Classifieds MarketPlace 1 Mall
Money Making MLM Nerd World
Ads Classifieds Classifieds
2BuySell CityBuyCity
Penny Saver
Asian TradeMart Very
Net Nickel HighForce
The Globe AdTrader Cyber-Trader
Information City Auto-Submit
Zip Mall Your Web Site
Free Ads
The value of advertising online is the ability to follow up with people that
This is very important so I will do my best to explain it with the
understanding that some of you have no idea what an Auto Responder is
so here are a couple of simple definitions:
• A program that usually resides on a server, an autoresponder can send automatic replies
to people who send emails to a particular email address.
• An e-mail message that is sent automatically when an email is received to the email
account address. It is also used by authors in automatically delivering properly formatted
text article submissions to editors.
• Not surprisingly, an Autoresponder automatically responds to anyone that sends mail to
it. These are used for a few things, including vacation notices and easy dissemination of
information. If you had a vacation autoresponder for instance, you could turn it on when
you leave, and anyone that sends mail to your address while you're gone will get an
immediate response stating that you are out of town. ...
Now that you have a basic idea of what an autoresponder is, let me
explain to you why they are so valuable and absolutely mandatory for
anyone who wants to market online.
All experienced marketers will tell you that “the money is in your list”.
When you run an advertisement online you can direct your prospects to
your website, which is what 95% of untrained, unsophisticated marketers
do. It is what I did for years until someone explained to me this awesome
You have 2 major problems when you send a prospect to your corporate
website. #1 most corporate sites are not designed for prospecting for
new product users or team members; they are designed more for
“training distributors” not prospecting.
Ok now that you have a website designed to create leads for your
business, you have two choices as I said earlier. You can advertise your
website, or you can advertise your autoresponder email address. Most
distributors make the critical mistake of advertising the website.
This is why that’s wrong. When you send traffic to a website, the vast
majority of these interested people will leave your site, leaving you no way
of contacting them! Many people will be interested enough to visit your
site, but will not complete a form allowing you to follow-up with them!
Thank you for responding to our classified ad, to get complete details
on the XYZ company, product and compensation plan, visit our website
Another very valuable use is the ability to send broadcast messages. Let’s
say your company comes out with a NEW PRODUCT, you can go into you
Aweber system and BLAST an email to EVERYONE THAT HAS EVER
You can take a free test drive and get all the details about this
remarkable, mandatory system here:
The best part about online classified advertising is that 95% of the sites are
FREE to place your ad.
USA Today and National Papers
THE NEW YORK TIMES have all been good papers to advertise in because
of their large circulation and nationwide distribution.
If you are going to advertise in USA Today, I recommend that you contact
my friend Randy Wolf. Randy has a tremendous amount of experience
working directly with network marketers and he can get you a good
discount in the USA Today and other forms of media. Tell him that Dale
Calvert sent you and he will make you a good deal and treat you right!
Special Report
Before I share with you the most common mistakes most network marketers
make with their newspaper advertising campaigns, I feel that it is important that
you understand my philosophy on cold market advertising techniques in general.
I realize that Network Marketing Support Services Inc. provides many valuable
tools for the Network Marketing Professional. Most of these tools are designed to
help you with your cold market prospecting efforts; however, many of you reading
this page are simply not ready to start an effective cold market campaign.
Only 20% join from newspaper advertisements, fax blast, direct mail, e-mail
blast, etc. So many people have said, "Dale, your company sells fax blast, e-
mail, direct mail services, etc, why would you make such a statement?" First
answer, it is the TRUTH! Second answer, I don’t need the money. I am more
interested in your Success, than making a dollar on your E-mail blast. If you
succeed the industry succeeds. Lets face it, with all the glorified 'pyramid
schemes' and 'let's get rich’ programs the industry needs to have a lot more
success from dedicated professionals such as yourself.
Technology, used correctly, can rapidly propel your business forward. However,
too many people try to build this business hiding behind computer screens, fax
machines and voice mailboxes. These tools are a tremendous enhancement but
they will never replace this:
This Business is Done Belly Button to Belly Button!
Network Marketing Support Services Inc. has been designed to support network
marketing professionals. The key word in that sentence is professionals. The
easiest way to burn out new associates in this industry is to throw them in the
cold market too soon. They can spend thousands upon thousands of dollars
thinking they can build this business by throwing money at it. You can’t! You
never have been able to, and you never will. This business always has, and
always will be, based on building RELATIONSHIPS!
With that said, I have personally sponsored well over a thousand people over the
years with cold market campaigns. Because of the relationship that has been
developed many of those people not only have become successful leaders in this
industry but also great friends. Several of these people have come from
newspaper advertisements.
My philosophy with newspaper and all cold marketing activities is very simple.
