DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W4
DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W4
DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W4
Earth’s Rotation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Science in Our World pp. 268- Science in Our World pp. 268-27 Science in Our World pp. 268- Science in Our World pp. 268-27
3. Textbook pages
273 27
BEAM 3. Unit 6. Learning Guide. EAM 4. Unit 9. Distance EAM 4. Unit 9. Distance Learning
Wearther we like it or not. BEAM 4. Unit 9. Distance Learning Learning Modules. DLP 59. Modules. DLP 59. BEAM 4. Unit 9.
4. Additional materials from Module 5. July 2007 Modules. DLP 59. BEAM 4. Unit 9. BEAM 4. Unit 9. Distance Distance Learning Modules. DLP
LRMDS portal Distance Learning Modules. DLP Learning Modules. DLP 60 60
Science for Daily Use 5. Tan, 60
Conchita T. 2012. p. 243
B. Other Materials
A. Reviewing previous lesson NOTE: CHECKING OF ASSIGNMETS NOTE: Encircle the letter that has the NOTE:
or presenting the new lesson How are winds formed? correct answer.
Pupil’s Activity What are the different wind Pupil’s Activity 1. Which of the following would Pupil’s Activity
1:00-2:00PM system? 1:00-2:00PM happen if the Earth did not 1:00-2:00PM
The pupils will undergo the The pupils will undergo the rotate? a. We would not have The pupils will undergo the
printed modular distance printed modular distance days and nights b. The sun would printed modular distance
learning at home. learning at home. not shine an Earth. c. The Earth learning at home.
would fall in space. d. We would
The pupils will answer the The pupils will answer the not have any new year. The pupils will answer the
activity sheets/ modules given activity sheets/ modules given 2. Why do we have day and activity sheets/ modules given
by the teacher. by the teacher. night? a. Because the earth by the teacher.
revolves around the sun. b.
Teacher’s Activity: Teacher’s Activity: Because the earth rotates on its Teacher’s Activity:
1:00- 3:00 PM 1:00- 3:00 PM axis. c. Because the earth tilts on 1:00- 3:00 PM
The teacher will conduct online The teacher will conduct online its axis. d. options A and C The teacher will conduct online
kumustahan/ remedial lesson kumustahan/ remedial lesson 3. As the globe rotates, only half kumustahan/ remedial lesson to
to the pupils. to the pupils. of it receives light so this side is the pupils.
bright. Places on this area
3:00- 4:00 3:00- 4:00 experiences what time of the day. 3:00- 4:00
The teacher will prepare The teacher will prepare a. daytime b. nighttime c. dawn d. The teacher will prepare activity
activity sheets/ modules for activity sheets/ modules for midnight Describe that the Earth’s sheets/ modules for learners.
learners. learners. axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from the
perpendicular. Show that the
Earth rotates in a ACTIVITIES:
ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES: counterclockwise direction as
Read the selection and answer Activity 1: seen from the top of the North Activity 1:
the question that follows. Encircle the letter that has the Pole. Write the letter of the correct
correct answer. answer.
Air normally flow from areas of 1. Which of the following 1. In what direction does the
high atmospheric pressure to would happen if the Earth did Earth rotate? a. from east to
area of low atmospheric not rotate? a. We would not west c. from south to north b.
pressure. But because the have days and nights b. The from north to south d. from west
Earth’s spins or rotates from sun would not shine an Earth. to east
west to east, the winds are bent c. The Earth would fall in space. 2. How long does it take for the
or deflected to the right in the d. We would not have any new Earth to make a complete
Northern Hemisphere. In the year. rotation on its axis? a. one day
Southern Hemisphere the winds 2. Why do we have day and b. one month c. one week d. one
are deflected/bent to the left. night? a. Because the earth year
This is because of the rotation revolves around the sun. b. 3. At what angle does the Earth
of the Earth. This deflection of Because the earth rotates on its tilt on its axis? a. 43 ½ degrees
the moving air is called coriolis axis. c. Because the earth tilts c. 33 ½ degrees b. 23 ½ degrees
effect. In the Philippines, cold on its axis. d. options A and C d. 53 ½ degrees
winds from Siberia cool the air 3. As the globe rotates, only 4. What do you call an imaginary
from December to February. half of it receives light so this line than runs through the Earth?
The Coriolis Effect diverts the side is bright. Places on this a. axis b. taxis c. orbit d. faxis
cold air direction and turns it to area experiences what time of 5. The movement of the globe as
the right towards the the day. a. daytime b. nighttime it spins and reaches the point
Philippines from the northeast c. dawn d. midnight Describe from where it started is called ?
direction. It is called northeast that the Earth’s axis is tilted a. revolution c. rotation b.
monsoon or Amihan by 23.5 degrees from the locomotion d. position
Filipinos. From March to May, perpendicular. Show that the
the Philippine temperature is at Earth rotates in a Activity 2:
its highest, warm air rises over counterclockwise direction as
the country as a result. seen from the top of the North Write a paragraph that shows
Southeast monsoon orHabagat Pole. the comparison of a clock and
as termed by the Filipinos, visits How do winds move? Activity 2: Suppose there were only days and earth.
the ountry from June to What causes these winds to move no nights on the earth, what do
November and it brings much that way? Suppose there were only days you think would happen? Study
rain, which is starting of the rice and no nights on the earth, what the drawing.
planting season. The Earth’s do you think would happen?
rotation causes the winds to Study the drawing.
