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Title of Programme

National Diploma (ND) in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Goal of the National Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

The National Diploma Programme in Procurement and Supply Chain Management is aimed at producing diplomates with knowledge
and practical skills that would enable them to functions in industry and public service in Procurement and Supply chain management


At the end of the National Diploma programme, the diplomate should be able to:

 Use the basic principles of procurement and supply chain

 Conduct basic market survey on any aspect of materials/items and equipment or services and make appropriate
recommendation(s) to the authority;
 Identify potential sources of supply;
 Assist in the preparation and achievement of procurement policies;
 Apply principles of accounts to different types of procurement transactions and update of supplies documents;
 Use the basic principles of law in procurement transactions
 Apply basic mathematics principles in procurement and supply chain decision making

 Use the basic principles of storage and materials handling;
 Carry out distribution of materials and supply market tasks effectively;
 Apply communication and information technology in procurement and supply chain activities effectively;
 Use entrepreneurial skills for self-employment
 Write procurement reports;

General Entry Requirements

The general entry requirements for the ND programmes are:

The WASC, GCE ‘O’ Level, the Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC), NABTEB or their equivalent with five credits, including English Language and
Mathematics (Literature in English and Oral English are not acceptable in place of English Language) and three other subjects from Storekeeping,
Economics, Business Methods, Principles of Accounts, Commerce, History, Statistics, Geography, Government, Agric. Science/Biology, Marketing.


The curriculum is structured into four semesters of classroom, studio/workshop activities in the institution and 3 to 4 months supervised industrial
work experience scheme (SIWES) in a relevant industry. Each semester of institution-based activities shall be for duration of 17 weeks distributed
as follows:

15 contact weeks of teaching; i.e. recitation, practical exercises, quizzes, tests etc., and 2 weeks for registration and examination,

The curriculum of the ND programme consists of three main components, viz:

i) General Studies courses

ii) Foundation courses
iii) Professional courses

The General Education component includes courses in English Language and Communication, Citizenship, and General Studies. The General
Education courses shall account for not more than 15% of the total contact hours for the programme.

Foundation Courses include Economics, Statistics, Law, Mathematics and Entrepreneurship etc. The number of hours for the foundation courses
shall be between 20 – 25% of the total contact hours for the programme.

Professional Courses are specialized core courses which give the students the theory and practical skills the students need to practice in their field of
specialization at the technician/technological level, shall be between 60-65% of the total contact hours.

Final Year National Diploma (ND) Project

Final year students in this programme are expected to carry out individual project work in procurement and supply chain manag ement field.


The ND programme in procurement and supply chain management shall be accredited by the NBTE before the diplomates can be awarded the
diploma certificates. Details about the process of accrediting a programme for the award of the National Diploma or Higher Na tional Diploma
are available from:

The Executive Secretary,

National Board for Technical Education (NBTE),
Plot B, Bida Road,
P.M.B. 2239,
Kaduna, Nigeria.

Institutions will award the National Diploma to candidates who successfully completed the programme after passing prescribed coursework,
examination, diploma project and the supervised industrial work experience. Such candidates should have completed between 72 - 80 semester
credit units as prescribed in the programme.

Diplomas shall be classified as follows:

Distinction - CGPA of 3.50 and above

Upper Credit - CGPA of 3.00 – 3.49
Lower Credit - CGPA of 2.50 – 2.99
Pass - CGPA of 2.00 – 2.49
Fail - Below 2.00


The National Diploma (ND) programme is terminal. The programme is expected to run for 4 semesters of 17 weeks each. Academic regulations in
institutions may allow a candidate to stay for a maximum of eight semesters on the programme.


For the smooth operation of the SIWES the following guidelines shall apply:

Responsibility for Placement of Students

(a) Institution offering the programme shall arrange to place the students in industry. By April 30 of each year, six copies of the master list showing
where each student has been placed shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary, NBTE who shall, in turn, authenticate the list and forward it to the
Industrial Training Fund, Jos.

(b) The Placement Officer should discuss and agree with industry on the following:
(i) task inventory of what the student should be expected to experience during the period of attachment. It may be wise to adopt the one
already approved for each field;
(ii) the industry-based supervisor of the students during the period, likewise the institution based supervisor.
(iii) the evaluation of the student during the period. It should be noted that the final grading of the student during the period of attachment
should be weighted more on the evaluation by his industry-based supervisor.

4.1 Evaluation of Students during the SIWES

(a) Punctuality
(b) Attendance
(c) General Attitude to Work
(d) Respect for authority
(e) Interest in the field/technical area
(f) Technical competence as a potential technical in his field

4.2 Grading of SIWES

To ensure uniformity of grading scales, the institution should ensure that the uniform grading of students’
work, which has been agreed to by all polytechnics, is adopted.

4.3 The Institution Based Supervisor.

The institution-based supervisor should initial the logbook during each visit. This will enable him to check and
determine to what extent the objectives of the scheme are being met and to assist students having any problems regarding the specific assignments given
to them by their industry-based supervisor.

4.4 Frequency of Visit

Institution should ensure that students placed on attachment are visited within one month of their placement.
Other visits shall be arranged so that

(1) there is another visit six weeks after the first visit; and
(2) a final visit in the last month of the attachment.

4.5 Stipend for Students in SIWES

The rate of stipend payable shall be determined from time to time by the Federal Government after due
consultations with the Federal Ministry of Education, the Industrial Training Fund and the NBTE.

4.6 SIWES as a Component of the Curriculum

The completion of SIWES is important in the final determination of whether the student is successful in the programme or not. Failure in the SIWES is
an indication that the student has not shown sufficient interest in the field or has not potential to become a skilled technician in his field. The SIWES
should be graded on a fail or pass basis. Where a student has satisfied all other requirements but fail SIWES, he may only be allowed to repeat another
four months SIWES at his own expense.


The new curriculum is drawn in unit courses. This is in keeping with the provisions of the National Policy on Education which stresses the need to
introduce the semester credit units which will enable a student who so wishes to transfer the units already completed in an institution of similar
standard from which he is transferring.

In designing the units, the principle of the modular system by product has been adopted; thus, making each of the professional courses, when
completed, to provide students with technical skills, which can be used for employment purposes.

As the success of the credit unit system depends on the articulation of programmes, in the institutions and industry, the curriculum content has been
written in behavioural objectives, so that it is clear to all the expected performance of the student who successfully completed some of the courses
or the diplomats of the programme. There is a slight departure in the presentation of the performance based curric ulum which requires the
conditions under which the performance are expected to be carried out and the criteria for the acceptable levels of performance. It is a deliberate
attempt to involve the staff of the department teaching the programme in writing their own curriculum stating the conditions under which the
performance can take place and to follow that with the criteria for determining an acceptable level of performance. Departmental submission on the
final curriculum may be vetted by the Academic Board of the institution.

Our aim is to continue to see to it that a solid internal evaluation system exists in each institution for ensuring minimum standard and quality of
education in the programme offered throughout the polytechnic system.

The teaching of the theory and practical work should, as much as possible, be integrated.Practical Exercises, especially those in professional courses
and laboratory work should, as much as possible, be integrated.


Title Page 1
General Information 2
Programme Title 2
Goal of the Programme 2
Objectives of the Programme 2
General Entry Requirements 3
Curriculum 4
Conditions for the Award of the ND 4
Classification of the Diploma 5
Curriculum Table 10

PSM 111 Principles of Procurement I…………………………….……………………………………………………………14

PSM 112 Stores Administration I……………………………………………………..…………………..…………………..20
PSM 113 Principles of Transport and Distribution I……………………………………………………..……………..……26
PSM 121 Principles of Procurement II…………………………………………………………………………………….....30
PSM 122 Stores Administration II…………………………….…………………………….……………………………..…34
PSM 123 Principles of Transport and Distribution II…………………………………………………………………………38
PSM 124 Introduction to e-Procurement………………………………………………………………………………..……41
PSM 211 Practice of Procurement I…………………………………………………………………………………..………45
PSM 212 Stores Design and Materials Handling I ………………………………………………………………………..…50
PSM 213 Principles of Materials Management ………………………………………………………………………..……..54
PSM 214 Introduction to Supply Chain Management…………………………………………………………..….……….59
PSM 221 Practice of Procurement II……………………………………………………………………………..….…….…66
PSM 222 Stores Design and Materials Handling II………………………………………………………………………….73
PSM 223 Practice of Materials Management……………………………………………………………………….………..77
PSM 224 Elements of Shipping ………………………………………………………………………………….………….79
PSM 225 Introduction to Public Procurement………………………………………………………………………………84
PSM 226 Project …………………………………………………………………………………………………………....89





PSM 111 Principles of Procurement I 2 1 3 3

PSM 112 Stores Administration I 2 1 3 3

PSM 113 Principles of Transport and Distribution I 2 1 3 3

BAM 111 Introduction to Business 2 1 3 3

BAM 114 Principles of Economics I 1 1 2 2

BAM 112 Business Mathematics I 1 1 2 2

ACC 114 Principles of Accounting I 1 1 2 2

COM 111 Introduction to Computer 1 1 2 2

BAM 214 Business Law 1 - 1 1

GNS 101 Use of English I 2 - 2 2

GNS 111 Citizenship Education I 2 - 2 2

17 8 25 25



PSM 121 Principles of Procurement II 2 1 3 3

PSM 122 Stores Administration II 2 1 3 3

PSM 123 Principles of Transport and Distribution II 2 1 3 3

PSM 124 Introduction to eProcurement 1 1 2 2

MKT 111 Principles of Marketing I 1 1 2 2

BAM 122 Business Mathematics II 1 - 1 1

ACC 121 Principles of Accounting II 1 - 1 1

EEd 126 Intro. to Entrepreneurship 2 - 2 2

GNS 102 Communication in English 2 - 2 2

GNS 131 Citizenship Education II 2 - 2 2

GNS 228 Research Methods 2 - 2 2

Total 18 5 23 23



PSM 211 Practice of Procurement I 1* 3 3

PSM 212 Stores Design and Materials Handling I 2 1 3 3

PSM 213 Principles to Materials Management 2 1 3 3

PSM 214 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 2 1 3 3

BAM 212 Business Statistics I 1 1 2 2

BAM 211 Principles of Management I 2 - 2 2

EEd 216 Practice of Entrepreneurship 2 - 2 2

ACC 212 Cost Accounting I 1 1 2 2

GNS 201 Use of English 2 - 2 2

COM 121 Computer Applications 2 - 2 2

Total 18 6 24 24



PSM 221 Practice of Procurement II 2 1 3 3

PSM 222 Stores Design and Materials Handling II 2 1 3 3

PSM 223 Practice of Materials Management 2 - 2 2

PSM 224 Elements of Shipping 2 - 2 2

PSM 225 Introduction to Public Procurement 2 1 3 3

PSM 226 Project - - 4 4

BAM 221 Principle of Management II 1 - 1 1

BAM 222 Business Statistics II 1 - 1 1

ACC 222 Cost Accounting II 1 - 1 1

GNS 202 Communication in English II 2 - 2 2

Total 15 3 22 22

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 111 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Principles of Procurement I Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Semester: FIRST Practical: 1 hours/week – 50%

Goal: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills of the basic principles involved in Procurement and supply chains activities.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Understand the evolution of the procurement and supply chain.

2.0 Understand the origin of needs.
3.0 Understand characteristics of needs.
4.0 Understand procurement activities

Theoretical content Practical content

Week General objective 1.0: Understand the evolution of the procurement and supply chain.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define procurement Explain procurement, Textbooks,  Identify procurement  Guide students in the Define
1.2 Trace the evolution of journals flip within the business Identification of procurement,
procurement. its evolution and types. chart/board, functions procurement within the types of
1.3 Identify types of procurement and relevant  Identify the role of business functions procurement
1.4 Differentiate between
websites procurement in an  Identify the role of and
buying, purchasing and organization. procurement in an
procurement. Differentiate between  illustrate the duties and organization. between
1.5 Explain procurement in the buying, purchasing and responsibilities of  Illustrate the duties and buying,
business functions procurement. procurement managers, responsibilities of purchasing
1.6 Explain the role of supervisors other staff procurement managers, and
procurement in an supervisors other staff
1.7 Explain the relationship of
Explain the role of
procurement with other
functions in business procurement in an
1.8 Describe types of organization and the
procurement organization relationship of procurement
structure. with other functions in Explain the
1.9 Explain the importance of the business objectives of
procurement functions procurement
1.10 State the duties and and the place
responsibilities of of
procurement managers, Explain the importance of procurement
supervisors other staff
the procurement functions in business.
1.11 Explain the professional and
ethical behavior in
And list the duties and
responsibilities of
procurement managers,
supervisors other staff

Discuss he professional and

ethical behavior in

Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the origin of needs

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Identify the range and  Explain the range Textbooks, Explain how
variety of requirements and variety of journals flip need differs
needed in an organization. requirements chart/board, according to
2.2 Explain the need differs needed in an and relevant the type of
according to the type of organization and websites business.
business. how need differs
2.3 Identify how needs arise. according to the
type of business.

