The Acute and Longitudinal Effects of A Weighted Exo-Skeleton On The Performance of The Power Clean
The Acute and Longitudinal Effects of A Weighted Exo-Skeleton On The Performance of The Power Clean
The Acute and Longitudinal Effects of A Weighted Exo-Skeleton On The Performance of The Power Clean
Caleb Marriner
Table of contents
List of Figures V
List of Tables VI
Acknowledgements X
Abbreviations XI
Abstract XIII
2.1 Introduction 10
2.4.2 Kinetic factors 26
3.1 Prelude 31
3.2 Introduction 32
3.3 Methods 34
Subjects 34
Procedures 35
3.5 Results 41
3.6 Discussion 44
4.1 Prelude 51
4.2 Introduction 52
4.3 Methods 53
Subjects 54
Procedures 55
Equipment 55
Testing 56
Training 58
4.5 Results 65
4.6 Discussion 69
5.1 Summary 78
5.3 Limitations 82
Pilot study 82
Training study 82
References 85
Appendices 91
List of Figures
Figure 1. The five phases of the power clean: a) first pull, b) transition, c) second
Figure 2. Kinematic variables Dx2, DxV, DxT, and DxL adapted from
Figure 5. Technique variables Dx2, DxV, DxT, and DxL adapted from
Figure 7. The prescribed target training intensities for each session and the
Figure 14. Measuring of Dx2 using angle and line tools. 106
Figure 15. Measuring of DxV using angle and line tools. 107
Figure 16. Measuring of DxT and CxH using angle and line tools. 107
Figure 16. Measuring of DxL using angle and line tools. 108
List of Tables
Table 2. Group averages for kinematic and kinetic variables at 50% and 70%
1RM testing for the no Exo-skeleton (ES), 5% ES, and 12% ES conditions. 43
Table 3. Group averages for technique variables at 50% and 70% 1RM testing
Table 5. Standardised testing protocol for the kinematic and kinetic assessment
Table 6. Overview of the 5 week training intervention for the weighted vest
Table 7. Pre to post changes for kinematic and kinetic variables at 50% 1RM. 65
Table 8. Pre to post changes for kinematic and kinetic variables at 70% 1RM. 66
Table 9. Pre to post changes for kinematic and kinetic variables at 90% 1RM. 67
Attestation of authorship
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
material which to a substantial extent has been submitted for the award of any other
Signature: _________________________________
Date: 2/6/2015
Articles under review
The following manuscripts have been submitted or are in preparation for submission
Marriner, C., Storey, A., Cronin, J. (2015).The acute kinematic and kinetic effects of
Marriner, C., Storey, A., Cronin, J. (2015). The longitudinal kinematic and kinetic
in preparation).
The student was the primary contributor (>80%) of the research in this thesis and the
subsequent analysis and interpretation of the research results. The student was also the
reports and papers. All co-authors have approved the inclusion of the joint work in this
Adam Storey
John Cronin
Firstly, I would like to thank my two supervisors, Adam Storey and John Cronin.
Adam, your knowledge, guidance, and persistence throughout this thesis have been
amazing. You have helped improve my knowledge and practice for which I am very
thankful for. JC, having your expertise and knowledge is always reassuring and your
dedication to strength and conditioning is inspiring. To all staff and fellow students at
AUT, thank you for your support and guidance. Thank you to all participants for
volunteering your time, without you this research would have been impossible.
A special thank you to my parents and my family who have supported me throughout
my studies at University and during this thesis. Your support for me no matter what
happens on my journey is incredible. To all friends and colleagues, thank you for
CV Coefficient of variation
PF Peak force
PP Peak power
TE Typical error
WV Weighted vest
Units of measurement
cm Centimeter
ES Effect size
kg Kilogram
M Mean
N Newtons
r Correlation coefficient
SD Standard deviation
sec Seconds
W Watts
% Percentage
The power clean exercise is commonly prescribed to athletes involved in strength and
power sports due to the kinematic similarities that this exercise has to key phases
during jumping and sprinting (e.g. explosive hip, knee and ankle extension). Another
popular method to improve athletic performance and lower body power is training
with a weighted vest (WV) (i.e. centralised loading) as it allows individuals to perform
Weighted vest training may also be a possible alternative loading method that could
allow individuals to continue to train with full body explosive exercises without being
what effect this loading method has on full body explosive movements such as the
power clean. Therefore this thesis sought to investigate the acute and longitudinal
effects of centralised loading on the performance of the power clean exercise and
athletic performance.
The purpose of the first study was to determine the optimal load to be worn during the
performance of the power clean exercise. This was achieved by comparing the acute
kinematic and kinetic effects of performing the power clean with loads of 50% and
70% 1RM across three conditions in nine recreationally trained males; 1) no Exo-
of the kinematic variables measured were technique variables which were; 1) most
forward position to catch (DxL), 2) start position to catch (DxT), 3) start position to
beginning of 2nd pull (Dx2), and 4) 2nd pull position to catch (DxV). It was concluded
that the optimal Exo-skeleton load to be worn during the power clean was a load ~12%
of a lifter’s bodyweight and such loading may positively influence kinematic and
kinetic variables during power clean performance.
Following the results from study one, a five week power clean training intervention
was devised to determine and compare the longitudinal kinematic, kinetic and
number of desirable technique changes (as determined by the variables noted above)
that included increases in the rearward displacement of the barbell, increases in barbell
velocity, and improved peak power outputs. Furthermore, the cumulative effect of
improved lifting kinematics, barbell velocity, and PP resulted in the 12% Exo-skeleton
group improving the CMJ by 8.5% and 1RM power clean performance by 4.6%.
for resistance trained males who wish to improve their power clean ability (both
1.1 Thesis rationale and significance
Olympic weightlifting exercises such as the snatch and clean and jerk are full body
movements that require the lifters to exert high forces in order to lift the barbell from
(Garhammer, 1998; Stone, Pierce, Sands, & Stone, 2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012). Due
to the explosive nature of these exercises the reported peak power outputs are among
the highest within the literature (Garhammer, 1998). Therefore, these exercises are
popular among strength and power athletes due to their ability to improve power output
(Arabatzi, Kellis, & Villarreal, 2010; Hoffman, Cooper, Wendell, & Kang, 2004; Hori,
Newton, Nosaka, & Stone, 2005). The power clean exercise is often prescribed for
strength and power athletes due to technical difficulties and mobility issues associated
with the competition lifts of the snatch and, clean and jerk. Competitive weightlifters
often train twice a day allowing the time to perfect their technique (Stone, Pierce,
Sands, & Stone, 2006b). However, non-weightlifting athletes may only train with the
power clean and other abbreviated weightlifting exercises 1-3 times per week (Stone
et al., 2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012) which does not provide enough time for these
athletes to master the power clean and other various weightlifting movements. Thus,
non-weightlifting athletes often struggle to lift near maximal to maximal loads due to
In the sport of Olympic weightlifting, the competition lifts require the lifters to squat
to a full depth with the barbell in an overhead or front rack position. Therefore, these
lifts require excellent mobility in a number of joints including the wrists, elbows,
shoulders, hips, knees and ankles (Storey & Smith, 2012). The abbreviated versions
require the lifter to catch the barbell above a parallel squat position and return to an
upright standing position which requires less mobility from the aforementioned joints
(Baker & Newton, 2009; Comfort, Allen, & Graham-Smith, 2011). The power clean
exercise is also commonly prescribed to athletes involved in strength and power sports
such as track and field and rugby, due to the kinematic similarities the power clean has
to key phases during jumping and sprinting (Hori et al., 2008; Hori et al., 2005; Stone
et al., 2006a). For example, key kinematic variables which are important during
jumping and sprinting are explosive hip, knee, and ankle extension (Tricoli, Lamas,
Carnevale, & Ugrinowitsch, 2005; Young, Benton, Duthie, & Pryor, 2001) and these
variables are emphasised during the second pull phase of the power clean. Training
performance have ranged from 8.7% - 16.9% and 6.2% - 13.3%, respectively (Arabatzi
Due to the full body explosive nature of weightlifting exercises, high forces are often
required to lift the barbell in one continuous movement at high velocities which result
in large power outputs (Hori et al., 2005). High peak force (PF) and peak power (PP)
outputs are important in a range of sports including football codes (i.e. American
football, rugby union, and rugby league) where the ability to forcibly move opponents
is important and often requires the rapid application of high force (Baker & Nance,
1999; Hoffman et al., 2004; Pennington, Laubach, De Marco, & Linderman, 2010).
programs of various strength and power athletes throughout the year to improve their
force and power producing capabilities.
rubber bands to traditional exercises such as the bench press and squat (Berning,
Coker, & Adams, 2004; Ebben & Jensen, 2002; Ghigiarelli et al., 2009; McMaster,
Cronin, & McGuigan, 2009). This alternative loading method adds further external
resistance during a specific phase of a given exercise which changes the kinetics of the
lift (Baker & Newton, 2009; Coker, Berning, & Briggs, 2006). As such a number of
changes in kinetic and performance measures have been reported. For example,
following the acute performance of the back squat exercise at 85% of 1RM with 20%
of the total training load coming from band resistance, PP and PF significantly
increased by 24% and 4%, respectively, when compared to traditional loading methods
(i.e. 100% of load coming from the bar and plates) (Wallace, Winchester, &
McGuigan, 2006). Anderson et al. (2009) also reported significant increases in 1RM
bench (8%) and squat (16%) performance following seven weeks of resistance training
using 20% of the total load from bands. However, when such a training method is
applied to the power clean and power snatch, no significant change in kinetic and
kinematic variables have been shown to occur (Berning, Coker, & Briggs, 2008; Coker
et al., 2006). A lack of change in kinematic and kinetic variables may have been due
PF and PP as a result of improved technique in the power clean and power snatch
exercises. In light of these findings, further research needs to determine what effect
alternative loading methods have on kinematic and kinetic variables during the
body (i.e. in the form of a weighted vest) (Khlifa et al., 2010). The rationale for
tasks and/or exercises (Burkett, Phillips, & Ziuraitis, 2005; Clark, Stearne, Walts, &
Miller, 2010; Faigenbaum et al., 2006; Khlifa et al., 2010; Thompsen, Kackley,
loading is the optimal WV load that should be used during training as previous
in vertical jump, broad jump, and CMJ performance were reported to occur following
the use of WV loads of 2-10% following dynamic warm ups (Faigenbaum et al., 2006;
performance while, Reiman et al. (2010) reported a decrease in absolute and relative
power during a sprint test. With regards to technique variables, the use of a 12% WV
load has resulted in improved landing technique during vertical jumps (Janssen,
have reduced sprint performance and technique (Clark et al., 2010; Cronin, Hansen,
Kawamori, & McNair, 2008). With such conflicting results in the reviewed literature
exercises (i.e. power clean) could prove to be a highly effective training strategy,
further investigation is also warranted in this area. Therefore, due to the popularity and
effectiveness of the power clean in resistance training programes and the lack of
research on alternative loading methods to improve power clean force, power, and
technique measures, this thesis will investigate the acute and longitudinal effects of
centralised loading on the performance of the power clean exercise. The alternative
loading method used for this thesis was a LilaTM ExogenTM Exo-skeleton suit
(Sportboleh Sdh Bhd, Malaysia). This Exo-skeleton was chosen over a traditional WV
due to the ability to perform functional high speed movements like the power clean.
Furthermore, the Exo-skeleton was chosen due to the Velcro-like nature of the suit
which allowed customised loading of the participants‟ posterior chain only as the
researchers believed that anterior loading may have inhibited the performance of the
power clean.
1. Identify the optimal Exo-skeleton load to be worn during the power clean
2. Determine and compare the acute kinematic and kinetic effects of wearing a
The following hypotheses were generated for the studies undertaken in this thesis;
1. The Exo-skeleton would improve power clean technique when compared to the
no Exo-skeleton condition.
3. Power clean training with the Exo-skeleton would result in improved counter
exist for centralised loading during whole-body strength and power resistance
The thesis is organised to answer the over-arching question, what are the acute and
performance of the power clean exercise and athletic performance? This thesis consists
of weightlifting and the power clean exercise. Chapter 2 will also discuss the inclusion
and application of the power clean exercise amongst a range of athletes in different
sports. Chapter 3 is a cross sectional study investigating the acute kinematic and kinetic
effects that different Exo-skeleton loads has on the performance of the power clean.
The purpose of Chapter 3 is to identify the optimal Exo-skeleton load to be worn during
structured power clean training. The results from this investigation inform loading for
power clean exercise and other measures of athletic performance. The reader must be
cognisant that there is repetition throughout chapters three and four. More specifically,
the introductions are similar because the same rationale drives both chapters while
similar sections during the methods have been replicated to ensure consistency. Finally
Chapter 5 consists of a general summary of the research findings and the practical
applications for athletes and strength and conditioning practitioners who are involved
in strength and power sports. An overall reference list from the entire thesis has been
collated at the end of the final chapter in APA (6th ed.) format. All the relevant material
from the studies including abstract for the two scientific studies, step by step technique
analysis, ethics approval, participant information sheet, informed consent forms, and
2.1 Introduction
In the sport of Olympic weightlifting two lifts are contested; the snatch and clean and
jerk. While these exercises produce some of the highest power outputs within the
literature, they also require exceptional strength, speed, flexibility, and mobility (Chiu
& Schilling, 2005; Garhammer, 1993, 1998; Storey & Smith, 2012). Therefore, many
athletes use abbreviated lifts such as the power clean, power snatch, and other
al., 2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012). The nature in which the barbell is lifted from the
floor to the shoulders in one continuous movement during the power clean means that
this exercise has similar kinematics to many athletic movements such as jumping,
sprinting, and throwing (Canavan, Garrett, & Armstrong, 1996; Tricoli et al., 2005).
