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Purpose of the Review
This article reviews recent breakthroughs in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke, mainly
focusing on the evolution of endovascular thrombectomy, its impact on guidelines, and the
need for and implications of next-generation randomized controlled trials.
Recent Findings
Endovascular thrombectomy is a powerful tool to treat large vessel occlusion strokes and
multiple trials over the past 5 years have established its safety and efficacy in the treatment of
anterior circulation large vessel occlusion strokes up to 24 hours from stroke onset.
In 2015, multiple landmark trials (MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, SWIFT PRIME, REVASCAT, and
EXTEND IA) established the superiority of endovascular thrombectomy over medical man-
agement for the treatment of anterior circulation large vessel occlusion strokes. Endovascular
thrombectomy has a strong treatment effect with a number needed to treat ranging from 3 to
10. These trials selected patients based on occlusion location (proximal anterior occlusion:
internal carotid or middle cerebral artery), time from stroke onset (early window: up to 6–12
hours), and acceptable infarct burden (Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score [ASPECTS] ≥6
or infarct volume <50 mL). In 2017, the DAWN and DEFUSE-3 trials successfully extended the
time window up to 24 hours in appropriately selected patients. Societal and national throm-
bectomy guidelines have incorporated these findings and offer Class 1A recommendation to a
subset of well-selected patients. Thrombectomy ineligible stroke subpopulations are being
studied in ongoing randomized controlled trials. These trials, built on encouraging data from
pooled analysis of early trials (HERMES collaboration) and emerging retrospective data, are
studying large vessel occlusion strokes with mild deficits (National Institutes of Health Stroke
Scale <6) and large infarct burden (core volume >70 mL).
From the Department of Neurosurgery (A.P.J.), Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ; HonorHealth Research Institute (S.M.D.), Scottsdale, AZ; and Cooper Neurologic Institute
(T.G.J.), Camden, NJ.
Go to Neurology.org/N for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.
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Table 1 Frequency of Baseline mRS, ASPECT, and Site of Occlusion by Trial
Trial Baseline mRS, mRS 0–2 Stroke burden Occlusion location, % ICA/MCA-M1
was any more efficacious than medical therapy. Given the intra-cranial stent placement as salvage methods. While there
associated cost and variable availability, EVT was offered was technical success in opening the vessel, the need for sub-
sporadically and the use of mechanical thrombectomy as of sequent dual anti-platelets to preserve implant patency com-
2013 was only supported by a class II level B recommendation plicates routine use of this approach given concerns for
by the AHA/ASA.21 Three randomized controlled trials (IMS hemorrhagic complications. Nonetheless, the general principle
III, SYNTHESIS, MR RESCUE) were conducted to address of radially displacing the whole length of thrombus against the
the question of whether EVT as stand-alone or adjunctive vessel wall while simultaneously incorporating the clot in the
therapy would lead to superior outcomes over IVT in patients stent struts prompted the development of a new class of stent-
presenting with acute ischemic stroke.22-24 While all the like devices termed stent retrievers. Importantly, stent re-
studies had slightly different trial designs, a majority of pa- trievers are subsequently withdrawn from the intra-cranial
tients were treated with first generation technology (intra- vasculature after clot engagement without significant vessel
arterial alteplase, Merci retriever, Penumbra reperfusion disruption and abrogate the need for dual antiplatelets.
catheter) with resultant low rates of recanalization. Additional
trial limitations included: inclusion of patients without proven The Solitaire Flow Restoration device is a self-expanding stent
occlusion (lack of surgical target lesion in approximately 8% of retriever that was compared to the predicate Merci retriever
patients) and established infarct (minimal salvageable tissue) device in the SWIFT study.25 Rates of recanalization (TIMI 2
as well as slow work flow. Furthermore, there was often failure or 3) were significantly higher with the Solitaire device (61%
to randomize all consecutive eligible patients, likely reflecting vs 24%). A second stent retriever device, the Trevo retriever,
provider lack of equipoise. While the results were disap- was similarly compared against the Merci retriever device.
pointing, the lessons learned galvanized efforts to design a Rates of recanalization (TICI 2 or higher) were significantly
second wave of trials focused primarily on more efficacious higher with the Trevo device (86% vs 60%).26 Superior
devices, appropriate patient selection and streamlined clinical outcomes were observed in the stent retriever arm of
workflow. both studies. The use of stent retriever devices over the Merci
retriever for clot retrieval were supported by a class I level A
recommendation by the 2013 AHA/ASA guidelines.21 Given
Stent Retriever Devices the results of the SWIFT study and the TREVO2 study, both
devices were cleared by the FDA in 2014. Similar to the Merci
In order to appropriately test the reperfusion hypothesis, a
and Penumbra devices, the stent retriever devices were ini-
basic prerequisite is that vessel recanalization is achieved with
tially cleared for clot removal but not for reducing clinical
complete (TICI3) or near complete recanalization (TICI2b).