B. Establishing a purpose for turn to the left or right instead
the lesson of directly downward or
upward in a straight path.
Answer these:
1. To what direction does the
wind movement in the northern
hemisphere deflected to?
C. Presenting examples/ 2. To what direction does the Activity: Compare the movement of the
instances of the new lesson wind movement in the southern A. Get a globe and place it hands of the clock and the
hemisphere deflected to? on the table Compare the movement of the rotation of the Earth.
3. What causes the deflection of B. Let the learner/s Rotate hands of the clock and the
the wind system? the globe from west to rotation of the Earth.
4. How does the Earth’s rotation east O
affect the wind movement? C. As the globe moves, ask a
5. What do we call the effects of pupil to drop a piece of
the Earth’s rotation on the wind chalk from the North
movement? Polar Region
6. What is the wind system that D. Observe what happen to
visits the Philippines from the chalk
December to January?
7. What is the wind system that a. In what direction does
visits the Philippines from June the piece of chalk fall as the globe
to November rotate from west to east?
8. Do we experience the same b. What do you think that
wind system throughout the chalk fell in that direction?
year? Why?
Air normally flow from areas of Questions:
high atmospheric pressure to area 1. Did the whole globe/ball
of low atmospheric pressure. But receive light from the flashlight?
because the Earth’s spins or 2. When the other part receives
rotates light, what happens to the other
from west to east, the winds are part?
bent or deflected to the right in
D. Discussing new concepts
the 3. If the Philippines is facing the
Northern Hemisphere. In the light source, what countries are
practicing new skills #1
Southern Hemisphere the winds on the side opposite the light
are source?
deflected/bent to the left. This is 4. Describe the portion of the
because of the rotation of the globe: a. facing the light source.
Earth. b. the side opposite the light
This deflection of the moving air source.
is called coriolis effect
E. Discussing new concepts In the Philippines, cold winds Questions:
and from Siberia cool the air from 1. Did the whole globe/ball
practicing new skills #2 December to February. The receive light from the flashlight?
Coriolis Effect diverts the cold air 2. When the other part receives
direction light, what happens to the other
and turns it to the right towards part?
the Philippines from the northeast
direction. It is called northeast Answer Briefly. 3. If the Philippines is facing the
monsoon or Amihan by Filipinos. 1. What causes day and night? light source, what countries are
From March to May, the 2. Why is Earth’s rotation on the side opposite the light
Philippine temperature is at its important? source?
highest, 3. In what direction does the 4. Describe the portion of the
warm air rises over the country as earth rotate? globe: a. facing the light source.
a result. Southeast monsoon or b. the side opposite the light
Habagat as termed by the the rotation of the source.
Filipinos, visits the country from earth causes day and
June to night.
November and it brings much
rain, which is starting of the rice it is day on the part of
planting season. the earth that is facing
The Earth’s rotation causes the
the sun.
winds to turn to the left or right
instead of directly downward or
It is night in the part
upward in a straight path.
Answer these: of the earth that is not
1. To what direction does the facing the sun.
wind movement in the northern
hemisphere deflected to? the earth rotates in a
2. To what direction does the counter-clockwise
wind movement in the southern
hemisphere deflected to?
3. What causes the deflection of
the wind system?
F. Developing mastery 4. How does the Earth’s rotation
(leads to formative affect the wind movement?
assessment ) 5. What do we call the effects of
the Earth’s rotation on the wind
6. What is the wind system that
visits the Philippines from
to January?
7. What is the wind system that
visits the Philippines from June to
Do we experience the same wind Answer Briefly.
system throughout the year? 1. What causes day and night?
G. Finding practical
Why? 2. Why is Earth’s rotation
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
3. In what direction does the
earth rotate?
How does the earth’s rotation
affects the wind system? the rotation of the earth
causes day and night.
The earth’s rotation affects the
wind movement. In the it is day on the part of
Northern Hemisphere, the air that the earth that is facing
travels downward is deflected
the sun.
to the right and in the Southern
H. Making generalization and Hemisphere, the air deflected to
abstraction about the lesson It is night in the part of
the left. This movement of the
wind in a deflected path rather the earth that is not
than in a straight line is called facing the sun.
Coriolis Effect. Coriolis effect is
due to Earth’s rotation the earth rotates in a
I. Evaluating learning Answer “Let’s Test Ourselves” Write the letter of the correct
DLP page 48 answer.
Charted 1. In what direction does the
Earth rotate? a. from east to west
c. from south to north b. from
north to south d. from west to
2. How long does it take for the
Earth to make a complete rotation
on its axis? a. one day b. one
month c. one week d. one year
3. At what angle does the Earth
tilt on its axis? a. 43 ½ degrees c.
33 ½ degrees b. 23 ½ degrees d.
53 ½ degrees
4. What do you call an imaginary
line than runs through the Earth?
a. axis b. taxis c. orbit d. faxis
5. The movement of the globe as it
spins and reaches the point from
where it started is called ? a.
revolution c. rotation b.
locomotion d. position