Gomella's Neonatology, 8th Edition 2020, Edith
Gomella's Neonatology, 8th Edition 2020, Edith
Gomella's Neonatology, 8th Edition 2020, Edith
4. Tin porphyrin. This can decrease the production of bilirubin and reduce the
need for exchange transfusion and duration of phototherapy. It is an inhibitor
of heme oxygenase, which is the enzyme that allows the production of bilirubin
from heme. The dose of stannsoporfin is 6 µmol/kg intramuscularly as a single
dose given within 24 hours of birth with severe hemolytic disease, and it is
available via compassionate use protocol. (Note: In May 2018, the US Food and
Drug Administration advisory committee recommended that the risk–benefit
profile of stannsoporfin does not support the approval for treatment of newborns
≥35 weeks of gestational age at risk for hyperbilirubinemia.)
5. Intravenous immunoglobulin. By blocking neonatal reticuloendothelial Fc
receptors and thus decreasing hemolysis of the antibody-coated RBCs, high-
dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG; 1 g/kg over 4 hours) reduces serum
bilirubin levels and the need for blood exchange transfusion with ABO or Rh
hemolytic diseases. AAP recommends IVIG 0.5 to 1 g/kg over 2 hours if the TSB
is rising despite intensive phototherapy or if the TSB level is within 2 to 3 mg/dL
of the exchange level, can be repeated in 12 hours. Cochrane review (2018) does
not recommend routine use of IVIG in alloimmune HDN because of low quality
of evidence. Caution should be used when considering treatment with IVIG as
there are emerging reports of increased incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in
term and late preterm infants with hemolytic disease of the newborn and isoim-
mune neonatal thrombocytopenia who were treated with IVIG.
VIII. Prognosis. For infants with ABO incompatibility, the overall prognosis is excellent.
Timely recognition and appropriate management of the rare infant with aggressive
ABO hemolytic disease may avoid any potential morbidity or severe hemolytic anemia
and secondary hyperbilirubinemia and the inherent risks associated with exchange
transfusion with the use of blood products.
VIII. Prognosis. Infants who are diagnosed and treated early generally recover. Experimen-
tal studies suggest that neonatal chlamydial pneumonia, especially in preterm neo-
nates, may cause airway hyperreactivity and respiratory dysfunction that continues
into adulthood.
132 Cytomegalovirus
I. Definition. Human cytomegalovirus (CMV), also known as human herpesvirus 5, is
a DNA virus and a member of the herpesvirus family (Herpesviridae).
II. Incidence. CMV is the most common cause of congenital infection in the United
States and occurs in approximately 0.5% to 1.3% of all live births. This results in approx-
imately 40,000 new cases in the United States per year.
III. Pathophysiology. CMV is highly species specific, and only human CMV has been
shown to infect humans and cause disease. CMV is a ubiquitous virus that is transmit-
ted in secretions, including saliva, tears, semen, urine, cervical secretions, blood (white
blood cells), and breast milk. The seroprevalence increases with age and is influenced
by many factors, such as hygienic circumstances, socioeconomic factors, breast feed-
ing, and sexual contacts. In addition to transplacental infection, CMV may also be
transmitted to the infant intrapartum (through exposure to CMV in cervical secre-
tions), via breast milk, and via blood transfusion. CMV infection acquired during
delivery or via breast milk is often asymptomatic in full-term infants with no effect on
future neurodevelopmental outcome; however, a sepsis-like illness has been described
in premature infants.
In developed countries, CMV seroprevalence varies inversely with socioeconomic
status, with 40% to 80% of women of childbearing age in the United States having
serologic evidence of past CMV infection. Seroconversion and initial infection can
occur around the time of puberty, and shedding of the virus may continue for a long
time. CMV can also become latent in white blood cells and reactivate periodically. In
addition, a seropositive individual can be infected by a different strain of CMV. Reac-
tivation and reinfection are grouped as a “nonprimary” infection.
CMV is capable of penetrating the placental barrier as well as the blood–brain
barrier. During early pregnancy, CMV has a teratogenic potential in the fetus. CMV
infections may result in neuronal migration disturbances in the brain. Both primary
and nonprimary maternal CMV infection can lead to transmission of the virus to
the fetus. When primary maternal infection occurs during pregnancy, the virus is
transmitted to the fetus in approximately 35% of cases. The rate of fetal transmission
appears to increase with advancing gestation; however, infection in early pregnancy
causes more severe fetal infection with significant central nervous system (CNS)
sequelae compared to infection acquired later. During nonprimary infection, trans-
mission rate is low (only 0.2% to 1.8%), except for human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV)-infected women, who show higher transmission despite receiving antiretro-
viral prophylaxis. Even though the risk for congenital infection is high after primary
maternal infection, nonprimary infection is responsible for 75% of the overall burden
of congenital CMV disease.
More than 85% of infants born with congenital CMV have a subclinical infec-
tion. Symptomatic infants are usually born to women with a primary infection.
When the placenta becomes infected with CMV after a primary maternal infec-
tion, its ability to provide oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus becomes
impaired. This leads to placental enlargement due to viral placentitis and revascu-
larization. Although not completely elucidated, placental tissue damage occurs due
to direct tissue injury by persistent CMV replication, ischemic tissue damage due
to vasculitis with viral infection of endothelial cells, and tissue damage by immune
complex deposition. Eventual fetal viremia leads to fetal multiorgan involvement.
The primary target organs are the CNS, eyes, liver, lungs, and kidneys. Character-
istic histopathologic features include focal necrosis, inflammatory response, for-
mation of enlarged cells with intranuclear inclusions (cytomegalic cells), and the
production of multinucleated giant cells.
IV. Risk factors. CMV infection in neonates is associated with nonwhite race, lower socio-
economic status, drug abuse, and neonatal intensive care unit admittance. Premature
infants are more often affected than full-term infants. Transfusion with unscreened
blood is an additional risk factor for neonatal disease. Risk factors for primary CMV
infection during pregnancy include prolonged exposure to young children (daycare
workers, multiparous women) and sexual contact (young maternal age, greater num-
bers of sexual partners, abnormal cervical cytology, and having a sexually transmitted
infection during pregnancy).
V. Clinical presentation
A. Prenatal presentation. Pregnant women who acquire primary CMV may develop
a mononucleosis-like illness with mild hepatitis (<25% of the time). Maternal
screening is currently not recommended routinely. Fetal anomalies consistent with
congenital CMV infection that can be detected on prenatal ultrasound examina-
tion include fetal growth restriction, cerebral periventricular echogenicity or cal-
cifications, cerebral ventriculomegaly, microcephaly, polymicrogyria, cerebellar
hypoplasia, hyperechogenic fetal bowel, hepatosplenomegaly, hepatic calcifica-
tions, amniotic fluid abnormalities, ascites and/or pleural effusion, and placental
enlargement. Prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially to evaluate
brain anomalies, is increasingly being used. Amniocentesis to perform polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) for CMV DNA in amniotic fluid is the preferred diagnos-
tic approach for identifying an infected fetus. Amniocentesis is most sensitive
when done after 21 weeks of gestation and after 6 weeks from maternal infection/
B. Postnatal presentation
1. Subclinical infection. Occurs in 85% to 90% of cases. Despite being asymp-
tomatic at birth, these infants are at risk for sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL)
during the first 6 years of life. Universal CMV screening at birth is not recom-
mended in the United States at this time; however, some authorities suggest a
targeted approach that focuses on newborns who fail their universal hearing
2. Low birthweight. Maternal CMV infection is associated with low birth-
weight and small for gestational age infants, even when the infant is not
3. Classic cytomegalovirus inclusion disease. Occurs in 10% to 15% of the cases
and consists of fetal growth restriction, hepatosplenomegaly with jaundice,
transaminitis, thrombocytopenia with or without purpura, and severe CNS
involvement. CNS complications include microcephaly, intracerebral calci-
fications (most characteristically in the subependymal periventricular area),
chorioretinitis, and progressive SNHL. Other symptoms include hemolytic
anemia and pneumonitis. The most severely affected infants have a mortal-
ity rate of approximately 30%. Deaths are usually due to hepatic dysfunc-
tion, bleeding, disseminated intravascular coagulation, or secondary bacterial
4. Late sequelae. SNHL occurs in 33% to 50% of symptomatic and in 10% to
15% of asymptomatic infants. CMV-related SNHL may be present at birth or
occur later in childhood. Approximately 55% and 75% of symptomatic and
(50%–100%). Fetal loss or early neonatal mortality is also significant. Commercial kits are
available to detect anti-HEV IgG and IgM. Definitive diagnosis may be made by demonstrating
viral RNA in serum or stool by RT-PCR. The only treatment is supportive. It is unclear if breast
feeding is a potential route of HEV transmission. A recombinant HEV vaccine evaluated in a
phase III clinical trial was demonstrated to be effective in preventing disease and is approved
for use by the Chinese Food and Drug Administration.
nonprimary infection are at a somewhat lower risk of 25%. The lowest risk infants
(2%) are those born to mothers with recurrent infections. Maternal antibody is not
always protective in the fetus.
IV. Risk factors. The risk of genital herpes infection varies with maternal age, socioeco-
nomic status, and number of sexual partners. Only approximately 12% of pregnant
women who test seropositive for HSV-2 give a clinical history suggestive of the disease.
The first-episode infection may stay “active” with asymptomatic cervical shedding for
as long as 2 months. Besides a first-episode infection (primary or nonprimary), addi-
tional risk factors for neonatal HSV infection include acquisition of HSV shortly before
labor, viral genital shedding in labor, genital shedding of HSV-1 rather than HSV-2, the
use of a fetal-scalp electrode, preterm birth, and maternal age <21 years.
V. Clinical presentation. Congenital in utero HSV infection is rare and is associated with
high rate of fetal demise; it shares clinical features such as microcephaly, hydrocepha-
lus, and chorioretinitis with other congenital infections. In addition, skin ulcerations
or scarring and eye damage are commonly noted. The neonatal disease is commonly
acquired intrapartum. It may be localized or disseminated. Humoral and cellular
immune mechanisms appear important in preventing initial HSV infections or limit-
ing their spread. Infants with disseminated and SEM disease generally present at 10
to 12 days of life, whereas patients with CNS disease usually present at 16 to 19 days
of life. More than 20% of infants with disseminated disease and 30% to 40% of infants
with encephalitis never have skin vesicles (see Figure 80–10).
A. Skin, eyes, and mouth disease. HSV disease localized to the skin, eyes, or oral
cavity accounts for approximately 45% of the cases. Skin lesions vary from discrete
vesicles to large bullous lesions and denuded skin. It typically involves the present-
ing part (eg, vertex) and sites of skin trauma (eg, scalp electrodes). There is skin
involvement in 80% to 85% of SEM cases. Ulcerative mouth lesions (∼10% of SEM
cases) with or without cutaneous involvement can be seen. Ocular findings include
keratoconjunctivitis and chorioretinitis (see Chapter 58). Without treatment, there
is a high risk of progression to encephalitis or disseminated disease.
