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Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429

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Clinical Nutrition
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ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN guidelines on pediatric parenteral

nutrition: Complications
Corina Hartman a, b, *, Raanan Shamir a, b, Venetia Simchowitz c, Szimonetta Lohner d, e,
s Decsi d, the ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN working group on pediatric
Wei Cai f, Tama
parenteral nutrition1
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Institute, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Petach Tikva, Israel
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Pharmacy Department, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Department of Paediatrics, University of P
ecs, Pecs, Hungary
Cochrane Hungary, Clinical Center of the University of P ecs, Medical School, University of P
ecs, P
ecs, Hungary
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Xin Hua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
Received 12 June 2018
Accepted 12 June 2018

1. Methods Type of publications: The search was restricted to infants and

children (0e18 years) but not limited by publication form or
Literature search language.
Timeframe: publications from 2004 until December 2014 were Key words: The search was conducted in Ovid Medline using
reviewed both MeSH terms and text words for “parenteral nutrition

* Corresponding author. Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Institute, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Petach Tikva, Israel.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Hartman).
ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN working group on Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition: BRAEGGER Christian, University Children's Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland; BRONSKY Jiri, University
Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic; CAI Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China; CAMPOY Cristina, Department of Paediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Granada,
Granada, Spain; CARNIELLI Virgilio, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy; DARMAUN Dominique, Universite  de Nantes, Nantes, France; DECSI Tamas, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Pecs, Pe
cs, Hungary; DOMELLOF € Magnus, Department of Clinical Sciences, Pediatrics, Umeå University, Sweden; EMBLETON Nicholas, Newcastle University, Newcastle
upon Tyne, The United Kingdom; FEWTRELL Mary, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London, UK; FIDLER MIS Natasa, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Slovenia; FRANZ Axel, University Children's Hospital, Tuebingen, Germany; GOULET Olivier, University Sordonne-Paris-Cite ; Paris-Descartes Medical School, Paris, France; HARTMAN
Corina, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Petach Tikva, Israel and Carmel Medical Center, Haifa Israel; HILL Susan, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, NHS Foundation
Trust and UCL Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom; HOJSAK Iva, Children's Hospital Zagreb, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, University of J. J. Strossmayer School of
Medicine Osijek, Croatia; IACOBELLI Silvia, CHU La Re union, Saint Pierre, France; JOCHUM Frank, Ev. Waldkrankenhaus Spandau, Berlin, Germany; JOOSTEN, Koen, Department of
Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Intensive Care, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; KOLACEK  Sanja, Children's Hospital, University of Zagreb School of
Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia; KOLETZKO Berthold, k LMU e Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit€ at Munich, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, Munich, Germany; KSIAZYK Janusz, Department
of Pediatrics, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, The Children's Memorial Health Institute. Warsaw; LAPILLONNE Alexandre, Paris-Descartes University, Paris, France; LOHNER Szimo-
netta, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pe cs, Pe
cs, Hungary; MESOTTEN Dieter, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; MIHALYI  cs, Pe
Krisztina, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pe cs,
Hungary; MIHATSCH Walter A., Ulm University, Ulm, and Helios Hospital, Pforzheim, Germany; MIMOUNI Francis, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, The Wilf Children's
Hospital, the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, and the Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; MØLGAARD Christian, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of
Copenhagen, and Paediatric Nutrition Unit, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; MOLTU Sissel J, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; NOMAYO Antonia, Ev. Waldkrankenhaus
Spandau, Berlin, Germany; PICAUD Jean Charles, Laboratoire CarMEN, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, Hopital croix rousse, Lyon, France; PRELL Christine, LMU e Ludwig-Maximilians-
€t Munich, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, Munich, Germany; PUNTIS John, The General Infirmary at Leeds, Leeds, UK; RISKIN Arieh, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Rappaport
Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel; SAENZ DE PIPAON Miguel, Department of Neonatology, La Paz University Hospital, Red de Salud Materno Infantil y Desarrollo e SAMID,
Universidad Auto noma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; SENTERRE Thibault, CHU de Lie ge, CHR de la Citadelle, Universite
 de Lie
ge, Belgium; SHAMIR Raanan, Schneider Children's Medical
Center of Israel, Petach Tikva, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; SIMCHOWITZ Venetia, Great Ormond Street NHS Trust, London, The United Kingdom; SZITANYI Peter, General
University Hospital, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic; TABBERS Merit M., Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; VAN DEN AKKER Chris H.B., Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; VAN GOUDOEVER Johannes B., Emma Children's Hospital,
Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; VAN KEMPEN Anne, OLVG, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; VERBRUGGEN Sascha, Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery,
Intensive Care, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; WU Jiang, Xin Hua Hospital, Shanghai, China; YAN Weihui, Department of Gastroenterology and
Nutrition, Xinhua Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.

0261-5614/© 2018 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429 2419

complications”. In parallel an expert search was conducted focusing damage; 2) admixture stability; 3) interactions between PN and
on specific subtopics of parenteral nutrition complications. medications; 4) metabolic bone disease; 5) hepatobiliary com-
Titles and abstracts retrieved by electronic and expert searches plications; and 6) effects of PN on growth parameters.
were first screened by a collaborator of Cochrane Hungary and Other types of complications (e.g. metabolic or nutritional
clearly irrelevant abstracts were removed. Subsequently, members complications, Refeeding syndrome) are described in other chap-
of the Working Group screened titles and abstracts for eligibility. Full ters of this Guideline.
texts of all potentially relevant manuscripts were retrieved and

