MyPerspectives Unit Planning Guide - Grade - 7
MyPerspectives Unit Planning Guide - Grade - 7
MyPerspectives Unit Planning Guide - Grade - 7
Unit 1 Overview
In this unit, students will read many examples about how people of different generations interact and learn from one another.
Unit Goals
• Read and analyze how authors express point of view in nonfiction narrative.
• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write a nonfiction narrative in which you develop experiences or events using effective technique.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Develop your voice, or style of writing, with word choice and sentence structure to convey meaning and add variety and interest to writing and
• Collaborate with team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communication.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.
Selections & Media
Launch Text
• Grounded (640L)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Whole-Class Learning
• Novel Excerpt: Two Kinds, from the Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan (870L)
• News Blog: A Simple Act, Tyler Jackson (930L)
• Memoir: from An Invisible Thread: Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski (890L)
Small-Group Learning
• News Article: Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Teach Tricks, Jennifer Luden (1020L)
• Memoir: from Mom & Me & Mom, Mayo Angelou (610L)
• Media, Video: Learning to Love My Mother, Maya Angelou with Michael Maher
• Media, Image Gallery: Mother-Daughter Drawings, Mica and Myla Hendricks
• Poetry Collection 1: Mother to Son, Langston Hughes, (NP)
• Poetry Collection 1: To James, Frank Home, (NP)
Independent Learning
• Poetry Collection 2: Lineage, Margaret Walker (NP)
• Poetry Collection 2: Family, Grace Paley (NP)
• Opinion Piece: “Gotcha Day” Isn’t a Cause for Celebration, Sophie Johnson (1090L)
• Short Story: The Grandfather and His Little Grandson, Leo Tolstoy (870L)
• Blog Post: Bridging the Generational Divide Between a Football Father and a Soccer Son, John McCormick (1120L)
• Short Story: Water Names, Lan Samantha Chang (900L)
• Short Story: An Hour With Abuelo, Judith Ortiz Cofer (840L)
Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Nonfiction Narrative Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and
how one generation can learn from another.
Students will write a nonfiction narrative answering:
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Performance-Based RL.7.10
Assessment: Refining Your
myPerspectives ELL Support
Audio Summary Audio Summary Analyze Craft and
Structure: Character and
Personalize for Learning Two Kinds: Accessible Point of View (RP)
English Language Support: Leveled Text (TE p 27)
(TE p 5) Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support:
Idioms Character Motivation
(TE p 22) (TE p 27)
English Language
Support Lesson: Motives (On
iLit ELL Level B
Classroom Conversation Summarizing Active Listening Routine iLit Library (text by Amy iLit Library (text by Amy
(examples) Unit 6 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 1 Lesson 4: Work Time Tan) Tan)
Unit 2 Lesson 12: Group Fish Cheeks Fish Cheeks
Collaborative Discussion Unit 6 Lesson 22: Work Time Classroom Conversation
Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group (examples) Understand Idioms Compare and Contrast Two
Discussion Unit 2 Lesson 12: Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole Characters
Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group Collaborative Discussion Group Unit 2 Lesson 15–16: Work
Discussion Unit 3 Lesson 9: Small-Group Unit 4 Lessons 7–8: Read Time
Discussion Aloud, Think Aloud & Work
Unit 5 Lesson 9: Small-Group Time Analyze Characters
Discussion Unit 3 Lessons 3-4: Work
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Word Study: Latin Prefix: Writings to Sources: Audio Summary Analyze Craft and Word Study: Multiple-
in- (RP) Retelling a Scene (RP) Structure: Author’s Point of Meaning Words (RP)
(TE p 28) (TE p 30) A Simple Act: Accessible View (RP) (TE p 40)
Leveled Text (TE p 39)
Conventions: Speaking and Listening:
Nouns and Pronouns Monologue (RP) Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
(RP) (TE p 31) English Language Support: English Language Support:
(TE p 29) Using Concept Vocabulary Express Attitudes and/or
Personalize for Learning (TE p 32) Opinions
English Language Support: (TE p 38)
Point of View
(TE p 30)
iLit ELL Level B
Use Prefixes and Suffixes Write a Narrative Connecting Ideas Compare Point of View Multiple Meanings
Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work Unit 4 Lesson 13: Read Unit 6 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 2 Lesson 38: Vocabulary
