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Order Dismissing Randolph - NAACP v. Reeves

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Case 3:23-cv-00272-HTW-LGI Document 45 Filed 06/01/23 Page 1 of 24





vs. CIVIL ACTION No.: 3:23-CV-272-HTW-LGI

TATE REEVES, in his official capacity as

Governor of the State of Mississippi; SEAN
TINDELL, in his official capacity as
Commissioner of Public Safety; BO LUCKEY,
in his official capacity as Chief of Mississippi
Department Public Office of Capitol Police;
MICHAEL K. RANDOLPH, in his official
capacity as Chief Justice of the Mississippi
Supreme Court; and LYNN FITCH, in her
official capacity as Attorney General of the
State of Mississippi DEFENDANTS



Plaintiffs herein are: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

(“NAACP”); Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP; Jackson City Branch of the NAACP; and

six individuals who allege to be citizens of Jackson, Mississippi- Derrick Johnson; Frank Figgers;

Charles Taylor; Markyel Pittman; Charles Jones; and Nsombi Lambright-Haynes.

They are suing the following parties: Hon. Tate Reeves, in his official capacity as Governor

of the State of Mississippi; Sean Tindell, in his official capacity as Commissioner of Public Safety;

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Bo Luckey, in his official capacity as Chief of the Mississippi Department of Public Safety Office of

Capitol Police; Hon. Michael K. Randolph, in his official capacity as Chief Justice of the Mississippi

Supreme Court; and Lynn Fitch, in her official capacity as Attorney General of the State of


For their cause of action, they have resorted to 42 U.S.C. §1983, which states:

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any
State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen
of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any
rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the
party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress...

Plaintiffs’ §1983 lawsuit invokes the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the

United States Constitution, which Clause provides that no State shall “deny to any person within its

jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” U.S. CONST. amend. XIV, § 1.

On April 21, 2023, the Governor of the State of Mississippi signed into law House Bill 1020

(H.B. 1020) and Senate Bill 2343 (S.B. 2343). H.B. 1020, inter alia, commands Chief Justice

Defendant Hon. Michael K. Randolph (“the Chief Justice”) to appoint four (4) temporary special

circuit judges for the Seventh Circuit Court 1 District of Hinds County, Mississippi no later than

fifteen (15) days after the passage of the Act.

Aggrieved, the Plaintiffs herein bemoan that H.B. 1020 2 is aimed at robbing the citizenry of

Hinds County, Mississippi and Jackson, Mississippi, the State’s Capitol, located within Hinds County

(both predominately African American) of equal protection of the laws by depriving them of certain

In Mississippi, Circuit Courts have jurisdiction over felony criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits. Circuit Courts
hear appeals from County, Justice and Municipal courts, and from administrative boards and commissions such as the
Workers’ Compensation Commission and the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
As stated supra, the Mississippi State Legislature also enacted S.B. 2343, which law’s constitutionality is also
challenged by Plaintiffs in the lawsuit sub judice. This Order, however, only addresses H.B. 1020, and, more
specifically, that law’s specific provision, § 1, which mandates appointment of special judges by the Chief Justice of
the Mississippi Supreme Court.

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rights accorded to every other Mississippi resident, specifically, the right to elect their Circuit Court


Defendant Hon. Michael K. Randolph, sued only in his official capacity as Chief Justice of

the Mississippi Supreme Court, has answered the lawsuit, but contends that he is not a proper party

to this dispute. Under the law, he urges, he cannot be sued at all. Accordingly, the Chief Justice has

filed a Motion to dismiss him from this lawsuit [Docket no. 19]. His motion, filed under the auspices

of Rule 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 3, manifests that the Doctrine

of Judicial Immunity dictates his dismissal from this action.


To survive, our national system of justice has had to compromise a basic tenet: that every

wrong-doer targeted for lawsuit by an ailing plaintiff will suffer accordingly in a court of justice.

This elementary, urging principle, many opine, is actually the bedrock of our venerable legal system.

Pilgrims of every race, color, gender, and station in life rejoice in the trumpeted declaration that

justice is unmistakably the sum of all equations whereby persuasive facts plus cogent law, whether

in a bench trial (judge alone), or in a jury trial with a judge, justice will win out.

But not always! Hovering over some trials is the discordant threat of immunities- a rubric of

law which, in various instances, not only shelters the wrong-doer from liability, but may prevent the

injured party from prosecuting the dispute in court at all. Before our lifetimes, founding jurists of our

legal system determined that certain key elements of our legal system must be provided a degree of

independence and protection from lawsuits, which, at times, appear to run counter to the supposedly

Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides, in pertinent part :
(b) How to Present Defenses. Every defense to a claim for relief in any pleading must be asserted in the
responsive pleading if one is required. But a party may assert the following defenses by motion:…
(1) lack of subject matter jurisdiction;….
(6) failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted…
Fed. R. Civ. P. 12.

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fundamental principle addressed at the top of this introduction.

The immunities, whether legislative, executive, prosecutorial, or judicial, are viewed as

essential to the continued survival of our legal system. Persons exercising discretion in these areas,

so go the arguments, must not be distracted nor intimidated by the threat of lawsuits nor the bringing

of certain lawsuits. Long ago, judges were recognized as those most in need of immunity. Certain

instances are grammar-school clear: convicted felons in criminal cases would treasure an opportunity

to wage a personal attack against their sentencing judges. Losing parties in civil cases would regularly

cry foul when on the receiving end of a hard-fought large money judgment.