Table 14.1: Recommendations for the prevention of complications

R 14.1 Any child with IF and an indwelling CVC is at significant risk for CRBSI and, accordingly, any fever (temperature >38.5 or rise >1  C), or change in clinical or
laboratory parameters should raise the suspicion of CLABSI until proven otherwise (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.2 Paired quantitative blood cultures taken simultaneously from both the CVC and a peripheral vein should ideally be obtained when a CRBSI is suspected and
before the start of antibiotic therapy (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.3 The most readily available technique to confirm CRBSI without catheter removal is the calculation of DTP (differential time to diagnosis) between blood
cultures drawn from the catheter and from a peripheral vein or separate lumen (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong
R 14.4 Empirical antibiotic therapy for CRBSI should usually include coverage for Gram-positive coagulase-negative or epositive staphylococci and Gram-negative
bacilli (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.5 The duration of antimicrobial therapy for CRBSI with retained catheter is generally 10e14-days, assuming clinical and microbiological response within 48
e72 h and no evidence of complications (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation).
R 14.6 Removal of the CVC is recommended in the presence of clinical deterioration or persisting or relapsing bacteremia, presence of suppurative complications or
for particular infectious agents (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.7 Thrombotic catheter occlusion and CVC related thrombosis require thorough investigation and treatment as they may be associated with significant
morbidity (LOE 2, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.8 Fibrinolytics are the drug class of choice for treating thrombus-occluded catheters. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA, alteplase) is currently the
recommended agent; however, urokinase and recombinant urokinase (rUK) can also be used (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.9 The recommended management of acute and symptomatic CVC-related thrombosis depends on the requirement for the CVC and usually requires
antithrombotic medication (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.10 Proper positioning of the catheter tip and immediate investigation when catheter breakage or fluid extravasation are suspected should be implemented in
order to prevent the occurrence of significant morbidity (LOE 4, RG 0, strong recommendation)
R 14.11 Appropriate measures to secure the catheter in place and education for users on correct maintenance and safety of the catheter are strongly recommended
(GPP, strong recommendation
R 14.12 PN should be administered wherever possible using an admixture formulation validated by a licensed manufacturer or suitably qualified institution (GPP,
strong recommendation)
R 14.13 A matrix table should be sought from the supplier of the formulation detailing permissible limits for additions of electrolytes and other additives (GPP, strong
R 14.14 Alternative ingredients should not be substituted without expert advice or repeat validation (GPP, strong recommendation)
R 14.15 Phosphate should be added in an organic-bound form to prevent the risk of calcium-phosphate precipitation (GPP, strong recommendation)
R 14.16 If inorganic phosphate is used, stability matrices and order of mixing must be strictly adhered to (GPP, strong recommendation)
R 14.17 When ‘2 in 1’ admixtures with Y-site lipids added are used, addition of lipids should be fully validated by the manufacturer or accredited laboratory, or the
lipid infused through an alternative line (GPP, strong recommendation)
R 14.18 Mixing of medications with PN in administration lines should be avoided unless validated by the manufacturer or accredited laboratory (GPP, strong
R 14.19 Multi-layer bags which are impermeable to oxygen are recommended for PN administration (GPP, strong recommendation)
R 14.20 Light protection is recommended for both PN bags and administration sets (LOE 3, RG 0, strong recommendation)
R 14.21 The recommended delivery site for PN is via a central line; however peripheral PN can also be given for short periods (LOE 3; RG 0, strong recommendation)
R 14.22 The osmolarity of peripheral PN solution should be kept less than 900 mosmol/l (LOE 3; RG 0, conditional recommendation)
R 14.23 In children on home PN, regular measurements of urinary calcium, plasma calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone and 25-OH vitamin D concentrations
and serum alkaline phosphatase activity should be performed (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.24 Ingredients with the lowest amount of aluminum are advocated for the preparation of parenteral nutrition solutions provided to patients receiving PN (LOE
2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.25 Regular assessment of bone mineralization should be performed (LOE 2, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.26 The risk of liver disease may be decreased by reducing patient-related and PN-related risk factors (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong recommendation)
R 14.27 In patients with intestinal failure-associated liver disease, maximizing enteral intake as tolerated may improve liver disease outcome (GPP, strong
R 14.28 In patients on long-term and home PN, cyclic of PN infusion is recommended as soon as metabolic and fluid status allows (LOE 3, RG 0, strong
R 14.29 Pure soybean-based lipid emulsions should be avoided in the presence of cholestasis (LOE 3, RG 0, strong recommendation)
R 14.30 The use of mixed LEs may be encouraged in IF patients for long term PN (LOE 3, RG 0, conditional recommendation)
R 14.31 The initiation of ursodeoxycholic acid may be considered in the presence of biochemical signs of cholestasis (LOE 3, RG 0, conditional recommendation)
R 14.32 Early referral to an experienced pediatric intestinal failure rehabilitation/transplantation centre is recommended in infants/children with intestinal failure-
associated liver disease (GPP, strong recommendation)
R 14.33 All patients on long term PN require regular monitoring of growth and body composition (LOE 2, RG B, strong recommendation)

2. Introduction 3. Complications of central venous catheters

This chapter handles the following main areas where com- 3.1. Infections
plications during parenteral nutrition may arise: 1) CVC related
complications including infection, occlusion, central venous Central lineeassociated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are
thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and accidental removal or the most common, serious complication associated with central
2420 C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429

venous catheters (CVC) use. CLABSIs are a significant cause of to contamination. In contrast, paired quantitative blood cultures
morbidity and mortality in pediatric patients with intestinal failure taken simultaneously from both the CVC and a peripheral vein
(IF) who are parenteral nutrition (PN) dependent. Intravenous ac- represent a considerable improvement, and should be obtained
cess is a lifeline for these patients, and the loss of vascular sites is an before initiation of antimicrobial therapy [6,20] (LOE 2þþ in adults).
indication for intestinal transplantation [1,2] (LOE 2). Further- Confirmatory tests for the diagnosis of CRBSI include: culture of
more, recurrent sepsis is also a major cause of IF-associated liver the same organism from at least 1 percutaneous blood culture and
disease (IFALD) [3e5] (LOE 2). Unless an alternative source is from a culture of the catheter tip when the catheter is removed, or 2
identified, all bloodstream infections in patients with a CVC are positive blood samples, one from the CVC and the other from a
classified as CLABSI. When evidence confirms that the colonized peripheral vein, that meet CRBSI criteria for quantitative blood
device is the true source of infection, the more specific diagnosis of cultures or differential time to positivity (DTP). For quantitative
catheter related blood stream infection (CRBSI) is used [6] (LOE 2þ). blood cultures, a colony count of microbes grown from blood ob-
The reported incidence of CRBSI in the pediatric literature is tained through the catheter hub that is at least 3-fold greater than
between 3.8 and 11.3 infections per 1000 catheter days, depending the colony count from blood obtained from a peripheral vein best
on patient and catheter variables [7] (LOE 2þ). In children with IF defines CRBSI. The most readily available technique to confirm
the range of CRBSI is very similar, 1.2e10.2 ± 6.2 per 1000 catheter CRBSI without catheter removal is the calculation of DTP between
days [8e10] (LOE 3). The estimated reported frequency of CRBSI in blood cultures drawn from the catheter and from a peripheral vein
home PN (HPN) patients in the literature varies between 0.34 and or separate lumen. For DTP, growth of microbes from a blood
3.94 episodes per catheter year [10e13] (LOE 3). Prevention focused sample drawn from a catheter hub at least 2 h before microbial
protocols can reduce this rate to less than 1 per 1000 catheter-days growth is detected in a blood sample obtained from a peripheral
[14] (LOE 2þ). The major pathogens isolated are Gram-positive vein best defines CRBSI [6,20] (LOE 2þþ in adults). In a recent
coagulase-negative (30e40%) or epositive (7.7e15%) staphylo- retrospective study in the NICU, optimal DTP cutoff for the diag-
cocci, Gram-negative bacteria (30e40%), fungi (4.6e6%) or poly- nosis of CRBSI was >1 h, with a sensitivity of 94%, specificity of 71%,
microbial flora (12%) [9,10,15] (LOE 3). positive predictive value of 88%, and negative predictive value of
Risk factors that have been associated with an increased rate of 83%, suggesting that DTP of paired blood cultures may have some
CRBSI include prematurity, malignancy, previous abdominal sur- potential in the diagnosis of catheter related infections in this
gery, small bowel length, presence of an enterostomy, lack of setting [21] (LOE 3). Cultures of blood from the catheter and when
enteral nutrition, use of catheter for PN and duration of PN and use appropriate of soft tissues at the entrance-exit sites or tunnel
of antacids [16] (LOE 2þ) [17]; (LOE 3) [18]; (LOE 2þ). Medicard should be obtained before the initiation of antibiotic therapy.
insurance and age <1 year were also associated with increased risk
for CRBSI (odds ratio [OR], 4.4 [95% CI, 1.13e16.99] and 6.6
[1.50e28.49], respectively; P < .05) in children on HPN [19] (LOE 3). 3.1.2. Therapy of CRBSI

