Se Syllabus

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CS-703 Software Engineering
3 Course Code 3 0 0 3 3 CR
PRE-REQUISITE 21CSH-211, 21CSH-214, 21CSH-218

a. Course Description
This course is dealing with engineering principles and programming languages as they apply
to software development. These principles include analyzing user requirements and then
designing, building, and testing software to satisfy those requirements.

b. Course Objectives
1. To study the concepts and methods required for the construction of large software intensive
systems and to develop a broad understanding of the discipline of software engineering.
2. To learn basics of software design and interface designs.
3. To learn concepts of software testing and maintenance.

c. Course Outcomes

CO1 Define principles and working of software process models.

CO2 Describe agile development methodology and analyze where to apply.
CO3 Prepare SRS and software process metrics for a given requirement.
CO4 Prepare Test Suite and Quality Assurance plan for a given project.
CO5 Understand and analyse software management principles.

d. Syllabus

Unit-1 UNIT-I Contact Hours:

Introduction Definition of software and Software engineering, Need of Software
engineering, Difference between Program and Product, Software
development life cycle, Different life cycle models (waterfall, Iterative
waterfall, Prototype, Evolutionary and Spiral model), Agile software
development and Their characteristics, V-Model.
Software Requirement Analysis, Analysis principle, Software prototyping
requirements Specification, Characteristics and components of SRS, Data modeling,
Functional modeling and information flow, behavioral modeling,
Mechanics of structural modeling, Data dictionary.
Function and Structured analysis, Data flow diagrams, Basic object orientation
Object oriented concepts, Unified modeling language, Use case model, Class diagrams,
design Interaction diagrams, Activity diagrams, State chart diagrams.
Unit-2 UNIT-II Contact Hours:
Software design Design process and concepts, Effective Modular design, the design
model, Design documentation, Approaches to Software design.
Software Project Software project planning, Project estimation techniques, COCOMO
management Model, Project scheduling, Risk analysis and management, Software
quality and management, software configuration management.
User interface Characteristics of good user interface design, Command language user
Design interface, Menu based, Direct manipulation interfaces, Fundamentals of
command based user interface.
Unit-3 UNIT-III Contact Hours:
Software Testing Software Testing Fundamentals, Strategic Approach to Software Testing,
Validation Testing, System Testing, Black-Box Testing, White-Box Testing
and their type, Basis Path Testing,
Quality Software quality, Software reliability, Software reviews, Formal technical
management reviews, Statistical SQA, Software reliability, The ISO 9000 coding
standards, SQA plan, SEICMM.
Software Definition, Types of maintenance, Software reverse engineering,
Maintenance and Different Maintenance models, Basic issue in any reuse program, Reuse
Reuse approach

e. Text books
1. Pressman Rogers, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach”, Sixth edition.
2. Somerville Ian, “Software Engineering”, Addison Wesley, 8thEdition.
f. Reference Books:
1. James FPeters and Pedryez Witold, “Software Engineering – An Engineering Approach”,
Wiley Student Edition.
2. Kassem ,” Software Engineering”, Cengage Learning.

g. Assessment Pattern - Internal and External

The performance of students is evaluated as follows:

Theory Practical
Components Internal Mid Term End Term Continuous Mid Term End Term
Assessment Assessment Examination Assessment Assessment Examination

Marks 20 40 60 30 30 40
Total Marks 100 100

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