128 - Proforma Invoice - Hernan Gibran Ramadhan (PT Herza Digital Indonesia Sewa Ruangan) 1 Juni 2023
128 - Proforma Invoice - Hernan Gibran Ramadhan (PT Herza Digital Indonesia Sewa Ruangan) 1 Juni 2023
128 - Proforma Invoice - Hernan Gibran Ramadhan (PT Herza Digital Indonesia Sewa Ruangan) 1 Juni 2023
Date : 01/06/2023
Due date : 07/06/2023
Notes :
1. Transfer to
Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) A.n PT. Binawan Inti Teknologi 2022040308
2. Payment due is 7 Days upon Invoicing with monthly basis
3. Please fill in payment or transfer description, with "Invoice Number". To make easy payment
confirmation process. Example: Invoice < NUMBER >
4. if there is evidence of withholding related to taxes, please inform / attach proof of deduction.
Tommie Haryanto
Director Operational