CG LAC Guide Chapter5
CG LAC Guide Chapter5
CG LAC Guide Chapter5
What To Do
What To Do
Chapter 5
Governance Challenges
for Family-Owned Businesses
Family-owned firms face unique challenges. However, many failures of family-owned com-
panies indicate that such firms also face a multitude of challenges which risk destroying share-
holder value or even the business itself.
Corporate governance measures lead to long-term success and keep peace in the family.
Corporate governance measures at the family and business levels provide good solutions to
family ownership challenges and often are indispensable to the long-term success of the family
business — and peace in the controlling family, especially with succeeding generations.
“…We have two options; there is no right or wrong decision, nor one
that is better than the other. But whatever is to be done, will be defini-
tive. There is no turning back. We can continue being a family business,
like in my grandfather’s and father’s days, or become a professional
company with a strong and clear capital market strategy.”
ff How investors view family businesses and the benefits of family ownership
ff Challenges related to family control
ff Governance solutions to address investor concerns related to family ownership
ff First-hand stories of governance challenges in family-controlled companies
From an investor perspective, the key is to establish the right corporate governance condi-
tions so that the positive aspects of family ownership are coupled with assurances that investor
interests will be recognized and addressed.
Investor perception on ownership concentration, and the value associated with it, is re-
vealed in a report of emerging market firms published at the beginning of 2007 by Citigroup
Global Markets. The analysis suggests that investors place a three percent valuation premium on
firms in which family insiders wield significant, but not absolute, control. Conversely, for emerg-
ing market firms where families are majority owners, investors assign a valuation discount of
5-20 percent. See Figure 5.1.
59 SILVEIRA, A. Di M. da, LEAL, R. P., CARVALHAL-DA-SILVA, A. L., & BARROS, L. A. (2007). Evolution and determinants
of firm-level corporate governance quality in Brazil. Available at SSRN <>
60 LA PORTA, R., LOPEZ-DE-SILANES, F., SHLEIFER, A., & VISHNY, R. (2000). Investor protection and corporate gover-
Relative Valuation (%)
Family Ownership
Research quantifies the value of good governance in family businesses. In a study by Pro-
fessor Panikkos Poutziouris62 of the Cyprus Institute of Management of 42 companies on the
London Stock Exchange, listed family firms outperformed their listed non-family rivals by 40 per-
cent from 1999 to 2005. But the study also shows that the outperformance of the Family Busi-
ness63 Index only applies when the interests of shareholders and management are aligned.
Credit Suisse64 research also showed that family-owned companies perform better: over
the long term, such firms tend to achieve superior returns and higher profitability than com-
panies with a fragmented shareholder structure. Credit Suisse analysts compared the stock
performance of European companies with a significant family influence to firms with a broad
shareholder base. The study uncovered several factors that contribute to the success of family-
owned firms:
Anderson and Reeb found a similar result when investigating the link between founding-
family ownership and firm performance in large, publicly-traded U.S. firms listed on the S&P
500 in 2003.65 The main finding: family firms outperformed non-family firms and had higher
valuations as well.
61 CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS. (2007). What investors want: how emerging market firms should respond to the
global investor. This report examines shareholder patterns among 1,500 largest listed firms in the emerging markets (the
“EM 1500”). The EM 1500 represents the top 1,500 firms by US dollar market capitalization at the end of 2005. It is a
subset of the Citigroup/BMI and IFC indices that essentially comprises every listed company with a market capitalization
above $ 300 million across Asia (excluding Japan), Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.
All financial data for the EM 1500 is from Bloomberg.
62 POUTZIOURIS, P. Z. (2004). Views of family companies on venture capital: empirical evidence from the UK small to
by the founding family and also had a family member on the board.
64 Credit Suisse Family Index, 2007.
65 ANDERSON, R. C., & REEB, D. M. (2003). Who monitors the family. SSRN Discussion Papers. Available at SSRN: http://
A number of Companies Circle members have significant experience in the area of gover-
nance for family-owned companies. Here is a highlight.
With the goal of generating value for all shareholders, Homex has implemented a series of
governance practices.