B. Disseminated disease accounts for 25% of neonatal HSV disease and carries the
worst prognosis with respect to mortality. Patients commonly present with fever,
lethargy, apnea, and a septic shock–like picture, including respiratory collapse
(hemorrhagic pneumonitis), liver failure, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and dis-
seminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Approximately half of these cases also
have SEM manifestations, and 60% to 75% have CNS involvement. Skin involve-
ment may appear late, but approximately 20% of infants with disseminated disease
will not develop any cutaneous vesicles during the course of their illness. Recogni-
tion of the disseminated HSV disease is often delayed. It should be suspected in
any infant presenting with a sepsis-like picture associated with thrombocytopenia,
elevated liver enzymes, consumptive coagulopathy, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
C. Central nervous system disease accounts for approximately 30% of neonatal
HSV infection. It may develop as a result of localized retrograde spread from the
nasopharynx and olfactory nerves to the brain or through hematogenous spread
in neonates with disseminated disease. Clinical manifestations include seizures
(focal and generalized), lethargy, irritability, tremors, poor feeding, temperature
instability, and a bulging fontanelle. These infants usually present at 16 to
19 days of age, and 30% to 40% have no herpetic skin lesions. CSF findings are
variable and typically show a mild pleocytosis, increased protein, and a slightly
low glucose. Abnormalities of the CSF may be more pronounced as CNS disease
VI. Diagnosis. Diagnosis of neonatal HSV infection can be challenging, and the diagnosis
is often delayed. Early manifestations are subtle and nonspecific (especially for the
disseminated form). The maternal history is often not helpful (negative in 80% of the
A. Laboratory studies
1. Surface viral cultures. Isolation of HSV by culture remains the definitive diag-
nostic method of documenting infection. Skin or mucous membrane lesions
or surfaces (mouth, nasopharynx, conjunctivae, and anus) are scraped and
transferred in appropriate viral transport media on ice. Swab specimens from
mouth, nasopharynx, conjunctivae, and anus can be obtained with a single
swab starting with the eyes and ending with the anus and placed in 1 viral
transport media tube. With the exception of CNS involvement, the important
information gathered from such cultures is the presence or absence of the rep-
licating virus, rather than its precise location. Preliminary results may become
available in 24 to 72 hours. Positive cultures obtained from any of these sites
more than 12 to 24 hours after birth indicate viral replication and, therefore,
are suggestive of infant infection rather than mere contamination after intra-
partum exposure.
2. Polymerase chain reaction. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an important
tool in the diagnosis of HSV infection. PCR has been used to detect HSV DNA
in CSF and blood specimens. PCR is especially useful for the diagnosis of
HSV encephalitis. Overall sensitivities of CSF PCR in neonatal HSV disease
have ranged from 75% to 100%, with overall specificities ranging from 71% to
100%. Negative CSF PCR does not exclude the diagnosis of HSV CNS disease;
it may be negative early in the course of the disease or if the test is done after
antiviral therapy has been given for a few days. PCR is especially important
in monitoring therapy of CNS disease, with discontinuation of therapy only
when PCR is negative. Blood PCR assay should not supplant surface cultures
or be used to classify disease because viremia can be present in any of the 3
forms of disease. The performance of PCR assay on skin and mucosal speci-
mens from neonates has not been studied; if used, surface or skin PCR assays
should be performed in addition to (and not instead of) the gold standard
surface culture.
3. Immunologic assays. Immunologic assays to detect HSV antigen in lesion
scrapings, usually using monoclonal anti-HSV antibodies in either an enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay or direct fluorescent antibody staining, are very
specific and 80% to 90% sensitive.
4. Liver function tests. Measuring serum liver function tests, especially alanine
aminotransferase (ALT), is recommended. HSV characteristically invades the
liver and causes hepatocellular damage.
5. Serologic tests. These are not helpful in the diagnosis of neonatal infection
but are helpful in diagnosing and classifying maternal disease (primary vs
6. Lumbar puncture should be performed in all suspected cases including SEM
disease. CSF may be normal early in the course of the disease but typically will
show a mononuclear cell pleocytosis, normal or moderately low glucose, and
mildly elevated protein. Contrary to the historical suggestion, erythrocytes are
not notably increased in HSV CNS disease. HSV PCR should always be per-
formed on CSF.
B. Imaging and other studies
1. Brain imaging with computed tomography or preferably magnetic reso-
nance imaging is recommended in all infants with HSV CNS disease. Findings
include parenchymal brain edema or attenuation, hemorrhage, and destructive
lesions, especially in the temporal lobe.
2. Electroencephalogram. Should be performed in all neonates suspected to have
CNS involvement (seizures, abnormal CSF, abnormal neurologic examination).
Electroencephalogram is often abnormal very early in the course of the CNS
disease; it may show focal or multifocal epileptiform discharges before abnormal
changes are detected by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
VII. Management
A. Antepartum. The history of genital herpes in a pregnant woman or in her
partner(s) should be solicited and recorded in the prenatal record. If a positive
history is obtained, the following steps may be taken:
1. Antiviral therapy. Acyclovir or valacyclovir may be given to pregnant women
who have a primary episode of genital HSV as well as to women with an active
infection (primary or secondary) near or at the time of delivery. Multiple tri-
als showed that prophylactic acyclovir beginning at 36 weeks’ gestation, given
to women who present with a genital HSV lesion anytime during pregnancy,
reduces the risk of clinical HSV recurrence at delivery, cesarean delivery, and
HSV viral shedding at delivery. Valacyclovir also demonstrated similar results
in randomized studies. These studies did not identify any neonatal side effects
from maternal suppressive therapy. These infants will need to be monitored
closely because the risk of neonatal HSV infection is not totally eliminated. See
dosing in Chapter 155.
2. If there are no visible lesions at the onset of labor or prodromal symptoms,
vaginal delivery is acceptable.
3. Cesarean delivery is recommended in women with a history of HSV who have
genital HSV lesions or prodromal HSV symptoms at the time of labor. Some
experts also recommend cesarean delivery for women who had a primary or
nonprimary first episode genital infection during the latter weeks of pregnancy
(eg, within 6 weeks of delivery) even with no active genital lesions at the time
of labor, due to significant and prolonged viral shedding. Debate exists if mem-
branes have already been ruptured for >4 hours in the presence of active lesion;
most experts still recommend cesarean delivery in this situation. All neonates
delivered by cesarean section should be monitored closely because neonatal
HSV infections have occasionally occurred despite delivery before the mem-
branes rupture.
B. Neonatal treatment
1. Infants born to mothers with a genital lesion. The American Academy of
Pediatrics has published an algorithm (Figures 137–1 and 137–2) addressing
management of asymptomatic neonates following vaginal or cesarean delivery
to women with active genital HSV lesions. The algorithm calls for obtaining
HSV surface cultures and HSV blood PCR (in addition to CSF cell count, chem-
istries, and HSV PCR, as well as serum ALT when maternal history for HSV
is negative) in all exposed infants at approximately 24 hours of age. Because of
the high transmission rate after primary or first episode nonprimary maternal
infection (25%–60%), the algorithm recommends preemptive therapy for those
exposed infants with acyclovir at 60 mg/kg/d for 10 days. Infants exposed to
active lesions with maternal recurrent infection have 2% risk of acquiring the
neonatal HSV disease; those infants can be monitored clinically with education
of the family about signs and symptoms of the disease and treatment only if the
infant becomes symptomatic.
2. Infants born to mothers with a history of genital herpes but no active genital
lesions at delivery. Should be observed for signs of infection but no surface
cultures or parenteral acyclovir is needed. Education of parents and caregivers
about the signs and symptoms of neonatal HSV infection during the first
6 weeks of life is prudent.
3. Pharmacologic therapy for established herpes simplex virus disease.
a. Intravenous acyclovir. Neonates with HSV disease should be treated with
intravenous acyclovir at 60 mg/kg/d, divided every 8 hours (20 mg/kg/dose).
The dosing interval of intravenous acyclovir may need to be increased in
premature infants, based on their creatinine clearance. Duration of therapy
is a minimum of 21 days for patients with disseminated or CNS disease and
14 days for those with SEM disease. All patients with CNS involvement should
Obstetric provider obtains swab of lesion for HSV PCR assay and culture
Type all positive results
Gomella_Sec07_p1115_1224.indd 1140
Maternal history of genital HSV preceding pregnancy?
No Yes
Send maternal type specific serology for HSV-1 and HSV-2 At ~24 hours of age* obtain from the neonate:
antibodies, if assays are available at the delivery hospital • HSV surface† cultures (and PCRs if desired)
• HSV blood PCR‡
Determine Maternal HSV Infection Classification (Table 2) Obtain CSF for cell count,
chemistries, and HSV PCR.
Send serum ALT. Start IV
acyclovir at 60 mg/kg/day
in 3 divided doses
18/10/19 3:18 pm
Neonatal Neonatal PCRs *Evaluation and treatment is indicated prior to 24 hours of
virology studies or viral age if the infant develops signs and symptoms of neonatal
negative (PCRs cultures HSV disease. In addition, immediate evaluation and
negative; viral positive treatment may be considered if:
cultures • There is prolonged rupture of membranes (>4–6 hours)
negative at • The infant is premature (≤37 weeks’ gestation)
48–72 hours)
†Conjunctivae, mouth, nasopharynx, and rectum, and scalp
electrode site, if present.
Gomella_Sec07_p1115_1224.indd 1141
Go to Figure Stop acyclovir. Go to Figure ‡HSV blood PCR is not utilized for assignment of disease
137–2 Educate family for 137–2 classification.
signs and symptoms
of neonatal HSV §Discharge after 48 hours of negative HSV cultures (and
disease and follow negative PCRs) is acceptable if other discharge criteria
closely§ have been met, there is ready access to medical care, and
a person who is able to comply fully with instructions for
TABLE 2. Maternal Infection Classification by Genital HSV Viral Type and Maternal Serologya home observation will be present. If any of these conditions
Classification of Maternal Infection PCR/Culture from Genital Lesion Maternal HSV-1 and HSV-2 IgG Antibody Status is not met, the infant should be observed in the hospitaI until
Documented first-episode primary infection Positive, either virus Both negative HSV cultures are finalized as negative or are negative for 96
hours alter being set up in cell culture, whichever is shorter.
Documented first-episode nonprimary Positive for HSV-1 Positive for HSV-2 AND negative for HSV-1
infection Positive for HSV-1 AND negative for HSV-2
Positive for HSV-2
This algorithm should be applied only in facilities where
Assume first-episode (primary or Positive for HSV-1 OR HSV-2 Not available access to PCR and type type-specific serologic testing is
nonprimary) infection readily available and turnaround time for test results is
Negative OR not availableb Negative for HSV-1 and/or HSV-2 OR not available
appropriately short. In situations where this is not
Recurrent infection Positive for HSV-1 Positive for HSV-1 possible, the approach detailed in the algorithm will have
limited and perhaps no applicability.
Positive for HSV-2 Positive for HSV-2
To be used for women without a clinical history of genital herpes.