3.1.1. Diagnosis of CRBSI

R 14.4 Empirical antibiotic therapy for CRBSI should usually include
coverage for Gram-positive coagulase-negative or epositive
staphylococci and Gram-negative bacilli (extrapolated from
R 14.1 Any child with IF and an indwelling CVC is at significant risk for adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation,
CRBSI and, accordingly, any fever (temperature >38.5 or rise strong consensus)
>1  C), or change in clinical or laboratory parameters should R 14.5 The duration of antimicrobial therapy for CRBSI with a retained
rise the suspicion of CLABSI until proven otherwise (LOE 2þ; RG catheter is generally 10e14-day, assuming clinical and
B, strong recommendation, strong consensus) microbiological response within 48e72 h and no evidence of
R 14.2 Paired quantitative blood cultures taken simultaneously from complications (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE
both the CVC and a peripheral vein should ideally be obtained 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation, strong consensus)
when a CRBSI is suspected and before the start of antibiotic R 14.6 Removal of the CVC is recommended in the presence of clinical
therapy (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG deterioration or persisting or relapsing bacteremia, presence of
B, strong recommendation, strong consensus) suppurative complications or for particular agents
R 14.3 The most readily available technique to confirm CRBSI without (extrapolated from adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong
catheter removal is the calculation of DTP (differential time to recommendation, strong consensus)
diagnosis) between blood cultures drawn from the catheter and
from a peripheral vein or separate lumen (extrapolated from
adult studies rated as LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong recommendation, In the 2009 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America,
strong consensus) the authors outline approaches to the management of CRBSI in pa-
tients with short- and long-term CVCs, in adults and children [6,20].
Empirical antibiotic therapy for CRBSI should usually include
Any child with IF and an indwelling CVC is at significant risk for coverage for Gram-positive coagulase-negative or epositive staph-
CLABSI and, accordingly, any fever (temperature >38.5 or rise ylococci and Gram-negative bacilli (LOE 2þþ in adults). The choice of
>1  C), lethargy, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, thrombocyto- antibiotics must be based on patient risk factors, severity of infection
penia or ileus in an IF patient must be presumed to be due to a and local resistance pattern and changed to a narrower-spectrum
CLABSI until proven otherwise [6,20] (LOE 2þ). The US Center for therapy once the infecting organism has been identified. The dura-
Disease Control and Prevention has published guidelines for the tion of systemic antimicrobial therapy after a CRBSI diagnosis de-
diagnosis of CRBSI, mainly involving matching peripheral blood pends on several factors including: catheter removal or retention,
cultures with catheter blood or tip cultures [6,20]. However, few response to antimicrobial therapy within the first 48e72 h (resolu-
studies exist to validate these criteria in children and modified tion of fever and bacteremia), and the development of other com-
diagnostic criteria are often applied for practical purposes. A plications (embolic tissue infection, septic thrombosis, or
definitive diagnosis of a CVC-related infection can be challenging, endocarditis) (LOE2þþ in adults). There are no compelling data to
especially in children. Standard qualitative peripheral blood culture support specific recommendations for the duration of therapy for
remains the most commonly performed investigation for CRBSI, but device-related infection. The optimal duration of therapy for treating
does not indicate the source or quantity of organisms and is subject CRBSI in children with or without catheter removal has not been
C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429 2421