Group; Work Time Time Aloud, Think Aloud Group; Work Time Unit 4 Lesson 9: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Lesson 16: Work Time Unit 1 Lesson 1-5: Extra Unit 4 Lesson 14: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Practice Research a Topic Unit 6 Lesson 43: Vocabulary
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole
Nouns and Pronouns Deliver a Speech Group
Unit 4 Lesson 41: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 36: Work Time Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole
Group Group
Unit 4 Lesson 43: Work Time
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
myPerspectives ELL Support
Conventions: Adverbs Audio Summary Analyze Craft and Word Study Latin Suffix:
(RP) Structure: Narrative Point of -ity (RP)
(TE p 41) from An Invisible Thread: View (RP) (TE p 48)
Accessible Leveled Text (TE p 46)
Personalize for Learning Conventions: Adjectives
English Language Support: Personalize for Learning (RP)
Adverbs English Language Support: (TE p 49)
(TE p 41) Idioms
(TE p 43) Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
English Language Adjective Placement
Support Lesson: Conventions (TE p 49)
(On Realize)
iLit ELL Level B
Use Adverbs to Add Details Ask Questions Compare Point of View Adjectives Write an Explanatory
Unit 6 Lesson 9: Read Aloud, Unit 2 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 6 Lesson 36: Whole Unit 6 Lesson 19: Read Paragraph
Think Aloud Group Group; Work Time Aloud, Think Aloud Unit 6 Lesson 26: Whole
Unit 2 Lesson 3: Read Aloud, Group
Assignments: Grammar Think Aloud Assignments: Grammar Unit 6 Lessons 28, 32-39:
Unit 5 Lessons 1–5: Grammar Unit 2 Lesson 4: Read Aloud, Unit 5 Lessons 1–5: Grammar Work Time
Study Plan: Part 3: Skill 18: Think Aloud; Work Time Study Plan: Part 1: Skill 16:
Adverbs Adjectives
Assignments - Spelling
Unit 5 Lessons 6–10: Part 3:
Skill 23: Suffixes
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RI.7.10; L.7.4.a
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RI.7.1; RI.7.3; SL.7.1; L.7.1.a;
L.7.4.b; L.7.4.d
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
RL.7.1; RL.7.2; RL.7.4;
RL.7.10; SL.7.1; L.7.4; L.7.4.a
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
English Language
Support Lesson: Rhythm (On
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
RL.7.10; RI.7.10
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE pp 114-115
Unit Test
SL.7.4; SL.7.5
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Unit 2 Overview
In this unit, students will read and discuss space exploration and the future of human voyages to worlds beyond Earth.
Unit Goals
• Evaluate written arguments by analyzing how authors state and support their claims.
• Expand your knowledge and use of academic and concept vocabulary.
• Write an argumentative essay in which you effectively incorporate the key elements of an argument.
• Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
• Demonstrate command of the proper use of verb tenses.
• Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communicate.
• Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.
Launch Text
• Leaving Main Street (1060L)
Whole-Class Learning
• Anchor Text, Short Story: Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed, Ray Bradbury (490L)
• Media, Radio Play: Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed, Ray Bradbury and Michael McDonough (producer)
• Anchor Text, News Article: Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!, Maggie Koerth-Baker (1290L)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Small-Group Learning
• News Article: Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien Planets, Nola Taylor Redd (1250L)
• Short Story: The Last Dog, Katherine Paterson (820L)
• Medio, Video: Ellen Ochoa: Director, Johnson Space Center, Ellen Ochoa
• Interview: Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.W. Space Exploration After Curiosity, Keith Wagstaff (936L)
Independent Learning
• Poetry: Science-Fiction Cradlesong, C.S. Lewis (NP)
• Web Article: UFO Sightings and News, Benjamin Radford (1420L)
• Persuasive Essay: from Packing for Mars, Mary Roach (1020L)
• Science Article: Trip to Mars Could Damage Astronauts’ Brains, Laura Sanders (870L)
Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Argument Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and space
Students will write an explanatory essay answering the following
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Evidence Log
Assessment: Refining Your
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Rl.7.10; L.7.6
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Research to Clarify
Students choose one
unfamiliar scientific detail of
the text to research.
Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities
related to the Concept
Vocabulary words:
colonize; planetary;
Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RI.7.10; SL.7.1; L.7.4.a;
L.7.4.b; L.7.4.c; L.7.4.d
myPerspectives ELL Support
Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support: Audio Summary
Verb Tenses Word Forms Future of Space
(TE p 167) (TE p 169) Exploration Could See
Humans on Mars, Alien
Planets: Accessible Leveled
Word Study: Latin Suffix:
-ary (RP) (TE p 178)
Analyze Craft and
Structure: Text Structure(RP)
(TE p 179)
iLit ELL Level B
Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing Argumentative Writing Whole Class/Small Group Understand Text Structure
Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Unit 2 Lesson 21: Whole Discussion Unit 2 Lesson 44: Read
Group Time Group Unit 3 Lesson 7: Classroom Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 2 Lessons 22–24: Work Conversation Unit 6 Lesson 49: Read
Time 29, 32-38 Time Unit 3 Lesson 9: Classroom Aloud, Think Aloud
Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Unit 4 Lesson 23-25, 27, 28- Conversation
29, 32-38 Assignments: Grammar 29, 32-38 Unit 4 Lesson 27: Classroom Use Prefixes and Suffixes
Study Plan Conversation Unit 2 Lesson 36: Whole
Unit 3 Lessons 1–5: Part 2: Group; Work Time
Skill 7: Verb Tenses Unit 4 Lesson 15: Whole
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Word Network
Selection Test: Future Students add new words to
of Space Exploration Could their Word Network as they
See Humans on Mars, Alien read texts in the unit.
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RL.7.3; L.7.4.a; L.7.5.a
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Analyze Plot
Unit 4 Lesson 11, 25: Whole
Unit 4 Lesson 26: Work Time
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Conventions: Sentence
Functions and End Marks
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Analyze the Media Close Read the Text Students analyze types of
Students will respond to Students will review the Close sentences.
questions about the video, Read Model and complete the
citing textual evidence. close read sections in the Conventions: Sentence
selection. Functions and End Marks
Analyze the Media
Close Read the Text Conventions: Sentence
STANDARDS Functions and End Marks
RI.7.10; L.7.6 Analyze the Text (RP)
Students will respond to
questions about the text, EFFECTIVE EXPRESSION
citing textual evidence.
Research: Informational
Analyze the Text Report
Students write a report on
STANDARDS Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mars,
RI.7.10; L.7.4 or the rover Curiosity.
Research: Informational
Research: Informational
Report (RP)
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
RI.7.4; RI.7.6; RI.7.8; W.7.2;
W.7.7; W.7.8; L.7.1; L.7.3;
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
English Language
Support Lesson: Sentence
Function (On Realize)
iLit ELL Level B
Introduce Genre: Short Domain-Specific iLit Library iLit Library Plan an Opinion
Story; “A Boy and His Dog” Vocabulary Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for the Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for Unit 6 Lesson 18: Work Time
Unit 6 Lesson 30-31, 36 Unit 4 Lesson 49: Read Stars the Stars
Aloud, Think Aloud Astronauts Take Flight Astronauts Take Flight Sentence Variety
Write a Narrative Unit 6 Lesson 14: Work Time
Unit 1 Lessons 4–5: Work iLit Library Discussion Opportunities Support an Opinion
Time Ellen Ochoa: Reaching for Unit 2 Lesson 14: Classroom Unit 6 Lesson 18: Whole Assignments: Grammar
Unit 2 Lesson 6: Whole Group the Stars Conversation Group Study Plan
Astronauts Take Flight Unit 5 Lesson 4: Classroom Unit 2 Lessons 11–15: Part 5:
Conversation Skill 5: Simple Sentences
Unit 4 Lessons 11–15: Part 2:
Skill 12: Complete Sentences
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
RL.7.10; RI.7.10; SL.7.1
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE pp 222-223
Unit Test
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Unit 3 Overview
In this unit, students will read examples of turning points in people’s lives.