Judicial immunity, then, when developed, was pointed not so much at the outcome of the

dispute, but, rather, if the ruling judge had proper jurisdiction over the dispute to exercise his (her)

broad discretion. The legion of federal cases, including those by the United States Supreme Court,

then, commands this court to apply a certain test to the targeted circumstance, to ascertain whether

the judge under review has, or had, the power to exercise discretion, no matter that the exercised

discretion may offend the general public, or parties to a lawsuit.


Since 1989, Mississippi’ s statutory scheme has empowered the State’s Chief Judicial Officer

to appoint judges temporarily to sit in districts with various vacancies, which could not be filled by

unscheduled public elections. This statute, Mississippi Code Annotated § 9-1-105, addresses

vacancies created by “absence or disability” of a judicial officer.

In 2005, the Mississippi State Legislature authorized the Chief Justice of the Mississippi

Supreme Court to appoint special judges, from any county within the State, to address crowded

circuit-court dockets. See 2005 S.B. 2339, § 18 (amending MISS. CODE ANN. § 9-1-105(2) to allow

for Chief Justice appointments of special judges to circuit courts “in the event of an emergency or

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overcrowded docket” and “for whatever period of time is designated by the Chief Justice”).

To date, the current Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court, Hon. Michael K.

Randolph, has appointed over 200 such special judges 4, who, once appointed, enjoy the same judicial

powers as all other sitting judges to adjudicate disputes and to fulfill judicial obligations. Once

appointed, they are also clothed with judicial immunity.

The Plaintiffs herein do not dispute these facts; these Plaintiffs, at this juncture, only challenge

the Chief Justice’s garment of judicial immunity in this §1983 lawsuit, and the Chief Justice’s

appointment power as bestowed by H.B. 1020. Plaintiffs raise no quarrel with the empowerment of

Miss Code Ann. § 9-1-105. Indeed, just recently, in May of 2023, the Chief Justice, under §9-1-105,

appointed an emergency judge in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, First Judicial District, to serve as

a temporary chancellor where the sitting judges had recused themselves from the case at bar. Upon

being notified of the matter, this court invited the parties herein to offer comments/objections to this

development and the Chief Justice’s aim to undertake an emergency appointment. The Plaintiffs

responded that, on that matter, they took no position. In other words, they raised no objection and the

person selected by the Chief Justice is now serving.

Meanwhile, the Plaintiffs herein continue to wage their disputes over the somewhat similar

pronouncements of H.B. 1020, §1. Significant differences, they say, adorn the two legislative acts.

In pertinent parts, the most recent version of Miss Code Ann. § 9-1-105 states:

(1) Whenever any judicial officer is unwilling or unable to hear a case or unable to hold or
attend any of the courts at the time and place required by law by reason of the physical
disability or sickness of such judicial officer, by reason of the absence of such judicial

Hon. Michael K. Randolph became the Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court on February 1, 2019. This federal
court has determined that from 2019 to May 2023, Chief Justice Randolph appointed “over 200” special judges as
revealed by the public data available on the Mississippi Supreme Court’s website regarding special judge appointments
during this time period. This court notes, however, that this number does not accurately the total number of appointments
made in “sealed” or “confidential” cases, nor does this number take into account appointment of certain named judges to
more than one matter.

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officer from the state, by reason of the disqualification of such judicial officer pursuant to
the provision of Section 165, Mississippi Constitution of 1890, or any provision of the Code
of Judicial Conduct, or for any other reason, the Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme
Court, with the advice and consent of a majority of the justices of the Mississippi Supreme
Court, may appoint a person as a special judge to hear the case or attend and hold a court.

(2) Upon the request of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the senior judge of a chancery
or circuit court district, the senior judge of a county court, or upon his own motion, the
Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court, with the advice and consent of a majority of
the justices of the Mississippi Supreme Court, shall have the authority to appoint a special
judge to serve on a temporary basis in a circuit, chancery or county court in the event of an
emergency or overcrowded docket. It shall be the duty of any special judge so appointed to
assist the court to which he is assigned in the disposition of causes so pending in such court
for whatever period of time is designated by the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice, in his
discretion, may appoint the special judge to hear particular cases, a particular type of case,
or a particular portion of the court's docket.

(3) When a vacancy exists for any of the reasons enumerated in Section 9-1-103, the vacancy
has not been filled within seven (7) days by an appointment by the Governor, and there is a
pending cause or are pending causes in the court where the vacancy exists that in the
interests of justice and in the orderly dispatch of the court's business require the
appointment of a special judge, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, with the advice and
consent of a majority of the justices of the Mississippi Supreme Court, may appoint a
qualified person as a special judge to fill the vacancy until the Governor makes his
appointment and such appointee has taken the oath of office.

Miss. Code. Ann. § 9-1-105 (West). The statute also provides that if the Governor makes an

appointment under his executive authority, the Chief Justice’s appointment becomes void. Miss.

Code. Ann. §9-1-105 (4) (West).

