MyPerspectives Unit Planning Guide - Grade - 7

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Grade 7 Unit Planning Guide

Prepared by Savvas Learning Company, formerly Pearson K12 Learning

myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What can one generation learn from
• ELD Companion is an additional resource.
NOTES: ASSESSMENTS • Don’t forget Accessible Leveled Texts are
in the Unit Resources.
SMALL-GROUP LEARNING • myPerspectives Plus also provides more
support and differentiation beyond what

Unit 1 Overview

In this unit, students will read many examples about how people of different generations interact and learn from one another.

Unit Goals

Students will be able to:

• Read and analyze how authors express point of view in nonfiction narrative.
• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write a nonfiction narrative in which you develop experiences or events using effective technique.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Develop your voice, or style of writing, with word choice and sentence structure to convey meaning and add variety and interest to writing and
• Collaborate with team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communication.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.
Selections & Media

Launch Text
• Grounded (640L)

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Whole-Class Learning
• Novel Excerpt: Two Kinds, from the Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan (870L)
• News Blog: A Simple Act, Tyler Jackson (930L)
• Memoir: from An Invisible Thread: Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski (890L)

Small-Group Learning
• News Article: Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Teach Tricks, Jennifer Luden (1020L)
• Memoir: from Mom & Me & Mom, Mayo Angelou (610L)
• Media, Video: Learning to Love My Mother, Maya Angelou with Michael Maher
• Media, Image Gallery: Mother-Daughter Drawings, Mica and Myla Hendricks
• Poetry Collection 1: Mother to Son, Langston Hughes, (NP)
• Poetry Collection 1: To James, Frank Home, (NP)

Independent Learning
• Poetry Collection 2: Lineage, Margaret Walker (NP)
• Poetry Collection 2: Family, Grace Paley (NP)
• Opinion Piece: “Gotcha Day” Isn’t a Cause for Celebration, Sophie Johnson (1090L)
• Short Story: The Grandfather and His Little Grandson, Leo Tolstoy (870L)
• Blog Post: Bridging the Generational Divide Between a Football Father and a Soccer Son, John McCormick (1120L)
• Short Story: Water Names, Lan Samantha Chang (900L)
• Short Story: An Hour With Abuelo, Judith Ortiz Cofer (840L)

Performance-Based Assessment Unit Reflection

Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Nonfiction Narrative Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and
how one generation can learn from another.
Students will write a nonfiction narrative answering:

In what situations can one generation learn from another?

Part 2 – Speaking & Listening: Multimedia Presentation

Students use their nonfiction narrative as a foundation for a


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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
Whole-Class Learning Anchor Text Anchor Text
Two Kinds from The Joy Luck Two Kinds from The Joy Luck
Club Club
Amy Tan Amy Tan

SE pp 2-5 SE pp 5-9 SE pp 10-11 SE pp 12-25 SE pp 26-27

Unit Goals Launch Text Essential Question MAKING MEANING MAKING MEANING
Students will deepen their Students will read What can one generation
perspective about different “Grounded.” They will then learn from another? Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text
generations by reading, be able to participate in lamented, indignity, reproach, Students will review the Close
writing, speaking, listening, discussions about Whole-Class Learning discordant, squabbling, Read Model and complete the
and presenting. generations. Strategies devastated close read sections in the
• Listen actively selection.
Unit Goals Video Word Network First Read
• Clarify by asking Close Read the Text
Students add new words to questions Students Notice, Annotate,
Academic Vocabulary their Word Network as they Connect, Respond as they
dialogue, consequence, • Monitor understanding Analyze the Text
read texts in the unit. read the selection the first
perspective, notable, • Interact and share ideas time. Students will respond to
contradict Word Network questions about the text,
Whole-Class Learning citing textual evidence.
Summary Strategies First-Read Guide: Fiction
Home Connection Letter Students write a summary of Analyze Craft & Structure
the Launch Text. Table of Contents Preview Read the Selection Character and Point of View
Spanish Home Preview the selections in the
Connection Letter Students will analyze
Launch Activity unit and discuss how they Selection Audio character traits, motives and
Unit 1 Answer Key Students participate in an relate to the EQ and unit point of view.
topic. Two Kinds: Accessible
activity related to the unit Leveled Text
STANDARDS theme. Analyze Craft and
L.7.6 Structure: Character and
Comprehension Check Point of View
QuickWrite Students complete
Students write a response to comprehension questions. Analyze Craft and
the QuickWrite prompt: What Structure: Character and
are the most effective tools Two Kinds: First Read Point of View (RP)
for establishing and Extension Questions
preserving freedom? STANDARDS
Research to Clarify RL.7.1; RL.7.6
Evidence Log Students research one
Students add notes and unfamiliar detail from the text.
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance- Research to Explore
Based Assessment. Students conduct research on
an aspect of the text they find
Evidence Log interesting.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Performance-Based RL.7.10
Assessment: Refining Your
myPerspectives ELL Support
Audio Summary Audio Summary Analyze Craft and
Structure: Character and
Personalize for Learning Two Kinds: Accessible Point of View (RP)
English Language Support: Leveled Text (TE p 27)
(TE p 5) Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support:
Idioms Character Motivation
(TE p 22) (TE p 27)

English Language
Support Lesson: Motives (On
iLit ELL Level B
Classroom Conversation Summarizing Active Listening Routine iLit Library (text by Amy iLit Library (text by Amy
(examples) Unit 6 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 1 Lesson 4: Work Time Tan) Tan)
Unit 2 Lesson 12: Group Fish Cheeks Fish Cheeks
Collaborative Discussion Unit 6 Lesson 22: Work Time Classroom Conversation
Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group (examples) Understand Idioms Compare and Contrast Two
Discussion Unit 2 Lesson 12: Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole Characters
Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group Collaborative Discussion Group Unit 2 Lesson 15–16: Work
Discussion Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group Unit 4 Lessons 7–8: Read Time
Discussion Aloud, Think Aloud & Work
Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group Time Analyze Characters
Discussion Unit 3 Lessons 3-4: Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10

Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text
Two Kinds from The Joy Luck Two Kinds from The Joy Luck A Simple Act A Simple Act A Simple Act
Club Club Tyler Jackson Tyler Jackson Tyler Jackson
Amy Tan Amy Tan

SE pp 28-29 SE pp 30-31 SE pp 32-37 SE pp 38-39 SE p 40

Writing to Sources: Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text
Concept Vocabulary Retelling a Scene connects, encouraged, Students will review the Close Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities Students will rewrite a scene influence, bond Read Model and complete the Students complete activities
related to the Concept from the story. close read sections in the related to the Concept
Vocabulary words: First Read selection. Vocabulary words:
lamented, indignity, reproach, Writing to Sources: Students Notice, Annotate, connects, encouraged,
discordant, squabbling, Retelling a Scene Connect, Respond as they Close Read the Text influence, bond
devastated Writing to Sources: read the selection the first
time. Analyze the Text Word Study: Multiple-
Retelling a Scene (RP) Students will respond to
Word Study: Latin Prefix: Meaning Words
in- questions about the text,
Speaking and Listening: First-Read Guide: citing textual evidence. Concept Vocabulary and
Concept Vocabulary and Monologue Nonfiction Word Study
Word Study Students develop a dramatic Analyze Craft & Structure
monologue from a selection Read the Selection Author’s Point of View Word Study: Multiple-
Word Study: Latin Prefix: of passages. Students will analyze the Meaning Words (RP)
in- (RP) Selection Audio author’s use of weighted
Speaking and Listening: Word Network
Monologue A Simple Act: Accessible words and phrases.
Word Network Students add new words to
Students add new words to Leveled Text Analyze Craft and their Word Network as they
Speaking and Listening:
their Word Network as they Monologue (RP) Structure: Point of View read texts in the unit.
read texts in the unit. Comprehension Check
Students complete Analyze Craft and STANDARDS
Evidence Log comprehension questions. Structure: Point of View (RP)
Conventions: Students add notes and L.7.4
Nouns and Pronouns evidence that will be used to A Simple Act: First Read
Students mark instances of STANDARDS
inform the Performance- Extension Questions RL.7.1; RL.7.6
common, proper, and Based Assessment.
possessive nouns Research to Clarify
Conventions: SELECTION TEST Students research one
Nouns and Pronouns unfamiliar detail from the text.
Selection Test: Two
Conventions: Kinds Research to Explore
Nouns and Pronouns Students explore an aspect of
(RP) the text they find interesting.
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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7


L.7.2; L.7.4.b W.7.3; W.7.3.a; W.7.3.b; RI.7.10
myPerspectives ELL Support

Word Study: Latin Prefix: Writings to Sources: Audio Summary Analyze Craft and Word Study: Multiple-
in- (RP) Retelling a Scene (RP) Structure: Author’s Point of Meaning Words (RP)
(TE p 28) (TE p 30) A Simple Act: Accessible View (RP) (TE p 40)
Leveled Text (TE p 39)
Conventions: Speaking and Listening:
Nouns and Pronouns Monologue (RP) Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
(RP) (TE p 31) English Language Support: English Language Support:
(TE p 29) Using Concept Vocabulary Express Attitudes and/or
Personalize for Learning (TE p 32) Opinions
English Language Support: (TE p 38)
Point of View
(TE p 30)
iLit ELL Level B
Use Prefixes and Suffixes Write a Narrative Connecting Ideas Compare Point of View Multiple Meanings
Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work Unit 4 Lesson 13: Read Unit 6 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 38: Vocabulary
Group; Work Time Time Aloud, Think Aloud Group; Work Time Unit 4 Lesson 9: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Lesson 16: Work Time Unit 1 Lesson 1-5: Extra Unit 4 Lesson 14: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Practice Research a Topic Unit 6 Lesson 43: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole
Nouns and Pronouns Deliver a Speech Group
Unit 4 Lesson 41: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole
Group Group
Unit 4 Lesson 43: Work Time

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

Anchor Text from An Invisible Thread from An Invisible Thread from An Invisible Thread from An Invisible Thread
A Simple Act Laura Schroff and Alex Laura Schroff and Alex Laura Schroff and Alex Laura Schroff and Alex
Tyler Jackson Tresniowski Tresniowski Tresniowski Tresniowski

SE p 41 SE pp 42-45 SE pp 46-47 SE pp 48-49 SE pp 50-51

Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text Writing to Compare
Conventions: Adverbs resilience, perseverance, Students will review the Close Concept Vocabulary Students write an explanatory
Students identify adverbs in generosity Read Model and complete the Students complete activities essay analyzing way the two
sentences. close read sections in the related to the Concept authors present information
First Read selection. Vocabulary words: about the same topic.
Conventions: Adverbs Students Notice, Annotate, resilience, perseverance,
Connect, Respond as they Close Read the Text generosity Writing to Compare:
Conventions: Adverbs Explanatory Essay
(RP) read the selection the first
time. Analyze the Text Word Study: Latin Suffix:
Students will respond to -ity Evidence Log
SELECTION TEST First-Read Guide: questions about the text, Students add notes and
Students complete activities
Selection Test: A Nonfiction citing textual evidence. relating to the Latin Suffix -ity. evidence that will be used to
Simple Act inform the Performance-
Read the Selection Analyze Craft and Concept Vocabulary and Based Assessment.
STANDARDS Structure: Narrative Point Word Study
Selection Audio of View
L.7.1 Word Study Latin Suffix: Selection Test: An
from An Invisible Thread: Students complete activities
finding examples of first- -ity (RP) Invisible Thread
Accessible Leveled Text
person point of view.
Word Network STANDARDS
Comprehension Check Analyze Craft and Students add new words to RI.7.9; W.7.2.b; W.7.2.c;
Students complete Structure: Narrative Point of their Word Network as they W.7.9; L.7.2.b
comprehension questions. View read texts in the unit.
Analyze Craft and Conventions: Adjectives
from An Invisible Thread: Structure: Narrative Point of
First Read Extension Students identify coordinate
View (RP) and cumulative adjectives.
STANDARDS Conventions: Adjectives
Research to Clarify RI.7.6
Students research one Conventions: Adjectives
unfamiliar detail from the text. (RP)

Research to Explore STANDARDS

L.7.2.a; L.7.4.b; L.7.5.b
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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Students explore an aspect of

the text they find interesting.

myPerspectives ELL Support

Conventions: Adverbs Audio Summary Analyze Craft and Word Study Latin Suffix:
(RP) Structure: Narrative Point of -ity (RP)
(TE p 41) from An Invisible Thread: View (RP) (TE p 48)
Accessible Leveled Text (TE p 46)
Personalize for Learning Conventions: Adjectives
English Language Support: Personalize for Learning (RP)
Adverbs English Language Support: (TE p 49)
(TE p 41) Idioms
(TE p 43) Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
English Language Adjective Placement
Support Lesson: Conventions (TE p 49)
(On Realize)
iLit ELL Level B
Use Adverbs to Add Details Ask Questions Compare Point of View Adjectives Write an Explanatory
Unit 6 Lesson 9: Read Aloud, Unit 2 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 6 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 6 Lesson 19: Read Paragraph
Think Aloud Group Group; Work Time Aloud, Think Aloud Unit 6 Lesson 26: Whole
Unit 2 Lesson 3: Read Aloud, Group
Assignments: Grammar Think Aloud Assignments: Grammar Unit 6 Lessons 28, 32-39:
Unit 5 Lessons 1–5: Grammar Unit 2 Lesson 4: Read Aloud, Unit 5 Lessons 1–5: Grammar Work Time
Study Plan: Part 3: Skill 18: Think Aloud; Work Time Study Plan: Part 1: Skill 16:
Adverbs Adjectives

Assignments - Spelling
Unit 5 Lessons 6–10: Part 3:
Skill 23: Suffixes

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20
WRITING FOCUS WRITING FOCUS WRITING FOCUS Small-Group Learning Tutors Teach Seniors New
Write a Nonfiction Narrative Write a Nonfiction Narrative Write a Nonfiction Narrative High-Tech Tricks
Jennifer Ludden

SE pp 52-54 SE p 55 SE pp 56-57 SE pp 58-61 SE pp 62-66

DEVELOPMENT What can one generation
Write a Nonfiction Narrative Revising learn from another? Concept Vocabulary
Students write a narrative Develop Technique: Students evaluate and revise struggling; impairments;
answering the question: Finding Your Voice draft utilizing peer reviews. Small-Group Learning frustrated
What unexpected event Students think of ways they Strategies
shows how a person can can develop their voice in Editing and Proofreading • Prepare First Read
influence someone from a their writing. Students edit for conventions • Participate Fully Students Notice, Annotate,
different generation? and proofread for accuracies. Connect, Respond as they
• Support Others
STANDARDS read the selection the first
PreWriting/Planning W.7.3.d Publishing and Presenting • Clarify time.
Students focus their topic, Students create a final Small-Group Learning
develop characters and version of their essay and First-Read Guide:
Strategies Nonfiction
gather details. share in small groups.
Table of Contents Preview Read the Selection
Drafting Reflecting Preview the selections in the
Students organize and write a Students reflect on their unit and discuss how they Selection Audio
first draft. narrative essays. relate to the EQ and unit
topic. Tutors Teach Seniors
W.7.3.a-e; W.7.10 W.7.3.a; W.7.3.d; W.7.3.e; Working as a Team Accessible Leveled Text
W.7.4; W.7.5 • Take a position
Comprehension Check
• List your rules
Students complete
• Apply the rules
comprehension questions.
• Name your group
• Create a communication
plan Tutors Teach Seniors
New High-Tech Tricks: First
Making a Schedule Read Extension Questions
Students make a schedule
with group for completing Research to Clarify
tasks. Students research one
unfamiliar detail from the text.
Working on Group Projects
Students choose specific
roles for each member.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Close Read the Text

Students will review the Close
Read Model and complete the
close read sections in the
Close Read the Text

Analyze the Text

Students will respond to
questions about the text,
citing textual evidence.
Analyze the Text

RI.7.10; L.7.4.a

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support: Audio Summary
Characters Subject-Verb Agreement Tutors Teach Seniors
(TE p 53) (TE p 57) New High-Tech Tricks:
Accessible Leveled Text

iLit ELL Level B

Write a Narrative Write a Narrative Write a Narrative Text: "An Amazing Act of iLit Library
Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work Friendship" Friend Me
Time Time Time Unit 6 Lesson 34: Read Smile and Say ‘No” to
Unit 2 Lesson 6: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 6: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 6: Whole Aloud, Think Aloud Photoshop
Group Group Group Addicted to Facebook
Unit 2 Lessons 8-9, 27-29, Unit 2 Lessons 8-9, 27-29, Unit 2 Lessons 8-9, 27-29, Partner Discussion
32-38, 41: Work Time 32-38, 41: Work Time 32-38, 41: Work Time Unit 5 Lesson 7: Classroom
Subject-Verb Agreement Unit 6 Lesson 7: Classroom
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Work Time Conversation
Unit 3 Lesson 8: Work Time

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25
Tutors Teach Seniors New from Mom & Me & Mom from Mom & Me & Mom Letter to Love My Mother Letter to Love My Mother
High-Tech Tricks Maya Angelou Maya Angelou Maya Angelou with Michael Maya Angelou with Michael
Jennifer Ludden Maher Maher

