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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,

www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390


Jay Shankar Goit
Department of Civil Engineering
Noida International University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
[email protected]

Abstract— It is presumably that construction industries in

India are facing the same generic problems/ wastes on I. INTRODUCTION
construction activities which were also faced by their
counterparts regardless those in developed countries or
developing countries. However, the main problem in India (might Lean Construction had three initial sources of inspiration,
be the same for most of other countries) is the lack of clear the impacts of which has been bolstered by dissatisfaction with
indicators on quantitative parameters to assess the extent of those the practical accomplishments of project management. Koskela
problems/ wastes to have been impacted on the overall (1992) challenged the industry to apply the principles behind
performance and productivity of local construction industries. To the revolution in manufacturing, and quickly initiated an effort
date, there have not been many well-documented quantitative to establish production management on a sound theoretical
studies and records on to process-related problems/ wastes which foundation. The third source took the form of an anomaly
arisen on construction site in India. As a result of that, the discovered by Ballard (Ballard & Howell, 1998): namely, that
introduction of the concepts and framework of new lean
normally only about 50% of the tasks on weekly work plans
construction ideology are seen as an opportunity to address the
existing problems in local construction industry and utilising are completed by the end of the plan week. This proved to be
concepts and framework of new lean construction ideology can an uncomfortable fact for a philosophy of project management
then go further to formulate the extent of impacts of those that relied on detailed centralized planning and the assumption
problems/ wastes on a more structured and quantitative basis. that what should be done could be transformed into did through
Prior to assess the severity of the process-related problems/ contract structures and contractual enforcement.
wastes which existed in the construction processes for the local Construction industries worldwide have become notorious
construction industries, the differentiation of traditional and new for under-performance in many aspects such as quality, safety,
production/ construction concepts will have to be drawn prior to productivity and product delivery to planned budgets,
further investigation and evaluation on any project
programmes and client satisfaction. In general, a very high
level of wastes/ non added value activities are assumed to exist
New measurement parameters such as waste, value, cycle time in construction and it is difficult to measure all waste in
or variability that was not covered under traditional concepts are construction. Several partial studies from various countries
to be introduced into this study; the local construction personnel have confirmed that wastes in construction industry represent a
will be subsequently examined with those new parameters to relatively large percentage of production cost. The existences
review the level of understanding and practicability in local of significant numbers of wastes in the construction have
construction industry compare to the requirements and the depleted overall performance and productivity of the industry
concepts set forth by lean construction philosophy.
and certain serious measures have to be taken to rectify the
This research is intended to verify and re-evaluated the status current situation.
of existing productivity and performances on construction The chronic problems of construction are well known: low
activities and processes for local construction industries. This is productivity, poor safety, inferior working conditions, and
meant to have a clearer picture on how “lean” in local insufficient quality. Unlike manufacturing activities where the
construction industry performed currently under the compilation production activities are fundamentally governed and
of new measurement parameters particularly on waste and cycle controlled under a rather routine process, construction activities
time pertaining to the concepts and principles of Lean are subjected to relatively wide range of variables and wastes
Construction factors throughout its information management and resource
Index terms- Construction, Project, Lean, Technology and
flow process as compared to manufacturing activities.

382 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

productivity and product delivery to planned budgets,

These variables and wastes generated in construction programs and client satisfaction. In general, a very high level
activities are mainly due to its large fieldwork component, the of wastes/ non added value activities are assumed to exist in
provisional nature of some of its organisations, and its construction and it is difficult to measure all waste in
intensive use of labour and non-stationary equipment and construction. Several partial studies from various countries
indeed, those construction peculiarities and variables will have confirmed that wastes in construction industry represent a
restraint the efficiency of the construction processes compared relatively large percentage of production cost. The existences
to those stationary & well-controlled manufacturing processes, of significant numbers of wastes in the construction have
but all of those peculiarities and variables can be overcome depleted overall performance and productivity of the industry
with the application of new flow design and improvements as and certain serious measures have to be taken to rectify the
well as new technologies adoption. current situation.
Therefore, the organisation, planning, allocation and
control of these resources, processes and technologies are what The chronic problems of construction are well known: low
finally determine the productivity that can be achieved. productivity, poor safety, inferior working conditions, and
insufficient quality. Unlike manufacturing activities where the
production activities are fundamentally governed and
II. PROBLEMS IN CONSTRUCTION & TRENDS IN controlled under a rather routine process, construction activities
IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY are subjected to relatively wide range of variables and wastes
factors throughout its information management and resource
A. Introduction flow process as compared to manufacturing activities.
Construction industries worldwide have become notorious
for under-performance in many aspects such as quality, safety,

