Phonology Vowel

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1. Vowel Meaning
a speech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is not touching the top of the
mouth, the teeth, etc., so that the flow of air is not limited, for example /ɑː, e, ɔː/. ( Oxford )
a speech sound produced by humans when the breath flows out through the mouth without
being blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips. ( Cambridge )
A vowel sound is created when air flows smoothly, without interruption, through the throat
and mouth. Different vowel sounds are produced as a speaker changes the shape and
placement of articulators (parts of the throat and mouth). ( thoughtco)
2. Short Vowels
If a word contains only one vowel, and that vowel appears in the middle of the word, the
vowel is usually pronounced as a short vowel.
Bat, Led, Red, Hit, Fix, Cup, But
If there are two vowels in a word and the vowels are separated by two or more letters, the
first vowels is usually short.
Lantern, Basket, Ticket, Bucket
3. Long VowelsThe long vowel sound is the same as the name of the vowel itself.
Follow these rules:
Long A sound is AY as in cake.
Long E sound is EE an in sheet.
Long I sound is AHY as in like.
Long O sound is OH as in bone.
Long U sound is YOO as in human or OO as in crude.
 Long vowel sounds are often created when two vowels appear side by side in a
syllable. When vowels work as a team to make a long vowel sound, the second vowel
is silent.
Rain, Seize, Boat, Toad, Heap
 A double “e” also makes the long vowel sound:
Keep, Feel, Meek
 The vowel “i” often makes a long sound in a one-syllable word if the vowel is
followed by two consonants:
Blight, High, Mind, Wild, Pint
 This rule does not apply when the “i” is followed by the consonants th, ch, or sh, as
Fish, Wish, Rich, With
 A long vowel sound is created when a vowel is followed by a consonant and a silent
“e” in a syllable, as in:
Stripe, Stake, Concede, Bite, Size, Rode, Cute
 The long “u” sound can sound like yoo or oo, such as:
Cute, Flute, Lute Prune, Fume, Perfume
 Most often, the letter “o” will be pronounced as a long vowel sound when it appears
in a one-syllable word and is followed by two consonants, as in these examples:
Most, Post, Roll, Fold, Sold
 A few exceptions occur when the “o” appears in a single syllable word that ends in th
or sh:
Example: Posh, Gosh, Moth.

 The word "diphthong" comes from the Greek and means "two voices" or "two
sounds." In phonetics, a diphthong is a vowel in which there is a noticeable sound
change within the same syllable. (A single or simple vowel is known as a
monophthong.) The process of moving from one vowel sound to another is called
gliding, which is why another name for a diphthong is a gliding vowel but they are
also known as compound vowels, complex vowels, or moving vowels. The sound
change that turns a single vowel into a diphthong is called diphthongization.

 Diphthongs are sometimes referred to as "long vowels" but this is misleading. While
vowel sounds do change in a diphthong, they do not necessarily take more time to say
than a monophthong.

 The word “diphthong” comes from the Greek and means “two sounds”. In Phonetics a
diphthong is a vowel in which there is a noticeable sound change within the same
syllable (A single or simple vowel is known as a monophthong).

 The process of moving from one vowel sound to another is called gliding, which is
why another name for a diphthong is a gliding vowel but they are also known as
compound vowels: complex vowels or moving vowels.

 The sound change that turns a single vowel into a diphthong is called
diphthongization. Diphthongs are sometimes referred to as “long vowels” but this is
misleading. While vowels and sounds do change in a diphthong, they do not
necessarily take more time to say than a monophthong.

 Examples of Diphthongs.
/eɪ/ as in day, pay, say, lay
/aɪ/ as in sky, buy, cry, tie
/ɔɪ/ as in boy, toy, coy or the first syllable of soya
/ɪə/ as in beer, pier, hear
/eə/ as in bear, pair, and hair
/ʊə/ as in tour, poor or the first syllable of tourist
/əʊ/ as in oh, no, so, or phone
/aʊ/ as in all the words of “How now brown cow!”

Transcription of Diphthongs
Diphthong Word Phonetic Transcription
/eɪ/ day /deɪ/
/aɪ/ tie /taɪ/
/ɔɪ/ toy /tɔɪ/
/ɪə/ hear /hɪə/
/eə/ hair /heə/
/ʊə/ poor /pʊə/

 A triphthong is a glide from one vowel to another and the to a third, all produced
rapidly and without interruption. For example, a careful pronunciation of the word
‘hour’ begins with a vowel quality similar to ‘ɑ:’, goes on to ‘ʊ’ then ends in ‘ə’.
 • It says /aʊə/
• Triphthong : 5 closing diphthongs with ‘ə’ added on the end.
– eɪ + ə = eɪə. as in layer, player
– aɪ + ə = aɪə. as in lire, fire
– ɔɪ + ə = ɔɪə, as in loyal, royal
– əʊ + ə = əuə, as in lower, mower
– aʊ + ə = auə, as in power, hour.
 A combination of three vowel sounds in a single syllable forming a simple or
compound sound :also ,a union of three vowel characters representing together a
single sound:a trigragh:as eye.-ieu in adieu.eau in beau,are examples of triphthongs.
Transcription of Triphthongs
Triphthong Word Phonetic Transcription
/eɪə/ player /peɪə/
/aɪə/ fire /faɪə/
/ɔɪə/ royal /rɔɪəl/
/əuə/ mower /məuə/
/auə/ hour /hauə/

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