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1-Nguyen Ly Cua OBD (English)

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OBJECTIVES: After studying Chapter 11 , the reader should be able to: • Prepare for ASE Engine Performance (A8)
certification test content area “D” (Emissions Control Systems Diagnosis and Repair (Including OBD-II)). • Explain the purpose and
function of onboard diagnosis. • List the various duties of the diagnostic executive (task master). • List five continuous monitors.
• List five noncontinuous monitors.

KEY TERMS: California Air Resources Board (CARB) 153 • Component identification (CID) 160 • Comprehensive component
monitor (CCM) 154 • Diagnostic executive 154 • Enable criteria 156 • Exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)
monitor 156 • Federal Test Procedure (FTP) 154 • Freeze-frame 154 • Functionality 155 • Malfunction indicator
lamp (MIL) 153 • On-board diagnosis (OBD) 153 • Parameter identification (PID) 160 • Rationality 155 • Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 157 • Test identification (TID) 160 • Task manager 154

1980s, most manufacturers began equipping their vehicles with
full-function control systems capable of alerting the driver of a
malfunction and of allowing the technician to retrieve codes
that identify circuit faults. These early diagnostic systems were
meant to reduce emissions and speed up vehicle repair.
The automotive industry calls these systems On-board
Diagnostics (OBDs). The California Air Resources Board
(CARB) developed the first regulation requiring manufacturers FIGURE 11–1 A typical malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)
selling vehicles in that state to install OBD. OBD Generation I often labeled “check engine” or “service engine soon” (SES).
(OBD I) applies to all vehicles sold in California beginning with
the 1988 model year. It specifies the following requirements:
1. An instrument panel warning lamp able to alert the driver of did not do enough to lower automotive emissions. This led the
certain control system failures, now called a malfunction CARB and the EPA to develop OBD Generation II (OBD II).
indicator lamp (MIL). SEE FIGURE 11–1.
2. The system’s ability to record and transmit diagnostic OBD-II OBJECTIVES Generally, the CARB defines an
trouble codes (DTCs) for emission-related failures. OBD-II-equipped vehicle by its ability to do the following:
3. Electronic system monitoring of the HO 2S, EGR valve, 1. Detect component degradation or a faulty emission- related
and evaporative purge solenoid. Although not U.S. EPA system that prevents compliance with federal emission
required, during this time most manufacturers also standards.
equipped vehicles sold outside of California with OBD I. 2. Alert the driver of needed emission-related repair or
By failing to monitor the catalytic converter, the evapora- maintenance.
tive system for leaks, and the presence of engine misfire, OBD I 3. Use standardized DTCs and accept a generic scan tool.