A major limitation of the first-generation devices was
low efficacy with recanalization. For example, successful re-
canalization after thrombectomy in the IMS3 trial was only
44% and even less in the MR RESCUE trial (27%). The rates of
Early Time Window Trials
recanalization in the SYNTHESIS trial were not reported.22-24 Given the improved recanalization rates, a new set of trials,
Given the relatively low efficacy of intra-arterial thrombolysis predominantly employing the Solitaire and Trevo devices,
with LVO,14,15 the MERCI retriever and first-generation Pen- studied the benefit of EVT therapy over medical therapy alone.
umbra aspiration catheters, continued interest remained in MR CLEAN was a randomized controlled trial performed in
further refining the mechanical thrombectomy approach. In the Netherlands that studied 500 patients presenting within 6
cases where vessels could not be recanalized with available hours of symptoms onset related to an intra-cranial anterior
technologies, practitioners began resorting to angioplasty and circulation occlusion.8 Patients were randomized to receive
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Figure 1 Rates of Recanalization (TICI≥2B) and mRS 0–2 at 90 Days in Early Window Trials
standard medical management (including IV tpa) alone vs for patients with baseline good functional status (mRS 0–1)
adjunctive EVT. At 24 hours, 75.4% of the patients in the and treatment initiation within 6 hours of disabling stroke
intervention had absence of residual occlusion as compared to (NIHSS≥6) due to an anterior circulation proximal occlusion
32.9% of the patients in the control group. Importantly, the (internal carotid artery, MCA segment 1) and small infarct
primary end-point of mRS 0–2 at 90 days was higher in the (Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score [ASPECTS] of 6 or
treatment group (32.6% vs 19.1%) and the follow up infarct better) should receive IV tpa and undergo stent retriever
volume was smaller by 19 cc on average. This study was the first thrombectomy.27 In addition, the FDA expanded clearance
to demonstrate the benefit of EVT over usual care (including for stent retrievers from simply clot removal to also reducing
IV tpa). disability. The stent retrievers are the first and only class of
neurothrombectomy devices cleared for clinical indication.
The favorable results of MR CLEAN compared to IMS III
have been attributed to several important study design con- The rationale for these specific criteria was based on the AHA/
siderations. In terms of patient selection, MR CLEAN re- ASA Level of Evidence grading algorithm requiring more than one
quired the documentation of an intra-cranial occlusion positive trial specifying the various criteria to warrant a level A
whereas initially the use of CTA was not routine during the recommendation: baseline mRS 0–1 (SWIFT PRIME, REVAS-
enrollment of IMS III and vessel status was unknown in 47% CAT), treatment within 6 hours (SWIFT PRIME, EXTEND-IA),
of the patients.22 Of patients that underwent mechanical ASPECTS 6 or better (SWIFT PRIME, ESCAPE) and NIHSS 6
thrombectomy, nearly all cases (190 out of 195) used stent or higher (ESCAPE, REVASCAT). Furthermore, a majority of
retrievers. In addition, a major concern of IMS III had been the trials either excluded or minimally included occlusions in-
the slow enrollment (1–2 patients per center per year) which volving or distal to the MCA segment 2 (MCA-M2). Table 1
was attributed in part to treatments being offered outside the provides trial specific inclusion criteria and Figure 1 provides a
context of a clinical trial. This enrollment bias was minimized figure including the rates of recanalization and rates of functional
in MR CLEAN as all centers offering EVT participated in the independence in the intervention arm of early window throm-
trial and after policy changes in 2013, insurance re- bectomy trials.
imbursement was only provided for patients being treated in
the context of the clinical trial.