As these movements are critical to the success in many sports, the power clean is
widely used by a number of different athletes who wish to improve kinetic variables
such as peak force (PF) peak power and (PP) (Hori et al., 2005). These variables are
and PP production are often greater skilled athletes (Gabbett, 2002; Tricoli et al.,
This review details the intricacies of the power clean with particular emphasis on
critical technique variables that are associated with this exercise. Further attention is
directed towards the acute and longitudinal effects that power clean training has on
kinematic and kinetic variables. Thus, supporting evidence and practical applications
are provided for strength and conditioning practitioners for the use of the power clean.
2.2 Power clean performance
Olympic lifting exercise variations are commonly used among strength and power
athletes due to the ability to generate large power outputs during these explosive, full
body movements (Cormie, McGuigan, & Newton, 2011b; Garhammer, 1998; Storey
& Smith, 2012). Due to the technical complexities of the full competition lifts (Hori
& Stone, 2005; Stone et al., 2006a), modified versions, such as the power clean, are
commonly used by non-weightlifting athletes in strength and power sports due to their
Smith, Matthews, & Bamber, 2011; Cormie et al., 2011b; Storey & Smith, 2012). For
example, the power clean is commonly used by college football players during the off-
season in combination with traditional heavy strength training to increase strength and
power production (Hoffman et al., 2004) while rugby players commonly use the power
(Argus, Gill, Keogh, McGuigan, & Hopkins, 2012). Furthermore, to improve power
production and release velocities in athletes involved in track and field throwing
events, the power clean is commonly prescribed with loads of 75-100% 1RM used
during the off season while loads of 50-100% are included during the competition
phase (Judge, 2007; Zaras et al., 2014). These examples demonstrate how the power
sports which highlights the importance the power clean has for improving athletic
During the performance of the Olympic lifts (both competition lifts and modified
versions), advanced weightlifters often exhibit greater force and power producing
capabilities when compared to lesser skilled counterparts (Comfort et al., 2011). These
disparities are likely attributable to differences in lifting technique. As improvements
(Winchester, Erickson, Blaak, & McBride, 2005; Winchester, Porter, & McBride,
2009) the technique of the power clean should therefore be trained and be of a suitable
The technical aspects of the power clean are very demanding and require a great deal
of mobility and co-ordination from a number of joints (Storey & Smith, 2012).
However, compared to other weightlifting variations such as the snatch and the clean
and jerk, the power clean is less technically demanding and requires less time in order
to become proficient at the movement (Souza, Shimada, & Koontz, 2002; Stone et al.,
2006a). The power clean is a full body explosive movement which requires the barbell
to be lifted from the floor (using a shoulder width grip) to the front of the shoulders in
one continuous movement (Stone et al., 2006a; Storey et al., 2012). The power clean
is comprised of five phases (Figure 1). From the set position, the first pull is initiated
from the floor and requires the lifter to extend the knees raising the barbell off the floor
to the bottom of the knee. The second phase is a transition period (also referred to the
“double knee bend”) where the knees are re-bent and moved under the bar while the
trunk is extended to a near vertical position. This movement allows lifters to utilise the
stretch-shorten cycle (SSC) during the following phase which is known as the second
pull (Stone et al., 2006a; Storey et al., 2012). The second pull requires lifters to
maximally extend through the hips, knees, and ankles (i.e. often referred to as a „triple
extension‟) while pulling upright with the back and shoulders to maximally accelerate
the bar as vertically as possible whilst maintaining the barbell close to the body. Once
the second pull is complete with maximum extension of the body, the barbell travels
vertically up and the lifter pull themselves under the bar during the turnover phase.
The participant then drives the elbows forward and catches the barbell on top of the
front of the shoulder (catch position) whilst returning to an upright standing position.
The depth of the power clean can vary but is often to a maximum depth of a parallel
squat (i.e. hips no deeper then knee level) (Kawamori et al., 2005; Stone et al., 2006a).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. The five phases of the power clean: a) first pull. b) transition. c) second pull.
d) turnover. e) catch position adapted from Storey et al. (2010)
While technique will vary amongst athletes due to weightlifting experience (Stone et
al., 2006a, 2006b; Winchester et al., 2005), Winchester et al. (2005) identified
kinematic variables that are highly correlated to the success or failure of the power
clean. These variables included: backward bar movement from the first to second pull
(Dx2); the horizontal displacement from the second pull to the forward most position
(DxV); the total amount of horizontal displacement from the beginning of the lift to
the catch position (DxT); and, the horizontal displacement of the bar from the most
forward position during the 2nd pull to the catch position (DxL) (Figure 2). Previous
Figure 2. Kinematic variables Dx2, DxV, DxT, and DxL adapted from Winchester et
al. (2005).
2.2.2 Kinetic factors
Specificity of training applies to the kinetics of exercise as the greater the similarity of
kinetic variables such as PF and PP between training and competition, the greater the
training effect will be (Haff & Nimiphius, 2012). Previous researchers have reported
that a significant relationship (r=0.58-0.93) exists between the reported power outputs
during weightlifting movements such as the power clean, jumping (Carlock et al.,
2004; Hori et al., 2008) and sprinting (-0.57) (Hori et al., 2008). These findings
demonstrate the specificity the power clean and other weightlifting exercises have
towards power production for other athletic movements (Carlock et al., 2004;
Another kinetic variable associated with power clean performance is PF as lifters must
apply large forces against the ground while accelerating the barbell throughout the
pulling movements (Hori et al., 2008; Souza et al., 2002; Stone et al., 2006a). In non-
weightlifting athletes, PF measures for the power clean exercise have been reported to
range from 2,300 (N) at 60% 1RM to 3300 (N) at 90% 1RM (Comfort, Allen, et al.,
2011; Kawamori et al., 2005). The production of large PFs in combination with large
PP outputs during the power clean is important to athletes involved in contact sports
such as rugby union, rugby league, and American football where large forces are
(Baker & Nance, 1999; Pennington et al., 2010; Storey & Smith, 2012). While heavy
resistance exercises such as the deadlift and squat also produce large PF’s, the
movement velocity is low thus low PP is produced (McBride, Haines, & Kirby, 2011;
McBride et al., 1999). Therefore, coaches wishing to improve force production for
contact sports should consider the power clean in conjunction with other heavy
resistance exercises.
can mimic the desired movement pattern in competition, the greater the training effect
towards that competition skill will be (Haff & Nimiphius, 2012). Since the basis of
many athletic movements involve jumping and sprinting, training should therefore
sprinting is hip extension (Tricoli et al., 2005; Young et al., 2001), which is also
emphasised during the 2nd pull of the power clean (Canavan et al., 1996; Dawes, 2012;
Storey & Smith, 2012). Furthermore, Canavan et al. (1997) reported a significant (r
=0.87; p ≤ 0.05) relationship of the angular displacements of the hip, knee, and ankle
for the vertical squat jump and the hang power snatch; the power snatch also has very
similar kinematics to that of the power clean (Stone et al., 2006a; Storey & Smith,
2012). Practitioners wishing to improve jumping and sprinting ability, and in particular
hip extension, could include the power clean and power snatch into their training, with
As previously stated, one movement critical during the power clean is the double knee
bend whereby the SSC is utilised (Chiu & Schilling, 2005; Cormie, McGuigan, &
Newton, 2011a; Cormie et al., 2011b). The SSC is important during jumping and
sprinting as athletes who are able to apply greater eccentric and concentric forces over
the least amount of time have superior jumping and sprinting performances (Arabatzi
et al., 2010; Cormie et al., 2011a). Although no studies have investigated the
relationship of the SSC during the power clean and jumping and sprinting, it is evident
through the literature that the SSC is prevalent in all of these movements (Chiu &
Schilling, 2005; Cormie et al., 2011a, 2011b; Komi & Gollhofer, 1997; Storey &
Smith, 2012; Wilson & Flanagan, 2008). The kinematic similarities between these
movements provides further justification for using the power clean exercise in
A kinematic variable that is important during throwing events is release velocity. For
example during shot put, some authors have reported that release velocity is the most
important factor to throwing distance when compared to release angle and height
(Linthorne, 2001; Luthanen, Blomquist, & Vanttinen, 1997). As velocity has a direct
relationship with distance (e.g. distance equals velocity multiplied by time) (Linthorne,
performance and throwing velocity is the power clean as barbell velocities have been
reported to be amongst the highest when compared to other exercises (Stone et al.,
2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012; Zaras et al., 2013; Zaras et al., 2014). For example,
during sub maximal power cleans, barbell velocities have been reported to exceed 2.5
m.s-1 while barbell velocities during the 2nd pull of near maximal to maximal full cleans
can range from 0.88 m.s-1 to 1.73 m.s-1 (Cormie, McCaulley, Triplett, & McBride,
2007). Such velocities are far superior to traditional heavy resistance exercises such as
the squat (e.g. 2 m.s-1 at 27% 1RM and 1.2 m.s-1 at 85% 1RM) and the deadlift (e.g.
0.78 m.s-1 at 30% 1RM and 0.52 m.s-1 at 90% 1RM). Therefore, practitioners wishing
incorporate the power clean into their resistance training programs. Such examples
highlight the skill transference and the specificity that the power clean exercise has for
various athletic movements and why this particular exercise is used among a range of
To gain further insight into the power clean and other weightlifting styled exercises, a
number of investigations have studied the acute kinematic and kinetic responses to
these exercises. Such research allows enhanced prescription of training for these
exercises for a variety of athletes wanting to improve both athletic and weightlifting
performance. The following section will discuss key concepts that are applicable to
the acute performance of the power clean and other weightlifting exercises such as
Bar path parameters have been proposed to have an important link with the success of
weightlifting movements (Souza et al., 2002) with superior lifters often exhibiting
greater technical skills then lesser trained lifters (Stone, O'Bryant, Williams, &
Johnson, 1998; Winchester et al., 2005). As such, three kinematic factors have been
identified as being paramount for the success of the power clean exercise. These
variables include: 1) rearward movement of the barbell during the first pull (Dx2), 2)
the total horizontal displacement (≤20 cm) from the most forward position to the catch
position and, 3) the catch position (DxT) in relation to the total horizontal displacement
(DxL) (Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2009). Due to the lack of research
on the acute effect different loads have on bar path kinematics for the power clean, it
during Dx2 at testing loads of 50%, 70% and 90% 1RM, Winchester et al. (2005)
reported rearward displacements of -0.7 cm, -4.3 cm, and - 6.3 cm, respectively. It
would seem that an increase in barbell load can result in an increase in rearward
horizontal displacement. Currently, the optimal rearward displacement during the first
initial rearward movement, which keeps the barbell close to the body as this allows for
greater vertical force production and velocities during the 2nd pull (Garhammer, 1985;
As previously outlined, DxV is another technique variable that is important for the
success of the power clean as lifters want to minimise the forward displacement of the
barbell during the second pull and turnover phases which allows for a greater vertical
displacement of the barbell. Winchester et al. (2005) described similar DxV values for
the power clean at 50% (10.7 cm) and 70% (10.4 cm) while there was an increase
during the 90% 1RM efforts (13.1 cm). It appears that during the second pull at near
increasing forward movement during the second pull and turnover phase. It is possible
that this occurs due to lifters “hipping” the barbell whereby lifters make excessive
contact with the upper thighs or hips resulting in unnecessary forward swing
(Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2009). Such a change in bar path mechanics
diminishes vertical force production and vertical velocities which are unfavourable for
improving power clean performance. Previous researchers have reported that PF and
PP occurs during the 2nd pull phase of the power clean (Comfort, Allen, et al., 2011;
Cormie, McBride, & McCaulley, 2007; Enoka, 1979; Garhammer, 1993; Hori et al.,
2007; Souza et al., 2002), which highlights the importance of being able to transfer
the direction of force application on to the barbell as a contributing factor towards the
success in the performance of the snatch lift, which has very similar barbell trajectories
and kinematics to the power clean (Stone et al., 2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012). This
highlights the importance of technique for the power clean and emphasize the lack of
research on bar path parameters at different loads for the power clean and the effect of
different loading methods on technique. While analysis of bar path parameters is useful
in understanding the effect that different 1RM loads have on technique, there is a lack
different loads and different loading methods have on acute weightlifting performance.
athletic movements such as jumping, sprinting, and throwing which are inherent in a
large portion of sports (Hori et al., 2005). The optimal load for PP has been reported
to vary amongst different exercises with PP outputs ranging from 588 (W) for the
bench press throw at 70% of 1RM load, 1930 (W) for the deadlift at 70% 1RM,
approximately 3200 W for the squat at 56% 1RM, and 5390 (W) for the counter
movement jump at 40% of 1RM (Baker & Newton, 2006; Blatnik et al., 2014; Cormie,
McCaulley, et al., 2007; Stone et al., 2003). However, Kawamori et al. (2005), Cormie
et al. (2007), and Pennington et al. (2010) reported that PP for the power clean exercise
occurred at loads of 70%, 80% and ≥80% of 1RM respectively. During these
investigations, the authors reported PP ranges from approximately 1950 (W) to 4,800
(W). Although PP has been reported to occur at 70-80% 1RM for the power clean,
Kawamori et al. (2005) observed significant increases in PP across loads of 50%, 60%,
70%, 80%, and 90% of 1RM when compared to 30% and 40% 1RM. Kawamori et al.
