HMT - ISA-1 and Make-Up Scheme and Solutions

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School of Mechanical Engineering

6 semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions ISA-I (15 March 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Answer any two full question
1a Explain Initial and Boundary conditions used in heat transfer with respect to slab geometry.
“The natural process of heat transfer involves conduction, convection and radiation in isolated modes”.
Comment on the statement with appropriate illustrations
A thin plate 0.75 m x 0.80 m is subjected to 600 W of heat flux on one surface and dissipates heat by 10
combined convection and radiation from the other surface into ambient air at 300K. If plate surface has
emissivity of 0.9 and convective heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2 oC, determine plate temperature.

1b Write expression for transient 2D heat conduction without internal heat generation (No derivation)
A composite cylinder consists of 10 cm outer radius steel pipe(k= 25 W/mK) of 10 mm thick, followed
by two concentric insulation layers (10 mm and 25 mm thick) with thermal conductivities of 0.3 W/mK 10
and 0.4 W/mK respectively. The inside is exposed to convective fluid at 300°C with hi = 65 W/m2K.
The composite wall on its outer side has air at 30°C with ho = 15 W/m2K. Assess heat loss per meter
length and plot radial interface temperatures for steady state heat transfer.

2a What is lumped system analysis w.r.t. transient heat conduction?

Apply concepts of dimensionless length and dimensionless time to assess temperature of solids- cube
(3mm side) and sphere (3mm radius) initially heated to 200oC and simultaneously dropped in convective 10
medium at -10oC with heat transfer coefficient h= 5 kW/m2 K. What temperature do they attain 15s after
dropping, if their properties are: k=100 W/mK, Cp=800J/kg K, density of 7800 kg/m3 ?

2b A 10 cm long aluminium alloy (210 W/m K) solid rod of 10 mm diameter fixed to furnace wall (at
100°C) and protrudes into air (at 20°C, h=20W/m2K) with ends insulated. Find distance, measured from
heated end of rod at which its temperature reads 50oC and rod temperature 20 mm from base. Also 10
evaluate heat transfer rate, efficiency and effectiveness if 20 such rods are fixed on 0.5 x0.5 m of
furnace wall.

3a From first principles establish that critical radius of insulation (rc) for electric cable is k/h.
“Critical thickness of insulation is not applicable to slab geometry” Comment with justifications
The under-sea bare electric cable, 3mm in radius is heated to 50oC and exposed to cold water at 7oC with 10
a heat transfer coefficient of 50 W/m2 oC. What insulation (k=0.2W/mK) thickness provides the highest
heat transfer rate? Compare its value with heat transfer rate with bare cable.

3b Explain thermal diffusivity and overall heat transfer coefficient for composite slab with BCs of 3rd kind.
A plane composite wall (combined thickness of 100 mm) of space carrier has 2 layers of equal thickness
having thermal conductivities k1:k2 as 1:3. Inner layer has k1 =0.006 W/moC and exposed to interiors at 10
30oC with hi = 10 W/m2K. Find heat loss per m2 to outer space at -25oC when ho = 40 W/m2 oC.
Represent equivalent thermal circuit, interface temperature assuming negligible contact resistance. What
will be change in heat transfer rate if thermal contact resistance of 0.05 oC/W exists at interface?
School of Mechanical Engineering

6 semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions ISA-I (15 March 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Scheme and Solutions
1a Brief explanation on:
Initial conditions and Boundary conditions used in heat transfer with respect to slab geometry.
1st kind / 2nd kind / 3rd kind BCs equations and diagram to give illustrations
∂T ∂T
T(x) at x=0 is Ti T(x) at x=L is To q ( x) at x = 0, q (0) = −k ; q ( x) at x = L, q ( L) = k
∂x x =0 ∂x x=L