Since going public in 2004, the company’s controlling family has held a sizeable stake in the
company. Still, the family has relinquished a larger portion of shares for public purchase over the
years: the 2005 IPO launched with 22.2 percent of shares available for purchase. Today, other
shareholders control 64.9 percent66 of ownership, as shown in Figure 5.2.
Founder Family
Source: Homex
Homex sought to do its best to ensure all shareholders that their rights and interests will
be properly protected by introducing high corporate standards in its by-laws that focus on pro-
tection of minority investors’ rights. Moreover, it has never incorporated provisions like anti-
takeover practices, diluting schemes or the existence of different types of shares that provide
for different voting privileges.
Homex’ leaders see additional advantages of having 35.1 percent of company’s ownership
such as:
Together with certain advantages in comparison to non-family owned firms, family businesses
also face a set of challenges which they need to address to obtain the trust of investors and, in
many cases, to make the company sustainable in the long run.
Through the years, numerous academic studies have looked at some of these challenges
and weaknesses:
ff In 1988, Holderness and Sheehan67 found that among US corporations, family firms have a
lower market value than non-family firms.68
67 HOLDERNESS, C. G., & SHEEHAN, D. P. (1988). The role of majority shareholders in publicly held corporations. Journal
So, even if family businesses are recognized as a valuable asset, the risks associated with
concentration can drive away additional sources of finance, thereby reducing the company’s
value or restricting available credit terms.
The main challenge in family business governance relates to the existence of an additional
layer of relationship that the owning/controlling family brings to the business.‑ For shareholders
this complexity includes understanding the various interconnections among the owning/control-
ling family members. These roles include:
ff Family member/owners
ff Family member/directors
ff Family member/managers
ff Family member/employees
ff Family members who are not shareholders, but are extended family and heirs
ff Family members who are some combination of these roles
Typically, family businesses in the first generation—and sometimes in the second gen-
eration—are managed by the founders and other family members. These businesses often
face the challenge of attracting good specialists to assume management positions. They face
even more difficulties in retaining such qualified professionals. The relationship between family/
managers and non-family professionals must be carefully crafted to maintain a well-functioning
management team and to lead the company to success.
Relations between the family as shareholders and non-family investors also present chal-
lenges. Non-family external investors often have significant influence over the shaping of the
family business’ governance. Their views on corporate governance are converging due to eco-
nomic globalization and emergence of global investors.
Despite convergence of governance patterns in the competition for capital, differences are
likely to remain, from country to country and from industry to industry.
There is also a trend toward standardizing understanding of good governance for investors
and international capital markets. Notes one institutional investor in response to a 2006 global
study of institutional investors:71
69 PEREZ-GONZALEZ, F. (2001). Does inherited control hurt firm performance? Working paper Columbia University.
70 AMIT, R., & VILLALONGA, B. (2006). Benefits and costs of control—enhancing mechanisms in U.S. family firms. SSRN
Working Paper.
71 2006 ISS Global Institutional Investor Study, by RiskMetrics’ wholly owned subsidiary, Institutional Shareholder Ser-
vices (ISS), 2006. Reproduced by permission of RiskMetrics Group, Inc. . ©2006-2009 RiskMetrics Group, Inc. All rights
In addition, family-controlled firms often face a difficult choice as they confront the need
to fund growth by attracting equity: do they cede partial control to external shareholders and
change their old habits and ways of running the business, promoting tangible improvements in
corporate governance in exchange for capital for growth?
ff Quite often, especially during the early, start-up stages of the family business, the company
and family relationships are not clearly distinguished. This is particularly true with respect
to financial relations and accounts — the company’s and family’s assets are not legally sepa-
rated. This causes problems in distinguishing company-owned assets, and how company-
owned assets can be used by the family as a shareholder.
ff Existing governance-related policies are informal, as a general rule. This can lead to reliance
on key people rather than on structures and processes. Such “common” understandings
may not be as universally-held or understood when situations change. As a result, there could
be some uncertainty on the part of external investors and non-family employees.
ff Weaknesses in governance systems of family businesses are most evident in internal con-
trols, internal audit and risk management. Since many family businesses are managed by
the founders or their children, the control environment is largely tailored to their needs. The
problem: the controls do not grow along with the company, as the business becomes more
complex. This gap is a primary area of concern for external investors.
ff Governance challenges only increase as the family and business grow more complex with
each succeeding generation.