(2005) also reported no significant difference in PP between loads from 50-90% 1RM.
80% when compared to 30% and 40% of 1RM. As power is the product of force and
velocity, it would seem that loads of 30-40% 1RM do not require a great enough force
production for the given velocity to maximise PP in the power clean (Cormie,
McCaulley, et al., 2007; Kawamori et al., 2005). However, during loads of 50-90%
1RM, larger forces are produced at high velocities resulting in an increase in PP. This
could have applications to various sports where the need for greater force or velocity
is different and as such, training can be directed towards the sport’s needs. For
example, in rugby where the development of high force against large external loads
(i.e. opposition players) is essential (Baker & Nance, 1999; Storey & Smith, 2012),
rugby players may train at higher loads such as 70-90% of 1RM, with lower
Conversely in throwing events where high release velocities are a critical factor to
success (Judge, 2007; Zaras et al., 2013; Zaras et al., 2014), throwers may opt to train
at high velocities with lighter loads such as 50-70% of 1RM in order to maintain high
power outputs.
To improve the force and velocity profiles during specific phases of a given movement,
athletes and practitioners often use variable resistance. This alternative loading method
involves the addition of chain links or rubber bands to the barbell which changes the
kinetics of the lift by altering the external load through different phases of the lift
(Bellar et al., 2011; Ghigiarelli et al., 2009). Previous researchers have noted
following peripheral loads ranging from 15%-35% of the total external load
(Anderson, Sforzo, & Sigg, 2008; Baker & Newton, 2009; Bellar et al., 2011;
Stevenson, Warpeha, Dietz, Giveans, & Erdman, 2010). To determine the acute effect
peripheral loading had on the power clean and snatch performance, Berning et al.
(2008) and Coker et al. (2006) applied the equivalent of 5% of the total external load
in the form of chain links to barbell loads of 80% and 85% of the participants‟ 1RM.
Both authors found non-significant differences for all measured variables which
included; bar displacement (m), barbell velocity (m.s-1), vertical GRF (N) (for the first
pull, second pull, and un-weighting phase), and RFD (N.s-1). A limitation of both
effect kinetic variables (Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2009) it is possible
that an unwanted change in technique may have limited the potential for improvements
the barbell during the lift would result in greater horizontal force production, thereby
decreasing the vertical GRF which would not be advantageous for power clean and
snatch performance (Stone et al., 1998). In light of these findings, further research
needs to determine what effect alternative loading methods have on kinematic and
kinetic variables during the performance of the power clean and/or power snatch.
Furthermore, by minimising or eliminating the external load as seen during centrally
loaded exercises (i.e. through the use of a weighted vest), it is possible that injured
athletes or those with limited joint mobility may continue to train in an effective
manner. For example, rugby players with poor wrist mobility who need to continue to
train with the power clean during the competition season to improve force and power
production often struggle to complete near maximal to maximal loaded power cleans.
However, a possible alternative loading method that could avoid this issue would be
to redistribute some of the load off the barbell and onto the lifter themselves through
the use of a weighted vest. In this training scenario the total system load (i.e. the total
weight of the barbell plus the weight of the weighted vest) could be equated to meet
the prescribed training intensity and volume, however, such contention needs further
While acute studies give an in-depth analysis of different variables associated to the
power clean and power snatch, they only provide a snap shot in time and fail to provide
Therefore, the following sections will explore how longitudinal interventions using the
power clean and power snatch exercises have affected technique, kinetic variables, and
athletic ability.
Lifting technique is a critical variable that contributes to the success, or failure, in the
sport of competitive weightlifting (Hori & Stone, 2005; Stone et al., 2006a). While
elite Olympic level weightlifters hone their technique to the highest level, athletes
involved in other sports using weightlifting exercises also seek to improve their
technique as previous research has shown that technical improvements can increase
kinetic outputs (Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2009). Therefore, previous
studies have attempted to measures changes in technique, the details of which have
been outlined in the previous sections (Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al.,
As previously discussed, a technique variable that is critical to the success of clean and
snatch performance is the initial rearward displacement of the barbell from the start
position to the beginning of the 2nd pull (Dx2) which has been shown to change
For example, following the course of three training sessions per week for four weeks
in resistance trained sportsmen with a minimum of one year power clean experience,
Dx2 across a range of loads for the power clean (50% 1RM -7 cm; 70% 1RM-5.3 cm;
90% 1RM -2.2 cm). Using identical training methods for the power snatch, Winchester
et al. (2009) also reported significant increases in Dx2 in the rearward direction across
all testing loads (50% 1RM -7.3 cm; 70% 1RM-6.6 cm; 90% 1RM - 4.2 cm). Previous
authors have noted the importance of an initial rearward movement as a key indicator
to the success in the performance of the power clean (Chiu & Schilling, 2005; Stone
et al., 2006a). Establishing a sound starting position whereby lifters have their knees
in front of the bar and their hips above or over their ankles will help to ensure the
barbell will travel rearwards when the lifter extends their knees during the first pull off
the ground. This in turn enables the lifter to be in the best position to produce large
vertical forces and barbell velocities during the 2nd pull, which has been identified as
a critical phase of the power clean and other weightlifting exercises (Winchester et al.,
2005; Winchester et al., 2009). While improving the 1st pull is important for the
performance of the power clean and snatch, it will also allow for greater force and
power production. This can then transfer to athletic movements where an improvement
Another technique variable reported to have changed over the course of these training
interventions, was the rearward displacement of the catch position in relation to the
start position (DxT). Winchester et al. (2005) reported significant increases in the
rearward displacement for DxT across all loads for the power clean (50% 1RM 14.7
cm; 70% 1RM 12.5 cm; 90% 1RM 12.7 cm). Similarly, Winchester et al. (2009)
reported significant increases in rearward displacement for the power snatch (50%
1RM 17.2 cm; 70% 1RM 11.2 cm; 90% 1RM 13 cm). In light of these significant
technique improvements that have been shown to occur over relatively short training
periods, it would appear that athletes who have a small amount of experience with the
power clean are prone to initially catching the barbell in a forward position. This often
occurs due to failing to maximally extend the hips, knees, and ankles during the 2nd
pull (Dawes, 2012). In sportswomen (soccer and volley ball athletes) with 2-48 months
of power clean training, Rucci et al. (2010) failed to note any significant changes in
technique during the catch position following eight power clean sessions over the
course of two weeks. However, Rucci et al. (2010) did report that the angle of the body
in full extension and the bar relative to the toe in full extension did change during the
2nd pull phase. While Rucci et al. (2010) failed to publish the magnitude of the
changes, these findings support the notion that novice lifters fail to maximally extend
during the 2nd pull which results in a forward catch position. Thus, it would be
advisable for novice athletes training with the power clean and snatch to focus on the
triple extension during the second pull, which in turn should help to increase the
As previously discussed the horizontal displacement from the forward most position
during the second pull to the catch position (DxL) is also important to the success of
(Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2009) DxL only changed (p < 0.05) at
testing loads of 50% of 1RM for the power clean (-15.7 ± 4.5 cm to -20.8 ± 6.5 m) and
power snatch (-10.4 ± 5.2 cm to -21.2 ± 7.6 m). This suggests that different loading
(2009). Therefore, the lifters may have overemphasised horizontal force production
during the second pull when training at lighter loads. During training, novice lifters
should therefore be mindful of excessive “bar swing” during lighter loads as this may
As previously reported, the power clean exercise is highly effective at producing high
force and power outputs and training with the power clean and other weightlifting
(Garhammer, 1993; Tricoli et al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2005; Winchester et al.,
2009). For example, when comparing power outputs during the CMJ in resistance
trained males following eight weeks of training, only the weightlifting group who
trained with a combination of weightlifting exercises (power clean, snatch, high pull)
improved both eccentric (-515 ± 141 W to -808 ± 270 W) and concentric power (1400
plyometric and weightlifting group (Arabatzi et al., 2010). Due to the training
programmes which where un-equated for volume and intensity, caution must be taken
athletic abilities such as jumping. One possible reason for the increase in eccentric
power during the CMJ could be the eccentric movement during the turnover phase of
the snatch and clean where lifters are required to aggressively pull themselves under
the bar in order to catch the barbell (Dawes, 2012; Stone et al., 2006a; Storey & Smith,
2012). This movement is often completed at high velocities in order to position the
body under the barbell which is a critical component in the success of these
weightlifting exercises (Dawes, 2012; Stone et al., 2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012).
recommended to include the power clean exercise along with other weightlifting
exercises (i.e. power snatch, hang pulls) that require participants to; 1) complete the
double knee bend which requires an efficient SSC component and, 2) develop large
eccentric braking forces during the turn over to catch phases of these lifts.
In support of incorporating power clean training to improve force and power
for the power clean across a range of loads (50% 1RM 28%; 70% 1RM 12.5%; 90%
1RM 12.2%) following three power clean sessions over four weeks. Using the same
training methods, Winchester et al. (2009) supported these findings and noted
significant increases in PF for the power snatch at 50% 1RM (26.2%), 70% 1RM
(18.5%), and 90% 1RM (18.5%). While the power clean and snatch are not commonly
exercises such as the squat and deadlift, among young sportsmen (i.e. ~21-22 years
old) who are relatively novice lifters as seen in these two investigation, the
Both investigations also reported changes in PP across a range of loads. For example
Winchester et al. (2005) reported a significant improvement in PP for the power clean
at 50% 1RM (20.6%) and 90% 1RM (11.4%) loads. Additionally, during the power
snatch, Winchester et al. (2009) also reported significant increases in PP across all
testing loads at 50% 1RM (18.8%), 70% 1RM (15.8%) and 90% 1RM (16.5%).
Although both investigations failed to measure changes in 1RM ability and other
athletic movements such as jumping and sprinting, these results provide practitioners
with the magnitude and time frame in which kinetic variables change in novice lifters
An in-depth analysis of power clean and weightlifting training provides greater insight
into identifying factors that affect technique variables and how such training improves
force and power producing capabilities. As research has shown that changes in
technique can improve kinetic variables, this justifies the need for strength and
conditioning coaches to focus on the technical aspects of complex lifts such as the
During the power clean, lifters are able to produce high barbell velocities and large
forces, and consequently high power outputs which results in improved athletic ability.
Furthermore, the SSC component of the power clean exercise displays kinematic and
exercise for power athletes. A focus for strength and conditioning coaches prescribing
improvements in lifting technique. Although the novel approach of adding chain links
to the barbell during the power clean and power snatch failed to produce significant
changes in strength and power measures, further research is needed to investigate the
acute and longitudinal effect of alternative loading strategies using the power clean.
Such loading could improve athletic performance as a result of improved force and
power outputs as well as improve the technical aspects for lesser skilled lifters and/or
3.1 Prelude
From the review of the literature it is evident that the power clean exercise is widely
in the improvement of athletic performance. While some areas associated with the
power clean exercise have been extensively researched (e.g. the technical aspects and
effect alternative loading methods have on kinematic and kinetic variables during the
performance of the power clean exercise. Weighted vests are often applied to jumping
unknown what effect centralised loading has on full body explosive movements such
as the power clean. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to quantify the
kinematic and kinetic effects a weighted Exo-skeleton had on the performance of the
power clean exercise. An Exo-skeleton was chosen due to the ability of athletes to
complete full body explosive movements at high speed without inhibiting movements.