Unit Goals
Launch Text
• At the Crossroads (930L)
Whole-Class Learning
• Anchor Text, Drama: A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act I, Israel Horovitz (NP)
• Anchor Text, Drama: A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Act II, Israel Horovitz (NP)
• Media, Film: from Scrooge, directed by Henry Edwards
Small-Group Learning
• Short Story: Thank You, M’am, Langston Hughes (800L)
• Memoir: from An American Childhood, Annie Dillard (1050L)
• Media, Photo Gallery: Urban Farming is Growing a Greener Future, Hillary Schwei
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Independent Learning
• Reflective Essay: Little Things are Big, Jesus Colon (1150L)
• News Article: Profile: Malala Yousafzai, BBC (1330L)
• Biography: Noor Inayat Khan from Women Heroes of WWII: Kathryn J. Atwood (1170L)
• Short Story: A Retrieved Reformation: O. Henry (850L)
Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Explanatory Essay Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and differing turning
points and what can cause a significant change in someone’s life.
Students will write an essay answering the following question:
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Evidence Log
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Assessment: Refining Your
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Research to Clarify
Students choose one
unfamiliar detail from the text
to research.
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Close Read the Text Writing to Sources: Media Vocabulary Close Review Writing to Compare:
Students will review the Close Explanatory Essay screenplay; director; Students will watch the Comparison-and-Contrast
Read Model and complete the Students write an essay performance; editing excerpt again and record any Essay
close read sections in the analyzing how the stage new observations. Students write an essay
selection. directions enhance First Review comparing the two versions of
understanding and enjoyment Students Watch, Note, Analyze the Media Charles Dicken’s famous
Close Read the Text of the play. Connect, Respond as they Students will respond to novel.
review the media the first questions about the excerpt,
Analyze the Text Writing to Sources: time. citing evidence. Writing to Compare:
Students will respond to Explanatory Essay Comparison-and-Contrast
questions about the text, LANGUAGE Essay
citing textual evidence. Writing to Sources: First-Review Guide:
Explanatory Essay (RP) DEVELOPMENT
Media: Video Evidence Log
Analyze Craft & Structure Media Vocabulary Students add notes and
Text Structure: Stage Speaking and Listening: Read the Selection evidence that will be used to
Costume Plans Students complete activities
Directions related to the Vocabulary inform the Performance-
Students will identify key Students create and present Selection Audio Based Assessment.
costume plans for two words:
details that are important to from Scrooge: film screenplay; director;
the stage directions. different characters from A STANDARDS
Christmas Carol. performance; editing
Comprehension Check RL.7.7; W.7.2.b; W.7.2.d;
Analyze Craft and Media Vocabulary W.7.2.f; W.7.4; W.7.9.a;
Structure: Stage Directions Speaking and Listening: Students complete
Costume Plans comprehension questions. SL.7.2
Analyze Craft and STANDARDS
Structure: Stage Directions Speaking and Listening: Research to Clarify RL.7.1; L.7.6
(RP) Costume Plans (RP) Students research one
element from the film.
Evidence Log
Students add notes and STANDARDS
evidence that will be used to RL.7.10; L.7.6
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
Conventions: Sentence
Students identify examples of
sentence structure.