This section looks at various governance solutions to the challenges unique to family-owned
businesses, and covers a variety of topics:
To address the challenges detailed in the previous section, family businesses have come up
with many governance solutions that are specific to their ownership structures.
The study provides clear evidence of the value of good governance to such companies. The
study sample was comprised of listed companies with certain liquidity levels. They also met a
certain standard of relatively advanced corporate governance practice. The research found a rel-
evant and meaningful positive correlation between the quality of corporate governance at these
companies and their operational and market success.
The analyzed companies are on average larger and are worth more. They have higher mar-
ket multiples. They are operationally more profitable, with more liquidity. They pay higher divi-
dends. And they are more solvent in the short term and more leveraged than the average of all
listed companies on BM&FBOVESPA. The study also concluded that the analyzed companies
typically follow better corporate governance practices than an average company listed with
Family-owned members of the Companies Circle have faced a similar set of motivations.
The stories that follow provide concrete illustrations of the reasons to initiate corporate gover-
nance improvements in family companies and the benefits they afford to the controlling family,
the family business and outside investors.
“I don’t know cases of families in Latin America that had become more
united because of money, but I do know of many cases where families
have destroyed companies because of money. The lesson to be learned
here is that company value is what unites shareholders, irrespective of
whether these are family members, institutional shareholders or inves-
tors who are external to the controlling groups.”
72 IBGC, Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (2006). Corporate governance in family cotrolled com-
panies: relevant cases in Brazil. São Paulo: Saint Paul Institute of Finance. The companies analyzed include Gerdau, Gol,
Itaú, Klabin, Localiza, Marcopolo, Natura, NET, Pão de Açúcar, Randon, Sadia, Saraiva, Suzano, Ultrapar and Weg..
In Latin America, as elsewhere, family fights have destroyed value and companies to the detri-
ment of all. Buenaventura set out on the corporate governance improvement path as a way to
avoid this situation, transforming the company from a family-run business to a professionally-
managed firm. With a focus on aligning the family’s objectives with those of long-term share-
holders and ultimately maximizing value for all shareholders and implementing good corporate
governance, the company’s founders and their successors believe they have avoided the kinds
of family disagreements that could have harmed or destroyed the company.
As a listed company on both the NYSE and the Lima Stock Exchange, company leaders
have seen that investors really care about corporate governance, and adopting such practices
truly pays off. The company underwent an entire culture shift, affecting all shareholders, includ-
This company’s significant change in the pattern of ownership and control over time is rooted
in family factors. The first generation of founding partners passed on their ownership to the
second. But not every second generation family member wanted to participate in the business,
since the heirs had other interests for their careers and lives. So the owners opted to turn over
the company’s management to professional non-family managers and to create a broad and
diverse base of shareholders. To facilitate the transfer of the company’s stakes to new own-
ers, Ferreyros registered its shares on the Lima Stock Exchange, an initiative that required the
implementation of corporate governance improvements to attract investment and enhance the
company’s controls and performance.
Corporate governance solutions that family businesses can adopt will vary depending on the
stage of the controlling family’s ownership. Some structures and processes are adapted to
situations in which there is a single person, the founder/patriarch of the company, in charge of
the company. Other solutions are better suited when the next generation takes over the busi-
ness. And a third set of governance solutions are appropriate for companies controlled by family
members of later generations.
Harvard professor John Davis developed a model to help understand the three-phased evo-
lution of family companies, shown in Figure 5.3.73 The initial phase, in which all dimensions are
concentrated in one family, groups of families or the individual founder is known as the “found-
ers stage.” As time goes by, the company grows and transitions ownership to the next genera-
tion, a stage called the “siblings’ partnership.” As more time passes, the company transitions to
future generations, reaching maturity — a stage Davis calls the “cousins’ confederation”. When
the firm reaches maturity, according to the model, the challenge is to renew and recycle in order
for the company to continue.
