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Receiving-Coil Structure Reducing Stray AC Resista

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IET Power Electronics

Research Article

Receiving-coil structure reducing stray AC ISSN 1755-4535

Received on 9th May 2018
Revised 10th May 2019
resistance for resonant coupling wireless Accepted on 17th May 2019
E-First on 11th July 2019
power transfer doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2018.5358

Kazuhiro Umetani1 , Toru Honjo1, Takahiro Koyama1, Masataka Ishihara1, Eiji Hiraki1
1Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, 3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Resonant inductive coupling wireless power transfer is widely known to be a possible convenient power supply
method for the small mobile apparatus. However, the limited receiving-coil size tends to lower the efficiency and limit the output
power owing to the small mutual inductance and comparatively large stray alternating current (AC) resistance of the receiving-
coil. This study mitigates this issue by proposing a novel receiving-coil structure. This proposed structure comprises a coil and a
drum core with a thin axis. The coil is wound on the axis to form a single winding layer. The proposed structure can reduce stray
AC resistance by suppressing the proximity effect and reducing the wire length without deteriorating the mutual inductance
significantly. Therefore, better efficiency and larger output power can be achieved. Simulations and experiments were performed
to verify the proposed structure. Consequently, both simulations and experiments supported the reduction in AC resistance
compared to the conventional structure. Furthermore, the experiment revealed improvements by the proposed structure in both
efficiency and output power. These results support the effectiveness of the proposed structure for wireless power transfer to
small mobile apparatus.

1 Introduction Hence, the practical RIC–WPT system for small mobile apparatus
must be improved for better efficiency and output power.
The recent progress in consumer electronics has resulted in small As reported in the literature [7–9], the maximum efficiency of
mobile electric apparatus such as mobile phones [1, 2] and capsule the RIC–WPT system is determined by the figure-of-merit F,
endoscopy [3–7]. On account of the limited size of these apparatus, which is defined as
their internal battery tends to exhibit insufficient electric capacity,
thus resulting in the need for frequent power charging from outside
F = k2QTQR, (1)
the apparatus. However, the cable connection for the power supply
to these apparatus may deteriorate mobility.
Resonant inductive coupling–wireless coupling transfer (RIC– where k is the magnetic coupling coefficient, QT and QR are the
WPT) [1–16] is a promising method to overcome this issue. The quality factor of the transmitting and receiving resonators,
RIC–WPT technique can supply electric power without a cable respectively, defined as follows:
connection to the external power source.
Fig. 1 illustrates a typical RIC–WPT system. The system 1 LT 1 LR
QT = , QR = , (2)
comprises a transmitting resonator and a receiving resonator, each rT CT rR CR
comprising a coil and a resonating capacitor. The transmitting and
receiving coils are coupled magnetically through a vacant space. r is the stray AC resistance of the coil, L is the self-inductance of
These resonators are designed to exhibit the same resonant the coil, and C is the resonating capacitance. Subscripts T and R
frequency such that the resonance in the transmitting resonator can correspond to the transmitting and receiving resonators,
trigger the resonance in the receiving resonator. respectively (the power load is not included in rR).
However, the RIC–WPT to a small mobile apparatus tends to Substituting (2) into (1) yields
demonstrate low efficiency and small output power owing to the
limited size of the receiving-coil [3–7]. Consequently, a large
k2 LT LR 1 M2
alternating current (AC) current is required in the transmitting coil F= = , (3)
to generate sufficient magnetic flux linkage with the receiving-coil,
thus causing a significant heat generation in the transmitting coil.
where M is the mutual inductance between the transmitting and
receiving coils.
The figure-of-merit F contains parameters relevant to both the
transmitting and receiving resonators. However, focusing on the
receiving-coil, we can extract a factor of the receiving-coil to
achieve a larger F. Since LRCR is typically determined by the
specification provided for the resonance frequency, the receiving-
coil with a larger M2/rR achieves a larger F, i.e. better efficiency.
Similarly, M2/rR determines the maximum output power of the
RIC–WPT system, as discussed in [16]. Therefore, increasing
M2/rR is essential for improving both the efficiency and output
To increase this factor, a number of designs have been
Fig. 1  Resonant inductive coupling wireless power transfer system developed to increase M [4, 5, 10–12]. Two approaches are
typically utilised in the receiving-coil design: one is to wind the
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Fig. 2  Conventional and proposed receiving coil structures
(a) Conventional structure,
(b) Proposed structure