Professionals in this industry should do TARGETED cold market activities to
support the warm market activities of their future leaders.
Mary has three potential leaders in her group that seem to really want this
business. One lives in her hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, one lives in Knoxville,
Tennessee and the other is in Grand Rapids, Michigan. What should Mary do to
support these future leaders?
Too often I see people spend thousands of dollars on a card deck. Generate a
few hundred leads and divide them between their future leaders. A couple of
months, hundreds of phone calls, and information packages later, the group has
sponsored ten or twelve people all of whom will more than likely quit within 90
days. Does this make sense?
Don’t go across the country until you have gone across the street! I would teach
Mary to have a well thought out, professional, proven, systematic way for her
potential leaders to build locally within their warm market.
I would then teach Mary to target her cold market efforts to support their warm
market efforts. In other words, don’t run a card deck that goes throughout the
United States. Focus your cold market activities, direct mail, fax blast,
newspaper advertising etc. only in three states; Tennessee, Michigan, and Ohio,
and more specifically three cities, Cincinnati, Knoxville, and Grand Rapids. Build
a strong local group first, and let that group take you to other areas. Doesn’t that
make more sense?
I could go on and on about this concept, but let me go ahead and share with you
some valuable tips when putting together your newspaper advertising campaign.
They are reading the paper primarily to keep up with local news. Not sure? Think
about yourself and your reading habits when reading local papers. Always,
always run classifieds. There are a large number of people in every community
who read the classifieds weekly. It is a habit; they have been doing it for years.
Classifieds can ensure you this captive audience.
Most just breeze through to see if anything new, different or unusual jumps off
the page at them. PICTURES always jump!! The majority of people when
seeing a picture, must stop and focus in for a few seconds on the picture. You
can run a quarter page advertisement without a picture, but the one with a picture
will pull three to four times the response rate.
4. End your advertisements with For more information call . . . (24 hour
recorded message)
By running your advertisements into a voice mail system and letting prospects
know that on the other end of the line they will hear a recorded message your
response rate will double. Some people are intimidated if they feel they will be
talking with a (salesperson) on the other end of the line.
5. The best message for your voice mail system. "Thank you for
responding to our national advertising campaign. At the sound of the tone
please clearly state your name, address and phone number and our
information will be mailed to you as soon as possible."
Don’t tell them anything! Your job is to capture their name, address and phone
number. Anything else you say has the potential to turn them off. If that happens
they won’t leave their information. I don’t care how good of job you feel you can
do explaining your product or opportunity, don’t try! It will just decrease your
The 1st Of It's Kind
Daily & Weekly Newspaper Advertising Software!
Nationwide Newspapers is a professionally developed Windows based program. It includes an electronic
directory of over 3,600 Daily & Weekly newspapers. Other menu options include statewide advertising
associations. This option can place your ad in 100's of papers, with millions of readers, all with just one
phone call and one payment! Many of these papers will cost you less than one dollar each! This powerful
new program also includes Network & Group advertising associations. They can place your advertisement
Locally, Regionally, or Nationally. You can select from a variety of publications including, daily, weekly,
free weeklies, shoppers and more. This software includes pricing, deadlines, and contact information. You
can save a large amount of money and time using these "secret" advertising sources.
If you offer a product or service, it could help you in locating new customers from all corners of the
country. In a very competitive marketplace, this disk may be just the tool you need to stay one step ahead
of your competition. You would be surprised at how many people are in business and have no idea that
there are tools like this available.
This section contains companies that offer a wide variety of advertising
options for you to choose from. With one phone call, your ad can be
placed locally, regionally, or nationally, to be read by millions of potential
customers. It includes the deadlines, contact information, and pricing.
The tiny little classified ad can effectively and efficiently deliver the information to a
potential customer base that is mind-boggling. A simple classified ad can fill your
mailbox with orders or make your phone ring off the hook with interested prospects. Your
cost for this software is extremely low compared to what you can receive in return with
increased orders and inquiries. With this software, you can learn the "secrets" of
classified advertising.
In this section I want to share with you some advertising and promotional
resources that you will find valuable in creating leads for your business
both online and off.
Publisher of “The Amazing Formula that Sells Products like Crazy”,
awesome copy writing resource!
Click here!
All recruiting is simply a numbers game. We are looking for the right
people at the right time in their life. Don’t take it personal, just go through
the numbers.
I know that is you put what you have learned into action, and persist and
practice you will succeed and you will MASTER Recruiting with Newspaper
Ads. Master this skill, then move on to the next method and the next and
the next. Before you know it you will be a recruiting Master and you not
only will have a growing thriving organization buy you will also have the
skill sets necessary to teach, guide and direct your organization. That is
my hope and prayer for you.
I appreciate your support, and if I have not met you personally, I look
forward to doing so in the near future.
Expect Success,
Dale Calvert