3.2 Introduction
A type of resistance training that has become popular for increasing athletic
vest (WV). This modality of training enables individuals to perform sports specific
(e.g. a 5.3% increase in vertical jump, 12% increase in countermovement jump (CMJ),
and 7.5% in a 5 jump test) (Burkett et al., 2005; Faigenbaum et al., 2006; Khlifa et al.,
2010; Thompsen et al., 2007) and technique variables (Janssen et al., 2012) using a
required to determine what the optimal loading schemes are with regards to WV
training. Furthermore, to date limited research has documented what effects the use of
Athletes involved in strength and power sports such as jumping, sprinting, and
throwing frequently use Olympic lifting exercises, such as the power clean, due to their
effectiveness in increasing kinetic variables such as PGRF, PP, and rate of force
development (RFD) (Berning et al., 2008; Coker et al., 2006; Comfort, Graham-Smith,
et al., 2011; Cormie et al., 2011b; Storey & Smith, 2012). However, the technical
aspects of the Olympic lifts are very demanding and require a great deal of mobility
and co-ordination from a number of joints (Deweese, Serrano, Scruggs, & Smas, 2012;
Storey & Smith, 2012). For example, during the power clean a loaded barbell is lifted
in an explosive fashion from the floor to the level of the shoulders in one continuous
movement (Chiu & Schilling, 2005; Stone et al., 2006a; Storey & Smith, 2012). In
order to “catch” the barbell on the shoulders, the lifter requires excellent wrist mobility
to allow their body to efficiently move around the barbell. However, lifters who need
to continue to improve their peak force and power producing ability but exhibit poor
wrist mobility, often as a result of injury, often struggle to complete near maximal to
maximal loaded power cleans (Fitzgerald & McLatchie, 1980). However, a possible
alternative loading method that could avoid this issue would be to redistribute some of
the load off the barbell and onto the lifter themselves through the use of a WV. A
reduction in barbell load would correspond to a reduction in the loading of the wrists
during the catch phase of the power clean which could minimise the potential for injury
in athletes who exhibit poor wrist mobility. Although the total external load (i.e. the
weight on the barbell) would be less in this “centrally loaded” scenario, the total
“system load” (i.e. the combined load of the barbell plus the WV load on the lifter)
could be equated to ensure that the prescribed training volumes and intensities are
In addition, the use of centralized loading during complex movements such as the
power clean may potentially result in a desirable change in technique as lifters learn to
focus on the high speed elements of these lifts without being hampered by large
Thus, the purpose of this study was to quantify the kinematic and kinetic changes
associated with various WV loading schemes (i.e. 5% and 12% bodyweight) through
the use of a weighted Exo-skeleton. The results of this investigation will aid in the
lifting and will provide insight into the technique changes associated with this type of
combination loading. It was hypothesised that the 12% Exo-skeleton load would result
in; 1) a desirable change in technique measures when compared to the no Exo-skeleton
baseline condition as the Exo-skeleton would require participants to pull the barbell
closer to the body and, 2) an increase in barbell velocity when compared to the no-
3.3 Methods
skeleton loading had on the kinematics and kinetics of the power clean exercise. Exo-
skeleton loads of 5% and 12% were chosen as previous researchers reported both acute
Faigenbaum et al., 2006; Khlifa et al., 2010; Thompsen et al., 2007) and technique
variables (Janssen et al., 2012) using similar loads. The effects of Exo-skeleton loads
of 5% and 12% of bodyweight were investigated via videography, force plate and
Nine participants (average age 22.5 ± 4 years, weight 91 ± 11.8 kg, power clean 101 ±
10.9 kg and resistance training experience 4.4 ± 1.7 years) were recruited for the study.
Inclusion criteria for this study were; 1) recreationally trained male adults aged
between 18-35 years, 2) free from acute and/or chronic injury at the time of the testing
period, 3) not using any performance enhancing or banned substances (World anti-
doping agency 2014) and, 4) able to power clean ≥ 1x body mass which is deemed to
(Rippetoe & Kilgore 2009). Sample size was computed according to technique
changes observed in power clean performance in resistance trained individuals
participants would be required to yield a power of 80% at an α = 0.05 with this repeated
measures study design. Before the participants commenced any testing, it was ensured
that all participants met the inclusion criteria, had signed an informed consent form,
and were proficient at the power clean. In order to determine the proficiency of the
Olympic weightlifting coach to ensure they met the required inclusion criteria for the
study. To ensure the safety of the participants, all testing conditions were examined
Before commencing the data collection process, all participants were informed of what
the testing procedure involved with the associated risks outlined. All participants
determine the subsequent testing loads for this investigation, all participants completed
1RM testing for the power clean exercise. A standardised testing protocol was
designed in which participants were required to reach their 1RM within approximately
six sets. The participant’s previous self-reported 1RM served as a baseline measure in
which their sub-maximal lifts were calculated for the 1RM testing protocol. The
criteria for a successful 1RM power clean required the participants to catch the barbell
This differs from a full clean whereby lifters can catch the barbell below a parallel
thigh position before descending into a deep squat position (Storey & Smith, 2012).
Participants then completed three submaximal repetitions of the power clean at 50%
and 70% 1RM without the Exo-skeleton to attain a baseline measure of technique
was used instead of a traditional WV due to the ability to perform functional high speed
movements like the power clean without inhibiting movement. Due to the velcro-like
nature of the Exo-skeleton, the custom designed 400 gm, 200 gm, 100 gm, and 50 gm
weight cells were able to be loaded principally on the posterior chain of the
participants. The posterior loading configuration was chosen as the addition of weight
cells to the anterior aspects of the thighs would have compromised the participants’
ability to maximally accelerate the barbell during the second pull of the power clean
during which time the barbell makes contact with the thighs (Deweese et al., 2012;
Drechsler, 1998; Storey & Smith, 2012). The loading configuration was evenly
distributed from the upper, mid and lower back, and glutes and hamstrings with each
body section containing approximately 1/3 of the total load for both 5% and 12%
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Loading configuration of the Exogen weight cells. (a) 5% body weight. (b)
In a randomised order, the participants were then required to complete the same three
bodyweight to determine what influence the Exo-skeleton loads had on the kinematic
and kinetic variables of interest (Table 1). During each Exo-skeleton condition, the
load of the participant's Exo-skeleton was taken into account and the load of the barbell
was adjusted accordingly to ensure that the total “system load” (i.e. the weight of the
loaded barbell plus the total bodyweight of the participant) was matched.
Table 1. Standardized testing protocol for the measurement of sub-maximal power
Prior to the start of data collection, the lifting procedure was explained and
demonstrated to the participants. To ensure each lift was executed from the exact
position, the participants were instructed to move to the barbell as opposed to trying
to roll the barbell towards them. To allow for accurate syncing of the camera, the
participants were instructed to start in the set position and on a count of three were
instructed to lift. Participants were instructed to pause for one second at the lock out
position with knees fully extended to provide a definitive end point for the kinematic
analysis. When testing loads were not whole numbers, the load was rounded to the
nearest full number (e.g. 50% of a 105 kg 1RM power clean = 52.5 kg. Therefore,
Kinematic data was collected using a Casio, EXLIM, EX-FH20 (Tokyo, Japan) and as
filmed at 240 fps. The camera was positioned 5 meters away from the end of the barbell
and at the participant‟s right hand side in the coronal plane (Figure 4) (Balsalobre-
Garhammer & Newton, 2013). The camera height was 75 cm above the force platform
and manually zoomed to 65 cm so the total field of view included the bottom of the
weight plates on the platform and the highest point of the lift (Garhammer & Newton,
2013). A 25 cm scaling rod was placed in the same depth of field at the end of the
the end of the barbell to allow a digitised bar path to be created from Kinovea 0.8.15
0.75 m
The video footage for each power clean repetition was loaded in to the Kinovea
software where the following four technique variables were analysed as per
Winchester et al. (2005); 1) most forward position to catch (DxL), 2) start position to
catch (DxT), 3) start position to beginning of 2nd pull (Dx2), and, 4) 2nd pull position
Figure 5. Technique variables Dx2, DxV, DxT, and DxL adapted from Winchester
et al. (2005).
A Celesco PT5a linear positional transducer (LPT) (Chatsworth, USA) was used to
measure barbell velocities at a sampling rate of 500 HZ. The LPT was placed directly
under the loaded barbell with the Velcro strapping applied tightly to the barbell and
this served as the “zero position”. The LPT was calibrated according to the
A tri-axial force plate (Objective Design Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) was used to
measure the ground reaction force for the power clean at a sampling rate of 500 HZ.
Previous research has recorded the tri-axial force plate to have an ICC ranging from
0.74-0.95 when measuring peak velocity, peak force, and power when compared to the
AMTI force plate during the countermovement jump (McMaster & Chang 2011). On
all testing occasions, the force plate was turned on ≥30min prior to the start of the
session to allow the force plate to equilibrate to the ambient conditions within the
laboratory. PO was chosen as a key variable of interest due to the importance in athletic
performance and the reliability in performance testing (Cormie et al., 2011a; Hopkins
et al., 2001; Moir et al., 2005). As previous researchers have reported that PGRF and
PO occurs during the 2nd pull phase of the power clean (Comfort et al., 2011; Cormie
et al., 2007; Enoka, 1979; Garhammer, 1993; Hori et al., 2007; Souza et al., 2002), PO
was calculated from PGRF and the corresponding BV that occurred during this phase
of the lift. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CV) for
the hang power clean using similar methods to this study have been previously
established for PF (ICC= 0.89, CV= 4.7) and PP (ICC= 0.89, CV= 6.2) and peak
transformed to ensure data was normally distributed. A one way repeated measures
ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc contrasts were used to determine statistical
difference between loading schemes for all kinematic and kinetic variables. Statistical
significance was set at P ≤ 0.05, with all analysis carried out using SPSS (version 22.0,
SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL). Standardised typical errors were also expressed using
thresholds of 0.2, 0.6, 1.2, 2.0, and 4.0 as small, moderate, large, very large, and
3.5 Results
5% Exo-skeleton condition
At 50% 1RM, PO was greater (P= 0.03) by 11.5% when compared to the no Exo-
skeleton condition (Table 2). During the 5% Exo-skeleton loading condition, there
were no other statistically significant differences when compared to the no Exo-
skeleton and 12% Exo-skeleton condition for all kinematic variables and PGRF when
For the technique variable DxL there was an increase (P= 0.03) in rearward
variables Dx2, DxV and DxT and barbell velocity when compared to the no Exo-
skeleton and 5% Exo-skeleton conditions. At 50% 1RM, PO was greater (P= 0.03) for
velocity. Barbell loads were significantly lighter for the 12% Exo-skeleton condition
condition (9.81%).
At 70% 1RM, no statistically significant differences were observed for all the
technique variables measured. Peak barbell velocity was greater (P= 0.03) for the 12%
Barbell loads were significantly lighter for the 12% Exo-skeleton condition when
Table 2. Group averages for kinematic and kinetic variables at 50% and 70% 1RM testing for the no Exo-skeleton (ES), 5% Exo-skeleton, and
12% Exo-skeleton conditions.
Testing load Condition Barbell Velocity (m.s-1) TE Peak Force (N) TE Power output (W) TE
No ES 2.28 ± 0.17 0.59 2250 ± 277 0.33 3160 ± 400 0.4
12% ES 40.3 ± 4.19*+ -2.87 ± 2.46 0.69 13.7 ± 5.43 0.36 -3.67 ± 4.03 1.04 -14.70 ± .66* 0.27
No ES 71.9 ± 7.27 -2.44 ± 3.33 0.35 11.0 ± 4.65 0.32 -3.93 ± 4.56 0.52 -11.2 ± 3.66 0.51
5% ES 67.3 ± 6.8 -3.38 ± 2.83 0.37 11.8 ± 4.20 0.22 -3.83 ± 4.92 0.41 -11.6 ± 4.87 0.2
70% 12% ES 60.9 ± 6.25* -3.45 ± 2.06 0.77 11.6 ± 4.90 0.28 -4.46 ± 6.01 0.64 -13.2 ± 3.50 0.73
TE- Typical error; * Significant difference to baseline at p≤ 0.05; + Significant difference to 5% condition at p≤ 0.05
3.6 Discussion
The primary findings of this investigation were; 1) during the 50% 1RM efforts the
(17.9%) of the barbell during the catch phase (DxL) when compared to the no Exo-
skeleton group, 2) the mean barbell velocity at 70% 1RM loads during the 12% Exo-
skeleton condition were 3.33% higher (P < 0.05) when compared to the no Exo-
skeleton condition, 3) PO at 50% 1RM loads were significantly higher for 5% (11.5%)
condition and, 4) the 5% Exo-skeleton condition did not have a significant influence
on technique factors at 50% and 70% of 1RM when compared to the no Exo-skeleton
Previous researchers have identified key technique variables that contribute to the
success of the power clean (Winchester et al., 2005). One such variable is the total
horizontal distance from the most forward position during the 2nd pull to the catch
(DxL) with an ideal distance being <20cm (Winchester et al., 2005). A significant
increase in DxL at 50% of 1RM during the 12% Exo-skeleton condition (-14.73 ± 5.66
cm) when compared to baseline measures (-12.10 ± 4.39 cm) arose due to small but
total horizontal distance increased during the 12% Exo-skeleton condition, it was still
well within the recommended distance of <20cm (Winchester et al., 2005). With
approximately 4% of bodyweight loaded on the upper back, this may partly explain
the increase in DxL as the lifters were required to fully extend their bodies more
aggressively to counteract the increased loading during the second pull phase.
Reinforcing such a movement pattern may have a desirable training effect on lifters
who are prone to catching the barbell in a forward position as a result of failing to
maximally extend their bodies during the critical second pull phase.
Other key technique variables that are highly correlated to the success of the power
clean include backward bar movement from the first to second pull (Dx2), the
horizontal displacement from the second pull to the forward most position (DxV), and
the total amount of horizontal displacement from the beginning of the lift to the catch
position (DxT) (Winchester et al., 2005). During both the 5% and 12% Exo-skeleton
which indicates that the addition of Exo-skeleton loading did not negatively influence
the performance of the power clean during these critical phases. The effect of the Exo-
skeleton on the current group of participants during Dx2 was shown to be minimal
with participants maintaining a backward bar movement from the first to second pull
which is a sought after technical trait. The posterior loading of the Exo-skeleton weight
cells may account for this ability to maintain an initial rearward movement of the
barbell as it was felt that anterior loading would have had a negative influence on the
participants’ set position from the floor (i.e. anterior loading would have resulted in
an excessive forward lean of the participants). At present, only two previous research
groups have investigated the acute changes in technique that occur whilst wearing a
WV during a sporting movement (i.e. sprinting) (Alcaraz, Palao, Elvira, & Linthorne,
2008; Cronin et al., 2008). Although it is difficult to compare results between different
exercise modalities (i.e. sprinting vs. power clean kinematics), one conclusion that can
be deduced from the collective research is that excessive loading of the anterior chain
the justification for the loading of the posterior chain in the current study as anterior
loading could have compromised the participants‟ ability to maximally accelerate the
barbell during the second pull of the power clean during which time the barbell is
required to remain in close contact to the thighs and hips (Deweese et al., 2012; Storey
clean (Garhammer & Hatfield, 1985; Haff et al., 2003), the 3.33% significant increase
in barbell velocity through the use of 12% Exo-skeleton loads, when compared to both
in power clean performance. In two previous studies, Berning et al. (2008) and Coker
et al. (2006) demonstrated that the addition of chains to the barbell did not have a
significant influence on barbell velocity for the power clean and snatch at 1RM loads
of 80% and 85%. It is important to note that in the two aforementioned studies, the
external loads for the power clean and snatch were equated between conditions (i.e.