383 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

These variables and wastes generated in construction but all of those peculiarities and variables can be overcome
activities are mainly due to its large fieldwork component, the with the application of new flow design and improvements as
provisional nature of some of its organisations, and its well as new technologies adoption.
intensive use of labour and non-stationary equipment and Therefore, the organization, planning, allocation and
indeed, those construction peculiarities and variables will control of these resources, processes and technologies are what
restraint the efficiency of the construction processes compared finally determine the productivity that can be achieved.
to those stationary & well-controlled manufacturing processes,

Construction project environment. Learn to discover and

B. Need for Lean Construction:
remove wastes in their organization, own jobs, and simplify
As construction industry gets competitive, thinking and processes. Cost reduction through process Simplification,
applying Lean to Construction activity is critical to winning inventory reduction, development of managers with acute
customers and ensuring profitability. The aim of Lean Systems awareness of creating customer value for top line growth.
is to design, produce and deliver products/services, which Lean construction is a new way to manage construction.
exceed customer expectations in terms of Cost/ The objective, principles and techniques of lean construction
Quality/Time/Performance. taken together form the basis for a new project delivery
The participants will be able to experience how different process. Unlike current approaches to managing construction
management concepts are integrated and can be applied to (including design-build) and programmatic improvement
build a Lean Organization focused on Customer Value
Creation. Develop insights into creating Lean Systems in a

384 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

efforts (Partnering and TQM), lean construction provides the how their planned schedules affected the completion time of a
foundation for an operations based project delivery system. particular phase of the project. Within a few weeks, planners
Waste is defined by the standard of perfection. Failure to started to rely on reverse phase scheduling to estimate activity
meet the unique requirements of a client is waste, as is time durations instead of going back to the original master schedule.
beyond instant and inventory standing idle. The standard
demands a new form of production management. Zero time  6-Week Look-Ahead
delivery of a car meeting customer requirements, with nothing The project manager was not familiar with the look-
in inventory required that the rapid movement of each car ahead schedule, so the research team prepared the first look-
down the line be tightly coordinated with the arrival of parts ahead schedules. Once the project manager realized that the
from supply chains. look-ahead schedule could provide an updated picture of the
Rework would have to be eliminated as it reduced project assignments to be completed, he started to prepare it
throughput, the time to make a car from beginning to end, and regularly. The project manager focused the constraint analysis
caused workflow to be unreliable. Eliminating the unreliable on material issues.
workflow is the key to both throughput and minimizing
inventory cost. Reducing the cost or increasing the speed of  Variance Analysis
any one activity is likely to inject uncertainty into the flow of Cost variance was the only performance indicator at
work and thus rarely contributes to increased throughput or the start of the project, so it was difficult to introduce the
lowest total cost. Rapid completion and low cost require high variance of assignments as a meaningful performance measure.
throughput resulting from matching the arrival of resources When assignments were not completed on time, the project
“Justified-in-time” with the flow of work. manager provided the immediate cause, e.g., weather
Construction and manufacturing differ significantly in the conditions or scheduling. By the end of the study, the project
physical features of the end product. In manufacturing, finished manager was able to identify the root causes of variances and
goods generally can be moved as a whole to retailers or end set action plans to deal with delays.
customers. Construction, on the other hand, deals with larger
units that cannot be transported. Additionally, the construction  Percentage Plan Completed Charts
industry has three other features that distinguish it from The research team prepared percentage plan completed
manufacturing: Onsite production, one-of-a-kind projects, _PPC_ charts at two levels: project and subcontractor.
complexity, temporary multi organization and regulatory Subcontractors were concerned about their weekly PPC value,
interventions as discussed earlier. The combined effect of these so they tried to improve the quality of their own assignments.
features of construction is uncertainty. The manufacturing During the study, the project staff prepared the PPC charts and
process makes it possible to reduce uncertainty by increasing posted them in the site trailer.
control over the process itself. A steady state is desirable in
order to increase efficiency through repetition. In construction B. Increased Visualization:
projects, significant uncertainty exists throughout the project.  Commitment Charts
Weather conditions, soil conditions, owner changes, and the The GC’s vice president addressed the project personnel to
interaction between multiple operations can produce unique emphasize the importance of their safety to the company. The
circumstances, which could be as critical as the planned attendees were asked to give examples of how to maintain
activities and have a significant impact on project cost. safety practices on a job site. At the end of the presentation, a
This topic will emphasis on study of implication of lean commitment pledge was signed by all employees and posted in
techniques on wastage control of a construction project in the trailer throughout the project.
which specific lean construction elements will be tested. Each
technique will be evaluated in terms of its impact on the  Mobile Signs
performance of the project. Based on the findings of the study,
a new “lean assessment tool” will be proposed to quantify the The project personnel provided their input on the design of
results of lean implementations. The assessment tool evaluates the safety signs. After a brainstorming session, mobile signs
lean construction elements: Last planner, increased were designed and later posted on various areas of the site.
visualization, huddle meetings, first-run studies, five S’s and Most of them used colourful and funny expressions to attract
fail-safe for quality, increase in pre-manufactured products in the attention of all people on the job site.
construction, Value Stream Mapping, Target Value Design,
cluster groups, and building information modelling (BIM), A3
 Project Milestones
Reports, Weekly Work Plans, and Plus Delta.
The project personnel were not regularly informed of
completion dates at the beginning of the study. Once the signs
III. LEAN CONSTRUCTION TOOLS were designed, completion dates were plotted and posted floor
by floor throughout the project. At the end of the study, most
A. Last Planner: workers stated that they felt more involved in the execution of
o Reverse Phase Scheduling the project.
All subcontractors were encouraged to chart their schedule
on a wall display using Post-it notes. Subcontractors could see