When a genital lesion is strongly suspicious for HSV, clinical judgment should supersede the virological test results for the conservative purposes of this neontal
management algorithm. Conversely, if in retrospect, the genital lesion was not likely to be caused by HSV and the PCR assay result or culture is negative, departure
from the evaluation and management in this conservative algorithm may be warranted.
FIGURE 137–1. Algorithm for the evaluation of asymptomatic neonates following vaginal or cesarean delivery to women with active genital herpes lesions.
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; D/C, discontinue; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV, intravenous; PCR, polymerase chain reaction. (Reproduced with permission
from Kimberlin DW, Baley J; Committee on infectious diseases, et al: Guidance on management of asymptomatic neonates born to women with active genital
herpes lesions, Pediatrics. 2013 Feb;131(2):e635-e646.)
18/10/19 3:18 pm
Patient remains asymptomatic, CSF indices not indicative of infection, CSF and blood
PCR negative, and normal serum ALT*
No Yes
Continue D/C
intravenous intravenous
acyclovir acyclovir
for 7 days after 21-day
more treatment
FIGURE 137–2. Algorithm for the treatment of asymptomatic neonates following vaginal or
cesarean delivery to women with active genital herpes lesions. ALT, alanine aminotransferase;
CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; D/C, discontinue; HSV, herpes sim-
plex virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SEM, skin, eyes, and mouth. (Reproduced with
permission from Kimberlin DW, Baley J; Committee on infectious diseases, et al: Guidance
on management of asymptomatic neonates born to women with active genital herpes lesions,
Pediatrics. 2013 Feb;131(2):e635-e646.)
have a repeat lumbar puncture near the end of acyclovir therapy to determine
whether CSF HSV PCR is negative. Infants who remain PCR positive should
receive intravenous acyclovir therapy for another week, with repeat CSF HSV
PCR assay performed near the end of the extended treatment period. Par-
enteral acyclovir therapy should be extended in 1-week intervals until the
CSF HSV PCR negativity is achieved. Absolute neutrophil counts should be
followed twice weekly during the course of therapy. If IV acyclovir is not
available, IV ganciclovir is considered a first-line alternative at a dose
of 6 mg/kg every 12 hours for infants ≤90 days of age and 5 mg/kg every
12 hours for infants >90 days old.
b. Infants with ocular HSV involvement should receive a topical ophthal-
mic drug (1% trifluridine, 0.1% iododeoxyuridine, or 0.15% ganciclovir) as
well as parenteral acyclovir. An ophthalmologist should be involved in the
VI. Diagnosis. Timely diagnosis of congenital rubella infection is important both for man-
agement of the individual patient and for prevention of secondary infection because
these infants may remain infectious for 1 year. The diagnosis may be suspected
clinically but needs to be confirmed with laboratory tests. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) has published an elaborate case definition for congenital
rubella infection that is updated regularly (https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/conditions/
rubella-congenital-syndrome/; accessed September 6, 2018). According to the most
recent update available at the time of publication (2010), cases of CRS are classified as
suspected, probable, confirmed, or infection only, depending on clinical findings and
laboratory criteria for diagnosis.
A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case definition
1. Suspected. An infant who has 1 or more of the following findings (but does
not meet the criteria for a confirmed or probable case): cataracts or congenital
glaucoma, congenital heart disease (most commonly PDA or peripheral pulmo-
nary artery stenosis), hearing impairment, pigmentary retinopathy, purpura,
hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, microcephaly, developmental delay, meningo-
encephalitis, or radiolucent bone disease.
2. Probable. An infant who has at least 2 of the following findings (but does
not have laboratory confirmation of rubella infection or a more plausible
etiology): either cataracts or congenital glaucoma or both (counts as 1), con-
genital heart disease (most commonly PDA or peripheral pulmonary artery
stenosis), hearing impairment, or pigmentary retinopathy.
An infant who has at least 1 or more of the following (but does not have
laboratory confirmation or an alternative more plausible etiology): either
cataracts or congenital glaucoma or both (counts as 1), congenital heart dis-
ease (PDA or peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis), hearing impairment, or
pigmentary retinopathy
1 or more of the following of the following: purpura, hepatosplenomegaly,
microcephaly, developmental delay, meningoencephalitis, or radiolucent bone
3. Confirmed. An infant with at least 1 symptom (listed previously) that is
clinically consistent with CRS and laboratory evidence of congenital rubella
infection as demonstrated by: isolation of rubella virus, or detection of rubella-
specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibody, or infant rubella antibody level that
persists at a higher level and for a longer period than expected from passive
transfer of maternal antibody (ie, rubella titer that does not drop at the expected
rate of a 2-fold dilution per month), or a specimen that is polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) positive for rubella virus.
4. Infection only. An infant with laboratory evidence of infection but with no
clinical symptoms or signs. Laboratory evidence is as shown in Section VI.A.3.
If any signs or symptoms are identified later such as hearing loss, then the
diagnosis is reclassified as confirmed.
5. Congenital rubella syndrome cases are further classified epidemiologically
as internationally imported or United States acquired, according to the source
of infection in the mother.
B. Laboratory studies
1. Open cultures. The virus can be cultured for up to 1 year despite measurable
antibody titer. The best specimens for viral recovery are from nasopharyngeal
swabs, conjunctival scrapings, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), in decreas-
ing order of usefulness.
2. Serologic studies. These are the mainstay of rubella diagnosis. CRS is diagnosed
by the detection of rubella-specific IgM in a serum or oral fluid taken before
3 months of age. IgM testing is less reliable after 3 months of age as levels of
specific IgM decline. However, if sensitive assays are used, specific IgM may
be detected in 85% of symptomatic infants at 3 to 6 months and >30% at 6 to
12 months of age. A negative result by IgM-capture enzyme immunosorbent
assay in the first 3 months of age virtually excludes congenital infection. It is
also possible to make a diagnosis by demonstrating persistence of rubella IgG
in sera taken between 6 and 12 months of age. It is difficult to make a serologic
diagnosis of congenital rubella after rubella vaccination. Testing of oral fluid
samples (IgM, IgG, and PCR) as an alternative to serum has been used and
standardized. It offers many advantages for surveillance of CRS in developing
countries. A false-positive IgM test result may rarely occur; this is caused by a
number of factors including rheumatoid factor, parvovirus IgM, and heterophile
antibodies. If false-positive IgM results are suspected, IgG avidity assay in a
reference laboratory (eg, CDC) can be used to confirm or refute the diagnosis.
IgG avidity and IgG response to the 3 viral structural proteins (E1, E2, and C),
reflected by immunoblot fluorescent signals may help to establish the diagnosis
of CRS in older school-aged children.
3. Rubella virus polymerase chain reaction. CRS may also be diagnosed by detec-
tion of viral RNA by nested reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR in nasopharyngeal
swabs, urine, oral fluid, CSF, lens aspirate, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
4. Cerebrospinal fluid examination. This may reveal encephalitis with an
increased protein and cell count.
C. Imaging studies. Long-bone films may show metaphyseal radiolucencies that
correlate with metaphyseal osteoporosis.
VII. Management. Prenatal serologic screening for rubella immunity should be undertaken
for all pregnant women. Those without antibody concentrations above the standard
positive cutoff or those with equivocal test results should receive rubella vaccine dur-
ing the immediate postpartum period before discharge. Cases of CRS (suspected or
confirmed) in the United States should be reported to the CDC through local and state
health departments. All newborns who fail hearing screening and born to mothers
who are rubella nonimmune should undergo evaluation for rubella (measurement of
rubella-specific IgM antibodies) and other intrauterine infections. There is no spe-
cific treatment for rubella. Long-term follow-up is needed secondary to late-onset
symptoms. Prevention consists of vaccination of the susceptible population (especially
young children). Vaccine should not be given to pregnant women. Pregnancy should
be avoided for 28 days after vaccination. Inadvertent vaccination of pregnant women
does not cause CRS, although there is a 3% chance of congenital infection. Passive
immunization (with immune globulin [IG]) does not prevent rubella infection after
exposure and is not recommended. Administration of IG should be considered only if
a pregnant woman who has been exposed to rubella will not consider termination of
pregnancy under any circumstance. Administration of IG eliminates the value of IgG
antibody testing to detect maternal infection; however, IgM antibody can still be used
to detect maternal infection after exposure. Children with congenital rubella should be
considered contagious until they are at least 1 year of age, unless 2 cultures of clinical
specimens (nasopharyngeal and urine cultures) obtained 1 month apart are negative
for rubella virus after 3 months of age. Rubella vaccine virus can be isolated from breast
milk in lactating women who have received the vaccine. However, breast feeding is
not a contraindication to vaccination because no evidence indicates that the vaccine
virus is in any way harmful to the infant.
VIII. Prognosis. Infection in the first or second trimester can cause growth restriction, deaf-
ness, and other congenital malformations (CRS, discussed earlier). Congenital rubella
is a progressive disease, some of its consequences may not present until the second
decade of life (motor and mental retardation, hearing and communication disorders, DM).
Natural rubella infection in pregnancy is 1 of the few known causes of autism.
146 Sepsis
Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome of systemic illness accompanied by bacteremia occurring
in the first month of life. It can be classified into 2 relatively distinct syndromes based on the age
of presentation: early-onset and late-onset sepsis. These 2 entities will be discussed separately.
infant is showing central nervous system (CNS) symptoms, then meningitis, intracranial
hemorrhage, drug withdrawal, and inborn errors of metabolism are considered.
B. Laboratory studies
1. Cultures. Blood and other normally sterile body fluids (eg, tracheal aspi-
rate and CSF) should be obtained for culture. Body surface cultures are not
a. Blood cultures. Modern, computer-assisted automated blood culture systems use
optimized enriched culture media with antimicrobial neutralization properties;
they provide continuous-read detection and are able to identify up to 94% to
96% of all microorganisms by 36 hours of incubation. Results may vary because
of a number of factors, including maternal antibiotics administered before birth,
organisms that are difficult to grow and isolate (ie, anaerobes), and sampling
error with small sample volumes (the minimum volume for blood culture is
1 mL). The concerns about low-level bacteremia and the effect of intrapartum
antibiotic administration are not substantiated as these systems have been
shown to reliably detect bacteremia at a level of 1 to 10 colony-forming units
per mL if a minimum blood volume of 1 mL is inoculated. Additionally, several
studies have reported no effect of intrapartum antibiotic therapy on time to
positivity since the culture media contains antimicrobial neutralization elements
that efficiently neutralize β-lactam antibiotic agents as well as gentamicin. One
aerobic blood culture is typically obtained in cases of EOS, however, the use of 2
separate culture bottles (1 aerobic and 1 anaerobic) may provide the opportunity
to determine if commensal species are true infections by comparing growth in
the 2 cultures. In some clinical situations where the infant is critically ill, it may
be appropriate to treat for “presumed” sepsis despite negative cultures.
b. Lumbar puncture. Some controversy currently exists regarding whether a
lumbar puncture (LP) is needed in asymptomatic newborns being worked up
for presumptive EOS. Many institutions perform LPs only on infants who are
clinically ill, infants who have CNS symptoms such as apnea or seizures, or
in cases of documented positive blood cultures or if the decision is made to
extend antibiotics beyond 48 hours for presumptive clinical sepsis.
c. Urine cultures. In neonates <24 hours of age, a sterile urine specimen is not
recommended given that the occurrence of UTIs is exceedingly rare in this
age group.
d. Tracheal cultures may be obtained shortly after intubation (within 3 hours)
in ill neonates with a clinical picture suggestive of early-onset pneumonia or
if the mother developed intraamniotic infection with overwhelming EOS of
the newborn. Tracheal aspirates done after several hours or days of intubation
are of limited value.