80% and 85% 1RM with and without chains). However, in the present investigation,
the external loads differed between the baseline, 5% and 12% Exo-skeletons
conditions whilst the total system load was equated (i.e. the weight of the loaded
barbell plus the Exo-skeleton). Thus, the differences in barbell velocity during the 12%
Exo-skeleton condition was attributable to the decrease in external bar load, equivalent
Barbell velocity has been closely related to the lifting success of weightlifting
(Garhammer, 1998) and Garhammer et al (1985) suggested that the final velocity of
the barbell is critical to allow the lifter time to get under the bar in the catch position.
in peak power (Bartonietz, 1996). Furthermore, as high release velocities are critical
during throwing sports such as shot put, increases in barbell velocities could positively
influence throwing performance (Zaras et al., 2013; Zaras et al., 2014). Thus, it is
possible that this increase in barbell velocity, which arises due to a rapid triple
extension of the hip, knee and ankle joints, may also lead to improvements in other
high velocity movements such as throwing, sprinting, and jumping ability (McBride
Although the total external loads were different for the baseline, 5%, and 12%
conditions, the fact that the total system load was still equated did not have any effect
on PGRF. These findings are in agreement with Berning et al. (2008) and Coker et al.
(2006) who demonstrated non-significant changes in vertical GRF for the first pull,
second pull, and un-weighting phase during the power clean and snatch exercises
performed at 80% and 85% of 1RM with the inclusion of chains. It would seem that
the addition of a weight via the Exo-skeleton as well as chains provide similar PGRFs
to traditional loading methods. Producing similar PGRFs with less external load is
focus on barbell velocity and technique without being compromised by large external
As a result of increases in barbell velocity and no change in PGRF at 50% 1RM loads,
PO was 11.5% and 16.8% greater for both the 5% and 12% Exo-skeleton conditions
when compared to the no Exo-skeleton condition. The findings from this investigation
avenue for less technically proficient lifters to increase their PO outputs using lighter
training loads which in turn will help to minimise the risk of potential injury. As no
previous research has investigated the effects alternative loading methods (i.e. chain
links or weighted vests) have on PO during the power clean, this is an area of future
Lastly the 5% Exo-skeleton condition did not have a significant influence on any
technique variables at 50% and 70% loads when compared to the no Exo-skeleton
condition. Therefore, the ability to influence power clean technique using Exo-
skeleton loads of ≤5% bodyweight is unlikely to occur. Such findings suggest that a
minimum threshold for each technique variable exists. However, averaged data has
been reported and within the current data set there were individuals whose technique
appears that centralised loading >12% body mass is required to elicit changes in Dx2,
DxV, and DxT. However, whether or not this will result in a desired change in
technique is yet unknown and future research can be directed towards determining the
Based on these findings, it was proposed that the optimal Exo-skeleton load to be worn
during the power clean exercise is ~12% of body mass. A number of benefits arise
from this form of loading such as an improvement in the rearward displacement of the
bar, which is helpful to lifters who are prone to catching the barbell in a forward
position as a result of failing to maximally extend through the 2nd pull phase. This will
ensure they aggressively complete triple extension of the hips, knees, and ankles
during the 2nd pull phase thus improving this technical aspect of the power clean.
Future research is needed to compare the longitudinal effect that training with an Exo-
skeleton has on the performance of the power clean and performance measures such
influence kinematic and kinetic variables during the power clean exercise. Due to the
highly technical nature of the power clean exercise, decreasing the total external bar
load while maintaining the total system load may allow lifters to focus on the technical
aspects of the lift (e.g. minimising the total horizontal displacement of the barbell),
variable in the success of the power clean, the inclusion of 12% Exo-skeleton loading
during training at 70% 1RM could improve this aspect. Similar PGRFs were reported
between all three loading conditions despite a significant difference in the weight of
the loaded barbell. A reduction in the external load, whilst total system load is
maintained, may enable injured athletes or those who exhibit poor wrist mobility to
introduce power clean training earlier than previously allowed. Future research should
determine which exercises are best suited for Exo-skeleton training, the optimal
4.1 Prelude
While study one demonstrated improvements in acute power clean performance such
as improved technique, increased peak power and barbell velocity when using a 12%
power clean and athletic performance were still unknown. Therefore, the purpose of
this investigation was to determine what effects power clean training with an Exo-
skeleton equivalent to 12% bodyweight had on the power clean exercise and
4.2 Introduction
Training with a weighted vest (WV) has become a popular form of resistance training
movements such as jumping and sprinting in an overloaded fashion. Following the acute
performance of warm up protocols and jumping exercises with the addition of a WV,
as the vertical jump (5.3% - 13.5%), countermovement jump (CMJ) (12%), and broad
jump (12.5%) (Faigenbaum et al., 2006; Thompsen, Kackley, Palumbo, & Faigenbaum,
reported improvements in CMJ (12% increase) and squat jump (SJ) (9.9% and 10.4%
increases) performance (Bosco, Rusko, & Hirvonen, 1986; Khlifa et al., 2010).
However, there is limited research on the changes in kinetic variables and no research
Olympic weightlifting movements such as the power clean are often used by athletes in
strength and power sports such as jumping, sprinting, and throwing due to the ability to
increase kinetic variables such as peak force (PF), peak power (PP), and rate of force
McGuigan, & Newton, 2011; Storey & Smith, 2012). While the power clean is less
technically demanding compared to other Olympic lifts such as the snatch and clean
and jerk, lifters are still required to have exceptional mobility and co-ordination from a
number of joints such as the wrists, elbows, hips, knees and ankles (Fitzgerald &
McLatchie, 1980). In some instances, poor mobility can be the major factor that limits
an athlete’s ability to progress further with such movements. For example, an athlete’s
ability to train at near maximal to maximal loaded power cleans as a means to improve
their force and power producing capabilities may be hampered by poor wrist mobility
as a result of injury. However, in such an instance, redistributing some of the load off
the barbell and onto the lifter themselves through the use of a WV may be a potential
alternative loading method that could allow lifters to continue to train at heavy loads.
Reducing the barbell load would result in a decrease in loading of the wrist which could
positively affect the lifter during the catch phase of the power clean. This may also
reduce the risk of further injury. To ensure that equated training volumes and intensities
are achieved in the “centrally loaded” scenario, the total “system load” (i.e. the
combined load of the barbell plus the WV load on the lifter) would be equal to that of
having the total load on the barbell alone. Furthermore, the use of centralised loading
during complex movements such as the power clean may potentially result in desirable
changes in technique as lifters learn to focus on the high speed elements of these lifts
speculative and warrants investigation. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was
to determine and compare the effects of power clean training with or without the
cycle. It was hypothesised that wearing a 12% Exo-skeleton load would result in; 1) an
condition as the Exo-skeleton would require participants to pull the barbell closer to the
condition as a result of a decrease in the external load and, 3) an increase 1RM power
4.3 Methods
chosen due to the acute improvements in technique and barbell velocity that were
Exo-skeleton condition (Chapter 3). The effects of the 12% Exo-skeleton were
investigated at loads of 50%, 70%, and 90% of participants 1RM via videography, force
Sixteen participants were recruited for the study (Table 4). Participants were randomly
resistance trained individuals following a short-term training period with the addition
be required to yield a power of 80% at an α = 0.05 level. Inclusion criteria for this study
were; 1) recreationally trained male adults aged between 18-35 years, 2) free from acute
and/or chronic injury at the time of the testing period, 3) not using any performance
enhancing or banned substances according to the World anti-doping agency 2014 and,
4) able to power clean ≥ 1x body mass. Before the participants commenced any testing,
it was ensured that all participants met the inclusion criteria, were proficient at the
power clean and had signed an informed consent form. To ensure the safety of the
participants, all testing conditions were examined and approved by the Auckland
Table 4. Participant descriptive data
Before commencing data collection, all participants were informed of what the
determine the subsequent testing (i.e. 50%, 70% and 90% 1RM) and training loads
for this investigation, all participants completed 1RM testing for the power clean
kinematic and kinetic baseline testing two days after the familiarisation. Following
the five week training intervention, post-testing was conducted in the same fashion
(Sportboleh Sdh Bhd, Malaysia) was used instead of a traditional WV due to the
ability to perform functional high speed movements like the power clean without
custom designed 400 gm, 200 gm, 100 gm, and 50 gm weight cells were able to be
loaded principally on the posterior chain of the participants. The posterior loading
configuration was chosen as the addition of weight cells to the anterior aspects of
the thighs would have severely compromised the participants’ ability to maximally
accelerate the barbell during the second pull of the power clean during which time
the barbell is required to remain in close contact to the thighs and hips (Deweese,
Serrano, Scruggs, & Smas, 2012; Storey & Smith, 2012). The loading
configuration was evenly distributed on the entire back, the glutes and hamstrings
with each body section containing approximately 1/3 of the total load for the 12%
testing protocol was designed in which participants were required to attain their 1RM
within approximately six sets. The participant’s previous self-reported 1RM served as
a baseline measure in which their sub-maximal lifts were calculated for the 1RM testing
protocol. The criteria for a successful 1RM power clean required the participants to
catch the barbell in an above parallel thigh position before returning to an upright
standing position. This differs from a full clean whereby lifters can catch the barbell
below a parallel thigh position before descending into a deep squat position (Storey &
Smith, 2012). Following the 1RM protocol, each participant also completed a
familiarisation session with an Exo-skeleton load equivalent to 12% of participant’s
body mass which comprised of three repetitions at 50%, 60%, and 70% of participant’s
two CMJ which measured jump height. Participants were instructed to lower
the air whilst using arm swing. Participants then completed a series of sub-maximal
peak ground reaction force (PGRF), and power output (PO). Both groups performed all
power clean testing with no Exo-skeleton loading. To ensure each lift was performed
from the exact position, the participants were instructed to move to the barbell as
opposed to trying to roll the barbell towards them. To allow for accurate syncing of the
camera, the participants were instructed to start in the set position and on a count of
three were instructed to lift. Participants were instructed to pause for 1 second at the
lock out position with knees fully extended to provide a definitive end point for the
kinematic analysis. When testing loads were not whole numbers, the load was rounded
to the nearest full number (e.g. 50% of a 105 kg 1RM power clean = 52.5 kg. Therefore,
Participants completed three sub-maximal power cleans at 50% and 70% 1RM loads,
and two reps at 90% 1RM loads with no Exo-skeleton load (i.e. all the load was on the
barbell). One practice repetition at 60% and 80% 1RM loads were also included to
ensure the increase in load between the three identified intensity values was not too
Participants performed three supervised power clean training sessions per week across
a five week intervention period. The Exo-skeleton group performed the designated
training sessions with an additional load equivalent 12% of their bodyweight placed
on their posterior trunk. In order to equate the training intensities for both groups, the
associated training loads for each Exo-skeleton participant was adjusted accordingly
to take into account the additional load placed on the participant’s body.
culminated in a de-loading period prior to the retesting. Training days were broken up
in Table 5. Following a standardised warm up, consisting of dynamic drills and sub-
maximal lifts, each participant performed the required number of sets and repetitions
included general resistance training work using a combination of machine based and
free weight exercises. However, all participants were required to refrain from all
power clean variations during the course of the investigation and no forms of exercise
Table 6. Overview of the 5 week training intervention for the weighted vest and non-weighted vest training groups.
Training Week 1 2 3 4 5
Classification Moderate Heavy Heavy Moderate Light
Training Day Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri
Intensity (%1RM) 80% 85% 75% 85% 90% 80% 90% 95% 85% 80% 90% 75% 70% 60%
Sets x Reps 3x2 3x1 3x3 3x2 3x1 3x3 2x2 3x1 3x3 3x2 2x1 3x2 2x3 2x2 testing
120% 10
Training Intensity (%1RM)
100% 8
60% 5
40% 3
20% 2
0% 0
MonWed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri MonWed Fri Mon Wed Fri
1 2 3 4 5
Target Intensity Total Repetitions at Target Intensity
Training Weeks
Figure 7. The prescribed target training intensities for each session and the total number of repetitions that were performed at each target
Data collection and analysis
Kinematic data was collected using a Casio, EXLIM, EX-FH20 (Tokyo, Japan) and
was filmed at 240 fps. The camera was positioned 5 meters away from the end of the
barbell and at the participant’s right hand side in the coronal plane (Figure 8)
Garhammer, 1993; Garhammer & Newton, 2013). The camera height was 75 cm
above the force platform and manually zoomed to 65 cm so the total field of view
included the bottom of the weight plates on the platform and the highest point of the
lift (Garhammer & Newton, 2013). A 25 cm scaling rod was placed in the same depth
of field at the end of the barbell to provide a known scaling measurement. A reflective
marker was placed on the end of the barbell to allow a digitised bar path to be created
0.75 m
The video footage for each power clean repetition was loaded in to the Kinovea
software where the following four technique variables were analysed as per
Winchester et al. (2005); 1) most forward position to catch (DxL), 2) start position to
catch (DxT), 3) start position to beginning of 2nd pull (Dx2) and, 4) 2nd pull position
to catch (DxV). In addition, the barbell catch height (CxH) was also determined during
A Celesco PT5a linear positional transducer (LPT) (Chatsworth, USA) was used to
measure barbell velocities at a sampling rate of 500 HZ. The LPT was placed directly
under the loaded barbell with the Velcro strapping applied tightly to the barbell and
this served as the “zero position”. The LPT was calibrated according to the
A tri-axial force plate (Objective Design Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand) was used to
measure the ground reaction force for the power clean at a sampling rate of 500 HZ.