established. Therefore, recommendations regarding the duration of Contaminated PN and intravenous fluid have been reported
therapy for pediatric patients with CRBSI mirror adult recommen- to cause sepsis outbreaks. The contamination may have taken
dations. In general, if the catheter is retained a 10e14-day course of place during compounding of PN in the pharmacy or during
systemic antimicrobial therapy is adequate, assuming a response to handling of the solutions in the ward. Gram positive and
antimicrobial therapy within 48e72 h and no evidence of compli- enegative bacteria and Candida albicans were found to be the
cations (defined as persistent bacteremia 72 h after appropriate species most likely to contaminate PN during preparation or
treatment initiation, suppurative thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, administration and have been implicated in more than 95% of all
osteomyelitis, or possible metastatic seeding) (LOE 2þ). outbreaks and sporadic cases of nosocomial bloodstream in-
Because of vascular access difficulties in children, it is often fections related to contaminated parenteral admixtures [25e27]
necessary to attempt CRBSI treatment without catheter removal. (LOE 3).
Several studies have reported successful CRBSI management
among children without catheter removal [18] (LOE 2þ) [22]; (LOE 3.2. Mechanical complications
3). In 52 children with SBS, of the 181 episodes in which the
catheters were not promptly removed, renal insufficiency occurred Mechanical events such as occlusion, leakage and dislodgement
in 12 (7%) cases, disseminated infection in 7 (4%), hypotension in 13 are commonly seen. The reported incidence of CVC mechanical
(7%), and mechanical ventilation in 10 (6%). Complications also complications in different series is 3.37 per 1000 days-catheter
occurred in 4 of the 14 episodes in which the catheter was promptly (95% CI: 2.76e4.12) [9] (LOE 3).
removed. Although there was no catheter management-dependent
difference in time required to clear infection for Gram-positive and 3.3. Occlusion
Gram-negative organisms, the time required to clear infection was
significantly longer in episodes of infection caused by fungal or- Catheter occlusions, in which blood cannot be drawn nor solu-
ganisms when the catheter was not removed promptly. Twelve tions infused, can occur from mechanical causes, precipitation of a
patients died prior to hospital discharge, 5 from complications of medication or PN, or as the result of a thrombotic process. Recog-
their infections (n ¼ 2 coagulase-positive staphylococci, n ¼ 1 nition of the probable cause is critical to appropriate intervention
Candida albicans, n ¼ 1 Enterococcus faecalis, n ¼ 1 Eschericia coli). In and salvage of the catheter. Catheter occlusion can occur suddenly
all 5 of these patients, the catheter was not promptly removed [22]. (usually caused by an intraluminal precipitate) or can develop over
Removal of the CVC is required if there is clinical deterioration or several days (usually clots).
persisting or relapsing bacteremia, severe sepsis, suppurative
thrombophlebitis, endocarditis or bloodstream infection that con- 3.3.1. Nonthrombotic occlusions
tinues despite 72 h of antimicrobial therapy to which the infecting PN components (lipids or calciumephosphorus complex)
microbes are susceptible [6,20] (LOE 2þþ in adults). Patients with a and, less frequently, incompatible drugs may precipitate and
long-term CVC and an uncomplicated CRBSI with Staphylococcus cause occlusion. Medication crystallization and precipitation
aureus, Pseudomonas species or Candida require immediate within CVC usually occur when incompatible medications are
removal of the infected CVC and a defined course of systemic administered. Adding a solution that returns the pH of the
antibiotic therapy, except in rare circumstances when no alternate crystallized medication back into the normal range may dissolve
venous access is available (LOE 2þþ in adults). Treatment of the precipitate. When medications with a normally high pH (eg,
catheter-associated fungemia without removal of the catheter has a phenytoin) crystallize in a central vascular device, sodium bi-
low success rate and is associated with higher mortality (LOE 2þþ carbonate can be infused to raise the pH and the medication may
in adults). Recent reports involving children with Candida CRBSI revert to its liquid state. When low pH medications (eg, vanco-
found that the addition of antifungal lock therapy led to a high cure mycin) crystallize in a CVC, hydrochloric acid can be used to
rate without catheter removal, but there are insufficient data to lower the pH and dissolve the precipitate occlusion [28,29] (LOE
recommend routine catheter salvage using this approach for this 3). Lipid occlusions may also occur and are more prevalent with
infection unless there are unusual extenuating circumstances silicone catheters because lipid emulsions adhere to silicone.
[23,24] (LOE 3). Replacing catheters can be difficult in patients with Ethyl alcohol at a 70% solution may be used to dissolve lipid
limited access, and surgical complications can arise. As such, the occlusions [30] (LOE 3).
risks of catheter retention in the setting of infection must be Catheter kinking along the path of the CVC and tip positions
weighed against those of surgery and general anesthesia, as well as against the vessel wall may create mechanical occlusions that
the consumption of the limited anatomical sites that are suited for prevent or reduce flow through catheter. Proper positioning of
catheter placement. Children treated for CRBSI without catheter CVC catheters may prevent this complication which often occurs
removal should be closely monitored with clinical evaluation, with shorter catheters with tips high in the superior vena cava
additional blood cultures, and use of antibiotic lock therapy com- [31] (LOE 3). Catheter “pinch-off” and “pinch-off syndrome” are
bined with systemic therapy for catheter salvage [6,20] (LOE 2þ). terms used to describe the compression of a CVC between the
Uncomplicated exit site infections (i.e., those without systemic clavicle and first rib. Over time, repeated compression (caused by
signs of infection, positive blood culture results, or purulence) may shoulder and arm movement) can cause a mechanical obstruc-
be managed with topical antimicrobial agents on the basis of the tion, catheter injury with infusate leak or rupture. A contrast
exit site culture results (LOE 2þ). Catheter removal and systemic study or chest x-ray can be used to confirm or rule out catheter
antibiotic therapy is recommended for patients with an apparent pinch-off [32] (LOE 3).
tunnel or port-site infection (LOE 2þ) [6,20].
Antibiotic lock therapy has been recommended for the treatment 3.3.2. Thrombotic occlusion and CVC related thrombosis
of adults with CRBSI, always used in conjunction with systemic
antibiotic therapy (LOE 2þ). It involves installing a high concen-
R 14.7 Thrombotic catheter occlusion and CVC related thrombosis require
tration of an antibiotic to which the causative microbe is susceptible
thorough investigation and treatment as they may be associated
in the catheter lumen. Data on ethanol and antibiotic locks use as with significant morbidity (LOE 2¡, RG B, strong recommendation,
adjuncts to systemic antibiotic treatment in children with CRBSI is strong consensus)
sparse and this therapy is not routinely recommended (LOE 3).
2422 C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429