∂T ∂T
At x = 0,− k = hi [T ( x) − T∞ ]x =0 ; at x = L, q ( L) = k = ho [T ( x) − T∞ ]x = L
∂x x =0 ∂x x = L
“The natural process of heat transfer involves conduction, convection and radiation in isolated modes”.
The statement is false. The three modes of heat transfer take place in combined
Simple illustration for combined mode of heat transfer 3+2+
A=0.75 x 0.80 =0.6 m
-8 2 4 2o
Q= 600W; Tamb =300K ; σ=5.67 x10 W/m K ; ε=0.9 ; h=15 W/m C
Q = 600 = Qconvection + Q radiation = hA(Ts − Tamb ) + σεA Ts4 − T amb
( )
= 15 × 0.6 × (Ts − 300) + 5.67 ×10 −8 × 0.9 × 0.6 × Ts4 − 300 4 ( )
600 = 9(Ts − 300) + 3.0168 ×10 −8
(T s
− 300 4
∴ Ts = 345.86 K

1b Expression for transient 2D heat conduction without internal heat generation (No derivation)
∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T 1 ∂T
+ =
∂x 2 ∂y 2 α ∂t
r2=0.1m ; r1 =r2 -0.01=0.09m; r3 =0.1+0.01=0.11m; r4 =0.11+0.025=0.135m
k1=25 ; k2 = 0.3 ; k3= 0.4 W/mK; hi=65; ho = 15 W/m K
Ti= 300°C To=30°C; Ai =2π(0.09*1)=
Ti − To T −T T −T T − T3 T3 − T4 T4 − To
Q= = i 1 = 1 2 = 2 = =
Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rt 3 + Rco Rci Rt1 Rt 2 Rt 3 Rco 2+6+

1 1 1 r 1 r  1 r  2
Rci = ; Rco = ; Rt1 = ; Rt 2 =
Ln 2 Ln 3  ; Rt 3 = Ln 4 
Ai hi Ao ho 2πk1 L  r1
 2πk 2 L  r2  2πk 3 L  r3 
Rci = 0.027202; Rco = 0.078585; Rt1 = 0.000671; Rt 2 = 0.050557 ; Rt 3 = 0.081475
Ti − To 300 − 30
Q= = = 1132.125W
Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rt 3 + Rco 0.23849
T1 = Ti − Q( Rci ); T2 = T1 − Q ( Rt1 ); T3 = T2 − Q ( Rt 2 ); T4 = T3 − Q ( Rt 3 )
∴ T1 = 269.203; T2 = 268.444; T3 = 211.207; T4 = 118.96 o C
School of Mechanical Engineering

2a Brief explanation on lumped system analysis (Biot number < 0.1)

2 2 3
h= 5 kW/m K= h= 5000 W/m K ; k=100 W/mK, Cp=800J/kg K, density of 7800 kg/m
-3 -5 2 o o
t=15 sec; L=3x10 m ; α=k/ρCp=1.6025x10 m/s ; Ti=200 C ; Tamb=-10 C

-3 -3
Cube Lc =L/6= 0.5x10 m Sphere Lc =L/3= 1 x10 m
Bi =hLc /k =0.025 Bi< 0.1(LSA applies) Bi =hLc /k = (5000x10 )/100=0.05 Bi<0.1 (LSA applies)
αt 1.6025 × 10 −5 ×15 αt 1.6025 × 10 −5 × 15 3+7
Fo = = = 961.5 Fo = = = 240.375
L 2
c (0.5 ×10 −3 ) 2 L 2
c (1× 10 −3 ) 2

T (t ) − Tamb T (t ) − Tamb
= e -Bi×Fo = e -24.0375 = 3.63 × 10 −11 = e -Bi×Fo = e -12.01875 = 6.0322 × 10 −6
Ti − Tamb Ti − Tamb
∴ T (t ) = Tamb + 3.63 × 10 −11 (210) = −9.99 o C ∴ T (t ) = Tamb + 6.0322 × 10 −6 (210) = −9.9987 o C