2. Gram stain. Gram staining is especially helpful for the study of CSF. Gram-
stained smears and cultures of amniotic fluid are helpful in diagnosing intraam-
niotic infection. A Gram stain of tracheal aspirate can show the infecting
microorganism in EOS/pneumonia.
3. Molecular testing. Molecular methods for detection of neonatal sepsis in blood
include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA microarray–based meth-
ods. Most of these tests hold the promise of rapid detection directly from blood
without prior culture combined with high sensitivity and specificity in relation
to cultures and with using small volume of blood. A recent Cochrane review
that evaluated 35 studies found a summary estimate of sensitivity of 0.90 and
specificity of 0.93 and concluded that molecular assays have the advantage of
producing rapid results and may perform well as add-on tests.
4. Other laboratory tests
a. Complete blood count with differential. These values alone are very non-
specific. There are reference values for total white blood cell (WBC) count
and absolute neutrophil counts as a function of postnatal age in hours
(they peak during the first 12–14 hours of age; see Chapter 78, particularly
Tables 78–1 and 78–2). Neutropenia may be a significant finding with an
ominous prognosis when associated with EOS. The presence of immature
forms is more specific but still rather insensitive. Ratio of immature to total
polymorphonuclear cells (I/T) >0.2 has good predictive value, if present. The
diagnostic yield of WBC count improves when testing is done after 6 hours
of age. A variety of conditions other than sepsis can alter neutrophil counts
and ratios, including maternal hypertension and fever, neonatal asphyxia,
maternal intrapartum oxytocin, hypoglycemia, stressful labor, meconium
aspiration syndrome, pneumothorax, and even prolonged crying. Serial WBC
counts obtained several hours apart may be helpful in establishing a trend.
Decreased platelet count can be associated with EOS; however, this is usually
a late sign and very nonspecific.
b. Acute-phase reactants (APRs). APRs are complex multifunctional group
comprising complement components, coagulation proteins, protease inhibi-
tors, C-reactive protein (CRP), and others that rise in concentration in the
serum in response to inflammation. The inflammation may be secondary
to infection, trauma, or other processes of cellular destruction. An elevated
APR does not distinguish between infectious and noninfectious causes of
inflammation. Except for CRP and procalcitonin (PCT), most APRs are not
commercially available for routine testing.
i. C-reactive protein is an APR that increases the most in the presence of
inflammation caused by infection or tissue injury. The highest concentra-
tions of CRP are reported in patients with bacterial infections, whereas
moderate elevations typify chronic inflammatory conditions. Synthesis of
CPR by hepatocytes is modulated by cytokines. Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6,
IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) are the most important regulators
of CRP synthesis. CRP secretion starts within 4 to 6 hours after the inflam-
matory stimulus and peaks at approximately 36 to 48 hours. The biologic
half-life of CRP is 19 hours, with a 50% reduction daily after the acute-
phase stimulus resolves. A single normal value (<1 mg/dL) cannot rule out
infection because the sampling may have preceded the rise in CRP; if a
single value is obtained, it needs to be done after 18 hours of age. If CRP is
obtained, serial determinations are better than a single value. Two normal
CRP determinations (8–24 hours after birth and 24 hours later) have been
shown to have a negative predictive value of 99.7% for proven neonatal
sepsis. CRP elevations in noninfected neonates have been seen with fetal
hypoxia, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and meconium aspiration;
after trauma/surgery; and after immunizations. Serial abnormal CRP val-
ues alone should not be used to decide whether to administer antibiotics
in the absence of a culture-confirmed infection. A false-positive rate of
8% has been found in healthy neonates. Nonetheless, CRP is a valuable
adjunct in the diagnosis of sepsis (ruling it out when serial CRPs are low),
monitoring the response to treatment, and guiding duration of treatment.
ii. Procalcitonin is a propeptide of calcitonin that is released by paren-
chymal cells in response to bacterial toxins. A recent systematic review
showed a sensitivity of 0.85 and specificity of 0.54 for detection of neo-
natal sepsis (EOS and late-onset sepsis [LOS]) at the PCT cutoff of 2.0
to 2.5 ng/mL. A recent multicenter randomized controlled trial showed
that PCT seems to have some utility in guiding the duration of antibiotic
therapy in neonates with suspected EOS. A physiologic increase in the
PCT concentration occurs within the first 24 hours of birth.
iii. Cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor are
produced primarily by activated monocytes and macrophages and are
major mediators of the systemic response to infection. Studies have shown
that combining cytokines with CRP may be better than using CRP alone.
be performed on women with unknown GBS status and no intrapartum GBS risk
factors. IAP should be given if the NAAT testing returns positive or an intrapartum
risk factor develops regardless of NAAT results. In addition, the guidelines specifi-
cally addressed threatened preterm labor (PTL) and preterm prelabor rupture of
membranes (pPROM) with detailed algorithms. Briefly, women with threatened
PTL or pPROM should be screened for GBS colonization on admission unless a GBS
culture was obtained within the preceding 5 weeks. In both of these situations, women
should receive GBS prophylaxis (typically for 48 hours) unless the screening results
are negative. The recommendations also provide clarification on optimal GBS cultur-
ing methods. On the neonatal side, the GBS guidelines (published by AAP) review the
epidemiology of neonatal GBS disease and provide specific algorithms for neonatal
management based on risk assessment and gestational age (see next sections).
B. Neonatal risk assessment for infants born at ≥35 weeks’ gestation. The AAP
report acknowledges and endorses 3 commonly used approaches to risk assessment
among infants born at ≥35 weeks’ gestation as follows:
1. Categorical risk assessment. This approach uses risk factor (mainly maternal
intrapartum fever–oral temperature >38°C) to identify infants at increased
risk for EOS due to GBS (Figure 146–1A). Different versions of this approach
Categorical Risk Assessment Neonatal Early-Onset Enhanced Observation
Sepsis Calculator
No antibiotics or any
Routine antibiotics < 2 hrs prior
to birth
newborn care
FIGURE 146–1. Options for EOS risk assessment among infants born ≥35 weeks’ gestation.
(A) Categorical risk assessment. (B) Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator. (The screenshot
of the Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator [https://neonatalsepsiscalculator.kaiserpermanente
.org/] was used with permission from Kaiser-Permanente Division of Research.) (C) Enhanced
observation. aConsider lumbar puncture and CSF culture before initiation of empiric
antibiotics for infants who are at the highest risk of infection, especially those with critical
illness. Lumbar puncture should not be performed if the infant’s clinical condition would be
compromised, and antibiotics should be administered promptly and not deferred because
of procedure delays. bAdequate GBS IAP is defined as the administration of penicillin G,
ampicillin, or cefazolin ≥4 hours before delivery. (Reproduced with permission from Puopolo KM,
Lynfield R, Cummings JJ, et al: Management of Infants at Risk for Group B Streptococcal Disease,
Pediatrics. 2019 Aug;144(2). pii: e20191881.)
146: Sepsis 1181
risk factors (Figure 146–1C). Infants who appear ill at birth and those
who develop signs of illness over the first 48 hours after birth are treated
empirically with antibiotic agents (after blood culture is obtained). Among
term infants, “good clinical condition” at birth is associated with a reduction
in risk for EOS of approximately 60% to 70%. Researchers at 1 center in Italy
reported a cohort of 7628 term infants who were managed with a categorical
approach to risk identification and compared the outcomes with a cohort of
7611 infants who were managed with serial physical examinations every 4 to
6 hours through 48 hours of age. Significant decreases in the use of laboratory
tests, blood cultures, and empirical antibiotic agents were observed in the
second cohort. Two infants who developed EOS in the second cohort were
identified as they developed signs of illness. This approach is embraced by
the NICHD workshop on chorioamnionitis. Centers that adopt this approach
need to establish processes to ensure serial, structured, documented physical
assessments and develop clear criteria for additional evaluation and empirical
antibiotic administration. Physicians and families must understand that the
identification of initially well-appearing infants who develop clinical illness is
not a failure of care, but rather an anticipated outcome of this approach to EOS
(including EOS due to GBS). Additionally, it may be reasonable to consider
supplementing the structured clinical examination with a limited evaluation
(eg, CBC, CRP) at 6 hours of age.
The AAP guidelines stop short of recommending one approach over
the other. Instead, they recommend that birth centers consider the devel-
opment of locally tailored, documented guidelines for EOS risk assessment
and clinical management. They also recommend ongoing surveillance once
guidelines are implemented.
C. Neonatal risk assessment for infants born at ≤ 34 6/7 weeks’ gestation. The AAP
report on GBS addresses infants born at ≤34 6/7 weeks’ gestation at risk for GBS
in a similar fashion to infants at risk from all other causes of EOS. It indicates that
those infants can be categorized by level of risk for EOS by the circumstances of
their preterm birth as follows (Figure 146–2):
1. Preterm infants at highest risk for EOS. Infants born preterm because of
maternal cervical incompetence, preterm labor, pPROM, clinical concern for
intraamniotic infection, and/or acute onset of unexplained nonreassuring fetal
status are at the highest risk for EOS. Such neonates should undergo EOS evalu-
ation with a blood culture and empiric antibiotic treatment.
2. Preterm infants at lowest risk for EOS. Preterm infants at lowest risk for EOS
(including EOS due to GBS) are those born under circumstances that include all
of these criteria: (1) maternal and/or fetal indications for preterm birth (such as
maternal preeclampsia or other noninfectious medical illness, placental insuffi-
ciency, or fetal growth restriction), (2) birth by cesarean delivery, and (3) absence
of labor, attempts to induce labor, or any ROM before delivery. Acceptable initial
approaches to these infants include (1) no laboratory evaluation and no empiri-
cal antibiotic therapy or (2) blood culture and clinical monitoring. For infants
who do not improve after initial stabilization and/or those who have severe
systemic instability, the administration of empirical antibiotics may be reason-
able but is not mandatory.
