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Review 1 - Language

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Class Date of teaching Attendence
7A ..../09/2022
7B ..../09/2022
7C ..../09/2022
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this review, Ss will have revised the language they
have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 1 -3.
1. Knowledge: - To revise the language and skills they have learnt in Unit 1-2-3; To
revise the words related to hobbies and verbs of liking and disliking; healthy activities
and health problems; and words related to community activities; Revise the present
simple tense, past simple to talk about past activities; Revise how to ask for and give
health tips; how to give compliments.
+ Vocabulary: Ss revise the words related to hobbies and verbs of liking and
disliking; healthy activities and health problems; and words related to community
+ Grammar : Revise the present simple tense, past simple to talk about past activities;
Revise how to ask for and give health tips; how to give compliments.
+ Pronuncation: the sounds /ə/, /ɜ:/, /f/, /v/, /t/, /d/, /ɪd/ correctly in isolation and in
2. Competence:
a) General competencies:
Develop communication skills and cultural awareness’ Be collaborative and
supportive in pair work and teamwork; Actively join in class activities.
b) Specific competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Ability of using Present Simple Tense, some popular verbs of liking.
- Raise students’ awareness of the need to keep their neighbourhood green.
3. Qualities: - Raise students’ awareness of the need to keep their neighbourhood
green; Have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pair work;
cooperative learning. Develop self-study skills.
Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, TV, pictures and realia, Computer connected
to the Internet. Sach mem.vn
Students: Text books, pencils, pics, blank papers, realia,….
In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Task delivering
** Task performance
*** Report and discussion
**** Judgement
Activity 1. WARM UP (5’-IW, GW)
Aim: Introduction
- By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 1 – 3.
- Ss revise what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills.
- Summarise their answers in notes and write them in a top corner of the board. Briefly
revise some important / difficult ones before starting the review.
* Content: Having some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere
to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Product:Having a chance to speak English; Revision.
* Implementation: Teacher’s instructions…...
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Revision on the old lessons
* Teacher shows 3 sets of pictures (taken
from Project lessons of Unit 1-2-3) and asks
students to find a keyword for each set of
pictures. Set 1: HOBBIES
** Students raise hands to answer.
*** Teacher and students discuss the
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class.

(bad habits, good habits, healthy habits)


* Pronunciation
* Aim: To help Ss review the pronunciation of the sounds learnt in Units 1 - 3.
* Content: Review the pronunciation of the sounds. Choose the words …
* Product: Pronouncing the sounds correctly.
* Implementation: Teacher’s instructions…..
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
1. Choose the word whose underlined part 1. Choose the word whose underlined
is pronounced differently part is pronounced differently (Ex 1, P
* Teacher writes the sounds /ə/ and /ɜː/; 38)
/t/, /d/ and /ɪd/; /f/ and /v/ on the board. * Key: 1. A 2.C 3. B 4. A 5. B
- Teacher writes one word containing the
sound below each of them.
- Teacher asks students to read the words
** Students do the task by reading aloud
each group and circling the odd one out.
*** Teacher can invite some pairs of
students to read aloud.
**** Teacher check students’ pronunciation
ad give feedback.
Activity 3. PRACTICE (15’-IW, PW, GW)
* Aim: To help Ss revise the phrases showing activities and identify if they benefit
oneself or the community; To help students revise more words from Units 1 - 3 and use
them in context; To help Ss revise the use of the present and past simple.
* Content: Review the pronunciation, the vocab. Put the phrases in the correct column;
Complete the sentences; Review the grammar points. Do the filling
* Product:Remember the words . Put the phrases in the correct column correctly; Do the
filling correctly; Ss will be able to revsie more words and do exercises correctly.
* Implementation:
2. Put the phrases below in the correct 2. Put the phrases below in the correct
columns. columns. (Ex 2, P 38)
* Teacher tells students to read the phrases
carefully and make sure they remember their
** Students do this exercise individually by
categorising the activities as they do them
for their own sake or for the benefit of the
*** Teacher allows students to share their
answers before discussing as a class and
encourages them to pronounce the words /
phrases correctly.
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class
and gives feedback.
3. Complete the sentences with the words 3. Complete the sentences with the
and phrases below. words and phrases below. (Ex 3, P 38)
* Teacher asks students to work individually 1. coloured vegetables
to complete the sentences with the given 2. mountainous areas
words and phrases. 3. hobby 4. chapped lips
** Students work individually to complete
5. community 6. taking photo
the task.
*** Teacher allows students to share
answers before discussing as a class.
****Teacher asks students to say the
sentences aloud and makes sure they
pronounce the words and phrases correctly.
Teacher can ask for translation to check their
4. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct
of the verbs in brackets. (Ex 4, P 38) tense of the verbs in brackets.
* Teacher asks students to work
independently to fill in the blanks with the
correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
** Students read the sentences first and
underline the clues that help them decide if
the verbs are used in the present or past
simple tense. 1. reads 2. Do... do
*** Teacher reminds students to use the 3. need 4. could not
correct forms of the verbs (positive/ negative 5. did not / didn't volunteer 6. joined
statements, or questions) as requested in
each sentence then allows them to share
answers before discussing as a class.
**** Teacher can ask students to read aloud
the full sentences and correct their
pronunciation if necessary.
Activity 4. APPLICATION (10’-IW, PW, GW) Grammar
* Aim: To help Ss practise the present simple and past simple of verbs; To consolidate
what students have learnt in the lesson.; To prepare vocabulary for the next lesson.
* Content: Review grammar elements taught in Units 1-3. Turn the sentences into
negative. Home assignment.
* Product: Remember how to form and use them. Do exercises correctly; take home
* Implementation:
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
5. Look at the picture of a classroom. 5. Look at the picture of a classroom.
Choose the best answers A, B, C. Choose the best answers A, B, C.
* Teacher asks students to read the sentences 1. She didn't like exercising.
first and underline the verb in each sentence, 2. My family doesn't always spend time doing
then look at each verb and note if it is used housework together on Sundays.
in the present simple or past simple tense. 3.I didn't use a lot of suncream during my
** Students do the task individually. holiday.
*** Teacher reminds students to pay 4. Did your community organise a fair to raise
attention to the request of each sentence money for the homeless last week?
(change it into a negative statement or a 5. Does Tim make beautiful pieces of art from
question) then allows them to share answers dry leaves and sticks?
before discussing as a class.
**** Teacher can ask students to read aloud
the full sentences and correct their
pronunciation if necessary.
* Home assignment * Home assignment
- T assigns the homework. - Read again the conversation
- Ss copy their homework. - Do more exercises in workbook.
- T explains it carefully - Prepare for Review 1 – Skills.
With 7A ……………………………………………………………………………..…
With 7B …………………………...……………………………………..……………
With 7C ………………………………………………………………………….……

Activity 5. WRAP-UP & HOME WORK (2’)

* Aim: To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.; To prepare vocabulary for
the next lesson.
* Content: Home assignment.
* Product: Take home assignment.
* Implementation:
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important grammar points.
+ Words / phrases . Vocabulary; The grammar points.
- Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.

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