Fig. 3  Schematic illustration of flux lines in conventional and proposed receiving coil structures
(a) Conventional structure,
(b) Proposed structure

receiving coils to encompass a large area, and the other is to wind possible area such that the core can collect a large flux from the
the receiving-coil on a magnetic core. Particularly, the magnetic transmitting coil.
core for the receiving-coil can offer a low reluctance flux path to Meanwhile, the proposed structure is composed of a drum core
collect the magnetic flux from the transmitting coil. Consequently, with a thin axis and a receiving-coil wound on the axis. The
M can be increased effectively, as is confirmed in this study; receiving-coil is wound to form a single winding layer. The top and
therefore, it is utilised in a number of preceding studies [4, 5, 13]. bottom surfaces of the core are designed to encompass the largest
However, these two approaches generally increase rR. The possible area, similarly as in the conventional structure, although
former tends to involve a long wire length, thus increasing rR. The the axis has a significantly smaller sectional area than the top and
latter may increase the eddy current [14, 16–18] in the winding in bottom surfaces. Hence, the proposed structure can occupy the
many cases because many magnetic structures with the magnetic same volumetric area as the conventional structure. The drum core
core can cause an intense local magnetic field near the winding, as is a typical shape of the ferrite core. Therefore, the proposed
discussed in Section 2. Therefore, further improving M2/rR may structure can be constructed of commercially available ferrite core.
The magnetic core is assumed to exhibit a significantly larger
involve reducing rR. permeability than air. Hence, the magnetic cores of the proposed
Reducing rR has been performed by using special wires such as and conventional structures offer a low reluctance flux path for the
the Litz wire and magnetoplated wire [18, 19]. However, this flux from the transmitting coil. Since the top and bottom surface
approach may be inconvenient for applications produced in a small areas of the cores of both the structures are the same, these
scale because they are typically custom made. An alternative structures can collect a similar amount of flux from the
approach may be improving the magnetic structure because the transmitting coil. Furthermore, almost all of the flux passing
ferrite core is supplied commercially in various shapes, although through the top and bottom surfaces of the core interlinks with the
this approach is rarely investigated for RIC–WPT systems. receiving-coil. Consequently, these structures can exhibit a similar
A magnetic structure that can reduce rR using a solid copper mutual inductance M.
wire without deteriorating M is proposed herein. First, the However, the AC resistance rR of the receiving-coil can be
conventional receiving-coil structure reported in [5, 13] is small in the proposed structure because
presented; it employed the aforementioned two approaches to
improve M. Then, this paper sought for a magnetic structure that i. The thin axis can reduce the wire length of the receiving-coil;
could further reduce rR while maintaining an M as high as that of ii. The winding edges are covered by the top and bottom brims of
the conventional structure. The basic principle of this structure was the core, thus suppressing the eddy current inside the winding;
originally proposed in a conference paper [16]. However, this iii. The single winding layer can avoid the proximity effect caused
paper includes additional simulation and experimental evidences to by multiple winding layers, thus further suppressing the eddy
elucidate the validity of each feature of the proposed structure for current.
improving the efficiency and output power.
The first reason is apparent. Hence, the second and third reasons
2 Proposed receiving-coil structure are discussed below.
The second reason is discussed first. In addition to the small
Fig. 2 illustrates the proposed and conventional receiving-coil amount of flux interlinking both the transmitting and receiving
structures. The conventional structure contains a cylindrical core. coils, a comparatively large flux is generated by the leakage
The top and bottom surfaces are designed to encompass the largest inductance of the receiving-coil. Particularly, the core increases