Conventions and Style:
Sentence Structures
Conventions and Style:
Sentence Structures (RP)
RL.7.1; RL.7.2; RL.7.3;
L.7.1.b; L.7.4.b; L.7.4.c;
L.7.4.d; L.7.5.b
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
English Language
Support Lesson: Stage
Directions (On Realize)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Rl.7.10; L.7.5.b
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RI.7.10; L.7.6
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Prefix: en- Conventions: Appositives Speaking and Listening: Audio Summary
(RP) and Appositive Phrases (RP) Collaborative Discussion
(TE p 328) (TE p 330) (RP)
(TE p 331)
Analyze Craft and Personalize for Learning
Structure: Reflective Writing English Language Support: Personalize for Learning
(RP) Appositives and Appositive English Language Support:
(TE p 329) Phrases Preparing for a Collaborative
(TE p 330) Discussion
(TE p 331)
English Language
Support Lesson:
Collaborative Discussion (On
EL iLit ELL Level B
iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library iLit Library
The Microscope The Microscope The Microscope Healthy Choices Healthy Choices
Classifying Plants and Classifying Plants and Classifying Plants and Animals
Animals Animals Animals Ways of Life
Animals Ways of Life Animals Ways of Life Earth’s Ecosystems
Earth’s Ecosystems Earth’s Ecosystems
Classroom Conversation
Classroom Conversation Unit 2 Lesson 14:
Unit 2 Lesson 14: Collaborative Discussion
Collaborative Discussion Unit 2 Lesson 32:
Unit 2 Lesson 32: Collaborative Discussion:
Collaborative Discussion: Think-Pair-Share
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
RL.7.10; RI.7.10
myPerspectives ELL Support
Personalize for Learning
Accessible Leveled Texts English Language Support:
for Independent Learning Syntax
Selections (On Realize) (TE p 349)
iLit ELL Level B
Present an Explanatory Present an Explanatory Rules for Conversation Independent Reading Explanatory Essay
Essay Essay Routines Every lesson 26: Whole Group
Unit 6 Lessons 38-39: Work Unit 6 Lessons 38-39: Work Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Unit 6 Lessons 32–39: Whole
Time Time Conversation Make Connections Group
Unit 3 Lesson 8: Read Aloud,
Classroom Conversation Think Aloud; Work Time
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14:
Collaborative Discussion
Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small-
Group Discussion
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE pp 222-223
Unit Test
SL.7.4; SL.7.5
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Unit 4 Overview
In this unit, students will read many examples of humans’ relationship with the natural world.
Unit Goals
Launch Text
• Rethinking the Wild, (980L)
Whole-Class Learning
• Anchor Text, Descriptive Nonfiction: from Silent Spring, Rachel Carson (1080L)
• Anchor Text, Speech: Nobel Speech, Al Gore (1190L)
• Media, Video: Nobel Speech, Al Gore
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Small-Group Learning
• Poetry Collection: Turtle Watchers, Linda Hogan (NP)
• Poetry Collection: “Nature” is what We See--, Emily Dickinson (NP)
• Poetry Collection: The Sparrow, Paul Laurence Dunbar (NP)
• Media, Photo Gallery: Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond, The Nature Conservancy
• Short Story: He-y, Come On Ou-t!, Shinichi Hoshi, translated by Stanleigh Jones (870L)
Independent Learning
• Novel Excerpt: from My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George, (820L)
• Myth: How Grandmother spider Stole the Sun, Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac (850L)
• Expository Nonfiction: The Story of Victor d’Aveyron, the Wild Child, Eloise Montalban (980L)
• Essay: from Of Wolves and Men, Barry Lopez (1010)
Are the needs of people ever more important than the needs of animals and the
Students will use their argument to present a three- to five-minute oral presentation.