Late Time Window Trials
After the results of MR CLEAN were presented at the World While the ESCAPE trial randomized patients up to 12 hours
Stroke Conference in the October of 2014, several ongoing and the REVASCAT trial enrolled patients treatable within 8
EVT trials were either halted due to lack of equipoise or hours of time last seen well, very few patients were available
examined at a pre-specified interim analysis. In short order, from the 2015 clinical trials to determine the benefit of EVT in
the results of EXTEND-IA, ESCAPE, SWIFT PRIME and patients presenting beyond 6 hours of symptoms onset. In-
REVASCAT similarly confirmed the benefit of EVT over deed, in the MR CLEAN study, benefit was no longer sta-
medical therapy.4-7 These trials were all published in 2015 and tistically significant if reperfusion occurred after 6 hours and
based on these cumulative results, the AHA/ASA guidelines 19 minutes of symptoms onset. A meta-analyses of the 5 trials
were revised and supported a class I level A recommendation was conducted as part of the HERMES collaboration (MR
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Table 2 AHA/ASA Guidelines
Reference Treatment Recommendation Source
Adams et al. (1996) IA STK or UKN Level V Case series
Adams et al. (2003) IA thrombolysis Grade IB (0–6h) PROACT2
Jauch et al. (2013) IA thrombolysis Grade IB (0–6h) PROACT2, MELT
Powers et al. (2015) Mechanical thrombectomy Grade IA (0–6h, M1/ICA) MR CLEAN, REVASCAT, ESCAPE, SWIFT PRIME, EXTEND IA
Powers et al. (2018) Mechanical thrombectomy Grade IA (0–6h, M1/ICA) MR CLEAN, REVASCAT, ESCAPE, SWIFT PRIME, EXTEND IA
CLEAN, ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, SWIFT PRIME, REVAS- late time window patients.10,35 Patients were selected based
CAT) and similarly demonstrated that there was no addi- on severe clinical deficit (high NIHSS) in the setting of a small
tional clinical benefit of mechanical thrombectomy after established infarct (small core). This clinical-core mismatch
7.3 hours.28 The benefit of reperfusion therapy is time de- paradigm successfully identified patients who benefited from
pendent with the every 30-minute delay in reperfusion leading EVT in the late time window and the trial was halted after a
to a 26% decrease in good outcome in the REVASCAT trial.29 pre-specified interim analysis. Rate of functional in-
dependence at 90 days was 49% in the EVT group as com-
Indeed, time has become well recognized as a treatment effect pared with 13% in the control group.10
modifier for both IV and IA therapy and much of the stroke
systems of care have evolved around the principle of In 2012, the results of the DEFUSE-2 study demonstrated
streamlining workflow and reducing time delays. Nonetheless, comparable rates of good outcomes after EVT in patients
it has also been long recognized that a subset of patients presenting within 6 hours vs beyond 6 hours as long as a target
benefits from perfusion therapy even at late time windows and mismatch was identified on perfusion imaging.36 The target
EVT has been offered off label routinely. In a single center mismatch paradigm served as the basis for patient selection in
analyses of patients treated with EVT between 2012 to 2015, the DEFUSE-3 trial.11 Similar to the DAWN trial, the
126 patients were treated outside of the AHA/ASA guidelines DEFUSE-3 trial enrolled patients in the late time window
top tier recommendation and of those, 58% were treated (6–16 hours) with stent retrievers used in a majority of the
beyond 6 hours.30 The physiologic basis for this approach has cases (75%). After the DAWN trial results were presented in
been predicated on the clinical observation that patients the May of 2017, the DEFUSE-3 trial was halted due to lack of
presenting after similar duration of symptoms onset will have equipoise and an early interim analysis at the time confirmed
variable established infarct31,32 and therefore a tissue based benefit of EVT over medical therapy in patients selected based
paradigm has been increasingly adopted in favor of a purely on a tissue paradigm. Good outcomes in the treatment arm
time based paradigm.33,34 were 45% compared to 17% in the medical arm.11
In 2011, a multi-center study of 237 patients presenting with Together, the results of the DAWN and DEFUSE-3 trials
an anterior circulation occlusion treated beyond 8 hours of significantly expanded the time window in which acute stroke
symptoms onset and selected based on perfusion imaging therapy could be offered. In 2018, the AHA/ASA guidelines
revealed rates of good outcomes comparable to those treated were revised and supported a Class I level A recommendation
in the early time window with comparable safety profile.34 for patients presenting in the 6–16 hours time window and
This “pre-DAWN” cohort of patients served as the rationale class IIA level B-R recommendation for patients presenting in
for a prospective trial comparing the benefit of EVT vs usual the 16–24 hours time window with baseline good functional
care in patients presenting between 6-24 hours. The DAWN status and disabling stroke (NIHSS≥6) due to an anterior
trial was a multi-center study specifically comparing the circulation proximal occlusion (internal carotid artery, middle
benefit of Trevo thrombectomy to medical management in cerebral artery segment 1) and tissue at risk (as defined by trial
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Table 3 Estimated Endovascular Thrombectomy Eligibility per Current and Projected Thrombectomy Eligibility Criteria
Population based
Comprehensive stroke center eligibility (per Total numbers in United States
eligibility43,44 (among all 100,000 person (extrapolation based on
Criteria Eligibility per AHA/ASA acute ischemic stroke), % years) 680,000 acute strokes in US)
criteria) to undergo stent retriever thrombectomy.37 While P2). Nonetheless, such data provides some estimate for the
the treatment time window studied in trials has been limited burden of disease that must now be considered as systems of
to 24 hours, it appears that even patients presenting beyond care are being re-aligned and optimized.