385 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

C. Huddle Meeting:
 All-Foreman Meetings  Act
An informal meeting of all project foremen was replaced Ideas suggested during the meetings were tested by the
with the weekly work plan meeting, which focused on the same crew, with support from the project manager and the
completion of assignments during the following week. The foreman. The results showed more than 38% reduction in the
discussions during the meetings addressed overlapping cost of crash walls and 73% reduction in the cost of
activities and identified potential problems on the job site. construction. Joints after the studies were completed. The
Actions agreed to at the meetings were recorded in minutes and actions implemented included new methods, changes in the
were reviewed the following week. composition of the crew, and a better sequence of activities.

 Start-of-the-Day Meetings E. Five S’s

Project personnel met at the beginning of each workday for
 Sort
5 to 10 minutes to review the work to be done that day.
The first level of housekeeping consisted of separating
Scheduling, safety, and housekeeping were the most common
material by reference and placing materials and tools close to
issues to arise during these meetings Based on job surveys, at
the work areas with consideration of safety.
least 67% of the workers found value in the meetings. More
than 42% of the workers provided some feedback during the
meetings. Most of them stated that they are more likely to talk  Straighten
directly to their foremen during that time of the day. Next, materials were piled in a regular pattern and tools
were placed in gang boxes. Each subcontractor took
responsibility for specific work areas on the job site.
D. First-Run Studies, Plan, Do, Check, Act:
 Plan  Standardize
Two assignments were selected with input from the The next level included the preparation of a material layout
foreman, superintendent, and project manager: installing design. The layout contained key information of each work
bumper walls and construction joints. Bumper wall installation activity on the job site. The visual workplace helped locate
was chosen because it is a high-cost activity, and construction incoming material, reduce crane movements, and reduce
joint installation was selected because of its high variability. walking distance for the crews.

 Do  Shine
Assignments were documented with video shooting and The next step consisted of keeping a clean job site. Workers
productivity studies. One flaw in the documentation was that were encouraged to clean workplaces once an activity had been
most of the input came from the foreman instead of from the completed. A housekeeping crew was set to check and clean
crew. The crew was focused exclusively on the completion of hidden areas on the job site.
the task. The description of the activities could have been more
detailed with input from the crew.  Sustain
The final level of housekeeping sought to maintain all
 Check previous practices throughout the project. At the end of the
The work performed was checked in a formal meeting project, this level was not fully achieved, in part because
attended by the project manager, the foreman, and the crew. project personnel did not view housekeeping as a continuous
The research team led the meetings, looking for potential effort. They had to be reminded frequently of housekeeping
improvements and learning opportunities. Most of the practices.
participants tried to give their best suggestions as to what could
be improved for the next repetition of the assignment.