3. Preterm infants delivered for maternal and/or fetal indications but who are
ultimately born by vaginal or cesarean delivery after efforts to induce labor
and/or with ROM before delivery. Those infants are subject to factors associ-
ated with the pathogenesis of EOS due to GBS or other bacteria. If the mother
has an indication for GBS prophylaxis and appropriate treatment (penicillin,
ampicillin, or cefazolin >4 hours before delivery) is not given or if any other
concern for infection arises during the process of delivery, the infant should
be managed as recommended above for preterm infants at higher risk for EOS
Blood culturesb
Empiric antibiotics
FIGURE 146–2. EOS risk assessment among infants born ≤34 weeks’ gestation. aIntraamniotic
infection should be considered when a pregnant woman presents with unexplained decreased
fetal movement and/or there is sudden and unexplained poor fetal testing. bLumbar
puncture and CSF culture should be performed before initiation of empiric antibiotics for
infants who are at the highest risk of infection unless the procedure would compromise the
infant’s clinical condition. Antibiotics should be administered promptly and not deferred
because of procedural delays. cAdequate GBS IAP is defined as the administration of
penicillin G, ampicillin, or cefazolin ≥4 hours before delivery. dFor infants who do not
improve after initial stabilization and/or those who have severe systemic instability, the
administration of empiric antibiotics may be reasonable but is not mandatory. (Reproduced
with permission from Puopolo KM, Lynfield R, Cummings JJ, et al: Management of Infants at
Risk for Group B Streptococcal Disease, Pediatrics. 2019 Aug;144(2). pii: e20191881.)
II. Incidence of neonatal late-onset sepsis. The overall incidence of primary sepsis (EOS
and LOS) is 1 to 2 per 1000 live births. The incidence of LOS in term infants is hard
to know; however, a study that looked at late preterm infants hospitalized in the first
3 months of life identified LOS in 6.3 per 1000 admissions. According to the CDC,
late-onset GBS infection rates have remained relatively stable over the past 20 years
and are not impacted by intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis (0.32 per 1000 live births
in 2015). Incidence of LOS is much higher for VLBW infants; according to data from
the NICHD Neonatal Research Network (NICHD-NRN), the incidence is 32% and
appears to be decreasing in recent years (37% in 2005, 27% in 2012).
III. Pathophysiology of neonatal late-onset sepsis. LOS is usually more insidious
(compared to EOS), but it can be fulminant at times. It is usually not associated with
early obstetric complications. In addition to bacteremia, these infants may have an
identifiable focus, most often meningitis in addition to sepsis. Bacteria responsible
for LOS and meningitis include those acquired after birth from the maternal genital
tract (vertical transmission) as well as organisms acquired after birth from human
contact or from contaminated equipment/environment (nosocomial). Therefore,
horizontal transmission appears to play a significant role in LOS. The reasons for
the delay in development of clinical illness, the predilection for CNS disease, and
the less severe systemic and cardiorespiratory symptoms are unclear. Transplacental
transfer of maternal antibodies (also in breastmilk) to the mother’s own vaginal flora
may play a role in determining which exposed infants become infected, especially in
the case of GBS infections. In case of nosocomial spread, the pathogenesis is related
to the underlying illness and debilitation of the infant, the flora in the neonatal
intensive care (NICU) environment, and invasive monitoring and other techniques
used in the NICU, especially the use of peripherally inserted central catheters
(PICCs). Breaks in the natural barrier function of the skin and intestine allow
opportunistic organisms to invade and overwhelm the neonate. Infants, especially
the premature, have an increased susceptibility to infection because of underlying
illnesses and immature immune defenses that are less efficient at localizing and
clearing bacterial invasion.
A. Microbiology. The pathogens that cause LOS or nosocomial sepsis tend to vary
in each nursery; however, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CONS), especially
Staphylococcus epidermidis, are the most predominant (53% of cases in NICHD-
NRN). Other microorganisms causing LOS include gram-negative rods (including
Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Serratia, E coli, and Proteus), S aureus (both methicillin-
susceptible and methicillin-resistant), GBS, and fungal microorganisms.
B. Antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics resistance, especially to Enterobacteriaceae
such as E coli, is an emerging problem in many NICUs. Multiple mechanisms
of resistance may be present simultaneously. Resistance resulting from produc-
tion of chromosomally encoded or plasmid-derived AmpC β-lactamases or from
plasmid-mediated extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) occurs primarily in
E coli, Klebsiella species, and Enterobacter species but has been reported in many
other gram-negative species. Resistant gram-negative infections have been associ-
ated with nursery outbreaks, especially in VLBW infants. Organisms that produce
ESBLs typically are resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, and monobactams and
can be resistant to aminoglycosides. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
(CPE) also have emerged, especially Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeru-
ginosa, and Acinetobacter species. ESBL- and carbapenemase-producing bacteria
often carry additional plasmid-borne genes that encode for high-level resistance to
aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
IV. Risk factors of neonatal late-onset sepsis
A. Prematurity and low birthweight. Prematurity (<37 weeks’ gestation) is the single
most significant factor correlated with sepsis. The risk increases in proportion to
the decrease in birthweight and GA (GA <25 weeks: 41%; GA 25–28 weeks: 21%;
GA 29–32 weeks: 10%). Being small for gestational age increases the risk further.
2. Urinary tract imaging. Imaging with renal ultrasound, renal scan, and possibly
voiding cystourethrogram should be considered when UTI accompanies sepsis.
VII. Management of neonatal late-onset sepsis. Isolation precautions for all infectious dis-
eases, including maternal and neonatal precautions, breast feeding, and visiting issues,
can be found in Appendix F.
A. Prevention of neonatal nosocomial late-onset sepsis. A subset of nosocomial
sepsis is central line–associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). Although
primary prevention of CLABSI relies on minimizing the use of central lines, novel
technologies such as antiseptic- and antimicrobial-impregnated catheters in addition
to meticulous care during PICC insertion and maintenance are key factors in
preventing CLABSIs. Quality improvement initiatives that focus on adherence to best
practices of catheter insertion and maintenance (NICU Central Catheter Bundles)
have resulted in widespread reduction in CLABSIs across different NICUs. Some of
those bundles were adopted and disseminated through statewide collaboratives such
as the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative (CPQCC). Hand hygiene is the
single most important strategy for avoiding transmission of contagions in the NICU.
Fresh maternal milk contains a number of substances responsible for innate immune
and humoral responses against pathogens; therefore, promotion of breast feeding
is considered a key step in the prevention of NICU infections. Medical stewardship
of antibiotics, steroids, and H2 blockers is mandatory; indiscriminate use of these
agents has been associated with increased nosocomial sepsis. Enhancement of the
enteric microbiome composition with the possible use of probiotics may restore gut
immune function and help prevent NEC and sepsis. In a recent meta-analysis of 37
trials, probiotics were associated with a small, but statistically significant, reduction in
the risk of LOS compared with placebo or no treatment. Use of bioactive substances
with known anti-infective properties such as lactoferrin may be helpful. A recently
published Cochrane review that included 6 trials suggested that lactoferrin
supplementation to enteral feeds with or without probiotics may decrease LOS
and NEC in preterm infants. However, no recommendations can be made until
ongoing trials that enrolled >6000 preterm neonates are completed. Finally, specific
and targeted pharmacologic prophylactic interventions have been used with some
success. For example, specific antifungal prophylaxis with fluconazole has been
associated with significant reduction in invasive fungal infection; it is recommended
in NICUs that experience high rates of invasive candidiasis. However, the use of
pagibaximab, a recombinant monoclonal antibody targeting staphylococcal species,
does not appear to offer protection against gram-positive CLABSIs in the NICU.
B. Empiric antibiotic therapy. Treatment is most often begun before a definite caus-
ative agent is identified. In nosocomial sepsis, the flora of the NICU must be con-
sidered in choosing antibiotics; however, staphylococcal coverage with vancomycin
plus an aminoglycoside such as gentamicin or amikacin is usually begun. Some
NICUs use a cefazolin or nafcillin for staphylococcal coverage instead of vanco-
mycin. The empirical treatment for suspected LOS in a neonate admitted from the
community is ampicillin and gentamicin; cefotaxime can be added only when there
is a concern for meningitis. Dosages are presented in Chapter 155.
C. Continuing therapy is based on culture and sensitivity results, clinical course, and
other serial laboratory studies (eg, CRP or PCT). If an ESBL-producing organism,
such as K pneumoniae, is suspected or identified, then carbapenem is the drug
of choice (with aminoglycoside for double coverage). Of the aminoglycosides,
amikacin retains the most activity against ESBL-producing strains. An aminogly-
coside or cefepime can be used if the organism is susceptible, because cefepime
does not induce chromosomal AmpC enzymes. Monitoring for antibiotic toxicity
is important, as well as monitoring levels of aminoglycosides and vancomycin.
D. Complications and supportive therapy are reviewed under the EOS section of this
chapter (page 1184). In particular, administration of intravenous immunoglobulin
to neonates with suspected or proven LOS does not result in reduction in mortality
147 Syphilis
I. Definition. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Treponema pallidum,
which is a thin, motile spirochete that is extremely fastidious, surviving only briefly
outside the host. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a
case definition of congenital syphilis (CS) in 2018 as follows: a condition caused by
infection in utero with T pallidum. A wide spectrum of severity exists, from inap-
parent infection to severe cases that are clinically apparent at birth. Laboratory cri-
teria for diagnosis entail demonstration of T pallidum by: (1) darkfield microscopy
of lesions, body fluids, or neonatal nasal discharge; or (2) polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) or other equivalent direct molecular methods of lesions, neonatal nasal dis-
charge, placenta, umbilical cord, or autopsy material; or (3) immunohistochemistry or
special stains (eg, silver staining) of specimens from lesions, placenta, umbilical cord,
or autopsy material. Cases are classified as confirmed (by laboratory diagnosis) or
probable. Probable CS is a condition affecting an infant whose mother had untreated
or inadequately treated syphilis at delivery, regardless of signs in the infant, or an infant
or child who has a reactive nontreponemal test for syphilis (Venereal Disease Research
Laboratory [VDRL], rapid plasma reagin [RPR], or equivalent serologic methods) and
any 1 of the following: (1) any evidence of CS on physical examination; (2) any evidence
of CS on radiographs of long bones; (3) a reactive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) VDRL test;
(4) an elevated CSF leukocyte (white blood cell [WBC]) count or protein (without other
cause) in a nontraumatic lumbar puncture. Suggested parameters for abnormal CSF
WBC and protein values include the following: during the first 30 days of life, a CSF
WBC count of >15 WBC/mm3 or a CSF protein >120 mg/dL is abnormal; after the
first 30 days of life, a CSF WBC count of >5 WBC/mm3 or a CSF protein >40 mg/dL is
abnormal, regardless of CSF serology. Adequate treatment is defined as completion of
a penicillin-based regimen, in accordance with CDC treatment guidelines, appropriate
for stage of infection, initiated ≥30 days before delivery.
II. Incidence. According the CDC, from 2013 through 2017, there was a 76% increase in
cases of syphilis in the United States (from 17,375 to 30,644 cases). The incidence of
CS parallels that of primary and secondary syphilis in the general population. In the
United States, in 2016, there were a total of 628 reported cases of CS, including 41 syphi-
litic stillbirths, with a national rate of 15.7 cases per 100,000 live births. This rate represents
an increase of 86.9% relative to 2012. Worldwide, syphilis continues to represent a serious
public health problem; a World Health Organization analysis showed that in 2012, an esti-
mated 930,000 maternal syphilis infections caused 350,000 adverse pregnancy outcomes
including 143,000 early fetal deaths and stillbirths, 62,000 neonatal deaths, 44,000 preterm
or low-weight births, and 102,000 infected infants worldwide. The rate of CS is increased
among infants born to mothers with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
III. Pathophysiology. Treponemes are able to cross the placenta at any time during preg-
nancy, thereby infecting the fetus. Syphilis can cause stillbirth (30% to 40% of fetuses
with CS are stillborn), preterm delivery, congenital infection, or neonatal death,
depending on the stage of maternal infection and duration of fetal infection before
delivery. Untreated infection in the first and second trimesters often leads to significant
fetal morbidity, whereas with third-trimester infection, many infants are asymptomatic.