H.B. 1020, § 1 states:

(1) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall appoint four (4) temporary special circuit
judges for the Seventh Circuit Court District 5. No limitation whatsoever shall be placed
upon the powers and duties of the judges other than those provided by the Constitution and

The Seventh Circuit Court sits in Hinds County, Mississippi. In this trial court, circuit judges preside over all felony
criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits where damages claimed exceed $250,000. The Circuit Court has concurrent
jurisdiction with Justice and County courts.

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laws of this state. The term of the temporary special circuit judges shall expire on December
31, 2026.

(2) The judges shall be appointed no later than fifteen (15) days after the passage of this act 6
according to applicable state laws. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may elect to
reappoint circuit judges that are serving on a temporary basis as of the effective date of this
act in the Seventh Circuit Court District.

(3) (a) Each temporary special circuit judge shall receive an office operating allowance
to be used for the purposes described and in amounts equal to those authorized in
Section 9-1-36.

(b) The Administrative Office of Courts shall establish personnel policies to

compensate the support staff for each temporary special circuit judge.

(4) This section shall stand repealed on December 31, 2026.

2023 Mississippi House Bill No. 1020, Mississippi One Hundred Thirty-Eighth Legislative


Plaintiffs point out, what they contend as, significant differences between the two enactments,

as well as contradictions between H.B. 1020 § 1 and the Mississippi State Constitution, as follows.

Mississippi’s Constitution, say the Plaintiffs, guarantees that Circuit Court judges “shall be

elected by the people” for “a term of four years.” Miss. Const. art. 6, § 153. Furthermore, argue

Plaintiffs, since 1994, Mississippi law has required that Circuit Court judges “be elected for and

from” their local districts. 1994 Miss. Laws, Ch. 564, § 37 (codified at Miss. Code. § 9-7-1). But as

described above, H.B. 1020’s four (4) new Circuit Court judges will not be elected, need not reside

in Hinds County, and, if validly reappointed, may serve for more than four years under H.B. 1020 §1


The Governor signed H.B. 1020 into law on April 21, 2023.

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Notably absent from H.B. 1020 is §9-1-105’s language stating that the Chief Justice “may

appoint…with the advice and consent of a majority of the justices of the Mississippi Supreme Court”.

H.B. 1020, rather, mandates that the Chief Justice, seemingly acting alone, “shall” appoint four (4)

special judges no later than fifteen (15) days after the passage of the Act. This mandate, argue

Plaintiffs, has been issued without identifying an “emergency or overcrowded docket” in H.B. 1020’s


Further, no provision of H.B. 1020 states that an appointment made by the Chief Justice shall

be void should the Governor thereafter exercise his constitutional and statutory appointive authority.

The Chief Justice’s authority, therefore, is unfettered, with no apparent authority reserved for

Mississippi’s executive branch.

The Mississippi Constitution also requires that “[t]he Legislature shall, by statute, establish

certain criteria by which the number of judges in each district shall be determined, such criteria to be

based on population, the number of cases filed and other appropriate data.” Miss. Const. art. 6, § 152.

Accordingly, Mississippi law establishes that “[t]he number of judges in each circuit court district

shall be determined” based on “[t]he population of the district; [t]he number of cases filed in the

district; [t]he case load of each judge in the district; [t]he geographic area of the district; [a]n analysis

of the needs of the district by the court personnel of the district; and [a]ny other appropriate criteria.”

Miss. Code § 9-7-3(3). Plaintiffs allege that no such analysis was conducted in prescribing the

number of judges to be appointed under H.B. 1020.

This is an appropriate place in this Judicial Immunity debate to mention Plaintiff’s §1983

lawsuit and what role H.B. 1020 plays in this controversy. Plaintiff’s §1983 lawsuit is about race

discrimination. Hinds County, Mississippi is the State’ s most populous county and venue for the

State’s capitol city, Jackson. Jackson is the seat of State government, the home of the State Capitol,

multiple hospitals and medical providers, museums, several universities, and a plethora of retail and

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restaurant establishments. Both Hinds County and Jackson are majority African American, the

former being 72.8%, while the latter being 82.8%.

Jackson’ s crime problem is sweltering, undisputed and suffocating. The FBI crime statistics

tell the sorrowful story: In 2020, Jackson reported 130 homicides—a record number at that time. In

2021, Jackson surpassed that record with at least 155 reported homicides—“the highest per capita

murder rate in the nation . . . . [h]igher than Birmingham, Atlanta, Detroit, and even Chicago.”

[Docket no. 34-4 at 3]. In 2022, even with a 14% decline in homicides, Jackson reported 138

homicides that year, and Jackson’s “homicide rate still managed to surpass every other major city in

the U.S. for the second straight year.” Id. at 20.

Homicides may be the headline grabber, but Jackson’s other violent crime categories battle

for equal condemnation: Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Sexual Assault, and Burglary rates

continue to be among the highest nationwide, per capita.

Caught in this “race to the grave” are the most innocent- young children whose still

developing lungs had barely tasted the nutritious air which was their birthright. On the other end of

this “killfest”, are the senior citizens hoping to spend their golden years in retired harmony with

family and friends, instead of outfitting their homes as fortresses, fearing any strange noise around

their houses and dreading the prospect of having to arm themselves.

Jackson street gangs, who successfully recruit the impressed baby-minded school dropouts

who “wannabe gangsters” when they grow up, figure prominently in this story of a City coming apart

and in search of enduring glue to hold it together.