ON - BO A R D DIA G N OS I S 153
These requirements apply to all 1996 and later model be stored and the MIL illuminated during the second trip. The
light-duty vehicles. The Clean Air Act of 1990 directed the two types of monitors are continuous and noncontinuous.
EPA to develop new regulations for OBD. The primary pur-
pose of OBD II is emission related, whereas the primary pur- CONTINUOUS MONITORS As required conditions are
pose of OBD I (1988) was to detect faults in sensors or sensor met, continuous monitors begin to run. These continuous moni-
circuits. OBD-II regulations require that not only sensors be tors will run for the remainder of the vehicle drive cycle. The
tested but also all exhaust emission control devices and that three continuous monitors are as follows:
they be verified for proper operation.
Comprehensive component monitor (CCM). This
All new vehicles must pass the Federal Test Procedure
monitor watches the sensors and actuators in the
(FTP) for exhaust emissions while being tested for 1874 seconds
OBD-II system. Sensor values are constantly compared
on dynamometer rollers that simulate the urban drive cycle around
with known-good values stored in the PCM’s memory.
downtown Los Angeles.
The CCM is an internal program in the PCM designed
NOTE: IM 240 is simply a shorter 240-second version of to monitor a failure in any electronic component or circuit
the 1874-second federal test procedure. (including emission-related and non–emission-related cir-
cuits) that provide input or output signals to the PCM. The
The regulations for OBD-II vehicles state that the vehicle PCM considers that an input or output signal is inoperative
computer must be capable of testing for, and determining, if when a failure exists because of an open circuit or out-of-
the exhaust emissions are within 1.5 times the FTP limits. To range value or if an onboard rationality check fails. If an
achieve this goal, the computer must do the following: emission-related fault is detected, the PCM will set a code
1. Test all exhaust emission system components for correct and activate the MIL (requires two consecutive trips).
operation. Many PCM sensors and output devices are tested
2. Actively operate the system and measure the results. at key-on or immediately after engine start-up. However,
some devices are tested by the CCM only after the en-
3. Continuously monitor all aspects of the engine operation
gine meets certain engine conditions. The number of
to be certain that the exhaust emissions do not exceed
times the CCM must detect a fault before it will activate
1.5 times the FTP limit.
the MIL depends upon the manufacturer, but most re-
4. Check engine operation for misfire. quire two consecutive trips to activate the MIL. The com-
5. Turn on the MIL (check engine) if the computer senses a ponents tested by the CCM include the following:
fault in a circuit or system. Four-wheel-drive low switch
6. Record a freeze-frame, which is a snapshot of all key Brake switch
engine data at the time the DTC was set.
Camshaft (CMP) and crankshaft (CKP) sensors
7. Flash the MIL if an engine misfire occurs that could dam-
Clutch switch (manual transmissions/transaxles only)
age the catalytic converter.
Cruise servo switch
Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
EVAP purge sensor or switch
DIAGNOSTIC EXECUTIVE Fuel composition sensor

AND TASK MANAGER Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor

Knock sensor (KS)
Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor
On OBD-II systems, the powertrain control module (PCM) in-
Mass airflow (MAF) sensor
corporates a special segment of software. On Ford and GM
systems, this software is called the diagnostic executive. On Throttle-position (TP) sensor
Chrysler systems, it is called the task manager. This software Transmission temperature sensor
program is designed to manage the operation of all OBD-II Transmission turbine speed sensor
monitors by controlling the sequence of steps necessary to ex- Vacuum sensor
ecute the diagnostic tests and monitors.
Vehicle speed (VS) sensor
EVAP canister purge and EVAP purge vent solenoid
Idle air control (IAC)
MONITORS Ignition control system
Transmission torque converter clutch solenoid
A monitor is an organized method of testing a specific part of Transmission shift solenoids
the system. Monitors are simply tests that the computer per- Misfire monitor. This monitor looks at engine mis-
forms to evaluate components and systems. If a component or fire. The PCM uses the information received from the
system failure is detected while a monitor is running, a DTC will crankshaft position sensor (CKP) to calculate the time