SE pp 66-69 SE pp 70-76 SE pp 77-79 SE pp 80-83 SE pp 84-85

Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text Media Vocabulary Writing to Compare:
Concept Vocabulary supervision, charitable, Students will review the Close set, questions, tone Comparison-and-Contrast
Students complete activities philanthropist Read Model and complete the Essay
related to the Concept close read sections in the First Review Students write a comparison
Vocabulary words: First Read selection. Students Watch, Note, –and-contrast essay
struggling; impairments; Students Notice, Annotate, Connect, Respond as they analyzing the similarities and
frustrated Connect, Respond as they Close Read the Text read the selection the first differences in the way each
read the selection the first time. medium portrays Maya
Word Study: Suffix: -ment time. Analyze the Text Angelou and her relationship
Students will respond to with her mother.
Concept Vocabulary and First-Read Guide: questions about the text, First-Review Guide:
Word Study Nonfiction citing textual evidence. Media-Video Writing to Compare:
Word Study: Suffix: Read the Selection Analyze the Text Read the Selection Essay
-ment (RP)
Selection Audio LANGUAGE Selection Audio Evidence Log
Word Network DEVELOPMENT Students add notes and
Students add new words to from Mom & Me & Mom: Letter to Love My Mother:
Accessible Leveled Text Accessible Text evidence that will be used to
their Word Network as they Concept Vocabulary inform the Performance-
read texts in the unit. Students complete activities Based Assessment.
Comprehension Check related to the Concept Comprehension Check
Analyze Craft & Structure Students complete Vocabulary words: Students complete
comprehension questions. comprehension questions. STANDARDS
Development of Central supervision, charitable, RI.7.7; W.7.2.a-c; W.7.5;
Ideas philanthropist Extension Questions
W.7.9; W.7.9.b
Students will analyze the from Mom & Me & Mom:
development of central ideas Word Study: Latin Prefix: Close Review
First Read Extension Students will revisit the
in the article. Questions super-
interview and record any new
Analyze Craft and Concept Vocabulary and observations.
Structure: Development of STANDARDS Word Study
Central Ideas RI.7.10; L.7.4 Close-Review
Word Study: Latin Prefix:
Analyze Craft and super- (RP) Analyze the Media
Structure: Development of Students will respond to
Central Ideas (RP) Word Network questions about the interview.
Analyze the Media

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Conventions: Conjunctions Students add new words to LANGUAGE

Students identify conjunctions their Word Network as they DEVELOPMENT
in sentences. read texts in the unit.
Media Vocabulary
Conventions: Analyze Craft & Structure Students complete activities
Conjunctions Narrative Nonfiction: related to the Media
Conventions: Characterization Vocabulary words:
Conjunctions (RP) Students will analyze indirect set, questions, tone
characterization in the
reading. Media Vocabulary
Analyze Craft and STANDARDS
Speaking and Listening: Structure: Narrative RI.7.10; SL.7.2; L.7.1; L.7.4;
Multimedia Presentation Nonfiction: Characterization L.7.6
Students will give a
presentation to include text, Analyze Craft and
charts, images, videos, Structure: Narrative
music, or other media Nonfiction: Characterization
Speaking and Listening:
Multimedia Presentation Conventions: Independent
Speaking and Listening: and Dependent Clauses
Multimedia Presentation (RP) Students identify independent
and dependent clauses.
Evidence Log Conventions: Independent
Students add notes and and Dependent Clauses
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance- Conventions:
Based Assessment. Independent and Dependent
Clauses (RP)
Selection Test: Tutors Evidence Log
Teach Seniors New High- Students add notes and
Tech Tricks evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
STANDARDS Based Assessment.
RI.7.1; RI.7.2; W.7.7; SL.7.1;
SL.7.1.b; SL.7.1.c; SL.7.1.d;
SL.7.4; SL.7.5; L.7.1; L.7.4.c; Selection Test: from
L.7.3.a Mom & Me & Mom

RI.7.1; RI.7.3; SL.7.1; L.7.1.a;
L.7.4.b; L.7.4.d

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Suffix -ment Audio Summary Word Study: Latin Prefix: Audio Summary
(RP) super- (RP)
(TE p 66) from Mom & Me & Mom: (TE p 77) Personalize for Learning
Accessible Leveled Text English Language Support:
Analyze Craft and Analyze Craft and View Actively
Structure: Development of Personalize for Learning Structure: Narrative (TE p 81)
Central Ideas (RP) English Language Support: Nonfiction: Characterization
(TE p 67) Figurative Language (RP)
(TE p 72) (TE p 78)
Conjunctions (RP) Conventions: Independent
(TE p 68) and Dependent Clauses (RP)
(TE p 79)
Speaking and Listening:
Multimedia Presentation (RP) Personalize for Learning
(TE p 69) English Language Support:
Independent and Dependent
Personalize for Learning Clauses
English Language Support: (TE p 79)
Central Ideas
(TE p 67)
English Language
Support Lesson: Independent
English Language and Dependent Clauses
Support Lesson: (On Realize)
Development of Central Ideas
(On Realize)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
(TE p 68)
iLit ELL Level B
Identify Main Idea iLit Library (selections by "Taking a Stand for Civil Ask Questions Compare and Contrast
Unit 2 Lesson 35: Whole Maya Angelou) Rights" Unit 2 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 37: Read
Group Million Man March Unit 2 Lesson 34, 35 Group Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 4 Lessons 37, 47: Read Human Family Unit 2 Lesson 3: Read Aloud, Unit 2 Lesson 46: Whole
Aloud, Think Aloud mySavvas Training Think Aloud Group; Work Time
Figurative Language Additional Resources: Unit 2 Lesson 4: Read Aloud,
Conjunctions Unit 2 Lesson 41: Whole Language Conventions Think Aloud; Work Time
Unit 1 Lesson 38: Whole Group Practice: Using Commas after
Group; Work Time Unit 2 Lessons 42–43; Work Introductory Words, Phrases,
Unit 4 Lesson 35: Whole Time and Clauses, 124
Group Unit 7 Lessons 2–3: Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30
Mother-Daughter Drawings Mother-Daughter Drawings Mother to Son Mother to Son Speaking and Listening
Mica and Myla Hendricks Mica and Myla Hendricks Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Focus
Present a Nonfiction Narrative
To James To James
Frank Horne Frank Horne

SE pp 86-92 SE p 93 SE pp 94-100 SE pp 101-103 SE pp 104-105

Media Vocabulary Speaking and Listening: Concept Vocabulary Speaking and Listening
composition, light and Multimedia Slideshow flung, catapulted, lurched Analyze Craft & Structure: Focus: Present a Nonfiction
shadow, perspective Students create a slideshow Figurative Language: Narrative
using images such as photos, First-Read Guide Symbolism Students present a panel
First Review illustrations, or other types of Students Notice, Annotate, Students analyze figurative discussion related to the
Students Look, Note, visual multimedia. Connect, Respond as they language in the poems. following question:
Connect, Respond as they read the selection the first
read the selection the first Speaking and Listening: time. Analyze Craft and What new knowledge or skills
time. Multimedia Slideshow Structure: Figurative can you learn from someone
First-Read Guide: Poetry Language: Symbolism of a different generation?
Evidence Log
First-Review Guide: Students add notes and Read the Selection Analyze Craft and
Structure: Figurative Plan With Your Group
Media Art/Photography evidence that will be used to Students will analyze the text,
inform the Performance- Selection Audio Language: Symbolism
(RP) assign roles, and plan the
Read the Selection Based Assessment. Mother to Son/To James: discussion.
Selection Audio Accessible Text Author’s Style: Rhythm and
SL.7.1; SL.7.1.a; SL.7.5; Repetitions
Mother-Daughter Comprehension Check Students identify examples of SL.7.1; SL.7.1.a; SL.7.1.b;
Drawings L.7.6 Students complete SL.7.2
comprehension questions.
Comprehension Check Extension Questions Author’s Style: Rhythm
Students complete and Repetitions
comprehension questions. Mother to Son: First Read
Extension Questions Extension Questions Author’s Style: Rhythm
and Repetitions (RP)
MAKING MEANING Research to Explore
Students research a topic EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION
Close Review related to one of the poems.
Students will revisit the Writing to Sources:
images and record any new Close Read the Text Narrative Poem
observations. Students will review the Close Students write a narrative
Read Model and complete the poem about a personal
Close-Review close read sections in the experience.
Analyze the Media Writing to Sources:
Close Read the Text Narrative Poem

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Students will respond to Analyze the Text

questions about the interview. Students will respond to Writing to Sources:
questions about the text, Narrative Poem (RP)
Analyze the Media citing textual evidence.
Evidence Log
LANGUAGE Analyze the Text Students add notes and
DEVELOPMENT evidence that will be used to
LANGUAGE inform the Performance-
Media Vocabulary DEVELOPMENT Based Assessment.
Students complete activities
related to the Media Concept Vocabulary
Vocabulary words: Students complete activities Selection Test: Mother
composition, light and related to the Concept to Son/To James
shadow, perspective Vocabulary words:
flung, catapulted, lurched STANDARDS
Media Vocabulary RL.7.4; W.7.3.a-b; W.7.3.d;
Word Study: Connotations W.7.5; W.7.9; W.7.9.a; L.7.5;
STANDARDS and Denotations L.7.5.c
RI.7.10; SL.7.2; L.7.6
Concept Vocabulary and
Word Study
Word Study: Connotations
and Denotations (RP)

Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.

RL.7.1; RL.7.2; RL.7.4;
RL.7.10; SL.7.1; L.7.4; L.7.4.a

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myPerspectives ELL Support

Audio Summary Audio Summary Analyze Craft and
Structure: Figurative
Personalize for Learning Mother to Son/To James: Language: Symbolism
English Language Support: Accessible Text (RP)
Pronouns Word Study: Connotations (TE p 101)
(TE p 87) and Denotations (RP) Author’s Style: Rhythm
(TE p 100) and Repetitions (RP)
(TE p 102)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: Writing to Sources:
Figurative Language Narrative Poem (RP)
(TE p 96) (TE p 103)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support
Rhythm in Poetry
(TE p 102)

English Language
Support Lesson: Rhythm (On

iLit ELL Level B

Background Video Multimedia Project iLit Library (texts by Figurative Language Present Narrative Essay
Unit 6 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 5 Lessons 1–5, 7: Work Langston Hughes) Unit 2 Lesson 41: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 38: Work Time
Group Time Thank You M’am Group
Unit 7 Lessons 2–3: Work
Assignments: Grammar Recognize Connotations Time
Study Plan Unit 2 Lesson 14: Vocabulary
Unit 2 Lessons 11–15: Part 3: Characteristics of Poems
Skill 3: Pronouns Unit 7 Lesson 2: Read Aloud,
Think Aloud

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 31 DAY 32 DAY 33 DAY 34 DAY 35
Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening INDEPENDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT
Focus Focus
Present a Nonfiction Narrative Present a Nonfiction Narrative

SE p 105 SE p 105 SE pp 106-107 SE pp 108-110 SE pp 111-113

Rehearse with Your Group Present and Evaluate What can one generation First-Read Guide
Students review Students present as a group learn from another? Students Notice, Annotate, Review Notes for a
requirements, fine-tune the and use checklist items to Connect, Respond as they Nonfiction Narrative
content and brush up on evaluate. Independent Learning read the selection the first Students evaluate the
presentation techniques. Strategies time. strength of their content.
STANDARDS • Create a Schedule
STANDARDS SL.7.4; SL.7.6 First Read Guide Evidence Log
• Practice what you have
SL.7.1; SL.7.1.a; SL.7.1.b; learned Students add notes and
SL.7.2 Close-Read Guide evidence that will be used to
• Take Notes
Close Read Guide inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Independent Learning Close Read the Text
Strategies Students will review the Close Writing to Sources:
Read Model and complete the Nonfiction Narrative
Table of Contents Preview close read sections in the Students will write a
Preview the selections in the selection. nonfiction narrative
unit and discuss how they responding to the prompt:
relate to the EQ and unit Analyze the Text
topic. Students will respond to In what situations can one
questions about the text, generation learn from
citing textual evidence. another?
Quick Write Nonfiction Narrative Rubric
Students write about a Students use the rubric to
paragraph that grabbed their guide their revisions.
Share Your Independent W.7.3.a-e; W.7.9; W.7.10
Students share what they
learned from independent
learning with a group and
reflect on how it adds to their
understanding of how one
generation learns from

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Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

RL.7.10; RI.7.10

myPerspectives ELL Support

Accessible Leveled Texts for

Independent Learning
Selections (On Realize)

iLit ELL Level B

Present Narrative Essay Present Narrative Essay Independent Reading Independent Reading Write a Narrative Essay
Unit 2 Lesson 38: Work Time Unit 2 Lesson 38: Work Time (examples) (examples) Unit 2 Lessons 7-9, 26-29,
Unit 2 Lessons 40-41, 45: Unit 2 Lessons 40-41, 45: 32-38, 41: Work Time
Time to Read Time to Read
Unit 3 Lessons 1, 5, 6: Time to Unit 3 Lessons 1, 5, 6: Time
Read to Read

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 36

SE pp 114-115

Speaking and Listening:

Multimedia Presentation
Students will use their
narrative as the foundation for
a multimedia presentation.

Reflect on the Unit

Students reflect on Unit goals,
learning strategies, and the

Reflect on the Unit

Unit Test

SL.7.4; SL.7.5

iLit ELL Level B

Multimedia Project
Unit 5 Lessons 1–5, 7: Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Should we make a home in
NOTES: • ELD Companion is an additional resource.
• Don’t forget Accessible Leveled Texts are
in the Unit Resources.
• myPerspectives Plus also provides more
INDEPENDENT LEARNING support and differentiation beyond what
is in this Guide.

Unit 2 Overview

In this unit, students will read and discuss space exploration and the future of human voyages to worlds beyond Earth.

Unit Goals

Students will be able to:

• Evaluate written arguments by analyzing how authors state and support their claims.
• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write an argumentative essay in which you effectively incorporate the key elements of an argument.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Demonstrate command of the proper use of verb tenses.
• Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communicate.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.

Selections & Media

Launch Text
• Leaving Main Street (1060L)

Whole-Class Learning
• Anchor Text, Short Story: Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed, Ray Bradbury (490L)
• Media, Radio Play: Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed, Ray Bradbury and Michael McDonough (producer)
• Anchor Text, News Article: Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!, Maggie Koerth-Baker (1290L)

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Small-Group Learning
• News Article: Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien Planets, Nola Taylor Redd (1250L)
• Short Story: The Last Dog, Katherine Paterson (820L)
• Medio, Video: Ellen Ochoa: Director, Johnson Space Center, Ellen Ochoa
• Interview: Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.W. Space Exploration After Curiosity, Keith Wagstaff (936L)

Independent Learning
• Poetry: Science-Fiction Cradlesong, C.S. Lewis (NP)
• Web Article: UFO Sightings and News, Benjamin Radford (1420L)
• Persuasive Essay: from Packing for Mars, Mary Roach (1020L)
• Science Article: Trip to Mars Could Damage Astronauts’ Brains, Laura Sanders (870L)

Performance-Based Assessment Unit Reflection

Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Argument Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and space
Students will write an explanatory essay answering the following

Should we spend valuable resources on space exploration?

Part 2 – Speaking & Listening: Oral Presentation

Students will use their argumentative essay as the foundation for

an oral presentation.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
Whole-Class Learning Anchor Text Anchor Text
Dark They Were, and Golden- Dark They Were, and Golden-
Eyed Eyed
Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury

SE pp 116-119 SE pp 120-123 SE pp 124-125 SE pp 126-134 SE pp 135-140

Unit Goals Launch Text Essential Question MAKING MEANING MAKING MEANING
Students will deepen their Students will read “Leaving Should we make a home in
perspective on the space Main Street.” Students then space? Concept Vocabulary Read the Selection
exploration by reading, participate in discussions submerged, canals,
writing, speaking, listening, about starry homes. Whole-Class Learning atmosphere, forlorn, Selection Audio
and presenting. Strategies immense, mosaic Dark They Were, and
Word Network • Listen actively Golden-Eyed: Accessible
Unit Goals Video Students add new words to First Read
• Clarify by asking Leveled Text
their Word Network as they questions Students Notice, Annotate,
Academic Vocabulary read texts in the unit. Connect, Respond as they
justify, alternative, certainty, • Monitor understanding STANDARDS
read the selection the first RL.7.10
discredit, assumption Word Network • Interact and share ideas time.
Summary Whole-Class Learning
Home Connection Letter Students write a summary of Strategies First-Read Guide: Fiction
Spanish Home the Launch Text.
Table of Contents Preview Read the Selection
Connection Letter Preview the selections in the
Launch Activity
Unit 2 Answer Key Students participate in an unit and discuss how they Selection Audio
activity related to the unit relate to the EQ and unit
topic. Dark They Were, and
STANDARDS theme. Golden-Eyed: Accessible
L.7.6 Leveled Text
Students write a response to STANDARDS
the QuickWrite prompt: What RL.7.10
are the most effective tools
for establishing and
preserving freedom?

Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Evidence Log
Assessment: Refining Your
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myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Audio Summary Audio Summary English Language Support:
Dark They Were, and Multiple-Meaning Words
Personalize for Learning (TE p 137)
English Language Support: Golden-Eyed: Accessible
Cognates Leveled Text
(TE p 119)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 132)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Words That Sound Alike
(TE p 134)

iLit ELL Level B

Routine Cards Summarize Text Active Listening Routine iLit Library Science Fiction iLit Library Science Fiction
Rules for Conversation Unit 6 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 1 Lesson 4: Work Time Selections Selections
Routine Group Space Cadet Space Cadet
Active Listening Routine Unit 6 Lesson 22: Work Time Classroom Conversation Moonface Moonface
Collaborative Conversation Unit 6 Lesson 24: Read Unit 2 Lesson 12: Virtual Reality Virtual Reality
Routine Aloud, Think Aloud; Work Collaborative Discussion Three Moons Three Moons
Time Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group
Discussion Opportunities Discussion Multiple Meanings Multiple Meanings
Unit 2 Lesson 14: Classroom Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group Unit 2 Lesson 38: Vocabulary Unit 2 Lesson 38: Vocabulary
Conversation Discussion Unit 4 Lesson 9: Vocabulary Unit 4 Lesson 9: Vocabulary
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Classroom

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10

Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Dark They Were, and Golden-
Dark They Were, and Golden- Dark They Were, and Golden- Dark They Were, and Golden- Dark They Were, and Golden- Eyed
Eyed Eyed Eyed Eyed Michael McDonough
Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury

SE pp 141-142 SE p 143 SE p 144 SE p 145 SE pp 146-148

Comprehension Check Analyze Craft and Media Vocabulary
Students complete Structure: Figurative Concept Vocabulary Conventions: Comparisons sound effects, human voice,
comprehension questions. Language: Metaphor and Students complete activities Using Adjectives and silence
Simile related to the Concept Adverbs
Dark They Were and Students will identify Vocabulary words: Students identify examples of Media Vocabulary
Golden-Eyed: First Read examples of simile, metaphor, submerged, canals, adverbs and adjectives.
Extension Questions or personification. atmosphere, forlorn, First Review
immense, mosaic Conventions: Students Listen, Note,
Research to Clarify Analyze Craft and Comparisons Using Connect, and Respond as
Students research one Structure: Figurative Word Study: Adjectives and Adverbs they read the selection the
unfamiliar detail from the text. Language: Metaphor and Synonyms and Nuance first time.
Simile Conventions:
Close Read the Text Concept Vocabulary and Comparisons Using First-Review Guide:
Students will review the Close Analyze Craft and Word Study Adjectives and Adverbs (RP) Media: Audio
Read Model and complete the Structure: Figurative
close read sections in the Language: Metaphor and Word Study: Synonyms Evidence Log Read the Selection
selection. Similes (RP) and Nuance (RP) Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to Selection Audio
Close Read the Text STANDARDS Word Network inform the Performance- Dark They Were and
L.7.5.a Students add new words to Based Assessment. Golden-Eyed: Accessible
Analyze the Text their Word Network as they Text
Students will respond to read texts in the unit. SELECTION TEST
questions about the text, Comprehension Check
citing textual evidence. STANDARDS Selection Test: Dark
They Were and Golden-Eyed Students complete
L.7.4; L.7.5 comprehension questions.
L.7.1 Research to Explore
Students conduct research
about the author, the series
called Bradbury 13 or the
history of radio plays.

Rl.7.10; L.7.6

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myPerspectives ELL Support

Analyze Craft and Word Study: Synonyms Conventions: Audio Summary

Structure: Figurative and Nuance (RP) Comparisons Using
Language: Metaphor and (TE p 144) Adjectives and Adverbs (RP) Personalize for Learning
Similes (RP) (TE p 145) English Language Support:
(TE p 143) Similar Words
(TE p 146)
iLit ELL Level B
Text: Human Body Systems Figurative Language Synonyms and Antonyms Adverbs iLit Library Science Fiction
Unit 4 Lesson 48-49 Unit 2 Lesson 41: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 32: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 21: Vocabulary Selections
Group Group Unit 4 Lesson 23: Work Time Space Cadet
iLit Library Science Fiction Unit 2 Lessons 42–43; Work Unit 2 Lesson 33: Work Time Unit 6 Lesson 18: Read Moonface
Selections Time Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole Aloud, Think Aloud Virtual Reality
Space Cadet Unit 7 Lessons 2–3: Work Group
Moonface Time Unit 4 Lesson 7: Work Time Adjectives Text: Changing Matter
Unit 6 Lesson 19: Read (science text)
Aloud, Think Aloud Unit 4 Lesson 44, 46-47

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

Media Media Danger! This Mission to Mars Danger! This Mission to Mars Danger! This Mission to Mars
Dark They Were, and Golden- Dark They Were, and Golden- Could Bore You to Death! Could Bore You to Death! Could Bore You to Death!
Eyed Eyed Maggie Koerth-Baker Maggie Koerth-Baker Maggie Koerth-Baker
Michael McDonough Michael McDonough

SE p 149 SE pp 150-151 SE pp 152-159 SE pp 160-161 SE pp 162-163

Close Review Writing to Compare: Concept Vocabulary Writing to Sources: Blog
Students will listen to the Comparison-and-Contrast chronic; stimulus; Concept Vocabulary Post
radio play and write down any Essay subconsciously; Students complete activities Students write an argument in
new observations. Students write an essay excruciatingly; monotony; related to the Concept the form of a blog post.
comparing the techniques catastrophic Vocabulary words:
Analyze the Media each version of the story chronic; stimulus; Writing to Compare: Blog
Students will respond to brings to life. First Read subconsciously; Post
questions about the play, Students Notice, Annotate, excruciatingly; monotony;
Writing to Compare: Writing to Compare: Blog
citing evidence. Connect, Respond as they catastrophic
Comparison-and-Contrast Post (RP)
read the selection the first
LANGUAGE Essay time. Word Study: Latin Prefix:
Speaking and Listening:
Evidence Log Visual Presentation
Students complete activities
Students add notes and First-Read Guide: Students research activities
Media Vocabulary related to the Latin Prefix sub-
evidence that will be used to Nonfiction that are designed to combat
Students complete activities Concept Vocabulary and boredom and then give a
related to the Vocabulary inform the Performance-
Based Assessment. Read the Selection Word Study visual presentation.
sound effects; human voice; Selection Audio Word Study: Latin Prefix: Speaking and Listening:
silence STANDARDS sub- (RP) Visual Presentation
RL.7.7; W.7-2.a-e; W.7.9.a Danger! This Mission to
Media Vocabulary Mars Could Bore You to Speaking and Listening:
Word Network
Death!: Accessible Leveled Visual Presentation (RP)
Students add new words to
STANDARDS Text their Word Network as they
SL.7.2 Evidence Log
read texts in the unit.
Comprehension Check Students add notes and
Students complete evidence that will be used to
Conventions: Action Verbs
comprehension questions. inform the Performance-
and Linking Verbs
Based Assessment.
Danger! This Mission to Students complete activities
Mars Could Bore You to identifying action and linking
Death!: First Read Extension verbs.
Questions Conventions: Action
Verbs and Linking Verbs

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Research to Clarify SELECTION TEST

Students research one Conventions: Action
unfamiliar detail from the text. Verbs and Linking Verbs (RP) Selection Test:
Warning! This Mission to
Close Read the Text STANDARDS Mars Could Bore You to
Students will review the Close L.7.1; L.7.4.b Death!
Read Model and complete the
close read sections in the STANDARDS
selection. W.7.1.a, W.7.1.b, W.7.1.d,
W.7.1.e, W.7.7; SL.7.4;
Close Read the Text SL.7.5

Analyze the Text

Students will respond to
questions about the text,
citing textual evidence.

Analyze Craft and

Structure: Text Structure:
Informative Writing
Students will identify key
information in the article.
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Informative Writing
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Informative Writing


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myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: Audio Summary Word Study: Latin Prefix: Writing to Compare: Blog
Word Forms sub- (RP) Post (RP)
Danger! This Mission to (TE p 160) (TE p 162)
(TE p 150) Mars Could Bore You to
Death!: Accessible Leveled Conventions: Action Speaking and Listening:
English Language Text Verbs and Linking Verbs Visual Presentation (RP)
(RP) (TE p 163)
Support Lesson: Analyze Craft and (TE p 161)
Comparatives and Structure: Informative Writing Personalize for Learning
Superlatives (On Realize) (RP) English Language Support:
(TE p 159) Evaluating a Blog Post
(TE p 162)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
Idioms English Language
(TE p 156) Support Lesson: Blog Post
(On Realize)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
Words Used in Comparisons
(TE p 158)

iLit ELL Level B

Routine Cards Compare Information from iLit Library Use Prefixes and Suffixes Introduce Genre: Blog
Active Listening Routine Different Sources Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for the Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 37: Read
Collaborative Conversation Unit 5 Lesson 4: Work Time Stars Group; Work Time Aloud, Think Aloud
Routine Unit 5 Lesson 5: Work Time Astronauts Take Flight Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole
Chris Hatfield: The Spacemen Group
Discussion Opportunities Who Set the World A-Twitter
Unit 2 Lesson 14: Classroom Assignments: Grammar
Conversation Study Plan
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Classroom Unit 2 Lessons 11–15: Part 4:
Conversation Skill 4: Verbs

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20
WRITING FOCUS WRITING FOCUS WRITING FOCUS Small-Group Learning Future of Space Exploration
Write an Argument Write an Argument Write an Argument Could See Humans on Mars,
Alien Planets
Nola Taylor Redd

SE pp 164-166 SE p 167 SE pp 168-169 SE pp 170-173 SE pp 174-179

Write an Editorial Revising Should we make a home in Concept Vocabulary
Students write an editorial Conventions: Revising for Students evaluate and revise space? colonize; planetary;
responding to the question: Correct Verb Tense draft utilizing peer reviews. interstellar
Do the benefits of exploring Students identify verb tenses Small-Group Learning
Mars outweigh the risks? and correct mistakes in Editing and Proofreading Strategies First Read
sentences. Students edit for conventions • Prepare Students Notice, Annotate,
PreWriting/Planning and proofread for accuracies. Connect, Respond as they
• Participate Fully read the selection the first
Students develop a claim, STANDARDS
• Support Others time.
gather evidence, and connect L.7.1; L.7.2.a Publishing and Presenting
across texts. Students create a final • Clarify
version of their editorial and Small-Group Learning First-Read Guide:
Drafting share in small groups. Strategies Nonfiction
Students organize and write a
first draft. Reflecting Table of Contents Preview Read the Selection
Students reflect on their Preview the selections in the
STANDARDS editorials. unit and discuss how they Selection Audio
W.7.1.a-c; W.7.1.e; W.7.4; relate to the EQ and unit
W.7.10 STANDARDS Future of Space
topic. Exploration Could See
W.7.1.a; W.7.1.c; W.7.1.d;
W.7.5 Humans on Mars, Alien
Working as a Team Planets: Accessible Leveled
• Take a position Text
• List your rules
• Apply the rules Comprehension Check
• Name your group Students complete
• Create a communication comprehension questions.

Making a Schedule Future of Space

Students make a schedule Exploration Could See
with group for completing Humans on Mars, Alien
tasks. Planets: First Read Extension
Working on Group Projects
Students choose specific
roles for each member.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Research to Clarify
Students choose one
unfamiliar scientific detail of
the text to research.

Close Read the Text

Students will review the Close
Read Model and complete the
close read sections in the
Close Read the Text

Analyze the Text

Students will respond to
questions about the text,
citing textual evidence.
Analyzing the Text


Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities
related to the Concept
Vocabulary words:
colonize; planetary;

Word Study: Latin Suffix:

Concept Vocabulary and
Word Study
Word Study: Latin Suffix:
-ary (RP)

Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.

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Analyze Craft & Structure:

Development of Ideas: Text
Students will identify various
types of details used in the
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Development of
Ideas: Text Structure
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Text Structure (RP)

RI.7.10; SL.7.1; L.7.4.a;
L.7.4.b; L.7.4.c; L.7.4.d
myPerspectives ELL Support
Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support: Audio Summary
Verb Tenses Word Forms Future of Space
(TE p 167) (TE p 169) Exploration Could See
Humans on Mars, Alien
Planets: Accessible Leveled
Word Study: Latin Suffix:
-ary (RP) (TE p 178)
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Text Structure(RP)
(TE p 179)
iLit ELL Level B
Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing Whole Class/Small Group Understand Text Structure
Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Discussion Unit 2 Lesson 44: Read
Group Time Group Unit 3 Lesson 7: Classroom Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Conversation Unit 6 Lesson 49: Read
Time 29, 32-38 Time Unit 3 Lesson 9: Classroom Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Conversation
29, 32-38 Assignments: Grammar 29, 32-38 Unit 4 Lesson 27: Classroom Use Prefixes and Suffixes
Study Plan Conversation Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole
Unit 3 Lessons 1–5: Part 2: Group; Work Time
Skill 7: Verb Tenses Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25
Future of Space Exploration The Last Dog The Last Dog The Last Dog The Last Dog
Could See Humans on Mars, Katherine Paterson Katherine Paterson Katherine Paterson Katherine Paterson
Alien Planets
Nola Taylor Redd

SE pp 180-181 SE pp 182-188 SE pp 189-195 SE pp 196-197 SE p 198

Concept Vocabulary Selection Audio Close Read the Text
Conventions: threatening; extinct; mutation The Last Dog: Students will review the Close Conventions: Simple and
The Principal Parts of Verbs Accessible Leveled Text Read Model and complete the Compound Subjects and
Students identify examples of First Read close read sections in the Predicates
participles. Students Notice, Annotate, Comprehension Check selection.
Connect, Respond as they Conventions: Simple and
Conventions: The Students complete Close Read the Text Compound Subjects and
read the selection the first comprehension questions.
Principal Parts of Verbs time. Predicates
Analyze the Text
Conventions: The First-Read Guide: Fiction Students will respond to Conventions: Simple and
Principal Parts of Verbs (RP) The Last Dog: First Read Compound Subjects and
Extension Questions questions about the text,
Read the Selection citing textual evidence. Predicates (RP)
Selection Audio Research to Clarify Analyze the Text Word Network
Speaking and Listening: Students research one Students add new words to
Multimedia Presentation The Last Dog: unfamiliar detail from the text. LANGUAGE their Word Network as they
Students create and deliver Accessible Leveled Text DEVELOPMENT read texts in the unit.
an oral presentation about an Research to Explore
illustrated biography or an STANDARDS Students research Biosphere Concept Vocabulary STANDARDS
informational brochure. RL.7.10; L.7.4.a 2 and formulate two research Students complete activities L.7.1; L.7.3.a
questions. related to the Concept
Speaking and Listening: Vocabulary words:
Multimedia Presentation STANDARDS threatening; extinct; mutation
Speaking and Listening:
Multimedia Presentation (RP) Word Study: Latin Suffix:
Evidence Log Concept Vocabulary and
Students add notes and Word Study
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance- Word Study: Latin Suffix:
Based Assessment. -tion (RP)

Word Network
Selection Test: Future Students add new words to
of Space Exploration Could their Word Network as they
See Humans on Mars, Alien read texts in the unit.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

STANDARDS Analyze Craft & Structure

W.7.7; W.7.8; SL.7.5; L.7.1 Elements of a Short Story:
Conflict and Resolution
Students will analyze
examples of conflict and
resolution in The Last Dog.
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Conflict and
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Conflict and
Resolution (RP)

RL.7.3; L.7.4.a; L.7.5.a

myPerspectives ELL Support

Conventions: The Audio Summary Audio Summary Word Study: Latin Suffix: Conventions: Simple and
Principal Parts of Verbs (RP) -tion (RP) Compound Subjects and
(TE p 180) The Last Dog: The Last Dog: (TE p 196) Predicates(RP)
Accessible Leveled Text Accessible Leveled Text (TE p 198)
Speaking and Listening: Analyze Craft and
Multimedia Presentation (RP) Personalize for Learning Structure: Conflict and Personalize for Learning
(TE p 181) English Language Support: Resolution (RP) English Language Support:
Coined Terms (TE p 197) Subjects and Predicates
Personalize for Learning (TE p 185) (TE p 198)
English Language Support: Personalize for Learning
Using Participles English Language Support:
(TE p 180) Understanding Conflict and
(TE p 197)
English Language
Support Lesson: Present
Participles (On Realize) English Language
Support Lesson: Conflict and
Resolution (On Realize)

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

iLit ELL Level B

Multimedia Presentation Introduce Genre: Short Introduce Genre: Short Introduce Genre: Short Introduce Genre: Short
Unit 5 Lesson 1-10: Work Story; “A Boy and His Dog” Story; “A Boy and His Dog” Story; “A Boy and His Dog” Story; “A Boy and His Dog”
Time Unit 6 Lesson 30-31, 36 Unit 6 Lesson 30-31, 36 Unit 6 Lesson 30-31, 36 Unit 6 Lesson 30-31, 36