2.4 Explain how authority to

purchase is initiated.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand procurement activities

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Define the following: terms Explain term supply, Textbooks,  Demonstrate pricing in  Guide students to What is
supply, suppliers, contractors suppliers, contractors and journals flip procurement, price demonstrate pricing quality?
and service providers in service providers in chart/board, concession/discounts – in procurement, price Explain types
procurement. procurement. and relevant quantity, cash, seasonal, concession/discounts of quality and
3.2 State qualities of a good websites functional, rebates, run- – quantity, cash, importance of
supplier. out, chain and seasonal, functional, buying right
3.3 Define quality allowances. rebates, run-out,
Explain qualities of a good quality to
3.4 List types of quality chain and allowances.
supplier, factors procurement.
3.5 List factors determining
quality of products and quality determining quality of
of services, and inspection, products and quality of
standards, specification, types services, and inspection,
standards, specification, Explain the
and methods of specification
for products. types and methods of right quantity
3.6 Explain buying at the right specification for products. and factors
quantity determining
3.7 Determine the correct right quantity.
quantity to purchase
(Economic order quantity -
EOQ). Explain factors affecting
3.8 State the relationship between Explain price,
lead time; common areas
ordering and stock holding and price
of time wastage and
costs; and, safety stock level, common time savers; determining
re-order level and scheduling. techniques of time factors.
3.9 Explain price and pricing in management in
procurement. procurement – progressing
3.10 Explain factors determining section (follow-up,

price of products and price expediting and tracing What is
concession/discounts – etc.); explain the effect of discount and
quantity, cash, seasonal, early and late deliveries of what are the
functional, rebates, run-out, materials in procurement. types of
chain, allowances etc. discounts
3.11 Explain leadtime and time
available to
management in procurement.
3.12 List factors affecting lead
time; common areas of time
wastage and common time
savers; techniques of time
management in procurement –
progressing section (follow-
up, expediting and tracing
etc.); explain the effect of
early and late deliveries of
materials in procurement.
3.13 State methods of procurement
3.14 State the advantages and
disadvantages of each buying
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand procurement activities

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Define sourcing Explain sourcing and Textbooks,  Demonstrate process of  Guide students to Explain
4.2 Explain sourcing procedures sourcing procedures. journals flip negotiation in demonstrate process of sourcing,
and sourcing policies (single chart/board, determining prince and negotiation in sourcing
and multiple sourcing, direct and relevant building relationship. determining prince and policies and
Explain tendering
and intermediary, local and
methods. websites  Identify internet based building relationship. tendering
international etc); procurement (e-  Identify internet based procedures.
4.3 Identify suppliers. List the advantages and Procurement) activities procurement (e-
4.4 Select suppliers disadvantages of tendering - e-Commerce Procurement) activities
4.5 Explain the buy process - e-Commerce
and supplier quotation or - e-sourcing
(procurement/purchasing tenders. - e-Buying - e-sourcing
cycle) enquiry procedure,
- e-Payment - e-Buying
purchase order and other
procurement/purchasing - e-Invoicing - e-Payment
forms. - e-Auctioning - e-Invoicing
Explain acceptance of
4.6 Define tendering orders by suppliers and  e-Auctioning returnable
4.7 Explain tendering methods. order of processing, packages and containers
4.8 List advantages and expediting.  Explain negotiation, its
disadvantages of tendering; objectives and the
4.9 Evaluate supplier quotation or process of negotiation
tenders. in determining prince
4.10 Explain acceptance of orders Explain method of
and building
by suppliers, amendments and
4.11 Explain order of processing, cancellation of purchase
order.  Explain internet based
procurement (e-
4.12 Explain method of
Procurement) activities
amendments and cancellation
of purchase order.
- e-Commerce
4.13 Explain receiving and Explain receiving and - e-sourcing
inspection procedures, inspection procedures, - e-Buying
certification and payments of certification and payments - e-Payment
purchase invoices in a typical of purchase invoices in a - e-Invoicing
procurement cycle. typical procurement cycle. - e-Auctioning
4.14 Explain the disposal of
redundant, surplus, scrap
materials and equipment.
4.15 Determine the control of Explain the disposal of
returnable and non-returnable redundant, surplus, scrap
packages and containers materials and equipment
and the control of returnable
4.16 Explain negotiation, its
objectives and the process of and non-returnable
negotiation in determining packages and containers.
prince and building
4.17 Explain internet based
procurement (e-Procurement)
- e-Commerce
- e-sourcing
- e-Buying
- e-Payment
- e-Invoicing
- e-Auctioning

Coursework Course test Practical Other
50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 112 Credit hours: 4 hours

Course: Stores Administration I Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Semester: FIRST Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Goal: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the concept and sub-functions of store administration and control of inventory

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Know stores procedures.

2.0 Understand statutory regulations relative to stores.
3.0 Know safekeeping conditions in stores.
4.0 Know stores documentation and use of computer.
5.0 Understand security and safety aspects of stores.
6.0 Understand maintenance of stores.

Theoretical content Practical content

Week General objective 1.0: Know stores procedures

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Explain stores  Explain stores Textbooks, journals, Explain stores,

administration, administration, videos, flip chart/board, types of store,
1.2 List functions of the store functions of the store visitations and relevant store
and the importance of and the importance of websites administration,
stores functions. stores functions. functions of
1.3 Identify the relationship  Explain the
of stores with other organizational store and the
functions in the hierarchy of stores relationship
organization. establishment. between stores
1.4 Describe the And function of each and other
organizational hierarchy personnel in the
of stores establishment. structure.
1.5 Explain the function of
each personnel in the  Differentiate types of
structure. store.
1.6 Explain different types of  Explain the clerical
store. and administrative
1.7 Explain the clerical and procedures as
administrative procedures applicable to stores.
as applicable to stores.  Explain receipt,
1.8 Explain receipt, inspection and issue
inspection and issue procedures as
procedures as applicable applicable to stores.
to stores.  Explain marshaling
1.9 Explain marshaling issues issues and dispatch
and dispatch procedures. procedures.
1.10 Explain how breakage
within stores and treated.
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand statutory regulations relative to stores

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain statutory  Explain statutory Textbooks, journals, . Explain safety

regulations concerning regulations concerning videos, flip chart/board, procedure and
safety of personnel in safety of personnel in visitations and relevant statutory
Stores. Stores and the safety websites regulations
2.2 Explain statutory regulation and keeping concerning
regulations concerning  Explain the the handling
the handling of employer’s of Equipment.
Equipment. responsibility
2.3 Describe safety concerning statutory
regulations concerning regulations.
the employment of
Women and children in
2.4 Describe safety
regulation and keeping
the store clean.
2.5 Explain the employer’s
concerning statutory
Week General Objective 3.0: Know safe-keeping conditions in stores

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers’ activities Evaluation


3.1 Define commodity control  Explain commodity Textbooks, journals, Explain

3.2 Explain the reasons for control, security and videos, flip chart/board, reasons for
storing certain safety of stores visitations and relevant holding
commodities such as against theft, pilfering websites carious stock.
electronics and drugs and burglary.
under controlled  Enumerate reasons
atmosphere. for storing certain
3.3 Explain government commodities such as Explain how to
regulation concerning electronics and drugs secure
storage of harmful under controlled
materials e.g. chemicals materials from
and explosives.  Explain government
3.4 Describe storage of regulation concerning removal.
materials according to storage of harmful
their form and nature. materials e.g.
3.5 Explain operation of fire chemicals and
appliances and alarm explosives and
system. operation of fire
3.6 Describe security and appliances and alarm
safety of stores against system.
theft, pilfering and  Explain methods of
burglary. disposal of irreparable
3.7 Explain methods of breakage and how to
disposal of irreparable affect repaired ones.

breakage and how to
affect repaired ones.
3.8 Explain the treatment of
slow moving, obsolete,
obsolescence, redundant
and surplus materials in
3.9 Explain the treatment of
returnable packages and
3.10 Explain the use of
protective clothing and
Week General Objective 4.0: Know stores documentation and use of computer.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Describe stores receiving  Explain stores Textbooks, journals,  Identify stores  Guide students to: Explain
documents such as: receiving documents videos, flip chart/board, receiving documents Identify stores various types
- goods received notes, such as goods visitations and relevant such as goods received receiving documents of store
received note, stores websites note, stores receipt such as goods documents and
-stores receipt voucher, receipt voucher, voucher, suppliers received note, stores their uses in
suppliers advice note, advice note, delivery receipt voucher,
-suppliers advice note, the stores.
delivery notes, notes, packing note suppliers advice note,
packing note and bill and bill of lading and delivery notes,
-delivery notes, packing of lading. issue/dispatch packing note and bill
note and bill of lading.  Explain how to documents such as of lading and
issue/dispatch goods issue note/store issue/dispatch
4.2 Describe issue/dispatch documents such as vouchers, materials documents such as
Documents such as: goods issue note/store requisitions, store goods issue note/store
- goods issue note/store vouchers, materials transfer note etc. vouchers, materials
requisitions, store stores loan register. requisitions, store
-vouchers, materials transfer note etc.
transfer note etc.
stores loan register. stores loan register.
-requisitions, store and  Identify stock holding
 Describe stock
holding documents documents such as
-transfer note stores loan
register. such as stock records stock records cards,  Identify stock holding
cards, stores ledger, stores ledger, store Bin documents such as
4.3 Describe stock holding store Bin Card, stores Card, stores stock records cards,
documents such as: vocabulary and stores vocabulary. stores ledger; store
- stock records cards, verification document  Identify stores Bin Card, stores
such as stores verification document vocabulary.
-stores ledger, store Bin Inventory forms, such as stores  Identify stores
assets register book, Inventory forms, verification document
-Card, stores vocabulary. stocktaking sheets. assets register book, such as stores
stocktaking sheets. Inventory forms,
4.4 Describe stores  Identify Computer soft assets register book,
verification document wares for monitoring stocktaking sheets.
such as: stock movement.  Identify Computer
- stores Inventory forms,
soft wares for
assets register book,
monitoring stock
stocktaking sheets.
4.5 Identify Computer soft
wares for monitoring
stock movement.
Week General Objective 5.0: Understand security and safety aspects of stores.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers’ activities Evaluation


5.1 Explain security of stores  Explain security of Textbooks, journals, Explain the
and stockyard. stores and stockyard, videos, flip chart/board, terms security
5.2 Describe stores fraud and stores fraud and types visitations and relevant and safety, and
types of stores fraud of stores fraud (theft, websites the procedures
(theft, pilferage, pilferage, documents for securing
documents tampering tampering etc.) and the
property and
etc.) and the causes and causes and prevention
prevention of fraud. of fraud. lives in the
5.3 Recognize custody of store.
keys and its impact on
stores security.  Explain custody of keys
5.4 Appreciate restriction of and its impact on stores
unauthorized access to security.
store houses.  Explain restriction of
5.5 Explain safety measures, unauthorized access to What are the
prevention procedures, store houses. causes of store
and safety gear.  Explain safety fraud and
5.6 Explain marking of the measures, prevention measures to
stores procedures, and safety prevent fraud?
 Explain marking of the
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand maintenance of stores

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers’ activities Evaluation


6.1 Define Cleanliness and  Explain Cleanliness and Textbooks, journals,  Place cleanliness and  Guide students to Explain the
orderliness in orderliness in stockyard videos, flip chart/board, orderliness in stockyard appreciate cleanliness procedure for
stockyard storehouse, storehouse, marshaling visitations and relevant storehouse, marshaling and orderliness in storing of
marshaling area, area, quarantine bay, websites area, quarantine bay, stockyard storehouse, hazardous
quarantine bay, gangway, store offices gangway, store offices marshaling area, materials,
gangway, store offices and fuel station etc. and fuel station etc. quarantine bay,
cold room,
and fuel station etc.  Explain storage of  practice the storage of gangway, store offices
6.2 Describe storage of and fuel station etc. dark room etc.
hazardous materials, hazardous materials,
hazardous materials, cold room, dark Room cold room, dark Room e  practice the storage
cold room, dark room etc.  Maintain equipment storage of hazardous
etc.  Explain maintenance of such as forklift, Cranes, materials, cold room,
6.3 Explain maintenance equipment such as conveyor, hoist; dark Room e
of equipment such as forklift, Cranes, Identify maintenance of
forklift, Cranes, conveyor, hoist; and equipment such as
conveyor, hoist; and types of maintenance forklift, Cranes,
types of maintenance (planned, breakdown, conveyor, hoist;
(planned, breakdown, shutdown etc.).
shutdown etc.).