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities
related to the Concept
Vocabulary words:
blight; maladies; puzzled;
stricken; stillness; deserted
Word Study: Anglo-Saxon
Suffix: -ness
Concept Vocabulary and
Word Study
Word Study: Anglo-Saxon
Suffix: -ness (RP)
Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
RI.7.1; RI.7.2; RI.7.4; RI.7.10;
L.7.4; L.7.5.c
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Concept Vocabulary Comprehension Check Close Review Writing to Compare: Writing to Compare:
unprecedented; recklessly; Students complete Students will review the video Argument Argument
imminent; unsustainable; comprehension questions. and record any new Students write an argument Students write an argument
emissions; efficiently observations. stating a claim as to which stating a claim as to which
Research to Clarify medium more persuasively medium more persuasively
First Review Students research one Close Review conveys Al Gore’s argument. conveys Al Gore’s argument.
Students Watch, Note, unfamiliar detail from the text.
Connect, Respond as they Analyze the Media Writing to Compare: Writing to Compare:
review the media the first Students will respond to Argument Argument
time. questions about the video,
citing evidence. STANDARDS Evidence Log
RL.7.7; W.7.1.a-c; SL.7.2 Students add notes and
First-Review Guide: LANGUAGE evidence that will be used to
Media: Video DEVELOPMENT inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
Read the Selection Concept Vocabulary
Students complete activities STANDARDS
Selection Audio related to the Concept RL.7.7; W.7.1.a-c; SL.7.2
Nobel Speech Vocabulary words:
unprecedented; recklessly;
STANDARDS imminent; unsustainable;
RI.7.10 emissions; efficiently
Concept Vocabulary
SL.7.3; L.7.4
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Audio Summary
Nobel Speech
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
The Sparrow
Paul Laurence Dunbar
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Word Network
Students add new words to
their Word Network as they
read texts in the unit.
RL.7.7; L.7.5.b
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Etymology Author’s Style: Diction Speaking and Listening: Audio Summary
(RP) and Tone (RP) Oral Presentation (RP)
(TE p 408) (TE p 410) (TE p 411) Personalize for Learning
English Language Support:
Analyze Craft and Personalize for Learning Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Structure: Lyric Poetry (RP) English Language Support: (TE p 412)
(TE p 409) Word Choice
(TE p 410)
iLit ELL Level B
Introduce: Poetry Introduce: Poetry Introduce: Poetry Use Domain-Specific Background Video
Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole Unit 7 Lesson 1: Whole Vocabulary (examples)
Group Group Group Unit 4 Lesson 49: Read Unit 2 Lesson 16: Whole
Aloud, Think Aloud Group
Characteristics of Poetry Characteristics of Poetry Characteristics of Poetry Unit 5 Lesson 5: Whole Unit 4 Lesson 13: Whole
Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time Unit 7 Lesson 1-2: Work Time Group Group
Reading Poetry Selections Reading Poetry Selections Reading Poetry Selections Background Video
Unit 7 Lesson 1-5 Unit 7 Lesson 1-5 Unit 7 Lesson 1-5 (examples)
Unit 2 Lesson 16: Whole
Multimedia Presentation Group
Unit 5 Lesson 1-10: Work Unit 4 Lesson 13: Whole
Time Group
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SL.7.1.d; L.7.4.b-c
English Language
Support Lesson: Punctuation
(On Realize)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
RL.7.10; RI.7.10; SL.7.6
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE pp 222-223
Unit Test
SL.7.4; SL.7.5; SL.7.6
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Unit 5 Overview
In this unit, students will read many examples of people who have faced adversity and overcome obstacles.
