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Processes of Recycling Waste Materials

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 10


A.Content Standards The learner is able to demonstrates an understanding of and skills in recycling waste material.
B.Performance Standards The learner recycles waste materials following the principles of “five S”.
C.Learning Identifies recyclable products/waste materials made of wood, metal, paper, plastic, and others. TLE6IA-0i12
Competencies/Objectives explains the process and the importance of recycling. TLE6IA-0j13
II.CONTENT Recycling of Recyclable Waste Processes of Recycling Waste Materials
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 413 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 413 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 413 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 413 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 413
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages LEARNING AND LIVING IN LEARNING AND LIVING IN Daily Lesson Plan ( k-12 TLE Daily Lesson Plan ( k-12 Daily Lesson Plan ( k-12
THE 21ST CENTURY THE 21ST CENTURY IA 2.6.1 of 8. p 40) Learning TLE IA 2.6.1 of 8. p 40) TLE IA 2.6.1 of 8. p 40)
Worktext in Home Worktext in Home and Living in 21 st century Learning and Living in Learning and Living in 21
Economics and Livelihood Economics and Livelihood work text in Home 21 st century work text st century work text in
Education 6 Education 6 Economics and Livelihood in Home Economics and Home Economics and
Livelihood Livelihood
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous Recall previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson lesson.
B.Presenting Examples/ instances Analyze the pictures and Continuation of the Continuation of the topic. Continuation of the Continuation of the
of the new lesson answer the following topic. topic. topic.
questions below.
Can you tell what these
products in the pictures
are made of?
C.Discussing new concepts and RECYCLING is a creative work. It means collecting Every day, tons, and tons of waste materials all over the world are
practicing new skills #1 trash, then ejecting out brand-new items. It is being disposed of. The goal here is to lessen waste because increasing
putting a vintage bottle into something new. waste is a threat to our environment causing pollution, disease, and other
Recycling is regenerating and reproducing. It can environmental problems. Process a continuous action, operation, or series
be reusing a soda can, a bottle, a stack of of changes taking place in a definite manner. The process in recycling can
newspapers and other materials. Today’s trash is help in the saving of the environment. Here are examples of materials that
turning it into tomorrow’s something exceptionally can be used for the process.
desirable thing. It is making use of material objects
through the arts of one’s creativity.

One of the problems that our environment is

facing today is our garbage. They are found
anywhere because some people do not dispose
them properly and as a result some calamities
occur. It is advisable to recycle our waste materials
before disposing ttem.

D.Discussing new concepts and Do you have any idea about the result of this act? It is easy to throw away something and feel glad that you got rid of it and
practicing new skills #2 will never see again. But sad to say, it does not end here. The things you
throw away go somewhere, usually to dumpsites or landfills. Some may end
up in empty lots, rivers, and the sea. It is also a reality that you are now
living in a society where everything is almost disposable. You tend to buy
new things instead of getting old ones repaired. It has become more
Yes, these products in the pictures are from waste convenient to throw away items. You start to realize that it has become a
materials that are being recycled. We can see problem not only for you today but for future generations. One of the best
these materials around us. And by using our ways to manage trash is to recycle them. Recycling is the conversion of old
imagination and creativity we can produce new and used materials into new products. The key component to proper waste
product from it. These are made of recycled glass, management is recycling.
woods, metals, papers etc. that we can see
anywhere. It can be seen at home, in the school or
event etc. Based on these pictures, what comes
into your mind about recycling? Yes, recycling is
very productive activity, it can be a very fun work
together with your family and friends. Through
recycling, you do not only experience fun but also,
this will help enhance our creativity. Right? At same
time we can also earn money by selling our
finished products. We do not only help our
environment in minimizing our wastes but also this
recycling will help us earn our own money without
compromising others.
E.Developing Mastery 1. Do you like the article? Identify Recyclable True or False. Write True Arrange the following Answer the following
2. What does the article Materials Directions: if the statement is correct pictures in sequence questions.
tell you? Find 5 words that are and False if it is using the numbers 1-6.
3. What are the problems commonly used in incorrect.
in our environment recycling waste _______ 1. A doctor 1. Why do we need to
today? materials and encircle may use syringes for the recycle the waste
4. What probably will it. next patient. materials? 2. Why is
happen to us if we keep _______ 2. You can recycling very
on throwing our garbage collect blank pages to important and
or trash every day such create a new notebook. beneficial to you and
as in the streams, rivers, _______ 3. You create your community?
lakes and seas? designs for empty plastic
_______ 4. Medical
wastes are safe to bring
at home.
_______ 5. Empty wine
bottles can be used as
F.Finding Practical application of Make 2 sentences that Make a poster / slogan What are the benefits of Draw a recycling cycle Give the step-by-step
concepts and skills in daily living describe how you handle on the provided box rrecycling? in the provided space. process of recyclable
your garbage at home. below that shows how materials like bottle
1. you can help the caps into functional
2. environment. Use your item. Write your
coloring materials. Your answer in the box.
output will be evaluated
based on the following

G.Making generalization and Answer the following questions in your notebook. Does recycling really help the environment?Why?
abstraction about the lesson 1. What is 5 s?
What is the principle of 5 S?
H.Evaluating learning Read the following test Identify the following Arrange the sequence in I. Match the different Write TRUE if the
items below. Select the products: Fill in the making a Desk waste materials in statement is correct
correct answer from the blank with the correct Organizer. column A with the and FALSE if it is
given choices and write answer. Write Pa if it is _______ 1. Glue the recycled product in wrong. Write your
the letter only of your made of Paper, M if it is cloth or paper all around column B. Write your answer on your
answer in your activity made of metal, P if it is the sides of the can. Let answer in your formative notebook.
notebook. made of plastic, and G it dry. notebook. 1. Biodegradable
1. A process of if it is made of glass. ______ 2. Do the same waste such as food
recovering or collecting ______1. Tin can procedure with the two and garden waste
materials into valuable ______2. Shoe box remaining cans? cannot be recycled
items. ______3. Disposable ______ 3. Remove the through composting.
a. Three R’s cups top cover of the tin can 2. Recycling can
b. recycling ______4. Paper plate and smoothen the cut provide employment
c. 5S ______5. Glass contain edges by using a small through livelihood
d. waste management hammer. products.
2. What are the Three _____4. Attach the 3. Non-biodegradable
R’s? ribbon around the top wastes are wastes
a. Reduce, Reuse, and bottom of the can. that do not
Recycle ______ 5. Call an older disintegrate or rot.
b. Release, Real, Reuse to help you remove the 4. Electronic waste
c. Remember, Reduce, top of the cover. describes discarded
Recite ______ 6. Prepare the electrical or electronic
d. Recycle, Remember, materials needed for the devices.
Reduce can. 5. One of the best
3. Which of the following ______ 7. Find an empty ways to manage trash
can be put in your yard can to be used for is to throw them
waste/food scrap bin? recycling anywhere.
a. Banana peel
b. Meat scraps and
c. Moldy cheese
d. All the above
4. Which of the following
items belongs in the blue
recycling container?
a. Food scraps such as
banana peel
b. A plastic bottle
c. Straw
d. A bottle caps
5. Which of the following
cannot be recycled?
a. Milk cartoons
b. Plastic water bottle
c. Glass container
d. Sanitary Napki
I.additional activities for
application or remediation


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