The most common cause of fetal death is placental infection associated with decreas-
ing blood flow to the fetus, although direct fetal infection also plays a role. Infection
can also be acquired by the neonate via contact with infectious lesions during passage
through the birth canal. Kassowitz’s law states that the risk of vertical transmission of
syphilis from an infected, untreated mother decreases as maternal disease progresses.
Thus, transmission ranges from 70% to 90% in primary and secondary syphilis, to 40%
for early latent syphilis, and to 8% for late latent disease. CS can cause placentomegaly
and congenital hydrops. T pallidum is not transferred in breast milk, but transmission
may occur if the mother has an infectious lesion (eg, chancre) on her breast.
IV. Risk factors. At-risk group include infants whose mothers received no or inadequate
treatment (dose was unknown, inadequate, or undocumented), whose mother received
a nonpenicillin treatment during pregnancy for syphilis, or whose mother was treated
within 30 days of the infant’s birth. Infants of high-risk mothers (drug use, especially
cocaine use; low socioeconomic levels; HIV infection; teen pregnancy; commercial sex
work; and lack of prenatal care) are at increased risk for syphilis. Lack of early prenatal
care is the strongest predictor of CS.
V. Clinical presentation. CS is a multiorgan infection that may cause neurologic or skel-
etal disabilities or death in the fetus or newborn. However, when mothers with syphilis
are treated early in pregnancy, the disease is almost entirely preventable. The risk of
fetal infection increases with advancing gestation. Approximately two-thirds of live-
born neonates with CS are asymptomatic at birth but have low birthweight. Clinical
manifestations after birth are arbitrarily divided into early CS (<2 years of age) and
late CS (>2 years of age).
A. Early manifestations include nasal discharge (snuffles) and maculopapular or
vesiculobullous rash that appears on the palms and soles. The rash may be associ-
ated with desquamation. Other early stigmata include fever, abnormal bone radio-
graphs, hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae, lymphadenopathy, jaundice, pneumonia,
osteochondritis, pseudoparalysis, hemolytic anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytope-
nia, and central nervous system (CNS) involvement. Skin lesions and moist nasal
secretions in infected babies are highly contagious. However, organisms are rarely
found in lesions >24 hours after treatment has begun.
B. Late manifestations develop in untreated infants and are characterized by chronic
granulomatous inflammation. The sites most often involved include bones and joints,
teeth, eyes, and the nervous system. Hutchinson triad (blunted upper incisors, inter-
stitial keratitis, and eighth nerve deafness) and saddle nose are distinct complications.
Some of these consequences may not become apparent until many years after birth,
such as interstitial keratitis (5–20 years of age) and eighth cranial nerve deafness
(10–40 years of age). A poor response to antibiotic treatment is often noted.
Initial reactive maternal RPR/VDRL Initial positive maternal treponemal EIA/CIA screening
Gomella_Sec07_p1115_1224.indd 1192
Nonreactive maternal treponemal testa Reactive maternal treponemal testa,b Reactive maternal RPR/VDRL Nonreactive maternal RPR/VDRL
False-positive reaction: Evaluate mother’s treatment history for syphilis Consider maternal risk factors
no further evaluation for possible recent infection—
(if pregnant, treponemal prudent to repeat serologic
repeat testing may testing in 4 wks to differentiate
be appropriate) Adequate maternal early primary infection from
Maternal treatment: Maternal penicillin treatment
treatment before pregnancy false positive, especially in
• none, OR during pregnancy AND more
with low stable (serofast)d or higher-prevalence community
• undocumented, OR than 4 wks before delivery,
• 4 wks or less before delivery, AND no evidence/concern of negative titer AND infant
OR maternal infection or relapse examination normal; if infant
• nonpenicillin drug, OR examination abnormal,
• maternal evidence/concern proceed with evaluatione Reactive maternal RPR/VDRL
of reinfection/relapse
(fourfold or greater increase
in maternal titers)c
• partner recently diagnosed
with syphilis Evaluatee
18/10/19 3:19 pm
Infant physical Infant physical Infant physical Infant physical Infant physical Infant physical
examination examination examination examination examination examination
normal; AND abnormal; OR abnormal normal normal; AND abnormal; OR
evaluation evaluation evaluation evaluation
normal; AND abnormal or normal; AND abnormal or
infant incomplete; OR infant incomplete; OR
same or less least fourfold same or less least fourfold
than fourfold greater than than fourfold greater than
the maternal maternal the maternal maternal
Gomella_Sec07_p1115_1224.indd 1193
titerc titer c
RPR indicates rapid plasma reagin; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory.
aTreponema pallidum particle agglutination (TP-PA) (which is the preferred treponemal test), fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS), or microhemagglutination
test for antibodies to T pallidum (MHA-TP).
bTest for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody. Infants of HIV-infected mothers do not require different evaluation or treatment for syphilis.
cA fourfold change in titer is the same as a change of 2 dilutions. For example, a titer of 1:64 is fourfold greater than a titer of 1:16, and a titer of 1:4 is fourfold lower than a
titer of 1:16. When comparing titers, the same type of nontreponemal test should be used (eg, if the initial test was a RPR, the follow-up test should also be an RPR).
dStable VDRL titers 1:2 or less or RPR 1:4 or less beyond 1 year after successful treatment are considerd low serofast.
eComplete blood cell (CBC) and platelet count; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination for cell count, protein, and quantitative VDRL; other tests as clinically indicated
(eg, chest radiographs, long-bone radiographs, eye examination, liver function tests, neuroimaging, and auditory brainstem response).
FIGURE 147–1. Algorithm for diagnostic approach of infants born to mothers with reactive serologic tests for syphilis. (Reproduced with permission from
Kimberlin DW, Long SS, Brady MT, et al: Red Book: 2018 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 31st ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy
of Pediatrics; 2018.)
18/10/19 3:19 pm
has a reactive test. Neonates with a negative NTA test result at birth
and whose mothers were seroreactive at delivery should be retested at
3 months to rule out serologically negative incubating CS at the time
of birth.
C. Isolation procedures. Precautions regarding drainage, secretions, and blood and
body fluids are indicated for all infants with suspected or proven CS until therapy
has been given for 24 hours.
D. Follow-up care. The infant should have repeated quantitative NTA tests at 3, 6, and
12 months. Most infants will have a negative titer with adequate treatment. A rising
titer requires further investigation and retreatment.
VIII. Prognosis. Infants infected early in the pregnancy are usually stillborn. Infants
infected in the second and third trimesters are at risk for premature delivery,
low birthweight, neonatal death, and symptomatic congenital infection. In the
United States, the case fatality rate for CS is 6% to 8%. Late manifestations of CS
such as interstitial keratitis and anterior tibial bowing (“saber shins”) may occur
despite appropriate treatment. Infants infected through the birth canal and treated
early have excellent prognosis.
149 Toxoplasmosis
I. Definition. Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan and obli-
gate intracellular parasite capable of causing intrauterine infection (part of TORCH
[toxoplasmosis, other, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus] infections; see
Chapter 148).
II. Incidence. The incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) is 0.23 to 0.91 per 10,000
live births based on published data from the New England Newborn Screening Pro-
gram; the true incidence might be higher, because the sensitivity of the newborn
screening test (blot-spot immunoglobulin [Ig] M test) is approximately 50% to 75%,
and fetal losses attributable to severe CT are not counted. Seroprevalence of T gondii
among women of childbearing age (15–44 years) has declined over time (15%, 11%,
and 9% in 1988–1994, 1999–2004, and 2009–2010, respectively).
III. Pathophysiology. T gondii is a coccidian parasite ubiquitous in nature. Members of the
feline family are the definitive hosts. The organism exists in 3 forms: oocyst, tachyzo-
ite, and tissue cyst (bradyzoites). Cats generally acquire the infection by feeding on
infected animals such as mice or uncooked household meats. The parasite replicates
sexually in the feline intestine. Cats may begin to excrete oocysts in their stool for 7
to 14 days after infection. During this phase, the cat can shed millions of oocysts daily
for 2 weeks. After excretion, oocysts require a maturation phase (sporulation) of 24
to 48 hours before they become infective by the oral route. Intermediate hosts (sheep,
cattle, and pigs) can have tissue cysts within organs and skeletal muscle. These cysts
can remain viable for the lifetime of the host. The pregnant woman usually becomes
infected by consumption of raw or undercooked meat that contains cysts or by the
accidental ingestion of sporulated oocysts from soil or contaminated food. Ingestion
of oocysts (and cysts) releases sporozoites that penetrate the gastrointestinal mucosa
and later differentiate into tachyzoites. Tachyzoites are ovoid unicellular organisms
characteristic of the acute infection. Tachyzoites spread throughout the body via the
bloodstream and lymphatics. It is during this stage that vertical transmission from
mother to the child (MTCT) occurs. In the immunocompetent host, the tachyzoites
are sequestered in tissue cysts and form bradyzoites. Bradyzoites are indicative of the
chronic stage of infection and can persist in the brain, liver, and skeletal tissue for
the life of the individual. There are reports of transmission of toxoplasmosis through
contaminated municipal water, blood transfusion, organ donation, and occasionally
as a result of a laboratory accident.
Acute infection in the pregnant woman is often subclinical (90% of the cases). If
symptoms are present, they are generally nonspecific: mononucleosis-like illness with
fever, painless lymphadenopathy, fatigue, malaise, myalgia, fever, skin rash, and sple-
nomegaly. Placental infection occurs and persists throughout pregnancy. The infec-
tion may or may not be transmitted to the fetus. The later in pregnancy that infection
is acquired, the more likely is MTCT (first trimester, 17%; second trimester, 25%;
and third trimester, 65% transmission). In women who are screened routinely dur-
ing pregnancy and treated once primary infection is diagnosed, the MTCT rate is
<5%. Infections transmitted earlier in gestation are likely to cause more severe fetal
effects (abortion, stillbirth, or severe disease with teratogenesis). Those transmitted
later are more likely to be subclinical. Factors associated with an increased risk of
MTCT are as follows: (1) acute T gondii infection during pregnancy, (2) immuno-
compromising conditions, (3) lack of antepartum treatment, (4) high T gondii strain
virulence, and (5) high parasite load. Infection in the fetus or neonate usually involves
the central nervous system (CNS) or the eyes with or without disseminated sys-
temic infection. Approximately 60% to 80% of infants with congenital infection are
asymptomatic at birth; however, visual impairment, learning disabilities, or mental
impairment becomes apparent in a large percentage of children months to several
years later.