24 hours who otherwise meet DAWN criteria may be safely
treated with comparable clinical outcomes to those treated The number of patients eligible for thrombectomy based on
within 24 hours.38-40 current guidelines has been addressed in several studies. In
one analysis of 318 patients presenting with acute ischemic
stroke over a one-year period, 7% of patients were eligible for
Treatment Eligibility Based on EVT based on guideline criteria within the early time window.
At a population level, this was estimated to be 11 potential
Current Guidelines EVT cases per 100,000 person-years.42 A single comprehen-
Given the time-sensitive nature of stroke intervention along sive stroke center analysis of 2,667 patients presenting with
with the complex infrastructure required to triage, treat and acute stroke revealed that 2.7% of all patients were EVT eli-
manage large vessel occlusions, the landscape of acute stroke gible based on DAWN or DEFUSE3 criteria.43 Importantly,
has evolved dramatically with the eventual goal of offering all 42% of all patients presenting in the 6–24 hours time window
eligible patients this ground-breaking advancement.12 Para- with anterior circulation large vessel occlusion were EVT
mount to allocating the appropriate resources involves un- eligible.43,44 In a nutshell, 93 in 100 acute ischemic strokes and
derstanding the number of patients that harbor large vessel 1 in 2 acute ischemic strokes with anterior LVO currently do
occlusions and furthermore, how many of those would qualify not meet top tier criteria for thrombectomy. Given the dis-
for class IA treatment. Estimating the frequency of large vessel proportionate impact of LVO strokes on morbidity and
occlusions is primarily complicated by the definition that is mortality, thrombectomy should be offered to all eligible
applied as well as the population mix examined. In a recent patients and reasons for ineligibility must be addressed.
meta-analysis of 16 studies examining the incidence of large
vessel occlusions, the authors identified 9 different classifica- Reasons for treatment ineligibility can be broadly divided into
tion schemes. The prevalence ranged from 7.3% to 60.6% site of occlusion (distal occlusion or posterior circulation
with a mean prevalence of 31.1% across all studies.41 While all occlusion), low NIHSS (<6), large core (ASPECTS <6 or
definitions include ICA and MCA-M1 occlusions, there was core >70 cc) and poor clinical baseline (mRS >1). In one
variable inclusion of basilar occlusions or distal occlusions analysis of 445 patients with large vessel occlusion, reasons for
(MCA-M2, MCA-M3, ACA-A1, ACA-A2, PCA-P1, PCA- EVT ineligibility included: low NIHSS in 22% of patients,
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Figure 2 Digital Subtraction Angiography Demonstrating Right MCA-M3 Occlusion
large stroke burden in 21% of patients, poor baseline in 20% of THRACE,9 EXTEND IA, and PISTE) identified 130 patients
patients, MCA-M2 site of occlusion in 23% of patients and with MCA-M2 occlusions. A majority were in the proximal
vertebrobasilar site of occlusion in 24% of patients.44 Table 2 location (proximal n = 116 vs distal n = 14). There were
provides a concise tabulation of evolution of AHA/ASA higher rates of good outcomes in the EVT group (58.2% vs
guidelines over last 25 years. Certain population subgroups 39.7%), particularly in those with proximal occlusions.46 The
have not been tested in clinical trials and are currently under 2019 Society for Neuro-interventional Surgery guidelines
investigation, hence an analysis of potential need for throm- have issued a class IA recommendation for thrombectomy in
bectomy is required. Based on the study conducted by Desai the MCA-M2 location.47 Furthermore, the feasibility of a
et al.,44 Table 3 provides approximate estimation of current randomized controlled trial in this population may be limited
and projected thrombectomy eligible patients at a compre- by lack of clinical equipoise by practitioners.
