CH 1 The History and Scope
CH 1 The History and Scope
CH 1 The History and Scope
Chapter 1
Life as we know it...
Eukaryotic microorganisms possess
Microbiology derived from Greek membrane-bound cell organelles and
μῑκρος, mīkros, "small"; βίος, bios, include fungi and protists
"life"; and -λογία, -logia
Prokaryotic organisms is classified as
To study microorganisms that are: lacking membrane-bound organelles
unicellular (single cell), multicellular (cell and include eubacteria and
colony), or acellular (lacking cells) archaeabacteria
Universal Phylogenetic tree
Bacteria Archaea
• Usually single-celled organisms • Unique ribosomal RNA sequences
• Cell walls that contain the structural • lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls
molecule peptidoglycan • Unique membrane lipids
• Found everywhere • Some have unusual metabolic
• Some bacteria cause disease characteristics
• Some have beneficial roles • Found in extreme environments
cycling elements • Pathogenic archaea have not yet been
oxygen identified
“animalcules” 10
Spontaneous generation (SG)
• That living organisms could develop from non-living matter
• Typically, the idea was that certain forms such as fleas could arise from
inanimate matter such as dust, or that maggots could arise from dead flesh
• Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) thought some of the simpler invertebrates could arise
by spontaneous generation
Name the scientist??
Spontaneous generation (SG)
• John Needham (1713-1781) - He thought organic matter contained a vital force
that could confer the properties of life on non-living matter
SG theorist - “heating the air in sealed flasks destroyed its ability to support life”
Air experiments:
• Theodore Schwann (1810-1882)
• Georg Friedrich Schroder and Theodor von Dusch
• He filled a flask with boiling water and closed it ‘airtight’. He then plunged the
flask into a mercury trough (used to rapidly cool the flask). Once cooled, he added
oxygen and a small bundle of calcined hay (calcination is a thermal treatment
process) which consistently resulted in the appearance of a fungi
Felix Pouchet vs Louis Pasteur
• Pouchet concluded that atmospheric air was not and cannot be responsible for
the microbes
The Academy of Sciences proposed the following topic for the 1862 Alhumbert
prize in natural science: “To attempt by means of well-designed experiments to
cast new light on the question of so-called spontaneous generations
• Pasteur not only wanted the lucrative prize money but he wanted to proof his
theory on fermentation and disproves SG
Pasteur reasserts his position that lack of germs results in sterility of a substance
Pasteur’s swan neck flasks
End of SG
• Roman philosopher Lucretius (about 98-55 B.C.) and the physician Girolamo
Fracastoro (1478-1553) suggested that disease was caused by invisible living
• Most believed that disease was due to causes such as supernatural forces,
poisonous vapors called miasmas, and imbalances among the four humors
(blood, phlegm, yellow bile [choler], and black bile [melancholy]) thought to
be present in the body
1845: MJ Berkeley proved that the great Potato Blight of Ireland was caused by a
water mold
1853: Heinrich de Bary showed that smut and rust fungi caused cereal crop diseases
Golden Age
Microorganisms and Disease
Koch’s Postulates
Robert Koch (1843-1910) established the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and
anthrax; also isolated Mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes tuberculosis
However, the postulate is at times not feasible. For instance, some organisms, like
Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy, cannot be isolated in pure
Golden Age
Koch’s Postulates
Studying microbial pathogens
Isolation of Microorganisms
• Initially, he used the sterile surfaces of cut, boiled potatoes: not always successful →
changed to meat extracts and digested protein (similar to body fluids)
• Gelatin added to liquid medium to solidify BUT not ideal → gelatin melted @ T>28ºC
and can be digested by many microbes
• Fannie Eilshemius Hess (1850-1934) suggested use of agar → 100ºC to melt, <50ºC to
solidify and not digested by many bacteria
• Richard Petri (1852-1921) developed petri dish, a sterile plate to hold culture media
Other important developments in microbiology
• Charles Chamberland (1851-1908) discovered viruses and their role in disease using a
constructed porcelain bacterial filter in 1884.
• Pasteur and Pierre Roux (1853-1933) studied bacterium causing chicken cholera
• Discovered that incubating these cultures for long periods between transfers
resulted in the cultures losing their ability to cause the disease: attenuated
• Pasture called the attenuated culture a vaccine (vacca = cow in latin) in honour of
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) as he used material from cowpox lesions to protect
people against smallpox in earlier years
• Alexander Flemming discovered that the fungus, Penicillium sp., produced an antibiotic
which he called penicillin in 1929
• Sergio Winogradsky (1856-1953) made many contributions to soil microbiology. He
discovered that soil bacteria could oxidize Fe, S and ammonia to obtain energy and
many species could incorporate CO2 into organic matter
• Together with Beijerink, developed the enrichment-culture technique and the use
of selective media
• e.g. Study of relationship between genes and enzymes; evidence that DNA is the
genetic material;
• Studies on Genetic code; mechanisms of DNA, RNA, and Protein synthesis; regulation of
gene expression; control of enzyme activity
• What are some of the most promising areas for future microbiological research and
their potential practical impacts?