These “facts of Jackson” have cripped the criminal justice system, especially with a police

presence which is crying for reinforcement. Once this proud City boasted a force of approximately

400 sworn police officers, with applicants aplenty vying for the occasional vacancy which occurred.

Now, the situation is markedly different. Jackson now has a police force of approximately 258 sworn

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officers, with hardly any applicants. Many welcome recruits take the oath, undergo free police

certification in a 28-week regimen 7, then take the earned certification, valid anywhere else in the

nation, to another State/City where the pay is much higher, and the job danger is much lower.

Jackson points to its fiscal dilemmas as the source of its plight-- fiscal concerns rooted in,

inter alia, downgrading of the City’s bond rating, urban blight, growing vagrancy, a dysfunctional

city government, and a poverty-stricken citizenry. Regardless, Jackson has a crime cancer.

The Mississippi Legislature has taken notes, but not in the manner Jackson desires. Jackson

laments that it is in dire need of state funds for its endeavors, for its police force, and for courts and

its personnel. The State Legislature, nervous about sending money to Jackson for its courts, passed

H.B. 1020.

As above-mentioned, H.B. 1020, §1 aims to bring additional judicial resources to bear on the

problem of reducing the ongoing strain on Hinds County’s overburdened criminal-court system 8.

The Plaintiffs herein, though, cry foul and accuse the Legislature of accelerating the process of

“taking over Jackson” by whites. The Chief Justice is white. Most of his temporary appointments in

Hinds County have been white, while most of Hinds County, as a whole, is mostly African

American 9. Smelling a conspiracy in the making, Plaintiffs manifest that H.B. 1020 is but a piece of

this “takeover hijacking” by the State, which recently has seen the squabble over the control of the

Jackson Municipal Airport; access to federal transportation funds; access and control of federal funds

“New recruits to the Jackson Police Department undergo 16 weeks of intensive Basic Law Enforcement Academy
Training… and an Intensive Physical Fitness Program. This training is followed by a 12-week period of field training
and then job training and evaluation with a field training officer. Trainees are compensated with salary, benefits, and
provided a uniform during training.” The City of Jackson, Mississippi, Jackson Police Department,
https://www.jacksonms.gov/training-recruitment/ (last visited March 26, 2023).
In 2021, Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens reported 2,600 criminal cases on the Hinds County Circuit Court
docket, with another 600 cases in which the defendant had yet to appear before a judge.
Plaintiffs do not question whether individual judges, on account of their race, can be fair and just. Plaintiffs, rather,
seek to show that where the racial composition of the appointed judges does not match the racial composition of the 4
circuit judges historically elected by Hinds County citizens, the will of the electorate has been wrongfully thwarted.

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to assist with Jackson’s drinking water systems; and allocation of the sales tax revenue collected in


Plaintiffs, aggrieved by the alleged racially discriminatory purpose of H.B. 1020§1, ask this

court preliminarily and permanently to enjoin the Chief Justice from exercising the authority granted

him by H.B. 1020, thus prohibiting him from appointing any additional special judges to the Hinds

County Circuit Court. The Chief Justice, however, has raised the defense of Judicial Immunity, which

defense shields judges from civil liability for acts performed in their judicial capacities.


Vital to the independence of the judiciary and the finality of judgment is the Doctrine of

Judicial Immunity. Judges must possess requisite freedom to perform their myriad judicial duties

without fear of retaliation, intimidation, harassment or anxiety over the public consequences of an

act falling under their asserted, authorized powers. As early as 1871, the United States Supreme Court

held that “it is a general principle of the highest importance to the proper administration of justice

that a judicial officer, in exercising the authority vested in him, shall be free to act upon his own

convictions, without apprehension of personal consequences to himself. Bradley v. Fisher, 80 U.S.

335, 347(1871). Our system of justice, likewise, cannot flourish where every outcome is first a

challenge between the parties to the litigation, and, then, a personal attack upon the judge, resulting

in further protracted litigation.

The Doctrine of Judicial Immunity was created to ameliorate these concerns, with the aim

of granting judges freedom to make independent judicial decisions based on the law, without fear

of prosecution or other external factors. The Supreme Court in Pierson v. Ray stated that Judicial

Immunity applies “even when the judge is accused of acting maliciously and corruptly, and it “is

not for the protection or benefit of a malicious or corrupt judge, but for the benefit of the public,

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whose interest it is that the judges should be at liberty to exercise their functions with independence

and without fear of consequences.” The Court held:

It is a judge’s duty to decide all cases within his jurisdiction that are brought before him,
including controversial cases that arouse the most intense feelings in the litigants. His errors
may be corrected on appeal, but he should not have to fear that unsatisfied litigants may
hound him with litigation charging malice or corruption. Imposing such a burden on judges
would contribute not to principled and fearless decision making but to intimidation.

Pierson v. Ray, 386 U.S. 547, 553-54 (1967) (internal citation omitted).

Although this hoary doctrine has its detractors, in the main, it has well-served the American

system of justice, especially when its non-controversial application is readily understood by the

reasonable, intelligent court watchers.

On the other hand, the ordered embrace of Judicial Immunity in various cases has had court

watchers begging for its demise and burial, even where the ruling court, the United States Supreme

Court even, has prefaced its holding behind an in-depth discussion of the oft-cited bases for Judicial


The holding by the United States Supreme Court decision in Stump v. Sparkman, 435 U.S.