Analyze Plot
Unit 4 Lesson 11, 25: Whole
Unit 4 Lesson 26: Work Time

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30
The Last Dog Ellen Ochoa: Director, Ellen Ochoa: Director, Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Neil deGrasse Tyson on the
Katherine Paterson Johnson Space Center Johnson Space Center Future of U.S. Space Future of U.S. Space
Exploration After Curiosity Exploration After Curiosity
Keith Wagstaff Keith Wagstaff

SE p 199 SE pp 200-202 SE p 203 SE pp 204-208 SE pp 208-211

Writing to Sources: Technical Vocabulary Speaking and Listening: Concept Vocabulary
Revised Ending aptitude; calculus; mission Biography cede; enterprise; capitalistic Concept Vocabulary
Students write their own control Students write and present a Students complete activities
version of the end of the short biography of Ochoa’s First Read related to the Concept
story. First Read Life. Students Notice, Annotate, Vocabulary words:
Students Watch, Note, Connect, Respond as they cede; enterprise; capitalistic
Writing to Sources: Connect, Respond as they Speaking and Listening: read the selection the first
Revised Ending review the media the first Biography time. Word Study: Multiple-
time. Meaning Words
Writing to Sources: Evidence Log First-Read Guide:
Revised Ending (RP) Students add notes and Nonfiction Concept Vocabulary and
First-Review Guide: evidence that will be used to Word Study
Evidence Log Media: Video inform the Performance- Read the Selection
Students add notes and Word Study: Multiple-
Based Assessment. Selection Audio Meaning Words (RP)
evidence that will be used to Listen to the Selection
inform the Performance- STANDARDS Neil deGrasse Tyson on
Based Assessment. Selection Audio Word Network
SL.7.1.1.a-d the Future of U.S. Space Students add new words to
Ellen Ochoa: Director, Exploration After Curiosity: their Word Network as they
Selection Test: The Johnson Space Center: Accessible Leveled Text read texts in the unit.
Last Dog Accessible Text
Comprehension Check Analyze Craft & Structure:
STANDARDS Comprehension Check Students complete Evaluate Argument and
W.7.3.b; W.7.10 Students complete comprehension questions. Claims
comprehension questions. Students will analyze Neil
Neil deGrasse Tyson on deGrasse Tyson’s argument.
Close Review the Future of U.S. Space
Students will watch the video Exploration After Curiosity:
again and record any new Analyze Craft and
First Read Extension Structure: Evaluate Argument
observations. Questions and Claims
Close Review
Research to Clarify Analyze Craft and
Students research one Structure: Evaluate Argument
unfamiliar detail from the text. and Claims (RP)

Conventions: Sentence
Functions and End Marks

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Analyze the Media Close Read the Text Students analyze types of
Students will respond to Students will review the Close sentences.
questions about the video, Read Model and complete the
citing textual evidence. close read sections in the Conventions: Sentence
selection. Functions and End Marks
Analyze the Media
Close Read the Text Conventions: Sentence
STANDARDS Functions and End Marks
RI.7.10; L.7.6 Analyze the Text (RP)
Students will respond to
questions about the text, EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION
citing textual evidence.
Research: Informational
Analyze the Text Report
Students write a report on
STANDARDS Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mars,
RI.7.10; L.7.4 or the rover Curiosity.
Research: Informational
Research: Informational
Report (RP)

Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

Selection Test: Neil

deGrasse Tyson on the
Future of U.S. Space
Exploration After Curiosity

RI.7.4; RI.7.6; RI.7.8; W.7.2;
W.7.7; W.7.8; L.7.1; L.7.3;

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
myPerspectives ELL Support
Personalize for Learning
Writing to Sources: Audio Summary English Language Support: Audio Summary Word Study: Multiple-
Revised Ending (RP) Holding a Group Discussion Meaning Words (RP)
(TE p 199) Personalize for Learning Neil deGrasse Tyson on (TE p 208)
(TE p 203) the Future of U.S. Space
English Language Support:
Technical Vocabulary: Exploration After Curiosity: Analyze Craft and
Domain-Specific Words Accessible Leveled Text Structure: Evaluate Argument
(TE p 200) and Claims (RP)
Personalize for Learning (TE p 209)
English Language Support
Evaluating an Argument Conventions: Sentence
(TE p 206) Functions and End Marks
(TE p 210)
Research: Informational
Report (RP)
(TE p 211)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support
Using Sentence Types
(TE p 210)

English Language
Support Lesson: Sentence
Function (On Realize)
iLit ELL Level B
Introduce Genre: Short Domain-Specific iLit Library iLit Library Plan an Opinion
Story; “A Boy and His Dog” Vocabulary Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for the Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for Unit 6 Lesson 18: Work Time
Unit 6 Lesson 30-31, 36 Unit 4 Lesson 49: Read Stars the Stars
Aloud, Think Aloud Astronauts Take Flight Astronauts Take Flight Sentence Variety
Write a Narrative Unit 6 Lesson 14: Work Time
Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work iLit Library Discussion Opportunities Support an Opinion
Time Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for Unit 2 Lesson 14: Classroom Unit 6 Lesson 18: Whole Assignments: Grammar
Unit 2 Lesson 6: Whole Group the Stars Conversation Group Study Plan
Astronauts Take Flight Unit 5 Lesson 4: Classroom Unit 2 Lessons 11–15: Part 5:
Conversation Skill 5: Simple Sentences
Unit 4 Lessons 11–15: Part 2:
Skill 12: Complete Sentences

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 31 DAY 32 DAY 33 DAY 34 DAY 35
Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening INDEPENDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT
Focus Focus
Present an Argument Present an Argument

SE pp 212-213 SE p 213 SE pp 214-215 SE pp 216-218 SE pp 219-221

Should we make a home in ASSESSMENT PREP
Present an Argument Present and Evaluate space? First Read
As a group, students present Students present as a group Students Notice, Annotate, Review Evidence for an
a multimedia presentation and use checklist items to Independent Learning Connect, Respond as they Argument
strong evidence to support evaluate. Strategies read the selection the first Students evaluate the
arguments about Space • Create a Schedule time. strength of their evidence
Exploration. STANDARDS • Practice what you have
SL.7.4; SL.7.5 First-Read Guide Evidence Log
Plan with Your Group Students add notes and
• Take Notes Close-Read Guide
Students analyze the text, evidence that will be used to
gather evidence, and Close-Read Guide inform the Performance-
organize your ideas. Independent Learning Based Assessment.
Strategies Close Read the Text
Rehearse with Your Group Students will review the Close Writing to Sources:
Students practice the Table of Contents Preview Read Model and complete the Argument
presentation, fine-tune the Preview the selections in the close read sections in the Students will write an
content, improve their use of unit and discuss how they selection. argument to answer the
media, and brush up on relate to the EQ and unit following: Should we spend
presentation techniques. topic. Analyze the Text valuable resources on space
Students will respond to exploration?
questions about the text,
SL.7.4 citing textual evidence. Argument Rubric
Students use the rubric to
Quick Write guide their revisions.
Students write about a
paragraph that grabbed their STANDARDS
interest. W.7.1.a; W.7.1.b; W.7.10

Share Your Independent

Students share what they
learned from independent
learning with a group and
reflect on how it adds to their
understanding of

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

RL.7.10; RI.7.10; SL.7.1

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Accessible Leveled Texts English Language Support:
for Independent Learning Writing a Claim
Selections (On Realize) (TE p 221)

iLit ELL Level B

Present an Opinion Essay Present an Opinion Essay Independent Reading Independent Reading Write an Opinion Essay
Unit 4 Lesson 37-38: Work Unit 4 Lesson 37-38: Work (examples) (examples) Unit 4 Lesson 26: Whole
Time Time Unit 2 Lessons 40-41, 45: Unit 2 Lessons 40-41, 45: Group
Time to Read Time to Read Unit 4 Lesson 27-29, 32-38:
Unit 3 Lessons 1, 5, 6: Time to Unit 3 Lessons 1, 5, 6: Time Work Time
Read to Read

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 36

SE pp 222-223

Speaking and Listening:

Oral Presentation
Students will use their
argumentative essay as the
foundation for an oral

Reflect on the Unit

Students reflect on Unit goals,
learning strategies, and the

Reflect on the Unit

Unit Test

iLit ELL Level B

Present an Opinion Essay
Unit 4 Lesson 37-38: Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What can cause a sudden change in
someone’s life? WHOLE-CLASS LEARNING
NOTES: • ELD Companion is an additional resource.
ASSESSMENTS • Don’t forget Accessible Leveled Texts are
in the Unit Resources.
SMALL-GROUP LEARNING • myPerspectives Plus also provides more
support and differentiation beyond what
is in this Guide.

Unit 3 Overview

In this unit, students will read examples of turning points in people’s lives.

Unit Goals

Students will be able to:

• Read and analyze explanatory texts.

• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write an explanatory text to examine a topic and convey idea.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.
• Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communicate.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.

Selections & Media

Launch Text
• At the Crossroads (930L)

Whole-Class Learning
• Anchor Text, Drama: A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act I, Israel Horovitz (NP)
• Anchor Text, Drama: A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act II, Israel Horovitz (NP)
• Media, Film: from Scrooge, directed by Henry Edwards

Small-Group Learning
• Short Story: Thank You, M’am, Langston Hughes (800L)
• Memoir: from An American Childhood, Annie Dillard (1050L)
• Media, Photo Gallery: Urban Farming is Growing a Greener Future, Hillary Schwei

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Independent Learning
• Reflective Essay: Little Things are Big, Jesus Colon (1150L)
• News Article: Profile: Malala Yousafzai, BBC (1330L)
• Biography: Noor Inayat Khan from Women Heroes of WWII: Kathryn J. Atwood (1170L)
• Short Story: A Retrieved Reformation: O. Henry (850L)

Performance-Based Assessment Unit Reflection

Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Explanatory Essay Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and differing turning
points and what can cause a significant change in someone’s life.
Students will write an essay answering the following question:

What can cause a significant change in someone’s life?

Part 2 – Speaking & Listening: Oral Presentation

After writing their explanatory essay, students will use it as a

foundation for an oral presentation.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
Whole-Class Learning Anchor Text Anchor Text
A Christmas Carol: Scrooge A Christmas Carol: Scrooge
and Marley, Act I and Marley, Act I
Israel Horovitz Israel Horovitz

SE pp 224-227 SE pp 228-231 SE pp 232-233 SE pp 234-246 SE pp 247-259

Unit Goals Launch Text Essential Question MAKING MEANING MAKING MEANING
Students will deepen their Students will read “At the What can cause a sudden
perspective about turning Crossroads.” They will then change in someone’s life? Concept Vocabulary Read the Selection
points in people’s lives by be able to participate in covetous; morose; resolute;
reading, writing, speaking, discussions about turning Whole-Class Learning impossible; malcontent; miser Selection Audio
listening, and presenting. points. Strategies A Christmas Carol, Act I:
• Listen actively First Read Accessible Text
Unit Goals Video Word Network Students Notice, Annotate,
• Clarify by asking
Students add new words to questions Connect, Respond as they STANDARDS
Academic Vocabulary their Word Network as they read the selection the first
contribute; consistent; • Monitor understanding RL.7.10
read texts in the unit. time.
maintain; observation; • Interact and share ideas
sufficient Word Network
Whole-Class Learning First-Read Guide: Fiction
Summary Strategies
Home Connection Letter Students write a summary of Read the Selection
the Launch Text. Table of Contents Preview
Spanish Home Preview the selections in the Selection Audio
Connection Letter unit and discuss how they
Launch Activity A Christmas Carol, Act I:
Unit 3 Answer Key Students participate in an relate to the EQ and unit
topic. Accessible Text
activity related to the unit
L.7.6 RL.7.10
Students write a response to
the QuickWrite prompt: What
are the most effective tools
for establishing and
preserving freedom?

Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Evidence Log

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Assessment: Refining Your

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
Audio Summary English Language Support: Audio Summary English Language Support:
Idioms A Christmas Carol, Act 1: Ellipses in Dialogue
Personalize for Learning (TE p 228) (TE p 251)
English Language Support: Accessible Text
(TE p 227) Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support:
Multiple-Meaning Words Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 237) (TE p 252)

Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning

English Language Support: English Language Support:
Informal Language Slang
(TE p 240) (TE p 254)

iLit ELL Level B

Independent Reading Summarize Text Active Listening Routine Introduce: Drama; Elements of Drama
Unit 3 Lesson 1: Time to Unit 6 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 1 Lesson 4: Work Time Difference Between Drama, Unit 3 Lesson 2: Work Time
Read Group Novel, Poetry
Unit 6 Lesson 22: Work Time Classroom Conversation Unit 3 Lesson 1: Whole
Introduce: Drama Unit 2 Lesson 12: Group
Unit 3 Lesson 1: Whole Collaborative Discussion
Group Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group
Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10

Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text A Christmas Carol: Scrooge
A Christmas Carol: Scrooge A Christmas Carol: Scrooge A Christmas Carol: Scrooge A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act II
and Marley, Act I and Marley, Act I and Marley, Act I and Marley, Act I Israel Horovitz
Israel Horovitz Israel Horovitz Israel Horovitz Israel Horovitz

SE pp 259-260 SE p 261 SE p 262 SE p 263 SE pp 264-291

Comprehension Check Analyze Craft and Concept Vocabulary
Students complete Structure: Text Structure: Concept Vocabulary Conventions: Subject-Verb parallel; altered; strive;
comprehension questions. Dialogue in Drama Students complete activities Agreement dispelled; earnest; infinitely
Students will identify related to the Concept Students identify examples of
A Christmas Carol, Act I: examples of dialogue. Vocabulary words: subject-verb agreement in First Review
First Read Extension covetous; resolute; sentences. Students Notice, Annotate,
Questions Analyze Craft and malcontent; morose; Connect, Respond as they
Structure: Text Structure: impossible; miser Conventions: Subject- read the selection the first
Research to Clarify Dialogue in Drama Verb Agreement time.
Students research one Word Study:
unfamiliar detail from the text. Analyze Craft and Conventions: Subject-
Structure: Text Structure: Latin Prefix: mal- Verb Agreement (RP) First-Read Guide: Fiction
Close Read the Text Dialogue in Drama (RP) Concept Vocabulary and
Students will review the Close Word Study Evidence Log Read the Selection
Read Model and complete the STANDARDS Students add notes and
close read sections in the RL.7.3; RL.7.5 Word Study: Latin Prefix: evidence that will be used to Selection Audio
selection. mal- (RP) inform the Performance-
Based Assessment. A Christmas Carol, Act II:
Close Read the Text Word Network Accessible Text
Students add new words to SELECTION TEST
Analyze the Text their Word Network as they Comprehension Check
Students will respond to read texts in the unit. Selection Test: A Students complete
questions about the text, Christmas Carol, Act I comprehension questions.
citing textual evidence. STANDARDS A Christmas Carol, Act II:
L.7.4.b; L.7.4.c STANDARDS
L.7.1 First Read Extension

Research to Clarify
Students choose one
unfamiliar detail from the text
to research.


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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: Analyze Craft and Word Study: Latin Prefix: Conventions: Subject- Audio Summary
Understanding Stage Structure: Text Structure: mal- (RP) Verb Agreement (RP)
Dialogue in Drama (RP) (TE p 262) (TE p 263) A Christmas Carol, Act II:
Directions Accessible Text
(TE p 260) (TE p 261)
English Language Personalize for Learning
Support Lesson: Subject-Verb English Language Support:
Agreement (On Realize) Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 266)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 271)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
(TE p 273)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 274)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 282)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
(TE p 287)

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

iLit ELL Level B

Elements of Drama Elements of Drama Use Prefixes and Suffixes Subject-Verb Agreement Understand Idioms
Unit 3 Lesson 2: work Time Unit 3 Lesson 2: work Time Unit 4 Lesson 11: Vocabulary; Unit 3 Lesson 3, 8: Work Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole
Work Time Time Group
Small-Group Discussion Analyze Characters Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 6 Lesson 21, 23: Unit 4 Lessons 7–8: Read
Unit 3 Lesson 2, 4, 7 Unit 3 Lesson 3-4: Work Time Group; Work Time Vocabulary; Work Time Aloud, Think Aloud & Work
Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole Time
Group Assignments: Grammar
Unit 4 Lesson 16: Work Time Study Plan Multiple Meanings
Unit 4 Lessons 11–15: Part 1: Unit 2 Lesson 38: Vocabulary
Skill 11: Subject-Verb Unit 4 Lesson 9: Vocabulary

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

A Christmas Carol: Scrooge A Christmas Carol: Scrooge from Scrooge from Scrooge from Scrooge
and Marley, Act II and Marley, Act II Directed by Henry Edwards Directed by Henry Edwards Directed by Henry Edwards
Israel Horovitz Israel Horovitz

SE pp 292-295 SE pp 296-297 SE pp 298-300 SE p 301 SE pp 302-303


Close Read the Text Writing to Sources: Media Vocabulary Close Review Writing to Compare:
Students will review the Close Explanatory Essay screenplay; director; Students will watch the Comparison-and-Contrast
Read Model and complete the Students write an essay performance; editing excerpt again and record any Essay
close read sections in the analyzing how the stage new observations. Students write an essay
selection. directions enhance First Review comparing the two versions of
understanding and enjoyment Students Watch, Note, Analyze the Media Charles Dicken’s famous
Close Read the Text of the play. Connect, Respond as they Students will respond to novel.
review the media the first questions about the excerpt,
Analyze the Text Writing to Sources: time. citing evidence. Writing to Compare:
Students will respond to Explanatory Essay Comparison-and-Contrast
questions about the text, LANGUAGE Essay
citing textual evidence. Writing to Sources: First-Review Guide:
Explanatory Essay (RP) DEVELOPMENT
Media: Video Evidence Log
Analyze Craft & Structure Media Vocabulary Students add notes and
Text Structure: Stage Speaking and Listening: Read the Selection evidence that will be used to
Costume Plans Students complete activities
Directions related to the Vocabulary inform the Performance-
Students will identify key Students create and present Selection Audio Based Assessment.
costume plans for two words:
details that are important to from Scrooge: film screenplay; director;
the stage directions. different characters from A STANDARDS
Christmas Carol. performance; editing
Comprehension Check RL.7.7; W.7.2.b; W.7.2.d;
Analyze Craft and Media Vocabulary W.7.2.f; W.7.4; W.7.9.a;
Structure: Stage Directions Speaking and Listening: Students complete
Costume Plans comprehension questions. SL.7.2
Analyze Craft and STANDARDS
Structure: Stage Directions Speaking and Listening: Research to Clarify RL.7.1; L.7.6
(RP) Costume Plans (RP) Students research one
element from the film.
Evidence Log
Students add notes and STANDARDS
evidence that will be used to RL.7.10; L.7.6
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7


Concept Vocabulary Selection Test: A
Students complete activities Christmas Carol, Act II
related to the Concept
Vocabulary words: STANDARDS
parallel; altered; strive; W.7.1.a-e; W.7.7; W.7.9.a;
dispelled; earnest; infinitely SL.7.4; SL.7.5

Word Study: Greek Prefix:

Students complete activities
related to the Greek Prefix
Concept Vocabulary and
Word Study
Word Study: Greek Prefix:
para- (RP)

Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.