73 GERSICK, K. E., DAVIS, J. A., HAMPTON, M. M., & LANSBERG, I. (1997). Generation to generation: life cycles of the
Family Family
Source: Better Governance, based on GERSICK, Kelin E., DAVIS, John A., HAMPTON, Marion M., and LANSBERG,
Ivan I. Generation to Generation: Life Cycles of the Family Business. (1997)
The governance solution you choose for your family business should depend on the
ownership stage your company is in.
As the competition for resources and power within the family intensifies, it becomes in-
creasingly difficult to maintain a common purpose. How does a family maintain a shared vision
about the company? All sorts of diverging views can arise: on ownership, on the degree of con-
trol that the family intends to retain, on the family’s involvement in the company’s governance
either through the board of directors or executive management.
The good news: help is available. Family business consultants and groups focused on
governance say that several easily accessible publications can help families and their busi-
ness with finding answers to these and other relevant questions. The IFC Family Business
GovernanceHandbook,74 published by the International Finance Corporation, recommends the
74 IFC, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (2008). Family Business Governance Handbook,
The handbook, aimed at guiding families as they initiate best governance practices on the
corporate and family levels, suggests that allowing family members to gather under one or
more organized structures, strengthens communication links between the family and its busi-
ness. This approach also provides opportunities for family members to network and discuss
issues related to the business and the family. Table 5.4 highlights the types of governance struc-
tures families might establish, depending on the stages of the family company’s development.
In addition to governance-related structures presented in the table below, families might con-
sider establishing other structures, such as family office, education committee, share redemp-
tion committee and career planning committee.
Figure 5.5 shows that once the “cousins’ confederation” stage is reached and the com-
pany opts for renewal and recycling, the company adopts good governance practices for the
company and the family with the creation of the family office and the family council.75 This action
Business_Final_2008.pdf, pp. 31-32.
75 The family office is an investment and administrative center that is organized and overseen by the family council commonly in
large and wealthy families. The office is the mechanism through which advice on personal investment planning, taxes, insurance
coverage, estate planning, career counseling and other topics of interest is provided to individual family members. For more de-
tail, see IFC, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (2008). Family Business Governance Handbook, <
Family Family
Office Council
Auditors Board
ness_Final_2008.pdf>, pp. 32-33.
The next level of formalization comes with the need to develop a family employment policy.
This becomes more apparent when the company reaches the sibling partnership stage. The
family employment policy sets clear rules on terms and conditions of family employment within
the firm. For some families, these rules stipulate conditions of entry, retention and exit from
the business. The policy also should cover the treatment of family member employees vis-a-vis
non-family employees.76
In third, fourth and succeeding generations, family businesses can barely survive unless full
Processes and structures for decision-making will vary: it is one thing to decide on family
matters and quite another to tackle company business, with issues such as division of equity
and the like. The family council, created to address family issues should remain completely
separate from the board of directors and from shareholders meetings, both of which focus on
company-related decisions.
76 IFC, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (2008). Family Business Governance Handbook, <
ily_Business_Final_2008.pdf>, pp. 23-27.
77 For more information on family constitutions, see IFC, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (2008). Family Busi-
Keeping peace in the family: Keeping peace in the family is important for inter-personal, social
and business reasons.
The problem
Conflicts among the siblings who run the business or misunderstandings between different
family branches may spill over to the company’s domain and create problems for other share-
ff How to manage relations between family members who work for the family business and
those who are only owners and rely on dividend income from the success of the company:
These two groups may have diverging interests and varying degrees of access to company
information, which may lead to an atmosphere of distrust in the family.
ff How to manage situations in which some family members want to work for the company,
and others want to pursue their own interests, possibly leaving the family business entirely.