On all testing occasions, the force plate was turned on ≥30min prior to the start of the
session to allow the force plate to equilibrate to the ambient conditions within the
laboratory. PO was chosen as a key variable of interest due to the importance in athletic
performance and the reliability in performance testing (Cormie et al., 2011a; Hopkins
et al., 2001; Moir et al., 2005). As previous researchers have reported that PGRF and
PO occurs during the 2nd pull phase of the power clean (Comfort, Allen, & Graham-
Smith, 2011; Cormie, McBride, & McCaulley, 2007; Enoka, 1979; Garhammer, 1993;
Hori et al., 2007; Souza, Shimada, & Koontz, 2002), PO was calculated from PGRF
and the corresponding BV that occurred during this phase of the lift. ICC and CV for
the hang power clean using similar methods to this study have been previously
established for PF (ICC= 0.89, CV= 4.7) and PP (ICC= 0.89, CV= 6.2) and peak
Means and standard deviations were presented for pre and post-test variables with
typical errors presented for post-test only. A spreadsheet for analysis of pre-post
parallel trials (Hopkins, 2011) was used to determine differences between the Exo-
skeleton and no Exo-skeleton groups on the kinematic and kinetic variables of interest.
The chances that the true value of each statistic was practically positive, trivial, or
negative were calculated using the spreadsheets. Confidence limits (90%) were
the threshold for an effect, the smallest standardised change was assumed to be 0.2.
Threshold values for assessing magnitudes of standardised effects were 0.20, 0.60,
1.2, 2.0 and 4.0 for small, moderate, large, very large and extremely large effects,
respectively. These probabilities were not presented quantitatively but were used to
Marshall, & Hanin, 2009). The scale for interpreting the magnitude of the observed
value was: 25–75%, possible; 75–95%, likely; 95-99.5%, very likely; >99.5%, most
likely. The mechanistic inference was calculated off both the 12% Exo-skeleton and
no Exo-skeleton groups but the effect was for the 12% Exo-skeleton group only. The
effect was deemed unclear when the chance of benefit was sufficiently high to warrant
use of the intervention but the risk of detriment to performance was unacceptable. This
approach using probability statistics allows the reader to make decisions around the
use of the intervention based on its predicted positive or negative effects (Hopkins et
al., 2009)
4.5 Results
With regards to the power clean technique variables associated with the 50% load, training with the 12% Exo-skeleton produced both forward and
rearward increases in bar path measures ranging from -3.9 ± 5 to 0.9 ± 5 cm (Table 7). The training effects were found to be trivial for the technique
variables with the exception of DxL where a moderate but unclear effect was noted. In terms of PGRF, velocity and PO, trivial to moderate training
effects were observed. However, the chances that the true value of the ES were beneficial was unclear.
Table 7. Pre to post changes for kinematic and kinetic variables at 50% 1RM
Control group Intervention group
Kinematic and Change in Change in Net effect ± ES: Mechanistic
kinetic variables Pre TE Post mean scores Pre TE Post mean scores confidence limits inference
50% 1RM loading
Dx2 (cm) -0.29 ± 2.6 2.36 -1.94 ± 4.1 -1.66 ± 2.6 0.42 ± 4.9 2 -0.5 ± 4.5 -0.9 ± 2.4 0.7 ± 2.3 0.17: Unclear
DxV (cm) 11.3 ± 4.7 2.51 12.5 ± 5.6 1.23 ± 2.6 8.18 ± 4.9 1.1 8.72 ± 6.2 0.55 ± 3.4 -0.7 ± 2.7 -0.12: Unclear
DxT (cm) -3.17 ± 4.7 2.81 -3.98 ± 4.6 -0.82 ± 4.7 -5.36 ± 5.2 3.77 -5.27 ± 4 0.09 ± 6.5 0.9 ± 5 0.16: Unclear
DxL (cm) -14 ± 4.7 1.7 -12 ± 4.3 2.01 ± 6.1 -11.5 ± 4.4 7.8 -13.4 ± 3.1 -1.9 ± 5.2 -3.9 ± 5 -0.76: Unclear
CxH (cm) 118 ± 9.6 3.49 115 ± 9 -2.98 ± 7.6 113 ± 9.8 3.1 111 ± 11 -2.14 ± 6.5 0.8 ± 6.2 0.08: Unclear
BBV (ms-1) 2.52 ± 0.2 0.12 2.38 ± 0.17 -0.14 ± 0.2 2.43 ± 0.41 0.1 2.37 ± 0.39 -0.06 ± 0.27 0.1 ± 0.2 0.23: Unclear
PGRF (N) 2430 ± 470 86.7 2380 ± 450 -48 ± 223 2140 ± 480 116 2090 ± 480 -46.3 ± 280 2.2 ± 220 0.00: Unclear
PO (W) 4150 ± 880 296 3690 ± 1100 -457 ± 1000 3980 ± 760 288 4090 ± 640 102 ± 560 560 ± 750 0.62: Unclear
TE = typical error
During 70% 1RM loading, training with the 12% Exo-skeleton resulted in an increase in the rearward displacement for DxL by 17.5% (moderate
beneficial: likely) when compared to the increase in the forward displacement for the no Exo-skeleton group (3.4%) (Table 8). The training effects
were found to be trivial to small for the other technique variables, barbell velocity, PGRF and PO, which were all unclear.
Table 8. Pre to post changes for kinematic and kinetic variables at 70% 1RM
Control group Intervention group
Kinematic and Change in Change in Net effect ± ES: Mechanistic
kinetic variables Pre TE Post mean scores Pre TE Post mean scores confidence limits inference
70% 1RM loading
Dx2 (cm) -2.23 ± 2.4 1.71 -3.19 ± 3.5 -0.96 ± 3.6 -0.55 ± 3.4 1.04 -0.35 ± 4.6 0.2 ± 3.1 1.2 ± 3 0.35: Unclear
DxV (cm) 11 ± 4.8 1.51 11.5 ± 3.6 0.49 ± 2.4 7.12 ± 4.1 0.7 7.29 ± 4.7 0.17 ± 1.3 -0.3 ± 1.7 -0.06: Unclear
DxT (cm) -3.64 ± 3.2 2.93 -4.67 ± 4.4 -1.03 ± 6.8 -4.75 ± 4.5 1.94 -4.81 ± 4 -0.05 ± 5 1 ± 5.3 0.23: Unclear
DxL (cm) -12.7 ± 3.1 1.91 -12.3 ± 3.4 0.42 ± 2.2 -9.53 ± 3.5 6.72 -11.6 ± 3.2 -2.02 ± 3.6 -2.4 ± 2.7 -0.60: Likely ↑
CxH (cm) 118 ± 9.6 4.9 115 ± 9 -2.98 ± 7.6 113 ± 9.8 2.2 111 ± 11 -2.14 ± 6.5 0.8 ± 6.2 0.01: Unclear
BBV (ms-1) 2.26 ± 0.13 0.07 2.23 ± 0.16 -0.03 ± 0.11 2.16 ± 0.30 0.1 2.17 ± 0.20 0.01 ± 0.18 0.0 ± 0.1 0.16: Unclear
PGRF (N) 2670 ± 390 152 2750 ± 340 87.8 ± 250 2490 ± 520 129 2450 ± 240 -32.9 ± 330 -120 ± 260 -0.24: Unclear
PO (W) 4140 ± 940 295 4070 ± 1000 -66.7 ± 600 4330 ± 870 298 4580 ± 550 246 ± 751 313 ± 630 0.33: Unclear
↑ - Beneficial effect or increase
TE= Typical error
In regards to power clean technique during 90% 1RM loading, training with the 12% Exo-skeleton resulted in a decrease in the rearward displacement
for DxV by 24% (moderate beneficial: very likely) when compared to the increase in the forward direction for the no Exo-skeleton group by 14.7%
(Table 9). The 12% Exo-skeleton group also increased DxT by 76.9% (moderate beneficial: likely) in the rearwards direction compared to the
increase in forward direction for the no Exo-skeleton group by 59.4%. The training effects were found to be small to moderate for the other technique
variables, however, were unclear. Training with the 12% Exo-skeleton resulted in an increase in barbell velocity for the 12% Exo-skeleton group by
3.5% (moderate beneficial: likely) in comparison to the decrease for the no Exo-skeleton group by 4.3%. PGRF and PP resulted in trivial and
moderate training effects respectively while an unclear effect was noted.
Table 9. Pre to post changes for kinematic and kinetic variables at 90% 1RM
Control group Intervention group
Kinematic and Change in Change in Net effect ± ES: Mechanistic
kinetic variables Pre Post mean scores Pre Post mean scores confidence limits inference
90% 1RM loading
Dx2 (cm) -2.46 ± 3.5 1.28 -2.49 ± 3.2 -0.02 ± 3.2 0.55 ± 4.2 1.2 -1.40 ± 4.5 -1.95 ± 3.9 -1.9 ± 3.1 -0.42: Unclear
DxV (cm) 10.0 ± 5.4 0.81 11.78 ± 4.5 1.73 ± 1.4 7.96 ± 4.1 1.5 6.4 ± 3.9 -1.56 ± 1.98 -3.3 ± 1.5 -0.62: Very likely ↑
DxT (cm) -4.24 ± 4.1 2.07 -1.72 ± 4 2.52 ± 5.8 -1.04 ± 6.6 2.68 -4.52 ± 4.2 -3.48 ± 6.9 -6.0 ± 5.7 -0.96: Likely ↑
DxL (cm) -11.9 ± 1.4 1.3 -10.31 ± 3.6 1.59 ± 3.6 -8.38 ± 4.2 0.8 -8.10 ± 4.2 0.28 ± 2.8 -1.3 ± 2.8 -0.33: Unclear
CxH (cm) 109.45 ± 11 4.23 106.7 ± 9.6 -2.76 ± 5.5 98.7 ± 4.3 1.4 99.6 ± 10.9 0.93 ± 9.7 3.7 ± 7.1 0.31: Unclear
BBV (ms-1) 2.04 ± 0.12 0.04 1.95 ± 0.12 -0.08 ± 0.13 1.92 ± 0.22 0.1 1.99 ± 0.15 -0.07 ± 0.16 0.2 ± 0.1 0.74: Likely ↑
PGRF (N) 2950 ± 340 50 2950 ± 430 -5.13 ± 270 2710 ± 480 84 2710 ± 450 -1.5 ± 300 3.6 ± 250 0.01: Unclear
PO (W) 4290 ± 1100 103 4040 ± 870 256 ± 740 4261 ± 780 129 4440 ± 520 175 ± 730 560 ± 750 0.41: Unclear
↑ - Beneficial effect or increase
TE= Typical error
As can be observed from Table 10, larger training effects were observed for CMJ and 1RM performance following 5 weeks of training with the 12%
Exo-skeleton. The 12% Exo-skeleton group improved CMJ performance by 8.7% (small benefit: likely) when compared to the no Exo-skeleton
group which decreased by 1.4%. The 12% Exo-skeleton group also resulted in greater improvements in 1RM power clean performance 4.2% (small
benefit possible) when compared to the no Exo-skeleton group 1.8%.
Table 10. Pre to post changes for performance measures
Control group Intervention group
Net effect ± ES:
Performance Change in Change in confidence Mechanistic
measures Pre TE Post mean scores Pre TE Post mean scores limits inference
Performance measures
CMJ (cm) 41.7 ± 4.9 4.8 41.1 ± 2.4 -0.58 ± 3.9 37.1 ± 8.2 0.9 40.6 ± 8.8 3.52 ± 1.5 4.1 ± 2.8 0.53:Likely ↑
1RM (kg) 103 ± 7.97 105± 10 1.94 ± 3.9 102 ± 15.2 106 ± 14.5 4.5 ± 3.6 2.6 ± 3.3 0.20: Possible↑
↑ - Beneficial effect or increase
TE= Typical error
During the course of the training intervention, one participant had to withdraw from the study due to a non-related injury that occurred. This
participant's results were not included. The remaining participants completed 100% of the prescribed training sessions which were observed by a
qualified practitioner.
