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Nông Thái Bảo - HE150030 2

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Name: Nông Thái Bảo

Code: HE150030
Class: MC1704

Bài làm gửi về email: [email protected]


Choose the correct answer(s)

Q1. An UK government Department copied a design and authorised a company to

manufacture the design for foreign defence purposes and the Crown informed the owner
of the right about the extent of use of the design. Is this the Crown infringe the design
rights of the owner?

a. Yes
b. No 4

Q2. Intellectual Property is

a. Intangible
b. Created by computer software
c. The creations of minds (of human being)
d. Not having any economic values but only spiritual values.

Q3. Intellectual property rights are:

• Legal rights attached to intellectual property
• Give the creator exclusive rights over the use of his/her intellectual property for a
certain period of time

a. False
b. True

Q4. Which are not the basic IPRs in the United Kingdom

a. Copyright
b. Trademarks
c. Registered designs
d. Confidential information
e. Geographical indication
f. Patents
g. Design Right

Q5. Annette writes an original unpublished romantic novel, what type of intellectual
property rights that she can claim?

a. Copyright 5
b. Design Rights
c. Confidential information
d. Trade Marks

Q6. The criminal offences relating to an article that is known to be an infringing copy are:

a. Making the article for sale or hire

b. Importing the article into the UK (except for private or domestic use)
c. Possessing the article in the course of a business with a view to committing any
act infringing the copyright (e.g. intending to copy it)
d. Selling, hiring, exhibiting or distributing the article in the course of a business
e. Distributing the article so as to affect the copyright owner’s rights in a prejudicial
way (e.g. depriving the owner of legitimate sales or licence fees). 5,5

Q7. The owner of copyright of a music sound recording is the ………..

a. Author 6,5
b. Singer
c. Producer
d. Recorder
e. Disk Jocker

Q8. Copyright is associated with:

a. Literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, to sound recordings, films, broadcasts and
cable programmes.
b. Style; news; history, historical accidents or facts. 7,5
c. Both a and b

Q9. An author of a song wants that people will refer to his name whenever they sing that
song. What type of intellectual property right can he claim?

a. Copyright 8,5
b. Trademarks
c. Registered designs

Q10. James, a movie-star, pays Anna for taking a photograph of him for private purpose.
Anna then sells the photograph to a magazine.

a. Anna infringes on James’ copyright

b. Anna infringes James’ privacy right 9,5
c. Anna infringes James’ trademark

Q11. John, a designer, is working for a publisher. John’s wife is also an employee of the
same publisher and sometimes gives John money for breakfast. The owner of copyright of
all John’s artistic works under employment contract is

a. The publisher 10,5
b. John
c. John’s wife
d. Both publisher and John
e. Neither John’s wife nor John

Q12. Under Berne Convention, in most cases, the copyright shall last for

a. The author’s life plus 70 years

b. The author’s life
c. The author’s life plus 50 years 11,5
d. 70 years

Q13. Exxon Corporation, the oil company, took legal action against an insurance
consultancy which uses the same name. Exxon argued that it owned copyright in its name.
Does the insurance consultancy infringe Exxon’s copyright?

a. Yes
b. No 12,5

Q14. Before disclosing your graphic work which you have just created to any person, you

a. Make an agreement with him/her thereby he/she promises not to disclose or misuse the
graphic work without your permission
b. Make sure you are not in infringement of any third person’s IPRs if disclosing the graphic
c. Neither (a) nor (b) 13,5

Q15. Which one of the followings may not constitute secondary infringement?

a. Without the copyright owner’s permission, importing into UK for private or domestic
purpose, an article, which is an infringing copy of the work
b. Without the copyright holder’s permission, selling an article even knowing or having
reason to believe that it is an infringing copy of the work
c. Without the copyright holder’s permission, letting for hire an article even knowing or
having reason to believe that it is an infringing copy of the work
d. Without the copyright holder’s permission, distributing otherwise than in the course of
business to such an extent as to prejudice the copyright owner an article even knowing or
having reason to believe that it is an infringing copy of the work

Q16. Choose the right answer(s)

a. Both UK and Vietnam are not members of Berne Convention

b. TRIPs agreement is one of WIPO-administered treaties
c. WIPO is a world organization established for the industrial area
d. Both UK and Vietnam are State members of WIPO 14,5

Q17. Copyright protects an idea or a concept, it does not protect the way in which the idea
is expressed, the precise words or the actual drawing.

a. False
b. True 15,5

Q18. When the football World Cup competition took place in June 1990, the British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) had monopoly rights on televising the matches in the UK.
British Satellite Broadcasting Ltd (BSB) used short excerpts, less than a minute, of match
highlights in its sports news programmes. The fact that the material originated with the
BBC was acknowledged, even though this was not a requirement. Does BSB infringe BBC’s

a. Yes
b. No

Q19. To protect its own confidential business information, Company Z signs NDA (non-
disclosure agreement) with its employees. The NDA provides that disclosing or misusing of
any kinds of information of the Company are prohibited. Do you agree with that?

a. Yes
b. No 16,5

Q20. In a holyday in Viet Nam, Max bought a fake DVD film and brought it home in the UK
for private and domestic use. Under UK law, Max infringed of copyright.

a. No
b. Yes 17,5

Q21. An author does not always have a copyright. Please illustrate the statement. At least
150 words with citation.

According to Article 4 of the Intellectual Property Law, copyright is the right of an

organization or individual to a work they create or own as in a tangible form ; and
those who directly create part or all of literary, artistic and scientific works are the
authors of the work.
However, not all authors own the copyright to the works they have created. In some
cases, authors may transfer their copyright to another person, such as a publisher or
company, as part of a contract. In these cases, the publisher retains the exclusive
right to the work, and the author cannot have the right to use, distribute or alter the
work without the publisher's permission (Article 46, section 1, pp. Chapter IV
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW revised (2019 version). At that time, the company and
publisher will be called the copyright owner (article 36, chapter III) and have the
property rights (article 20, chapter II, section 1) of the Copyright Law. 2005, revised
And the author of the product will lose some or all of the author right (according to
article 36, chapter III) and only have moral rights to the work (article 19, chapter II)

Source: Intellectual Property Law 2005, amendments and supplements 2019
VPQH-2019- Luat-So-huu-tri-tue-nam-2005-424231.aspx

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