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 113 Credit hours: 4 hours

Course: Principles of Transport And Distribution I Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Semester: FIRST Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Goal: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to appreciate the concept and sub-functions of transport/distribution.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Know types and modes of transport.

2.0 Understand the distribution system.

3.0 Know supply point in distribution System.

4.0 Understand containerization.

Theoretical content Practical content

Week General objective 1.0: Know types and modes of transport

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.12 Define transportation.  Explain Textbooks, journals,  Identify modes of  Guide students by Explain
1.13 State importance of transportation and videos, flip transportation, such as means of a visit to transportation

transport in the importance of chart/board, visitations rail, road, air and different mode of and importance
procurement and transportation in and relevant websites sea/inland waterways. transportation to of transport in
supply chain procurement and identify different procurement
management. supply chain types of
and supply
1.14 Explain modes of management transportation, such
transport (such as rail, such as rail, road, air as rail, road, air and chain
road, air and and sea/inland sea/inland waterways. management.
sea/inland waterways) waterways) and the 
and the merits and
merits and demerits
demerits of each
mode. of each mode.
1.15 Explain various
transport carriers  State factors Explain various
(private, public etc.) considered in
modes of
and the merits and selecting modes of
transport and transport and
demerits of each.
transport carriers, and transport
1.16 State factors
considered in the rates charged for carriers.
selecting modes of transporting goods.
transport and transport  Explain railway
carriers, and the rates transportation system
charged for in Nigeria.
transporting goods.
1.17 Relate the general
cost implication of
mode/type of
transport on the profit
of the enterprise.
1.18 Explain the problems
of railway system in
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the distribution system

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain owned fleet and  Explain with Textbooks, journals, . Explain the
contract hire difference between videos, flip difference
2.2 Distinguish between owned fleet and chart/board, visitations between owned-
self-owned fleet, and contract hire and self- fleet and

contract hire fleet owned fleet, and and relevant websites contract fleet,
(leasing). contract hire fleet and the
2.3 Explain the advantages (leasing), their advantages and
and disadvantages of 2.1 advantages and disadvantages of
above. disadvantages. each.
2.4 Explain factors to  Explain public
consider in deciding haulage by Shipping,
whether to use contract Air freight and
hire fleet or self-owned through freight
fleet. forwarders etc.;
2.5 Explain public haulage describe its service to
by Shipping, Air freight production and
and through freight marketing.
forwarders etc.; describe  Explain distribution
its service to production operations, and the
and marketing. influence of
2.5 Explain distribution warehousing.
operations, and the  Explain the influence
influence of of timely delivering of
warehousing. goods.
2.6 Explain the influence of  Explain distribution
timely delivering of resources planning.
2.7 Explain distribution
resources planning
2.8 Explain containerization,
types of containers, and
advantages and
Week General Objective 3.0: Know supply point in distribution system

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.11 Describe location of  Explain location of Textbooks, journals, Explain supply

supplies. supplies. videos, flip chart/board, points and

3.12 Describe methods of  Describe methods of visitations and relevant methods of
siting. siting. websites siting according
3.13 Describe siting  Describe siting to demand.
according to demand. according to demand.
3.14 Explain satisfying  Explain satisfying
customer service levels. customer service
3.15 Explain number and levels.
distribution cost.  Explain number and
3.16 Explain cost distribution cost.
optimization.  Explain cost
3.17 Describe depot sitting. optimization.
 Describe depot
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand containerization

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.6 Recognize containers,  Explain containers, Textbooks, journals,  Identify containers,  Show students to Explain
containerization, types of containerization, videos, flip containerization, types of identify containers, containers, and
containers and the uses types of containers chart/board, visitations containers and the uses of containerization, the uses of
of containers in the and the uses of and relevant websites containers in the types of containers containers in the
movement and storage of containers in the movement and storage of and the uses of
goods. movement and
movement and goods. containers in the
4.7 Explain the advantages storage of goods. movement and storage of
and disadvantages of  Explain the storage of goods. goods.
containerization. advantages and 
4.8 Explain the problems of disadvantages of
Containerization. containerization.
4.9 Explain the principal  Explain the problems Explain types of
service provided by of Containerization. containers and
international freight  Explain the principal the advantages
Forwarders. service provided by and
international freight disadvantages of


ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 121 Credit hours: 4 hours

Course: Principles of Procurement II Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Semester: SECOND Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Goal: This course is designed to enhance the students’ knowledge of procurement and procurement techniques to equip them for practi ce.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Understand import and export aspects of procurement.

2.0 Know the basic control documents used in procurement
3.0 Understand the organization and use of procurement manuals.
4.0 Understand the organization of procurement department.
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand import and export aspect of procurement

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define import and export  Explain importing and Textbooks, journals, Explain
2.1 Explain importing and exporting of videos, publications importing and
exporting of commodities. of NEPC, NPA etc., exporting of
commodities.  Explain basic import and relevant websites
1.2 Explain basic import procedure and
and import
procedure and documentation.
and export
documentation.  Define import duties
1.3 Explain procurement for and tariffs. procedures.
export requirements.  Explain procurement for
1.4 Describe basic export export requirements.
procedures and  Describe basic export
documentation. procedures and
1.5 Explain packaging and documentation.
protection requirements.  Explain packaging and
1.6 Appraise the use of protection requirements.
import and export  Appraise the use of
agencies. import and export
Week General Objective 2.0: Know the basic control documents used in procurement

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain purchase  Explain purchase Textbooks, journals,  Practice purchase  Guide students to: Explain the
requisition and its requisition and its videos, flip requisition, bill of Practice purchase documentations
function. function. chart/board, materials, enquiry form, requisition, bill of necessary in
2.2 Describe bill of materials  Explain bill of visitations and purchase order, advice materials, enquiry procurement
and the purpose it serves. materials and design relevant websites note, consignment note, form, purchase order, and the uses of
2.3 Describe enquiry form and the purpose it invoice document and advice note,
each document
and its use. serves. goods received note. consignment note,
invoice document and in procurement
2.4 Describe purchase order  Explain enquiry form, and supply
goods received note.
and its use. purchase order and management.
2.5 Explain advice note and advice note and there
its use. use.
2.6 Describe consignment  Explain consignment
note and its use. note, invoice
document and the
2.7 Describe invoice
purpose, goods
document and the
received note (GRN)
purpose it serves.
and there use.
2.8 Describe goods received
note and its use.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand organization and use of procurement manuals

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Explain procurement manual Explain the use Textbooks, journals, Explain
and its benefits. videos, flip procurement

3.2 Explain the use of Classification and chart/board, manual, its
procurement manual. organization, policy and visitations and benefits and
3.3 Explain how the Procedure of procurement relevant websites how
procurement manual manual. procurement
could be classified.
manuals are
3.4 Explain the contents of a
procurement manual, classified.
organization, policy and
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand the organization of procurement department

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Explain how buyers,  Explain how various Textbooks, journals,  Explain internal
buying supervisors, specialist functions videos, flip structuring of the
category managers, stock (buyers, buying chart/board, procurement
control, progressing supervisors, category visitations and
department and
function. managers, stock how specialist
relevant websites functions like
control, progressing
etc.) are organized. buyers, buying
4.2 Explain the organization,  Explain the supervisors,
documentation, receipts organization, category
and documentation of documentation, managers, stock
information with receipts and control,
suppliers and from documentation of progressing etc.
records section. information with are organized.
4.3 Explain how pricing suppliers and from
section is organized. records section.
4.4 Describe how  Explain how pricing
requisitioning and section is organized.
ordering should be  Describe how
organized. requisitioning and
4.5 Explain how progressing ordering should be
of order is organized. organized.
4.6 Explain how inspection  Explain how
and receiving of orders progressing of order
should be organized. is organized.
4.7 Define procurement  Explain how
research and its inspection and
advantages. receiving of orders
should be organized.
 Define procurement
research and its

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 122 Credit hours: 4 hours

Course: Stores Administration II Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Semester: SECOND Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Goal: This course is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills to enable them manage stores effectively.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Know methods of stock control

2.0 Know the basics stock valuation of financial control.
3.0 Understand stock random checking and comprehensive stock checking.
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Know methods of stock control

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define inventory/stock Explain inventory/stock Textbooks, journals, Explain stock

control, control, functions of stock videos, visitations and control and
1.2 Explain functions of stock control and methods of relevant websites methods of
control and why stock control – Economic stock control
organizations hold
Order Quantity (EOQ), and why
1.3 Explain methods of stock inventory cycle (maximum, organizations
control – Economic Order minimum, reorder stock hold stocks.
Quantity (EOQ), inventory levels), stock taking and

cycle (maximum, stock checking, kanban/bin
minimum, recorder stock card.
levels), stock taking and
stock checking,
kanban/bin card etc. What is stores
1.4 Explain ABC analysis Explain ABC analysis vocabulary?
(Pareto’s theory) 80/20,
(Pareto’s theory) 80/20, Explain the
application to stores, and
the advantages of the application to stores, and benefits of
ABC Analysis. the advantages of the ABC coding.
1.5 Identify units of issues: Analysis. marking and
- Pins identification
- Washers Identify units of issues of stores.
- Bolt, etc.
1.6 Explain stores
identification, coding and
stores vocabulary and
masters stock.

1.7 Explain marking of the

1.8 Explain general
principles of control of
stock such as: physical
records methods;
visual or stock records
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the basics of stock valuation and financial control

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Describe stock valuation  Explain stock Textbooks, journals, Explain stock
and stores accounting. valuation and stores videos, visitations and valuation and
2.2 State the importance accounting and the relevant websites stores
stock valuation and importance stock accounting
financial aspects of valuation and
and their
control of stock. financial aspects of
2.3 Explain the basic store control of stock. importance in
costs and budget.  Explain the basic store
2.4 Explain different store costs and budget. administration.
methods of pricing using  Explain different
FIFO, LIFO, etc. methods of Pricing
2.5 Explain effect of errors using.
in stock valuation.  Explain effect of
errors in stock
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand stock random checking and comprehensive stock checking

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Explain stock taking and  Explain stock taking Textbooks, journals, . Explain the
checking - random and its important videos, visitations and difference
comprehensive stock  Explain stock relevant websites between stock
taking and checking discrepancies and its taking and
3.2 State the important of causes. checking and
stock exchange.  Explain obsolescence, why stock
3.3 Define stock obsolete, redundant taking is
discrepancies and, scrap materials.
3.4 List causes of  Explain
discrepancies cannibalization of
3.5 Suggest how to treat redundant machines
discrepancies and equipment.
3.6 Explain obsolescence,
obsolete materials, scrap
and redundant materials.
3.7 Explain cannibalization
of redundant machines
and equipment.
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand electronics and computerized stock control

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Explain the role of  Explain the role of Textbooks, journals,  Use computer in stores  Guide students in the Explain the
computer in stores computer in stores videos, visitations and accounting and control of use computer in stores role of
accounting accounting and relevant websites stock. accounting and computer in
4.2 Explain the role of control of stock. control of stock. stores
computer in the control  Explain methods of accounting.
of stock. computerized stock –
4.3 Explain methods of CCTV, MRP etc.
computerized stock –
CCTV, MRP etc.

Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 123 Credit hours: 4 hours

Course: Principles of Transport and Distribution II Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Semester: SECOND Practical: 2 hours/week – 50%

Goal: This course is intended to provide students with additional knowledge and skill on transportation and distribution.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Understand routing and scheduling

2.0 Understand distribution plans

3.0 Know transport regulating agencies and legislation.

4.0 Apply information technology in transport and distribution.

Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand routing and scheduling

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define scientific routing.  Explain scientific Textbooks, journals, Explain

1.2 Describe assignment of routing, assignment of videos, visitations and scientific
vehicles. vehicles, delivery relevant websites routing and
1.3 Explain delivery schedules and factors delivery
schedules. affecting of
1.4 Explain variable factors scheduling.
of scheduling. schedules.