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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
this flux owing to its low reluctance. Therefore, this flux primarily 3 Simulation
causes a magnetic field near the winding, which generates the eddy
current. A finite-element-method-based magnetic field simulation was
The flux lines of this flux form a closed path interlinking only performed to evaluate the basic principles of the proposed
with the receiving-coil, as illustrated in Fig. 3. According to the structure. Fig. 4 illustrates the geometry and dimensions of the
electromagnetism of the linear media, the curving flux lines simulation models.
indicate the concentrated magnetic flux density distribution: The In this simulation, the proposed structure (M3) was compared
flux density becomes large toward the inner side of the curve [20]. with three structures: the coreless receiving-coil structure (M1), the
(The flux lines reflecting at the boundary of the materials of conventional structure with the magnetic core (M2), and the
different permeabilities [21] are excluded from the curving flux receiving-coil wound on the drum core that formed two winding
lines.) Since the flux lines turn sharply near the winding edge, the layers of a thick wire (M4). Models M1–M3 have the same wire
flux density tends to be larger near the edge. thickness, whereas M4 has approximately twice as large wire
In the conventional structure, the winding edge is primarily thickness to form two winding layers. The wire thickness of all the
exposed in the air; therefore, the flux lines turn sharply in the air. models is larger than the skin depth, which was estimated as 0.073 
Hence, the intense magnetic field occurs near the winding edge mm at 800 kHz. All the models have the same top and bottom
owing to the large flux density and low permeability. As is widely surface dimensions and height. Consequently, M3 and M4 have a
known, the eddy current is caused by the intense magnetic field at slightly smaller number of turns of the receiving-coil than M1 and
the winding surface [14, 17–18]. Consequently, the conventional M2, because the height of the axis is 20% smaller than the height
structure tends to suffer from a large rR caused by the large eddy of the winding area for M1 and M2.
Hence, this difference in the number of turns may result in a
significant difference in the self-inductance. However, the resonant
Meanwhile, the winding edge is covered more with the
capacitor connected in series with the receiving-coil is assumed to
magnetic core in the proposed structure; further, the flux lines turn
be adjusted such that the inductance–capacitance product of the
primarily inside the core. Therefore, a large flux density was
receiving resonator, i.e. LRCR of M1–M4 is the same as that of the
resulted in a weak magnetic field because of the large permeability,
thus suppressing the eddy current. Consequently, the proposed transmitting resonator, i.e. LTCT. Under this assumption, the
structure can improve M2/rR by reducing rR, thus increasing both difference in LR among M1–M4 does not affect the maximum
efficiency and output power. efficiency and the maximum output power, according to (3) and
The third reason is discussed next. Although the drum core can [16] (equation (10) in the Appendix).
suppress the eddy current near the winding edge, the multiple The magnetic core for M2–M4 was a lossless ferrite core,
winding layers are another cause of the eddy current, as reported in whose magnetic flux-field curve (B-H curve) is the same as that of
the literature [14, 17–18]. Hence, multiple winding layers increase Hitachi Metals’ ML12D. Hence, the copper loss is the only
the AC resistance. Particularly, if the wire cross-section exhibits contributor to rR.
larger dimensions than the skin depth, the single winding layer will The magnetic field and flux lines were simulated under an AC
have less AC resistance than the multiple winding layers [22]. current of 1.0 A peak, 800 kHz in the receiving-coil. A high
Therefore, the proposed structure has a single winding layer to operating frequency is preferable in the RIC–WPT system because
reduce rR. this would result in large voltage induction in the receiving-coil.
However, an excessively high frequency deteriorates the magnetic
characteristics of the magnetic core material. The operating
frequency of 800 kHz was determined to be slightly lower in the
logarithmic scale than the upper limit of the frequency that
deteriorated the magnetic characteristics of the magnetic core,
which was ∼2 MHz according to the datasheet [23].
The simulator was JMAG 14.0 (JSOL Corp.) We constructed
the axial symmetric model of the receiving coils M1–M4 at the
centre of the cylindrical simulation model space with the diameter
of 26 mm and the height of 26 mm. Owing to the axial symmetry
of the receiving-coil models and the model space, the 2-
dimensional axial symmetric electromagnetic field analysis was
performed using the magnetic vector potential method. The
boundary of the model space was set at the symmetry boundary
condition, which prohibits the penetration of the magnetic flux.
Fig. 5 shows the simulation results. An intense magnetic field
appeared near the winding edges in M1 and M2. Meanwhile, the
magnetic field was suppressed near the winding edges in M3 and
M4, although the flux lines were found to concentrate inside the
core. These features are consistent with the discussions of the
previous section.
Fig. 6 shows the current density in the wire cross-section of
winding turns at P1–P3 defined in Fig. 5. Regarding M2, a large
current appeared particularly in P1. The current flowed oppositely
between the upper and lower sides of P1, indicating the occurrence
of an eddy current. Therefore, a large eddy current occurred
particularly in the wire near the winding edge. Meanwhile, the
current distributed more homogeneously in M3 and M4 even near
the winding edge. However, compared with M3, the opposite
current flowed in the outer winding layer of M4. This current
distribution is consistently interpreted as the result of the eddy
current caused by the multiple winding layers.
Fig. 4  Geometry and dimensions of simulation models of receiving coil
Fig. 7 shows the copper loss per unit length of the winding turns
(a) Coreless structure (M1),
at P1–P6. The winding turn at P1 was found to generate the largest
(b) Conventional structure (M2),
copper loss in M2. Therefore, the eddy current at the winding edge
(c) Proposed structure (M3),
is the primary cause of the AC resistance rR. Meanwhile, the
(d) Drum core with two winding layers (M4)
copper loss was almost equal among P1–P3 in M1, M3, and M4.