Thrombosis associated with a CVC can involve the catheter tip, approximately 50%e90%, with greater efficacy generally reported
the length of the catheter, or the catheterized vessel. The reported with larger doses and longer dwell times. The Cathflo Activase
prevalence of CVC-related thrombosis in children varies, depending Pediatric Study which was performed in 310 children reported a
on the underlying diagnoses, diagnostic tests and index of suspi- cumulative rate of restoration of catheter function after serial
cion/presence of symptoms. In the Canadian registry the incidence administration of a maximum of two doses of alteplase, each with a
of CVC-related thrombosis in children with different diseases was maximum dwell time of 120 min, of 82.9% (95% CI, 78.2e86.9%). No
3.5 per 100,000 hospital admissions [33] (LOE 2þþ). In children intracranial or other major bleeding or thrombo-embolic events
receiving HPN, the incidence of CVC-related thrombosis was re- occurred [46] (LOE 2þþ). Repeated doses of alteplase may be
ported to range from 1 to 80%, with the lowest frequencies reflecting necessary if patency is not restored, as recommended by both the
the clinical diagnosis of thrombosis and the highest frequencies manufacturer and the American College of Chest Physicians ACCP)
reflecting venographic evidence of thrombosis [34] (LOE 2). [43] (LOE 2þþ). Limitations of current studies of alteplase for
The majority of CVC related thromboses are asymptomatic. catheter occlusion in children include small study populations and
Otherwise, the initial symptoms of line thrombosis in children relative lack of pediatric-specific prospective trials.
receiving PN through CVC include mainly difficulty in flushing or The latest American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based
obtaining blood from the catheter. Symptoms associated with su- Clinical Practice Guidelines on Antithrombotic Therapy and Preven-
perior vena cava (SVC) and inferior vena cava (IVC) occlusion also tion of Thrombosis, 9th ed states: “In pediatric patients, tPA is the agent
include head and neck swelling, pleural effusion, chemosis and of choice”. Reasons for this preference include a previous US Food and
plethora, and lower limb edema, respectively [35,36] (LOE 2). Drug Administration warning regarding urokinase, experimental evi-
Symptoms attributed to pulmonary emboli (PE) include dyspnea, dence of improved clot lysis in vitro compared with urokinase and
stridor, hoarse cry and airway occlusion, and chest pain in older streptokinase, fibrin specificity, and low immunogenicity [47].
children [37] (LOE 2). A recent review of thrombolytic treatment for catheter obstruction
A combination of ultrasound and venography imaging seem to (studies in adults and children with different disorders and catheter
be required for accurate diagnosis of CVC-related thrombosis in the types) reported that alteplase, one of the current therapies, clears 52%
upper venous system [38] (LOE 2þ). Ultrasonography may be of obstructed catheters within 30 min with 86% overall clearance
adequate for jugular thrombosis but inadequate for diagnosis of (after 2 doses, where necessary). Recombinant urokinase cleared 60%
subclavian or SVC thrombosis. Nevertheless, one can start with this of catheters at 30 min but only 73% of catheters after repeated doses.
method, as it is non-invasive and easy to perform. If the result is Newer medications such as reteplase, tenecteplase and alfimeprase
negative and clinical suspicion is high, venography is the method of may have higher efficacy or shorter time to clearance. Reteplase is a
choice. In the future, magnetic resonance imaging may become a new recombinant tissue plasminogen activator similar to alteplase but
noninvasive alternative for invasive venography for the detection of it lacks several structural domains. Therefore, penetration into the
CVC-related thrombosis [39] (LOE 2). thrombus is improved, allowing fibrinolysis throughout the
Morbidity and mortality from thrombotic events are clinically thrombus. Reteplase was instilled into 15 clotted catheters in children
significant and include loss of subsequent intravenous access, in a dose escalation trial. The dose of reteplase was started at 0.1 units
recurrent thrombosis, PE, postthrombotic syndrome and death. and increased with increments of 0.1 units to a maximum dose of 0.4
The incidence of CVC-related thrombotic events in children units. Attempts to access the catheter were made every 15 min for 1 h.
receiving long-term PN varies from 1% based on clinical diagnosis Twelve of the 15 catheters (80%) were patent after a mean dwell time
to 35% based on ventilation perfusion scans or echocardiography to of 38 min. No adverse events occurred. Reteplase seems to be as
75% based on venography [37,40e42]. (LOE 3). Specific thrombus- efficient and safe as alteplase, but may need shorter dwell times [48]
related mortality is however extremely low, with most studies of (LOE 3). Recombinant urokinase may also have a role in prevention of
children receiving long-term PN reporting a mortality rate of 0% thrombotic catheter occlusion [49] (LOE 2þ).
[40,41,43] (LOE 3). Treatment of catheter-related thrombosis. Treatment of thrombotic catheter occlusion.
R 14.9 The recommended management of acute and symptomatic CVC-
related thrombosis depends on the requirement for the CVC and
usually requires antithrombotic medication (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong
R 14.8 Fibrinolytics are the drug class of choice used to treat thrombus-
recommendation, strong consensus)
occluded catheters. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA, alteplase) is
currently the recommended agent; however, urokinase and
recombinant urokinase (rUK) can also be used (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong In patients with catheter-related venous thrombosis, and a
recommendation, strong consensus) catheter in situ, anticoagulation, including low-molecular-weight
heparin (LMWH) subcutaneously or unfractionated heparin (UFH)
Fibrinolytics are the drug class of choice used to treat thrombus- intravenously, is the main initial therapy. The aims of initial anti-
occluded catheters. Thrombolytic agents used to restore catheter coagulant therapy are to prevent thrombus extension and subse-
patency are streptokinase, urokinase and tissue plasminogen acti- quent pulmonary embolization. After 3 months of full
vator (tPA). COOL (double blind placebo controlled, 149 patients) anticoagulant therapy, switching to prophylactic doses of anti-
and COOL-2 (open label, 991 patients) (Cardiovascular Thrombo- coagulation therapy is recommended and this should be adminis-
lytic to Open Occluded Lines) have shown the role of alteplase, a tered until the removal of the CVC [43] (LOE 2þ).
recombinant fibrinolytic agent with a higher degree of fibrin Thrombolytic therapy is usually not recommended unless a
selectivity, for restoration of patency of occluded venous catheters, major vessel occlusion is involved causing critical compromise of
without significant side effects [44,45] (LOE 2þþ). The populations organs or limbs (LOE 2þ). Thrombolytics stimulate thrombus res-
in both trials consisted of adult and pediatric patients. Catheters' olution more rapidly than heparin anticoagulation, particularly if
patency was restored to 74% in the alteplase arm and 17% in the the clot is relatively acute, roughly less than 2 weeks old. However,
placebo arm (P < .0001 compared to placebo). Alteplase doses of this benefit must be weighed against the risk of major bleeding,
0.5e2 mg have been instilled into the CVC lumen with dwell times which is greater than with anticoagulation alone. If thrombolysis is
ranging from 30 to more than 240 min. Overall efficacy ranged from required, tPA is used rather than other lytic agents [49e52] (LOE
C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429 2423

2þ). Compared to urokinase and streptokinase, tPA has shown injection, inability to withdraw, cough, and chest pain. In cases of
improved clot lysis in vitro, fibrin specificity and low immunoge- suspected catheter fracture, it may be prudent to obtain radiographic
nicity [53,54] (LOE 3). The success rate of thrombolysis in pediatric studies encompassing the upper extremities and chest, even in the
patients varies. Reported rate of complete thrombus resolution is asymptomatic patient. The catheter tip can migrate to locations such
53%, 43%, and 69%, respectively when using streptokinase, uroki- as the internal jugular vein in the neck or contralateral brachioce-
nase, or tPA [54,55] (LOE 3). The major drawback of thrombolytic phalic vein. Intravascular and intracardiac embolization of the cath-
therapy is the increased number of major bleeding complications. In eter fragments is a severe and rare complication and accounts for <1%
retrospective case series these complications occurred in 0%e40% of of all reported complications [74] (LOE 4). Giving the high mortality
the children treated with alteplase [50] (LOE 4). Alternatively, a and the wide range of complications that may result, it is important to
successful combination of chemical thrombolysis and balloon an- remove the catheter fragment immediately unless contraindicated.
gioplasty or endovascular recanalization for catheter salvage has Percutaneous and open surgery are both options for the retrieval of
been described in the literature [56,57] (LOE 5). catheter fragments. Retrieval of fragmented catheter emboli can now
The recommended management of radiographically detected be safely and effectively accomplished percutaneously [75] (LOE 5).
asymptomatic CVC-related thrombosis is less clear and based Inadvertent device damage can occur during routine care and
mainly on expert opinion and less on evidence-based data. Since maintenance. Damage to tunneled catheters and PICCs is generally
asymptomatic CVC-related thrombosis is believed to have clinical repaired by using a specially designed repair kit. Vascular erosion is
significance in children, treatment with anticoagulation is recom- a rare but life-threatening CVC complication. Improvements in
mended in the absence of contraindications [43] (LOE 2þ). For catheter material properties have greatly decreased the incidence
children receiving long-term HPN thromboprophylaxis with of vascular erosion. Any central vascular device catheter with its tip
vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) has been suggested [43] (LOE 2þ). adjoining the vessel wall at a near perpendicular angle should be
A recent Cochrane systematic review which assessed the effi- monitored closely, or preferably repositioned [76] (LOE 4).
cacy and safety of different interventions used to restore patency of
occluded CVC lumens in adults and children, identified only 7 (2 in
3.5. Loss of vascular access
children) randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
[58]. None of the included studies investigated chemical or surgical
Careful management of vascular access in children with IF will
interventions for treating occluded CVCs. All 7 studies investigated
allow for long-term access and prevent the development of access
different comparisons or strengths of thrombolytic or anticoagu-
difficulties that can limit the ability to provide PN and lead to in-
lant therapies for treating CVC occlusion caused by a thrombus.
testinal or multi-organ transplant. Finally, in patients that do
There was some evidence from 2 studies that investigated uroki-
develop significant thrombosis or occlusion of all of their central
nase vs. placebo (RR 2.09, 95% CI 1.47 to 2.95) and alteplase 2 mg/
vessels, innovative methods of obtaining central venous access
2 ml vs placebo (2 studies, RR 4.19, 95% CI 2.44 to 7.20) that these
have been described, including transhepatic catheters, translumbar
two drug interventions may be effective in treating occlusion of
or percutaneous mammary catheters, and gonadal vein catheters
CVC lumens caused by thrombosis [59,60] (LOE 2þ).
[77] (LOE 4). Interventional radiology assistance is often helpful in
these complex patients. Using these general guidelines, loss of
3.4. Extravasation, breakage and migration central venous access should be an extremely rare indication for
intestinal transplantation. Overall, 10% of IF patients referred for a
small bowel transplant assessment had difficulty with placement of
R 14.10 Proper positioning of the catheter tip and immediate
investigation when catheter breakage or fluid extravasation are a central venous catheter for PN [78] (LOE 3).
suspected should be implemented in order to prevent the
occurrence of significant morbidity (LOE 4, RG 0, strong
recommendation, strong consensus) 4. Complications and considerations related to the
R 14.11 Appropriate measures to secure the catheter in place and composition of the PN solution
education for users about correct maintenance and safety of the
catheter are strongly recommended (GPP, strong
4.1. Stability
recommendation, strong consensus)