349 (1978) comes immediately to mind. The players in the Stump litigation were: a fifteen (15) year

old female; her mother; and a Circuit Court judge sitting in the State of Indiana. Fearful that her

daughter might surrender her sexually, fertile body to the lust of some male, the mother sought

judicial assistance. She petitioned the judge to sign an order requiring a medical provider to perform

a sterilization procedure on her daughter, only fifteen. In support of her Petition, the mother alleged

that her daughter was “somewhat retarded although she is attending the public schools…and has been

passed along with other children in her age level…” Id at n.1. The teen was not informed by court

papers, medical documents, nor orally by her mother, nor even the doctor the true nature of the

surgical procedure for which she was being delivered to the hospital. She was not afforded any

opportunity to ascertain the fate which awaited her. She was sterilized, at fifteen years of age,

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forevermore, because of the irreversible operation, unable henceforth to bear any children from her

body. Years later, after attainting adulthood, and after settling upon the beau with whom she desired

to unite in holy matrimony and fulfill her dream of starting a beautiful family, she learned the awful

truth. She would never welcome her flesh and blood into the world; she had been sterilized that

mysterious day when her mother had placed her in the medical custody of a doctor who subsequently

medically operated on her body under the guise of an appendectomy.

She and her husband sued the judge, the mother, the mother’s attorney, the doctors who

performed the operation, and the hospital -- the cast of characters who had so egregiously violated

her constitutional rights sounding in privacy, equality, due process, and reproductive liberty. The

district court dismissed the judge from the case before trial, finding that the judge was entitled to the

defense of Judicial Immunity. The appellate court reversed. The United States Supreme Court agreed

to review the case.

On March 28, 1978, the United States Supreme Court, in a 5-3 decision upheld the judge’s

defense of Judicial Immunity. The Stump Court held that “a judge will not be deprived of immunity

because the action he took was in error, was done maliciously, or was in excess of his authority;

rather, he will be subject to liability only when he has acted in the “clear absence of all jurisdiction.”

Id. at 356-357. The Court held that the daughter’s claims were barred by judicial immunity because

although the judge had no authority to order her sterilization, he did have authority under Indiana law

to order sterilization of other institutionalized persons; therefore, the judge did not act in “clear

absence of all jurisdiction” Id. at 357-358.

The judge’s approval of the sterilization petition, said the Court, was a “judicial act” because

even “state judges with general jurisdiction not infrequently are called upon in their official capacity

to approve petitions relating to the affair of minors,” Id. at 362, and, at the time he approved the

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petition, the judge was “acting as a county circuit court judge”. Id at 360. The judge, accordingly,

did not act in “clear absence of all jurisdiction.”. Id. at 357.

The Supreme Court opined that despite the unfairness to litigants that sometimes results, the

doctrine of Judicial Immunity is thought to be in the best interests of “the proper administration of

justice . . . [, for it allows] a judicial officer, in exercising the authority vested in him [to] be free to

act upon his own convictions, without apprehension of personal consequences to himself.” Id. at 363

(quoting Bradley v. Fisher, 80 U.S. (13 Wall.) 335, 347 (1871)).

Perhaps the Stump decision, decided back in 1978, may be viewed as outdated. The law,

however, still is good law and still provides quotable principles of Judicial Immunity, and perhaps

should be viewed as an outlier ruling focused more upon the preservation of Judicial Immunity and

the presumed dire consequences which could befall our system of justice if the Doctrine suffered a


Indeed, the Doctrine has survived, and not without further controversy in some cases.

Consider Mireles v. Waco, 502 U.S. 9 (1991). The main characters in this theater were: a California

Superior Court judge, a county public defender, and two police officers. The interactions/actions

were as follows: when a defense attorney failed to appear for a scheduled hearing, the judge, “angered

by the absence of attorneys from his courtroom,” ordered the police officer defendants “to forcibly

and with excessive force seize and bring plaintiff into his courtroom.” The officers, then allegedly

“by means of unreasonable force and violence seize[d] plaintiff and remove[d] him backwards” from

another courtroom where he was waiting to appear, cursed him, and called him “vulgar and offensive

names,” then “without necessity slammed” him through the doors and swinging gates into the Judge’s

courtroom. The judge allegedly “knowingly and deliberately approved and ratified each of the

aforedescribed acts” of the police officers. Mireles, 502 U.S. at 10. According to a news report at the

time, the judge ordered the police officers to bring him a “piece” or “body part” of the public

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defender, and “rough him up a little” to teach the attorney a lesson 10.

The Supreme Court found the judge to have absolute immunity from the plaintiff’s lawsuit

arising from the resulting “beating” because, opined the Supreme Court, the alleged misbehavior

occurred entirely within his activities as a judge presiding over a court. The Mireles holding states

that “[t]here are only two circumstances under which judicial immunity may be overcome. First, a

judge is not immune from liability for nonjudicial action, i.e., actions not taken in the judge’s judicial

capacity. Second, a judge is not immune for actions, although judicial in nature, taken in the complete

absence of all jurisdiction”. Id. at 11. The Court further held that, like other forms of official

immunity, Judicial Immunity is an immunity from suit, not just from ultimate assessment of damages.