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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 5  Simulation results of magnetic field and flux lines
(a) M1,
(b) M2,
(c) M3,
(d) M4

Compared to M1 and M3, M4 demonstrated a slightly larger 4 Experiment

copper loss in the outer winding layer.
Finally, the mutual inductance M and AC resistance rR at 800  An experiment was performed to verify the effectiveness of the
proposed structure in terms of efficiency and output power. Fig. 9
kHz were simulated. For evaluating the mutual inductance, the
shows the photographs of the experimental prototypes of the
transmitting coil was modelled as shown in Fig. 8, based on the
receiving-coil structures M1–M4. The geometry and dimensions of
experimental wireless power transfer system that will be shown in
the prototypes are the same as those in Fig. 4. In the experiment, a
the next section.
resistor was connected in series to the receiving resonator as the
Table 1 shows the simulation result. The models with the
load of the system, similarly as Fig. 1.
magnetic core, i.e. M2–M4, indicated significantly greater mutual
The specifications of the experimental receiving resonators are
inductances M than that of M1, although M3 and M4 indicated
presented in Table 2. The resonating capacitors were designed to
slightly smaller M than M2 by 22%. This reduction was primarily
exhibit the same resonant frequency of 800 kHz. The number of
caused by the reduced winding turns in M3 and M4.
turns and the wire diameter were set as the same number as that of
Regarding the AC resistance, the proposed structure, i.e. M3,
the simulation models in the previous section.
indicated the least rR. The proposed structure reduced rR into 7% of
The core material employed for the receiving-coil structures
the conventional structure, i.e. M2. It is noteworthy that the total was 7H20 (FDK Corp.) [24]. According to the datasheet, the
wire length of the proposed structure is ∼24% that of the operating frequency, i.e. 800 kHz, does not result in a decrease in
conventional structure. Therefore, this significant reduction in rR is the permeability of this material.
not only contributed by the reduction in the wire length but also by In this experiment, a wireless power transfer system, as shown
the suppression of the eddy current. Consequently, the proposed in Fig. 10, was employed. The transmitting resonator was designed
structure increased the factor M2/rR by ∼8.2 times, thus suggesting to exhibit far larger dimensions than the receiving-coil, as shown in
the effectiveness of the proposed structure in terms of better Fig. 10a, for evaluating the wireless power transfer to a small
efficiency and larger output power. receiving-coil in a small apparatus. The receiving-coil is placed on
the top of a wooden table. Thereby, the whole system is separated
IET Power Electron., 2019, Vol. 12 Iss. 9, pp. 2338-2344 2341
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 6  Current density in the wire cross-section
(a) M1,
(b) M2,
(c) M3,
(d) M4

Fig. 8  Disposition of transmitting and receiving coils for simulation of

mutual inductance

Table 1 Simulation results of factor M2/rR

M1 M2 M3 M4
LR, μH 20 80 73 74
rR, Ω 1.9 7.5 0.56 1.4
M, nH 13 50 39 39
M2/rR, (nH)2/Ω 88 3.4 × 102 2.8 × 103 1.1 × 103

4.1 AC resistance and mutual inductance

Fig. 7  Copper loss per unit length of winding turn
(a) M1, First, the factor M2/rR was compared among the prototypes based
(b) M2, on the measurement results of the AC resistance rR and mutual
(c) M3, inductance M. The AC resistance rR was measured using an
(d) M4
impedance analyser (IM7581 manufactured by HIOKI Co., Ltd.).
The mutual inductance between the transmitting and receiving
sufficiently from the ground. For simplifying the construction of coils was measured using the experimental wireless power transfer
the experimental wireless power transfer system, the transmitting system. The mutual inductance was determined based on the
coil is placed 300 mm above the tabletop, thus resulting in the measurement of the voltage induction in the receiving-coil when
distance of 295 mm between the centres of the transmitting and the load resistor was disconnected from the receiving resonator and
receiving resonators. the sinusoidal current of 1.0 Arms, 800 kHz was applied to the
The specifications of the transmitting resonator are presented in transmitting coil.
Table 2. The resonating frequency of the transmitting resonator Table 3 shows the result. The proposed structure, i.e. M3,
was also designed at 800 kHz, which is identical to that of the indicated the least rR among the prototypes. Particularly, rR was
receiving resonators. Therefore, the difference in LR among the
reduced significantly compared to the conventional structure, i.e.
prototypes barely affects the efficiency and maximum output M2, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed structure in
power. suppressing the eddy current at the winding edge using the drum
core. Furthermore, the comparison between M3 and M4 revealed