Suggested solutions
Family governance institutions can play an important role as places where sensitive issues can
be discussed and solutions found.
ff A family assembly or family council can mull over the issues and develop policies on how
dividends are determined and distributed to make sure that the family is satisfied in ways
that are not detrimental to the success of the business. Putting things on the table and
openly discussing contentious issues is often the fastest way toward finding a solution ac-
ceptable to all concerned parties.
ff The family can create a liquidity fund, which could be used by the family to redeem the
shares of family members who wish to pursue their own interests outside of the family
business. Some companies even establish special committees with oversight for the re-
demption policies.
Presence of outside, non-family shareholders: This situation poses its own set of
The problem
ff How can the company ensure that these external investors are fairly treated? These inves-
tors might have interests and views on the role and results of the business that diverge
from the controlling family’s point of view. Investors also might have different levels of ac-
cess to company information. In some cases, external investors have even less information
than non-management, family shareholders.
Suggested solution
ff Empower the board of directors to arbitrate between the family and outside shareholders.
A board that performs classic functions of management oversight and helps management
define and pursue the company’s strategic direction is capable of aligning the interests of
all types of investors.
Table 5.6 Checklist: Ensuring Strong Senior Management for the Family-Owned Company78
Analyze the organizational structure and contrast the current and optimal roles
and responsibilities (compared to peer companies) of each senior manager.
Design a formal organizational structure that clearly defines the roles and re-
sponsibilities of all senior managers. This should be based on the company’s
current and future business operations’ needs.
Evaluate the skills and qualifications of the current senior management based on
the new organizational structure.
Establish a clear family employment policy and make its content available to all
family members.
Establish a remuneration system that provides the right incentives to all manag-
ers depending on their performance and not on their ties to the family..
Over the years, the Companies Circle members have confronted the succession issues
head-on. Here is a sampling of their approaches to resolving the problems.
78 IFC, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (2008). Family Business Governance Handbook, <
ily_Business_Final_2008.pdf>, p. 47.
This firm’s initial succession process involved separating the position of chairperson of the
board from that of general manager. This was a controlled and natural process, approved by
most shareholders.
The next stage—succession planning at the general manager and other senior manage-
ment levels—is a topic of frequent discussion at Buenaventura’s board meetings. Now, the
company is in the preliminary process of identifying and evaluating potential in-house candi-
dates, with the idea of developing new capabilities. The search also will extend to consider
outside candidates.
Non-family professionals took the management helm for the first time at Marcopolo in 1995,
with the appointment of a team of executive directors who were not shareholders. Ten years
later, although this executive team was still young, it became apparent that the company need-
ed a succession plan. Since 2005, the company has focused on managing succession.
•• Retirement policy: At age 60, with possibility of a five-year extension period in special
•• Retirement preparation plan: Policies for potential continued relations between the
company and the retired executives, such as consultancy, or appointment as a board
member in controlled companies
For Marcopolo this meant developing a formal ownership succession plan. Currently, the
two potential candidates for succession attend in-house and external training programs. The
main theme of these courses is the enhancement of knowledge, skills and technical know-how
to become competent company shareholders — the successors at Marcopolo decided that they
would only assume the role of shareholders, with seats on the board. They leave the role of
managing company operations to external management professionals.
At Ultrapar, Pery Igel, the son of the company’s founder, viewed some of his hired executives
as allies who could help protect the company from the uncertainties that a business dependent
on family management and capital could face. In the 1980s, Igel drew up a process for his suc-
cession based on two key elements:
To carry out this plan, Igel distributed beneficiary shares to his heirs and transferred shares
to executives. A shareholders agreement, formalized in the mid-1980s provided for recipro-
cal rights of first refusal in the event of sale of controlling shares. It established two separate
During this period, new management leaders were trained to prepare them to lead the
company’s growth. These executives who were now also owners had their interests aligned
with those of the family. In the transition stage, a new group of executives received shares, but
with a shorter time horizon in which to dispose of the shares.
In late 2004, the two holding companies were dissolved, and the corresponding shares
were passed on directly to Ultrapar’s heirs and executives.
Two years later, in 2006, a new succession process took place. This time the CEO — one of
the executives who received shares from Igel as part of the original 1980s share transfer — was
replaced by a professional groomed internally by the company. The former CEO retained his
position as chairman of the board of directors — yet another step in the company’s evolution
towards better governance.