154 CH AP TE R 11
between the edges of the reluctor as well as the rota- However, OBD-II also requires that inputs from powertrain
tional speed and acceleration. By comparing the accel- components to the PCM be tested for rationality and that out-
eration of each firing event, the PCM can determine if a puts to powertrain components from the PCM be tested for
cylinder is not firing correctly. functionality. Both inputs and outputs are to be checked elec-
Misfire type A. Upon detection of a misfire type A trically. Rationality checks refer to a PCM comparison of input
(200 revolutions), which would cause catalyst damage, value to values from other sensors to determine if they make
the MIL will blink once per second during the actual sense and are normal (rational):
misfire, and a DTC will be stored. Example:
Misfire type B. Upon detection of a misfire type B
(1,000 revolutions), which will exceed 1.5 times the EPA
MAP 18 in. Hg
federal test procedure (FTP) standard or cause a vehicle
to fail an inspection and maintenance tailpipe emissions
test, the MIL will illuminate, and a DTC will be stored.
The DTC associated with multiple cylinder misfire for a NOTE: Comprehensive component monitors are contin-
type A or type B misfire is DTC P0300. The DTCs associated uous. Therefore, enabling conditions do not apply.
with an individual cylinder misfire for a type A or type B misfire
are DTCs P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0307, Monitor runs continuously.
P0308, P0309, and P0310. Monitor includes sensors, switches, relays, solenoids,
Fuel trim monitor. The PCM continuously monitors short- and PCM hardware.
and long-term fuel trim. Constantly updated adaptive fuel All are checked for opens, shorts-to-ground, and
tables are stored in long-term memory (KAM) and used by shorts-to-voltage.
the PCM for compensation due to wear and aging of the Inputs are checked for rationality.
fuel system components. The MIL will illuminate when the
Outputs are checked for functionality.
PCM determines the fuel trim values have reached and
stayed at their limits for too long a period of time. Most are one-trip DTCs.
Freeze-frame is priority 3.
NONCONTINUOUS MONITORS Noncontinuous moni- Three consecutive good trips are used to extinguish
tors run (at most) once per vehicle drive cycle. The noncontinu- the MIL.
ous monitors are as follows: Forty warm-up cycles are required to self-erase DTC
O2S monitor and freeze-frame.
O2S heater monitor Two minutes run time without reoccurrence of the fault
Catalyst monitor constitutes a “good trip.”
EGR monitor
Secondary AIR monitor itors run continuously and only stop if they fail and include:
Transmission monitor Fuel system: rich/lean.
PCV system monitor Misfire: catalyst damaging/FTP (emissions).
Thermostat monitor Two-trip faults (except early generation catalyst damag-
Once a noncontinuous monitor has run to completion, it ing misfire).
will not be run again until the conditions are met during the next MIL, DTC, freeze-frame after two consecutive faults.
vehicle drive cycle. Also, after a noncontinuous monitor has run
Freeze-frame is priority 2 on first trip.
to completion, the readiness status on your scan tool will show
“complete” or “done” for that monitor. Monitors that have not Freeze-frame is priority 4 on maturing trip.
run to completion will show up on your scanner as “incomplete.” Three consecutive good trips in a similar condition
window are used to extinguish the MIL.
Forty warm-up cycles are used to erase DTC and freeze-

OBD-II MONITOR frame (80 to erase one-trip failure if similar conditions

cannot be met).
Monitor runs once per trip, pass or fail.
cuits and components covered by the comprehensive compo- O2 response, O2 heaters, EGR, purge flow EVAP leak,
nent monitor (CCM) do not include those directly monitored by secondary air, catalyst.
another monitor. Two-trip DTCs.

ON - BO A R D DIA G N OS I S 155
MIL, DTC, freeze-frame after two consecutive faults.
Freeze-frame is priority 1 on first trip.
Freeze-frame is priority 3 on maturing trip.
What is a Drive Cycle?
Three consecutive good trips are used to extinguish
A drive cycle is a vehicle being driven under speci-
the MIL.
fied speed and times that will allow all monitors to
Forty warm-up cycles are used to erase DTC run. In other words, the powertrain control module
and freeze-frame. (PCM) is looking at a series of data points represent-
ing speed and time and determines from these data
EXPONENTIALLY WEIGHTED MOVING AVERAGE (EWMA) points when the conditions are right to perform a
MONITORS The exponentially weighted moving average monitor or a test of a component. These data points,
(EWMA) monitor is a mathematical method used to determine and therefore the drive cycle, are vehicle specific and
performance. This method smooths out any variables in the read- are not the same for each vehicle. Some common
ings over time and results in a running average. This method is conditions for a drive cycle to successfully run all of
used by some vehicle manufacturers for two monitors. the monitors include:

1. Catalyst monitor. 1. Cold start intake air temperature (IAT) and engine
coolant temperature (ECT) close to each other
2. EGR monitor.
indicating that the engine has cooled to the tem-
perature of the surrounding air temperature.
2. Fuel level within a certain range usually between
15% and 85%.
ENABLING CRITERIA 3. Vehicle speed within a certain speed range for an
certain amount of time usually 4 to 12 minutes.
4. Stop and idle for a certain time.
With so many different tests (monitors) to run, the PCM needs an
Each monitor requires its own set of parameters
internal director to keep track of when each monitor should run.
needed to run the test and sometimes these condi-
As mentioned, different manufacturers have different names for
tions cannot be met. For example, some evaporate
this director, such as the diagnostic executive or the task man-
emissions control (EVAP) systems require a tem-
ager. Each monitor has enabling criteria. These criteria are a set
perature that may not be possible in winter months in
of conditions that must be met before the task manager will give
a cold climatic area.
the go-ahead for each monitor to run. Most enabling criteria fol-
A typical universal drive cycle that works for
low simple logic, such as follows:
many vehicles includes the following steps.
The task manager will not authorize the start of the O 2S MIL must be off.
monitor until the engine has reached operating tempera-
No DTCs present.
ture and the system has entered closed loop.
Fuel fill between 15% and 85%.
The task manager will not authorize the start of the EGR
Cold start—Preferred 8-hour soak at 68°F to 86°F.
monitor when the engine is at idle because the EGR is
always closed at this time. Alternative ECT below 86°F.

Because each monitor is responsible for testing a differ- STEP 1 With the ignition off, connect scan tool.
ent part of the system, the enabling criteria can differ greatly STEP 2 Start engine and drive between 20 and
from one monitor to the next. The task manager must decide 30 mph for 22 minutes, allowing speed
when each monitor should run, and in what order, to avoid to vary.
confusion. STEP 3 Stop and idle for 40 seconds, gradually
There may be a conflict if two monitors were to run at the accelerate to 55 mph.
same time. The results of one monitor might also be tainted if STEP 4 Maintain 55 mph for 4 minutes using a
a second monitor were to run simultaneously. In such cases, steady throttle input.
the task manager decides which monitor has a higher priority. STEP 5 Stop and idle for 30 seconds, then acceler-
Some monitors also depend on the results of other monitors ate to 30 mph.
before they can run. STEP 6 Maintain 30 mph for 12 minutes.
A monitor may be classified as pending if a failed sensor STEP 7 Repeat steps 4 and 5 four times.
or other system fault is keeping it from running on schedule. Using scan tool, check readiness. Always check
The task manager may suspend a monitor if the conditions service information for the exact drive cycle condi-
are not correct to continue. For example, if the catalyst monitor tions for the vehicle being serviced for best results.
is running during a road test and the PCM detects a misfire,
the catalyst monitor will be suspended for the duration of the

156 CH AP TE R 11
TRIP A trip is defined as a key-on condition that contains EXAMPLE: P0302 = CYLINDER #2 MISFIRE DETECTED
the necessary conditions for a particular test to be performed P 0 3 0 2
followed by a key-off. These conditions are called the enable
criteria. For example, for the EGR test to be performed, the B - BODY
engine must be at normal operating temperature and decelerat- C - CHASSIS SPECIFIC FAULT
ing for a minimum amount of time. Some tests are performed U - NETWORK
when the engine is cold, whereas others require that the vehicle
be cruising at a steady highway speed. SPECIFIC VEHICLE
WARM-UP CYCLE Once a MIL is deactivated, the original
code will remain in memory until 40 warm-up cycles are com-
pleted without the fault reappearing. A warm-up cycle is defined FIGURE 11–2 OBD-II DTC identification format.
as a trip with an engine temperature increase of at least 40°F
and where engine temperature reaches at least 160°F (71°C).

MIL CONDITION: OFF This condition indicates that the

PCM has not detected any faults in an emissions-related com- DESIGNATION
ponent or system or that the MIL circuit is not working.

A scan tool is required to retrieve DTCs from an OBD-II vehicle.