Extravasation, the leakage of infusate from a vein into the sub-

R 14.12 PN should be administered wherever possible using an
cutaneous space, is a relatively infrequent complication of central admixture formulation validated by a licensed manufacturer or
venous catheters. Life-threatening extravasation complications have suitably qualified institution (GPP, strong recommendation,
occasionally been reported including pleural or pericardial effusion strong consensus)
and cardiac tamponade [61,62]. Rarely reported sites of extravasation R 14.13 A matrix table should be sought from the supplier of the
formulation detailing permissible limits for additions of
include the pulmonary parenchyma [63,64], renal pelvis [65],
electrolytes and other additives (GPP, strong recommendation,
scrotum [66,67], retroperitoneal space [68], spinal epidural space strong consensus)
[69] and subdural space [70] and even into pharynx causing oral R 14.14 Alternative ingredients should not be substituted without
aspiration of PN infusate [71] (LOE 4). Massive PN fluid extravasation expert advice or repeat validation (GPP, strong
recommendation, strong consensus)
into subcutaneous tissue has been treated with recombinant human
R 14.15 Phosphate should be added in an organic-bound form to
hyaluronidase (rHuPH20) [72] (LOE 5). Approved by the United States prevent the risk of calcium-phosphate precipitation (GPP,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an adjuvant to increase the strong recommendation, strong consensus)
absorption and dispersion of other injected drugs in adults and R 14.16 If inorganic phosphate is used, stability matrices and order of
children, rHuPH20 (Hylenex [Baxter International Inc., Deerfield, IL]) mixing must be strictly adhered to (GPP, strong
recommendation, strong consensus)
has been reported to be safe and well tolerated when used to facili-
R 14.17 When ‘2 in 1’ admixtures with Y-site lipids added are used,
tate the absorption of hydration fluids and subcutaneous drugs [73]. addition of lipids should be fully validated by the manufacturer
Catheters that loop at acute angles are at risk for fracture. The most or accredited laboratory or the lipid infused through an
common signs of a fractured catheter are local swelling, pain, or skin alternative line (GPP, strong recommendation, strong
site leakage on injection. Other less common signs are resistance on consensus)
2424 C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429