Conventions: Sentence
Students identify examples of
sentence structure.
Conventions and Style:
Sentence Structures
Conventions and Style:
Sentence Structures (RP)

RL.7.1; RL.7.2; RL.7.3;
L.7.1.b; L.7.4.b; L.7.4.c;
L.7.4.d; L.7.5.b

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Analyze Craft and Writing to Sources: Audio Summary English Language Support:
Structure: Stage Directions Explanatory Essay (RP) Comparison
(RP) (TE p 296) (TE p 302)
(TE p 293)
Speaking and Listening:
Word Study: Greek Prefix: Costume Plans (RP)
para- (RP) (TE p 297)
(TE p 294)
Conventions and Style:
Sentence Structures (RP)
(TE p 295)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Understanding Stage
(TE p 293)

English Language
Support Lesson: Stage
Directions (On Realize)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Subjects and Verbs
(TE p 295)

iLit ELL Level B

Elements of Drama Write an Explanatory Essay Text: The Stormi Giovani Text: The Stormi Giovani Reading Strategy: Compare
Unit 3 Lesson 2: work Time Unit 6 Lessons: 28, 32–35, Club
(play/drama) Club
(play/drama) and Contrast
37–39: Work Time Unit 3 Lesson 7-917-19, Unit 3 Lesson 7-917-19, Unit 2 Lesson 37: Read
Sentences Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 4 Lesson 35: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 46: Whole
Group Group; Work Time
Unit 6 Lesson 14: Work Time
Unit 7 Lesson 3: Work Time

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20
Write an Explanatory Essay Write an Explanatory Essay Write an Explanatory Essay Langston Hughes

SE pp 304-306 SE p 307 SE pp 308-309 SE pp 310-313 SE pp 314-319

Write an Explanatory Revising What can cause a sudden Concept Vocabulary
Cause-and-Effect Essay Conventions: Revise Students evaluate and revise change in someone’s life? permit; release; contact
Students write an essay Sentences to Heighten draft utilizing peer reviews.
responding to the question: Interest Small-Group Learning First Read
How does Scrooge’s Students use a variety of Editing and Proofreading Strategies Students Notice, Annotate,
character transform over the sentence structures to Students edit for conventions • Prepare Connect, Respond as they
course of the play? heighten reader’ interest. and proofread for accuracies. read the selection the first
• Participate Fully time.
• Support Others
PreWriting/Planning STANDARDS Publishing and Presenting
Students develop ideas and W.7.1.d; L.7.1.b; L.7.3.a Students create a final • Clarify
First-Read Guide:
connect across texts. version of their essay and Small-Group Learning Nonfiction
share in small groups. Strategies
Drafting Read the Selection
Students organize and write a Reflecting Table of Contents Preview
first draft. Students reflect on their Preview the selections in the Selection Audio
essays. unit and discuss how they
STANDARDS Thank You, M’am :
relate to the EQ and unit Accessible Leveled Text
W.7.2.a-c; W.7.10 STANDARDS topic.
W.7.1.d-f; W.7.5; W.7.6
Comprehension Check
Working as a Team Students complete
• Take a position comprehension questions.
• List your rules
• Apply the rules
• Name your group Thank You, M’am: First
• Create a communication Read Extension Questions
Research to Clarify
Making a Schedule Students research a topic that
Students make a schedule will help them better
with group for completing understand the text.
Working on Group Projects Rl.7.10; L.7.4.a
Students choose specific
roles for each member.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: Audio Summary
Revising Sentences Thank You M’am:
(TE p 307) Accessible Leveled Text

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
(TE p 317)

iLit ELL Level B

Write an Explanatory Essay Write an Explanatory Essay Write an Explanatory Essay Active Listening Routine iLit Library (texts by
Unit 6 Lessons: 28, 32–35, Unit 6 Lessons: 28, 32–35, Unit 6 Lessons: 28, 32–35, Unit 1 Lesson 4: Work Time Langston Hughes)
37–39: Work Time 37–39: Work Time 37–39: Work Time Thank You M’am
Classroom Conversation
Write Sentences Unit 2 Lesson 12: Introduce Genre: Short
Unit 4 Lesson 44: Vocabulary Collaborative Discussion Story
Unit 6 Lesson 4: Vocabulary Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group Unit 4 Lesson 27: Read
Discussion Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25
Thank You, M’am Thank You, M’am Thank You, M’am Thank You, M’am from An American Childhood
Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Langston Hughes Annie Dillard

SE p 320 SE p 321 SE p 322 SE p 323 SE pp 324-328

Close Read the Text Analyze Craft & Structure: Writing to Sources: Journal Technical Vocabulary
Students will review the Close Elements of a Short Story: Conventions: Prepositions Entry tissue; enlarged; amoeba
Read Model and complete the Plot and Prepositional Phrases Students write a journal entry
close read sections in the Students will identify Students find examples of from the point of view on one First Read
selection. elements of plot in “Thank prepositions and prepositional of the characters in the story. Students Notice, Annotate,
You, M’am”. phrases in the passage. Connect, Respond as they
Close Read the Text Writing to Sources: read the selection the first
Analyze Craft and Conventions: Prepositions Journal Entry time.
Analyze the Text Structure: Elements of a and Prepositional Phrases
Students will respond to Short Story Writing to Sources:
questions about the text, Conventions: Prepositions Journal Entry (RP) First-Read Guide:
citing textual evidence. Analyze Craft and and Prepositional Phrases Nonfiction
Structure: Elements of a (RP) Evidence Log
Analyze the Text Short Story (RP) Students add notes and Read the Selection
STANDARDS evidence that will be used to
LANGUAGE STANDARDS L.7.1.a inform the Performance- Selection Audio
DEVELOPMENT RL.7.1; RL.7.3 Based Assessment. from An American
Childhood: Accessible
Concept Vocabulary Leveled Text
Students complete activities Selection Test: Thank
related to the Concept You Ma’m
Comprehension Check
Vocabulary words: Students complete
permit; release; contact STANDARDS
W.7.3.a; W.7.3.c; W.7.3.d; comprehension questions.
Word Study: Multiple- SL.7.1.b
meaning Words from An American
Concept Vocabulary and Childhood: First Read
Word Study Extension Questions

Word Study: Multiple- Research to Clarify

Meaning Words (RP) Students research one
unfamiliar scientific detail
Word Network from the memoir.
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
L.7.4.c; L.7.4.d
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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Close Read the Text

Students will review the Close
Read Model and complete the
close read sections in the
Close Read the Text

Analyze the Text

Students will respond to
questions about the text,
citing textual evidence.
Analyzing the Text

Rl.7.10; L.7.5.b

myPerspectives ELL Support

Word Study: Multiple- Analyze Craft and Conventions: Prepositions Writing to Sources: Audio Summary
Meaning Words (RP) Structure: Elements of a and Prepositional Phrases Journal Entry (RP)
(TE p 320) Short Story (RP) (RP) (TE p 323) from An American
(TE p 321) (TE p 322) Childhood: Accessible
Personalize for Learning Leveled Text
Personalize for Learning English Language Support:
English Language Support: Journal Entry
Sentence Frames (TE p 323)
(TE p 322)
English Language
Support Lesson: Journal
Entry (On Realize
iLit ELL Level B
iLit Library (texts by iLit Library (texts by iLit Library (texts by iLit Library (texts by iLit Library
Langston Hughes) Langston Hughes) Langston Hughes) Langston Hughes) The Microscope
Thank You M’am Thank You M’am Thank You M’am Thank You M’am Classifying Plants and
Multiple Meanings Introduce Genre: Short Sentences Animals Ways of Life
Unit 2 Lesson 38: Vocabulary Story Unit 4 Lesson 35: Whole Earth’s Ecosystems
Unit 4 Lesson 9: Vocabulary Unit 4 Lesson 27: Read Group
Unit 4 Lesson 14: Vocabulary Aloud, Think Aloud Unit 6 Lesson 14: Work Time
Unit 7 Lesson 3: Work Tim

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30
from An American Childhood from An American Childhood from An American Childhood Urban Farming is Growing a Urban Farming is Growing a
Annie Dillard Annie Dillard Annie Dillard Green Future Green Future
Hillary Schwei Hillary Schwei

SE pp 328-329 SE p 330 SE p 331 SE pp 332-337 SE pp 338-339

Speaking and Listening: Concept Vocabulary
Technical Vocabulary Conventions: Appositives Collaborative Discussion rural; agricultural; localizing Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities and Appositive Phrases Students engage in a Students complete activities
related to the Concept Students analyze types of collaborative discussion. First Review related to the Concept
Vocabulary words: phrases. Students Look, Note, Vocabulary words:
tissue; enlarged; amoeba Speaking and Listening: Connect, Respond as they rural; agricultural; localizing
Conventions: Appositives Collaborative Discussion read the selection the first
Word Study: Prefix: en- and Appositive Phrases time. EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION
Speaking and Listening:
Concept Vocabulary and Conventions: Appositives Collaborative Discussion First-Review Guide: Research: Digital
Word Study and Appositive Phrases (RP) (RP) Media: Art and Photography Multimedia Presentation
Word Study: Prefix: en- Students research and create
STANDARDS Evidence Log Read the Selection
(RP) a presentation on urban
L.7.1.a; L.7.2 Students add notes and
Selection Audio farming.
evidence that will be used to
Word Network inform the Performance- Research: Digital
Students add new words to Urban Farming is Growing
Based Assessment. a Greener Future: Accessible Multimedia Presentation
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit. Text
Evidence Log
Selection Test: from
Comprehension Check Students add notes and
Analyze Craft & Structure: An American Childhood
Students complete evidence that will be used to
Reflective Writing inform the Performance-
Students analyze the central STANDARDS comprehension questions.
Based Assessment.
ideas in an excerpt from the SL.7.1.1.a-d
story. Urban Farming is Growing STANDARDS
Analyze Craft and a Greener Future: First Read W.7.5; W.7.7; W.7.8; SL.7.2;
Structure: Reflective Writing Extension Questions SL.7.5

Analyze Craft and Close Review

Structure: Reflective Writing Students will review the Close
(RP) Review Model and complete
the close review sections in
STANDARDS the selection.
RI.7.1; RI.7.2; RI.7.3; L.7.4.d;
L.7.5.b Close Review the Text

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Analyze the Media

Students will respond to
questions about the photos,
citing textual evidence.
Analyze the Media

RI.7.10; L.7.6
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Prefix: en- Conventions: Appositives Speaking and Listening: Audio Summary
(RP) and Appositive Phrases (RP) Collaborative Discussion
(TE p 328) (TE p 330) (RP)
(TE p 331)
Analyze Craft and Personalize for Learning
Structure: Reflective Writing English Language Support: Personalize for Learning
(RP) Appositives and Appositive English Language Support:
(TE p 329) Phrases Preparing for a Collaborative
(TE p 330) Discussion
(TE p 331)

English Language
Support Lesson:
Collaborative Discussion (On
EL iLit ELL Level B
iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library
The Microscope The Microscope The Microscope Healthy Choices Healthy Choices
Classifying Plants and Classifying Plants and Classifying Plants and Animals
Animals Animals Animals Ways of Life
Animals Ways of Life Animals Ways of Life Earth’s Ecosystems
Earth’s Ecosystems Earth’s Ecosystems
Classroom Conversation
Classroom Conversation Unit 2 Lesson 14:
Unit 2 Lesson 14: Collaborative Discussion
Collaborative Discussion Unit 2 Lesson 32:
Unit 2 Lesson 32: Collaborative Discussion:
Collaborative Discussion: Think-Pair-Share

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 31 DAY 32 DAY 33 DAY 34 DAY 35
Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening INDEPENDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT
Focus Focus
Present an Explanatory Present an Explanatory
Essay Essay

SE p 340 SE p 341 SE pp 342-343 SE pp 344-346 SE pp 347-349

What can cause a sudden ASSESSMENT PREP
Present an Explanatory Present and Evaluate change in someone’s life? First Read
Essay Students present as a group Students Notice, Annotate, Review Evidence for an
As a group, students present and use checklist items to Independent Learning Connect, Respond as they Explanatory Essay
an explanatory essay in the evaluate. Strategies read the selection the first Students evaluate the
form of a multimedia • Create a Schedule time. strength of their evidence
presentation about turning STANDARDS • Practice what you have
points. SL.7.1; SL.7.2; SL.7.4; First-Read Guide Evidence Log
SL.7.5; SL.7.6 Students add notes and
• Take Notes Close-Read Guide
Plan with Your Group evidence that will be used to
Students analyze the text, Close-Read Guide inform the Performance-
gather details and media, and Independent Learning Based Assessment.
organize your ideas. Strategies Close Read the Text
Students will review the Close Writing to Sources:
Rehearse with Your Group Table of Contents Preview Read Model and complete the Explanatory Essay
Students practice the Preview the selections in the close read sections in the Students will write an essay
presentation, fine-tune the unit and discuss how they selection. to answer the following: What
content, improve their use of relate to the EQ and unit can cause a significant
media, and brush up on topic. Analyze the Text change in someone’s life?
presentation techniques. Students will respond to
Contents Explanatory Essay Rubric
questions about the text,
STANDARDS citing textual evidence. Students use the rubric to
W.7.2 guide their revisions.
Quick Write
Students write about a STANDARDS
paragraph that grabbed their W.7.2.a; W.7.2.b; W.7.4;
interest. W.7.9; W.7.10; PII.3

Share Your Independent

Students share what they
learned from independent
learning with a group and
reflect on how it adds to their
understanding of

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

RL.7.10; RI.7.10
myPerspectives ELL Support
Personalize for Learning
Accessible Leveled Texts English Language Support:
for Independent Learning Syntax
Selections (On Realize) (TE p 349)
iLit ELL Level B
Present an Explanatory Present an Explanatory Rules for Conversation Independent Reading Explanatory Essay
Essay Essay Routines Every lesson 26: Whole Group
Unit 6 Lessons 38-39: Work Unit 6 Lessons 38-39: Work Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Unit 6 Lessons 32–39: Whole
Time Time Conversation Make Connections Group
Unit 3 Lesson 8: Read Aloud,
Classroom Conversation Think Aloud; Work Time
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14:
Collaborative Discussion
Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small-
Group Discussion

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 36

SE pp 222-223

Speaking and Listening:

Oral Presentation
Students will use their essay
as the foundation for an oral

Reflect on the Unit

Students reflect on Unit goals,
learning strategies, and the

Reflect on the Unit

Unit Test

SL.7.4; SL.7.5

iLit ELL Level B

Multimedia Presentation
Unit 5 Lesson 1-10: Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

GRADE 7 | UNIT 4: People and the Planet INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What effects do people have on the
• ELD Companion is an additional resource.
NOTES: ASSESSMENTS • Don’t forget Accessible Leveled Texts are
in the Unit Resources.
SMALL-GROUP LEARNING • myPerspectives Plus also provides more
support and differentiation beyond what
is in this Guide.

Unit 4 Overview

In this unit, students will read many examples of humans’ relationship with the natural world.

Unit Goals

Students will be able to:

• Evaluate written arguments by analyzing how authors state and support their claims.
• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write an argumentative essay in which you effectively incorporate the key elements of an argument.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Demonstrate command of the use of participles and participial phrases.
• Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communicate.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.