MIL CONDITION: ON STEADY This condition indicates
Every OBD-II scan tool will be able to read all generic Society
a fault in an emissions-related component or system that could
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) DTCs from any vehicle. SEE
affect the vehicle emission levels.
FIGURE 11–2 for definitions and explanations of OBD alphanu-
meric DTCs. The diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are grouped
MIL CONDITION: FLASHING This condition indicates into major categories, depending on the location of the fault on
a misfire or fuel control system fault that could damage the the system involved:
catalytic converter.
Pxxx codes—powertrain DTCs (engine, transmission-
NOTE: In a misfire condition with the MIL on steady, if related faults)
the driver reaches a vehicle speed and load condition Bxxx codes—body DTCs (accessories, interior-related
with the engine misfiring at a level that could cause faults)
catalyst damage, the MIL would start flashing. It would Cxxx codes—chassis DTCs (suspension and steering-
continue to flash until engine speed and load conditions related faults)
caused the level of misfire to subside. Then the MIL Uxxx codes—network DTCs (module communication-
would go back to the on-steady condition. This situation related faults)
might result in a customer complaint of a MIL with an
intermittent flashing condition. DTC NUMBERING EXPLANATION The number in the
hundredth position indicates the specific vehicle system or sub-
MIL: OFF The PCM will turn off the MIL if any of the follow- group that failed. This position should be consistent for P0xxx
ing actions or conditions occur: and P1xxx type codes. The following numbers and systems
The codes are cleared with a scan tool. were established by SAE:

Power to the PCM is removed at the battery or with the P0100—Air metering and fuel system fault
PCM power fuse for an extended period of time (may be P0200—Fuel system (fuel injector only) fault
up to several hours or longer). P0300—Ignition system or misfire fault
A vehicle is driven on three consecutive trips with a P0400—Emission control system fault
warm-up cycle and meets all code set conditions without
P0500—Idle speed control, vehicle speed (VS) sensor fault
the PCM detecting any faults.
P0600—Computer output circuit (relay, solenoid, etc.) fault
The PCM will set a code if a fault is detected that could
P0700—Transaxle, transmission faults
cause tailpipe emissions to exceed 1.5 times the FTP standard;
however, the PCM will not deactivate the MIL until the vehicle NOTE: The tens and ones numbers indicate the part of
has been driven on three consecutive trips with vehicle condi- the system at fault.
tions similar to actual conditions present when the fault was
detected. This is not merely three vehicle start-ups and trips. It TYPES OF DTCS Not all OBD-II DTCs are of the same
means three trips during which certain engine operating condi- importance for exhaust emissions. Each type of DTC has differ-
tions are met so that the OBD-II monitor that found the fault can ent requirements for it to set, and the computer will turn on the
run again and pass the diagnostic test. MIL only for emissions-related DTCs.