Week General Objective 2.0: Understand distribution plans

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Describe planning  Explain planning Textbooks, journals, Explain

economic deliveries. economic deliveries, videos, visitations and rationalization
2.2 Explain rationalization. rationalization, relevant websites and local
2.3 Explain trucking and back trucking and back delivery
loading. loading local delivery planning.
2.4 Describe local delivery planning, loading and
planning. unloading.
2.5 Describe loading and
Week General Objective 3.0: Know transport regulating agencies and legislation.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Describe legislations  Explain legislations Textbooks, journals,  Receipt of goods.  Guide students to Explain
relevant to relevant to videos, visitations and  Load and unloading of practice the receipt of loading and
distribution of goods. distribution of goods, relevant websites goods. goods. unloading of
3.2 Describe receipt of receipt of goods,  Design licensing and  Load and unloading goods and the
goods. loading and unloading plating of vehicles. of goods. licensing and
of goods, licensing  Illustrate duties and  Design licensing and plating of
3.3 Describe loading and
responsibilities of: plating of vehicles. vehicles.
unloading of goods. and plating of
3.4 Describe licensing and - Transport manager  Illustrate duties and
plating of vehicles. - Drivers, responsibilities of:
3.5 Explain changing - National Union of - Transport manager
legislation. Road Transport - Drivers,
3.6 Explain roles of the  Explain roles of the Workers Union
police, traffic warden,
- National Union of
police, traffic warden, (NURTW). etc. Road Transport What are the
V.I.O.’s, Road safety V.I.O.’s, Road safety  Issue insurance Workers Union roles of
officers etc. officers etc. applicable to transport (NURTW). etc. V.I.Os and
 Explain duties and and distribution
3.7 Explain duties and  Issue insurance Road Safety
responsibilities of: responsibilities of:
applicable to transport
- Transport manager - Transport manager and distribution offices in
- Drivers, - Drivers, enforcing
- National Union of - National Union of road transport
Road Transport Road Transport regulations?
Workers Union Workers Union.
(NURTW). etc.
3.8 Explain types of
insurance applicable
to Transport and
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand information technology in transport and distribution

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Define information  Explain information Textbooks, journals, Explain MIS

technology. technology, videos, visitations and and EDI in
4.2 Explain Management Management and relevant websites transport
Information System Information System. management.
(MIS).  Explain Electronic
4.3 Explain Electronic data data interchange, data
interchange (EDI). base requirement, the
4.4 Explain data base importance of
requirement. Information
4.5 Explain the importance Technology as its
of Information affect Transport and
Technology as its affect Distribution.
Transport and
4.6 Explain mechanical
handling devices in
transport and

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 124 Credit hours: 2 hours

Course: Introduction to e-Procurement Theoretical: 1 hours/week – 50%

Semester: SECOND Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 50%

Goal: The course is designed to introduce students to the operational concepts in the current and developing practices of electronic procurement

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Understand business driven IT and internet linkage between business and society

2.0 Understand importance of e-Procurement and e-procurement transactions, platforms and enablers

3.0 Understand electronics records management in procurement and supply management

Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand business driven IT and internet linkage between business and society

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define Information and  Explain Information Textbooks,  Make e-payments Guide students to: Explain the roles
Communications Technology and Communications journals,  Use e-payment tools to  Make e-payment of Information
(ICT). Technology (ICT) , e- videos, Make e-payment in  Use e-payment tools to and
1.2 Define e-commerce, e-business commerce, e-business procurement. Make e-payment in
visitations and Communications
and e-Government and the and e-Government procurement
importance of e-business in Internet Technology
and the importance of
Nigeria’s economy e-business in (ICT), www and
1.3 Explain the world wide web Nigeria’s economy. other internet
(www) and its application to platforms in
business and society.  Explain the world procurement and
1.4 List various sources of wide web (www) and supply chain
information connection its application to management..
between businesses. business and society.
1.5 Explain corporate procurement  Discuss various
portals and the varying sources of
relations between business to information
business (B2B), business to connection between
customers (B2C), customers to business and society.
customers (C2C), government  Explain corporate
to business (G2B) etc. procurement portals
1.6 Explain e-payment, e-payment and the varying
tools, and importance of e- relations between
payment in procurement. business to business
(B2B), business to
customers (B2C),
customers to
customers (C2C),
government to
business (G2B) etc.
 Explain e-payment, e-
payment tools, and
importance of e-
payment in
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand importance of eProcurement and e-procurement transactions, platforms and enablers

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain e-procurement and its  Explain e- Textbooks ,  Make e-payments Guide students to: Explain e-
implecations to supply chains, procurement and its Journals,  Use electronics data  Make e-payments procurement and
2.2 Explain the difference between importance to supply Videos, interchange (EDI), make  Use electronics data its importance to
traditional procurement and e- chains, e-payment using the tools interchange (EDI), make
visitations and supply chains.
procurement.  Explain the difference to e-payment using the
2.3 Explain the basic e- between traditional  Make e-payment and tools to
procurement transaction e.g. e- procurement and e- procurement. Make e-payment and
sourcing, e-buying, e-auction, procurement. procurement.
e-tailing, e-payment etc.  Explain the basic e-
2.4 State benefits of e-procurement procurement

to businesses and society transaction e.g. e- Explain the
2.5 List the possible problems to be sourcing, e-buying, e- possible
encountered by procurement auction, e-tailing, e- problems to be
managers and organizations. payment etc.
encountered by
2.6 Describe electronic data  Discuss the benefits
interchange (EDI), its benefits procurement
of e-procurement to
and potential problems in e- businesses and managers and
procurement. society organizations.
2.7 State tools applied for  Discuss the possible
procurement and supply chain problems to be
management. encountered by
2.8 Explain e-payments, its procurement
importance and challenges in managers and
business and procurement. organizations.
 Discuss electronic
data interchange
(EDI), its benefits and
potential problems in
 State tools applied for
procurement and
supply chain
 Explain e-payments,
its importance and
challenges in business
and procurement.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand electronics records management in procurement and supply management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Define electronics records Explain electronics Textbooks, Use electronics records in the Guide students to use Explain
management in procurement. records management in Journals, procurement and supply electronics records in the electronics
3.2 Explain electronics records procurement and supply videos, management. procurement and supply records
management in procurement
management. visitations and management. management in
and supply management. .
3.3 State the principles of good Internet procurement and
electronics records State the principles of . supply
management system. good electronics records management.
3.4 Describe the benefits and
problems of electronics records management system.
management systems in
procurement and supply
3.5 Explain the concept of Describe the benefits and Explain risks of
procurement and supply chain problems of electronics e-procurement
data management.
records management and data security
3.6 Explain the risks of e-
procurement to procurement systems in procurement techniques in e-
and supply chain data and supply management. procurement.
3.7 Explain data security
techniques in e-procurement.
Explain the concept of
procurement and supply
chain data management.

Explain the risks of e-

procurement to
procurement and supply
chain data management.

Explain data security

techniques in e-


ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 211 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Practice of Procurement I Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: THIRD Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and techniques for procurement practice.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Appreciate the role of procurement and materials management in business.

2.0 Understand supply market structure and sourcing procedure.
3.0 Understand quality, specifications of design engineers and quality assurance from suppliers.
4.0 Know methods of pricing and payment procedure.
5.0 Appreciate recent developments in procurement
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Appreciate the role of procurement and materials management in business

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1. List types of  Explain procurement Textbooks, journals, Explain procurement

procurement in functions and its the videos, and relevant functions and its the
business roles of procurement websites roles of procurement
1.2. Explain functions of and supply and supply
procurement in management in
management in
procurement and business.
supply management in  Examine
business. procurement
1.3. Recognize department in
procurement relation with other
department. departments.
1.4. Explain consolidation  Explain
of materials activities consolidation of
in a centralized materials activities in
organization: an organization in a
- Material totally centralized
management system under:
concept.  Material
- Physical distribution management
management concept.
concept.  Physical distribution
- Logistics management
management concept.
 Logistics
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand supply market structure and sourcing procedure

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Describe supply market  Explain supply market Textbooks, journals, Explain sourcing,
structures. structures and their videos and relevant sourcing procedures
2.2 Explain the role of implications for websites and sourcing policies.
market structure in efficient procurement
efficient procurement  Explain sourcing
2.3 Define sourcing under
2.4 Explain sourcing - Single vs. dual
policies under the use sourcing;
of: - Direct vs. indirect
- Single vs. dual sourcing.
sourcing;  Explain process of
- Direct vs. indirect good suppliers, factors
sourcing, to be considered in the
2.5 Explain good suppliers evaluation of supplier,
2.6 State the factors used in problems associated
supplier selection with random rating
2.7 Explain source of and suggest possible
supplier evaluation solutions.
2.8 State factors consider d
in supplier evaluation.
2.9 Explain methods of
supplier performance
evaluation – vendor
2.10 Enumerate problems
associated with random
rating and suggest
possible solutions.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand quality, specifications of design engineers and quality assurance from suppliers

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Define quality  Explain quality, Textbooks, journals, Explain quality, types
3.2 State types of quality types of quality, and videos, and relevant of quality, the
3.3 Explain procedures of the procedure for websites procedure for quality
determination of quality determination
quality. determination.
3.4 Define quality and  Explain methods of
quality control. quality control,
3.5 Differentiate between quality assurance and
quality control, quality the process of quality
assurance and quality audit.
audit.  Identify types of
3.6 Identify types of specifications and
specifications and their their uses.
uses.  Enumerate the role of
3.7 Enumerate the role of suppliers, buyers etc.,
suppliers and buyers in in design and
design and specification
specification especially as it
3.8 Recognize factors affects procurement
affecting procurement ability to contribute
process in a Company’s to Company’s profit.
profit.  Explain compilation,
3.9 Explain effects of uses and limitations
compilation and of International,
specification of national and
company standards on company standards as
procurements. it affects

3.10 Explain the limitations specifications and
of International and ability to procure.
national specification’s  Explain the use of
of quality to ability to techniques of Variety
procure. reduction and
3.11 Explain the use of standardization in
techniques of Variety reviewing and
reduction and improving more
standardization in designs and
reviewing and specifications.
improving more  Define value
designs and engineering and
specifications. Value analysis as it
3.12 Define value relates to
engineering and Value specification and
analysis as it relates to quality in
specification and procurement.
quality in procurement.
Week General Objective 4.0: Know methods of pricing and payment procedure.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Define pricing and  Explain pricing and Textbooks, journals, Explain the terms price
payment. prices determination in videos, and relevant and pricing within the
4.2 Examine various Procurement. websites procurement and supply
pricing methods and function, and the factors
state how prices are  Explain types of used in determining
determined. markets and how price.
4.3 Explain how prices and procurement from
costs are analyzed. each is affected by
4.4 Explain the use of time.
analysis in 4.2 above in  Explain procurement-
comparing costs from timing policies as they
suppliers. affect basic Explain the types and
4.5 Explain the importance approaches to importance of price
of price inventory concessions/discounts
concessions/discounts management. applied in
(quality, cash, trade,  Explain buying prices procurement.
rebate etc.) in pricing in fluctuating markets.
as its affects  Explain progress
procurement. payment and retention
4.6 Explain methods of strategy in
payment. procurement.
4.7 State the implication of
each method in 4.5
above with respect to
4.8 Explain types of
markets and how
procurement from each
is affected by time.
4.9 Examine procurement-
timing policies as they
affect basic approaches
to inventory
4.10 Explain buying prices
in fluctuating markets.
4.11 Explain progress
payment and retention
strategy in
Week General Objective 2.0: Appreciate contemporary developments in Procurement

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

5.1 Explain contemporary  Explain in Textbooks, journals, . Explain roles of

issues on procurement contemporary videos, and relevant procurement in supply
as an integral element procurement as an websites chain management.
of supply chains. integral element of
5.2 Explain roles of supply chains.
procurement in supply  Explain roles of
chain management procurement in
5.3 Explain the important supply chain
of e-Procurement in management
today’s world  Explain the
important of e-
Procurement in
most recent world


Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 212 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Store Design and Materials Handling I Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: THIRD Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is designed to introduce students to the principles of good stores design, and the selection and effective use of stores equipment

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Know types of stores and store design.