Finally, this court looks to the case of Holloway v. Walker, 765 F.2d 517 (5th Cir. 1985). The

Complaint in that matter alleged that a state court judge had seized control of the plaintiff’s oil

company through abuse of his judicial office by: placing the oil company into receivership;

discharging many of the company’s key employees, posting in its corporate headquarters guards who

intimidated and frightened its personnel; seizing control of all of the company’s stock; and appointing

an allegedly incompetent receiver for the company. Id. at 523. The Complaint further alleged that

many of these acts were committed in open defiance of a proscriptive writ of the Texas Court of

Appeals ordering the judge to desist from interference in the affairs of the oil company. Id. This

proscriptive writ, argued the plaintiffs in Holloway, clearly deprived the judge of all jurisdictions and

thus stripped him of judicial immunity from liability for these acts. Id.

The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit disagreed. Citing Stump, the Holloway Court held

Since the case against Judge Mireles never went to trial, these facts have not been judicially determined. The
referenced Los Angeles Times news article is cited as follows: Patricia K. Lerner, A Peremptory Summons Leaves
Court in an Uproar, L.A. TIMES, Nov. 7, 1989, at B3.

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that “[a] ll of the harms.. the judge is claimed to have caused are alleged to have been perpetrated

by him through judicial acts not performed in the clear absence of all jurisdiction; accordingly [the

judge’s] immunity bars a [claim for damages] against him for these harms.” Id. at 523. The Court,

in lockstep with Stump, found that, “even though resulting from bribe or conspiracy”, the judge’s

actions were “judicial acts” to which absolute immunity applies. Id. at 517.

By mentioning the above cases, this court is neither stating, nor implying this iconic doctrine

has lost its purposeful vitality and now should be moth-balled; instead, this court’s intent here is to

demonstrate how a fact-intensive inquiry reviewed under a jurisprudence kindly slanted towards

judicial immunity could result in awkward decisions.

Over the proud era of the American judicial system, honorable and enlightened courts have

understood the placement of Judicial Immunity. Arguably, a flood of litigation would not be the only

consequence of diluting the protective shield provided by the Doctrine. If judges were to become

liable for damages suits, for example, self-interest would allegedly lead to overcautiousness, thus

impairing independent and impartial adjudication.

Importantly, in § 1983 actions, such as the case sub judice, Judicial Immunity applies to

complaints both seeking monetary damages and complaints seeking injunctive relief. The United

States Supreme Court in Pulliam v. Allen, 466 U.S. 522 (1984), held that while Judicial Immunity

prevents § 1983 lawsuits against judges for monetary damages, it does not protect judges from

lawsuits for injunctive relief nor from the award of attorney’s fees under § 1988 for bringing a

successful § 1983 action. Congress, however, effectively reversed Pulliam v. Allen by enacting the

Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-317, 110 Stat. 3847, amending § 1983 to

provide that Judicial Immunity applies to § 1983 actions for injunctive relief as well, except when

the injunction is granted because the judicial official violated a declaratory decree or declaratory

relief was not available.

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The Doctrine, however, is not a free-wheeling grant to judges to act totally without any fear

of consequences. Our jurisprudence, recognizing the imperfection and facilities of the human mind,

no matter that of a judge, must ordain a check on judicial power exercised outside its warranted

limitations. The limitations afterwards here discussed are not found in precise mathematical

differential equations; instead, the courts have resorted to certain guideposts etched in the annals of

caselaw; namely that there are four factors “for determining whether a judge’s actions were judicial

in nature”, and thus, protected by the shield of Judicial Immunity: (1) was a “normal judicial

function” involved; (2) did the relevant act occur in or adjacent to a court room; (3) did the

“controversy” involve a pending case in some manner; and (4) did the act arise “directly out of a visit

to the judge in his official capacity.” Daves v. Dallas County, Texas, 22 F. 4th 522, 539 (5th Cir.


As stated supra, a judge is not immune for acts that are nonjudicial in nature. The Court of

Appeals for the Sixth Circuit provided an example of such “nonjudicial acts” when it held that where

a judge sexually assaulted, stalked, and harassed two women working in his chambers, the judge did

not enjoy the protections of absolute immunity because those are not “judicial acts.” Archie v. Lanier,

95 F.3d 438, 441 (6th Cir. 1996).

Judicial immunity further does not apply to purely administrative acts of a judge, such as

hiring and firing employees, because these acts have been held to be “nonjudicial” in nature. See,

e.g., Forrester v. White, 484 U.S. 219, 229 (1988). According to the Fifth Circuit: [I]n determining

whether the judges had engaged in a judicial act as opposed to an administrative or other category of

action, we considered “the particular act’s relation to a general function normally performed by a

judge.” Davis, 565 F. 3d at 221-22 (internal citation omitted).