IV. Risk factors. Epidemiologic risk factors for acquiring toxoplasmosis during
pregnancy include eating or contact with raw or undercooked meat, cleaning
the cat litter box, eating unwashed raw vegetables or fruits, exposure to soil, and
travel outside the United States, Europe, or Canada. Interestingly, cat ownership
by itself is not linked to toxoplasmosis (except having ≥3 kittens). One study found
that eating raw oysters, clams, or mussels was a novel risk factor for acquiring
toxoplasmosis. Premature infants have a higher incidence of CT than term infants
(25%–50% of cases in most series).
V. Clinical presentation
A. Antenatal detection. Fetuses that are infected early in pregnancy may become
symptomatic in utero with abnormalities detected on fetal ultrasound. These
include intracranial hyperechogenic foci or calcifications and ventricular dilata-
tion. Other abnormalities include anemia, hydrops, and ascites.
B. Subclinical neonatal infection. Occurs in 60% to 80% of infected newborns,
where no manifestations are found on routine physical examination. These infants
are typically identified by routine maternal or newborn screening. When more spe-
cific tests are performed (eg, cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] tap, CNS imaging, and reti-
nal eye examinations), up to 40% have abnormalities such as macular retinal scars,
focal cerebral calcifications, and elevations of CSF protein and mononuclear cell
count. Infants born to mothers known to be infected with both human immuno-
deficiency virus (HIV) and T gondii should be tested for CT. There is an increased
risk for intrauterine reinfection after maternal reactivated T gondii disease.
C. Clinical neonatal disease. Those with evident clinical disease may have dissemi-
nated illness or isolated CNS or ocular disease. Late sequelae are primarily related
to ocular or CNS disease. Obstructive hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis, and diffuse
intracranial calcifications form the classic triad of toxoplasmosis, which is found
in <10% of the cases. Beside the classic triad, other prominent features in symptom-
atic infants include abnormalities of CSF (high protein), anemia, seizures, direct
hyperbilirubinemia, fever, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia,
bleeding diathesis, hypothermia, rash, and pneumonitis. Some of these symptoms
may develop in the first few months of life.
preferred method to diagnose fetal infection. The sensitivity and negative predictive
value (NPV) for AF PCR is influenced by the gestational age at which infection
is acquired. NPV of AF PCR assay for early maternal primary infections (first or
second trimester) is very high (92%–99%). However, for infections acquired in the
third trimester, the NPV is lower. Explanations for poor NPV include a dilution
effect attributable to a larger amount of AF in the third trimester and/or maternal
treatment before AF PCR testing. Moreover, it probably takes several weeks for the
infection to cross the placenta from the mother to the fetus in large enough quantities
to spill into the AF. The positive predictive value of an AF PCR at any time during
pregnancy is very high (95%–100%). In general, AF PCR assay should be performed
at least 4 weeks after acute primary maternal infection and at ≥18 weeks of gestation.
3. Diagnosis of T gondii infection in the infant. Persistence of positive
Toxoplasma IgG in the child beyond 12 months of age is considered as the
gold standard for the diagnosis of CT. In general, any maternal Toxoplasma IgG
antibodies transferred transplacentally are expected to decrease by 50% per
month after birth and usually disappear by 6 to 12 months of age. Maternal
treatment during pregnancy and/or postnatal treatment of the infant could
affect the production and kinetics of Toxoplasma IgG antibodies in the infant.
A positive Toxoplasma IgM ISAGA result (at or after 5 days of age) and/or a
positive Toxoplasma IgA test result (at or after 10 days of age) are considered
diagnostic of CT in infants with a positive Toxoplasma IgG. Because IgM
and IgA antibodies do not cross the placenta, they reflect the infant’s response
to T gondii infection. Of note, positive results before 5 or 10 days of age could
represent false-positive results from contamination of the infant’s blood with
maternal blood (maternal–fetal blood leak). Moreover, false-positive Toxoplasma
IgG and IgM test results can occur after recent transfusion of blood products or
receipt of immunoglobulin intravenously. False-negative results occur in 13% of
patients with IgM ISAGA, 23% with IgA, and 7% with both IgM and IgA. Infants
with negative Toxoplasma IgM and IgA antibodies but with positive neonatal
Toxoplasma IgG, serologic evidence of acute maternal T gondii infection during
pregnancy, and evidence of clinical manifestations suggestive of CT should be
regarded as having CT and treated as such. Positive PCR assay results from
peripheral blood, CSF, urine, or other body fluid in symptomatic patients are
also diagnostic of CT. One study showed that the sensitivity is 29% for blood
PCR assay, 46% for CSF PCR assay, and 50% for urine PCR assay. The CSF PCR
assay result was positive in 71% of infants with CT and hydrocephalus, in 53% of
infants with CT and intracranial calcifications, and in 51% of infants with CT eye
disease. Placentas can be examined with PCR assay as well; however, a positive
placental PCR assay result may suggest CT but is not diagnostic of CT per se.
B. Cerebrospinal fluid examination should be performed in suspected cases. The
most characteristic abnormalities are xanthochromia, mononuclear pleocytosis,
and a very high protein level (sometimes >1 g/L). Tests for PCR and CSF IgM to
toxoplasmosis should also be performed.
C. Imaging studies. Fetal ultrasound every month until delivery is recommended in
a mother with definite seroconversion during pregnancy. Postnatal imaging stud-
ies include:
1. Computed tomography of the head should be considered when there is suspi-
cion of CT to evaluate for the presence of intracranial calcifications, ventriculo-
megaly, hydrocephalus, and other findings. Computed tomography is superior
to ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging in identifying calcifications.
2. Abdominal ultrasonography at birth for intrahepatic calcifications and/or
hepatosplenomegaly is also indicated.
3. Long-bone films may show abnormalities, specifically metaphyseal lucency and
irregularity of the line of calcification at the epiphyseal plates without periosteal
150 Tuberculosis
I. Definition. Tuberculosis (TB), an infection caused by the organism Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, can be congenital or acquired in the postnatal period.
II. Incidence. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates an incidence of 10.4
million new TB cases and 1.3 million TB deaths in 2016. Although congenital TB is
rare, with about 350 cases reported in the English literature, the mortality rate is as
high as 50%.
III. Pathophysiology. M tuberculosis transmission occurs via inhalation of airborne drop-
let nuclei, which are carried by alveolar macrophages through the lymphatic system to
hilar lymph nodes. The infection can either be contained or lead to primary progres-
sive TB. Infected macrophages interact with T lymphocytes to release cytokines that
promote phagocytosis of M tuberculosis, leading to granuloma formation within 2 to
8 weeks in most individuals. Young children and immunosuppressed individuals lack
host immunity and instead develop active primary progressive disease in the lung
parenchyma and hilar lymph nodes. In these individuals, the characteristic fibrous
granuloma capsule becomes disrupted, causing liquefactive necrosis of the central
caseous material. The necrotic material can then flow into adjacent vasculature and
disseminate systemically or to adjacent bronchi and spread externally via respiratory
droplets. Immunosuppression and malnutrition are risk factors for reactivation of
latent infection.
Vertical transmission causing congenital TB can occur due to hematogenous spread
via the umbilical vein leading to a primary tuberculous lesion in the liver or lung. Alter-
natively, fetal aspiration or ingestion of infected amniotic fluid can lead to pulmonary
or gastrointestinal TB.
IV. Risk factors. The highest risk of transmission to newborns occurs via respiratory trans-
mission from untreated mothers during the postnatal period. This is more common
than congenital TB, and diagnosis of neonatal TB can lead to identification of previ-
ously unrecognized diagnosis of TB in the mother. Maternal extrapulmonary TB, such
as miliary TB or tuberculous endometritis, increases the risk of congenital infection.
Maternal treatment for 2 to 3 weeks in the antenatal period reduces the risk of post-
natal infection. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a risk factor for maternal
TB, which in turn increases the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Living in
endemic areas or crowded conditions also increases the risk of TB.
V. Clinical presentation
A. Pregnancy. Pregnant women with TB tend to have fewer of the typical symptoms
associated with TB. Active TB symptoms and signs include fever, cough, night
sweats, anorexia, weight loss, general malaise, and weakness. Extrapulmonary TB
can affect the genitourinary tract, bones and joints, meninges, lymph nodes, pleu-
ral lining, and peritoneum. Extrapulmonary TB is more common when there is
co-infection with HIV. The natural history of TB is thought to be unaffected by
pregnancy. Maternal TB, especially extrapulmonary disease, does increase preg-
nancy and perinatal complications such as preeclampsia, vaginal bleeding, early
pregnancy loss, preterm labor, and low birthweight.
B. Neonatal period. Congenital TB can mimic neonatal sepsis, or the infant may pres-
ent in the first 90 days of life with bronchopneumonia and/or hepatosplenomeg-
aly. Symptoms are usually present by the second or third week of life. As neonates
tend to present with atypical signs, the diagnosis of TB must be considered in the
differential diagnosis of other congenital infections (syphilis, cytomegalovirus, and
toxoplasmosis). Beside bronchopneumonia and/or hepatosplenomegaly, congeni-
tal TB can present with fever, lymphadenopathy, abdominal distention, lethargy
or irritability, ear discharge, and papular skin lesions. Less common symptoms
F. Chest radiograph. Chest imaging may initially be normal, but most infants present
with abnormal findings, including miliary TB, multiple pulmonary nodules, lobar
pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, interstitial pneumonia, pleural effusion, and
mediastinal adenopathy. The upper lobes and posterior lung segments are thought
to be the most common sites for TB in infants.
G. Imaging. Other imaging modalities include abdominal sonography for hepatic
involvement and thoracic computed tomography (CT) for adenopathies. Central
nervous system (CNS) imaging includes ultrasonography, CT, and magnetic reso-
nance imaging.
H. Laboratory markers. Leukocytosis with neutrophil predominance and elevation
of C-reactive protein has been reported in congenital TB due to the inflamma-
tory response associated with M tuberculosis. Thrombocytopenia has also been
observed, although it is a nonspecific finding.
I. Cerebrospinal fluid. A lumbar puncture should promptly be performed when con-
genital or postnatally acquired TB is suspected. CSF findings can include lympho-
cytic pleocytosis, increased protein levels, and decreased CSF–to–serum glucose
J. Human immunodeficiency virus testing. All individuals with TB should be evalu-
ated for HIV infection due to the increased incidence of TB co-infection.
K. Placental pathology. The placenta may demonstrate evidence of granulomas, and
an AFB smear and culture should be sent from placental specimen.
VII. Management
A. Antimicrobial therapy during pregnancy
1. Latent infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rec-
ommends deferring treatment of pregnant women with latent infection until the
postpartum period except in high-risk situations. Isoniazid therapy for 9 months
should be considered for latent TB (positive TST and normal chest radiographic
findings) in pregnant women with HIV, recent contagious contact, and skin
test conversion within the prior 2 years. Pyridoxine supplementation should be
administered for the duration of pregnancy and breast feeding.
2. Active infection. The CDC recommends an initial treatment regimen with
isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol for 2 months, followed by isoniazid and
rifampin for a total of 9 months. Isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol are con-
sidered relatively safe for the fetus. Streptomycin should not be administered to
the mother due to ototoxic effects in the fetus. Although pyrazinamide is used in
some regimens, its safety during pregnancy has not been established.