2342 IET Power Electron., 2019, Vol. 12 Iss. 9, pp. 2338-2344

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Fig. 10  Photographs of experimental wireless power transfer system
(a) Geometry and dimensions of transmitting coil,
(b) Disposition of transmitting and receiving coils

Table 3 Results of factor M2/rR

Fig. 9  Photographs of experimental prototypes of receiving coil structures M1 M2 M3 M4
(a) M1, rR, Ω 2.0 7.6 1.1 2.2
(b) M2,
M, nH 14 54 47 43
(c) M3,
M2/rR, (nH)2/Ω 98 3.9 × 102 2.0 × 103 8.4 × 102
(d) M4

Table 2 Specifications of experimental wireless power

transfer system Table 4 AC resistance caused by iron loss
M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4
receiving resonator Ks — — 9.6 × 107 9.6 × 107
wire diameter, mm 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.30 riron, Ω — — 0.40 0.40
number of turns, turns 54 54 43 43
self-inductance, μH 20 82 74 74
capacitance, nF 2.0 0.48 0.53 0.54 Let B be the effective value of the AC flux density of the axis
transmitting resonator generated by the self-inductance LR. Subsequently, B can be
wire diameter, mm 3.0 formulated as
number of turns, turns 10
ϕ LRi
coil diameter, mm inner: 115, outer: 145 B= = , (4)
self-inductance, μH 51
capacitance, nF 0.78
where ϕ is the AC flux, S is the cross-sectional area of the axis, i is
the effective value of the AC current, and NR is the number of turns
of the receiving-coil.
that rR was reduced effectively in the proposed structure by
The iron loss per unit volume of the ferrite can be formulated as
avoiding multiple winding layers.
kSB2 according to the Steinmetz equation [25, 26], where kS is the
The mutual inductance of M2–M4 were significantly larger than
that of M1 owing to the magnetic core. Certainly, the proposed coefficient. Hence, if the AC resistance caused by the iron loss is
structure, i.e. M3, reduced the mutual inductance slightly by 13% denoted as riron, riron can be obtained as follows:
compared with the conventional structure, i.e. M2. However, the
proposed structure indicated the largest value of M2/rR among the kSLR2 ℓ 2 kSLR2 ℓ
Piron = kSB2Sℓ = i, ∴ riron = . (5)
prototypes. The proposed structure exhibited an M2/rR that was 4.3 SNR2 SNR2
times as large as the conventional structure.
The experimental result of rR of the proposed structure was where Piron is the iron loss of the axis; ℓ is the height of the core.
twice as large as the simulation result, whereas that of the By determining the coefficient kS from the datasheet [24], riron
conventional structure agreed well with the simulation. This is is estimated, as shown in Table 4. Consequently, riron can explain
attributable to iron loss, which was neglected in the simulation. the difference between the simulation and the experimental results.
The magnetic core of the proposed structure has a thin axis. As shown above, the proposed structure can reduce copper loss.
Therefore, a significantly larger magnetic flux density appears in However, the excessively thin axis generates a significant iron loss.
the axis rather than in the conventional structure, and may cause a Hence, optimising the diameter of the axis may be important to
significant iron loss to increase rR. It is noteworthy that the top and minimise the parasitic AC resistance rR, which is effective for
bottom brims of the drum core have significantly larger cross- maximising M2/rR.
sectional areas for the magnetic flux generated by the self-
inductance than the thin axis. Therefore, the iron loss at the brims 4.2 Efficiency and output power
can be neglected, because the brims have a significantly lower flux
density than the axis. Consequently, the AC resistance caused by Next, the efficiency and output power are compared among the
the iron loss (riron) can be estimated based on the iron loss prototypes. In this experiment, the AC current of the transmitting
estimation of the axis. coil was set at 1.0 Arms. The load resistance was set such that the
system can maximise the efficiency in the evaluations of the

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Table 5 Optimum load resistance employed for experiment
M1 M2 M3 M4
output power evaluation, Ω 2.0 7.8 1.3 2.3
efficiency evaluation, Ω 2.0 7.7 1.2 2.2

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2344 IET Power Electron., 2019, Vol. 12 Iss. 9, pp. 2338-2344

© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019

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