2b Solution
End insulated fin
L=0.1 m ; k=210 W/m K; h=20W/m2K; d=0.01 m ; Tamb=20oC ; To=100oC;
To find :x=? if T(x)=50 C and T(0.02)=? ;
: Qfin =? ; η=? ; Number of fins=20; Area: 0.5 x0.5 m of furnace wall
π π
A= d2 = (0.01) 2 = 7.8539 × 10 −5 m 2 P = πd = = 0.03141m
4 4
 20 × 0.03141 
0 .5 0.5
 hP 
m=   = −5 
= 6.1715m −1 3+5+
 kA   210 × 7.8539 × 10 
 T ( x) − Tamb   cosh m( L − x) 
  =  
 To − Tamb   cosh mL 
 50 − 20   cosh 6.1715(0.1 − x) 
  = 0.375 =   ∴ x = ???
 100 − 20   cosh 0.61715 
 T ( x) − 20   cosh 6.1715(0.1 − 0.02) 
=  ∴ T(x) = 95.17396 C

 100 − 20   cosh 0.61715 
Q fin = (hPkA ) × (To − Tamb ) × tanh(mL) Q fin = 8.1431 × 0.5491 = 4.4713W
School of Mechanical Engineering

Qtotal = ( 20 × Q fin ) + [(0.24842922) × 20 × (100 − 20)]

= 89.426 + 397.486 = 486.912W
Qbare = [(0.5 × 0.5) × 20 × (100 − 20)] = 400W
Qtotal 486.912
ε= = = 1.21728
Qbare 400
tanh mL tanh (0.61715)
η= = = 0.889801
mL 0.61715

3a Derivation of critical radius of insulation (rc) for electric cable-cylindrical geometry

(Ti − To ) (Ti − To )
Q= =
Rins + Rconv  1  r    1 
 In 2   +  
 2πkL  r1    2πr2 Lh 
For maxima of function Q(r2 ) assuming other variables Ti To h, k, r1 and L to be constant
∂Q ∂ 2Q
= 0; < 0 leads to the value of r2=k/h. The insulation radius the yields maximum heat transfer
∂r2 ∂r2

rate is referred as ‘critical radius of insulation’ or ‘critical thickness of insulation (rc )

“Critical thickness of insulation is not applicable to slab geometry” Comment with justifications
For a slab geometry heat transfer rate is given by
(Ti − To ) (Ti − To )
Q= =
Rins + Rconv  L   1 
 kA  +  Ah  4+2+
   
As the magnitude of Rconv is independent of L and remains constant, hence Qmax occurs at L=0 and
progressively increases with ‘L’. Hence, critical thickness of insulation is not applicable to slab geometry.
Solution: Undersea cable insulation
r1=0.003 m; Ti =50oC; To= 7oC; h= 50 W/m2 oC; k= 0.2W/mK
highest heat transfer occurs at r2 =rc =k/h = 0.2/50 =0.004 m
(Ti − To ) (50 − 7) 43
Q= = = = 42.0537W
Rins + Rconv  1  0.004    1  0.2288 + 0.7937
 In   +  
 2π (0.2)(1)  0.003    2π (0.004)(1)(50) 

(Ti − To ) (50 − 7) 43
Qbare = = = = 40.5265W
Rconv  1  1.0610
 
 2π (0.003)(1)(50) 
(Q − Qbare ) ( 42.0537 − 40.5265)
% drop in heat transfer = ins × 100 = × 100 = 3.6315% The under-
Qins (42.0537)
3b Brief explanation on thermal diffusivity (α) =k/ρCp
Brief explanation on ‘U’ for composite slab with BCs of 3 kind:
(Ti − To ) (Ti − To )
Q= = UA(Ti − To ); ∴U = W / m 2o C 4+4+
Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rt1 + Rco [Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rt1 + Rco ]A 2

k1:k2 = 1:3. k1 =0.006 W/mK k2=3k1 hence k2=3k1=3(0.006)=0.018 W/mK
School of Mechanical Engineering

L1 = L2 and L1 + L2 =100 mm therefore L1 =L2 =50 mm= 0.05m

o o 2 2 o o
Ti =30 C ; To= -25 C ; hi= 10 W/m K ; ho=40 W/m C ; Rth,contact=0.05 C/W
(Ti − To ) (T − T1 ) (T1 − T2 ) (T2 − T3 ) (T3 − To )
Q= = i = = = ;
Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rco Rci Rt 1 Rt 2 Rco