Selections & Media

Launch Text
• Rethinking the Wild, (980L)

Whole-Class Learning
• Anchor Text, Descriptive Nonfiction: from Silent Spring, Rachel Carson (1080L)
• Anchor Text, Speech: Nobel Speech, Al Gore (1190L)
• Media, Video: Nobel Speech, Al Gore

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Small-Group Learning
• Poetry Collection: Turtle Watchers, Linda Hogan (NP)
• Poetry Collection: “Nature” is what We See--, Emily Dickinson (NP)
• Poetry Collection: The Sparrow, Paul Laurence Dunbar (NP)
• Media, Photo Gallery: Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond, The Nature Conservancy
• Short Story: He-y, Come On Ou-t!, Shinichi Hoshi, translated by Stanleigh Jones (870L)

Independent Learning
• Novel Excerpt: from My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George, (820L)
• Myth: How Grandmother spider Stole the Sun, Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac (850L)
• Expository Nonfiction: The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child, Eloise Montalban (980L)
• Essay: from Of Wolves and Men, Barry Lopez (1010)

Performance-Based Assessment Unit Reflection

Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Argumentative Essay Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and
the environment.
Students will write an argumentative essay on the following topic:

Are the needs of people ever more important than the needs of animals and the

Part 2 – Speaking & Listening: Oral Presentation

Students will use their argument to present a three- to five-minute oral presentation.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
Whole-Class Learning Anchor Text Anchor Text
from Silent Spring from Silent Spring
Rachel Carson Rachel Carson

SE pp 352-355 SE pp 356-359 SE pp 360-361 SE pp 362-368 SE pp 369-371

Unit Goals Launch Text Essential Question MAKING MEANING LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT
Students will deepen their Students will read What effects do people have
perspective on the “Rethinking the Wild.” on the environment? Concept Vocabulary Conventions: Verb Mood –
environment by reading, Students will then be able to blight; maladies; puzzled; The Subjunctive
writing, speaking, listening, engage in discussions about Whole-Class Learning stricken; stillness; deserted Students identify mood in
and presenting. people and the planet. Strategies sentences.
• Listen actively First Read
Unit Goals Video Word Network Students Notice, Annotate, Conventions: Verb Mood –
• Clarify by asking The Subjunctive
Students add new words to questions Connect, Respond as they
Academic Vocabulary their Word Network as they read the selection the first
ethical; dissent; interject; • Monitor understanding Conventions: Verb Mood –
read texts in the unit. time. The Subjunctive (RP)
discord; accuracy • Interact and share ideas
Word Network First-Read Guide:
Whole-Class Learning Nonfiction EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION
Home Connection Letter Summary Strategies
Students write a summary of Read the Selection Writing to Sources:
Spanish Home Table of Contents Preview Argument
Connection Letter the Launch Text.
Preview the selections in the Selection Audio Students write a report to
Unit 4 Answer Key Launch Activity unit and discuss how they answer the question: Does
relate to the EQ and unit topic. from Silent Spring: Carson’s description inspire or
Students participate in an Accessible Leveled Text
STANDARDS activity related to the unit discourage readers to take
L.7.6 theme. action.
Comprehension Check
Students complete Writing to Sources:
QuickWrite comprehension questions. Argument
Students write a response to
the QuickWrite prompt: What Writing to Sources:
are the most effective tools from Silent Spring: First Argument (RP)
for establishing and Read Extension Questions
preserving freedom? Speaking and Listening:
Research to Clarify Multimedia Presentation
Evidence Log Students research one Students research and give a
Students add notes and unfamiliar detail from the text multimedia presentation
evidence that will be used to to research.
Speaking and Listening:
inform the Performance-
Close Read the Text Multimedia Presentation
Based Assessment.
Students will review the Speaking and Listening:
Evidence Log Close Read Model and Multimedia Presentation (RP)
complete the close read
sections in the selection. Evidence Log

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Students add notes and

Performance-Based Close Read the Text evidence that will be used to
Assessment: Refining Your inform the Performance-Based
Thinking Analyze the Text Assessment.
Students will respond to
questions about the text,
citing textual evidence. Selection Test: from
Silent Spring
Analyze Craft & Structure:
Author’s Word Choice: STANDARDS
Imagery W.7.1.a-d; SL.7.7; W.7.8;
Students will analyze imagery SL.7.4; SL.7.5; L.7.1; L.7.2;
in the text. L.7.3
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Author’s Word
Choice: Imagery
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Author’s Word
Choice: Imagery (RP)

Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities
related to the Concept
Vocabulary words:
blight; maladies; puzzled;
stricken; stillness; deserted
Word Study: Anglo-Saxon
Suffix: -ness
Concept Vocabulary and
Word Study
Word Study: Anglo-Saxon
Suffix: -ness (RP)

Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
RI.7.1; RI.7.2; RI.7.4; RI.7.10;
L.7.4; L.7.5.c
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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Audio Summary English Language Support: Audio Summary Conventions: The
Suffix -tion Subjunctive (RP)
Personalize for Learning from Silent Spring: (TE p 369)
(TE p 359) Accessible Leveled Text
English Language Support:
Cognates Writing to Sources:
Analyze Craft and Argument (RP)
(TE p 355) Structure: Author’s Word (TE p 370)
Choice: Imagery (RP)
(TE p 367) Speaking and Listening:
Multimedia Presentation (RP)
Word Study: Anglo-Saxon (TE p 371)
Suffix: -ness (RP)
(TE p 368)
English Language
Personalize for Learning Support Lesson: Multimedia
English Language Support: Presentation (On Realize)
Figurative Language
(TE p 363)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
(TE p 367)
English Language
Support Lesson: Connotation
(On Realize)
iLit ELL Level B
Academic Vocabulary Use Prefixes and Suffixes Rules for Conversation Text: Bird-Watching Multimedia Presentation
(examples) Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Routines Unit 5 Lesson 7 Unit 5 Lesson 1-10: Work
Unit 2 Lessons 18, 19, 27, 34: Group; Work Time Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Time
Vocabulary Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole Conversation iLit Library
Unit 4 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, Group Silent Spring Morning
27-29: Vocabulary Classroom Conversation Jane of the Jungle
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14: Human Impact
Collaborative Discussion Babes in the Woods
Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small-
Group Discussion Figurative Language
Unit 2 Lesson 41: Whole
Unit 2 Lessons 42–43; Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10

Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text
Nobel Speech Nobel Speech Nobel Speech Nobel Speech Nobel Speech
Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore

SE pp 372-380 SE pp 381-382 SE p 383 SE p 384 SE p 385

Concept Vocabulary Comprehension Check Analyze Craft & Structure:
crisis; pollution; urgency; Students complete Persuasive Speech Concept Vocabulary Conventions: Infinitive
universal; illusion; comprehension questions. Students will identify types of Students complete activities Phrases and Gerund
environment persuasive techniques in the related to the Concept Phrases
Nobel Speech: First speech. Vocabulary words: Students identify examples of
First Read Read Extension Questions crisis; pollution; urgency; infinitive and gerund phrases.
Students Notice, Annotate, Analyze Craft and universal; illusion;
Connect, Respond as they Research to Clarify Structure: Persuasive Speech environment Conventions: Infinitive
read the selection the first Students research one Phrases and Gerund Phrases
unfamiliar detail from the text. Analyze Craft and
time. Word Study: Latin Prefix:
Structure: Persuasive Speech Conventions: Infinitive
First-Read Guide: Close Read the Text (RP) Phrases and Gerund Phrases
Nonfiction Students will review the Close Concept Vocabulary and (RP)
Read Model and complete the STANDARDS Word Study
Read the Selection close read sections in the RI.7.8 Evidence Log
Word Study: Latin Prefix: Students add notes and
Selection Audio selection. uni- (RP) evidence that will be used to
Nobel Speech: Accessible Close Read the Text inform the Performance-
Word Network Based Assessment.
Leveled Text Students add new words to
Analyze the Text
Students will respond to their Word Network as they SELECTION TEST
STANDARDS read texts in the unit.
RI.7.10 questions about the text,
citing textual evidence. Selection Test: Nobel

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Audio Summary English Language Support: Analyze Craft and Word Study: Latin Prefix: Conventions: Infinitive
Similar Words Structure: Persuasive Speech uni- (RP) Phrases and Gerund Phrases
Nobel Speech: Accessible (RP) (TE p 384) (RP)
Leveled Text (TE p 382)
(TE p 383) (TE p 385)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language
Archaic Words Support Lesson: Gerunds (On
(TE p 374) Realize)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
(TE p 377)

iLit ELL Level B

iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library
Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning
Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle
Human Impact Human Impact Human Impact Human Impact Human Impact
Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods

Opinion Speech Opinion Speech Use Prefixes and Suffixes

Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole
Group; Work Time
Understand Idioms Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole
Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole Group
Unit 4 Lessons 7–8: Read
Aloud, Think Aloud & Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

Media Media Media Media Media
Nobel Speech Nobel Speech Nobel Speech Nobel Speech Nobel Speech
Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore Al Gore

SE pp 386-387 SE p 388 SE p 389 SE pp 390-391 SE pp 390-391


Concept Vocabulary Comprehension Check Close Review Writing to Compare: Writing to Compare:
unprecedented; recklessly; Students complete Students will review the video Argument Argument
imminent; unsustainable; comprehension questions. and record any new Students write an argument Students write an argument
emissions; efficiently observations. stating a claim as to which stating a claim as to which
Research to Clarify medium more persuasively medium more persuasively
First Review Students research one Close Review conveys Al Gore’s argument. conveys Al Gore’s argument.
Students Watch, Note, unfamiliar detail from the text.
Connect, Respond as they Analyze the Media Writing to Compare: Writing to Compare:
review the media the first Students will respond to Argument Argument
time. questions about the video,
citing evidence. STANDARDS Evidence Log
RL.7.7; W.7.1.a-c; SL.7.2 Students add notes and
First-Review Guide: LANGUAGE evidence that will be used to
Media: Video DEVELOPMENT inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Read the Selection Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities STANDARDS
Selection Audio related to the Concept RL.7.7; W.7.1.a-c; SL.7.2
Nobel Speech Vocabulary words:
unprecedented; recklessly;
STANDARDS imminent; unsustainable;
RI.7.10 emissions; efficiently
Concept Vocabulary

SL.7.3; L.7.4

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

myPerspectives ELL Support

Audio Summary
Nobel Speech

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Prefix un-
(TE p 386)

iLit ELL Level B

iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library
Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning Silent Spring Morning
Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle Jane of the Jungle
Human Impact Human Impact Human Impact Human Impact Human Impact
Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods Babes in the Woods

Use Prefixes and Suffixes Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing

Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28-
Group; Work Time 29, 32-38 29, 32-38
Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20
Write an Argument Write an Argument Write an Argument Linda Hogan

“Nature” is what we see—

Emily Dickinson

The Sparrow
Paul Laurence Dunbar

SE pp 392-394 SE p 395 SE pp 396-397 SE pp 398-401 SE pp 402-407

Write an Argument Revising What effects do people have Concept Vocabulary
Students write an argument Conventions: Sentence Students evaluate and revise on the environment? ancestors; wisdom; heed
taking a position on the Fluency: Revising draft utilizing peer reviews.
following question: What is Sentences Using Small-Group Learning First Read
the most significant effect that Participles Editing and Proofreading Strategies Students Notice, Annotate,
people have on the Students revise sentences Students edit for conventions • Prepare Connect, Respond as they
environment? using participles and phrases. and proofread for accuracies. read the selection the first
• Participate Fully time.
• Support Others
PreWriting/Planning STANDARDS Publishing and Presenting
Students craft a claim, gather L.7.1.c; L.7.3.a; PI.4; PI.10 Students create a final • Clarify
First-Read Guide: Poetry
evidence, and connect across version of their argument and Small-Group Learning
texts. share in small groups. Strategies Read the Selection
Drafting Reflecting Table of Contents Preview Selection Audio
Students organize and write a Students reflect on their Preview the selections in the
first draft. argument. Turtle
unit and discuss how they Watchers/Nature/The
relate to the EQ and unit Sparrow: Accessible Text
W.7.1; W.7.1.a-b; W.7.1.d; W.7.5; W.7.8; L.7.2.b; L.7.4.c
W.7.5; W.7.10 Comprehension Check
Working as a Team Students complete
• Take a position comprehension questions.
• List your rules
• Apply the rules
• Name your group Turtle
• Create a communication Watchers/Nature/The
plan Sparrow: First Read
Extension Questions
Making a Schedule
Students make a schedule Research to Explore
with group for completing Students research on
tasks. unfamiliar detail mentioned in
one of the poems.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Working on Group Projects

Students choose specific STANDARDS
roles for each member RL.7.10; L.7.4.c

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: Audio Summary
Revising Sentences Turtle
(TE p 395) Watchers/Nature/The
Sparrow: Accessible Text

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
Vocabulary of Poems
(TE p 406)

iLit ELL Level B

Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing Rules for Conversation Introduce: Poetry
Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Routines Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole
Group Group Group Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Group
Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Conversation
Time 29, 32-38 Time Characteristics of Poetry
Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Classroom Conversation Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time
29, 32-38 Assignments 29, 32-38 Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14:
Unit 4 Lessons 21-25: Write Collaborative Discussion Reading Poetry Selections
Assignments an Opinion Paragraph Assignments Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small- Unit 7 Lesson 1-5
Unit 4 Lessons 21-25: Write Unit 4 Lessons 21-25: Write Group Discussion
an Opinion Paragraph Write Sentences an Opinion Paragraph
Unit 4 Lesson 44: Vocabulary
Unit 6 Lesson 4: Vocabulary

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25
Turtle Watchers Turtle Watchers Turtle Watchers Eagle Tracking at Follensby Eagle Tracking at Follensby
Linda Hogan Linda Hogan Linda Hogan Pond Pond
The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy
“Nature” is what we see— “Nature” is what we see— “Nature” is what we see—
Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson

The Sparrow The Sparrow The Sparrow

Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar

SE pp 408-409 SE p 410 SE p 411 SE pp 412-417 SE p 418

Close Read the Text Speaking and Listening: Media Vocabulary Close Review
Students will review the Close Author’s Style: Diction and Oral Presentation documentary photography; Students will revisit the
Read Model and complete the Tone Students create a vantage point; monochrome selection and write down any
close read sections in the Students identify specific presentation to highlight the new observations.
selection. word choices in each poem theme of one of the poems. First Review
and how they affect meaning Students Look, Note, Analyze the Media
Close Read the Text and tone. Speaking and Listening: Connect, Respond as they Students will respond to
Oral Presentation read the selection the first questions about the photos,
Analyze the Text Author’s Style: Diction time. citing textual evidence.
Students will respond to and Tone Speaking and Listening:
questions about the text, Oral Presentation (RP) Analyzing the Text
citing textual evidence. Author’s Style: Diction First-Review Guide
and Tone (RP) Evidence Log Media: Art/Photography LANGUAGE
Analyze the Text Students add notes and DEVELOPMENT
STANDARDS evidence that will be used to Read the Selection
LANGUAGE RL.7.1; RL.7.2; RL.7.4 inform the Performance- Media Vocabulary
DEVELOPMENT Based Assessment. Selection Audio Students complete activities
Eagle Tracking at related to the Media
Concept Vocabulary Vocabulary words:
Students complete activities Selection Test: Poetry Follensby Pond
Selection documentary photography;
related to the Concept vantage point; monochrome
Vocabulary words: Comprehension Check
ancestors; wisdom; heed STANDARDS Students complete Media Vocabulary
SL.7.2; SL.7.5; SL.7.6 comprehension questions.
Word Study: Etymology STANDARDS
Concept Vocabulary and RI.7.10; L.7.6
Word Study
Word Study: Etymology

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.