2.0 Understand siting of stores.

3.0 Understand methods of storage.

4.0 Appreciate role of stores personnel.

Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Know types of stores and store design

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define store  Explain the concept, Textbooks, journals,  Identify stores and  Guide student to What is store
1.2 Describe types of store objectives and types videos, and relevant warehouses in supply Identify stores and design? Explain
1.3 Explain objectives of of store design. websites chains. warehouses in supply the objectives and
store design.  Explain by distinction  Illustrate design and layout chains. types of store
1.4 Differentiate store and store and warehouse of store/warehouses in  Illustrate design and
warehouse. and the importance of businesses. layout of
1.5 List the importance of store in supply store/warehouses in design.
store in supply chains. chains. businesses.
1.6 Explain layout  Explain siting, design
store/warehouse within and layout of
and outside the business. store/warehouse
1.7 Explain typologies of within a business
stores and retail outlets;  Explain typologies of Explain by
- national retail re- stores and retail distinction store
distribution to captive outlets;
and warehouse
outlets. - national retail re-
- public service industries and the
distribution to
- subsidiary stores and captive outlets. importance of
imprest - public service store in supply
- production stores industries chains.
- finished goods and work - subsidiary stores
in progress stores. and imprest
- special stores for oils, - production stores
explosives, chemicals - finished goods and
spirits, fragile, etc. work in progress
1.8 Explain legal requirement stores. What are factors
for these stores. - special stores for considered in
oils, explosives,
store design and
chemicals spirits,
fragile, etc. layouts of stores
 Explain legal and warehouse?
requirement for these
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand siting of stores

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain factors to be  Explain stores and Textbooks, journals, Explain

considered in siting of warehouse sites. videos and relevant stores/warehouse
stores/warehouse  Explain consideration websites siting and
2.2 Explain the internal to be taken in location
layout of store and of designing internal consideration.
retail store. layout of stores and
2.3 Describe types of store of retail stores.
for gangways, pathways,  Explain store
motorway network and decisions for
distributive systems. gangways, pathways,
2.4 Describe local delivery motorway network
services. and distributive
2.5 Explain overnight and systems.
long haul trucking.  Describe local
2.6 Explain railhead and delivery services.
import Proximity.
 Explain overnight
2.7 Describe expansion and and long haul
flexibility. trucking.
2.8 Explain the effects of
regulation on working  Explain railhead and
hours. import Proximity.
 Describe expansion
and flexibility.
 Explain the effects of
regulation on
working hours.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand methods of storage

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Define racking  Explain racking, mobile Textbooks, journals,  Illustrate racking, mobile  Take students to: Explain racking,
3.2 Explain types of racking. racking, shelves and videos, and relevant racking, shelves and Illustrate racking, mobile racking,
- mobile racking, shelves adjustable pallet websites adjustable pallet racking. mobile racking, shelves shelves and
and adjustable pallet racking.  Design stores for fast moving and adjustable pallet
adjustable pallet
racking.  Explain store design and consumer goods (FMCG) and racking.
storage for perishable slow moving goods (SMCG).  Design stores for fast racking.
3.3 Explain store design and and chemical products Design storage for perishable moving consumer goods
storage for fast moving  Describe binning. and chemical products (FMCG) and slow
consumer goods (FMCG)  Explain bulk storage moving goods (SMCG).
and slow moving goods and breaking bulks.  Design bulk store and  Design storage for
(SMCG).  Explain special fixtures. breaking bulks. perishable and chemical
3.4 Explain store design and (a) Automated;  identify special fixtures. products
storage for perishable and (b) Location; (d) Automated;  Design bulk store and
chemical products. (e) Location; breaking bulks.
(c) Retrieved.
3.5 Describe binning.  Explain special fixtures.
3.6 Explain bulk storage and  Explain live storage. (f) Retrieved.
 Describe very narrow  Practice live storage. (g) Automated;
breaking bulks. (h) Location;
3.7 Explain special fixtures. aisle (VNA) racks.
(i) Retrieved.
(a) Automated;
 Practice live storage.
(b) Location;
(c) Retrieved.
3.8 Explain live storage.
3.9 Describe very narrow
aisle (VNA) racks.
Week General Objective 4.0: Appreciate role of stores personnel

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Describe the role of  Explain the role of Textbooks, journals,  Demonstrate the role of Role play the role of Explain the role
supervisor in stores supervisor , videos, and relevant supervisor in stores design supervisor in stores of Storekeeper in
design and materials  Storekeeper in stores websites and materials handling. design and materials stores design and
handling. design and material  Demonstrate the role of handling. material handling.
4.2 Explain the role of handling. Storekeeper in stores design
the role of Storekeeper
Storekeeper in stores  Explain role of Stores and material handling.
in stores design and
design and material Assistant (Attendant)  Demonstrate role of Stores
material handling.
handling.  Explain qualities of Assistant (Attendant)
4.3 Explain role of Stores Stores Supervisor,  Explain qualities of Stores Demonstrate role of
Assistant (Attendant) Storekeepers, Stores Supervisor, Storekeepers, Stores Assistant
4.4 Enumerate qualities of attendants/store Stores attendants/store (Attendant)
Stores Supervisor, assistants. assistants.
Storekeepers, Stores  Explain functions of  Explain functions of Stores
attendants/store Stores Supervisors. Supervisors. Storekeepers,
assistants. Storekeepers, Stores Stores Assistants (Store
4.5 Describe functions of Assistants (Store Attendants).
Stores Supervisors. Attendants).
Storekeepers, Stores
Assistants (Store

Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 213 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Principles of Materials Management Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: THIRD Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is designed to introduce students to the activities involved in the management of material resources, and the dem onstration of the inter-relationship between
the departments involved in the management of materials.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Understand the concept of materials management.

2.0 Understand the contributions of quality management to materials management.
3.0 Know the contribution of production control.
4.0 Understand the methods of merchandising.
5.0 Understand the contribution of materials control.
6.0 Understand the role of Stock Control
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand the concept of materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Describe the term  Explain the term Textbooks, journals,  Discuss the
materials management materials management videos, and relevant term materials
and the scope of and the scope of websites management
materials management. materials management. and its scope
1.2 Use organizational And explain functions supply
structure to explain included in management.
functions included in Management structure
Management structure  Explain reasons why

1.3 Explain reasons why companies adopt
companies adopt materials management.
materials management.  Explain the benefits and
1.4 Describe the benefits and problems of adoption of
problems of adoption of materials management Explain
materials management organization in a supply chain reasons why
organization in a supply chain environment. companies
environment. adopt

Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the contributions of quality management to materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain the term quality,  Explain the term quality, Textbooks, journals, Explain the
quality dimension and quality dimension and videos and relevant term quality,
total quality management total quality websites quality
(TQM) management (TQM) , dimension and
2.2 Describe the roles of Departments involved total quality
materials management in quality control and management
department in quality quality assurance.
control and quality (TQM) and
assurance. the roles of
 Explain value
2.3 Describe value materials
engineering and value
engineering and value analysis. management
analysis. in quality
 Explain notification and
2.4 Explain notification and determination of control.
determination of specification.
specification and

Week General Objective 3.0: Know the contributions of production control

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities

3.1 Explain production and,  Explain production, Textbooks, journals, What are the
classification of classification of videos, and relevant contributions
production. production and methods websites of materials
3.2 Explain methods of of production. management
production.  Explain how to to production
3.3 State the contribution of determine and maintain programmes?
materials management to delivery promises,
production programmes determination of
3.4 Describe the preparation quantities, planning for
of production programme. production
3.5 Explain how to determine requirements,
and maintain delivery procurement methods
promises. and make (insource) or
3.6 Explain the determination buy (outsource)
of quantities. decision.
3.7 Explain planning for  Explain authority to
production requirements, procure.
procurement methods and
make (insource) or buy
(outsource) decision.
3.8 Describe authority to
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand methods of merchandising

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Explain different  Explain different Textbooks, journals, Explain the

promotional activities promotional activities videos, and relevant interfaces
4.2 Explain different demand websites between the
patterns procurement
4.3 Describe the interface  Explain the interface function and
between procurement and between procurement the marketing
marketing and marketing
4.1 Explain special  Explain special
promotions. promotions.
4.2 Explain seasonal trends  Explain seasonal trends
and demands. and demands.
4.10 Describe the liaison  Describe the liaison
between buying and
marketing. between buying and
Week General Objective 5.0: Understand the contribution of materials control in materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

5.1 Explain materials control  Explain materials control Textbooks, journals, . Explain
and its contributions to and its contributions to videos, and relevant materials
materials management. materials management. websites control and its
5.2 Describe the methods of  Describe the methods of contributions
notifying material notifying material to materials
requirements. requirements. management.
5.3 Explain interpretation of  Explain interpretation of
production programme. production programme.
5.4 Explain the requirements  Explain the
of materials and supplies. requirements of
5.5 Describe the methods of materials and supplies.
recording material  Describe the methods of
requirements. recording material
Week General Objective 6.0: Understand the roles of stock control in materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

6.1 Explain stock control and  Explain stock control Textbooks, journals, What are the
stock control methods: and stock control videos, and relevant roles of stock
(a) Visual cards; methods: websites control in
(b) Mechanical records - Visual cards; materials
(Application of - Mechanical management?
computer); records
6.2 Describe inventory (Application of
cycles (maintenance of computer);
stock levels).  Explain inventory
(a) Minimum levels, cycles (maintenance
(b) Maximum levels, of stock levels).
(c) Safety levels - Minimum levels,
(d) Re-order levels. - Maximum levels,
- Safety levels
6.3 Identify the method of - Re-order levels.
provisioning:  Explain the method of
(a) Cyclical review provisioning:
reorder level; - Cyclical review
(b) Theory of reorder level;
economic order - Theory of
quantities; economic order
6.4 Explain identification quantities;
methods;  Explain identification
(a) Commodity coding; methods;
(b) Master stock list; - Commodity
(c) Vocabularies. coding;
6.5 Describe Rationalization - Master stock list;
and standardization - Vocabularies.
methods;  Understand
(a) Variety reduction; Rationalization and
(b) Stock file; standardization
(c) Obsolescence and methods;
redundancy; - Variety reduction;
6.6 Slow moving items and - Stock file;
- Obsolescence and
surplus items.
 Slow moving items
and surplus items.

Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 214 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Introduction to Supply Chain Management Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: THIRD Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is designed to provide the student with the tools to measure the effectiveness of supply chain management and its contribution t owards organisational
competiveness and effectiveness.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to::