In Kemp ex rel. Kemp v. Perkins, 324 Fed. Appx. 409, 412 (5th Cir. 2009), a civil action was

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brought by a former detainee against the special judge who entered his detention order and the youth-

court judge who appointed the special judge pursuant to a statutorily-authorized “general standing

order” of appointment in cases of his recusal. Kemp, 324 Fed. Appx. at 409. The Northern District

of Mississippi granted summary judgment to both judges on grounds of Judicial Immunity and the

United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed that ruling. The Fifth Circuit discussed

the four-factor standard stated above, and determined that the subject “appointment of a special judge

for a pending case” was “clearly” a “judicial act,” and “not the type of administrative or ministerial

conduct for which judicial immunity is unavailable.” Id. at 412. According to the Fifth Circuit,

“[t]hese instances of challenged conduct are normally performed by judges, occurred in or near a

courtroom, concerned the case against [the plaintiff] pending in….youth court, and arose directly out

of visits to [the judges] in their official capacities as judge and special judge.” Kemp, 324 Fed. Appx.

at 410 n.1, 412-13.

The following also held been held to be “judicial acts” protected by Judicial Immunity: the

act of creating guidance for setting bail. Daves, 22 F. 4th at 541; The act of appointing counsel.

Pleasant v. Sinz, 2016 U.S. Dist. Lexis 119566 (E.D. Tex. August 5, 2016); appointing a temporary

guardian. Bauer v. Texas, 341 F. 3d 352, 361 (5th Cir. 2003); selecting attorneys “for inclusion on a

list of attorneys eligible for court appointments” Roth v. King, 449 F. 3d 1272, 1286-87 (D.C. Cir.

2006); and the appointment of a receiver. Dupree v. Bivona, 2009 U.S. App. Lexis 612 (2nd Cir.

2009) cert. denied, 2009 U.S. Lexis 4406 (2009).


Plaintiffs argue that the Chief Justice’s appointment of special circuit judges to serve multi-

year terms with “no limitation whatsoever” on their “powers and duties” is not a “normal judicial

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function”. The selection of judges for these positions created by H.B. 1020, §1, say Plaintiffs, is a

function normally performed by voters. The Chief Justice, contend the Plaintiffs, cannot invoke

the protections of Judicial Immunity for this “nonjudicial act”.

Plaintiffs, in support of their position, assert that the roles customarily played by the electorate

and the Governor in the selection of judges in Mississippi show that the appointment authority

granted to the Chief Justice under H.B. 1020 does not fall within the scope of a “normal judicial

function”. Rather, say Plaintiffs, it is “a task that might as well have been committed to a private

person as to one holding the office of a judge.” Davis v. Tarrant Cnty., Tex., 565 F.3d 214, 225 (5th

Cir. 2009) (quoting Ex parte Virginia, 100 U.S. 339, 348 (1879)). Plaintiffs argue that H.B. 1020

discriminates against the over 70% Black population of Hinds County by packing their Circuit Court

and depriving them of elected judges who are residents of Hinds County, and that Chief Justice

Randolph is a proper and necessary defendant to this suit because H.B. 1020 requires him to take the

actions to effectuate this allegedly discriminatory statutory scheme.

The Chief Justice, contrariwise, argues that that the appointment of judges is a “judicial

act”, as established under the Mississippi Constitution, as well as §9-1-105, a longstanding statute

passed by the Mississippi legislature.

For authority, the Chief Justice focuses on the Act itself: that he is merely a neutral party who

has been mandated by the Legislature to carry out specific appointment duties.

The Chief Justice also asserts that this court should find in his favor under the principle of

comity, as the Chancery Court of Hinds County, First Judicial District dismissed him from the

state court case Saunders v. Randolph, Civil Action No. 23-cv-00421 [Docket no. 23-1], finding

that the appointment of judges under H.B. 1020 and Miss. Code Ann. Section 9-1-105 was

“judicial acts.” The Chancellor, in that matter, held that the Plaintiffs’ suit against the Chief Justice

for declaratory and injunctive relief was barred by Judicial Immunity. The Chancellor based his

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decision on the Mississippi case of Vinson v. Prather, 897 So.2d 1053 (Miss. App. Ct. 2004),

which held that “an appointment (of a special judge) pursuant to . . . section 9-1-105 (is) a judicial


This court notes that although this court may consider the Chancellor’s ruling under the

principles of comity, it must make its own analysis on the Judicial Immunity issue under federal

law. Moreover, this court notes that no Plaintiff herein was a party to the Chancery Court case;

none of the Plaintiffs’ claims in this case, based on the Equal Protection Clause of the United States

Constitution, was raised in the Chancery Court lawsuit. The claims in that lawsuit were based

solely on the Mississippi Constitution.

The Chief Justice further contends that he is clearly not a necessary party for a determination

of H.B. 1020’s constitutionality. The Fifth Circuit notes that in a constitutional challenge to a state

law, the state official sued “must have some connection with the enforcement of the [challenged]

act.” Texas Alliance for Retired Americans v. Scott, 28 F. 4th 669, 672 (5th Cir. 2022)(quoting Ex

Parte Young, 209 U.S. 123, 157 (1908)).


H.B. 1020 requires the Chief Justice to appoint four (4) temporary special judges for the

Seven Circuit Court District.

The term of temporary judges shall expire on December 31, 2023. The Chief Justice, though,

may reappoint circuit judges who currently are serving on a temporary basis to another four years

under H.B. 1020.

Chief Justice Randolph is white.

Hinds County and the City of Jackson, Mississippi are overwhelmingly African American --

--Hinds County being more than 70%, while the City of Jackson, located in Hinds County, being

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more than 80% African American.

Hinds County currently has four (4) elected Circuit Court judges; all of them are African

American. Their terms are four (4) years.

