Lien On Rigdestone Apartment Corp
Lien On Rigdestone Apartment Corp
Lien On Rigdestone Apartment Corp
all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan
kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo,
in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall
inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents of the greate pharoahs
uf kemet ande of the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse,
our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the
origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente.
we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunc pro tunc.
to debters:
debtor 1
[Duane Miller dba PROVOSTE MARSHAL GENERAL] ande all heirs assignes principalls
agentes ande derivativs thereuf [OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTE MARSHAL GENERAL]
2800 Army Pentagon [Washington, DC 20310-2800]
sovereigne origeneal enndigeneous naturall divyne de jure kredditore is the peepul whoo are thee
origeneall enndigeneous sovereigne naturall divyne
squam pomack province
c/o 30 South Broadway Suite 810 #13
Near [Yonkers, New York]
land of nod, northwest africa, morocco
this is an innitialle universall commershial code 1 philing pursuante tew universall commershial
1MCN+23+SP+99999+9660_Affidavit of Universal Commerical Code 1 FINANCING STATEMENT
aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / ‘the north gate’ - the mooccan empire - continental united
states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ / ‘turtle island’: non - domestic, non - resident, non – subject.
– moors / muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright - inheritors of the land.
codes ande washingtone districte for columbia soveeigne kodes
corporate debter 6
[Fabiolo Montes d/b/a FABIOLA MONTES] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs
thereuf [ c/o 7771 Northwest 146th Street, Miami Lakes, Florida 33016]
corporate debter 7
CORPORATION] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereuf [ c/o 7771 Northwest
146th Street, Miami Lakes, Florida 33016]
corporate debter 8
[ 12313 Little Road Suite 101 Hudson, Florida 34667 d/b/a 12313 LITTLE ROAD SUITE 101 HUDSON,
FLORIDA 34667] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereuf [12313 Little Road
Suite 101 Hudson, Florida 34667]
corporate debter 9
[ Robin Lee Gray d/b/a ROBIN LEE GRAY] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs
thereuf [12313 Little Road Suite 101 Hudson, Florida 34667]
corporate debter 10
[ 12319 Little Road Suite 201 Hudson, Florida 34667 d/b/a 12319 LITTLE ROAD SUITE 201 HUDSON,
FLORIDA 34667] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereuf [12319 Little Road
Suite 201 Hudson, Florida 34667]
15. this instrument is a natural creation, and it is owned by dawud bilal abdullah bey at
squam pomack territory. this title is conveyed into The Invictus Territory ov Peru Moorish
Trust under record number macn+r00000001 and The Moorish National Republic Federal
Government Trust under record number macn+r999999999 and The Moorish Divine &
National Movement of The World Trust record number macw+r333333333.
en honoure, i, dawud bilal abdullah bey n capitis diminutio nolo ande we, thee divynne sovereigne beings
affirm that we arre thee sov5ereigne naturall ande divyne beings here en proklaimed en capitis diminutio nolo
en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes ande affirmede bye law full bearthrighte
being law fullie universallie quallified ande kommpetent to affirme this dockumente. we therefour plaice ourr
sovereigne handes ande seall heretwo ande en favorr uf all moorishe al moroccan nationalls.
kyros day 2 -month june year 2023
ego sum
all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe al moroccan autograffs fore this ande all sovereigne. united
states of morocco governmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at morocco.
justises/vizirs/ministars en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes. all
sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes
empire state ov morocco
united states for north america
Moorish nationall reepublick federall governmente
squam pomack province
c/o 30 South Broadway Suite 810 #13
Near [Yonkers, New York]
land of nod, northwest africa, morocco
latitude: 41.029773 longitude: 73.769681
unniversall naturall airea codde: 8t7km5 psmv5
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo