Review 1 - Language
Review 1 - Language
Review 1 - Language
Class Date of teaching Attendence
7A ..../09/2022
7B ..../09/2022
7C ..../09/2022
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this review, Ss will have revised the language they
have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 1 -3.
1. Knowledge: - To revise the language and skills they have learnt in Unit 1-2-3; To
revise the words related to hobbies and verbs of liking and disliking; healthy activities
and health problems; and words related to community activities; Revise the present
simple tense, past simple to talk about past activities; Revise how to ask for and give
health tips; how to give compliments.
+ Vocabulary: Ss revise the words related to hobbies and verbs of liking and
disliking; healthy activities and health problems; and words related to community
+ Grammar : Revise the present simple tense, past simple to talk about past activities;
Revise how to ask for and give health tips; how to give compliments.
+ Pronuncation: the sounds /ə/, /ɜ:/, /f/, /v/, /t/, /d/, /ɪd/ correctly in isolation and in
2. Competence:
a) General competencies:
Develop communication skills and cultural awareness’ Be collaborative and
supportive in pair work and teamwork; Actively join in class activities.
b) Specific competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Ability of using Present Simple Tense, some popular verbs of liking.
- Raise students’ awareness of the need to keep their neighbourhood green.
3. Qualities: - Raise students’ awareness of the need to keep their neighbourhood
green; Have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pair work;
cooperative learning. Develop self-study skills.
Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, TV, pictures and realia, Computer connected
to the Internet. Sach
Students: Text books, pencils, pics, blank papers, realia,….
In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Task delivering
** Task performance
*** Report and discussion
**** Judgement
Activity 1. WARM UP (5’-IW, GW)
Aim: Introduction
- By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and
the skills they have practised in Units 1 – 3.
- Ss revise what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills.
- Summarise their answers in notes and write them in a top corner of the board. Briefly
revise some important / difficult ones before starting the review.
* Content: Having some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere
to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
* Product:Having a chance to speak English; Revision.
* Implementation: Teacher’s instructions…...
Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content
+ Revision on the old lessons
* Teacher shows 3 sets of pictures (taken
from Project lessons of Unit 1-2-3) and asks
students to find a keyword for each set of
pictures. Set 1: HOBBIES
** Students raise hands to answer.
*** Teacher and students discuss the
**** Teacher checks the answers as a class.
(bad habits, good habits, healthy habits)