4.6 Discussion
The primary findings of this investigation were; 1) during 70% 1RM efforts, training
with the 12% Exo-skeleton group increased the rearward displacement (17.5%) of the
barbell during the catch phase (DxL) when compared to the increase in forward
displacement (3.4%) for the no Exo-skeleton group, 2) during 90% 1RM efforts,
training with the 12% Exo-skeleton group decreased (24%) the forward displacement
for the forward most position during the second pull (DxV) when compared to the
with the 12% Exo-skeleton increased (76.9%) the rearward displacement during the
catch position (DxT) when compared to the increase (56.9%) in forward displacement
for the no Exo-skeleton group, 4) training with the 12% Exo-skeleton increased (3.5%)
barbell velocity at 90% 1RM when compared to the decrease (4.3%) for the no Exo-
skeleton group and, 5) the 12% Exo-skeleton improved CMJ (8.7%) and 1RM power
to the success of the power clean (Winchester, Erickson, Blaak, & McBride, 2005;
Winchester, Porter, & McBride, 2009), one of which is the total horizontal distance
from the forward most position during the 2nd pull to the catch (DxL) with an ideal
distance being < 20cm (Winchester et al., 2005). During 70% 1RM loading, the 12%
17.5% (-9.5 ± 3.5 to -11.6 ± 3.2 cm) compared to the 3.4% increase in the forward
direction for the no Exo-skeleton group (-12.7 ± 3.1 to -12.3 ± 3.4) which resulted in
a total net effect of -2.4 ± 2.7 cm (90% CI). As such, this resulted in a moderate training
effect which was likely to be beneficial for the 12% Exo-skeleton group as the total
(Winchester et al., 2005). These results are in agreement with Winchester et al. (2005)
who reported a significant increase in DxL during 70% 1RM loading for the power
clean exercise following four weeks of power clean training. Due to participants in the
back, participants were required to fully extend their bodies more aggressively to
counteract the increased loading during the second pull phase which may partly
explain the increase in DxL. This was also reported in our previous investigation
(Chapter 3) for the 50% 1RM loading condition where an increase in DxL of 17.8%
posteriorly loaded 12% Exo-skeleton load during power clean training is beneficial
for lifters who are prone to catching the barbell in a forward position as a result of
failing to maximally extend their bodies during the critical second pull phase.
Another technique variable that is highly correlated to the success of the power clean
is the horizontal displacement from the second pull to the forward most position
(DxV). During 90% 1RM efforts, the 12% Exo-skeleton group improved DxV as
compared to the increase in the forward direction for the no Exo-skeleton group (1.73
± 1.40 cm). It was deemed that training with the 12% Exo-skeleton would result in a
moderate training effect very likely to be beneficial. These findings are also in
agreement with previous researchers who have reported a decrease in the forward
swing during DxV following power clean and power snatch training (Winchester et
al., 2005; Winchester et al., 2009). The 12% load on the participant’s body may
enforce a movement pattern which requires lifters to maximally extend the hips, knees,
and ankles during the second pull while pulling the barbell closer to the body as
An additional technique variable which is critical to the success of the power clean is the
rearward displacement of the catch position (DxT) and this variable improved in the 12%
Exo-skeleton group during the 90% 1RM loading condition. With a net effect between the
two groups of -3.48 ± 6.90 (cm; 90% CI), this resulted in a moderate training effect likely
to be beneficial for the 12% Exo-skeleton group. This finding is in agreement with
Winchester et al. (2005) and Winchester et al. (2009) who reported a significant increase
in rearward displacement of the barbell during DxT following four weeks of power clean
and power snatch training. An increase in the rearward displacement of the barbell during
the catch position may be explained by the posterior loading of the upper and lower body
as opposed to anterior loading. The posterior loading configuration was chosen as the
addition of weight cells to the anterior aspects of the thighs would have likely
compromised the participants’ ability to maximally accelerate the barbell during the
second pull of the power clean during which time the barbell is required to remain in close
contact to the thighs and hips. In addition, it is likely that this configuration shifted the
lifters’ centre of mass slightly rearward which resulted in a more rearward catch position
load may have also allowed the lifters to forcefully drive the elbows forward during
the catching of the bar which placed their wrists, elbows, and upper back in a better
Barbell velocity is another critical variable that has been linked to the success of the
power clean (Garhammer, 1985; Storey & Smith, 2012; Winchester et al., 2005;
Winchester et al., 2009). During 90% 1RM efforts, the 12% Exo-skeleton group
increased barbell velocity load by 3.5% when compared to the 4.3% decrease for the
no Exo-skeleton group. As both groups performed pre and post testing with no Exo-
skeleton loading (i.e. all the load was on the barbell), this increase in barbell velocity
for the 12% Exo-skeleton group is reflective of a genuine training adaptation that
occurred in response to the 5 week training intervention. These results are likely due
to the improvement in power clean technique that was exhibited for the Exo-skeleton
group. During the DxV phase, the Exo-skeleton group reduced the amount of barbell
swing which would have contributed to the increase in barbell velocity. Greater
vertical barbell velocities are critical in allowing lifters time to get under the bar during
the catch position (Garhammer, 1985). Furthermore, as high release velocities are
critical during throwing sports such as shot put, discuss, handball and baseball,
such events (Gorostiaga, Granados, Ibanez, & Izquierdo, 2005; Vaan Den Tillaar &
Ettema, 2004; Zaras et al., 2013; Zaras et al., 2014). As such, our findings suggest that
a moderate training effect that is likely to be beneficial may occur for resistance trained
power clean training on athletic performance, an 8.7% increase in CMJ height for the
these results indicate that the Exo-skeleton is an effective alternative loading method
for power clean training. Such a finding is further strengthened by the 1.4% decrease
in CMJ ability exhibited by the no Exo-skeleton group. Therefore, training with the
height, which is advantageous to athletes whose sport relies on jumping ability such
as basketball and volleyball (Baker, 1996; Janssen, Sheppard, Dingley, Chapman, &
Spratfor, 2012). As previous researchers (Canavan, Garrett, & Armstrong, 1996) have
the hip, knee, and ankle for the vertical squat jump and the hang power snatch (the
power snatch also has very similar kinematics to that of the power clean), it is evident
from the improved technique associated with Exo-skeleton training, such loading has
is indicative of maximal extension of the hips, knees, and ankles during the second
training is through changes in 1RM performance. The 4.2% increase in 1RM power
clean for the 12% Exo-skeleton group compared to the 1.8% increase for the no Exo-
skeleton group may be indicative of a superior training program allowing for improved
technique and barbell velocity. The improved technique and barbell velocity,
specifically at 90% 1RM would suggest this has transferred to maximal effort power
cleans allowing for greater loads to be lifted. These findings support the importance
Winchester et al., 2009). Thus, for resistance trained athletes looking to improve 1RM
power clean performance, a small benefit is possible when using a 12% Exo-skeleton
Kang, 2004; Hori, Newton, Nosaka, & Stone, 2005), it is worthy of note that across
all testing loads for the 12% Exo-skeleton group, the increase in PO was small to
moderate (ES = 0.33 to 0.62). This increase in PO production was also thought to
such as jumping, sprinting, and throwing require large PP outputs, training with the
Furthermore, the findings from this investigation demonstrate that training at reduced
barbell loads while maintaining total systems loads can improve PO. Such findings
provide an option for a range of athletes who wish to improve PO but are less
While the above sections have discussed the clear mechanistic inferences, a number
of technique variables resulted in small changes across 70% and 90% loads that are
worthy of note. The small effect sizes for the technique variables of Dx2, DxT, DxL,
and CxH, at their respective loads, suggests that each technique variable has a different
threshold of change and with greater sample sizes and/or longer training periods may
Based on these findings, it is evident that training with a 12% Exo-skeleton load
improves power clean technique. Although changes in joint angles were not measured,
the increase in rearward displacement of the barbell suggest the posterior loading of
the body enhanced the lifter’s ability to complete maximal extension of the hips, knees,
and ankles during the second pull. In the absence of a full extension of the body,
barbell trajectories during the second pull of the Olympic lifts have been shown to
move forward in the sagittal plane (Gourgoulis et al., 2009; Häkkinen et al., 1984).
This improvement in maximal extension may also transfer to CMJ performance due
barbell velocities which in turn lead to improvements in PO and 1RM power clean
performance. A limitation of this study was the small sample size which resulted in a
number of variables having unclear inferences. A longer training period may also
allow for greater training effects to occur. As each technique variable appears to have
length, and/or training status, further research is needed to assess; 1) the effects of
five weeks and, 3) the application of Exo-skeleton loading on lifters with differing
positively influences kinematic and kinetic variables while improving CMJ and 1RM
power clean performance. Reducing the total external bar load while maintaining the
total system load allows lifters to focus on the technical aspects (e.g. increasing the
rearward displacement of the barbell) thus improving lifting technique. This may be
technical requirements without being inhibited by large external loads. Improving the
technical aspects of the power clean also allows for improved barbell velocities and
PO which are critical to success in many sports. The reduction in the total external
load while maintaining equated total system loads may also provide an avenue for
lifters with poor mobility to perform maximally loaded power cleans while improving
jumping performance.
5.1 Summary
This thesis sought to answer the over-arching question of what are the acute and
performance of the power clean exercise and athletic performance measures. A range
of kinematic and kinetic variables were identified as critical to the success of the power
clean exercise. These were used to compare the acute effects of Exo-skeleton loads
power clean at 50% and 70% of participants 1RM. Although the barbell load was un-
equated, the total system load (i.e. barbell plus lifter with Exo-skeleton) was equated
resulting in an improvement in the total rearward displacement of the bar from the
most forward position to the catch position. This occurred at 50% of 1RM whilst
wearing the 12% Exo-skeleton when compared to the no Exo-skeleton condition. With
approximately 4% of bodyweight loaded on the upper back this may partly explain the
improvement as the lifters were required to fully extend their bodies more aggressively
to counteract the increased loading during the second pull phase. Only two previous
research groups have examined the acute changes in technique that occur whilst
wearing a WV during sporting movements (i.e. sprinting) (Alcaraz, Palao, Elvira, &
Linthorne, 2008; Cronin et al., 2008). While it is difficult to compare results between
different exercise modalities (i.e. sprinting vs. power clean kinematics), one
conclusion from the collective research is that excessive loading of the anterior chain
is detrimental to technique.
Another major finding was an increase in peak barbell velocity which occurred during
70% of 1RM for the 12% Exo-skeleton condition when compared to no Exo-skeleton
bodyweight even though the total system loads remained equal. Due to these
during the power clean exercises was ~12% of the participants bodyweight. The acute
participant’s bodyweight, resistance trained athletes training with the 12% Exo-
skeleton improved aspects of power clean technique at 70% and 90% 1RM. For
example, the 12% Exo-skeleton group increased the rearward displacement of the
barbell during the catch phase compared to the increase in forward displacement for
the no Exo-skeleton group at 70% 1RM loading. As these findings are in agreement
In regards to power clean technique during 90% 1RM loading, the 12% Exo-skeleton
resulted in a decrease in the rearward displacement of the forward most position during
the second pull when compared to the increase in forward displacement by the no Exo-
skeleton group. Additionally, the 12% Exo-skeleton group also increased the rearward
displacement for the no Exo-skeleton group. The posterior loading of the body ensured
lifters forcefully completed maximal extension of the hips, knees, and ankles during
the second pull which forced lifters to pull the barbell rearwards as opposed to letting
the barbell drift forwards. The improvement in technique was thought to contribute to
the increase in barbell velocity and PP. As previous researchers (Hoffman, Cooper,
Wendell, & Kang, 2004; Hori, Newton, Nosaka, & Stone, 2005) have highlighted the
jumping, sprinting, and throwing require large PO outputs, the findings in the current
loading method for improving PO. Additionally, the decrease in external barbell load
while maintaining the total system load may provide an avenue for less technically
proficient lifters and lifters with poor mobility to focus on the critical technique aspects
when training at near maximal to maximal loads thus allowing for large PO.
positively affect the improved CMJ height and 1RM power clean performance. Due
to the kinematic similarities between the power clean and CMJ, it was thought that the
In particular, hip extension which has been highlighted as essential during jumping
and sprinting (Tricoli et al., 2005; Young et al., 2001) and is also emphasised during
the 2nd pull of the power clean (Canavan et al., 1996; Dawes, 2012; Storey & Smith,
2012). As such, training with the 12% Exo-skeleton produced a range of benefits
which are possible to very likely to improve lifting performance in resistance trained
The review of the literature provided an in-depth analysis of the power clean exercise
with critical variables related to power clean success identified. Additionally, different
findings from the two investigations, a number of practical applications are provided
1. Due to the highly technical nature of the power clean exercise, decreasing the
total external bar load while maintaining the total system load may allow lifters to
focus on the technical aspects of the lift (e.g. minimising the total horizontal
2. The reduction in the total external load while maintaining equated total system
loads may also provide an avenue for lifters with low power clean training experience,
injuries, or poor mobility to perform maximally loaded power clean without being
3. Resistance trained lifters who are prone to catching the barbell in a forward
position as a result of failing to maximally extend through the 2nd pull phase can
incorporate an Exo-skeleton load equivalent to 12% of their body mass to ensure triple
extension of the hips, knees, and ankles is aggressively completed during the 2nd pull.
4. The 12% Exo-skeleton improves both acute and longitudinal barbell velocities.
This is beneficial to lifters as this can lead to greater time for lifters to get under the
bar in the catch position and increase the vertical displacement which may allow for
power clean provides an avenue for less technically proficient lifters to increase their
PP outputs using lighter training loads which in turn will help to minimise the risk of
potential injury.