Analyze Craft & Structure:

The Speaker in Lyric Poetry
Students analyze the poetry
in the collection.
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Lyric Poetry
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Lyric Poetry (RP)

RL.7.7; L.7.5.b
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Etymology Author’s Style: Diction Speaking and Listening: Audio Summary
(RP) and Tone (RP) Oral Presentation (RP)
(TE p 408) (TE p 410) (TE p 411) Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
Analyze Craft and Personalize for Learning Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Structure: Lyric Poetry (RP) English Language Support: (TE p 412)
(TE p 409) Word Choice
(TE p 410)
iLit ELL Level B
Introduce: Poetry Introduce: Poetry Introduce: Poetry Use Domain-Specific Background Video
Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole Vocabulary (examples)
Group Group Group Unit 4 Lesson 49: Read Unit 2 Lesson 16: Whole
Aloud, Think Aloud Group
Characteristics of Poetry Characteristics of Poetry Characteristics of Poetry Unit 5 Lesson 5: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 13: Whole
Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time Group Group

Reading Poetry Selections Reading Poetry Selections Reading Poetry Selections Background Video
Unit 7 Lesson 1-5 Unit 7 Lesson 1-5 Unit 7 Lesson 1-5 (examples)
Unit 2 Lesson 16: Whole
Multimedia Presentation Group
Unit 5 Lesson 1-10: Work Unit 4 Lesson 13: Whole
Time Group

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30
Eagle Tracking at Follensby He-y, Come On Ou-t! He-y, Come On Ou-t! He-y, Come On Ou-t! He-y, Come On Ou-t!
Pond Shinichi Hoshi translated by Shinichi Hoshi translated by Shinichi Hoshi translated by Shinichi Hoshi translated by
The Nature Conservancy Stanleigh Jones Stanleigh Jones Stanleigh Jones Stanleigh Jones

SE p 419 SE pp 420-425 SE p 426 SE pp 427-428 SE p 429

Research: Research Paper Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text Writing to Sources:
Students write a research disposal, consequences, Students will review the Close Analyze Craft & Structure: Alternate Ending
paper on eagle restoration or resolved Read Model and complete the Literary Elements: Irony Students write an alternate
the Endangered Species Act. close read sections in the Students analyze examples of ending to the story.
First Read selection. irony.
Research: Research Students Notice, Annotate, Writing to Sources:
Paper Connect, Respond as they Close Read the Text Analyze Craft and Alternate Ending
read the selection the first Structure: Elements of a
Evidence Log Analyze the Text Short Story Writing to Sources:
time. Alternate Ending (RP)
Students add notes and Students will respond to
evidence that will be used to questions about the text, Analyze Craft and
inform the Performance- First-Read Guide: Fiction citing textual evidence. Structure: Elements of a Evidence Log
Based Assessment. Short Story (RP) Students add notes and
Read the Selection Analyze the Text evidence that will be used to
STANDARDS Conventions: Punctuation inform the Performance-
W.7.2.a-b; W.7.7; W.7.8 Selection Audio LANGUAGE Marks Based Assessment.
DEVELOPMENT Students identify examples of
He-y, Come On Ou-t!: punctuation marks.
Accessible Leveled Text Concept Vocabulary Selection Test: He-y,
Students complete activities Conventions: Punctuation Come On Ou-t!
Comprehension Check related to the Concept Marks
Students complete Vocabulary words: STANDARDS
comprehension questions. Conventions: Punctuation W.7.3.b; W.7.3.d-e; W.7.5
disposal, consequences, Marks (RP)
He-y, Come On Ou-t!: STANDARDS
First Read Extension Word Study: Latin Root: RL.7.1; RL.7.2; RL.7.3; L.7.2
Questions -sequ-
Concept Vocabulary and
Research to Clarify Word Study
Students research one
unfamiliar detail from the text. Word Study: Latin Root:
-sequ- (RP)
RL.7.10; L.7.4.a Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

SL.7.1.d; L.7.4.b-c

myPerspectives ELL Support

Audio Summary Word Study: Latin Root: - Analyze Craft and Writing to Sources:
sequ- (RP) Structure: Elements of a Alternate Ending (RP)
He-y, Come On Ou-t!: (TE p 426) Short Story (RP) (TE p 429)
Accessible Leveled Text (TE p 427)
Personalize for Learning Conventions: Punctuation
English Language Support: Marks (RP)
Cohesion (TE p 428)
(TE p 422)
Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
Irony vs. Coincidence
(TE p 427)

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support
Using Colons and Semicolons
(TE p 428)

English Language
Support Lesson: Punctuation
(On Realize)

iLit ELL Level B

Background Video Introduce Genre: Short Use Greek and Latin Roots Introduce Genre: Short Write a Narrative
(examples) Story (examples) Story (examples)
Unit 2 Lesson 16: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 27: Read Unit 2 Lesson 48: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 27: Read Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work
Group Aloud, Think Aloud Group; Work Time Aloud, Think Aloud Time
Unit 4 Lesson 13: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 48: Read Aloud, Unit 6 Lesson 30: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 6: Whole
Group Think Aloud; Work Time Group Group
Unit 6 Lesson 32: Read
Aloud, Think Aloud

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 31 DAY 32 DAY 33 DAY 34 DAY 35
Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening INDEPENDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT
Focus Focus
Present an Argument Present an Argument

SE pp 430-431 SE p 431 SE pp 432-433 SE pp 434-436 SE pp 437-439

What effects do people have ASSESSMENT PREP
Present an Argument Present and Evaluate on the environment? First Read
As a group, students present Students present as a group Students Notice, Annotate, Review Evidence for an
a presentation answering this and use checklist items to Independent Learning Connect, Respond as they Argument
question: Do people always evaluate. Strategies read the selection the first Students evaluate the
have a negative impact on the • Create a Schedule time. strength of their evidence
environment? STANDARDS • Practice what you have
SL.7.1; SL.7.2; SL.7.5; SL.7.6 First-Read Guide Evidence Log
Plan with Your Group Students add notes and
• Take Notes Close-Read Guide
Students analyze the text, evidence that will be used to
gather evidence and media Close-Read Guide inform the Performance-
examples, and organize their Independent Learning Based Assessment.
presentation. Strategies Close Read the Text
Students will review the Close Writing to Sources:
Rehearse with Your Group Table of Contents Preview Read Model and complete the Argument
Students practice the Preview the selections in the close read sections in the Students will write an
presentation, fine-tune the unit and discuss how they selection. argument to answer the
content, and improve their relate to the EQ and unit following: Are the needs of
use of media. topic. Analyze the Text people ever more important
Students will respond to than the needs of animals
STANDARDS Contents and the planet?
questions about the text,
SL.7.1.a-b; SL.7.2 citing textual evidence.
Argument Rubric
Quick Write Students use the rubric to
Students write about a guide their revisions.
paragraph that grabbed their
interest. STANDARDS
W.7.1.a-b; W.7.4; W.7.10
Share Your Independent
Students share what they
learned from independent
learning with a group and
reflect on how it adds to their
understanding of

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Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

RL.7.10; RI.7.10; SL.7.6

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Accessible Leveled Texts English Language Support:
for Independent Learning Syntax
Selections (On Realize) (TE p 439)

iLit ELL Level B

Present an Opinion Essay Present an Opinion Essay Independent Reading Make Connections Persuasive Writing
Unit 4 Lesson 37-38: Work Unit 4 Lesson 37-38: Work (examples) Unit 6 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 4 Lessons 35–38: Work
Time Time Unit 2 Lessons 40, 41, 45, 46 Group Time
Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6 Unit 6 Lesson 2: Work Time Unit 6 Lessons 18–20: Work
Opinion Speech Opinion Speech Unit 4 Lessons 35, 36, 40, 41 Unit 6 Lesson 7: Read Aloud, Time
Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Think Aloud

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 36

SE pp 222-223

Speaking and Listening:

Oral Presentation
Students will use their
argumentative essay as the
foundation for an oral

Reflect on the Unit

Students reflect on Unit goals,
learning strategies, and the

Reflect on the Unit

Unit Test

SL.7.4; SL.7.5; SL.7.6

iLit ELL Level B

Multimedia Presentation
Unit 5 Lesson 1-10: Work

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do we overcome obstacles?
• ELD Companion is an additional resource.
ASSESSMENTS • Don’t forget Accessible Leveled Texts are
in the Unit Resources.
SMALL-GROUP LEARNING • myPerspectives Plus also provides more
support and differentiation beyond what

Unit 5 Overview

In this unit, students will read many examples of people who have faced adversity and overcome obstacles.

Unit Goals

Students will be able to:

• Read and analyze informative texts.

• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write an Informative essay to examine a topic and convey ideas.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Demonstrate command of coordinate adjectives.
• Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communicate.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.

Selections & Media

Launch Text
• Against the Odds (800L)

Whole-Class Learning
• Media, Video: The Dust Bowl, Critical Past
• Anchor Text, Novel Excerpt: from The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck (600L)
• Anchor Text, Short Story: The Circuit, Francisco Jimenez (730L)

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Small-Group Learning
• Personal Narrative: A Work in Progress, Aimee Mullins (930L)
• Autobiography Excerpt: from The Story of My Life , Helen Keller (970L)
• Media, Interview: How Helen Keller Learned to Talk, Helen Keller, with Anne Sullivan
• New Article: A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation, Sarah Childress (1020L)

Independent Learning
• Personal Narrative: The Girl Who Fell from the Sky, Juliane Koepcke (790L)
• Novel Excerpt: Four Skinny Trees from The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros (690L)
• Short Story: Rikki-tikki-tavi, Rudyard Kipling (1010L)
• Memoir: from Facing the Lion: Growing Up Maasai on the African Savanna, Joseph Lemosolai Lekuton (800L)

Performance-Based Assessment Unit Reflection

Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Informative Text Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and how we overcome
Students will write an informative essay addressing the following

How can people overcome adversity in the face of overwhelming


Part 2 – Speaking & Listening: Oral Presentation

Students use their informative essay as the foundation for a

multimedia presentation.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
Whole-Class Learning The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl
Critical Past Critical Past

SE pp 442-445 SE pp 446-449 SE pp 450-451 SE pp 452-454 SE p 455

Unit Goals Launch Text Essential Question MAKING MEANING MAKING MEANING
Students will deepen their Students will read “Against How do we overcome
perspective of facing the Odds.” Students will then obstacles? Media Vocabulary Close Review
adversity by reading, writing, be able to engage in panoramic shot, voiceover, Students watch “The Dust
speaking, listening, and discussions about facing Whole-Class Learning transition Bowl” again and first-review
presenting. diversity. Strategies notes and record any new
• Listen actively First Review observations.
Unit Goals Video Word Network Students Watch, Note,
• Clarify by asking
Students add new words to questions Connect, Respond as they Analyze the Media
Academic Vocabulary their Word Network as they review the media the first Students will respond to
deviate, persevere, • Monitor understanding
read texts in the unit. time. questions about the video,
determination, diversity, • Interact and share ideas citing textual evidence.
tradition Word Network
Whole-Class Learning First-Review Guide:
Strategies LANGUAGE
Summary Media: Video DEVELOPMENT
Home Connection Letter Students write a summary of
the Launch Text. Table of Contents Preview Watch the Selection
Spanish Home Preview the selections in the Media Vocabulary
Connection Letter unit and discuss how they Selection Audio Students complete activities
Launch Activity related to the Vocabulary
Unit 5 Answer Key Students participate in an relate to the EQ and unit
topic. The Dust Bowl words:
activity related to the unit panoramic shot, voiceover,
STANDARDS theme. Comprehension Check transition
L.7.6 Students complete
QuickWrite comprehension questions. Media Vocabulary
Students write a response to
the QuickWrite prompt: What Research to Clarify Evidence Log
are the most effective tools Students research one Students add notes and
for establishing and unfamiliar detail from the text. evidence that will be used to
preserving freedom? inform the Performance-
STANDARDS Based Assessment.
Evidence Log RI.7.10
Students add notes and STANDARDS
evidence that will be used to L.7.6
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Evidence Log
Assessment: Refining Your
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myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
Audio Summary English Language Support: Audio Summary
Personalize for Learning (TE p 449)
English Language Support:

(TE ELL Level B
p 445)
Academic Vocabulary Understand Idioms Rules for Conversation Research a Topic iLit Library
(examples) Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole Routines Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole The Roaring Twenties and
Unit 2 Lessons 18, 19, 27, 34: Group Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Group the Great Depression 1920-
Vocabulary Unit 4 Lessons 7–8: Read Conversation Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole 1940
Unit 4 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, Aloud, Think Aloud & Work Group
27-29: Vocabulary Time Classroom Conversation Unit 5 Lessons 3–4: Work
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14: Time
Vocabulary - Idioms Collaborative Discussion
Unit 4 Lesson 47: Vocabulary Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small- iLit Library
Unit 6 Lesson 13: Vocabulary Group Discussion The Roaring Twenties and
the Great Depression 1920-

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10

Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text
from The Grapes of Wrath from The Grapes of Wrath from The Grapes of Wrath from The Grapes of Wrath The Circuit
John Steinbeck John Steinbeck John Steinbeck John Steinbeck Francisco Jimenez

SE pp 456-461 SE pp 462-463 SE pp 464-465 SE pp 466-467 SE pp 468-475

Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text Writing to Compare: Concept Vocabulary
ruthless; toil; doomed; Students will review the Close Concept Vocabulary Argumentative Essay thoroughly; wearily;
bitterness; sorrow; frantically Read Model and complete the Students complete activities Students write an argument instinctively; enthusiastically;
close read sections in the related to the Concept supporting the role of farmers hesitantly; understandingly
First Read selection. Vocabulary words: in the dust bowl.
Students Notice, Annotate, ruthless; toil; doomed; First Read
Connect, Respond as they Close Read the Text bitterness; sorrow; frantically Writing to Compare: Students Notice, Annotate,
read the selection the first Argumentative Essay Connect, Respond as they
time. Analyze the Text read the selection the first
Students will respond to Word Study: Old English Evidence Log time.
First-Read Guide: Fiction questions about the text, Suffix: -less Students add notes and
citing textual evidence. evidence that will be used to First-Read Guide: Fiction
Read the Selection Concept Vocabulary and inform the Performance-
Analyze Craft & Structure: Word Study Based Assessment. Read the Selection
Selection Audio
Theme Word Study: Old English Selection Audio
from The Grapes of Students will identify how Suffix: -less (RP) SELECTION TEST
Wrath: Accessible Leveled story elements determine The Circuit: Accessible
Text theme. Selection Test: from Leveled Text
Word Network The Grapes of Wrath
Analyze Craft and Students add new words to
Comprehension Check their Word Network as they Comprehension Check
Students complete Structure: Theme, Setting and STANDARDS Students complete
Cultural Context read texts in the unit. RL.7.9; W.7.1.a-c; W.7.9.a
comprehension questions. comprehension questions.
from The Grapes of Analyze Craft and Author’s Style: Description The Circuit: First Read
Wrath: First Read Extension Structure: Theme, Setting and Students show examples of Extension Questions
Questions Cultural Context (RP) Steinbeck’s word choice to
describe horses. Research to Clarify
Research to Clarify STANDARDS Students research one
RL.7.2; RL.7.3; PI.6 Author’s Style:
Students research one Description unfamiliar detail from the text.
unfamiliar detail from the text.
Author’s Style: STANDARDS
STANDARDS Description (RP) RI.7.10
L.7.4.b; L.7.6

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myPerspectives ELL Support

Audio Summary Analyze Craft and Word Study: Old English Audio Summary
Structure: Theme, Setting and Suffix: -less (RP)
from The Grapes of Cultural Context (RP) (TE p 464) The Circuit: Accessible
Wrath: Accessible Text (TE p 463) Leveled Text
Author’s Style:
Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning Description (RP) Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support: (TE p 465) English Language Support:
Similar Words Finding the Theme Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 456) (TE p 463) (TE p 469)

Personalize for Learning

English Language English Language Support:
Support Lesson: Theme (On Idioms
Realize) (TE p 471)
iLit ELL Level B
iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library
The Roaring Twenties and The Roaring Twenties and The Roaring Twenties and The Roaring Twenties and The Circuit
the Great Depression 1920- the Great Depression 1920- the Great Depression 1920- the Great Depression 1920- It Can Be Done! The Life and
1940 1940 1940 1940 Legacy of Cesar Chavez
Crossing Borders
Word Families Theme (examples) Use Prefixes and Suffixes Write an Opinion Essay
Unit 1 Lessons 30, 34: Whole Unit 3 Lesson 5: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 27-29, 32-38: Research a Topic
Group Group Group Work Time Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4: Unit 3 Lesson 5: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 16: Work Time Group
Vocabulary Group Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Assignments Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole
Unit 6 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 37, 38, Unit 3 Lesson 9: Read Aloud, Unit 4 Lesson 40: Vocabulary Unit 4 Lessons 26–30: Write Group
39: Vocabulary Think Aloud an Opinion Essay
Unit 7 Lesson 3: Read Aloud,
Think Aloud

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text Anchor Text
The Circuit The Circuit The Circuit The Circuit The Circuit
Francisco Jimenez Francisco Jimenez Francisco Jimenez Francisco Jimenez Francisco Jimenez

SE pp 476-477 SE p 478 SE p 479 SE p 480 SE p 481

Close Read the Text Writing to Sources: Speaking and Listening:
Students will review the Close Concept Vocabulary Conventions: Commas Explanation Role-play Interview
Read Model and complete the Students complete activities Students identify the functions Students write an explanation Students research and role-
close read sections in the related to the Concept of the comma or commas in about additional patterns they play an interview between a
selection. Vocabulary words: sentences. find in the story related to reporter and a farm worker.
thoroughly; wearily; characters’ behavior, action,
Close Read the Text instinctively; enthusiastically; Conventions: Commas and seasons. Speaking and Listening:
hesitantly; understandingly Role-play Interview
Analyze the Text Conventions: Commas Writing to Sources:
Students will respond to (RP) Explanation Speaking and Listening:
questions about the text, Role-play Interview (RP)
Word Study: Old English
citing textual evidence. STANDARDS Writing to Sources:
Suffix: -ly
L.7.2.a Explanation (RP) Evidence Log
Students complete activities
Analyze Craft & Structure: Students add notes and
using Old English Suffix: -ly
Theme STANDARDS evidence that will be used to
Students infer theme using Concept Vocabulary and RL.7.2; W.7.2.b; W.7.9.a inform the Performance-
clues from the text. Word Study Based Assessment.