Suzano Restructuring
In 2002, as the Feffer family’s third generation began to assume more leadership, the company
initiated a thorough restructuring process. The goal: to ensure that the businesses in which
the Group had decided to invest — pulp and paper and petrochemicals — would be sufficiently
capitalized for long term sustainability, able to grow, with competitive costs of capital through
its partnerships with the capital markets. Efforts also were designed so that the businesses did
not depend excessively on the controlling shareholder’s capital.
Working with strangers who are managing your company and sitting in your boardroom
for the first time might be an uncomfortable experience at first, especially when you are
not sure of its value. This challenge was experienced thirty years ago at Suzano by Max
Feffer, son of founder Leon Feffer and father of current board chairman David Feffer. The
different stages experienced through the years helped make it possible for the organiza-
tion to react in a fast and effective way when Max Feffer died, creating a model to survive
family uncertainties.
The Suzano Group designed a structure based on family control and on maintaining a close
relationship with capital markets. The arrangement allows heirs of the founders to exer-
cise control through the board of directors, while management is comprised of non-family
executives. The family acknowledges that this move has enabled more potential develop-
ment and expansion of the company, and protects the business from possible intra-family
The timeline in Figure 5.8 shows the milestones in each phase of company development,
the impact and next steps. On the right-hand side one can see the most recent phases of
the process, culminating in the installation of a new governance structure and the sale of
one of the units, generating significant value for the shareholders
Details of the Restructuring. In 2002, as the Feffer family’s third generation began to as-
sume more leadership, the company initiated a thorough restructuring process. The goal:
to ensure that the businesses in which the Group had decided to invest—pulp and paper
and petrochemicals—would be sufficiently capitalized for long-term sustainability, able to
grow with competitive costs of capital through its partnerships with the capital markets.
Efforts also were designed so that the businesses did not depend excessively on the con-
trolling shareholder’s capital.
For this to happen, the two companies, Suzano Papel e Celulose and Suzano Petroquímica,
had to comply with corporate governance standards consistent with best market practices.
In 2003, the Group implemented a new business model based on three pillars:
•• Family control: For the Group’s long-term vision, reputation and values
A first step in the Group’s restructuring process: Suzano Holding began to run Suzano
Papel e Celulose and Suzano Petroquímica subsidiaries through a professional manage-
ment team, recruited in a search that considered internal and external candidates from the
These successes have enabled members of the controlling family to step aside from their
executive role in these subsidiaries and assume a more strategic position, minimizing
succession-associated risks to the continuity of the Group’s businesses. Some members
of the family began to participate in the strategic management of Suzano Papel e Celulose
and Suzano Petroquímica through appointments to the boards and related management
and strategy committees, along with other Suzano Holding executives. So, the Group cre-
ated processes to ensure a better balance between greater management independence
for the subsidiaries and long-term strategy for the controlling shareholders.
These improvements have marked an important change in the behavior of the controlling
shareholders. After decades of a hands-on approach to the businesses, the controlling
family withdrew from day-to-day management, delegating to professionals and assuming
a more strategic role. For members of the family who had truly grown up in and with the
company, this represented a huge paradigm shift.
In the Words of the Entrepreneur: David Feffer Tells the Suzano Story 79
The implementation of the Brazilian industry in the early 1950’s, more concentrated
in the state of São Paulo, was the scenario of the beginning of our industrial activi-
ties. This movement was led by important entrepreneurs, who set up family-owned
conglomerates strongly responsible for the development of Brazilian industry.
The beginning of our activities was in the pulp and paper industry. In the 1950’s,
we developed the technology for the production of pulp from eucalyptus and be-
came the first company in the world to produce it on an industrial scale. For that,
79 Written for UPsides, FMO quarterly magazine, Number 2, Netherlands, April 2007.
• Suzano Petroquimica
2004 Level 2 BOVESPA
Growth, development of
executives and
preparation of heirs
my father, Max Feffer, and a group of Brazilian scientists spent some months at the
University of Gainesville, Florida (USA), studying alternatives for pulp production us-
ing native Brazilian trees, since all the pulp produced at that time was based on pine
trees, common in European countries.