1 1 L L
Rci = ; Rco = ; Rt1 = 1 ; Rt 2 = 2 ; Rtotal = R ci + R t1 + R t2 + Rco
Ahi Aho Ak1 Ak1
Rci = 0.1; Rco = 0.025; Rt1 = 8.333; Rt 2 = 2.777; R total = 11.235 o C / W
(30 − (−25))
Q= = 4.8954W

(30 − T1 )
4.8954 = ∴ T1 = 30 − 4.8954(0.1) = 29.51o C
(29.51 − T2 )
4.8954 = ∴ T2 = -11.28o C
(−11.28 − T3 )
4.8954 = ∴ T3 = -24.87 o C
(−24.87 − To )
4.8954 = ∴ To = −24.99 ≈ −25 o C (verification)
With thermal contact resistance existing:
Rtotal = R ci + R t1 + Rt ,contact + R t2 + Rco = 11.235 + 0.05 = 11.285o C/W
(30 − (−25))
Q1 = = 4.8737W

(Q − Q1 ) (4.8954 − 4.8737)
%change in heat transfer = × 100 = × 100 = 0.4432%
Q 4.8954
School of Mechanical Engineering

6th semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions ISA-I (Make-up)(24 March 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Answer any two full question
1a Explain the term “Boundary condition” applied to heat transfer with respect to spherical geometry.
“The magnitude of heat flow is sum total of all three modes of heat transfer” Comment with appropriate
A negligibly thin plate 0.9 m x 0.90 m is subjected to 900 W of heat flux on one surface and dissipates 10
heat by combined convection and radiation from the other surface into ambient air at 320K. If plate has
emissivity of 0.8 and convective heat transfer coefficient of 25 W/m2 oC, determine plate temperature.

1b Obtain expression for steady state heat conduction through a hollow sphere from 1st principles
A composite sphere of 10 cm inside radius (k= 300 W/mK) of 10 mm thick, followed by two concentric
insulation layers (10 mm and 25 mm thick) with thermal conductivities of 0.5 W/mK and 0.4 W/mK 10
respectively. The inside is exposed to convective fluid at 200°C with hi = 50 W/m2K. The composite
wall on its outer side has air at 20°C with ho = 10 W/m2K. Assess heat fluxes on inner and outer
surfaces and plot radial interface temperatures for steady state heat transfer.

2a Explain Non-lumped system analysis w.r.t. transient heat conduction?

Use Bi and Fo numbers to assess temperature of wire (2.5 mm side) and sphere (2.5mm radius) initially
heated to 100oC and simultaneously dropped in convective medium at 10oC with heat transfer 10
coefficient h= 15 kW/m2 K. What temperature do they attain 20s after dropping, if their properties are:
k=90 W/mK, Cp=600J/kg K, density of 9000 kg/m3 ?

2b A long copper alloy (300 W/m K) solid rod of 8 mm diameter fixed to furnace wall (at 80°C) and
protrudes into air (at 20°C, h=20W/m2K). Find distance, measured from heated end of rod at which its 10
temperature reads 50oC and rod temperature 20 mm from base. Evaluate heat transfer rate, efficiency
and effectiveness if 200 such rods are fixed on 1.5 x1.5 m of furnace wall.

3a From first principles check if critical radius of insulation (rc) for spherical vessel is k/h.
“Critical thickness of insulation gives highest heat transfer rate for curved geometry” Comment with
The 8 cm radius steam pipe at 80oC surface temperature is to be insulated to minimize heat loss to 10
surroundings (h=5 W/m2 oC, 20oC) using glass wool insulation (k=0.8W/mK). Compare the heat loss per
meter length of pipe if insulated 5mm above and below critical radius against heat loss with bare pipe.

3b Explain radiation heat transfer coefficient.