Parenteral nutrition in paediatrics can be admixed into ‘2 in 1’ or solution ahead of the medication. Also, depending upon where the
‘3 in 1’ admixtures. A ‘2 in 1’ admixture is one that contains amino drug is added to the set, it may delay delivery of all or part of the
acids, carbohydrates and electrolytes in a single container with dose to the circulation if the dose volume is less than the residual
lipid emulsion kept in a separate container. A ‘3 in 1’ admixture has volume of the tubing [96] (LOE 4). This means that any study of
all the components including lipid in a single container. With up to drug compatibility with PN can only be reliably applied to the
100 chemical species present in an admixture, enormous potential particular product concentrations, flow rates tested and the precise
for interaction exists. It is recommended that a formulation is used equipment, tubing, connectors and adaptors used. Extrapolation
that has been thoroughly studied in the laboratory and is backed by should only be attempted by those with relevant expertise. Prob-
a clear statement from an authoritative body such as a licensed lems will frequently manifest as in-line precipitation or lipid
manufacturer or an academic institution [79] (LOE 4). There may be droplet enlargement (or both). In-line filtration can prevent these
variability through factors such as the variation in pH between reaching the patient [97,98] (LOE 3).
different batches of glucose due to decomposition during auto-
claving [79,80] (LOE 4) and changes in trace element profiles due to 4.3. Peroxidation, light protection and vitamin stability
adsorption onto, or leaching from, admixture containers and tubing
[81e83] (LOE 3).
A ‘3 in 1’ admixture is administered through a single line and the R 14.19 Multi-layer bags which are impermeable to oxygen are
emulsion stability has been confirmed for the formulation recommended for PN administration (GPP, strong
[79,84e86]. A ‘2 in 1’ admixture validation generally excludes the recommendation, strong consensus)
R 14.20 Light protection is recommended for both PN bags and
lipid emulsion from any consideration during stability testing. The
administration sets (LOE 3, RG 0, strong recommendation,
lipid emulsion is infused ‘separately’ but in practice this usually strong consensus)
means into the same infusion line, through a ‘Y’ connector. This
approach does not ensure stability [87e89] (LOE 3). As there are
risks associated with instability of regimens, it has been recom-
The use of PUFAs in PN increases the risk of peroxidation and
mended that PN admixtures be administered through a terminal
is one of the potential factors in the development of IFALD. The
filter [90] (LOE 3).
contributing factors to peroxidation of lipid emulsions are
The use of organic-bound phosphates reduces the risk of cal-
exposure to oxygen within the bag, photo-degradation, and an
cium-phosphate precipitation and hence potential clinical risks
increasing ambient temperature, the type of container used,
[91]. Addition of heparin to admixtures, even where validated,
trace elements in the formulation and the content of alpha-
carries a small risk of emulsion instability occurring with individual
tocopherol within the bag [84,99]. Peroxidation can therefore
batches of heparin [92,93] (LOE 4).
be minimised by the use of multi-layer bags, which reduce the
amount of oxygen in the bag, a formulation with sufficient
4.2. Drug compatibility
amounts of anti-oxidant alpha-tocopherol, which acts as free
radical scavenger and anti-oxidant ascorbic acid [83,100]
R 14.18 Mixing of medications with PN in administration lines should (LOE 3).
be avoided unless validated by the manufacturer or accredited Vitamins are prone to stability issues due to photo-degradation,
laboratory (GPP, strong recommendation, strong consensus) oxidation and interactions with PN bags and administration sets
[100]. Ascorbic acid is very susceptible to oxidation. This is
important with respect to the formation of oxalic acid, a by-product
Interactions between PN and medications occur in three main
of oxidation which can form calcium oxalate crystals with calcium
ways; physiological interactions that occur at all times, altered
salts in the formulation. Oxidation of ascorbic acid can be reduced
behaviour of medications owing to the complications of the pre-
by the use of multi-layer bags. The vitamins which are particularly
senting condition or sub-optimal nutritional support and direct
susceptible to photo-degradation are retinol and riboflavin. The
chemical interaction in the tubing during administration [87] (LOE
photo-degradation can be quite significant with a potential clinical
3). There are many short reports in the literature looking at the
impact to the patient. This effect is seen when the bags are exposed
physical and/or chemical stability of certain medications in specific
to daylight but also artificial ambient light on the ward. Lipid
PN admixtures. Extrapolation of these is difficult without expert
opacity is not sufficient to prevent photo-degradation therefore the
advice. Medications are given in the form of a formulated product
bags and administration sets both need to be light protective [100]
which frequently contains excipients (substances required for
(LOE 3).
formulation of a drug which should be inactive) in addition to the
active medication [94,95] (LOE 4). Studies must therefore be
regarded as specific to the particular branded product(s) investi- 4.4. Osmolarity
gated. The pH of a PN admixture will generally be close to the pH of
the amino acid mixture from which it was prepared [79] (LOE 4) but
RG 14.21 The recommended delivery site for PN is via a central line;
marketed products range from around pH 5.0 to pH 7.0. Drugs that however peripheral PN can also be given for short periods (LOE
ionise in aqueous solution are those most likely to cause precipi- 3; RG 0, strong recommendation, strong consensus)
tation. A drug that is largely unionised at pH 5.0 may be fully RG 14.22 The osmolarity of peripheral PN solution should be kept less
dissociated at pH 7.0 and vice versa so it is not possible to extrap- than 900 mosmol/l (LOE 3, RG 0, conditional recommendation,
strong consensus)
olate findings between different admixtures.
The problem is further complicated because of the behaviour of
fluids within infusion tubing, particularly at low flow rates. Sharp
corners and hanging loops within the tubing can lead to ‘non- Parenteral nutrition should be infused via a central venous line
circulating fluid spaces’ where medications can pool, and not to minimise the risks of thrombophlebitis and extravasation [101]
necessarily be cleared by flushing [96] (LOE 4). Adding medication (LOE 3). PN solutions are inherently acidic due to the glucose and
into infusion sets can force a bolus of an equivalent volume of PN amino acid solutions used but the osmolar load from the electro-
lytes also needs to be taken into account during the formulation
C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429 2425

process. Lipid emulsions are isotonic and are therefore suitable for Densitometry recommends a minimum interval of 6e12 months
either peripheral or central use. Two recent retrospective studies between DXA scans, depending on clinical presentation, taking
have reported contradictory results with regard to adverse events into account the previous z-score results as well as previous
of peripheral infused PN infusions with >1000 mOsm/l [105] or occurrence of fractures [117].
>900 mOsm [102] in neonates and older children. Dugan S reported Bone turnover markers (osteocalcin, c-telopeptide) may be
increase rate of thromboflebitis events and infiltration in both ne- useful indicators for identifying children on long-term PN at risk of
onates and older children given PPN with osmolarity >1000 mOsm/ MBD [118] (LOE 2).
l [103]. By contrast, Cies et all found similar rates of adverse events Very premature newborns have an increased risk of low bone
in both neonates and children given either less or more than mass and metabolic bone disease. Short-term decline in bone
900 mOsm/L PN solutions into peripheral sites [104]. In adults strength may be prevented by higher calcium and phosphorus intake
ASPEN recommends a less than 900 mOsm/l for PN solutions via PN [119] (LOE 1) or by early initiation of PN [120] (LOE 2þ).
infused peripherally [104]. Bisphosphonate treatment was described to improve BMD in
When peripheral PN is infused, solution' osmolarity of less than adults on PN; in infants, published experience of bisphosphonate
900 mosmol/l reduces the risk of thromboflebitis [102e104] (LOE 3). use is very limited [121,122] (LOE 4).