1.0 Understand supply chain management concept.

2.0 Understand the role of procurement and supply chain in supply chain management.
3.0 Understand basic inventory concepts and management.
4.0 Understand basic materials management concepts in supply chain management.
5.0 Understand basic concept of warehousing.
6.0 Understand logistics in supply chain management
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand the concept of materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Explain the concept of  Explain the concept of Textbooks, journals, What is
supply chain supply chain videos, and relevant supply chain
management (SCM) and management (SCM) websites management?
objectives of SCM. and objectives of SCM.
1.2 State the specialist  Explain the specialist
functions that make up functions that make up
supply chain supply chain
management and explain management and Explain the
the contributions of each explain the objectives of
to success of supply contributions of each to supply chain
chains. success of supply
1.3 Explain the flows of chains.
resources into, within  Explain the flows of
and out of the supply resources into, within
chain. and out of the supply
1.4 Explain the key success chain.
factors for supply chains.  Explain the key success
1.5 Explain some factors for supply
impediments to success. chains, impediments to
1.6 Explain organisation success and
structure in supply chain organisational structure
management. in supply chain
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the role of procurement and supply in supply chain management.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain the role of  Explain the role of Textbooks, journals, Explain the
procurement and supply procurement and videos and relevant role of
in the supply chain. supply in the supply websites procurement
2.2 Explain the procurement chain. and supply
function’s relationships  Explain the and other
with other functional procurement functions in
areas (e.g. production, function’s the supply
engineering, marketing, relationships with chain.
finance, research and other functional areas
development etc.) in the (e.g. production,
supply chain. engineering,
2.3 Explain the role of marketing, finance,
procurement in customer research and
Satisfaction. development etc.) in
2.4 Explain suppliers’ the supply chain.
appraisal and  Explain the role of
performance procurement in

measurement. customer Satisfaction.
2.5 Explain total cost 
Explain suppliers’
ownership and cost appraisal and
reduction and cost performance
avoidance programmes. measurement.
2.6 Explain price change  Explain total cost
management (handling ownership and cost
Price increases. reduction and cost
2.11 Explain just in time (JIT) avoidance
philosophy in relation to programmes.
procurement and supply.  Explain price change
2.12 Explain reasons for management (handling
increased importance and Price increases.
recognition of supply  Explain just in time
chain management. (JIT) philosophy in
relation to
procurement and
 Explain reasons for
increased importance
and recognition of
supply chain
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand basic inventory concepts and management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Define the basic  Explain basic Textbooks, journals, Explain basic
inventory concepts in inventory concepts in videos, and relevant inventory
relation to modern supply relation to modern websites control in
chain e.g. reason for supply chain e.g. modern
holding stock, and reason for holding supply chain
various types of stock, and various
and the reason
inventory. types of inventory,
3.2 Explain costs associated costs associated with for holding
with holding inventories holding inventories, stock, and
3.3 Define basic inventory methods of controlling various types
Management in relation flow and cost of of inventory
to working capital. stocks
3.4 Explain methods of  Explain methods of
controlling flow and cost disposing materials
of stocks. e.g. surplus, scrap
3.5 Explain methods of obsolete, redundant,
disposing materials e.g. financial aspects of
surplus, scrap obsolete, inventory as carrying
redundant. cost.
3.6 Describe financial aspects  Explain reasons for
of inventory as carrying Poor inventory
cost. management and
3.7 Identify Poor inventory materials disposal.
3.8 Explain materials
disposal e.g. surplus,
scraps, obsolete etc.
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand basic materials management concepts in supply chain management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Define materials  Define materials Textbooks, journals, Explain the

management and its management ,its Scope, videos, and relevant roles of
Scope. Functions, of materials websites materials
4.2 Explain functions of management, in relation management
materials management, in to anticipating in SCM.
relation to anticipating requirements, sourcing,
requirements, sourcing, and obtaining materials.
and obtaining materials
etc. procurement and  Explain total quality
procurement, production management (TQM) in
control, warehousing and supply chain
storage, data and  Explain the concept of
information system etc. materials control
4.3 Explain total quality (Control of Materials)
management (TQM) in
and the administration
supply chain e.g. meeting
of the activities
the needs and
expectations of users
including customers.  Explain the advantages
4.4 Describe the concept of and disadvantages of
materials control (Control materials management
of Materials) and the in supply chain.
administration of the
activities involved.
4.5 Listout the advantages
and disadvantages of
materials management in
supply chain.
Week General Objective 5.0: Understand basic concept of warehousing

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

5.1 Define warehouse Explain importance Textbooks, journals, Explain the

5.2 Explain importance of of warehousing in videos, and relevant nature and
warehousing in supply supply chain, websites importance of
chain. functions of warehousing
5.3 Explain functions of
production, in supply
production, procurement,
transport, users including procurement, chain in
customers etc. transport, users relation to
5.4 Explain uses of including customers production.
Warehousing in relation etc.
to supply chain.
5.5 Explain cross-docking, Explain types of
contract warehousing warehousing,
public warehousing,
general merchandise the factors to
warehousing etc.
determine the size
5.6 Explain factors to be
considered in and cost of
determining the size and warehouse,
cost of warehouse
5.7 Explain the advantaged advantaged of
of warehousing to warehousing to delivery of
delivery of materials at materials at the right time
the right time and place. and pl

Week General Objective 6.0: Understand basic logistics in supply chain management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

6.1 Define the term  Define the term Textbooks, journals, Explain
logistics and logistics and identify videos, and relevant logistics, its
identify its various its various websites various
components. components. components
6.2 Explain logistics and its  Explain logistics and and its roles
relationship with supply its relationship with in SCM
chain management. supply chain
6.3 Explain the reasons for management.
measuring a suppliers  Explain the reasons for
performance in supply measuring a suppliers
chain management. performance in supply
6.4 Explain the importance of chain management.
close and frequent buyer  Explain the
and supplier importance of close
communication and its and frequent buyer
importance within supply and supplier
contracts. communication and its
6.5 Explain key importance within
considerations when supply contracts.
procurement perishable  Explain key
items and logistics considerations when
involved. procurement
6.6 Explain key perishable items and
differences between logistics involved.
supply chain  Explain key
management and differences between
logistics. supply chain
6.7 Explain the ethical management and
concept in supply logistics.
chain management  Explain the ethical
and logistics. concept in supply
chain management
and logistics.

Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 221 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Practice of Procurement II Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: FOURTH Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is designed to further acquaint the student with procurement practice and techniques to enable him perform effect ively and efficiently

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.0 Know how to manage procurement and material activities.

2.0 Understand pricing practices involved in contracts of procurement.
3.0 Understand procurement practice and procurement methods.
4.0 Understand procurement ethics
5.0 Understand procurement of goods from foreign markets
6.0 Understand basic logistics in supply chain management
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand the concept of materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define procurement planning  Explain procurement Textbooks, What are the
tools for materials and planning tools for journals, videos, procurement
services. materials and services. and relevant planning
1.2 Explain procurement  Explain procurement websites tools for
activities under: activities under: materials
 Policies - Policies

 Programmes - Programmes and
 Procedure - Procedure services?
 Manuals - Manuals
 Records - Records
- Handling orders.
 Handling orders.
 Explain organization
1.3 Explain organization concept concept under:
under: - Location of
 Location of procurement procurement
functions in an functions in an
organization organization
 Single versus multi-plant - Single versus multi-
procurement organization plant procurement
1.4 Explain managing personnel organization
in procurement function  Explain managing
under: personnel in
 Procurement job procurement function
requirements. under:
 Personnel selection - Procurement job
 Appraisal of personnel. requirements.
 Examine control concepts of - Personnel selection
procurement and its - Appraisal of
performance. personnel.
- Examine control
concepts of
procurement and its
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand pricing practices involved in contracts of procurement

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain types of contract in  Describe types of Textbooks, Explain

relation to their pricing contract in relation to journals, videos pricing and
Significance. their pricing. and relevant examine
2.2 State factors influencing  State factors websites types of
different types of contract. influencing different contract in
2.3 Describe pricing tools types of contract.
relation to
under:  Describe pricing tools
their pricing
 Break even analysis; under:

 Learning curve. - Break even Significance.
 Tendering/quotations etc. analysis;
2.4 Examine legal implications - Learning curve.
of pricing in procurement. - Tendering/quotati
2.5 Compare and contrast ons etc.
buyer’s and suppliers terms  Examine legal
of contract with a view implications of
towards harmonization. pricing in

Week General Objective 3.0: Understand procurement practice and procurement methods.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities

3.9 Explain low value  Explain low value Textbooks,  Identify techniques of  Practice techniques of What are the
procurement and capital procurement and capital journals, videos, negotiation and qualities of a negotiation and roles of
assets procurement assets procurement, and relevant good negotiation. qualities of a good procurement
3.10 List factors involved in factors that determine websites negotiation in the class. managers
procurement for production. procurement for
3.11 Explain the nature and role of production.
capital equipment in  Explain the nature and
organization. role of capital in the
3.12 Explain the roles of equipment, roles of acquisition
procurement managers and procurement managers of capital
department in the acquisition and department in the assets/equip
of capital assets/equipment. acquisition of capital ment?
3.13 Explain the use of investment assets/equipment.
appraisal techniques in  Explain the use of
buying capital equipment. investment appraisal
3.14 Determine the purchase of techniques in buying
used equipment as an capital equipment.
alternative to brand new, and  Examine the purchase
as alternative to leasing. of used equipment as an
3.15 Examine outright purchase of alternative to brand
equipment as alternative to new, and as alternative
hire-purchase and leasing. to leasing.
3.16 Examine the characteristics of  Examine outright

buying for resale, buying to purchase of equipment
maintain stock, buying as alternative to hire-
maintenance repair and purchase and leasing.
operating (MRO) items etc.  Examine the
3.17 Explain outsourcing and characteristics of
insourcing and state factors buying for resale,
considered in insource (make) buying to maintain
and outsource (buy) decision. stock, buying
3.18 Explain negotiation, the maintenance repair and
objectives of negotiation and operating (MRO) items
the process of negotiation. etc.
3.19 State the techniques of  Explain outsourcing
negotiation and qualities of a and insourcing and
good negotiation. state factors considered
in insource (make) and
outsource (buy)
 Explain negotiation, the
objectives of
negotiation and the
process of negotiation.
 State the techniques of
negotiation and
qualities of a good
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand procurement ethics

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Explain the concept of  Define materials Textbooks, Explain

business ethics. management and its journals, videos, procurement
4.2 Explain the benefits of ethical Scope. and relevant ethics and
behaviour to businesses and  Explain functions of websites code of
society. materials management,
4.3 Explain procurement ethics conducts.
in relation to
and code of conducts anticipating
4.4 Explain types of unethical requirements, sourcing,
procurement behaviour and the and obtaining materials
reasons for such What are the
etc. procurement and
4.5 State the procurement code of benefits of
ethics for procurement and procurement, ethical
supply managers; citing production control, behaviour to
CIPSMN code of ethics. warehousing and businesses
4.6 Explain professionalism in storage, data and and society?
procurement and supply information system etc.
management, and importance  Explain total quality
of professional qualifications management (TQM) in
of CIPSMN. supply chain e.g.
meeting the needs and
expectations of users
including customers.
 Explain the concept of
materials control
(Control of Materials)
and the administration
of the activities
 Explain the advantages
and disadvantages of
materials management
in supply chain.
Week General Objective 5.0: Understand procurement of goods from foreign markets

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

5.1 Explain the concept of  Explain the concept of Textbooks, Explain the
international procurement. international journals, videos, differences
5.2 State the difference between procurement, the and relevant between
local, national and difference between websites import,
international procurement. import and export
export and
5.3 Explain the difference between  Explain reasons for
import, export and entrepôt, international entrepôt.
5.4 State reasons for international procurement
procurement and potential  Explain the
problems to be encountered in implications of import
international procurement. documentation and
5.5 Describe the various forms of arrangements - Inco-
local import documentation Terms 2020, such as What are
and arrangements required Ex-works, FAS, FOB, reasons for
when buying globally,
5.6 Explain the implications of CFR, CIF, etc.). international
import documentation and  Explain the role of procurement
arrangements - Inco-Terms freight forwarders, and problems
2020, such as Ex-works, FAS, import brokers, agents, of
FOB, CFR, CIF, etc.). distributors and
5.7 Differentiate the role of freight international
forwarders, import brokers, representatives in procurement?
agents, distributors and international
overseas representatives in procurement.
international procurement.
Week General Objective 6.0: Understand basic logistics in supply chain management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

6.8 Define the term logistics and  Explain logistics and Textbooks, What is
identify its various its various component journals, videos, logistics?
components. and its relationship and relevant
6.9 Explain logistics and its with supply chain websites
relationship with supply management.
chain management.  Explain the reasons Explain the
6.10 Explain the reasons for for measuring a reasons for
measuring a suppliers’ suppliers measuring a
performance in supply chain performance in suppliers’
management. supply chain performance
6.11 List the importance of close management.
in supply
and frequent buyer and  Explain key
supplier communication and chain.
considerations when
its importance within supply procurement
contracts. perishable items and
6.12 Describe procurement logistics involved.
perishable items and logistics  Explain key
involved. differences between
6.13 List differences between supply chain
supply chain management and
management and logistics.
logistics.  Explain the ethical
6.14 Explain the ethical concept in supply
concept in supply chain chain management
management and and logistics.

Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 222 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Stores Design and Materials Handling II Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: FOURTH Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is to further enable the student appreciate the principle of good stores design, and the selection and effective use of stores equipment.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.0 Understand the design and layout of building.