The criminal justice system in Hinds County is in crisis. The Capitol City of Jackson has led

the nation in homicides per capita. The Hinds County District Attorney’s docket is overwhelming.

Plaintiffs herein do not address the crime problem and whether four (4) additional temporary

special circuit judges could assist in alleviating the burgeoning crime problem.

Plaintiffs focus, instead, on: the Chief Justice’s independence; the non-requirement of Hinds

County residence; the “appointment” versus the “elective” process; that the number of special judges

(4) to be appointed was not based on Hinds County population nor the number of pending Hinds

County cases. Plaintiffs also argue that H.B. 1020, in its text, does not justify the need for additional

special judges due to an overcrowded docket.

Plaintiffs, thus, focus on the effect of the appointment process.

Defendant Randolph, instead, calls the court’s attention to his appointment itself, directing

this court’s gaze at the Doctrine of Judicial Immunity.

Judicial Immunity shields judges from lawsuit, including damages and injunctions, where the

judge with jurisdiction, is performing a “judicial act”.

A “judicial act” must be determined from the facts of an inquiry: whether the targeted act is

“judicial” in nature, and whether the judge committed said act in the “absence of all jurisdiction.”

Chief Justice Randolph has jurisdiction to appoint four (4) special temporary circuit judges

by way of H.B. 1020-- a “legislative grant” of jurisdiction.

Chief Justice Randolph has made over 200 appointments of special temporary judges under


Although §9-1-105 and H.B. 1020 have differences, both allow the Chief Justice to appoint

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special temporary circuit judges. All parties herein admit this fact.

Mississippi case law, Vinson v. Prather, 879 So. 2d 1053 (Miss. Ct. App. 2004), without

dispute, holds that when the Chief Justice appoints special temporary judges, he is performing a

“judicial act”. When performing a “judicial act”, a legion of federal cases conclude that such judge

is covered by Judicial Immunity: See e.g. Kemp ex rel. Kemp v. Perkins, 324 Fed. Appx. 409, (5th

Cir. 2009); Davis v. Tarrant County, Texas, 565 F. 3d 214, 221 (5th Cir. 2009); Bauer v. Texas, (5th

Cir. 2003); Holloway v. Walker, 765 F.2d 517 (5th Cir. 1985).

Although this a §1983 lawsuit, essentially alleging race discrimination, the Doctrine of

Judicial Immunity still covers the Chief Justice and prevents this court from holding him in this


As mentioned earlier, Plaintiffs focus on the effect of the appointment process of H.B. 1020-

i.e. appointed versus elected judges; non-residential requirement to live in Hinds County; the number

of judges not based on population and number of cases; no limitation on the Chief Justice’s

appointment power; no necessity to confer with other justices; and the failure of the Act to identify

clearly its purpose. This court views the above matters as possibly bearing upon the constitutionality

of H.B. 1020, but do not occupy a dominant role under the analysis for “judicial acts” as delineated

by controlling federal law. See, e.g. Daves, supra, which lists four factors but does not required that

all four factors be satisfied.

Even so, if later, this court finds H.B. 1020 to be unconstitutional, and unenforceable, that

ruling, by necessity would nullify the Chief Justice’s power to appoint any judges under H.B. 1020.


Plaintiffs herein primarily argue H.B. 1020’s “alleged” re-awakening throwback to

Mississippi’s racist past-- whites monopolizing Mississippi’s court system:unequal appointment of

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whites to serve as judges in Mississippi courtrooms; the State’s refusal to provide African Americans

the same resources they need to extricate themselves of the present crime woes; and the effective

destruction of African American voting power.

In his papers, Defendant Chief Justice Randolph sees no need to address the above concerns.

The above matters, he says, are issues for other Defendants, because he has no business being drawn

into this lawsuit. Judicial Immunity, he proclaims, teaches that here, he is a non-combatant because

Plaintiff’s fight is not, and cannot be, with him.

As seen in the foregoing pages, this doctrine of Judicial Immunity shelters judges from

lawsuits, whether declaratory or injunctive, when the judge, within his jurisdiction, performs a

“judicial act”, or is about to perform a judicial act. Often-cited caselaw found in these pages, shows

that this Doctrine is alive and vigorous, and at times, still controversial in its broad application, even

by the United States Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

This court has applied their guiding principles and arrived at the only conclusion it could:

Chief Justice Randolph must be dismissed from this litigation, which still will continue with the

remaining parties to address the constitutionality of H.B. 1020 as a whole.

If this court determines that H.B. 1020 is unconstitutional, the appointment power that Chief

Justice Randolph would possess to appoint four (4) special temporary circuit judges would become

a nullity.

It is therefore ORDERED and ADJUDGED that Defendant Michael K. Randolph, in his

official capacity as the Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court, be dismissed from this

litigation because of Judicial Immunity.

The Motion to Dismiss [Docket no. 19], filed by the Chief Justice, hereby is GRANTED.

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It is further ORDERED that this lawsuit by the Plaintiffs against the other Defendants 11 on

whether H.B. 1020 is constitutional shall continue.

SO ORDERED this the 1st day of June, 2023.


Plaintiffs, on May 31, 2023, voluntarily dismissed Defendant Governor Tate Reeves from this lawsuit [Docket no.


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