5.2. Hepatobiliary complications of parenteral nutrition

5. Metabolic complications of PN

5.1. Metabolic bone disease

R 14.26 The risk of liver disease can be decreased by reducing patient-
related and PN-related risk factors (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong
recommendation, strong consensus)
R 14.23 In children on home PN, regular measurements of urinary R 14.27 In patients with intestinal failure-associated liver disease,
calcium, plasma calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone maximizing enteral intake as tolerated EN may improve liver
and 25-OH vitamin D concentrations and serum alkaline disease outcome (GPP, strong recommendation, strong
phosphatase activity should be performed (LOE 2þ, RG B, strong consensus)
recommendation, strong consensus) R 14.28 In patients on long-term and home PN, cycling of PN infusion is
R 14.24 Ingredients with the lowest amount of aluminum are recommended as soon as metabolic and fluid status allows (LOE
advocated for the preparation of parenteral nutrition solutions 3, RG 0, strong recommendation, strong consensus)
provided to patients receiving PN (LOE 2þþ, RG B, strong R 14.29 Pure soybean-based lipid emulsions should be avoided in the
recommendation, strong consensus) presence of cholestasis (LOE 3, RG 0, strong recommendation,
R 14.25 Regular assessment of bone mineralization should be strong consensus)
performed (LOE 2¡, RG B, strong recommendation, strong R 14.30 The use of mixed LEs may be encouraged in IF patients for long
consensus) term PN (LOE 3, RG 0, conditional recommendation, strong
R 14.31 The initiation of ursodeoxycholic acid may be considered in the
presence of biochemical signs of cholestasis (LOE 3, RG 0,
conditional recommendation, strong consensus)
PN-related metabolic bone disease (MBD) with symptoms R 14.32 Early referral to an experienced pediatric intestinal failure
and signs of decrease in bone mineral density (BMD), osteopo- rehabilitation/transplantation centre is recommended in
rosis, pain and fractures was reported not only in adults but in infants/children with intestinal failure-associated liver disease
(GPP, strong recommendation, strong consensus)
children on long-term parenteral nutrition as well [105e107]
(LOE 2þ). In children, increased risk of MBD was reported both
during and after weaning from long-term PN [108e111] (LOE
2þ). The cause of MBD is most probably multifactorial, including
The liver and biliary tree have many essential roles including
mechanisms related to both the underlying disease and PN:
metabolism of carbohydrate and lipid; detoxification and elim-
excess of vitamin D, phosphorus, nitrogen and amino acids
ination of endogenous and exogenous lipophilic compounds and
intake as well as energy imbalance and aluminium contamina-
heavy metals; and synthesis and secretion of albumin, bile acids,
tion [112] (LOE 2).
coagulation factors, cytokines and hormones. Most hepatobiliary
Pediatric patients receiving long-term PN are at risk for
complications of PN are moderate and reversible. In a few pa-
aluminium toxicity and consequential MBD even at present [113,114]
tients there may be more severe outcomes ranging from biliary
(LOE 2þþ). Neonates who are exposed to parenteral aluminum
sludge and gallstones to cirrhosis, hepatic decompensation and
intake may have reduced lumbar spine and hip bone mass during
adolescence, which may predispose to osteoporosis and hip fracture
The pathogenesis of PN associated liver disease is not
later in life [115] (LOE 1). Use of aluminium contaminated products
completely understood [4,123] (LOE 2þ). It probably results from
should be kept to a minimum (e.g. by avoiding glass vials and certain
the interaction of many factors related to the underlying disease,
mineral and trace element sources known to have high aluminium
infectious episodes, surgery and components of the PN solution
content). In order to practically achieve this goal, ingredients with
[4,123] (LOE 2þ).
measured and labelled aluminium content should be preferred for
the preparation of pediatric PN solutions.
Regular measurements of urinary calcium, plasma calcium, 5.2.1. Patient and/or disease related factors
phosphorus, parathyroid hormone and 25-OH vitamin D concen- Children requiring long-term PN are at high risk of developing
trations and serum alkaline phosphatase activity should be per- liver disease. Absence of oral feeding impairs bile flow and in-
formed as part of the evaluation of MBD in patients on PN. creases the risk of biliary sludge formation. Intestinal failure,
Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase activity in infants on PN in- especially intestinal atresia and gastrochisis, may be associated
dicates bone rather than hepatic origin [116] (LOE 3). Diagnosis of with disruption of bile acid enterohepatic circulation due to ileal
bone disease relies primarily on the measurement of bone resection, bacterial overgrowth due to bowel obstruction. These, as
mineralization using validated imaging methods (e.g. dual energy well as severe motility disorders and ileocaecal valve resection, are
X-ray absorptiometry). The International Society for Clinical all factors thought to contribute to PN-associated liver diseases
2426 C. Hartman et al. / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) 2418e2429

[123,124] (LOE 2þ) [125]; (LOE 2). Recurrent septic episodes of cholestasis. The studies included a heterogenous population
either catheter-related (gram positive bacteria) or digestive related of subjects. The prevention studies suggest that UDCA may be
(gram negative sepsis from intraluminal bacterial overgrowth) also effective at reducing biochemical signs of liver cholestasis
contribute to liver injury. Prematurity is an associated factor without significant infant intolerance to the treatment. No data
especially when necrotizing enterocolitis or sepsis occur [4,126] on liver histology or liver disease outcomes are available
(LOE 2þ). [134,139] (LOE 2) [140]; (LOE 3).
 Cyclic PN for most infants and children exception of very low
5.2.2. PN related factors birth weight infants [4,129] (LOE 2þ).
PN may have additional deleterious effects on the liver:  Reduction of total calorie intake and reduction of lipid dosage
from PN [141] (LOE 1) [142]; (LOE 2þ).
 It has been demonstrated that an excess of total energy deliv-  Fish-oil containing or based lipids may reverse PNALD [4,143]
ered induces liver lesions, which are reversible when the energy (LOE 2þ) [144e147]; (LOE 2) [148]; (LOE 3).
supply is decreased [124] (LOE 2þ) [127]; (LOE 2).
 Excessive or inadequate amino acid supply [4,123] (LOE 2þ) 6. Growth retardation
[128]; (LOE 2).
 Continuous PN infusion and/or excessive glucose intake is
associated with hyperinsulinism and subsequent steatosis R 14.33 Pediatric patients on long term PN require regular monitoring
[4,129] (LOE 2þ) [130]; (LOE 2), although it is not clear of growth and body composition (LOE 2¡, RG B, strong
recommendation, strong consensus)
whether this is also associated with cholestatic liver disease.
 The role of excessive fat supply and subsequent lipoperoxidation
has been suggested to contribute to PNALD [128,131,132] (LOE
2). Phytosterols contained in lipid emulsions may contribute to A child dependent on PN must receive adequate nutrition not
liver dysfunction [133,134] (LOE 2). The role of various lipid only to meet basic metabolic requirements but also to allow normal
emulsions in the development and treatment of liver disease is growth [149] (LOE 1).
detailed in the Lipid chapter. Studies in children on long-term parenteral nutrition have re-
ported high prevalence of growth deficits and abnormal body
composition. Pichler et al. identified short stature (-2SD height for
5.2.3. Monitoring age) in half of their patients with short bowel and in 70% of children
Regular monitoring of hepatic function is extremely important with different enteropathies [107]. Body composition abnormal-
during PN in order to minimize or correct factors responsible for ities, including high/low body mass index and altered lean and fat
liver disease. Elevation of plasma alkaline phosphatase and mass were described in a group of children and adolescents aged
gamma-glutamyl transferase activities appears earlier than hyper- 5e20 years [150]. Since abnormalities in body composition may
bilirubinemia, but these are not specific laboratory markers. Clin- have long-term metabolic consequences, growth and body
ical liver enlargement, confirmed by ultrasonography, may appear composition monitoring are important parameters to investigate
within a few days after PN onset. Liver biopsy is not indicated at the and monitor in these children.
early stage of liver dysfunction. However, it was shown that stea-
tosis is the first non-specific histological abnormality resulting from
excessive glucose supply leading to lipogenesis, rather than from Conflict of interest
the deposition of exogenous IVFE. Cholestasis together with portal
and periportal cell infiltration leads to fibrosis. This indicates severe None declared.
liver disease, with possible progression to cirrhosis and liver failure
unless digestive factors are corrected and PN is performed correctly.
Liver and intestinal transplant is recommended in infants and References
children with a poor prognosis (e.g. ultra short bowel<10 cm,
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