A cylindrical composite wall with inside radius of 5cm (combined thickness of 80 mm) of space carrier
has 2 layers of equal thickness having thermal conductivities k1:k2 as 1:3. Inner layer has k1 =0.04
W/moC and exposed to interiors at 20oC with hi = 15 W/m2K. Find heat loss per m length to outer space 10
at 15oC when ho = 10 W/m2 oC. Represent equivalent thermal circuit, interface temperature assuming
negligible contact resistance. Assess change in heat transfer if thermal contact resistance of 0.25 oC/W
exists at interface?
School of Mechanical Engineering

6 semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions ISA-I (Make-up)(24 March 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Answer any two full question
Scheme and Solutions
1a Boundary conditions brief explanation (spherical geometry) 1st / 2nd / 3rd kind
“The magnitude of heat flow is sum total of all three modes of heat transfer”- All modes of heat transfer occur
simultaneously and hence the total rate is equal to summation of all three modes.
Qtotal = Qconduction + Q convection + Q radiation
Numerical solution:
A=0.9 x 0.9 = 0.81 m2 ; Q=900 W; Qtotal = Q convection + Q radiation =hA(Tp-Tamb) +σεA(Tp4-Tamb4)
Substituting the given values σ= 5.67x10-8 W/m2K4 ; ε=0.8; Tamb=320 K; h=25 W/m2 oC
900==25x 0.81x(Tp-320) +5.67x10-8x0.8x (Tp4-3204)
By trial and error the solution of the above equation yields Tp= 354.739 K (3+2+5)

1b Expression for steady state heat conduction through a hollow sphere from 1st principles
(Ti − To ) (Ti − To ) (Ti − T1 ) (T1 − T2 ) (T2 − T3 ) (T3 − T4 ) (T4 − To )
Q= Q= = = = = =
ro − ri Rtotal Rthci Rth1 Rth 2 Rth 3 Rth1
4πkro ri
r1=0.1 m; r2 =0.11m; r3 =0.12m; r4 =0.145m; k1= 300 W/mK; k2= 0.5 W/mK; k3= 0.4 W/mK;
hi= 50 W/m2K; ho= 10 W/m2K; Ti= 200 oC; To= 20 oC;

Ai 0.12568 Rth1 0.000241

Ao 0.26424 Rth2 0.120556
Rthci 0.15913 Rth3 0.381069
Rthco 0.378441 Rtotal 1.039441
Q 173.17 W qi 1377.864 W/m2
qo 655.3457 W/m2

School of Mechanical Engineering

2a Explanation on non-lumped system analysis w.r.t. transient heat conduction- Bi > 0.1
Numerical solution
Data given: R=0.25cm; Ti =100oC ; Tamb =10oC ; h= 15 kW/m2 K; k=90 W/mK,; Cp=600J/kg K,
density =9000 kg/m3 ; t=20s ; T(20s)=?; α=k/ρCp =1.666x10-5 m2 /s
To find:
Geometry : wire Geometry : sphere
π 4 / 3πr 3 r 0.0025
d 2L Lc = = = = 0.00833
Lc = 4
d r 0.0025
= = = = 0.00125 4πr 2 3 3
πdL 4 2 2
hL 15 × 0.00125 hLc 15 × 0.00833
Bi = c = = 2.083 ×10 − 4 Bi = = = 0.00138
k 90 k 90
Bi<0.1 (LSA applicable) Bi<0.1 (LSA applicable)
ατ 1.666 × 10 × 20 −5
ατ 1.666 × 10 −5 × 20
Fo = = = 213.33 Fo = = = 4.8019
L2c 0.00125 2 L2c 0.00833 2
T (t ) − Tamb T (t ) − 10
= e − Bi× Fo ; = e − 0.006626 = 0.9933;
Ti − Tamb 100 − 10 (3+7)
T (t ) − 10 ∴ T (20) = 99.405C
= e − 0.0444 = 0.9565;∴ T (20) = 96.09C
100 − 10

2b Numerical Solution: Long fin attached to furnace wall

Given data:k=300 W/m K; d= 8mm =0.008m; To=80°C; h=20W/m2K; Tamb=20oC;
Wall: 1.5 x 1.5 m; No. of rods 200;
To find x=? T(x)= 50oC and T(20mm)=?