386 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

G. Value Stream Mapping:

A powerful lean tool, designing the relationships and
F. Fail-safe for Quality: dependencies between the owner, designers, and construction
 Check for Quality was a necessary first step to produce a functional group. What
An overall quality assessment was completed at the information was needed and when did the designers need to
beginning of the project. Most quality issues could be supply it to the constructors for them to continue their work?
addressed by standard practices, and it seemed there was little What information did the constructors need to feed back to the
room for improvement. During the execution of the project, designers to input the constructability factors, and when? Who
however, some critical items appeared. A new vibration communicates to whom and by what method? How are
method for shear walls was suggested and implemented by the conflicts resolved? When do the owner and GC have to
superintendent of the project. approve competed work? These are all very important
questions that Value Stream Mapping can help answer in a
 Check for Safety systematic fashion.
Safety was tracked with safety action plans, i.e., lists of
main risk items prepared by each crew. Potential hazards were H. Building Information Modelling:
studied and explored during the job. Most hazards, such as eye
BIM is another tool to make the project more efficient.
injuries, falls and trips, and hearing loss, have standard
Drawing the building in a virtual environment and performing
countermeasures; however, in practice, workers have to be
clash detection between architectural, structural, and building
reminded of safety practices.
systems in the virtual model is more efficient than finding and
correcting the issues in the field. This eliminates waste, thus
meeting a core requirement of Lean Construction.

387 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

 No additional cost is required for the implementation

I. A3 Report:  Qualitative improvement could be able to achieve in
few days of implementation
The A3 process, another lean tool, is a structured report  Reduction in the overall cost of the activity
used to solve a problem, report project status, propose a policy
 Reduction in overall time of the activity
change, or make a purchase. The name A3 refers to A3-size
paper (11.69 in. by 16.54 in.). The objective is to fit all the nec-  Better communication with various stakeholders of
essary criteria on one page of A3 paper to present to for the project
approval. A good A3 report will have a description of the  Members/ Stakeholders will be empowered in
current condition, root cause analysis, target condition, decision making to make it successful
implementation plan, follow-up plan and result report.  Each member of the construction supply chain will be
aware of its influence on the overall project
 Materials and components can be selected to meet the
IV. CONCLUSION best needs of supply chain discipline
In this paper, we had analysed the general perceptions of  Just In Time (JIT) can be implemented
construction industry and how the lean construction tools can  Purchase department will focus on ‘Pull’ Purchase
be used to improve the implementation of these activities i.e., purchase to cater the current demand
particularly in managing construction wastes. As mentioned in  It focus on delivering the value desired by the owner,
this paper, we developed a process improvement tool using which primarily leads to the principle ‘Customer is
lean construction which are executed it in different sites. We the King’
received an overwhelming response from the construction team  It is a continual improvement/pursuit of perfection
and they found it very effective tool that can be implemented in involving everyone in the system
the site.  Inefficiency and waste in the use of labour and
materials will be eliminated
The following are the advantages that we found by using  Reduction of accidents in the site
our tool  Proper synchronisation of activities can be done much
 Very Simple and easy to use effectively than using planning softwares
 Better way to convey the information about a problem  Better clarification can be ensured among various
to the top management stakeholders for project implementation
 Easy to understand from the top to bottom of the  It can be used for the process improvement of any
construction pyramid activities irrespective of its nature and size.

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 382-390

 We can put an end to ‘JUST DO IT’ policy of UK, Australia and Sweden. HCC is implementing Lean
implementing activities Construction for their water supply irrigation project in Andhra
Pradesh. This is the first of its major kind in the field of Lean
Lean Construction which was developed in the mid-1980s Construction in India. Other construction majors in India such
had a more formal start with the first meeting of the as Shapoorji Pallonji, Essar, and Oberoi are trying to
International Group for Lean Construction in 1993. ‘Lean implement Lean Construction for their projects in India.
Construction’ has developed and reached mature stage in
countries such as Denmark, US, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Germany,

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