TYPE A CODES A type A DTC is emission related and will cause
the MIL to be turned on the first trip if the computer has FRE QU E NTLY ASK ED Q UE STION
detected a problem. Engine misfire or a very rich or lean air–fuel
ratio, for example, would cause a type A DTC. These codes alert What Are Pending Codes?
the driver to an emission problem that may cause damage to Pending codes are set when operating conditions are
the catalytic converter. met and the component or circuit is not within the
normal range yet the conditions have not yet been met
TYPE B CODES A type B code will be stored, and the MIL will be
to set a DTC. For example, a sensor may require two
turned on during the second consecutive trip, alerting the driver
consecutive faults before a DTC is set. If a scan tool
to the fact that a diagnostic test was performed and failed.
displays a pending code or a failure, a driveability con-
NOTE: Type A and B codes are emission-related codes cern could also be present. The pending code can help
that will cause the lighting of the malfunction indicator the technician to determine the root cause before the
lamp (MIL), usually labeled “check engine” or “service customer complains of a check engine light indication.
engine soon.”
TYPE C AND D CODES Type C and D codes are for use with non–
Engine coolant temperature
emission-related diagnostic tests; they will cause the lighting of a
“service” lamp (if the vehicle is so equipped). Type C codes are also Intake manifold pressure
called type C1 codes, and D codes are also called type C0 codes. Closed-open-loop status
Fault code that triggered the freeze-frame
If a misfire code is set, identify which cylinder is misfiring
also mandated that all diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) be
stored according to individual priority. DTCs with a higher A DTC should not be cleared from the vehicle computer mem-
priority overwrite those with a lower priority. The OBD-II System ory unless the fault has been corrected and the technician is
DTC Priority is listed here: so directed by the diagnostic procedure. If the problem that
caused the DTC to be set has been corrected, the computer will
Priority 0—Non–emission-related codes
automatically clear the DTC after 40 consecutive warm-up cy-
Priority 1—One-trip failure of two-trip fault for non fuel,
cles with no further faults detected (misfire and excessively rich
non misfire codes
or lean condition codes require 80 warm-up cycles). The codes
Priority 2—One-trip failure of two-trip fault for fuel or can also be erased by using a scan tool. SEE CHART 11–1 .
misfire codes
NOTE: Disconnecting the battery may not erase
Priority 3—Two-trip failure or matured fault of non fuel,
OBD-II DTCs or freeze-frame data. Most vehicle manu-
non misfire codes
facturers recommend using a scan tool to erase DTCs
Priority 4—Two-trip failure or matured fault for fuel or rather than disconnecting the battery because the mem-
misfire codes ory for the radio, seats, and learned engine operating
parameters is lost if the battery is disconnected.

To assist the service technician, OBD II requires the computer to take
a “snapshot” or freeze-frame of all data at the instant an emission- These are the exact engine operating conditions required for a
related DTC is set. A scan tool is required to retrieve this data. diagnostic monitor to run:
NOTE: Although OBD-II requires that just one freeze-
frame of data be stored, the instant an emission-related
DTC is set, vehicle manufacturers usually provide ex- Specific RPM
panded data about the DTC beyond that required such Specific ECT, MAP, run time, etc.
as General Motors’s failure recorders. However, retriev-
ing this enhanced data usually requires the use of the PENDING Under some situations the PCM will not run a
vehicle-specific scan tool. monitor if the MIL is illuminated and a fault is stored from
another monitor. In these situations, the PCM postpones moni-
Freeze-frame items include the following: tors pending a resolution of the original fault. The PCM does not
Calculated load value run the test until the problem is remedied.
Engine speed (RPM) For example, when the MIL is illuminated for an oxygen
sensor fault, the PCM does not run the catalyst monitor until
Short-term and long-term fuel trim percent
the oxygen sensor fault is remedied. Since the catalyst monitor
Fuel system pressure (on some vehicles) is based on signals from the oxygen sensor, running the test
Vehicle speed (mph) would produce inaccurate results.

158 CH AP TE R 11
CCM Continuous (when 1 2 1 3–Trips 40
trip conditions
allow it)
Catalyst Once per drive 1 3 1 3–OBD-II drive cycle 40
Misfire type A Continuous 1 3–Similar conditions 80
Misfire type B Continuous 1 2 1 3–Similar conditions 80
Fuel system Continuous 1 2 1 3–Similar conditions 80
Oxygen sensor Once per trip 1 2 1 3–Trips 40
EGR Once per trip 1 2 1 3–Trips 40
EVAP Once per trip 1 1 1 3–Trips 40
AIR Once per trip 1 2 1 3–Trips 40