Analyze Craft and Word Study: Old English SELECTION TEST

Structure: Theme Suffix: -ly (RP)
Selection Test: The
Analyze Craft and Word Network Circuit
Structure: Theme (RP) Students add new words to
their Word Network as they STANDARDS
STANDARDS read texts in the unit. W.7.7; SL.7.1.a; SL.7.1.c;
RL.7.1; RL.7.2 SL.7.4
L.7.4.a; L.7.4.b

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myPerspectives ELL Support

Analyze Craft and Structure: Word Study: Old Conventions: Commas Writing to Sources: Speaking and Listening:
Theme (RP) English Suffix: -ly (RP) (RP) Explanation (RP) Role-play Interview (RP)
(TE p 477) (TE p 478) (TE p 479) (TE p 480) (TE p 481)

Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning

English Language Support English Language Support
New Words Writing Informative Essays
(TE p 476) (TE p 480)

English Language
Support Lesson: Writing
Informative Essays (On

iLit ELL Level B

"People Equal" and Assignments - Spelling Assignments- Grammar Write an Explanatory Speak and Listen Well
"Inequality in America" (First Study Plan Study Plan Paragraph Unit 4 Lesson 36: Whole
Read) Unit 5 Lessons 6–10: Part Unit 6 Lessons 11–15: Part 3: Unit 6 Lesson 26: Whole Group
Unit 2 Lesson 42, 43 3: Skill 23: Suffixes Skill 23: Commas Group
Unit 6 Lessons 28, 32-39: Whole Class/Small Group
Theme (examples) Use Prefixes and Work Time Discussion (examples)
Unit 3 Lesson 5: Whole Group Suffixes Unit 2 Lesson 42: Classroom
Unit 3 Lesson 5: Whole Group Unit 4 Lesson 16: Work Assignments (examples) Conversation
Unit 3 Lesson 9: Read Aloud, Time Unit 6 Lessons 26-30: Plan Unit 4 Lesson 34: Classroom
Think Aloud Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work an Explanatory Paragraph Conversation

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20
Write an Informative Essay Write an Informative Essay Write an Informative Essay Aimee Mullins

SE pp 482-484 SE p 485 SE pp 486-487 SE pp 488-491 SE pp 492-499

Write an Informative Essay Revising How do we overcome Concept Vocabulary
Students write an essay Conventions: The Use of Students evaluate and revise obstacles? accomplishments;
answering the following Commas draft utilizing peer reviews. extraordinary; celebrate
question: How did the Students identify faulty Small-Group Learning
individuals in the selections sentences and re-punctuate Editing and Proofreading Strategies First Read
cope with the obstacles they them, either adding or Students edit for conventions • Prepare Students Notice, Annotate,
faced? removing commas. and proofread for accuracies. Connect, Respond as they
• Participate Fully read the selection the first
• Support Others time.
PreWriting/Planning STANDARDS Publishing and Presenting
Students gather details, L.7.2.a Students create a final • Clarify
formulate a thesis, and version of their essay and Small-Group Learning First-Read Guide:
organize details. share in small groups. Strategies Nonfiction
Drafting Reflecting Table of Contents Preview Read the Selection
Students organize and write a Students reflect on their Preview the selections in the
first draft. essay. unit and discuss how they Selection Audio
relate to the EQ and unit A Work in Progress:
W.7.2; W.7.2.a-c; W.7.2.f; L.7.2.a-b; L.7.2.d-e Accessible Leveled Text
W.7.10 Working as a Team Comprehension Check
• Take a position Students complete
• List your rules comprehension questions.
• Apply the rules
• Name your group
• Create a communication A Work in Progress: First
plan Read Extension Questions

Making a Schedule Research to Clarify

Students make a schedule Students research one
with group for completing unfamiliar detail from the text.
Research to Explore
Working on Group Projects Students research something
Students choose specific that interests them from the
roles for each member. text.

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RI.7.10; L.7.4.a

myPerspectives ELL Support

Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: Audio Summary
Commas A Work in Progress:
(TE p 485) Accessible Leveled Text

Personalize for Learning

English Language Support:
(TE p 493)

iLit ELL Level B

Informative Writing Informative Writing Informative Writing Rules for Conversation Research a Topic
(example) (example) (example) Routines Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole
Unit 6 Lessons 12-14: Work Unit 6 Lessons 12-14: Work Unit 6 Lessons 12-14: Work Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Group
Time Time Time Conversation Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole
Assignments- Grammar Classroom Conversation Unit 5 Lessons 3–4: Work
Study Plan Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14: Time
Unit 6 Lessons 11–15: Part 3: Collaborative Discussion
Skill 23: Commas Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small-
Group Discussion

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25
A Work in Progress A Work in Progress A Work in Progress from The Story of My Life from The Story of My Life
Aimee Mullins Aimee Mullins Aimee Mullins Helen Keller Helen Keller

SE pp 500-501 SE p 502 SE p 503 SE pp 504-508 SE pp 509-511

Close Read the Text Speaking and Listening: Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text
Students will review the Close Conventions: Informal Discussion imitate; mystery; barriers Students will review the Close
Read Model and complete the Grammar Students conduct a Read Model and complete the
close read sections in the Students identify examples of discussion analyzing quotes First Read close read sections in the
selection. informal grammar in the text from the reading. Students Notice, Annotate, selection.
and rewrite to follow standard Connect, Respond as they
Close Read the Text English grammar rules. Speaking and Listening: read the selection the first Close Read the Text
Discussion time.
Analyze the Text Conventions: Informal Analyze the Text
Students will respond to Grammar Speaking and Listening: Students will respond to
questions about the text, Discussion (RP) First-Read Guide: questions about the text,
citing textual evidence. Conventions: Informal Nonfiction citing textual evidence.
Grammar (RP) Evidence Log
Analyze the Text Students add notes and Read the Selection Analyze the Text
STANDARDS evidence that will be used to
LANGUAGE L.7.1; L.7.2 inform the Performance- Selection Audio LANGUAGE
DEVELOPMENT Based Assessment. The Story of My Life: DEVELOPMENT
Accessible Leveled Text
Concept Vocabulary Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities Selection Test: A Students complete activities
Work in Progress Comprehension Check
related to the Concept Students complete related to the Concept
Vocabulary words: comprehension questions. Vocabulary words:
accomplishments; STANDARDS imitate; mystery; barriers
extraordinary; celebrate SL.7.1.a-c
The Story of My Life: First Word Study: Greek Root:
Word Study: Latin Prefix: Read Extension Questions -myst-
Concept Vocabulary and
Concept Vocabulary and Research to Clarify Word Study
Word Study Students research one
unfamiliar detail from the Word Study: Greek Root:
Word Study: Latin Prefix excerpt. -myst- (RP)
extra- (RP)
Research to Explore Word Network
Word Network Students research something Students add new words to
Students add new words to that interests them from the their Word Network as they
their Word Network as they text. read texts in the unit.
read texts in the unit.

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Analyze Craft & Structure: STANDARDS LANGUAGE

Humor RI.7.10; L.7.4.a DEVELOPMENT
Students identify humorous
passages in the provided Analyze Craft & Structure:
sentences. Author’s Purpose:
Autobiographical Writing
Analyze Craft and Students identify specific
Structure: Humor sentences or passages from
Analyze Craft: Humor the selection that contribute to
(RP) the author’s purpose.
Analyze Craft and
STANDARDS Structure: Autobiographical
RI.7.3; RI.7.4; RI.7.6; L.7.4.b Writing
Analyze Craft:
Autobiographical Writing (RP)

Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses
Students identify examples of
dependent clauses in the
Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses
Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses (RP)

RI.7.4; RI.7.6; L 7.4.b
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Latin Prefix Conventions: Informal Speaking and Listening: Selection Audio Word Study: Greek Root:
extra- (RP) Grammar (RP) Discussion (RP) -myst- (RP)
(TE p 500) (TE p 502) (TE p 503) The Story of My Life: (TE p 509)
Accessible Leveled Text
Analyze Craft and Analyze Craft:
Structure: Word Choice and Personalize for Learning Autobiographical Writing (RP)
Humor (RP) English Language Support: (TE p 510)
(TE p 501) Understanding Verb Tense
(TE p 506) Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses (RP)
(TE p 511)

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Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning

English Language Support: English Language Support:
Using Hyperbole Connotations
(TE p 501) (TE p 510)

Personalize for Learning

English Language English Language Support:
Support Lesson: Hyperbole Using Adverbs and Adjective
(On Realize) Clauses
(TE p 511)

English Language
Support Lesson: Adverb and
Adjective Clauses (On

iLit ELL Level B

Use Prefixes and Suffixes Formal and Informal Whole Class/Small Group iLit Library Use Greek and Latin Roots
Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Language Discussion (examples) Helen Keller: The Story of My Unit 2 Lesson 48: Whole
Group; Work Time Unit 2 Lesson 4: Read Aloud, Unit 2 Lesson 42: Classroom Life Group; Work Time
Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole Think Aloud Conversation Optimism Unit 2 Lesson 48: Read
Group Unit 4 Lesson 39: Vocabulary Unit 4 Lesson 34: Classroom A New Day Aloud, Think Aloud; Work
Unit 4 Lesson 16: Work Time Conversation Time
Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Verb Tenses (examples)
Unit 2 Lesson 41: Whole Adjectives and Adverbs
Group Unit 4 Lesson 28: Work Time
Unit 2 Lesson 43: Work Time Unit 6 Lessons 9, 14, 18–19,
Unit 6 Lesson 11: Vocabulary 23–24: Read Aloud, Think
Assignments: Grammar Unit 7 Lesson 3: Work Time
Study Plan
Unit 3 Lessons 1–5: Part 2:
Skill 7: Verb Tenses

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30
How Helen Keller Learned to How Helen Keller Learned to A Young Tinkerer Builds a A Young Tinkerer Builds a A Young Tinkerer Builds a
Talk Talk Windmill, Electrifying a Nation Windmill, Electrifying a Nation Windmill, Electrifying a Nation
Helen Keller, with Anne Helen Keller, with Anne Sarah Childress Sarah Childress Sarah Childress
Sullivan Sullivan

SE pp 512-515 SE pp 515-517 SE pp 518-523 SE pp 524-525 SE pp 526-527

Media Vocabulary Concept Vocabulary Close Read the Text
long shot; medium shot; Media Vocabulary scarcity; desire; attempts Students will review the Close Conventions: Capitalization
close-up shot Students complete activities Read Model and complete the Students identify examples of
related to the media First Read close read sections in the correct capitalization in the
Media Vocabulary Vocabulary words: long shot; Students Notice, Annotate, selection. selection.
medium shot; close-up shot Connect, Respond as they
First Review read the selection the first Close Read the Text Conventions:
Students Watch, Note, Media Vocabulary time. Capitalization
Connect, Respond as they Analyze the Text
study the images. EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION Students will respond to Conventions:
First-Read Guide: questions about the text, Capitalization (RP)
First Review Guide: Writing to Compare: Nonfiction citing textual evidence.
Media-Video Multimedia Presentation EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION
Students create a Read the Selection Analyze the Text
View the Selection presentation about Helen Writing to Sources: How-To
Selection Audio LANGUAGE Essay
Selection Audio Keller’s life and education.
A Young Tinkerer Builds a DEVELOPMENT Students write a how-to
Writing to Compare: Windmill, Electrifying a essay.
Comprehension Check Multimedia Presentation Concept Vocabulary
Students complete Nation: Accessible Leveled Writing to Sources: How-
Text Students complete activities
comprehension questions. STANDARDS related to the Concept To Essay
RI.7.7; W.7.2.a-b; W.7.9.b; Comprehension Check Vocabulary words: Writing to Sources: How-
Close Review SL.7.1.b; SL.7.2; SL.7.5; scarcity; desire; attempts
Students will watch the clip Students complete To Essay (RP)
L.7.6 comprehension questions.
again and record any new Word Study: Etymology
observations. Evidence Log
Concept Vocabulary and Students add notes and
A Young Tinkerer Builds a Word Study evidence that will be used to
Analyze the Media Windmill, Electrifying a
Students will respond to inform the Performance-
Nation: First Read Extension Word Study: Etymology Based Assessment.
questions about the clip. Questions (RP)
Analyze the Media
Research to Clarify Word Network Selection Test: A
STANDARDS Students research one Students add new words to Young Tinkerer Builds a
RI.7.10; L.7.6 unfamiliar detail from the their Word Network as they Windmill, Electrifying a Nation
excerpt. read texts in the unit.

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7

Research to Explore Analyze Craft & Structure:

Students research other ways Text Structure:
energy poverty is being Biographical Writing
addressed in poor parts of the Students will analyze
world. elements of biographical
writing in the article.
RI.7.10; L.7.4.a Analyze Craft and
Structure: Biographical
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Biographical
Writing (RP)

RI.7.1; RI.7.3; RI.7.5; L.7.4.b

myPerspectives ELL Support

Audio Summary Audio Summary Word Study: Etymology Conventions:
(RP) Capitalization (RP)
A Young Tinkerer: (TE p 524) (TE p 526)
Accessible Leveled Text
Analyze Craft and Writing to Sources: How-
Personalize for Learning Structure: Biographical To Essay (RP)
English Language Support: Writing (RP) (TE p 527)
Cultural Concepts (TE p 525)
(TE p 521) Personalize for Learning
Personalize for Learning English Language Support:
English Language Support: Capitalization
Writing Interview Questions (TE p 526)
(TE p 525)

English Language
Support Lesson: Personal
Interviews (On Realize)

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iLit ELL Level B

iLit Library Multimedia Project Text: The Fabulous Use a Dictionary or Assignments: Grammar
Helen Keller: The Story of My Unit 5 Lessons 1–10: Work Perpetual Motion Machine Glossary Study Plan
Life Time Strategy Unit 2 Lesson 48–49: Unit 6 Lessons 11–15:
Optimism Unit 3 Lesson 2-6 Vocabulary Grammar Study Plan: Part 4:
A New Day Skill 24: Capitalization
Research a Topic Word Origins (examples)
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole Group Unit 2 Lessons 12, 14, 32:
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole Group Vocabulary
Unit 5 Lessons 4, 7:

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 31 DAY 32 DAY 33 DAY 34 DAY 35
Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening INDEPENDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT
Focus Focus
Present Multimedia Profiles Present Multimedia Profiles

SE pp 528-529 SE p 529 SE pp 530-531 SE pp 532-534 SE pp 535-537

How do we overcome ASSESSMENT PREP
Present Multimedia Profiles Present and Evaluate obstacles? First Read
As a group, students present Students present as a group Students Notice, Annotate, Review Evidence for an
a series of profiles to address and use checklist items to Independent Learning Connect, Respond as they informative Essay
the question: How do people evaluate. Strategies read the selection the first Students evaluate the
overcome enormous • Create a Schedule time. strength of their evidence
challenges? STANDARDS • Practice what you have
SL.7.1.a; SL.7.4; SL.7.5 First-Read Guide Evidence Log
Plan with Your Group Students add notes and
• Take Notes Close-Read Guide
Students analyze the text, evidence that will be used to
gather details and media, and Close-Read Guide inform the Performance-
organize their ideas. Independent Learning Based Assessment.
Strategies Close Read the Text
Rehearse with Your Group Students will review the Close Writing to Sources:
Students practice the Table of Contents Preview Read Model and complete the Informative Essay
presentation, fine-tune the Preview the selections in the close read sections in the Students will write an essay
content, improve their use of unit and discuss how they selection. to answer the following: How
media, and brush up on relate to the EQ and unit can people overcome
presentation techniques. topic. Analyze the Text adversity in the face of
Students will respond to overwhelming obstacles?
questions about the text,
W.7.2; W.7.9 citing textual evidence. Informative Essay Rubric
Students use the rubric to
Quick Write guide their revisions.
Students write about a
paragraph that grabbed their STANDARDS
interest. W.7.1.a-b; W.7.4; W.7.9;
Share Your Independent
Students share what they
learned from independent
learning with a group and
reflect on how it adds to their
understanding of

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Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.

RL.7.10; RI.7.10; SL.7.6

myPerspectives ELL Support

Accessible Leveled Texts for

Independent Learning
Selections (On Realize)

iLit ELL Level B

Multimedia Project Multimedia Project Rules for Conversation Make Connections Informative Writing
Unit 5 Lessons 1–10: Work Unit 5 Lessons 1–10: Work Routines Unit 3 Lesson 8: Read Aloud, (example)
Time Time Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Think Aloud; Work Time Unit 6 Lessons 12-14: Work
Conversation Unit 6 Lesson 1: Whole Time
Classroom Conversation Unit 6 Lesson 2: Work Time
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14: Unit 6 Lesson 7: Read Aloud,
Collaborative Discussion Think Aloud
Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small- Unit 6 Lesson 16: Whole
Group Discussion Group

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myPerspectives Unit Planning Guide | Grade 7
DAY 36

SE pp 538-539

Speaking and Listening:

Oral Presentation
Students will use their essay
as the foundation for a
multimedia presentation.

Reflect on the Unit

Students reflect on Unit goals,
learning strategies, and the

Reflect on the Unit

Unit Test

W.7.5; SL.7.4; SL.7.5

iLit ELL Level B

Multimedia Project
Unit 5 Lessons 1–10: Work

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