Unit Goals
Launch Text
• Against the Odds (800L)
Whole-Class Learning
• Media, Video: The Dust Bowl, Critical Past
• Anchor Text, Novel Excerpt: from The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck (600L)
• Anchor Text, Short Story: The Circuit, Francisco Jimenez (730L)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Small-Group Learning
• Personal Narrative: A Work in Progress, Aimee Mullins (930L)
• Autobiography Excerpt: from The Story of My Life , Helen Keller (970L)
• Media, Interview: How Helen Keller Learned to Talk, Helen Keller, with Anne Sullivan
• New Article: A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation, Sarah Childress (1020L)
Independent Learning
• Personal Narrative: The Girl Who Fell from the Sky, Juliane Koepcke (790L)
• Novel Excerpt: Four Skinny Trees from The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros (690L)
• Short Story: Rikki-tikki-tavi, Rudyard Kipling (1010L)
• Memoir: from Facing the Lion: Growing Up Maasai on the African Savanna, Joseph Lemosolai Lekuton (800L)
Part 1 – Writing to Sources: Informative Text Students will reflect on the unit goals, learning strategies, the texts, and how we overcome
Students will write an informative essay addressing the following
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
(TE ELL Level B
p 445)
Academic Vocabulary Understand Idioms Rules for Conversation Research a Topic iLit Library
(examples) Unit 4 Lesson 6: Whole Routines Unit 4 Lesson 3: Whole The Roaring Twenties and
Unit 2 Lessons 18, 19, 27, 34: Group Unit 1 Lesson 2: Classroom Group the Great Depression 1920-
Vocabulary Unit 4 Lessons 7–8: Read Conversation Unit 5 Lesson 1: Whole 1940
Unit 4 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, Aloud, Think Aloud & Work Group
27-29: Vocabulary Time Classroom Conversation Unit 5 Lessons 3–4: Work
Unit 2 Lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 14: Time
Vocabulary - Idioms Collaborative Discussion
Unit 4 Lesson 47: Vocabulary Unit 3 Lessons 2, 4, 7: Small- iLit Library
Unit 6 Lesson 13: Vocabulary Group Discussion The Roaring Twenties and
the Great Depression 1920-
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Audio Summary Analyze Craft and Word Study: Old English Audio Summary
Structure: Theme, Setting and Suffix: -less (RP)
from The Grapes of Cultural Context (RP) (TE p 464) The Circuit: Accessible
Wrath: Accessible Text (TE p 463) Leveled Text
Author’s Style:
Personalize for Learning Personalize for Learning Description (RP) Personalize for Learning
English Language Support: English Language Support: (TE p 465) English Language Support:
Similar Words Finding the Theme Multiple-Meaning Words
(TE p 456) (TE p 463) (TE p 469)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Analyze Craft and Structure: Word Study: Old Conventions: Commas Writing to Sources: Speaking and Listening:
Theme (RP) English Suffix: -ly (RP) (RP) Explanation (RP) Role-play Interview (RP)
(TE p 477) (TE p 478) (TE p 479) (TE p 480) (TE p 481)
English Language
Support Lesson: Writing
Informative Essays (On
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RI.7.10; L.7.4.a
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses
Students identify examples of
dependent clauses in the
Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses
Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses (RP)
RI.7.4; RI.7.6; L 7.4.b
myPerspectives ELL Support
Word Study: Latin Prefix Conventions: Informal Speaking and Listening: Selection Audio Word Study: Greek Root:
extra- (RP) Grammar (RP) Discussion (RP) -myst- (RP)
(TE p 500) (TE p 502) (TE p 503) The Story of My Life: (TE p 509)
Accessible Leveled Text
Analyze Craft and Analyze Craft:
Structure: Word Choice and Personalize for Learning Autobiographical Writing (RP)
Humor (RP) English Language Support: (TE p 510)
(TE p 501) Understanding Verb Tense
(TE p 506) Conventions: Types of
Dependent Clauses (RP)
(TE p 511)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
English Language
Support Lesson: Adverb and
Adjective Clauses (On
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
RI.7.1; RI.7.3; RI.7.5; L.7.4.b
English Language
Support Lesson: Personal
Interviews (On Realize)
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
Evidence Log
Students add notes and
evidence that will be used to
inform the Performance-
Based Assessment.
RL.7.10; RI.7.10; SL.7.6
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice
SE pp 538-539
Unit Test
W.7.5; SL.7.4; SL.7.5
SE: Student Edition | TE: Teacher Edition | RP: Reteach and Practice