2.0 Understand the method of security and safety of building.
3.0 Understand method of handling materials.
4.0 Understand mechanical handling.
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand the design and layout of building.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Describe stores layout and  Explain stores layout Textbooks,  Illustrate stores layout and  Guide students to: Explain how
how it affects flow of and how it affects journals, videos, show how it affects flow of Illustrate stores layout stores layout
materials. flow of materials. and relevant materials. and show how it affects flow
1.2 Describe goods receiving  Explain goods websites  illustrate - receiving bays affects flow of of materials.
bays receiving bays - surveillance of incoming goods. materials.
1.3 Describe the surveillance of  Explain the  illustrate - receiving
incoming goods. surveillance of  Illustrate stores building bays
1.4 Explain stores building
construction concerning: incoming goods. construction e..g: - surveillance of
(a) Classification;  Explain stores - Classification; incoming goods.
(b) Heating; building construction - Heating;
concerning: - Doorways; 
(c) Doorways; - Lighting;
Illustrate stores
- Classification; building
(d) Lighting; - Heating; - Ventilation; construction e..g:
(e) Ventilation; - Doorways; - Floor; - Classification;
(f) Floor; - Lighting; - Aisles. - Heating;
- Ventilation; - Doorways;
(g) Aisles.
- Floor; - Lighting;
1.5 Explain goods outwards - Aisles. - Ventilation;
 Explain goods - Floor;
1.6 Describe marshaling. outwards procedures. - Aisles.
1.7 Explain weather protection.  Describe marshaling. - .
1.8 Describe vehicle parking
facilities.  Explain weather
 Describe vehicle
parking facilities.
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the method of security and safety of building

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain design for security of  Explain design for Textbooks,  Illustrate safety fire prevention  Guide students safety, Explain store
materials and personnel, and security of materials and journals, videos and protection from hazardous fire prevention and design for
prevention of fraud in the personnel, and and relevant materials. protection from security of
store. prevention of fraud in websites hazardous materials. materials,
2.2 Describe how store design the store. -
safety of
protects organization’s assets  Explain how store design
and store staff. protects organization’s
2.3 Explain design for safety, fire assets and store staff. and
prevention and protection  Explain design for prevention of
from hazardous materials. safety, fire prevention fraud in the
2.4 Explain firefighting systems, and protection from store.
safety gear, fire break walls hazardous materials.
and firefighting tools.  Explain firefighting
2.5 Describe relevant regulations:
- Factories Act, 2004. systems, safety gear,
- Health and safety at fire break walls and
work Act of 1974, and; firefighting tools.
- Other relevant  Describe relevant
legislation and regulations:
- Factories Act, 2004.
- Health and safety at
work Act of 1974,
- Other relevant
legislation and
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand handling systems and materials handling equipment

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Explain materials handling  Explain materials Textbooks, Explain

and objectives of materials handling systems journals, videos, materials
handling (manual, mechanized and relevant handling,
3.2 Discuss materials handling and automated websites handling
systems (manual, mechanized handling systems),
systems and
and automated handling  Explain selection of
systems). materials handling objectives of
3.3 Explain materials handling equipment: materials
equipment - hand-powered - trucks; handling
equipment, conveyors, - turret;
industrial trucks, cranes and - pillage
hoists. - pallets
3.4 Explain the selection of - skids;
materials handling - forklift;
equipment: - stacking trucks;
(a) trucks; - reach trucks.
(b) Turret;  Explain Radio
(c) pillage Frequency
Identification (RFID)
(d) pallets;
system, RFID
(e) skids; scanner/reader, Quick
(f) fork lift; Response (QR) code
(g) stacking trucks; reader and barcode
scanner, and their
(h) Reach trucks. importance to store
3.5 Explain the importance and warehouse and

training of store staff to materials/product
operate 3.3 and 3.4. identification.
3.6 Explain Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) system,
RFID scanner/reader, Quick
Response (QR) code reader
and barcode scanner, and their
importance to store and
warehouse and
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand mechanical handling

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Describe mechanized  Discuss mechanized Textbooks, Discuss

handing of heavy and bulk handing of heavy and journals, videos, mechanized
items. bulk items. and relevant handing of
4.2 State layout consideration for  State layout websites heavy and
mechanical handling. consideration for bulk items.
4.3 Explain investment mechanical handling.
justification for mechanical  Explain investment
handling. justification for
4.4 Explain long length and mechanical handling.
awkward loads, and  Explain long length
automated warehousing. and awkward loads,
4.5 Describe accident prevention and automated
and special hazards. warehousing.
4.6 Explain static, mobile, semi-  Describe accident
mobile, semi-solid, liquids, prevention and
and liquid, Gases. special hazards.
 Discuss static,
mobile, semi-mobile,
semi-solid, liquids,
and liquid, Gases.


Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 223 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Practice Materials of Materials Management Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: FOURTH Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is aimed at providing student with advanced knowledge and skills involved in the management of material resources, and inter -relationship of departments
involved in the administrative processes in management.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.0 Understand the role of transport and distribution in materials management.

2.0 Understand the role of procurement and materials management in an organization.
3.0 Understand methods of stores and materials management
4.0 Understand the role of industrial relations in materials management.
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand the role of transport and distribution in materials management.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.6 Explain modes and methods  Explain modes and Textbooks, Explain
of Transport single and methods of Transport journals, videos, modes and
multi/intermodal Transport single and and relevant methods of
2.7 Describe delivery multi/intermodal websites Transport
planning and distribution Transport
single and
costs.  Describe delivery
2.8 Explain scheduling, planning and multi/interm

pre- packing for distribution costs. odal
distribution.  Explain Transport.
2.9 Explain transport carriers scheduling, pre-
such as private, for-hire and packing for
contract carriers. distribution.
 Explain transport
carriers such as private,
for-hire and contract
Week General Objective 2.0: Understand the role of procurement and materials management in an organization

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain supply sources.  Explain supply sources. Textbooks, Explain

2.2 Explain situations and buying quotation and journals, videos situations,
decisions – decision making tenders, evaluation of and relevant decision
units (DMU) and buying offer, negotiation, websites making units
planning of orders (DMU) and
2.3 Describe quotation and
tenders. and contracts, buying
2.4 Explain evaluation of offer. acknowledgement center.
2.5 Explain negotiation. and cancellation of
2.6 Describe planning of orders orders, expediting,
and contracts. purchase records,
2.7 Explain acknowledgement purchase budgets and
and cancellation of orders.
control of purchase
2.8 Explain Expediting. costs.
2.9 Describe purchase records.
2.10 Explain purchase
2.11 Explain control of purchase
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand methods of stores and materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evauation

3.1 Define stores management.  Explain stores Textbooks, Explain
3.2 Explain receipt, receiving and management, receipt, journals, videos, stores
received in store management receiving and received and relevant management
3.3 Explain safe-keeping and in store management, websites and its roles
issue of stocks. safe-keeping and issue
in materials
of stocks, planning
3.4 Explain planning receipts. receipts, inventory management
3.5 Explain inventory values. values, financial .
3.6 Explain financial significance significance of stock
of stock handling. handling, rate of
3.7 Explain rate of turnover. turnover, the
3.8 Describe the authorizing authorizing Materials
Materials. and control of work in
3.9 Explain control of work in
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand the role of industrial relations in materials management

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.7 Describe mechanized  Explain mechanized Textbooks, Explain

handing of heavy and bulk handing of heavy and journals, videos, mechanical
and relevant handling and
items. bulk items.
state layout
4.8 State layout consideration for  State layout websites
mechanical handling. consideration for
n for
4.9 Explain investment mechanical handling. mechanical
justification for mechanical  Explain investment handling.
handling. justification for
4.10 Explain long length and mechanical handling.
awkward loads, and  Explain long length
automated warehousing. and awkward loads,
4.11 Describe accident prevention and automated
and special Hazards. warehousing.
4.12 Describe static, mobile, semi-  Describe accident
mobile, semi-solid, liquids, prevention and
and liquid, Gases. special Hazards.
 Discuss static,

mobile, semi-mobile,
semi-solid, liquids,
and liquid, Gases.

Coursework Course test Practical 25% Other

50% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 224 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Elements of Shipping Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: FOURTH Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is intended to introduce students to the knowledge of the principles of shipping.

General objectives:

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

1.0 Know the scope of shipping.

2.0 Know shipping terms and documentation.
3.0 Understand vessels sailing schedules.
4.0 Understand clearance and release of goods from the wharf.
5.0 Understand containers and containerization.
6.0 Understand marine insurance.
7.0 Know government regulations in shipping.
Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective 1.0: Understand the scope of shipping

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define shipping and a  Define shipping and a Textbooks, Define

shipper. shipper. journals, videos, shipping,
1.2 Explain the scope of  Explain the scope of and relevant various types
shipping. shipping. of vessels
1.3 Explain various types of
vessels e.g. liner, special  Explain various websites and shipping
cargo ship tramps etc and contract.
types of vessels e.g.
their characteristics.
1.4 Explain contracts in shipping liner, special cargo
e.g. charter party, Bara boat ship tramps etc and
charter party, etc. their characteristics.
 Explain contracts in
1.5 Explain current (recent) shipping
developments in the shipping  e.g. charter party,
industry. Bara boat charter
1.6 Explain shipping conference party, etc.
and objectives shipping  Explain current
conferences. (recent)
developments in
1.7 Explain the advantages and
the shipping
disadvantages of shipping
conference. industry.
 Explain shipping
conference and
 Explain the
advantages and
disadvantages of
shipping conference.
Week General Objective 2.0: Know shipping terms and documentation

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain the shipping terms,  Explain sea and Textbooks, Explain
such as sea and inland inland waterways e.g. journals, videos various
waterways e.g. FAS, FOB, FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF and relevant shipping
CFR, CIF (IncoTerms 2020) (IncoTerms 2020) websites documents
and their uses. and their uses.
and their uses
2.2 Explain shipping documents Explain:
a. Invoice and types
b. Form M a. Invoice and
types procurement.
c. Bill of lading
b. Form M
d. Letter of credit. c. Bill of lading
2.3 Explain shipping d. Letter of credit.
terminologies:  Explain shipping
a. Consignee terminologies:
a. Consignee
b. Consignor
b. Consignor
c. Freight
c. Freight
d. Dead Freight
d. Dead Freight
e. Consignment
e. Consignment
f. Demurrage
f. Demurrage
g. Indemnity etc.
g. Indemnity etc.
Week General Objective 3.0: Understand vessels sailing schedules

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Define vessels sailing  Define factors Textbooks, Explain and

Schedules. influencing the journals, videos, vessels
3.2 Explain factors influencing formation of sailing visitation and sailing
the formation of sailing Schedules, the role of relevant websites Schedules,
Schedules. shipping Companies factors
3.3 Explain the role of shipping and their operation. influencing
Companies and their and the role of the
operation. Nigerian Shippers’ formation of
3.4 Explain the role of Nigerian Council and its sailing
Shippers’ Council and its Operations. Schedules
Operations. and the roles
3.5 Explain bonded warehouse  Explain bonded of shipping
within the shipping context. warehouse within the companies
shipping context. and their
3.6 Explain agencies involved in
shipping activities and their  Explain agencies operation.
involved in shipping
functions, such as: activities and their
- Nigerian customs functions, such as:
Service. - Nigerian customs
- Nigerian Ports Service.
Authority (NPA). - Nigerian Ports
- Nigerian Shippers Authority (NPA).
Council. - Nigerian Shippers
- Nigerian Maritime Council.
Administration and - Nigerian Maritime
Safety Agency Administration and
(NIMASA). Safety Agency
Week General Objective 4.0: Understand clearance and release of goods from the wharf

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Explain procedure of  Explain procedure of Textbooks,

clearance in the custom’s long clearance in the journals, videos,
room. custom’s long room. visitation and
4.2 Explain Nigerian Customs  Explain Nigerian relevant websites
Services’ customs duties and Customs Services’
tariffs etc. customs duties and
4.3 Explain Brussels tariffs etc.
nomenclature, its purpose and  Explain Brussels
role in the shipping industry. nomenclature, its
4.4 Explain procedure for purpose and role in the
Releasing of goods from the shipping industry.
Releasing of
shipping company.  Explain procedure for goods from
4.5 Explain the problems Releasing of goods the shipping
associated with 4.1 above. from the shipping company.
4.6 Explain the problems for company.
handling claims for:  Explain the problems
(a) short shipment associated with 4.1
(b) short landing above.
(c) Damaged goods..  Explain the problems
4.7 Explain reasons for short for handling claims for:
Handling of goods, damaged - short shipment
goods, and short shipment of - short landing
goods. - Damaged goods..
 Explain reasons for
short Handling of
goods, damaged goods,
and short shipment of
Week General Objective 5.0: Understand containers and containerization