B. Antimicrobial therapy during the neonatal period
1. Active maternal and congenital or neonatal acquired infection. In cases
in which the maternal physical examination and chest radiographic findings
are diagnostic of active TB, the infant should be treated promptly with iso-
niazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and an aminoglycoside such as amikacin.
Pyridoxine (to prevent neurotoxicity) supplementation in infants receiving iso-
niazid therapy is recommended in the following instances: exclusively breast-
fed infants, malnourished infants, and those with symptomatic HIV infection.
Hepatotoxic effects of isoniazid therapy are rare but can be life threatening.
2. Active maternal infection without congenital infection. If the mother has
active TB disease but the neonate is not affected, isoniazid should be given until
3 or 4 months of age. If a negative TST result is obtained at the end of therapy
and the mother demonstrates successful response to therapy, the infant’s isonia-
zid can be discontinued. A positive TST at 3 to 4 months of age necessitates a
reevaluation for TB disease in the infant and continued isoniazid therapy for a
total of 9 months with monthly evaluation.
3. Latent maternal infection. Neonatal evaluation and therapy are not required
in cases where the mother is asymptomatic and is diagnosed with latent TB
hematogenous route. Pathology specimens from aborted fetuses with VZV infection
have shown the virus to be distributed throughout fetal tissues. Microcephaly can be
attributed to VZV encephalitis and irreversible damage to the developing brain. Of
interest, the virus does not appear to cause intrauterine damage to the lungs or liver
in infants with FVS, as it does in perinatal varicella or in other immunocompromised
hosts. Fulminant infection involving these organs may result in fetal demise, rather
than birth of an infant with FVS. VZV is also a neurotropic virus; many of the defects
have been postulated to be a direct result of spinal cord and ganglia infection, which
causes destruction of the plexi during embryogenesis, leading to denervation of the
limb bud and subsequent hypoplasia. Failure of muscle development has consequences
for limb bone formation. The cutaneous defects are also likely to reflect VZV infec-
tion of sensory nerves. VZV infection of cells in developing optic tracts also explains
the optic atrophy and chorioretinitis. From the pattern of dermatomal distribution
of the skin defects seen in FVS, particularly the scarring and limb hypoplasia, it has
been suggested that FVS is the result of intrauterine zoster. The extremely short latent
period between fetal infection and reactivation, if latency is established at all, is the
consequence of the lack of cell-mediated immunity in the fetus before 20 weeks’ gesta-
tion. Infants exposed to VZV in utero also can develop zoster (shingles) early in life
without having had extrauterine varicella (chickenpox).
IV. Risk factors. A pregnant woman with no history of varicella infection or vaccination
who becomes exposed to VZV between the 8th and 20th weeks of gestation is at risk.
V. Clinical presentation. The main symptoms of FVS are:
A. Skin lesions (60%–70%). Cicatricial scars and skin loss.
B. Central nervous system defects or disease (60%). Microcephaly, seizures, enceph-
alitis, cortical atrophy and spinal cord atrophy, mental retardation, and cerebral
C. Ocular abnormalities (60%). Microphthalmia, chorioretinitis, cataracts, optic
atrophy, nystagmus, and Horner syndrome (ptosis, miosis, and enophthalmos).
D. Limb abnormalities, which often include hypoplasia of bone and muscle (50%).
E. Prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction (35%).
VI. Diagnosis. Alkalay et al proposed the following criteria for the diagnosis of FVS in
the newborn:
A. Appearance of maternal varicella during pregnancy.
B. Presence of congenital skin lesions in dermatomal distribution and/or neurologic
defects, eye disease, or limb hypoplasia.
C. Proof of intrauterine varicella-zoster virus infection by detection of viral DNA
in the infant by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), presence of VZV-specific immu-
noglobulin (Ig) M, persistence of VZV IgG beyond 7 months of age, or appearance
of zoster (shingles) during early infancy.
Prenatal diagnosis is most often done by detailed ultrasound, searching for typi-
cal anomalies and VZV-specific PCR in amniotic fluid. At least a 5-week interval is
advised between onset of maternal rash and obtaining of the ultrasound. An initial
ultrasound is recommended at 17 to 21 weeks of gestation with a follow-up study
done 4 to 6 weeks later. The role of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging for assess-
ment of the fetus after maternal varicella is only beginning to be delineated, but it
may provide improved specificity, particularly for central nervous system damage.
VII. Management. Isolation precautions for all infectious diseases, including maternal and
neonatal precautions, breast feeding, and visiting issues, can be found in Appendix F.
A. Mother. If the mother is exposed to VZV infection in the first or second trimester,
treat the mother with varicella-zoster immune globulin (VariZIG) if her past
history of varicella infection or vaccination is negative or uncertain. For dosage,
see Chapter 155. VariZIG should be given as soon as possible after exposure (pref-
erably within 72 hours, but up to 10 days), and it appears to protect both mother
and fetus. If VariZIG is not available, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) can be
used. If chickenpox is diagnosed during pregnancy, antiviral therapy with acyclovir
C. Other organs. Focal necrosis may be seen in the liver, adrenals, intestines, kidneys,
and thymus. Glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, encephalitis, and cerebellar ataxia
are sometimes seen.
VI. Diagnosis. The diagnosis of varicella usually is made clinically based on the charac-
teristic appearance of skin lesions.
A. Polymerase chain reaction is the most sensitive and specific method for detec-
tion of VZV DNA in clinical specimens. This is the diagnostic method of choice
for investigation of vesicular fluid or scabs, biopsies, and amniotic fluid. This test-
ing also can be used to distinguish between wild-type and vaccine-strain VZV
(genotyping). Viral culture and direct fluorescent antibody assay are less sensitive
than PCR and are not usually recommended.
B. Serum testing of varicella-zoster virus antibody. Serologic tests may help to
document acute infection in difficult cases. IgM antibody may be detected as
soon as 3 days after the appearance of VZV symptoms, but the test may not
be reliable.
VII. Management
A. VariZIG. Infants of mothers who develop VZV infection (rash) within 5 days
before or 2 days after delivery should receive 125 U (62.5 U if <2 kg) of VariZIG
as soon as possible and no later than 10 days. IVIG (400 mg/kg) should be used if
VariZIG is not available. Infants treated with immune globulins should be placed
in strict respiratory isolation for 28 days because immunoglobulin treatment may
prolong the incubation period. VariZIG is not expected to reduce the clinical attack
rate in treated newborns; however, these infants tend to develop milder infections
than the untreated neonates. Prophylactic administration of oral acyclovir begin-
ning 7 days after exposure also may prevent or attenuate varicella disease in exposed
infants. Infants born to mothers with rash occurring >5 days before delivery do not
need VZIG, unless they are born at <28 weeks’ gestation; it is believed that these
infants should have received protective transplacental antibodies.
B. Acyclovir therapy 15 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours for 7 days should be considered for
postexposure prophylaxis as well as a treatment in symptomatic neonates.
C. Antibiotics. Use antibiotics if secondary bacterial skin infections occur.
D. Breast feeding. Neither wild-type VZV nor Oka vaccine strain virus has been
shown to be transmitted by human milk; expressed/pumped milk from a mother
with varicella or zoster can be given to the infant, provided no lesions are on
the breast.
VIII. Prognosis. If the mother has onset of disease within 5 days before delivery or 2 days
after, the infant is exposed with no antibodies and will be at risk for severe disease.
Overwhelming sepsis and multiple organ failure can lead to a mortality rate as high
as 30%. The usual causes of death are pneumonia, fulminant hepatitis, and DIC. With
the use of VariZIG, the mortality rate is reduced to 7%. There is an increased risk of
developing zoster (shingles) in the first 2 years of life.
I. Definition. This form of the disease presents after the 12th day of life. It does not
represent transplacental infection from the mother.
II. Incidence. There has been a significant decline in the incidence since the introduction
of the varicella vaccine in 1995 (by 90%). The incidence of neonatal varicella in the
vaccine era is approximately 0.7 per 100,000 live births.
III. Pathophysiology. Postnatal VZV infection occurs by droplet transmission. This dis-
ease is usually mild because of passive protection from maternal antibodies. Placental
antibody transfer is lower in preterm infants, which makes them more susceptible
compared with term infants. Horizontal transmission in neonatal intensive care units
has been well documented. Neonatal vaccine-strain VZV infection after maternal post-
partum vaccination has been reported.
IV. Risk factors. Seronegative mother, delivery before 28 weeks, birthweight <1.5 kg, post-
natal age >2 months (maternal transplacental immunity has waned), immunocompro-
mised neonates (eg, sepsis, steroids).
V. Clinical presentation. The typical chickenpox rash is seen with centripetal spread,
beginning on the trunk and spreading to the face and scalp and sparing the extremities.
All stages of the rash may appear at the same time, from red macules to clear vesicles
to crusting lesions. Complications of this form of the disease are rare but may include
secondary infections and varicella pneumonia. In older children, necrotizing fasciitis
secondary to group A streptococcal infections is particularly worrisome and may be
associated with ibuprofen use (see Figure 80–11).
VI. Diagnosis. Same as for congenital varicella (see the previous section). Diagnosis is
usually made based on clinical grounds.
VII. Management. For the full-term infant in the community setting, the disease is usually
mild. Therefore, acyclovir therapy is controversial. For nosocomial chickenpox in the
intensive care nursery (exposure):
A. Varicella-zoster immune globulin. Recommended for all exposed infants of
<28 weeks’ gestational age or weighing ≤1000 g regardless of their mothers’ evi-
dence of immunity to varicella. It is also recommended in older premature infants
(28–36 weeks) whose mothers do not have a history of chickenpox or varicella
vaccination (seronegative). Some experts recommend administration of VariZIG
to term infants who have been exposed to varicella in the first 2 weeks after birth
and whose mothers do not have evidence of immunity.
B. Infants ≥28 weeks’ gestation born to seropositive (immune) mothers. These
infants should have sufficient transplacental antibodies to protect them from the
risk of complications.
C. Isolation. Exposed infants should be placed in strict isolation (airborne and con-
tact precautions) from 8 until 21 days after the onset of the rash in the index case.
Exposed infants who receive VariZIG/IVIG should be in strict respiratory isolation
for 28 days.
D. Breast feeding. Expressed/pumped milk from a mother with varicella or zoster
can be given to the infant, provided no lesions are on the breast. Breast feeding is
encouraged in infants exposed to or infected with varicella because antibody in
breast milk may be protective.
E. Acyclovir. Recommended for infants who develop breakthrough lesions or prophy-
lactically beginning 7 days after exposure. Therapy should be continued for 7 days
(if used prophylactically) or for 48 hours after the last new lesions have appeared.
VIII. Prognosis. This form of the disease is mild, and death is extremely rare. Normal term
infants who develop postnatal chickenpox have the same risk of complications of chick-
enpox as older children. Premature infants are at increased risk for nosocomial acquisi-
tion of VZV. The risk of complications for infants <28 weeks who develop postnatal
chickenpox is unknown.