Training Program Checklist

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Training Program Checklist

Before the Meeting

 Develop TNA (Training Needs Assessment).
 Obtain approvals.
 Start training budget process.
 Develop training program based on TNA.
 Select dates and reserve meeting rooms.
 Determine other logistics needed for meeting:
 Hotel rooms.
 Materials needed.
 Presentation aids.
 Guest speakers.
 Meals and snacks.
 Develop participant list and send invitations.
 Develop meeting agenda.

Training Program Flow (Using Tell, Show, Do & Review)

 Ice Breaker. (Use Ice Breakers)
 Training program.
 Training Exercises.
 Review Training Material. (Use Training Game)
 Wrap-up and obtain participants feedback.

During the Meeting

 Monitor time and expenses.
 Establish meeting rules, and break times
 Keep meeting room clean.
 Consider the level of Interaction and group participation your looking for.
 Assist participants with departure arrangements.

After the Meeting

 Trainers staff discussion of problems and successes and give feedback.
 Send thank-you letters to all participants and guests.
 Compile evaluation results.
 Complete TNA recap and final report.

TGI Note for trainers: The keys to a successful training program are always the same -
Preparation and Attitude. Your preparation and your trainees pre-work. Your attitude
and your trainees attention and involvement during the training. Training Games, Inc.
will make your preparation easier and improve everyone’s attitude.

Copyright © 2005 Training Games, Inc.

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