CHART 11–1
PCM Determination of Faults Chart

CONFLICT There are also situations when the PCM does ECT
not run a monitor if another monitor is in progress. In these situ- Camshaft position sensor (CMP)
ations, the effects of another monitor running could result in an VS sensor
erroneous failure. If this conflict is present, the monitor is not run
Crankshaft position sensor (CKP)
until the conflicting condition passes. Most likely, the monitor
will run later after the conflicting monitor has passed. IAT sensor
For example, if the fuel system monitor is in progress, the TP sensor
PCM does not run the EGR monitor. Since both tests monitor Ambient air temperature sensor
changes in air–fuel ratio and adaptive fuel compensation, the Power steering switch
monitors conflict with each other.
O2 sensor heater
SUSPEND Occasionally, the PCM may not allow a two-trip fault Engine controller
to mature. The PCM will suspend the maturing fault if a condition Brake switch
exists that may induce erroneous failure. This prevents illuminating P/N switch (range switch)
the MIL for the wrong fault and allows more precise diagnosis. Transmission controls
For example, if the PCM is storing a one-trip fault for the oxy-
gen sensor and the EGR monitor, the PCM may still run the EGR FUNCTIONALITY TEST A functionality test refers to PCM
monitor but will suspend the results until the oxygen sensor moni- inputs checking the operation of the outputs:
tor either passes or fails. At that point, the PCM can determine if
the EGR system is actually failing or if an oxygen sensor is failing. Example:
PCM commands IAC to increase engine speed
PCM monitors engine RPM
PCM TESTS Functionality test fails if engine speed does not increase

PCM outputs that are checked for functionality include the

RATIONALITY TEST While input signals to the PCM are following:
constantly being monitored for electrical opens and shorts, they EVAP canister purge solenoid
are also tested for rationality. This means that the input signal EVAP purge vent solenoid
is compared against other inputs and information to see if it
Cooling fan
makes sense under the current conditions.
PCM sensor inputs that are checked for rationality include Idle air control solenoid
the following: Ignition control system
MAP sensor Transmission torque converter clutch solenoid
O2 sensor Transmission shift solenoids (A, B, 1–2, etc.)

ON - BO A R D DIA G N OS I S 159
ELECTRICAL TEST Refers to the PCM check of both input Mode Four Clear and reset diagnostic trouble codes
and outputs for the following: (DTCs), freeze-frame data, and readiness sta-
tus monitors for noncontinuous monitors only
Mode Five Oxygen sensor monitor test results
Mode Six Onboard monitoring of test results for non-
continuously monitored systems
Example: Mode Seven Onboard monitoring of test results for con-
ECT tinuously monitored systems
Shorted high (input to PCM) above capable voltage; that is, Mode Eight Bidirectional control of onboard systems
5-volt sensor with 12-volt input to PCM would indicate a short Mode Nine Module identification
to voltage.
The global (generic) data is used by most state emission
programs. Global OBD-II displays often use hexadecimal num-
bers, which use 16 numbers instead of 10. The numbers 0 to 9
to Set
(zero counts as a number) make up the first 10 and then capital
DTC and
letters A to F complete the 16 numbers. To help identify the
Monitor Illuminate Extinguish Clear DTC Applicable
number as being in a hexadecimal format, a dollar sign ($) is
Type MIL MIL Criteria DTC
used in front of the number or letter. See the following conver-
Continuous (See note 3 con- 40 warm- P0123 sion chart:
1-trip below) secutive up cycles
monitor Input and pass trips
Decimal Number Hexadecimal Code
failure— 0 $0
rationally, 1 $1
functionally, 2 $2
electrically 3 $3
4 $4
NOTE: The number of times the comprehensive compo-
5 $5
nent monitor must detect a fault depends on the vehicle
manufacturer. On some vehicles, the comprehensive 6 $6
component monitor will activate the MIL as soon as it 7 $7
detects a fault. On other vehicles, the comprehensive 8 $8
component monitor must fail two times in a row. 9 $9
Freeze-frame captured on first-trip failure. 10 $A
Enabling conditions: Many PCM sensors and output 11 $B
devices are tested at key-on or immediately after engine 12 $C
start-up. However, some devices (ECT, idle speed control) 13 $D
are tested by the CCM only after the engine meets par-
14 $E
ticular engine conditions.
15 $F
Pending: No pending condition
Conflict: No conflict conditions
Hexadecimal coding is also used to identify tests (test
Suspend: No suspend conditions identification [TID] and component identification [CID] ).