π π
A= d2 = (0.008) 2 = 5.0265 ×10 − 5 m 2 P = πd = = 0.02513m
4 4
 20 × 0.02513 
0.5 0 .5
 hP 
m=   = −5
 = 5.7732m −1
 kA   300 × 5.0265 ×10 
 T ( x) − Tamb  50 − 20 
  = e − mx =   = 0.5; ∴ -0.6931 = -5.7732x ∴ x = 0.120m = 12cm
 To − Tamb   80 − 20 
 T ( x) − 20  −5.7732( 0.02)
 =e = 0.8909; ∴ T(20mm) = 73.45o C
 80 − 20 
Q fin = (hPkA ) × (To − Tamb ) Q fin = (0.007569909 ) × (80 − 20) = 5.2203W
0.5 0 .5

Qtotal = ( 200 × Q fin ) + [(2.239947) × 20 × (80 − 20)]

= 1,044.06 + 2,687.9364 = 3,731.9964W
Qbare = [ 2.25 × 20 × (100 − 20)] = 2700W
Qtotal 3731.9964
ε= = = 1.382 Efficiency is not defined for long fins (3+5+2)
Qbare 2700
School of Mechanical Engineering

3a Expression for critical radius of insulation (rc) = k/h.

“rc by definition gives radius that leads to maxima value of Q(r) : justifications
Numerical solution (steam pipe)
Given data: h=5 W/m2 oC, 20oC; k=0.8W/mK; 80oC; ri= 8 cm; (rc) = k/h=0.16
ro =rc +5mm =0.165 m (case 1- above rc) ; ro =rc -5mm =0.155 m (case 2- below rc )
(Ti − To ) (80 − 20) 60
Q= = = = 178.08W Case 2:
Rins + Rconv  1  0.165    1  0.14401 + 0.1929
 In   +  
 2π (0.8)(1)  0.080    2π (0.165)(1)(5) 
(80 − 20) 60
Q= = = 178.147W
 1  0.155    1  0.1315 + 0.2053
 In   +  
 2π (0.8)(1)  0.080    2π (0.155)(1)(5) 

(Ti − To ) (80 − 20) 60

Qbare = = = = 150.7964W
Rconv  1  0 .3978
 
 2π (0.080)(1)(5) 
(Q − Qbare ) (178.08 − 150.7964)
% change == ins = = 0.1809 rise
Qbare 150.7964
3b Brief explanation on radiation heat transfer coefficient.
Numerical solution:
Given data:r1 =0.05 ; r2 =0.09 ; r3 =0.13 m; k1 =0.04 W/moC; k1:k2 as 1:3 ; k2 =3(k1) =0.12 W/moC
hi = 15 W/m2K; ho = 10 W/m2 oC; thermal contact resistance of 0.25 oC/W
Ti = 20oC; To = 15oC.
(Ti − To ) (Ti − To )
Q= ; Q=
Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rco Rci + Rt1 + R contact + Rt 2 + Rco

1 1 1 r  1 r 
Rci = ; Rco = ; Rt 1 = In 2 ; Rt 2 = In 3 

hi Ai ho Ao 2πk1 L  r 1  2πk 2 L  r 2 
1 1
Rci = = 0.2122; Rco = = 0.1224;
15 × 0.3141 10 × 0.8168
1  0.09  1  0.13 
R t1 = In  = 2.3387 Rt 2 = In  = 0.4877
2π × 0.04 × 1  0.05  2π × 0.12 × 1  0.09 
Rtotal = 0.2122 + 0.1224 + 2.3387 + 0.4877 = 3.161o C / W
(20 − 15) (20 − 15)
Q= = 1.5871W Qwith ,,cr = = 1.4658W
3.161 3.161 + 0.25
(Ti − To ) (T − T1 ) (T1 − T2 ) (T2 − T3 ) (T3 − To )
Q= = i = = =
Rci + Rt1 + Rt 2 + Rco Rci Rt 1 Rt 2 Rco
(20 − T1 )
1.5871 = ∴T1 = 19.6632; T2 = 19.4689; T3 = 15.7571; To = 15.5628 (4+4+2)

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