In the 1970’s we diversified our activities towards the petrochemical industry since
we identified an important growth trend in the use of plastic in the packaging seg-
ment, an important market for the paper industry, thus seeking to keep our presence
in that segment.
My grandfather’s management ended with his death in 1999, at the age of 96, leav-
ing behind entrepreneurship as his legacy, which enabled the substantial growth of
our business.
With my father’s unexpected death in 2001, after little more than two years lead-
ing the group, the controlling shareholders — my brothers, my aunt and my mother
— unanimously invited me to assume command of the Group. I accepted and we
discussed how we would face the future. I said: “We have two options; there is no
right or wrong decision, nor one that is better than the other. But whatever is to be
done will be definitive. There is no turning back.”
On the other hand, professionalizing the companies and reinforcing the partnership
with the capital market, would allow us to leave the 21st century better than how
we started it, also having access to competitive funding to successfully face future
investment challenges.
Both options were correct. The second one, however, presented another advantage:
the perspective of solid value generation, business sustainability and the mainte-
nance of the values and beliefs of the founders, who did not just think about the
present, but also the generations to come. Everybody was conscious that taking the
capital market route would entail having to live from the results of the businesses
rather than directly from them. Between the two options, the second one prevailed.
Despite all the changes this process has brought, the transitional phase was very
smooth and, in fact, represented an enhancement of our way of doing business.
We had very sincere and realistic conversations. We closed the door to the past and
opened the gates to the future. The basic foundation was that Suzano should belong
to all shareholders, including the Feffer family. When we made that decision, the
difficulties started to be felt. First, we requested to be dismissed from our positions.
We needed to create a meritocracy criteria in the Group, paving the way to promote
All these changes were very challenging. I had grown up getting ready to be the
president of the Group one day. Suddenly, I was forced to commit a kind of hara-
kiri. I left management’s front line to take over as chairman of the board of directors
of both companies, which are responsible for defining business policies, long-term
global strategy and for the supervision and management of executive directors. It
was not easy. The process progressed. We hired executives from the marketplace.
We began to define and align strategic actions for the pulp and paper and petro-
chemical businesses counting on the support of a professional senior management.
Independent members are also part of the board of directors of both companies,
transforming them into an important place for debates focused on adding value
for the businesses. Suzano Papel e Celulose and Suzano Petroquímica are listed in
Bovespa’s special of corporate governance segments, which ensure a fair, transpar-
ent and reliable relationship with the shareholders and the capital market. We cre-
ated the Audit, Sustainability and Strategy, and Management committees, which are
responsible for discussing these subjects in depth, with the goal of better support
for the board of directors in its decision making. The boards of directors at the Suza-
no companies have internal rules defining their operating procedures and guidelines
for performance, qualification and assessment of their members.
We launched our code of conduct based on the ethical principles that always guided
our activities: integrity, equality, transparency, professional recognition, corporate
governance and sustainable development.
The benefits of better corporate governance and the capital market strategy became
evident when we realized that the access to capital was bigger and easier, coupled
with lower sensitivity to market volatility. The capital market has an additional impor-
tant role of permanently evaluating the performance of the company and its manage-
ment. If the results do not meet expectations, they are criticized by analysts, and in-
vestors tend to step back. It is a matter of coherence between what is promised and
what is done. If there is good management, what was promised is delivered and the
capital flows. Otherwise, the market penalizes the company. There is no way to hide
this reality. Management is either positive or negative. The capital market, naturally,
is practical, very clear and pragmatic.
Suzano Group sold its petrochemical operation to Petrobrás in 2007, creating value for its
shareholders. This would have not been possible without key improvements in corporate gov-
This chapter addressed the unique corporate governance challenges facing family
➤➤ Based on the discussions in this chapter, name some specific steps towards re-
solving these challenges, using suggested corporate governance practices. Re-
member to first identify the company’s ownership stage—still led by the original
founder? Are direct heirs in control? Effective actions will depend on pegging
them to the right phase in the company’s lifecycle.