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

5.1 Define container,  Explain container, Textbooks, . Explain

containerization and types containerization journals, videos, procedure of
of containers. and types of visitation and clearance in
5.2 Explain the advantages and containers. relevant websites the custom’s
disadvantages of  Explain the
long room.
containerization. advantages and
5.3 Explain the problems of disadvantages of
containerization. containerization.
5.4 Explain regulations for the  Explain the
use of containerization. problems of
 Explain regulations
for the use of
Week General Objective 6.0: Understand marine insurance

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

6.1 Define marine insurance  Explain marine Textbooks, Explain

6.2 Explain the basic principles insurance journals, videos, marine
of Marine insurance.  Explain the basic visitation and insurance
6.3 Explain export credit relevant websites and the
principles of Marine
insurance and its functions.
insurance. functions of
6.4 Explain types of Marine
losses.  Explain export credit export credit
6.5 Explain the functions of insurance and its insurance
export Credit insurance. functions.
 Explain types of
Marine losses.
 Explain the
functions of export
Credit insurance.
Week General Objective 7.0: Know government regulations in shipping

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

7.1 Explain Government  Explain Government Textbooks, Explain

Regulations and Act Regulations and Act journals, videos, Government
concerning shipping. concerning shipping. visitation and Regulations
relevant websites and Act


Coursework Course test Practical Other

50% 25% 25% (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 225 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Introduction to Public Procurement Theoretical: 2 hours/week – 70%

Semester: FOURTH Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hours/week – 30%

Goal: This course is designed to provide students with the basic understanding of the practice public procurement in public institutions

General objectives:

On completion of this unit, students will be able to::

1.0 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the background to current public procurement policy and procedures

2.0 Understand the value and scope of public procurement in Nigeria

3.0 Understand the roles of government agencies and professional bodies in public procurement

4.0: Understand competitive bidding and bidding process

Week Theoretical content Practical content

General objective: 1.0 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the background to current public procurement policy and procedures

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1.1 Define public Procurement.  Explain public Public Explain the

1.2 Explain the goals and objectives Procurement, the goals and Procurement Act concept of
of Public Procurement. objectives of Public 2007, Text public
1.3 Differentiate between Procurement and books, Journals, Procurement.
government procurement and differentiate between
private sector procurement. government procurement

1.4 Explain procuring entities, and private sector Internet and and the goals of
approving authority, procurement. Public
procurement units and  Explain the need for Relevant Procurement.
procurement directorates. fairness, transparency and
1.5 Give reasons for fairness, competitive procedures in Websites
transparency and competitive the selection of
procedures in the selection of suppliers/contractors for
suppliers/contractors for government contracts.
government contracts.

Week General Objective: 2.0 Understand the value and scope of public procurement in Nigeria

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain Public Procurement  Explain Public Internet, Library,  Identify public  Take students to the Explain the role
regulation in Nigeria Procurement regulation in Books and Procurement regulation in library to identify of Bureau for
2.2 Explain the organization of Nigeria Journals. Public Nigeria public Procurement Public
Public procurement in Nigeria  Explain the organization of Procurement Act e.g the public Procurement regulation in Nigeria Procurement
2.3 Explain relevant sections of the Public procurement in Act of 2007 (Amended), e.g the public
public Procurement Act of 2007 2007 (BPP) and other
Nigeria contract Award procedures Procurement Act of
(Amended).  Explain relevant sections relevant organs
as spelt out by the PPA 2007 (Amended),
2.4 Explain contract Award of the public Procurement of the PPA
2007 amended, Bureau for contract Award
procedures as spelt out by the Act of 2007 (Amended). 2007 Amended.
Public Procurement (BPP) procedures as spelt
PPA 2007 amended.  Explain contract Award
2.5 Explain the role of Bureau for and other relevant organs out by the PPA 2007
procedures as spelt out by
Public Procurement (BPP) and the PPA 2007 amended. of the PPA 2007 Amended. amended, Bureau for
other relevant organs of the  Explain the role of Bureau Public Procurement
PPA 2007 Amended. for Public Procurement (BPP) and other
2.6 Explain the impact of (BPP) and other relevant relevant organs of the
government policies on organs of the PPA 2007 PPA 2007 Amended.
contracting out of services Amended.
 Explain the impact of
government policies on
contracting out of services
Week General Objective: 3.0 Understand the roles of government agencies and professional bodies in public procurement

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

3.1 Describe components of  Explain components of Public  Identify the roles of  Pay visits to some Describe the
procurement spend within procurement in Procurement Act politicians (ministers, Ministries and impact of
Government ministries Government ministries 2007, Text (NASS), local councillors parastatals to identify public sector
departments and agencies departments and agencies and council committees) the roles of politicians
books, Journals, procurement
(MDAs) in Nigeria: (MDAs) in Nigeria: and officials) and civil (ministers, (NASS),
Internet and expenditure on
3.2 Explain the Scope of Public  Explain the Scope of servants (Permanent local councillors and
Procurement Act 2007. Public Procurement Act Secretaries, Directors, council committees) capacity and
3.3 Explain the management of 2007. Relevant Executive Secretaries, DGs and officials) and competitiveness
public procurement expenditure  Explain the management and Finance Officers) in civil servants of key market
on goods, services and projects of public procurement Website the procurement process. (Permanent sectors
3.4 Describe the impact of public expenditure on goods, Secretaries, Directors,
sector procurement expenditure services and projects Identify the roles of Executive Secretaries,
on capacity and competitiveness and the impact of public procurement units and DGs and Finance
of key market sectors sector procurement Officers) in the
procurement directorates in
3.5 Explain the roles of politicians procurement process.
expenditure on capacity public institutions.
(ministers, (NASS), local
councillors and council and competitiveness of key
Identify the roles of
committees) and officials) and market sectors
procurement units and
civil servants (Permanent
Secretaries, Directors,
Executive Secretaries, DGs and directorates in public
Finance Officers) in the institutions.
procurement process.
3.6 Explain the roles of
procurement units and
procurement directorates with
public institutions in public
3.7 Explain the implications or the
need for democratic oversight
for the governance of public
3.8 State the roles of the Ministries
of Commerce and Industry and
Local Governments in efficient
public procurement.
3.9 Explain the roles of specific
organisations such as BPP,
CIPSMN in efficient public

Week General Objective 4.0: Understand competitive bidding and bidding process

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

4.1 Explain the concept of bidding  Explain the concept of What is

and competitive bidding and the bidding and competitive bidding?
benefits of bidding to procuring bidding and the benefits of Explain types
entities. bidding to procuring of bids the
4.2 Explain invitation to bid/tender entities.
benefits of
notice  Explain invitation to
4.3 Explain bid opening procedures bid/tender notice bidding to
4.4 Explain bid evaluation, post  Explain bid opening procuring
qualification, bid bond and procedures entities.
guarantees  Explain bid evaluation,
4.5 Explain supplier/contractor post qualification, bid bond
selecting process. and guarantees
 Explain supplier/contractor
selecting process.

Coursework 50% Course test 25% Practical 25% Other (Examination/project/portfolio)

ND in Procurement and Supply Chain Management CODE: PSM 226 Credit hours: 3 hours

Course: Project

Semester: FOURTH Pre-requisite: Practical: 3 hours/ week – 100%

Goal: Project designed is carried out to enable students undertake an individual research and write a report on it.

General objectives:

On completion of the project, students will be able to:

1.0 Research a chosen topic at ND level from available sources.

2.0 Collect data on the chosen topic.
3.0 Produce a report on the chosen topic.
Week Theoretical content Practical ontent

General objective 1.0: Research a chosen topic at ND level from available sources.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

1 - 1.1 Choose, under guidance,  Provide guidance in Textbooks,  Selection of a topic of interest.  Provide guidance in The
an appropriate topic of finding suitable topics. journals, videos,  Demonstrate research ability finding suitable topics.
interest. and relevant  Provide guidance in
4 websites finding suitable work
sources would be
1.2 Research a chosen topic from
available sources. supervised
by staff

Week General Objective 2.0: Collect data on the chosen topic

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Evaluation

5 - 10 2.1 Collect data on the chosen topic  Provide guidance in Textbooks,  Demonstrate ability to collect  Provide guidance in The
from available sources. collecting data journals, videos data collecting data project
and relevant
websites work
would be
by staff

Week General Objective 3.0: Produce report on the chosen topic

Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers’ activities

11 - 15 3.1 Produce a report on the chosen  Provide guidance in Textbooks,  Demonstrate ability to collect  Provide guidance in
topic. collecting data journals, videos data collecting data
and relevant  Provide guidance in
websites collecting data
 Provide guidance in
collecting data
 Provide guidance in
collecting data
 Provide guidance in
collecting data

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment Weighing

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and understanding 0

Test 0 progress test 0

Practical Report 40+ pages 100

Total 100


1. Desktop Computers and Accessories 15 Nos.

2. Magnetic Board/Marker pens 1 No.
3. POS Machine/Barcode scanner and reader 2 Nos. each
4. TV and CD/DVD Player 2 Nos. each
5. Model store with the following items
- Stock receiving documents
- Stock issuing documents
- Stock holding documents
- Wheel barrow 1 No.
- Hand Truck 1 No.
- Pallets 1 No.
- Shelves 3 Nos.
- Bins 3 Nos.
- Racks 3 Nos.
- Films (relevant documentary on Procurement) various
6. Various software packages
7. Flip Chart/ board 1 No.
8. Overhead/Multimedia projector 1 No.
9. Photocopying machine 1 No.
10. Desktop calculators 20 Nos.
11. Tape recorder 2 Nos.


Procurement and Supply Chain Management (10 th Edition), 2020

Lysons, K. & Farrington, B.
Pearson, UK.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management (3rd Edition), 2020

Hassan Mohammed.
Joyce Publishers, Kaduna.

Strategic Purchasin and Supply Management, 2018

Uzor Antony Maduka.
Bon Publications, Owerri.

Procurement. Principles and Management (11th Edition), 2015

Farmer, D., Baily, P., Crocker, B., Jessop, D. & Jones, D.
Pearson Publications, UK.
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (7th Edition), 2015
Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C. & Patterson, J. L
Cenpage Learning

Practical Stores Management (3rd Edition), 2010

Uzor Antony Maduka.
Bon Publications, Owerri.

Business Management, 2009

Hassan Mohammed.
Joyce Publishers, Kaduna.

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. (13th Edition), 2006

Leenders, M. R., Fearon, H. E., Flynn A. E. & Johnson, P. F.
McGraw Hill/Irwin, Boston.

Purchasing and Supply Management, 2007

Benton, C. W.
McGraw Hill, Boston

Supply Management (8th Edition), 2010

Burt, D. N., Petcavage, S. & Pinkerton, R.
McGraw Hill, Boston

Procurement and Supply Chain Management (10 th Edition), 2020

Lysons, K. & Farrington, B.

Pearson, UK.



1. Tpl. Ekpeyong E. Ekpeyong Ag Executive Secretary, [email protected]

NBTE, Kaduna.

2. Hassan Mohammed Department of Purchasing and Supply, 08023212980 [email protected]

(Chairman) Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna.

3. Dr. Uzor, Anthony Maduka Department of Purchasing and Supply, 08037316040 [email protected]

Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri.

4. Dr. Zakari Uba Department of Purchasing and Supply, 08039650284 [email protected]

Kano State Polytechnic, Kano.

5. Dr. Busari A. Adebayo Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT), 08034747355 [email protected]

Nigeria Airforce Base, Kaduna.

6. Dr. Nuraddeen Usman Miko Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply 08036691170 [email protected]
Management of Nigeria (CIPSMN), Lagos.

7. Kareem, Thompson Sola Department of Purchasing and Supply, 08035323273 [email protected]

The Polytechnic, Ibadan.


8. Mal. Musa Isgogo Director, Polytechnic Programmes, 08067185383 [email protected]

NBTE, Kaduna.

9. Mohammed Mustapha NBTE, Kaduna. 08034329606 [email protected]

10. Dr. Fatima Umar Kabir NBTE, Kaduna. 08034521639 [email protected]

11. Isah Abubakar Umar NBTE, Kaduna. 08033918761 [email protected]

12. Hassan Aliyu NBTE, Kaduna. 08034253393 [email protected]


13. Mrs. Hassana Abdullahi NBTE, Kaduna. 08037671945 [email protected]

14. Mustafa Aminu NBTE, Kaduna. 07032281995 [email protected]

15. Mrs. Rabi Sani NBTE, Kaduna. 08036913246 [email protected]


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