Chapter 1 - Engineering Overview

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Chapter 1
Engineering Overview

Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology

Universiti Malaysia Pahang
28/10/2020 3
What is Engineering?
What is Engineering ?- the simplified

 is a discipline concerning…
“ the creative application of scientific knowledge
to analyse, design, construct and operate the
products and services of societal needs;
with full awareness of the environment,
sustainable development and foremost the safety,
health and welfare to human life.“
Venn diagram of the relationship of engineering to
societal need, scientific knowledge, analysis and creativity
A more formal definition…..

“Engineering is the profession in which a

knowledge of the mathematical and natural
sciences gained by study, experience, and
practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways
to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of
nature for the benefit of mankind.”
The Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET)


Benefit of mankind
+ Judgement +
Natural Sci Economic
Who is an engineer?

“An engineer shall mean a person who, by reason of his

special knowledge and use of mathematical, physical, and
engineering sciences and the principles and methods of
engineering analysis and design, acquired by education
and experience, is qualified to practice engineering.”
National Council of Engineering Examiners

thus… an engineer turns ideas into reality through

invention and innovation
Engineers are not ....

Scientists, who
 aims to discover new knowledge, whether useful or
not. The engineer strives to put knowledge, old or
new, to work efficiently for the needs of mankind.
 primarily uses mathematical and physical sciences to
acquire new knowledge, whereas the engineer applies
the knowledge to design and develop usable devices,
structures, and processes. In other words, the scientist
seeks to know, the engineer aims to do.
 Scientists and engineers are dependent on one
another. Their functions, such as research, frequently
overlap. The engineer often conducts research, but
with a definite purpose in mind.

Societal Scientific
need knowledge
Engineers are not ....

Technicians, who are

 responsible for performing the work while

engineers are responsible for determining what
work is to be performed. Technicians and
engineers are also dependent on one
another…..their technical tasks are to assist
Depth of Knowledge Required

Complex Problems Broadly Defined Problems Well defined Problems

(Engineer) (Engineering Technologist) (Engineering Technician)

Can be solved
Requires in-depth
Requires using limited
knowledge that
knowledge of theoretical
allows a
principles and knowledge, but
applied procedures normally requires
first principles
or methodologies extensive practical
analytical approach
Chemical Engineer vs Chemical Engineering
Technologist vs Technician
Chemical Technician/
Engineering Assistance to
Technologist the Engineers

Developing a new
Monitor the
drug for XX Working on the
Pharmaceuticals instruments

Program the Setting up

Patent the new drug
machines experiments

Maintain the
Put the new drug into manufacturing
Collecting data
mass production systems are working

Working with other

engineers to develop Replace the
an automatic system chemicals needed to
to manufacture the manufacture the drug
The engineering process

IDEA ….. while interacting with people & environment

Mathematics & Sciences

• study
• experience
creativity / judgement / common sense
• practice


Important attributes/skills of an engineer
1. Analytical skills
2. Practical ingenuity
3. Creativity
4. Communication & teamwork skills
5. Business & management skills
6. High ethical standards
7. Professionalism
8. Leadership, including bridging public policy and technology
9. Dynamism/agility/resilience/flexibility
10. Lifelong learners

( adopted from “The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century”)
Job functions of an engineer

 Research
 Development
 Design
 Production and Testing
 Construction
 Operations
 Sales
 Management
 Consulting
 Teaching & Training
 Banking and Finance
Engineering education
 Diploma  technician
 BSc  professional practice
 BSc  MSc  professional practice
 academic career / researcher
 BSc  MSc  PhD  professional practice

academic career/

– Academic career / professional practice can be

Studying engineering
- rewards & opportunities -
 Job Satisfaction
 Variety of Career Opportunities
 Challenging Work
 Intellectual Development
 Potential to Benefit Society
 Financial Security
 Prestige
 Professional Environment
 Technological and Scientific Discovery
 Creative Thinking

Source : Studying Engineering (Discovery Press, 1995)

Further info : Employment survey of engineers 2002
(extracted from IEM publication)
Future challenges of engineering

 Global warming
 Sustainable development
 Environment
 Infrastructure
 Human health and welfare
 Education and training
 Globalization of economy
 Engineering ethics

 Engineers are classified into various fields of

specializations or disciplines based on the type
of problems they solve.
 Basic engineering fields
– Civil engineering
– Mechanical engineering
– Electrical engineering
– Chemical engineering
 Other specializations???

 Electrical Engineering
➔ Power generation, transmission & distribution
➔ Electronics
➔ Communication
➔ Instrument & measurement
➔ Automatic control
➔ Computer

 Mechanical Engineering
➔ Transportation
➔ Machines for industry
➔ Marine
 Civil Engineering
➔ Structure
➔ Construction
➔ Transportation
➔ Geo-technical
➔ Water Resources
➔ Environment

 Chemical Engineering
➔ Chemical Reaction /catalysis
➔ Heat Transfer
➔ Mass Transfer
➔ Process Control
➔ Process Economics
➔ Separation n Purification
Areas of further specialization

Petroleum Engineering
Mechatronic engineering
Materials engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Architectural engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Ceramic Engineering
Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Mining and Geological Engineering
Nuclear Engineering ...
What Is Chemical Engineering?
 The American Institute of Chemical Engineers
(AIChE) defines the profession as:

“The profession in which a knowledge of the

mathematics, chemistry and natural sciences
gained by study, experience and practice is
applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize
economically, the materials and energy for the
benefit of mankind”

(adopted from

What Is Chemical Engineering?
 In general, it is an engineering discipline
with deep roots in the world of atoms,
molecules, and molecular

 The focus of chemical engineering has

always been industrial processes that
change the physical state or chemical
composition of materials.
 Chemical Engineering:
1. Engineering that directly dealing with and involving chemicals.
2. Industrialized or mechanized application of producing something
from or using chemical
3. changing raw materials into useful products you use everyday in
a safe and cost effective way.

 Chemical Engineer:
1. Person who is doing and practising chemical engineering in any
2. Help manage resources, protect the environment and control
health and safety procedures, while developing the processes
that make the products we desire or depend on

(adopted from

 Chemical engineering was the first engineering profession to
recognize the integral relationship between design and
manufacture, and this recognition has been one of the major
reasons for its success.

Mass production
Career Prospect:
What Do Chemical Engineers Do?
 Process design engineer (design, construction of
 Production engineer (operate and optimise plants)
 Environmental engineer (recover useable materials,
reduce waste, pollution control)
 Lecturer (lectures students in the field)
 Research and development engineer (seeks new
and more efficient ways of using and producing
 Sales and marketing engineer (solving production
and process problems, sell chemicals, equipment)
 Project engineer (oversees design and construction
of facilities)
(adopted from
Where do Chemical Engineers Work?
Chemical engineers can work in a wide variety of industries:
 Paper and pulp
 Plastics
 Cleaning agents
 Toiletries
 Perfume
 Medical
 Mines (gold, platinum, coal)
 Food (eg chocolates)
 Petrochemicals (petrol, diesel)
 Pharmaceuticals
 Ceramics and glass
 Research and development
 Banking Law (patent law, technology transfers)

(adopted from



“The engineers have the potential to become
a mastermind from which they are being
a pure technology-oriented source of
expertise to that of a more rounded person
able to confront both technological and
social systems issues”

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