6. As high release velocities are critical during sports which involved throwing
such as shot put, discus, handball and baseball, increases in barbell velocity could
clean training with Exo-skeleton loading can lead to improvements in CMJ height.
5.3 Limitations
The author notes and acknowledges the following limitations from the research
Pilot Study
bodyweight, Exo-skeleton loads different to that of 5% and 12% loads may have
2. The use of resistance trained athletes reduces the application of the findings to
Training Study
1. A limitation of this study was the small sample size which resulted in a number
≥12% bodyweight; 2) training interventions longer than five weeks; and, 3) using
5.4 Future research
This thesis has made a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on the
power clean exercise and its use within various training methodologies. The
knowledge of centralised loading (i.e. the addition of external loading to the body).
However, due to the results and scope of these investigations, a number of areas still
group over the five week training period, the acute effect of power clean training
extension of the hips, knees, and ankles, this may have positively affected CMJ
and what kinematic, kinetic, and performance changes occur during athletic
warranted as the potential for greater and clearer training effects may occur which will
give practitioners a greater insight into the long term training effect.
lifters. Furthermore, different skilled lifters may require more or less percentage of
5. As the power snatch is another common exercise used by strength and power
athletes which is often difficult to complete due to the technique and mobility
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Appendix 1: Abstracts
(Chapter 3)
Weighted vests are often applied to jumping and sprinting movements to improve
lower body power. However, it is currently unknown what effect this loading method
has on full body explosive movements such as the power clean. Therefore, the purpose
of this investigation was to quantify the kinematic and kinetic effects a weighted Exo-
skeleton had on the performance of the power clean exercise. Nine resistance trained
males performed two power cleans at loads of 50% and 70% of 1RM with and without
variables, barbell velocity, peak ground reaction force (PGRF), and power output (PO)
were compared. The main findings of this investigation were;1) the 12% Exo-skeleton
barbell during the catch phase (DxL) when compared to the no Exo-skeleton group
during 50% 1RM efforts, 2) at 70% 1RM efforts, peak barbell velocity during the 12%
Exo-skeleton condition was 3.33% higher (P < 0.05)as compared to the no Exo-
skeleton condition, 3) during 50% 1RM efforts, PO was significantly higher for 5%
(11.5%) and 12% (16.8%) Exo-skeleton conditions when compared to the no Exo-
skeleton condition and, 4) the 5% Exo-skeleton condition did not have a significant
influence on technique factors at 50% and 70% of 1RM when compared to the no Exo-
lifter’s bodyweight may positively influence kinematic and kinetic variables during
(Chapter 4)
A popular method to improve athletic performance and lower body power is to train
with a weighted vest. However, it is currently unknown what training effect this
loading method has on full body explosive movements such as the power clean.
Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine what effects an Exo-
skeleton equivalent to 12% bodyweight had on the power clean exercise and
countermovement jump (CMJ). Sixteen resistance trained males completed five weeks
barbell velocity, peak ground reaction force, peak power, 1RM power clean, and CMJ
were compared. The primary findings of this investigation were; 1) during the 70%
and 90% 1RM efforts, the Exo-skeleton group increased the rearward displacement
(17.5% and 76.9%)of the barbell during DxL and DxT when compared to the increases
in forward displacement (3.4% and 56.9%) for the no Exo-skeleton group, 2) the Exo-
skeleton group increased (24%) the rearward barbell displacement during DxV
group at 90% 1RM, 3) the Exo-skeleton group increased barbell velocity at 90% 1RM
(3.5%) when compared to the decrease for the no Exo-skeleton group (-4.3%) and, 4)
the Exo-skeleton group increased CMJ (8.7%) and 1RM power clean performance
(4.2%) compared to the decrease in CMJ (-1.4%) and increased 1RM power clean
performance (1.8%) for the no Exo-skeleton group. In conclusion, training with a 12%
Exo-skeleton can positively influence power clean ability and CMJ performance.
Appendix 2: Ethics approval
7 April 2014
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
Dear Adam
Re Ethics Application: 14/60The biomechanical and neuromuscular influence of weighted
vest resistance on the performance of the power clean in competitive
Thank you for submitting your application for ethical review. I am pleased to confirm that the Auckland University
of Technology Ethics Committee (AUTEC) has approved your ethics application for three years until 31 March
The Information Sheet requires a minor amendment to include the advice that the data will be kept indefinitely
and the reason why it is being kept.
AUTEC would like to commend you and the researcher on the overall quality of the application.
As part of the ethics approval process, you are required to submit the following to AUTEC:
A brief annual progress report using form EA2, which is available online through When necessary this form may also be used to request an
extension of the approval at least one month prior to its expiry on 31 March 2017;
A brief report on the status of the project using form EA3, which is available online through This report is to be submitted either when the approval expires
on 31 March 2017 or on completion of the project;
It is a condition of approval that AUTEC is notified of any adverse events or if the research does not commence.
AUTEC approval needs to be sought for any alteration to the research, including any alteration of or addition to
any documents that are provided to participants. You are responsible for ensuring that research undertaken
under this approval occurs within the parameters outlined in the approved application.
AUTEC grants ethical approval only. If you require management approval from an institution or organisation for
your research, then you will need to obtain this. If your research is undertaken within a jurisdiction outside New
Zealand, you will need to make the arrangements necessary to meet the legal and ethical requirements that apply
within their.
To enable us to provide you with efficient service, we ask that you use the application number and study title in
all correspondence with us. If you have any enquiries about this application, or anything else, please do contact
us at
All the very best with your research,
Kate O’Connor
Executive Secretary
Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee
Cc: Caleb
Appendix 3: Study Flyer
Project title:
“The Influence of Weighted Vest Resistance on the Performance of the Power Clean
in Competitive Athletes.”
Are you:
Acute increases in jumping, sprinting and agility have been shown to occur
following dynamic warm up drills and exercises that have been performed with a
weighted vest (i.e. “centralised loading”). The combined used of weighted vest
resistance and whole-body strength and power resistance exercises, such as the
power clean, could prove to be a highly effective training strategy and further
investigation is warranted in this area. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation
is to assess and compare the effects of centralised loading on the performance of
the power clean across a 5 week training period.
What is involved:
Prior to the start of the study, you will be required to complete an exercise
familiarisation and maximal (1RM) power clean testing session. In addition, your
vertical jump and 30m sprint will be tested. Total approximate time= 4 hours
You will benefit from having expert Olympic lifting coaching while receiving
information regarding your force and power producing ability which will be applicable
to your sporting endeavours.Additionally, you will be contributing to the current body
of knowledge in strength and power field.
Appendix 4: Participant information sheet
Participant Information
Date Information Sheet Produced: 4.3.14
Project Title:
The Biomechanical and Neuromuscular Influence of Weighted
Vest Resistance on the Performance of the Power Clean in
Competitive Athletes.
You are invited to participate in the above named study which is a research based
investigation conducted by Mr. Caleb Marriner and supervised by Dr. Adam Storey
and Professor John Cronin. Participation in this study in completely voluntary and any
decision to participate or not participate does not affect in any way the relationship
you have with the investigators.
Such findings have relevance to acute athletic performance in the context of sport-
specific training (e.g. sprinting and jumping). However, the combined used of
weighted vest resistance and whole-body strength and power resistance exercises,
such as the power clean, could prove to be a highly effective training strategy for
improving athletic performance and further investigation is warranted in this area.
Therefore, the purpose of this investigation is to assess and compare the effects of
centralised loading on the performance of the power clean exercise during a 5 week
training intervention in well-trained athletes. These findings will contribute towards a
Masters degree and will be presented in thesis and journal-article format which may
also include conference presentations.
Am I eligible to participate?
You are eligible to participate in this study if you are; 1) male aged between 18-35
years, 2) free form acute or chronic injury at the time of the training intervention, 3)
not using any performance enhancing or banned substances (World Anti-Doping
Agency 2014), and 4) posse the ability to power clean ≥ 1x body mass.
Participation in this study is completely voluntary with you having the right to
withdraw form the study at anytime without reason.
What will happen in this research?
Familiarisation and testing session:
If you are eligible to participate in this study, you will be required to attend a
familiarisation session at least three days prior to the testing session. Participants will
be required to perform a number of repeated sub-maximal power cleans with and
without a weighted vest (WV). Additionally, maximal (1RM) power clean testing will
be conducted for subsequent testing and training loads. Adequate familiarization will
be provided prior to maximal efforts being performed. The total familiarisation session
will last approximately one hour.
The pre- and post testing sessions will include quantitative measures of strength and
power including the power clean, vertical jump test, 10m and 30m sprints. You will
be videoed for the purpose of measuring „technique‟. The total testing time will last
approximately one hour and thirty minutes.
Once you have completed the familiarisation and testing session, you will randomly
be assigned to a (WV) group or no weighted vest/control group. All participants will
be required to perform 3 supervised power clean training
sessions a week across the 5 week study period. The WV
group will be required to perform the designated training
sessions with an additional load equivalent to 5-15% of
their body mass placed on their posterior trunk (i.e mid-
lower back and glutes). The weighted vest, in the form of a
cutting edge high performance exoskeleton garment
(Exogen©), is designed to support multi-directional
movements through the use of high tech compression
materials following the natural architecture of the body.
The “tear drop” weights (Fusiform Loads ©) can be
What compensation is available for injury or negligence
In the unlikely event of a physical injury as a result of your participation in this study,
rehabilitation and compensation for injury by accident may be available from the
Accident Compensation Corporation, providing the incident details satisfy the
requirements of the law and the Corporation‟s regulations.
Concerns regarding the conduct of the research should be notified to the Executive
Secretary of AUTEC Kate O’Connor,, 921 9999 ext 6038.
Appendix 5: Consent form
Consent Form
Appendix 6: Participant questionnaire
Project title:
1. Full Name…………………………….………………………………………
2. Date of birth. …………………………………………………………………
3. Contact numbers………………………………………………………………
4. Contact Address……………………………………………………………….
5. Are you currently taking any medication? If so, list the name and
6. Are you currently taking supplements to your diet? (including
creatine, protein, caffeine, and/or steroids)
………………………… ……………………………………
7. Do you have any injury history? If so, what is it and when did it happen?
8. Do you have any current injuries that could interfere with you training
in this study? If so, what is it and when did it happen?
Appendix 7:Kinovea analysis steps
1. Import video in to Kinovea 0.8.15 soft wear.
2. Play video until one frame before the beginning of the lift which is when the
bar begins to flex (Souza et al., 2002).
3. Zoom the video in and right click on the reflective marker at the centre of the
4. Select “track path”.
5. Insert a “stop watch” into the video and right click to start the stop watch to
sync with the lift off and the bar path data.
Allow the video to run through in slow motion to develop a bar path. Adjust the
barbell tracker manually if needed.
6. At the end point of the lift, right click on the path, select “End Path”, then
“configure” and change the line style to a thin line.
7. Click File, Export to Spreadsheet, and select “trajectories to simple text”.
8. Use the “Line” function to trace over a standardised calibration stick that is
included in the original video. Right click on the line to calibrate it to the
known length. Note: the calibration line must be in the same depth of field as
the barbell reflective marker.
DX2 (start position to second pull) is measured using the following steps:
1. Move the video to the start of the second pull. To increase accuracy, use the
“Trajectories to simple text” file and marry the time and distance co-
ordinates with the video. If more than one time reference exists for the same
distance, use the median time point.
Figure 13. Syncing of trajectories to simple text and video
2. Using the “Angle” function, draw a vertical 180deg line from the start of the
lift upwards.
3. Using the “Line tool, measure the horizontal distance between the vertical
line and the reflective marker at the start of the second pull.
DXV (second pull position to the most forward position) is measured using the
following steps:
1. Play the video to the most forward position after the second pull. To increase
accuracy, use the “Trajectories to simple text” file and marry the time and
distance co-ordinates with the video. If more than one time reference exists for
the same distance, use the median time point.
2. Using the “Line” tool, draw a vertical line up from the second pull to in line
with the most forward position. Use the “Angle” tool to ensure line is
vertically straight.
3. Using the “Line” tool, measure the horizontal distance between the vertical
line and the reflective marker on the barbell. To ensure the line is accurate,
use the “Angle” function at 270°.
DXT- (Start position to catch position), is measured using the following steps:
1. Play the video to the point where the participant catches the barbell. To
increase accuracy, use the “Trajectories to simple text” file and marry the
time and distance co-ordinates with the video. If more than one time
reference exists for the same distance, use the median time point.
2. Using the “Line” tool, draw a line vertically from the reflective marker. Use
the “Angle” function to ensure accuracy. Note – this vertical line is a measure
of the catch height (CxH).
3. Measure the horizontal distance between the vertical line and the stat point.
To ensure the line is accurate, use the “Angle” function at 270°.
Figure 16. Measuring of DxT and CxH using angle and line tools
DXL- catch position to forward most position using the following steps:
1. Using the same vertical line drawn for the DxT variable, measure the horizontal
distance between the vertical line and the “forward most position” points. To
ensure the line is accurate, use the “Angle” function at 270°.
2. From the vertical line drawn for DxT, draw a horizontal line to the forward
most position. To ensure the line is accurate, use the “Angle” function at