hensive stroke center in the United States and overall in the
United States. The issue of occlusions even more distal than the M2 location
including the M3 location or occlusions in the anterior and
posterior cerebral artery is even less studied. Figure 2 dem-
Treatment for Medium onstrates a digital subtraction angiogram of 76 years old
woman presenting with an acute ischemic stroke (NIHSS
Vessel Occlusions score of 9) and harboring a right MCA-M3 occlusion. Several
Given the efficacy of IV tpa for smaller clot burden and hence case series have demonstrated the safety and feasibility of clot
more distal occlusions,13 a majority of the EVT trials either retrieval in both the anterior and posterior medium sized
under-sampled or excluded MCA-M2 occlusions. An impor- vessels however the benefit of this approach over the medical
tant consideration in this population is the anatomical vari- arm is poorly understood. With the development of small
ability of how much territory the occluded vessel supplies, stent retrievers (“baby” Trevo, Tiger-13), larger size micro-
particularly as it pertains to whether the occlusion is in the catheters (3 MAX, Headway-27) as well as adjunctive local
proximal or distal MCA-M2 or in a dominant or non- intra-arterial thrombolytic infusion, there is increasing interest
dominant MCA-M2 as well as what topographic regions the in testing the benefit EVT in this population.
MCA-M2 supplies and how many MCA-M2 branches are
present. Such heterogeneity has important implications for
determining the risk/benefit profile of EVT. Given the paucity Treatment for Mildly
of high-quality data, the 2019 AHA/ASA guidelines have
issued a class IIB recommendation for EVT in patients with a
Disabling Strokes
causative occlusion of the M2 or M3 portion of the MCAs.3 It has long been recognized that while stroke severity is a
However, numerous single arm studies, non-randomized strong predictor of clinical outcome, a subset of patients with
case-controlled studies and pooled meta-analyses of the EVT low NIHSS can do poorly with approximately of 30%–35% of
trials support the safety and efficacy of EVT for MCA-M2 patients having poor clinical outcome at 90 days. A majority of
occlusions. patients treated in the EVT trials had an NIHSS of 6 or higher
and so there is limited data on this low NIHSS population. In
In a meta-analysis of 12 studies with 1,080 patients un- a patient-level pooled analysis of the early time window trials
dergoing MCA-M2 thrombectomy, good outcomes were (MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME, EX-
noted in 59% of patients with 16% mortality and 10% sICH TEND IA), the direction of effect favored EVT for the 177
rates.45 A patient level meta-analysis of the early time window patients with an NIHSS of 0–10, however the result was not
trials (MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME, significant and specific results on patients with an NIHSS of
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Figure 3 Non-contrast CT Head Showing ASPECTS Score of 4 in a Stroke Patient With a Left Carotid Artery Occlusion
0–5 were not reported.28 Several single center case series have EVT vs medical therapy will be investigated in the ENDO-
demonstrated the safety and feasibility of EVT for patients LOW52 and MOSTE trials.53
with an NIHSS <6, however a recent multi-center study of
251 patients with large vessel occlusion in the setting of a low
NIHSS managed with EVT vs medical therapy revealed no
Treatment for Large Core Patients
significant difference between the 2 groups.48 Likely the low Similar to stroke severity on presentation, infarct burden is a
NIHSS population is a heterogeneous group in which addi- strong predictor of clinical outcomes in the acute ischemic
tional testing may be necessary to identify the higher risk stroke. Early data suggested that at a threshold of 70 cc,54
population. Parameters such as elevated blood pressures, there was no benefit appreciated after EVT and a majority of
position dependent clinical stability, large perfusion deficit, the trials set an upper threshold of 50–70cc or ASPECTS of 6.
and presence of motor or language symptoms may help In a patient level meta-analysis of the early time window trials
identify the particularly vulnerable population. The benefit of (MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME,
Figure 4 CT Perfusion Imaging of a Patient With Large Vessel Occlusion With Large Baseline Core Volume (101 mL) and
Presence of Substantial Mismatch (Tmax >6 Seconds Volume- 157 mL)
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THRACE, EXTEND IA, and PISTE), benefit after EVT was Special Populations
appreciated in patients with an ASPECTS of 6–10 as well as
ASPECTS of 3–5 but not in patients with an ASPECTS of Although numerous trials have now demonstrated the benefit
0–2.28,55 Sample size was small in the low ASPECTS groups of EVT across numerous sub-groups, a majority of the trials
but importantly no signal of harm was noted in the large core excluded patients based on features related to demographics
populations. However, risks of reperfusion injury following (age <18, pregnant), features that may compromise life ex-
recanalization of large stroke are important and several studies pectancy (active cancer) or features that may increase the
identify an increased incidence of post thrombectomy pa- procedural risks (history of aortic dissection, intra-cranial
renchymal hemorrhage amongst large burden strokes. aneurysm, endocarditis, thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy or
Figure 3 demonstrates a non-contrast CT head-based AS- underlying non-atherosclerotic vasculopathy). Multiple case
PECTS score of 4 for a 56 years old woman presenting as an series have demonstrated the safety and feasibility of EVT in
acute ischemic stroke with a NIHSS score of 24, time from these populations61-63 however efficacy will be difficult to
stroke onset approximately 3 hours, and occlusion of the left demonstrate in the setting of a high quality randomized
internal carotid artery. Multiple additional retrospective and controlled trial given the rarity of these populations. This
prospective studies of non-randomized have similarly con- challenge highlights the importance of maintaining pro-
firmed the safety and feasibility of treating patients with large spective multicenter registries of both treated and untreated
baseline infarct. The benefit of EVT is likely higher in younger large vessel occlusions irrespective of treatment eligibility.
patients, who are able to achieve functional recovery at larger
infarct thresholds. The benefit of EVT vs medical therapy,
amongst patients with large baseline infarct core and presence Conclusion
of substantial mismatch, will be investigated in the TEN- Acute ischemic stroke care has evolved dramatically as this year
SION,56 TESLA57 and LASTE53 trials. Figure 4 demonstrates marks the 26th anniversary of the NINDS tpa trial and the 6th
a CT perfusion map of an acute ischemic stroke patient har- anniversary of the early time window trials. While the general
boring an acute left MCA-M1 occlusion with a NIHSS score concept of flow restoration is intuitive, the generation of high-
of 22 and time from last known well of 6 hours. Baseline quality data proving the benefit of IV therapy and subsequently
infarct volume is 101 mL (CBF <30%) and Tmax >6 seconds EVT has been less straight forward and has required attention
volume is 157 mL. to appropriate patient selection, rapid work flow and effective
treatments. High quality science ultimately informs societal
guidelines and tilts organizations and policies to appropriate
Treatment in Advanced Age and Poor resources to maximize treatment opportunities. In the absence
Baseline Patients of high-quality data, treatments will continue to be offered off-
label with provider and institutional variability. Irrespective of
While advanced age is a treatment effect modifier for out- practice patterns, it is critical to maintain prospective registries
comes after acute ischemic stroke, age per se is not con- and enroll patients in high quality clinical trials when possible.
sidered a contra-indication for EVT. In multiple trials (MR
no upper age cutoff for trial inclusion. In a patient level Study Funding
meta-analysis of the early time window trials (MR CLEAN, No targeted funding reported.
TEND IA, and PISTE58) of outcomes by age, the adjusted Disclosure
treatment effect was highest in patients with age 80 and The authors report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript.
higher. This likely reflects the particularly poor natural Go to Neurology.org/N for full disclosures.
history of untreated large vessel occlusion in the advanced
age population. A single center study of 30 nonagenarians Publication History
undergoing thrombectomy demonstrated that a final in- Received by Neurology May 21, 2020. Accepted in final form
farct volume of <10 cc is a strong predictor of “return to March 5, 2021.
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20. Penumbra Pivotal Stroke Trial Investigators. The penumbra pivotal stroke trial:
safety and effectiveness of a new generation of mechanical devices for clot
Appendix (continued)
removal in intracranial large vessel occlusive disease. Stroke. 2009; 40(8):
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Indications for Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke: Current
Guidelines and Beyond
Ashutosh P. Jadhav, Shashvat M. Desai and Tudor G. Jovin
Neurology 2021;97;S126-S136
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000012801
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