How Can You Tell Generic from Factory?

All OBD-II vehicles must be able to display data on a global (also
When using a scan tool on an OBD-II-equipped
called generic) scan tool under nine different modes of opera-
vehicle, if the display asks for make, model, and
tion. These modes include the following:
year, then the factory or enhanced part of the PCM
Mode One Current power train data (parameter identi- is being accessed. If the generic or global part of
fication display or PID) the PCM is being scanned, then there is no need to
Mode Two Freeze-frame data know the vehicle identification details.
Mode Three Diagnostic trouble codes

160 CH AP TE R 11
3. Look to the monitor enable criteria, which will show what it
DIAGNOSING PROBLEMS takes to fail or pass the monitor.
Many scan tools display all of the parameters and informa-
USING MODE SIX tion needed so that additional mode $06 data is not needed.
Many vehicle manufacturers post mode $06 information on the
Mode six information can be used to diagnose faults by follow- service information websites. This information is often free, un-
like other service information. Refer to the National Automotive
ing three steps:
Service Task Force (NASTF) website for the website address
1. Check the monitor status before starting repairs. This step
of all vehicle manufacturers’ service information sites (www
will show how the system failed.
.NASTF.org). Two examples include: http://service.gm.com
2. Look at the component or parameter that triggered the fault. (free access to mode $06 information) www.motorcraftservice.
This step will help pin down the root cause of the failure. com (search for mode $06 free access)

1. If the MIL is on, retrieve the DTC and follow the manufac- 3. OBD-II vehicles use common generic DTCs.
turer’s recommended procedure to find the root cause of 4. OBD-II includes generic (SAE) as well as vehicle
the problem. manufacturer-specific DTCs and data display.
2. All monitors must have the enable criteria achieved before
a test is performed.

1. What does the PCM do during a trip to test emission- 3. What is the difference between a trip and a warm-up
related components? cycle?
2. What is the difference between a type A and type B OBD-II 4. What could cause the MIL to flash?

1. A freeze-frame is generated on an OBD-II vehicle ________. 7. Global (generic) OBD-II contains some data in what format?
a. When a type C or D diagnostic trouble code is set a. Plain English c. Roman numerals
b. When a type A or B diagnostic trouble code is set b. Hexadecimal d. All of the above
c. Every other trip 8. By looking at the way diagnostic trouble codes are format-
d. When the PCM detects a problem with the O 2S ted, which DTC could indicate that the gas cap is loose or
2. An ignition misfire or fuel mixture problem is an example of defective?
what type of DTC? a. P0221 c. P0442
a. Type A c. Type C b. P1301 d. P1603
b. Type B d. Type D 9. The computer will automatically clear a DTC if there are no
3. The comprehensive component monitor checks computer- additional detected faults after ________.
controlled devices for ________. a. Forty consecutive warm-up cycles
a. Opens c. Shorts-to-ground b. Eighty warm-up cycles
b. Rationality d. All of the above c. Two consecutive trips
4. OBD-II has been on all passenger vehicles in the United d. Four key-on/key-off cycles
States since ________. 10. A pending code is set when a fault is detected on ________.
a. 1986 c. 1996 a. A one-trip fault item
b. 1991 d. 2000 b. The first fault of a two-trip failure
5. Which is a continuous monitor? c. The catalytic converter efficiency
a. Fuel system monitor c. Oxygen sensor monitor d. Thermostat problem (too long to closed-loop status)
b. EGR monitor d. Catalyst monitor
6. DTC P0302 is a ________.
a. Generic DTC
b. Vehicle manufacturer–specific DTC
c. Idle speed–related DTC
d. Transmission/transaxle-related DTC


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